Spelling suggestions: "subject:"norway spruce"" "subject:"norway spruces""
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Aktivita půdních enzymů v horských smrčinách napadených lýkožroutem smrkovým / Activity of soil enzymes in the Norway spruce forests attacked by bark beetleŠLAJSOVÁ, Petra January 2011 (has links)
Activity of enzymes was investigated in the soils of Norway spruce forests in the Bohemian Forest. The aim of the study was the determintation of the impact of temperature and plants dominant in understorey on the activity of extracellular enzymes in the soils in the watershed of Plešné and Čertovo Lake. The measurement of enzymes activities was conducted using the fluorometric method with model substrates.
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Dry fine grinding of Norway spruce (<em>Picea abies</em>) wood in impact-based fine grinding millsKarinkanta, P. (Pasi) 13 January 2015 (has links)
Wood powders are used in numerous applications such as thermoplastics and filters, and a lot of research effort has been put into developing novel ways of utilising them. The mechanical processing of wood powders, especially at particle sizes below 100 µm, has been reported in several studies, but they lack information on the effect of fine grinding conditions on the particle morphology and cellulose crystallinity, both of which are important parameters in the further processing of wood powders and in their various applications. This makes it very difficult to design and optimise fine grinding processes with different applications in mind. The aim of this thesis was to study the dry fine grinding of wood in several impact-based fine grinding mills in order to find out their effect on the properties of the wood and to study the energy required for the mechanical processing of the resulting powders.
The effect of the main operational parameters on the properties of dried Norway spruce wood and the energy consumption was studied using three impact-based fine grinding mills that were capable of pulverising the wood down to a median particle size of less than 25 µm. It was found that the impact events occurring in media mills can be used for the production of very fine wood powders with lower cellulose crystallinity and rounder shaped particles having more uniform shape distribution than powders pulverised to a similar size range by means of impact events in non-media mills. A practical estimate was obtained for the minimum specific energy consumption in fine grinding in mills involving grinding media that could be utilised as a target for optimisation. Impact-based media milling under cryogenic conditions can be used to obtain different Norway spruce wood powders from those produced under ambient grinding conditions, i.e. without the freezing effect of nitrogen liquid. The energy efficiency of fine grinding can be enhanced by choosing cryogenic rather than ambient conditions. The moisture content of the wood has greater influence on the size and shape of the particles when milling is accomplished under ambient conditions. Torrefaction can reduce the energy consumption in impact-based media mills for median particle sizes over 17.4 µm (± 0.2 µm), while the shape and cellulose crystallinity of the particles are not significantly affected by torrefaction pretreatment as a function of energy consumption. / Tiivistelmä
Puujauheita käytetään laajalti erilaisissa sovelluksissa, kuten esimerkiksi biokomposiiteissa ja suodattimissa. Tämän lisäksi on olemassa paljon tutkimustietoa siitä, kuinka puujauheita voitaisiin hyödyntää laajemminkin. Puu voidaan mekaanisesti prosessoida alle 100 µm:n kokoluokkaan, mutta yksityiskohtaista tietoa kuivahienojauhatuksen olosuhteiden vaikutuksesta jauheiden morfologiaan ja selluloosan kiteisyyteen ei ole saatavilla. Puujauheen morfologialla ja selluloosan kiteisyydellä on kuitenkin merkittävä vaikutus sovelluksia ja jatkojalostusta ajatellen. Puun kuivahienojauhatuksen tiedon puute hankaloittaa merkittävästi prosessin suunnittelua ja optimointia erilaisia sovelluksia varten. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena on selvittää iskuihin perustuvien hienojauhimien vaikutukset puun ominaisuuksiin ja tutkia mekaanisen prosessoinnin energiatehokkuutta hienojauhatuksessa.
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kolmen erilaisen iskuun perustuvan hienojauhatusmyllyn pääasiallisten operointiparametrien vaikutusta kuivatun metsäkuusen ominaisuuksiin ja energiankulutukseen. Jokaisella hienojauhimella onnistuttiin tuottamaan puujauhoja, joiden mediaanikoko oli alle 25 µm. Iskuihin perustuvalla jauhinkappalemyllyllä saatiin tuotettua puujauhoa, jonka selluloosan kiteisyys on alhaisempi ja partikkelimuodot pyöreämpiä verrattuna samankokoisiin puujauhoihin, jotka on tuotettu iskuihin perustuvilla jauhinkappaleettomilla hienojauhatusmyllyillä. Työssä saatiin käytännöllinen arvio kuivatun metsäkuusen hienojauhatuksen minimienergiankulutukselle iskuihin perustuville jauhinkappalemyllyille, mitä voidaan käyttää kyseisten myllytyyppien optimoinnin tavoitteena. Työssä havaittiin lisäksi, että kryogeenisiä jauhatusolosuhteita käyttämällä voidaan tuottaa erilaisia puujauhoja verrattuna puujauhoihin, jotka prosessoidaan ilman nestetyppijäädytystä, kun jauhatus suoritetaan iskuihin perustuvalla jauhinkappalemyllyllä. Ilman nestetyppijäädytystä puun kosteuspitoisuudella on merkittävämpi vaikutus puujauhojen ominaisuuksiin kuin kryogeenisissä olosuhteissa jauhetuilla. Kryogeenisillä jauhatusolosuhteilla voidaan parantaa myös jauhatuksen energiatehokkuutta. Torrefioinnilla voidaan vähentää hienojauhatuksen energiankulutusta iskuihin perustuvilla jauhinkappalemyllyillä, kun tavoitekoon mediaani on yli 17,4 µm (± 0,2 µm). Torrefioinnilla ei ole vaikutusta selluloosan kiteisyyteen tai partikkeleiden muotoon energiankulutuksen funktiona.
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Účinek zvýšené koncentrace oxidu uhličitého na množství a aktivitu enzymu Rubisco / Impact of elevated carbon dioxide concentration on the Rubisco amount and activity.Zachová, Lucie January 2008 (has links)
In this diploma work changes of initial and total activities and content of Rubisco in beech and Norway spruce were studied. The plants were cultivated in conditions with ambient CO2 concentration (350 mol·mol–1) and elevated CO2 concentration (700 mol·mol–1). Three series of samples (at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of growing season) were taken. Initial and total Rubisco activities were measured spectrophotometrically and activation state was calculated. Rubisco content was determined by SDS–PAGE method. Rubisco activity in beech cultivated in elevated CO2 concentration decreased during the whole growing season while in beech growing in ambient CO2 concentration Rubisco activity decreased up to middle of growing season and then increased. Rubisco content in beech in ambient CO2 concentration slightly increased and in beech in elevated CO2 concentration decreased up to middle of growing season and then increased. Rubisco activities in Norway spruce both in ambient and elevated CO2 concentration decreased. Rubisco content in Norway spruce in ambient CO2 concentration decreased but in Norway spruce in elevated CO2 concentration first decreased and then increased.
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Struktura a funkce chloroplastů vybraných dřevin pěstovaných pod vlivem zvýšené koncentrace CO2 / Structure and function of chloroplasts in selected woody plants grown under increased CO2 concentrationHlízová, Eliška January 2011 (has links)
The effect of elevated CO2 concentration (EC CO2) on photosynthesis has been observed on many hierarchical levels. There was a significant increase in the rate of photosynthesis of examined trees observed in previous studies thus I hypothesised these changes are accompanied by changes of chloroplast ultrastructure and photosystem content and function and the main aim of this study is to evaluate these adjustments. In this study 13 - 14 years old seedlings of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) grown in glass domes with adjustable windows - one with ambient CO2 concentration as a control, the other one with simulated EC CO2 (700 ppm) - during the vegetative season were examined. Pigment content, fluorescence and reflectance indexes, activity of photosystem 1 (PS1) and 2 (PS 2) of isolated chloroplasts, size of cross-sectional area of chloroplast and proportion of stromal to granal thylakoids under EC CO2 treatment were investigated. Although there was a significant increase in the maximum rate of photosynthetic assimilation of trees from EC CO2 (observed by other researchers of our team), decreased chlorophyll and carotenoid content as well as the activity of both photosystems were observed, which is usually atributed to photosynthetic acclimation. As the rate of decrease of photosystem 1 and photosystem 2...
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Stanovení obsahu ligninu v jehlicích smrku ztepilého (Picea abies L. Karst.) pomocí laboratorní a obrazové spektroskopie / Assessment of lignin content in needles of Norway Spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) using laboratory and image spectroscopySuchá, Renáta January 2013 (has links)
The master thesis deals with determination of selected biochemicals (lignin, carotenoids, water) content in Norway spruce needles using laboratory and imaging spectroscopy. The first part of thesis summarizes literature dealing with methods of estimating lignin and other biochemicals content. Three types of data are used in this thesis: 1. spectra measured by contact probe and ASD FieldSpec 4 Wide Res spectroradiometer, 2. spectra measured by integrating sphere and spectroradiometer and 3. aerial hyperspectral image data acquired by APEX sensor. The most useful transformation methods - first derivative and continuum removal are applied to the spectrum. Further the linear relationship between measured spectrum and content of biochemicals is analysed. Stepwise multiple linear regression is applied to select suitable wavelengths for modeling of biochemicals content in spruce needles. The model is also calculated and applied on the level of image hyperspectral data. Maps of lignin content in Norway spruce are the final output of these part of this. Next part of the thesis compares spectra measured by contact probe and spectra measured by integrating sphere. Diffrerence between the studied areas based on biochemicals content in spruce needles and several chemical elements in the soil and based on...
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Pozůstatek lesa z přelomu glaciálu a holocénu: dendroekologická a paleobotanická rekonstrukce / Remnant of forest at the transition from Late Glacial period to Holocene: dendroecological and palaeobotanical reconstructionMoravcová, Alice January 2015 (has links)
The remains from a sub-fossil pine forest burried in layers of peat deposits at the northern edge of the CHKO Křivoklátsko in the Central Bohemia is completely unique findings for the area of the Czech Republic. It offers new opportunities for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and related climate changes during the Late Glacial and early Holocene epoch. The methods of dendrochronology and radiocarbon dating were used to date subfossil trees. The results of radiocarbon dating determined the existence of the forest in the period approximately 12,000 to 10,300 cal yr BP. The dendrochronological analyses revealed two continuous floating chronologies. The chronology RD4, which is long 200 years, originates from the Younger Dryas. The chronology RD6, 300 years long, originates from the Preboreal. The growth dynamics of the forest were reconstructed on the basis of the tree- ring analysis. Hydrological regime has been identified as a major disturbancy factor that influenced the growth of trees. This has been evident from synchronous phase depressions in the growth of synchronized tree-ring series. The high water table was the main cause of their extinction. This was in concordance with the results of macrofossils analyses. The effect of hydrological regime was largely influenced by microsite differences...
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Přízemní ozon jako jeden z faktorů oxidativního stresu v podmínkách horských lesů. / Surface ozone as a factor of oxidative stress in mountain forests.Bendáková, Hana January 2011 (has links)
This study presents mountain forest Norway spruce (Picea abies) injured by surface ozone and oxidative stress. Norway spruce is not a sensitive species but it is the most representative tree in our country and this is the reason to pay attention on its injury. Study was connected to the ozone measurement by CHMI in Jizerske mountains. Aim of our study was to find influence of surface ozone on the forest and show correlation between ozone concentrations, altitude and Norway spruce injury. Ozone concentrations are growing with the altitude. Increasing percentage of injury with growing concentrations and altitude was expected. Needles were collected at the altitude 750-1100 meters. Collected needle years were 2006, 2007 and 2009. The 2009 year was not evaluated because no symptoms were found. Injury was observed on the maroscopical, microscopical and biochemical level. Visual injury was assessed by percentage of injured needle surface by chlorosis and necrosis. Microscopical analysis studied injury on cross and longitudinal sections of needles. On the longitudinal sections were visible typically bone-cells. These cells have lost its shape by ozone stress and were narrowed in its width. Bone-cells were best visible near the stomata. Four symptoms were observed on the cross sections: tannin...
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Vztah letokruhových řad k teplotním poměrům na západo-východním gradientu v pohořích střední Evropy / Tree-ring chronologies of Norway-spruce on west-east longitudinal gradient in the mountain ranges of central EuropePonocná, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
The Earth's climate system has recently experienced substantial warming which likely impacts temperature-limited communities close to their distribution margins. The alpine treeline ecotone represents upper distributional limit of montane/subalpine forests. This biogeographic boundary relies mainly on decreasing temperature with increasing elevation. Surprisingly the response of treeline ecotone to ongoing warming has varied a lot and the reasons of this variability are poorly understood. The aim of this dissertation thesis is the assessment of growth trends and tree ring response of Norway spruce (Picea abies[L.] Karst.) to climatic oscillations at treelines and montane forests of East-Central Europe. This dissertation deals with both inter-regional and intra-regional (aspect, elevation) variability of tree growth. The presented results are based on an extensive data set of growth curves for almost 1400 trees. All study sites revealed close relationship between tree ring widths and growing season temperatures as well as the temperatures of October preceding to ring formation season. The main site-dependent differences in growth trends and temperature responses were attributed to elevation, the effect of aspect was relatively less significant. At treelines between the Krkonoše Mts. and Nízké Tatry...
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Spruce bark biorefinery / Bioraffenaderi för granbarkAhlström, Leon, Mattsson, Rebecca, Eurén, Hampus, Lidén, Alicia January 2021 (has links)
Spruce Bark contains several fundamental main substances; lignin, non-cellulose polysaccharides, cellulose and extractives. This undergraduate study focuses on developing a process to extract each of these components from spruce bark using a biorefinery concept, with a main focus on extracting lignin without degradation. The purpose of the Bark biorefinery concept is to contribute to a circular bioeconomy, by making use of natural resources. With extended research on the area, it will be possible to produce polymers, green chemicals and biofuel from the components in bark. This report covers the extraction of the bark components with soxhlet extraction, Hot-water extraction, organosolv extraction and peracetic acid delignification. The extraction was made on two samples, matchstick-sized bark (MS) and 20 mesh-sized bark with a diameter of 0.8 mm (20M). The purpose was to be able to compare the efficiency of the extraction between the two samples. Afterwards, the characterisation of extracts and residue was executed with carbohydrate analysis, 2D HSQC-NMR and FTIR-analysis. The results showed that a smaller particle size led to more efficient extractions of all components as well as more pure extract solutions. Lignin concentration determinations of samples at each step showed that a significant amount of lignin was lost prior to the organosolv extraction. Future research should look into ways to reduce this loss in order to increase the lignin yield. The findings in the FTIR and NMR analyses correlates with what could be seen in other reports, discussing similar subjects. For upscaling of this process, future research should go toward optimization of all extraction methods in order to make an upscaling of the process economically viable.
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Prognosemodelle für ausgewählte Holzqualitätsmerkmale wichtiger Baumarten / Models for predicting wood quality criteria of important tree speciesSchmidt, Matthias 10 August 2001 (has links)
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