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Paprastosios eglės kilmių ir rinktinių medžių palikuonių šeimų genetinis-selekcinis įvertinimas ąžuolų būdos bandomuosiuose želdiniuose / Genetic evaluation of Norway spruce provenances and plus trees progeny in the Ažuolų Būda field trialKergė, Donatas 21 June 2013 (has links)
Magistro darbe tiriama paprastosios eglės kilmių ir rinktinių medžių palikuonių šeimų genetinis–selekcinis įvertinimas bandomuosiuose želdiniuose. Darbo objektas – Ąžuolų Būdos girininkija, 55 kv., 6 skl. Augavietė Lc. Įveisti 1985 m. keturmečiais sodinukais. Plotas 1,5 ha.
Darbo tikslas – atlikti paprastosios eglės kilmių ir rinktinių medžių šeimų genetinį–selekcinį įvertinimą bandomuosiuose želdiniuose. Atrinkti pranašiausius genotipus (rinktinius medžius ir individus palikuonių šeimose) antros kartos miško sėklinėms plantacijoms veisti ir įvertinti selekcinį efektą.
Darbo metodai – atlikti 50-ties medžių medienos kietumo ir aukščio matavimai kiekviename variante ir kiekvieno medžio skersmens, stiebo tiesumo, dvistiebiškumo, pleištinių šakų įvertinimai. Medienos kietumas išmatuotas Pylodin prietaisu, aukštis – aukštimačiu, skersmuo – žerglėmis. Registruotos žuvusių medžių vietos ir apskaičiuotas išsilaikymas. Kokybiniai požymiai įvertinti pagal genetiniuose–selekciniuose tyrimuose naudojamą vizualaus medžių kokybinių požymių įvertinimo metodiką. Matavimų metu medelių amžius buvo 32 metai. Duomenų sisteminimas ir jų analizė atlikta, naudojant statistinių duomenų tvarkymo paketą Microsoft Excell, o duomenų statistiškai patikimi skirtumai nustatyti STEPDISC SAS analizės testu.
Darbo rezultatai. Gauti rezultatai atskleidė, kad 71 % bandomų šeimų augimu pralenkė vietinę kilmę. Šiek tiek mažesnė dalis šeimų buvo pranašesnės už vietinę kilmę pagal pleištinių šakų proporciją. Ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master's Thesis includes the study of Norway spruce provenances and plus trees progeny in the Ažuolų Būda field trial. The object of the study – Ažuolų Būda Forest District, block No. 55, plot No. 6. Site Lc. The field trial was established with 4 year old seedlings in 1985. The field area is 1.5 ha.
Objective of the study – to perform genetic evaluation of Norway spruce provenances and plus trees progeny in the Ažuolų Būda field trial and select the best genotypes (parental plus trees and trees in progeny families) for the second generation seed orchards.
Material and methods – wood hardness and total height of 50 trees was measured in each replicate. Diameter, stem straightness, multiple leader shoots, spike knots were registered for all the trees in the trial. Pilodyn 6J was used for measuring wood hardness, Vertex IV – for height, electronic Haglof callipers- for diameter. Survival was calculated by registering empty planting places. Quality traits were assessed using well known scales applied in tree breeding studies. At a time of assessment age of trees was 32 years. Data analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel and SAS 9.3 statistical package (SAS Mixed and Corr procedures).
Study results. The results showed that 71% of tested families grew better than the local origin. Slightly smaller amount of families were better by proportion of spike knots. And only two families were less hardy by wood compared to local one. Population variance component was the largest for... [to full text]
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Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) condition and disturbances in the changing climate / Paprastosios eglės (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) būklė ir pažeidžiamumas klimato kaitos sąlygomisŽemaitis, Povilas 05 December 2014 (has links)
Research studies indicate that during the XXI century the rate of damages and vulnerability of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) will increase.
The aim of the study was to assess changes of condition and vulnerability of Norway spruce in Lithuania and evaluate the impact of the main affecting factors, including climate change.
To achieve this aim the following objectives were set up: to evaluate dynamics of spruce crown condition during 1990–2013 period in the different climatic regions of Lithuania and hydrotops and assess the impact of climatic factors on defoliation; to identify factors wish have impact on frequency of biotic and abiotic damages, evaluate dynamics of damages and assess relation between damages and crown condition; to identify factors wish have impact on frequency of wood decay in spruce stands and assess the impact of wood decay on crown defoliation; to assess changes of the spruce phonological structure in different climatic regions of Lithuania.
Novelty of the study. For the first time in Lithuania a systematic (integrated) research has been done one the Norway spruce condition in a changing climate. The effects of precipitation and temperature on crown condition in different climatic and site humidity gradients were identified. The key biotic and abiotic damaging factors were identified and was assessed they impact on crown defoliation. Relation of incidence of decay and crown defoliation was identified. Structure of spruce phenological forms... [to full text] / Moksliniai tyrimai rodo, kad XXI a. paprastosios eglės (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) pažeidžiamumo rizika išaugs. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti paprastosios eglės (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) būklės ir pažeidžiamumo tendencijas Lietuvoje, įvertinti juos lemiančius veiksnius ir galimą klimato kaitos įtaką. Uždaviniai: nustatyti eglės lajų būklės kaitos dėsningumus 1990–2013 metais skirtinguose Lietuvos klimatiniuose rajonuose ir hidrotopuose bei įvertinti klimato veiksnių ir galimą klimato kaitos įtaką lajų defoliacijai; išaiškinti eglės biotinių ir abiotinių pažeidimų gausos pokyčių tendencijas, nustatyti lemiančius veiksnius bei įvertinti pažeidimų poveikį medžių būklei; nustatyti eglės liemens puvinio paplitimą lemiančius veiksnius ir puvinių įtaką lajų būklei; nustatyti savaiminio žėlimo eglių fenologinių formų struktūros pokytį skirtinguose Lietuvos klimatiniuose rajonuose. Darbo mokslinis naujumas. Pirmą kartą Lietuvoje atlikti sistemingi klimato pokyčių poveikio eglės būklei tyrimai. Išaiškinti svarbiausi klimato veiksniai lemiantys eglių lajų būklę bei įvertintas jų reikšmingumas skirtinguose Lietuvos klimatiniuose rajonuose ir augavietėse augančioms eglėms. Išaiškinti pagrindiniai biotiniai ir abiotiniai eglę pažeidžiantys veiksniai ir įvertinta jų įtaka lajų būklei. Įvertintas eglės liemens puvinio intensyvumo poveikis lajų defoliacijai. Nustatytas savaiminio žėlimo eglių fenologinių formų pasiskirstymas brandžiuose eglynuose ir žėliniuose Lietuvos klimato rajonuose.
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Paprastosios eglės (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) būklė ir pažeidžiamumas klimato kaitos sąlygomis / Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) condition and disturbances in the changing climateŽemaitis, Povilas 05 December 2014 (has links)
Moksliniai tyrimai rodo, kad XXI a. paprastosios eglės (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) pažeidžiamumo rizika išaugs. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti paprastosios eglės (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) būklės ir pažeidžiamumo tendencijas Lietuvoje, įvertinti juos lemiančius veiksnius ir galimą klimato kaitos įtaką. Uždaviniai: nustatyti eglės lajų būklės kaitos dėsningumus 1990–2013 metais skirtinguose Lietuvos klimatiniuose rajonuose ir hidrotopuose bei įvertinti klimato veiksnių ir galimą klimato kaitos įtaką lajų defoliacijai; išaiškinti eglės biotinių ir abiotinių pažeidimų gausos pokyčių tendencijas, nustatyti lemiančius veiksnius bei įvertinti pažeidimų poveikį medžių būklei; nustatyti eglės liemens puvinio paplitimą lemiančius veiksnius ir puvinių įtaką lajų būklei; nustatyti savaiminio žėlimo eglių fenologinių formų struktūros pokytį skirtinguose Lietuvos klimatiniuose rajonuose. Darbo mokslinis naujumas. Pirmą kartą Lietuvoje atlikti sistemingi klimato pokyčių poveikio eglės būklei tyrimai. Išaiškinti svarbiausi klimato veiksniai lemiantys eglių lajų būklę bei įvertintas jų reikšmingumas skirtinguose Lietuvos klimatiniuose rajonuose ir augavietėse augančioms eglėms. Išaiškinti pagrindiniai biotiniai ir abiotiniai eglę pažeidžiantys veiksniai ir įvertinta jų įtaka lajų būklei. Įvertintas eglės liemens puvinio intensyvumo poveikis lajų defoliacijai. Nustatytas savaiminio žėlimo eglių fenologinių formų pasiskirstymas brandžiuose eglynuose ir žėliniuose Lietuvos klimato rajonuose. / Research studies indicate that during the XXI century the rate of damages and vulnerability of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) will increase.
The aim of the study was to assess changes of condition and vulnerability of Norway spruce in Lithuania and evaluate the impact of the main affecting factors, including climate change.
To achieve this aim the following objectives were set up: to evaluate dynamics of spruce crown condition during 1990–2013 period in the different climatic regions of Lithuania and hydrotops and assess the impact of climatic factors on defoliation; to identify factors wish have impact on frequency of biotic and abiotic damages, evaluate dynamics of damages and assess relation between damages and crown condition; to identify factors wish have impact on frequency of wood decay in spruce stands and assess the impact of wood decay on crown defoliation; to assess changes of the spruce phonological structure in different climatic regions of Lithuania.
Novelty of the study. For the first time in Lithuania a systematic (integrated) research has been done one the Norway spruce condition in a changing climate. The effects of precipitation and temperature on crown condition in different climatic and site humidity gradients were identified. The key biotic and abiotic damaging factors were identified and was assessed they impact on crown defoliation. Relation of incidence of decay and crown defoliation was identified. Structure of spruce phenological forms... [to full text]
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Iniciální výzkum náchylnosti smrku ztepilého k napadení lýkožroutem smrkovým z hlediska dlouhodobého působení stresových faktorů / Initial study of predisposition of Norway spruce to bark beetle attack in relation to long term effects of multiple stressKOTRC, Miroslav January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is a contribution to understanding of predisposition of solitary Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) to bark beetle (Ips typographus (L.)) attack. The predisposition is estimated from long term effects of multiple stress, which are determined by tree crown transformation. By virtue of created model, it was documented that some environmental variables could have considerable effect on tree crown transformation. Tree crown transformation is generally considered a mirror of spruce health status.
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Imaging spectroscopy of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) ecosystems from needles to forest standsLukeš, Petr January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Olika markberedningsmetoders effekt på granplantors (Picea abies) överlevnad och höjdtillväxt vid Siljansfors försökspark / Effects of different soil scarification methods on survival and height growth in Norway spruce seedlings (Picea abies) planted in Siljansfors Experimental ForestJohansson, Anders January 2018 (has links)
Markberedning är vanligt förekommande när återbeskogning skall ske efter en avverkning. Vilken metod som väljs styrs av olika faktorer som t ex markfuktighet, humuslagrets tjocklek och mineraljordlagrets djup. I detta arbete studeras ett försök vid SLU: s försökspark i Siljansfors, ca 20 km SV om Mora. Studien omfattar två olika försöksytor, Sf 284 och Sf 287, planterade med gran (Picea abies) år 2004 respektive 2007. Ståndorten är en moränmark, markfuktighetsklassen är frisk och vegetationstypen är blåbär- och lingontyp och är belägen cirka 210 m.ö.h. Syftet med denna studie är att utvärdera och jämföra tre olika markberedningsmetoder med avseende på överlevnad och höjdtillväxt hos granplantor (Picea abies) under de första åren efter plantering. Vid plantering utan markberedning och utan kemiskt behandlade plantor är risken för en hög avgång på grund av skador orsakade av snytbagge (Hylobius abietis L.) stor de första åren. De markberedningsmetoder som jämfördes var högläggning, fläckmarkberedning och inversmetoden. Dessa tre metoder jämfördes inbördes samt mot att inte markbereda alls. I det totala samlade plantmaterialet var hälften kemiskt behandlat mot snytbagge. Fördelningen kemiskt behandlat och obehandlat plantmaterial var jämt fördelat i alla försök och upprepningar. I studien ingick också en utvärdering av den så kallade ”kanteffekten”, dvs. effekten av att plantorna sattes närmare än, respektive längre än 10 cm från kanten av den anlagda markberedningsytan. I juli 2009 mättes planthöjd och överlevnad på försöksytorna. Resultatet presenteras som medelvärden i form av stapeldiagram. Överlevnadsgraden höjdes med hjälp av markberedning, permetrinbehandling och val av planteringspunkt i förhållande till humuskant. Det var framför allt högläggning och inversmarkberedning som gynnade plantornas höjdtillväxt. / Soil preparation is common when reforestation occurs after harvesting. Which method is chosen is governed by various factors such as soil moisture, humus layer thickness and depth of mineral soil. An experiment was made at SLU's experimental park in Siljansfors, about 20 km SW about Mora. The study comprises two different experimental areas, Sf 284 and Sf 287, where Picea abies was planted in 2004 and 2007 respectively. The soil is a moraine, the soil moisture class is fresh and the vegetation type is blueberry and lingonberry type. The site is located approximately 210 m above sea level. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare three different soil preparation methods regarding to survival and height growth of Picea abies during the first years after planting. In the case of planting without soil preparation and without chemically treated plants, the risk of a high mortality due to the damage caused by pine weevil (Hylobius abietis L.) is high during the first years. The soil preparation methods that were compared were mounding, patch scarification and the inverse method. These three methods were compared to each other as well as to no soil preparation at all. In the total aggregate plant material, half were chemically treated against pine weevil. The distribution of chemically treated and untreated plant material was evenly distributed throughout all trials and repeats. The study also included an evaluation of the so-called "edge effect", i.e. the effect of placing the plants closer than, respectively, longer than 10 cm from the edge of the scarified patch. In July 2009, plant height and survival were measured in the experimental areas. The result is presented as averages in the form of bar charts. The survival rate was increased by soil preparation, permetrin treatment and selection of planting point relative to humus edge. It was above all mounding and inverse soil preparation that favored the height of the plants.
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Dynamika horní hranice lesa na Králickém Sněžníku / TREELINE DYNAMIC IN THE MT. KRALICKÝ SNĚŽNÍKKolář, Václav January 2017 (has links)
Treeline dynamic in the Mt. Kralický Sněžník Abstract Changes in treeline positions have been recorded both in the mountains of Central Europe and worldwide. The treeline upward shifts have been recently influenced particularly by rising temperature and reduced human impacts in the highest parts of the mountains. The goal of this thesis is to evaluate dynamics of treeline in the Mt. Kralický Sněžník and to determine influencing factors. Dendrochronological methods were employed to determine age structure of spruce across the ecotone and the analysis of aerial images was used to identify changes of spruce coverage between 1936 and 2014. I found that tree age is decreasing with increasing elevation - an evidence of advancing treeline. Treeline upward advance indicated by a gradual densification of spruce stands was also detected from aerial images. Seedling abundance is negatively affected by dense mats of blueberry in the upper part of ecotone. Mortality of spruce is rising with increasing elevation,which indicates the negative influence of extreme climatic conditions in the uppermost parts of ecotone. Age structures and aerial images show that the treeline advance in the Mt. Kralický Sněžník was caused by a combination of land abandonment at the end of 19th century supplemented by afforestation in the lower...
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Vliv zvýšené koncentrace oxidu uhličitého na aktivitu a obsah enzymu Rubisco ve slunných a stinných jehlicích smrku ztepilého / Influence of elevated carbon dioxide concentration at Rubisco activity and its content in sunny and shaded needles of Norway spruceŠibravová, Lenka January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis’s aim was to determine Rubisco activity and its content in sunny and shaded needles of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and confirm or refuse acclimation on Rubisco enzyme level. Samples were taken on the Experimental ecology station Czech Academy of Sciences at Bílý Kříž (Beskydy Mountains) where needles were cultivated in two cultivation spheres with different concetrations CO2. One cultivation sphere contains atmosphere with ambient (A) concentration CO2 (350 mol CO2 mol-1) and the other contains atmosphere with elevated (E) concentration CO2 (700 mol CO2 mol-1). Rubisco activities were determinated spectrophotometric, Rubisco content was determined by SDS-PAGE method. Samples were taken in the modele of June and in the end of September. Elevated concetration CO2 did not have significant influence on Rubisco activity. Whereas different exposition had significant influence on Rubisco activity in June, when was found lower Rubisco activity in shaded needles than in sunny needles. In September were not find significant differences in Rubisco activity beetwen sunny and shaded needles. We did not find statistically significant differences in Rubisco content between A and E needles in June. Incontrary, we found about 34 % lower Rubisco content in E needles than in A needles, which confirms acclimation on Rubisco enzyme level. In September Rubisco content was several time higher than in June, which evidences the long term building photosynthetic apparatus in coniferous trees.
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Vliv zvýšené koncentrace oxidu uhličitého na denní chod obsahu a aktivity enzymu Rubisco / Impact of elevated concentration of carbon dioxide on diurnal changes of Rubisco activity and its contentZítková, Jana January 2011 (has links)
Diurnal changes of initial and total activity and content of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) under conditions of ambient (350 µmol mol-1) and elevated (E = 700 µmol mol 1) concentration CO2 were measured in needles of Norway spruce. Needles of Norway spruce were taken on 22th July in two-hours from 3:30 a. m. till 10:30 p. m. The Rubisco activity was determined by spectrophotometry, the Rubisco content was detected by SDS-PAGE. The Rubisco activity was in most samples statistically significantly lower in needles cutlivated under ambient carbon dioxide then in needles cultivated under elevated carbon dioxide. Diagrams of the Rubisco activity shows absence of night inhibitor CA1P. The Rubisco activity was directly proportional to the intensity of photosynthetically active radiation in time from 7:00 a. m. till 7:30 p. m. The Rubisco content was statistically significantly higher in needles of Norway spruce cultivated under ambient carbon dioxide than in needles cultivated under elevated CO2, which shows acclimation of the Rubisco content during long-term effect of elevated CO2 concentration.
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Vliv listového dusíku a nestrukturních sacharidů na obsah a aktivitu enzymu Rubisco v podmínkách normální a zvýšené koncentrace oxidu uhličitého / Influence of total leaf nitrogen and non-structural carbohydrates on Rubisco content and its activity under ambient and elevated concentrations of carbon dioxideVičíková, Magda January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines influence of content of leaf nitrogen and non-structural carbohydrates on Rubisco activity and its content under impact of ambient (A = 385 µmolCO2 mol-1) and elevated (E = 700 µmolCO2 mol-1) concentrations of carbon dioxide in needles of Norway spruce (Picea abies L.). The Rubisco activity was determined spectrophotometrically, the Rubisco content by using SDS-PAGE, the content of non-structural carbohydrates by using the anthron method and total leaf nitrogen was determined by using the Kjeldahl method. The Rubisco activity in needles of Norway spruce did not show acclimation on elevated concentration of carbon dioxide, but the activity was elevated concentration of carbon dioxide stimulated during the growing season. The acclimation was proved by Rubisco content, its content was significantly lower in needles cultivated under elevated carbon dioxide. Content of total leaf nitrogen was statistically significantly lower in needles of Norway spruce cultivated under elevated carbon dioxide then in needles cultivated under ambient concentration of carbon dioxide. On the contrary, the content of non-structural carbohydrates was significantly higher in needles cultivated under elevated concentration of carbon dioxide then in variant A. Seasonal changes of Rubisco content depended on content of non-structural carbohydrates, the Rubisco content decreased with increasing content of non-structural carbohydrates. No dependence was detected between seasonal changes of the total leaf content and the Rubisco content.
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