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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conception d'un modèle de visibilité d'étoile à l'oeil nu. <br />Application à l'identification des décans égyptiens.

Gadré, Karine 21 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Sur l'intérieur du couvercle de sarcophages, sur la surface extérieure de clepsydres, au plafond de temples et de tombes datés de l'an 2100 à l'an 50 BC et disséminés tout le long de la Vallée du Nil, entre Alexandrie et Assouan, figurent vingt horloges stellaires et quatre-vingt listes d'étoiles dans l'ordre de leurs levers héliaques, de leurs levers nocturnes ou de leurs culminations. Leur identification à des étoiles visibles à l'oeil nu du catalogue Hipparcos a nécessité la constitution préalable d'une liste complète de ces étoiles ainsi que la traduction de leurs appellations hiéroglyphiques respectives. La comparaison entre les arrangements stellaires caractérisant chacune des cent listes d'étoiles a abouti à leur classification en six types de listes et permis la détermination des conditions spatiales, temporelles et optiques d'observation des étoiles. Ces contraintes ont ensuite été appliquées à un modèle de visibilité d'étoile à l'oeil nu dans le ciel nocturne ou crépusculaire de l'Égypte ancienne qui combine divers paramètres astrométriques et éléments photométriques. La constitution de listes d'étoiles dans l'ordre de leurs levers héliaques, de leurs levers nocturnes ou de leurs culminations, leur comparaison avec les six prototypes de listes dont nous disposons, la prise en compte de divers critères astronomiques, philologiques et pariétaux, ont permis de restreindre au strict minimum le nombre d'étoiles candidates à chacun des quatre-vingt dix décans égyptiens. Ce travail a abouti à la cartographie du ciel de l'Égypte ancienne, à une meilleure définition des heures de nuit égyptienne, à une datation plus précise du règne de plusieurs pharaons, etc.

Cartographie des écosystèmes et paramètres biophysiques satellitaires pour l'étude des flux hydriques sur le continent africain

Kaptue, Armel 10 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le contexte des changements climatiques, l'objectif du travail effectué est de caractériser l'hétérogénéité du continent africain afin de mieux comprendre et quantifier les processus de surface agissant sur les flux hydriques. Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre de la mise à jour de la base de données ECOCLIMAP-I constituée d'une carte d'occupation des sols et des cartes de paramètres biophysiques. Pour cela, on s'appuie sur des données de télédétection acquises par les capteurs de dernière génération MODIS et SPOT/VEGETATION entre 2000 et 2007. Dans un premier temps, deux techniques de classification ont été développées afin de cartographier les différents écosystèmes. L'une, supervisée, a été conduite dans le contexte du programme AMMA afin de discriminer les écosystèmes sur la région ouest-africaine en combinant l'information complémentaire contenue dans les cartes d'occupation du sol GLC2000 et ECOCLIMAP-I par analyse supervisée de l'indice foliaire (LAI) MODIS. L'autre, non supervisée et hybride, utilise les principes de regroupement hiérarchique et dynamique de manière automatique en combinant l'usage du classificateur k-NN et celui de la transformée de Fourier Discrète sur la base des données d'indice de végétation normalisé (NDVI) SPOT/VEGETATION pour identifier les écosystèmes africains. Dans un deuxième temps, des méthodes d'estimation des paramètres biophysiques tels que l'albédo, la fraction de végétation, l'indice foliaire ont été développées et/ou appliquées sur le continent. Une approche statistique permet de déterminer la contribution du sol nu et de la végétation à la constitution de l'albédo de surface comme tel que cela est requis dans les modèles de surface. La méthode a d'abord été appliquée sur la région ouest-africaine et sa robustesse a été prouvée lors de son application à l'intégralité du continent africain. Ces conditions de surface ont ensuite été implémentées dans le modèle de surface ISBA pour reproduire les processus de surface. La sensibilité d'ISBA au forçage physiographique a été étudiée en analysant deux simulations avec le même forçage atmosphérique sur la région ouest-africaine : l'une en utilisant la classification ECOCLIMAP-I et l'autre en utilisant la nouvelle paramétrisation de la surface développée sur la région ouest-africaine. Les flux de chaleur latente et sensible sont principalement pilotés par la fraction de végétation. Le modèle ISBA peut être utilisé pour prédire l'impact d'un changement d'occupation du sol et par conséquent des actions anthropiques sur le bilan hydrique.

Hydrodynamic control of retention in heterogeneous aquifers and fractured rock

Cheng, Hua January 2005 (has links)
In this thesis, fluid flow and solute transport in heterogeneous aquifers and particularly in frac-tured rock have been investigated using Lagrangian Stochastic Advective-Reaction (LaSAR) framework. The heterogeneity of the aquifer structure or fracture configuration, as well as the various reaction/retention processes have been considered in the modelling approach. Advection and retention processes are considered to be the dominant transport processes. Monte-Carlo simulation results for transport of nonreactive tracers in 2D generic heterogeneous aquifers indicate that the travel time τ can be well approximated by a lognormal distribution up to a relative high degree of heterogeneity of the aquifers. Comparison between the Monte-Carlo simulation results and the results of first-order approximation reveals that the analytical solutions of the statistical moments of τ are valid only when the variability of the aquifer properties is small. For reactive tracers, Monte-Carlo simulations have been conducted by accounting for spatial variability of both hydraulic conductivity and one sorption parameter simultaneously. The simulation results indicate that the reaction flow path μ is a nonlinear function of distance for shorter distance, linear function for longer distance, and also that μ and τ are well correlated over the considered parameter range. The parameter β, which is purely determined by the flow condi-tions, quantifies the hydrodynamic control of retention processes for transport of tracers in frac-tures. Numerical simulations have been performed to study the statistical properties of the pa-rameter β, travel time τ and flow rate Q in a single heterogeneous fracture and in a sequence of fractures. The results of Monte-Carlo simulations indicate that the parameter β and τ are corre-lated with a power-law relationship β ∼ τm. The correlation between β and the flow rate Q have also been studied and an inverse power-law relationship β ∼ Q-m is proposed. The establishment of these relationships provides a link between the parameter β and measurable parameters τ (or Q). The LaSAR approach has been applied for prediction, evaluation and interpretation of the results of a number of tracer tests (TRUE-1, TRUE Block Scale and TRUE Block Scale Continuation) conducted by SKB at the Äspö site for tracer transport in fractures. The breakthrough curves may be predicted reasonably well, provided that the retention parameters, boundary conditions and hydraulic properties of the domain are given. The evaluation of TRUE tests indicates that the retention occurs mainly in the rim zone on site characterization time scales, while on the per-formance assessment time scale, diffusion and sorption in the unaltered rock matrix are likely to become dominant retention mechanisms. / QC 20100624

Investigating the Enigmatic Orbit of the Suspected 2.5 MJ Planet in the Nu Octantis Binary System

Dallow, Andrew Thomas January 2012 (has links)
ν Octantis is a spectroscopic binary with a semi-major axis and period of 2.55 AU and 2.9 years, respectively. Ramm et al. (2009) discovered a 52 ms^(-1) radial-velocity (RV) perturbation with a period of 417 days in this system. All evidence, both photometric and spectroscopic, suggests the perturbation is the result of a 2.5 MJ planet orbiting the primary star. However, when assuming a “normal” prograde coplanar orbit, celestial mechanics predicts this orbit is unstable, contradicting the observed stability. Simulations by Eberle and Cuntz (2010) showed a retrograde orbit for the planet to be stable for at least 10^7 years. In this thesis, we performed a 10^8 -yr simulation of the retrograde orbit, and found it remained stable. Simulations over a range of planetary semi-major axes, eccentricities, and primary/secondary masses showed that stable retrograde orbits are not possible past a semi-major axis of 1.315 +/- 0.092 AU . Therefore, planetary retrograde orbits are most likely inherently more stable than prograde orbits owing to the absence of stability at known mean-motion resonances. Eccentricity simulations showed that the period of the planet's dominant eccentricity variation is related to the planet's semi-major axis by a second order exponential. However, retrograde orbits tend to have longer eccentricity periods than prograde orbits at the same semi-major axis. There is also evidence that this eccentricity period is connected to the orbital stability. By fitting a keplerian to both Ramm et al. (2009) and current radial velocities, the period of the ν Octantis binary was determined to be 1050.04 +/- 0.02 days with an eccentricity of 0.2359 +/- 0.001 . The planetary orbital solution for just the data reduced in this thesis gave a period of 416.9 +/- 2.1 days and an eccentricity of 0.099 +/- 0.015 , with an RMS scatter of 9.6 ms^(-1). Therefore, the orbital elements are within 1σ of the Ramm et al. (2009) elements. Assuming a retrograde coplanar orbit about the primary star then the planet has a mass of M_pl = 2.3 M_J and a semi-major axis of a_pl = 1.21 +/- 0.09 AU.

自然美的神話:論小資女面容的微整型 / The myth of natural beauty: on the cosmetic surgery of Xiao-Zi-Nu (young working females)

許之瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討小資女的微整型風潮,主要由兩大部分構成全文。第一部分是藉由台灣美容歷史的梳理,凸顯1990年代後由醫學主導的美容場域所塑造出的自然美神話。這神話使得選擇微整型實作的個人從自我認同到人際互動,多少都承載著自然美的價值去展演、觀看。透過訪談,本文進而揭示以微整型為日常保養的小資女,當她們在職場中從面試到工作與團體相處時,是如何發揮那隱而不見的「針」功夫,又如何以各種互動和對話技巧規避他人對自我外貌變化的猜疑。此外,本文也指出小資女身處在美容資訊隨處可見、選擇看似無窮的環境中,其個人決定如何在社會凝視下擺盪。應用Goffman的戲劇互動論,本文指出她們在職場上的儀式行為,尤其探問到在不同職場文化中的自我如何已經成為可以彈性形塑並要求改變的符號-物,甚至連同服裝及儀容也必須轉換為應當的儀式表達。   第二部分則是從自然美神話裡的矛盾元素去探究醫療細微化的科技視野下所呈現的當代生活。透過訪談,本文初步揭示女性在神話結構當中對於自然美的渴求,並且藉由微整型實作完成神話的矛盾要素。應用Baudrillard的消費社會觀,本文指出當女性在尋求差異以強調自我獨特性時,卻正相反地在迎合社會的共同性價值。此處除了小資女的自我敘述之外,本文也結合理論文獻及二手資料進階探究自然美形塑過程的三大面向,亦即物質技術、廣告消費和數位微整型。首先,我們基於物質、技術與醫師經驗等三個判準,將當前四大微整型技術劃出一條自然光譜。其次,我們從醫美診所的廣告文宣,梳理其中針對微整形技術的自然主張,了解業者的自然宣稱及消費者的自然認知。第三,我們還探討了電腦技術下的數位修圖以便凸顯出微整形的自然美意涵。從數位攝影的普及到網路平台的展演,我們在數位自拍與修圖等虛擬真實的媒介實作中探索自然美神話的疆界。 / This research comprised of two parts studies the emerging trend of cosmetic surgery practiced by young working females in Taiwan. In the first part, a short history of cosmetic practices is outlined to mark the formation of a myth of natural beauty since medical science and technology dominated the traditional field of cosmetic practices in the late 1990s. The myth makes the individual who has gone through cosmetic surgery carry the value of natural beauty while regarding one’s self-identity and performing in social interactions. Through in-depth interviews, the study shows that these young working females who have made cosmetic surgery an integral part of their daily beauty maintenance tend to exercise subtle strategies (art or kung-fu) of simulation, acting and interacting as if their beauty were all natural and real beyond suspicion at work-related situations. In addition, our study finds that personal decisions struggle constantly with the injunction of the social value (of natural beauty) as these young females are exposed to an excessive array of beauty information and surgery options. With resort to Goffman's theory of dramaturgical interaction, this study reveals some interaction rituals performed in different workplaces by these young working females. As a result, the individual self has itself become a sign-object malleable to change along with proper ways of clothing and grooming. The second part proceeds to explore contemporary living under the miniaturized purview of medical technology through the contradictory elements embodied in the myth of natural beauty. Once again drawing on in-depth interviews, the study reveals the female desire of natural beauty derived from the mythical structure, as well as their practices of cosmetic surgery which further realizes those contradictory elements in reproducing the myth. By applying Baudrillard’s theory of the consumer society, this study indicates that the more women intend to stress on their unique selves by marking out individual differences, the more they unintentionally cater to the common value of our society. In this regard, our study, apart from the self reports of interviewees, also combines theoretical discourses and secondary data to further explore the natural beauty process in its three main aspects, which might be termed as the cosmetic surgery of the material (technique), the representational (advertising) and the digital (social media). First, we delineate a spectrum of naturalism for the four major techniques of cosmetic surgery based on substance, technology and experience of the physician. Second, we examine the clinical claims and the consumer perceptions of nature shaped by advertising images and slogans circulated in the beauty industry. Third, we observe the trend of digital retouching with computer technology to sharpen the meaning of natural beauty in the practice of cosmetic surgery. From the relay of digital photography to the display of internet platform, we explore the mythical frontier of natural beauty by witnessing the digital retouching of selfies as a mediatory practice of virtual reality.

« Cette femme était très belle… ». La postérité de Bethsabée dans la littérature et les arts / « This woman was very beautiful... ». Bathsheba’s fortune in Literature and Arts

Achard, Madeleine 26 September 2018 (has links)
Nous avons aspiré à mettre à lumière à travers ces travaux la façon dont la figure de Bethsabée fut appréhendée, interprétée et représentée dans la littérature et les arts, de la Bible à nos jours, à travers un choix d’œuvres varié. À la fois diachronique et comparatiste, la perspective que nous avons suivie repose sur la mise en regard du texte et de l’image ; elle est également fondée sur le rapprochement d’œuvres littéraires d’époques et de langues diverses, de façon à dévoiler les chaînes interprétatives qui se sont élaborées et répondues au fil des siècles autour de celle qui fut successivement la femme d’Urie, l’amante de David, la mère de Salomon et l’ancêtre du Messie. / This thesis of French and comparative Literature aims at highlighting the way the biblical figure of Bathsheba was perceived, interpreted and depicted in Literature and Arts, from the biblical backgrounds to our days, throughout a selection of various works. Both diachronic and comparatist, our analysis is mainly based on the parallel view of texts and images. It also lies on the simultaneous analysis of literary works belonging to different times and languages, in order to enhance the traditions which progressively emerged and responded to one another throughout the centuries about a woman who, in a single lifetime, was the wife of Uriah, the lover and spouse of king David, the mother of his son Solomon and one of the most subversive ancestors of Jesus Christ.

Imaginando a mulher: Playboy: o pôster e seus desdobramentos / Imagining the woman: Playboy: unfolding the centerfold

Antonio José Saggese 10 October 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho foca, a passagem da pornografia leve (softcore) de mercadoria artesanal e clandestina a produto indústrial. Essa passagem é parte da implantação da sociedade de consumo e do moderno hedonismo O pôster central da Playboy americana é a imagem mercadoria gráfica mais bem sucedida de todos os tempos, e sua fotografia, codificada, norma social para a luxúria. / This work focuses on the passage of the softcore pornography from a clçandestine commodity to a industrial product . This passage happen as a part of the establishment of the consumer society and of the modern hedonism. Playboys centerfold may be considered the more successfull image commodity of all times and its photography, highly codifyed, is a social norm to lust.

Resíduo proveniente do beneficiamento do feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) em rações para bovinos / Residue from common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) processing in the rations of cattle

Magalhães, André Luiz Rodrigues 23 February 2005 (has links)
Submitted by Nathália Faria da Silva (nathaliafsilva.ufv@gmail.com) on 2017-07-17T11:03:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 886148 bytes, checksum: d6404b0b8d0717f15d1ebf0eff341be8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-17T11:03:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 886148 bytes, checksum: d6404b0b8d0717f15d1ebf0eff341be8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-02-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / presente trabalho foi composto por três experimentos. No primeiro, objetivou-se avaliar a substituição da amiréia de fubá de milho com equivalente protéico (EP) igual a 120% (AM120), pela amiréia de resíduo de feijão comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) com diferentes níveis de EP (AF120; AF70 e AF57), em rações para novilhos sobre as seguintes variáveis: consumo, digestibilidades totais e parciais aparentes dos nutrientes, pH e nitrogênio amoniacal ruminal (N-NH 3 ), produção e eficiência microbiana ruminal, N-uréia plasmático (NUP) e excreções urinárias de N total e N-uréia. Quatro novilhos castrados, fistulados no rúmen e no abomaso, com peso vivo médio inicial de 378 kg foram distribuídos em um delineamento em quadrado latino 4x4. O experimento teve duração de 60 dias e foi dividido em quatro períodos de 15 dias cada. Os animais permaneceram em baias individuais, onde receberam rações completas que foram ofertadas em nível que propiciasse sobras médias diárias de 5%, com base na matéria seca (MS), na proporção de 60:40 volumoso:concentrado. As dietas isonitrogenadas, constituídas de feno de capim coast-cross (Cynodon dactylon) e concentrados, foram formuladas de acordo com o NRC (1996). Os consumos de MS, matéria orgânica (MO), proteína bruta (PB), carboidratos não-fibrosos (CNF), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente neutro indigestível (FDNi) e nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT) não foram afetados pelas dietas. Apenas o consumo de extrato etéreo (EE) diminuiu para os tratamentos (AF) em relação ao referência (AM). Os coeficientes de digestibilidades (CD) totais, ruminais e intestinais da MS e de todos os nutrientes não foram afetados, à exceção do CD intestinal dos CNF que reduziu para o tratamento AF57. Não houve diferença entre os tratamentos para pH e N-NH 3 ruminais, embora estas variáveis tenham sido afetadas pelo tempo de coleta após a alimentação matinal, apresentando comportamento de quarta ordem. Não houve variação no NUP (mg/dL) em função das dietas, mas as excreções urinárias de N-total e N-uréia (g/dia) para amiréias de feijão foram menores do que para amiréia de milho. O tratamento AM promoveu maior produção e eficiência microbiana ruminal do que os tratamentos AF. A utilização de amiréias produzidas a partir do resíduo de feijão comum não compromete a ingestão e utilização de nutrientes dietéticos pelos novilhos. Dessa forma, a amiréia de feijão apresenta-se como alternativa à amiréia de milho. No segundo experimento, objetivou-se avaliar a substituição do farelo de soja pelo resíduo de feijão comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) em rações para novilhos sobre as mesmas variáveis analisadas no experimento anterior. A metodologia utilizada foi a mesma do experimento anterior, salvo o peso vivo médio inicial dos animais (470 kg) e as dietas. Foram ofertadas rações completas em nível que propiciasse sobras médias diárias de 10%, com base na MS, na proporção de 60:40 volumoso:concentrado, contendo 0; 20; 40 e 60% de resíduo de feijão cru no concentrado, em substituição ao farelo de soja. As dietas, constituídas de feno de capim coast-cross (Cynodon dactylon) e concentrados, foram formuladas de acordo com o NRC (1996). Objetivou-se que essas fossem isonitrogenadas e com o mesmo teor de nitrogênio não-protéico (NNP). Os consumos de MS, MO, FDN, FDNi e NDT não foram afetados pelas dietas. Apenas os consumos de PB e EE diminuíram linearmente para os níveis crescentes de substituição, enquanto que o de CNF apresentou comportamento cúbico. Os coeficientes de digestibilidades (CD) total, ruminal e intestinal da MS e MO e total da FDN não foram afetados pelas dietas. O CD total da PB apresentou comportamento quadrático, enquanto que os de EE e CNF apresentaram comportamento linear decrescente e crescente, respectivamente. Os CD ruminais da MS, MO, PB, EE e CNF não foram influenciados pelas dietas, tendo ocorrido alteração apenas no da FDN, que apresentou comportamento quadrático. Em nível de intestinos, apenas o CDEE diminuiu para os níveis crescentes de substituição. Não houve diferença entre os tratamentos para pH ruminal, enquanto que o N-NH 3 apresentou comportamento linear decrescente em função dos níveis crescentes de substituição. Estas duas variáveis foram afetadas pelo tempo de coleta após a alimentação matinal e apresentaram comportamentos quadrático e de quarta ordem, respectivamente. Embora os níveis de NUP (mg/dL) não tenham sido afetados pelas dietas, as excreções urinárias de N-total e N-uréia (g/dia) apresentaram comportamento quadrático, com redução até o nível de 40% de substituição e posterior elevação. A produção e a eficiência microbiana ruminal não foram afetadas pelas dietas. Embora a inclusão do resíduo de feijão comum até o nível de 60% do concentrado não comprometa a ingestão de MS, ocorrem alterações na ingestão e digestibilidade de alguns nutrientes dietéticos, demonstrando haver limitações de uso do resíduo. No terceiro experimento, objetivou-se avaliar a substituição do farelo de soja pelo resíduo de feijão comum cru (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) em rações para vacas em lactação sobre as seguintes variáveis: consumos e digestibilidades totais aparentes dos nutrientes, produção e composição do leite, eficiência alimentar, produção e eficiência microbiana ruminal, concentração de NUP, excreções urinárias de N total e N-uréia. Foram utilizadas doze vacas da raça Holandesa, puras e mestiças, com potencial de produção de 6.000 kg de leite por lactação, que foram distribuídas em três quadrados latinos 4x4, balanceados. O experimento teve duração de 60 dias e foi dividido em quatro períodos de 15 dias cada. Os animais permaneceram em baias individuais, onde receberam rações completas, que foram ofertadas ad libitum duas vezes ao dia, na proporção de 60:40 volumoso:concentrado, com base na MS, contendo 0; 13; 26 e 39% de resíduo de feijão cru no concentrado, em substituição ao farelo de soja. As dietas, constituídas de silagem de milho e concentrados, foram formuladas de acordo com o NRC (1989). Objetivou-se que essas fossem isonitrogenadas e com o mesmo teor de NNP. Os consumos de MS, MO, CNF e NDT diminuíram linearmente com o aumento dos níveis de feijão no concentrado. Os consumos de FDN e FDNi não foram afetados pelas dietas e os consumos de PB e EE apresentaram comportamento cúbico. Os CD da MS, MO, EE e FDN não foram afetados pelas dietas, enquanto que os de PB e CNF apresentaram comportamento linear decrescente e crescente, respectivamente. A produção e a composição do leite (gordura, proteína, lactose, extratos secos desengordurado e total), quando expressas em kg/dia, apresentaram redução linear para os níveis crescentes de substituição, embora não tenha havido diferenças nos teores (%) de gordura, proteína bruta e extrato seco total. Não houve diferença entre os tratamentos para as eficiências alimentares. Embora os níveis de NUP (mg/dL) e as excreções urinárias de N-total não tenham sido afetados pelas dietas, as excreções urinárias de N-uréia (g/dia e mg/kg PV) apresentaram redução linear com o aumento dos níveis de substituição. A produção e a eficiência microbiana ruminal não foram afetadas pelas dietas. A inclusão do resíduo de feijão em dietas de vacas leiteiras implica em redução no desempenho dos animais, embora não comprometa a eficiência alimentar. / This work was developed based on three experiments. In the first experiment, the objective was to evaluate the replacement of corn starea (CS120) with 120% of proteid equivalent (PE) by common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) residue starea with different levels of PE (CBS120; CBS70 and CBS57), in rations for steers on the following variables: intake, total and partial apparent digestibilities of nutrients, rumen fluid pH and ammonia N-concentration (N-NH 3 ), rumen microbial production and efficiency, plasma N-urea (PUN) and urinary excretions of total N and N-urea. Four steers fistulated in the rumen and in the abomasum, with live weight of 378 kg were randomly assigned in one 4x4 Latin square. 60 experimental days were divided into four 15 days periods. The animals were maintained in individual stalls, where they got total mixed rations that were offered in the level that was excessive in 5%, as in dry matter basis (DM), with forage:concentrate ratio of 60:40. The isonitrogen diets were composed of coast-cross hay (Cynodon dactylon) and concentrates and they were formulated as proposed by NRC (1996). DM, organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), indigestible neutral detergent fiber (iNDF) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) intakes were not affected by the diets. Only ether extract (EE) intake was depressed xiiifor CBS treatments in comparison with reference treatment (CS). Total, rumen and intestinal digestibility coefficients (DC) of DM and all nutrients were not affected, with the exception of NFCDC, that decreased in CBS57. Rumen fluid pH and N-NH 3 were not influenced by diets, even though these variables have been affected by the assessment time after morning feeding and exhibited quarter degree profile. There was no variation in PUN (mg/dL) in function of the diets, but urinary excretions of total N and N-urea (g/day) were smaller for CBS than CS diet. CS treatment caused greater rumen microbial production and efficiency than CBS treatments. The use of stareas obtained from common bean residue does not compromise intake and use of nutrients of the diets by steers. Then, common bean starea appear as an alternative to corn starea. In the second experiment, the objective was to evaluate the replacement of soybean meal by common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) residue in the rations for steers on the same variables studied in the prior experiment. The methodology used here was the same used in the prior experiment, except the middle live weight of 470 kg in the beginning and the diets. Total mixed rations were offered in the level that was excessive in 10%, as in DM, with forage:concentrate ratio of 60:40, that contained 0; 20; 40 and 60% of common bean residue in the concentrate, in substitution of soybean meal. The diets composed of coast-cross hay (Cynodon dactylon) and concentrates were formulated as proposed by NRC (1996). There was a purpose to obtain isonitrogen and with the same level of non-protein nitrogen (NNP) diets. DM, OM, NDF, iNDF and TDN intakes were not affected by the diets. Only CP and EE intakes were linear depressed for increasing levels of common bean residue, while NFC intake presented cubic profile. Total, rumen and intestinal digestibility coefficients (DC) of DM and OM and total DCNDF were not affected by the diets. Total CPDC presented quadratic profile while DC of EE and NFC presented linear decreasing and increasing profiles, respectively. Rumen DC of DM, OM, CP, EE and NFC were not influenced by the diets, and only NDFDC presented quadratic profile. Intestinal EEDC was the unique that decreased with the increasing levels of substitution. There was not difference in rumen fluid pH between treatments, while N-NH 3 presented linear decreasing profile with the increasing levels of substitution. These two variables were affected by the assessment time after morning feeding and exhibited quadratic and quarter degree profiles, respectively. Inspite of the levels of PUN (mg/dL) did not affected by the diets, urinary excretions of total N and N-urea (g/day) presented quadratic profile, with decreasing until the xivlevel of 40% of substitution and posterior increasing. Rumen microbial production and efficiency were not affected by the diets. Although the inclusion of common bean residue until 60% of the concentrate does not depress intakes of DM, there are some modifications in the intake and digestibility of some nutrients, that means there are limitations in the residue use. In the last experiment, the objective was to evaluate the replacement of soybean meal by raw common bean residue in rations for milking cows on the following variables: intakes and total apparent digestibilities of nutrients, milk production and composition, feed efficiency, rumen microbial production and efficiency, PUN, urinary excretions of total N and N-urea. Twelve pure Holstein and crossbred Holstein/Zebu milking cows, with potential yield of 6,000 kg of milk per lactation, were randomly assigned in three 4x4 balanced latin square. 60 experimental days were divided into four 15 days periods. The animals were maintained in individual stalls, where they got ad libitum total mixed rations twice a day with forage:concentrate ratio of 60:40, as in DM, that contained 0; 13; 26 and 39% of raw common bean residue in the concentrate, in substitution of soybean meal. The diets composed of corn silage and concentrates were formulated as proposed by NRC (2001). There was a purpose to obtain isonitrogen and with the same level of NNP diets. DM, OM, NFC and TDN intakes were linear depressed for increasing levels of common bean residue in the concentrate. NDF and iNDF intakes were not affected by the diets and CP and EE intakes presented cubic profile. The digestibility coefficients (DC) of DM, OM, EE and NDF were not affected by the diets while DC of CP and NFC presented linear decreasing and increasing profiles, respectively. Milk production and composition (fat, protein, lactose, non fat and total dry extracts), as expressed in kg/day, presented linear decreasing for the increasing levels of substitution, then though there were not differences in the levels (%) of fat, protein and total dry extract milk. Feed efficiencies were not affected by the diets. Inspite of the levels of PUN (mg/dL) and urinary excretion of total N had not been affected by the diets, urinary excretion of N-urea (g/day and mg/kg LW) presented linear decreasing with the increasing level of substitution. Rumen microbial production and efficiency were not affected by the diets. The inclusion of common bean residue in the diets of milk cows prejudice the performance of the animals, although it does not compromise feed efficiency.

O jovem Pedro Américo entre arte, ciência do belo e um outro nacional / -

Fábio D\'Almeida Lima Maciel 01 August 2016 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à la période de formation du peintre et philosophe brésilien Pedro Américo de Figueiredo e Mello (1843-1905). Nous y étudions les premières oeuvres écrites et picturales de cet artiste, produites à la fin d\'une bourse d\'études à Paris, offerte directement par la Maison de l\'Empereur brésilien. Ces travaux sont La réforme de l\'Ecole des Beaux-Arts et l\'opposition (1863), Considérations Philosophiques sur les Beaux-Arts des Anciens («Considerações Filosóficas sobre as Belas Artes entre os Antigos») (1864), Lettres d\'un plébéien («Cartas de um Plebeu») (1865), et la peinture A Carioca (1863-64). A partir de ces productions, nous discutons la démarche d\'études artistiques et scientifiques poursuivies par Américo à Rio de Janeiro, à Paris et dans d\'autres villes européennes. Nous analysons ses intérêts artistiques et philosophiques, et les relations qu\'il avait directement ou indirectement établies avec des artistes et des politiciens, au Brésil et à l\'étranger. VII L\'hypothèse principale de cette thèse concerne l\'effort de l\'artiste à structurer une théorie artistique et, aussi, un projet politique pour les arts au Brésil. Le premier servira de base permanente à plusieurs d\'autres tout au long de sa carrière. Notre postulat de départ est qu\'il s\'agit d\'une théorie adressée à la réalisation du « Beau idéal », mais dans une perspective comprise comme « moderne »; et d\'un projet axé sur la valorisation sociale de l\'artiste, nourrie par une demande permanente de son apprentissage théorique et philosophique; par l\'expansion « universelle » et obligatoire de l\'enseignement du dessin; et, finalement, par la fondation d\'un art national qui devrait être « blanc », aux yeux d\'Américo, en s\'opposant de cette manière à la représentation de l\'indigène, représentation qui, à partir des années 1860, devenait un symbole important pour les arts plastiques au Brésil. / Esta Tese concentra seu interesse nos anos de formação do pintor e filósofo brasileiro Pedro Américo de Figueiredo e Mello (1843-1905). Toma como objetos principais de reflexão as suas primeiras obras autorais - escritas e pictóricas -, produzidas no fim de sua bolsa de estudos na Europa, especialmente em Paris, concedida diretamente pela Casa Imperial brasileira. São os textos \"La réforme de l\'École des Beaux-Arts et l\'opposition\" (1863), Considerações Filosóficas sobre as Belas Artes entre os Antigos (1864), Cartas de um Plebeu (1865), e a pintura A Carioca (1863-64). A partir dessas produções, discutem-se retrospectivamente os estudos artísticos e científicos realizados por Américo no Rio de Janeiro, em Paris e em outras cidades européias, suas inclinações artísticas e filosóficas, e suas relações com alguns artistas e políticos, no Brasil e no exterior. Apresenta-se como hipótese central o esforço do artista em estruturar uma teoria artística e seu primeiro projeto político endereçado às artes no Brasil, que proverão as bases permanente para várias de suas atuações ao longo da carreira. Defende-se se tratar de uma teoria interessada em revelar o \"Belo ideal\", mas um \"ideal moderno\"; e de um projeto centrado na valorização social do artista por meio de uma demanda permanente de instrução teórica e filosófica; na expansão \"universal\" e obrigatória do ensino do desenho; e na fundação de uma arte nacional que se opusesse - com o aporte das teorias sobre as diferenças entre as \"raças\" humanas - ao indianismo que, nas artes plásticas, ganhava força no país, a partir dos anos 1860.

Návrh a analýza rámu silničního kola z kompozitního materiálu / Design and analysis of the road bike made from composite material

Dvořáková, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the design and analysis of road bike frame made of composite material. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part, there is a research focused on the usage of composite materials in relation to making bike frames. The main emphasis is placed on fiber composites, which are most common in cycling. Manufacturing process and production technology are discussed. The aim of the second part is design and the numerical simulation of frame in relation to stand-ard, which is used for the testing of frames. Rigidity and strength are evaluated. The final frame is obtained from the initial design due to several iterations. In conclusion, results are evaluated and recommendations for future work are given.

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