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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ALEXANDROS, KORDONIS 23 March 2015 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第18989号 / 工博第4031号 / 新制||工||1621 / 31940 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科電気工学専攻 / (主査)教授 引原 隆士, 教授 木本 恒暢, 教授 松尾 哲司 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当

非線形微小電気機械共振器を用いたロジック及びメモリデバイス / Logic and memory devices of nonlinear microelectromechanical resonator

八尾, 惇 23 March 2015 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第18990号 / 工博第4032号 / 新制||工||1621 / 31941 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科電気工学専攻 / (主査)教授 引原 隆士, 教授 北野 正雄, 准教授 山田 啓文 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当

Single-track Vehicle Dynamics and Stability

Lipp, Genevieve Marie January 2014 (has links)
<p>This work is concerned with the dynamics and stability of nonlinear systems that roll in a single track, including holonomic and nonholonomic systems. First the classic case of Euler's disk is introduced as an example of a nonholnomic system in three dimensions, and the methodology for deriving equations of motion that is used throughout this work is demonstrated, including use of Lagrange's equations, accommodating constraints with both Lagrange multipliers and with Gauss's Principle. </p><p>Next, a disk in two dimensions with an eccentric center of mass is explored. The disk is assumed to roll on a cubic curve, creating the possibility of well-escape behavior, which is examined analytically and numerically, showing regions of multi-periodicity and chaos. This theoretical system is compared to an experiment designed</p><p>to demonstrate the same behavior.</p><p>The remainder of the present document is concerned with the stability of a bicycle, both on flat ground, and on a type of trainer known as "rollers." The equations of motion are derived using Lagrange's equations with nonholonomic constraints, then the equations are linearized about a constant forward velocity, and a straight path, yielding a two degree of freedom system for the roll and steer angles. Stability is then determined for a variety of different parameters, exploring the roll of bicycle geometry and rider position, along with the effect of adding a steering torque, taking the form of different control laws.</p><p>Finally, the system is adapted to that of a bicycle on rollers, and the related equations of motion are derived and linearized. Notable differences with the classic bicycle case are detailed, a new eigenvalue behavior is presented, and configurations for optimal drum spacing are recommended.</p> / Dissertation

Wave Propagation in Nonlinear Systems of Coupled Oscillators

Bernard, Brian Patrick January 2014 (has links)
<p>Mechanical oscillators form the primary structure of a wide variety of devices including energy harvesters and vibration absorbers, and also have parallel systems in electrical fields for signal processing. In the area of wave propagation, recent study in periodic chains have focused on active tuning methods to control bandgap regions, bands in the frequency response in which no propagating wave modes exist. In energy harvesting, several coupled systems have been proposed to enhance the peak power or bandwidth of a single harvester through arrays or dynamic magnification. Though there are applications in several fields, the work in this dissertation can all fit into the category of coupled non-linear oscillators. In each sub-field, this study demonstrates means to advance state of the art techniques by adding nonlinearity to a coupled system of linear oscillators, or by adding a coupled device to a nonlinear oscillator.</p><p>The first part of this dissertation develops the analytical methods for studying wave propagation in nonlinear systems. A framework for studying rotational systems is presented and used to design an testbed for wave propagation experiments using a chain of axially aligned pendulums. Standard analytical methods are also adapted to allow uncertainty analysis techniques to provide insight into the relative impact of variations in design parameters. Most analytical insight in these systems is derived from a linearlized model and assumes low amplitude oscillations. Additional study on the nonlinear system is performed to analyze the types of deviations from this behavior that would be expected as amplitudes increase and nonlinear effects become more prominent.</p><p>The second part of this dissertation describes and demonstrates the first means of passive control of bandgap regions in a periodic structure. By imposing an asymmetrical bistability to an oscillator in each unit cell, it is analytically shown that each potential well has different wave propagation behaviors. Experimental demonstrations are also provided to confirm the simulated results.</p><p>The final section performs analytical and numerical analysis of a new system design to improve the performance of a nonlinear energy harvester by adding an excited dynamic magnifier. It is shown that this addition results in higher peak power and wider bandwidth than the uncoupled harvester. Unlike standard dynamic magnifiers, this performance does not come at the expense of power efficiency, and unlike harvester arrays, does not require the added cost of multiple energy harvesters.</p> / Dissertation

Nonlinear Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction in Earthquake Engineering

Nieto Ferro, Alex 17 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The present work addresses a computational methodology to solve dynamic problems coupling time and Laplace domain discretizations within a domain decomposition approach. In particular, the proposed methodology aims at meeting the industrial need of performing more accurate seismic risk assessments by accounting for three-dimensional dynamic soil-structure interaction (DSSI) in nonlinear analysis. Two subdomains are considered in this problem. On the one hand, the linear and unbounded domain of soil which is modelled by an impedance operator computed in the Laplace domain using a Boundary Element (BE) method; and, on the other hand, the superstructure which refers not only to the structure and its foundations but also to a region of soil that possibly exhibits nonlinear behaviour. The latter subdomain is formulated in the time domain and discretized using a Finite Element (FE) method. In this framework, the DSSI forces are expressed as a time convolution integral whose kernel is the inverse Laplace transform of the soil impedance matrix. In order to evaluate this convolution in the time domain by means of the soil impedance matrix (available in the Laplace domain), a Convolution Quadrature-based approach called the Hybrid Laplace-Time domain Approach (HLTA), is thus introduced. Its numerical stability when coupled to Newmark time integration schemes is subsequently investigated through several numerical examples of DSSI applications in linear and nonlinear analyses. The HLTA is finally tested on a more complex numerical model, closer to that of an industrial seismic application, and good results are obtained when compared to the reference solutions.

Chaotic pattern dynamics on sun-melted snow

Mitchell, Kevin A. 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis describes the comparison of time-lapse field observations of suncups on alpine snow with numerical simulations. The simulations consist of solutions to a nonlinear partial differential equation which exhibits spontaneous pattern formation from a low amplitude, random initial surface. Both the field observations and the numerical solutions are found to saturate at a characteristic height and fluctuate chaotically with time. The timescale of these fluctuations is found to be instrumental in determining the full set of parameters for the numerical model such that it mimics the nonlinear dynamics of suncups. These parameters in turn are related to the change in albedo of the snow surface caused by the presence of suncups. This suggests the more general importance of dynamical behaviour in gaining an understanding of pattern formation phenomena.

Complex Paths for Regular-to-Chaotic Tunneling Rates

Mertig, Normann 22 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Tunneling is a fundamental effect of quantum mechanics, which allows waves to penetrate into regions that are inaccessible by classical dynamics. We study this phenomenon for generic non-integrable systems with a mixed phase space, where tunneling occurs between the classically separated phase-space regions of regular and chaotic motion. We derive a semiclassical prediction for the corresponding tunneling rates from the regular region to the chaotic sea. This prediction is based on paths which connect the regular and the chaotic region in complexified phase space. We show that these complex paths can be constructed despite the obstacle of natural boundaries. For the standard map we demonstrate that tunneling rates can be predicted with high accuracy, by using only a few dominant complex paths. This gives the semiclassical foundation for the long-conjectured and often-observed exponential scaling with Planck's constant of regular-to-chaotic tunneling rates.

Numerical analysis of the nonlinear dynamics of a drill-string with uncertainty modeling

Ritto, Thiago 07 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzes the nonlinear dynamics of a drill-string including uncertainty modeling. A drill-string is a slender flexible structure that rotates and digs into the rock in search of oil. A mathematical-mechanical model is developed for this structure including fluid-structure interaction, impact, geometrical nonlinearities and bit-rock interaction. After the derivation of the equations of motion, the system is discretized by means of the finite element method and a computer code is developed for the numerical computations using the software MATLAB. The normal modes of the dynamical system in the prestressed configuration are used to construct a reduced order model for the system. To take into account uncertainties, the nonparametric probabilistic approach, which is able to take into account both system-parameter and model uncertainties, is used. The probability density functions related to the random variables are constructed using the maximum entropy principle and the stochastic response of the system is calculated using the Monte Carlo method. A novel approach to take into account model uncertainties in a nonlinear constitutive equation (bit-rock interaction model) is developed using the nonparametric probabilistic approach. To identify the probabilistic model of the bit-rock interaction model, the maximum likelihood method together with a statistical reduction in the frequency domain (using the Principal Component Analysis) is applied. Finally, a robust optimization problem is performed to find the operational parameters of the system that maximizes its performance, respecting the integrity limits of the system, such as fatigue and instability

Application of nonlinear dimensionality reduction to climate data for prediction

Gámez López, Antonio Juan January 2006 (has links)
This Thesis was devoted to the study of the coupled system composed by El Niño/Southern Oscillation and the Annual Cycle. More precisely, the work was focused on two main problems: 1. How to separate both oscillations into an affordable model for understanding the behaviour of the whole system. 2. How to model the system in order to achieve a better understanding of the interaction, as well as to predict future states of the system. We focused our efforts in the Sea Surface Temperature equations, considering that atmospheric effects were secondary to the ocean dynamics. The results found may be summarised as follows: 1. Linear methods are not suitable for characterising the dimensionality of the sea surface temperature in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Therefore they do not help to separate the oscillations by themselves. Instead, nonlinear methods of dimensionality reduction are proven to be better in defining a lower limit for the dimensionality of the system as well as in explaining the statistical results in a more physical way [1]. In particular, Isomap, a nonlinear modification of Multidimensional Scaling methods, provides a physically appealing method of decomposing the data, as it substitutes the euclidean distances in the manifold by an approximation of the geodesic distances. We expect that this method could be successfully applied to other oscillatory extended systems and, in particular, to meteorological systems. 2. A three dimensional dynamical system could be modeled, using a backfitting algorithm, for describing the dynamics of the sea surface temperature in the tropical Pacific Ocean. We observed that, although there were few data points available, we could predict future behaviours of the coupled ENSO-Annual Cycle system with an accuracy of less than six months, although the constructed system presented several drawbacks: few data points to input in the backfitting algorithm, untrained model, lack of forcing with external data and simplification using a close system. Anyway, ensemble prediction techniques showed that the prediction skills of the three dimensional time series were as good as those found in much more complex models. This suggests that the climatological system in the tropics is mainly explained by ocean dynamics, while the atmosphere plays a secondary role in the physics of the process. Relevant predictions for short lead times can be made using a low dimensional system, despite its simplicity. The analysis of the SST data suggests that nonlinear interaction between the oscillations is small, and that noise plays a secondary role in the fundamental dynamics of the oscillations [2]. A global view of the work shows a general procedure to face modeling of climatological systems. First, we should find a suitable method of either linear or nonlinear dimensionality reduction. Then, low dimensional time series could be extracted out of the method applied. Finally, a low dimensional model could be found using a backfitting algorithm in order to predict future states of the system. / Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es das Verhalten der Temperatur des Meers im tropischen Pazifischen Ozean vorherzusagen. In diesem Gebiet der Welt finden zwei wichtige Phänomene gleichzeitig statt: der jährliche Zyklus und El Niño. Der jährliche Zyklus kann als Oszillation physikalischer Variablen (z.B. Temperatur, Windgeschwindigkeit, Höhe des Meeresspiegels), welche eine Periode von einem Jahr zeigen, definiert werden. Das bedeutet, dass das Verhalten des Meers und der Atmosphäre alle zwölf Monate ähnlich sind (alle Sommer sind ähnlicher jedes Jahr als Sommer und Winter des selben Jahres). El Niño ist eine irreguläre Oszillation weil sie abwechselnd hohe und tiefe Werte erreicht, aber nicht zu einer festen Zeit, wie der jährliche Zyklus. Stattdessen, kann el Niño in einem Jahr hohe Werte erreichen und dann vier, fünf oder gar sieben Jahre benötigen, um wieder aufzutreten. Es ist dabei zu beachten, dass zwei Phänomene, die im selben Raum stattfinden, sich gegenseitig beeinflussen. Dennoch weiß man sehr wenig darüber, wie genau el Niño den jährlichen Zyklus beeinflusst, und umgekehrt. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, erstens, sich auf die Temperatur des Meers zu fokussieren, um das gesamte System zu analysieren; zweitens, alle Temperaturzeitreihen im tropischen Pazifischen Ozean auf die geringst mögliche Anzahl zu reduzieren, um das System einerseits zu vereinfachen, ohne aber andererseits wesentliche Information zu verlieren. Dieses Vorgehen ähnelt der Analyse einer langen schwingenden Feder, die sich leicht um die Ruhelage bewegt. Obwohl die Feder lang ist, können wir näherungsweise die ganze Feder zeichnen wenn wir die höchsten Punkte zur einen bestimmten Zeitpunkt kennen. Daher, brauchen wir nur einige Punkte der Feder um ihren Zustand zu charakterisieren. Das Hauptproblem in unserem Fall ist die Mindestanzahl von Punkten zu finden, die ausreicht, um beide Phänomene zu beschreiben. Man hat gefunden, dass diese Anzahl drei ist. Nach diesem Teil, war das Ziel vorherzusagen, wie die Temperaturen sich in der Zeit entwickeln werden, wenn man die aktuellen und vergangenen Temperaturen kennt. Man hat beobachtet, dass eine genaue Vorhersage bis zu sechs oder weniger Monate gemacht werden kann, und dass die Temperatur für ein Jahr nicht vorhersagbar ist. Ein wichtiges Resultat ist, dass die Vorhersagen auf kurzen Zeitskalen genauso gut sind, wie die Vorhersagen, welche andere Autoren mit deutlich komplizierteren Methoden erhalten haben. Deswegen ist meine Aussage, dass das gesamte System von jährlichem Zyklus und El Niño mittels einfacherer Methoden als der heute angewandten vorhergesagt werden kann.

Feedback-Mediated Dynamics in the Kidney: Mathematical Modeling and Stochastic Analysis

Ryu, Hwayeon January 2014 (has links)
<p>One of the key mechanisms that mediate renal autoregulation is the tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF) system, which is a negative feedback loop in the kidney that balances glomerular filtration with tubular reabsorptive capacity. In this dissertation, we develop several mathematical models of the TGF system to study TGF-mediated model dynamics. </p><p>First, we develop a mathematical model of compliant thick ascending limb (TAL) of a short loop of Henle in the rat kidney, called TAL model, to investigate the effects of spatial inhomogeneous properties in TAL on TGF-mediated dynamics. We derive a characteristic equation that corresponds to a linearized TAL model, and conduct a bifurcation analysis by finding roots of that equation. Results of the bifurcation analysis are also validated via numerical simulations of the full model equations. </p><p>We then extend the TAL model to explicitly represent an entire short-looped nephron including the descending segments and having compliant tubular walls, developing a short-looped nephron model. A bifurcation analysis for the TGF loop-model equations is similarly performed by computing parameter boundaries, as functions of TGF gain and delay, that separate differing model behaviors. We also use the loop model to better understand the effects of transient as well as sustained flow perturbations on the TGF system and on distal NaCl delivery.</p><p>To understand the impacts of internephron coupling on TGF dynamics, we further develop a mathematical model of a coupled-TGF system that includes any finite number of nephrons coupled through their TGF systems, coupled-nephron model. Each model nephron represents a short loop of Henle having compliant tubular walls, based on the short-looped nephron model, and is assumed to interact with nearby nephrons through electrotonic signaling along the pre-glomerular vasculature. The characteristic equation is obtained via linearization of the loop-model equations as in TAL model. To better understand the impacts of parameter variability on TGF-mediated dynamics, we consider special cases where the relation between TGF delays and gains among two coupled nephrons is specifically chosen. By solving the characteristic equation, we determine parameter regions that correspond to qualitatively differing model behaviors. </p><p>TGF delays play an essential role in determining qualitatively and quantitatively different TGF-mediated dynamic behaviors. In particular, when noise arising from external sources of system is introduced, the dynamics may become significantly rich and complex, revealing a variety of model behaviors owing to the interaction with delays. In our next study, we consider the effect of the interactions between time delays and noise, by developing a stochastic model. We begin with a simple time-delayed transport equation to represent the dynamics of chloride concentration in the rigid-TAL fluid. Guided by a proof for the existence and uniqueness of the steady-state solution to the deterministic Dirichlet problem, obtained via bifurcation analysis and the contraction mapping theorem, an analogous proof for stochastic system with random boundary conditions is presented. Finally we conduct multiscale analysis to study the effect of the noise, specifically when the system is in subcritical region, but close enough to the critical delay. To analyze the solution behaviors in long time scales, reduced equations for the amplitude of solutions are derived using multiscale method.</p> / Dissertation

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