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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação numérica do comportamento à fratura de um protótipo de vaso de pressão de reator PWR submetido a choque térmico pressurizado / Numerical evaluation of the fracture behavior of a PWR reactor pressure vessel prototype under pressurized thermal shock

Heloisa Maria Santos Oliveira 23 June 2005 (has links)
Nenhuma / No circuito primário de uma usina nuclear do tipo PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor), o refrigerante do reator é mantido a uma temperatura interna por volta de 300 C e pressão interna da ordem de 15,0 MPa, durante operação normal. O Vaso de Pressão do Reator (VPR) contém os elementos combustíveis e é considerado o componente mais importante do circuito primário. A integridade do VPR deve ser assegurada durante toda a vida útil da usina, de forma a proteger os trabalhadores da usina e o público em geral dos danos decorrentes da liberação de material radioativo.Uma das condições de carregamento mais severas que pode ameçar a integridade do VPR é causada por um transitório conhecido como Choque Térmico Pressurizado (PTS - Pressurized Thermal Shock). O VPR estará sujeito a tal condição durante um acidente com perda de refrigerante do núcleo do reator. Em um evento como este, o sistema de refrigeração de emergência do núcleo é ativado, o que provoca a injeção de água fria no interior do VPR e, consequentemente, um súbito resfriamento da parede do vaso. As tensões térmicas, resultantes deste choque térmico, associadas às tensões causadas pela repressurização do sistema, resultam em tensões de tração bastante elevadas, atingindo um valor máximo na superfície interna da parede do vaso. Além disso, a baixa temperatura provoca uma redução na tenacidade à fratura do material. Tal cenário pode levar à propagação de trincas relativamente pequenas através da parede do vaso. Portanto, ferramentas para prever o comportamento de trincas durante um evento de PTS são importantes e necessárias. O tema do presente trabalho se insere neste contexto. Em primeiro lugar, foi feito um estudo das principais questões envolvidas com o problema de PTS em vasos de pressão de reatores PWR. Essas questões dizem respeito ao comportamento à fratura de aços ferríticos na região de transição frágil-dúctil, aos procedimentos de análise de PTS disponíveis em documentos normativos e ao uso de ferramentas de análise numérica para cálculo de distribuição de temperaturas e tensões, e para obtenção de parâmetro de mecânica da fratura representativo da força motriz da trinca. Como principal objetivo do trabalho, foram desenvolvidos modelos de elementos finitos para avaliação do comportamento estrutural de um protótipo de VPR, contendo trincas em sua superfície, utilizado em um experimento de PTS. Procedimentos de mecânica da fratura foram também aplicados para prever eventuais crescimentos de trinca através da espessura da parede do vaso. Resultados das análises numéricas foram comparados com aqueles obtidos com o uso de método simplificado e com medições realizadas no experimento de PTS. / In the primary system of a pressurized water reactor (PWR) nuclear power plant, the reactor coolant is kept at internal temperature around 300 C and internal pressure in the order of 15,0 MPa, during normal operation. The reactor pressure vessel (RPV) contains the fuel assemblies and is considered the most important component of the reactor primary system. The RPV integrity must be assured all along its useful life to protect the general public against radiation liberation damage. One of the most severe load conditions that may threaten the integrity of a RPV is caused by a transient known as pressurized thermal shock (PTS). The RPV may be subjected to such a condition during a loss of coolant accident. In an event like that, the emergency core cooling system is activated, what leads to a sudden cooling of the RPV wall. The thermal stresses due to this thermal shock on the vessel wall, in combination with the pressure stresses from repressurization of the system, results in large tensile stresses, which are maximum at the inside surface of the vessel. In addition, the low temperature causes a decrease in the material fracture toughness. Such a scenario may lead to the propagation of relatively small cracks through the vessel wall. Therefore, analysis tools to predict crack growth behavior during a PTS event are important and necessary. The theme of the present work is connected with this research area. In the first place, the critical issues involved with the PTS problem were reviewed. These issues are related to the fracture behavior of ferritic steels in the ductile-to-brittle transition region, the PTS analysis procedures available in industry codes and standards, and the use of numerical analysis tools for calculation of temperature and stress distribution and for computation of crack driving force parameter. As the main goal, finite element models were developed for the assessment of the structural behavior of a RPV prototype, containing surface cracks, used in a PTS experiment. Fracture mechanics procedures were applied to predict crack growth through the vessel wall. The results of numerical analyses were compared with those obtained with the use of a simplified methodology and measurements from the PTS experiment.

Metodologia de especificação e projeto aplicado a usinas nucleares móveis / Specification and design methodology applied to mobile nuclear power plants

Freire, Luciano Ondir 08 October 2018 (has links)
A importância de métodos de projeto vem crescendo nos últimos anos à medida que sistemas sócio-técnicos complexos se tornam mais numerosos. Além da complexidade, o tamanho e o investimento financeiro destes sistemas amplificam a gravidade dos erros de projeto. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi desenvolver uma metodologia de especificação e projeto que reduza o tempo e energia para desenvolver um sistema complexo cujas funções sejam conhecidas a priori, gerenciando em paralelo os riscos. O objetivo específico foi verificar a viabilidade econômica de usinas nucleares móveis de pequeno porte. Este trabalho adotou como princípio a lei construtal que prevê o sucesso de sistemas que facilitem os fluxos necessários à sua existência. Após a identificação dos fatores chave para facilitar o fluxo de informações, esta tese desenvolveu um conjunto de conceitos para facilitar o trabalho de engenharia. Aplicando tais conceitos, este trabalho desenvolveu sequências de atividades que descrevem o método proposto, sendo cada atividade detalhada por uma lista de requisitos. A demonstração das vantagens do método proposto foi feita por meio de análise de árvore de eventos e árvore de falhas. Usando o método, esta tese desenvolveu especificações e projetos em vários níveis (empresarial, usina, caldeira nuclear, circuito primário e gerador de vapor). Baseando-se em dados da marinha americana, esta tese desenvolveu um modelo de custo para reatores de pequeno porte. Concluiu que a energia nuclear pode ser competitiva se a potência elétrica média efetiva ao longo da vida útil ficar acima de 30MWe e se o tempo de vida útil for igual ou maior do que 60 anos. Tal fato decorre dos altos custos de aquisição que requerem uma vida longa para compensar o investimento e dos efeitos de economia de escala especialmente pronunciados para reatores a água pressurizada. / The importance of design methodologies has been growing in recent years as complex socio-technical systems become more common. In addition to complexity, the size and financial investment of these systems amplifies the severity of design errors. The general goal of this work was to develop a specification and design methodology that reduces the time and energy to develop a complex system whose functions are known a priori, managing the risks in parallel. The specific goal was to verify if small modular reactors could be economically possible. This work adopted as principle the Constructal law, that predicts the success of systems that ease the necessary flows to its existence. After finding the key factors to ease the flow of information, this work developed a set of concepts to ease the engineering work. Applying such concepts, this work developed sequences of activities that describe the proposed methodology. Lists of requirements gave guidance for each activity. Event tree and fault tree analyses showed the advantages of the proposed methodology. Using the methodology, this work developed specifications and designs at many product breakdown levels (enterprise, nuclear power plant, nuclear steam supply system, reactor coolant system and steam generator). Using data from US Navy, this work developed a cost model for small reactors. This work concluded that nuclear power may be competitive if average electrical power extracted during the life is larger than 30 MWe and if life time is superior to 60 years. The first condition is consequence of the high overnight costs of nuclear power. The second is consequence of the strong scale economy effects of pressurized water reactors.

O Protocolo de Kyoto e o mercado de crédito de carbono: estudo de caso das emissões de gases de efeito estufa da fábrica de combustível nuclear pertencente às Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil no ano de 2008 / The Kyoto Protocol and the carbon credit market: case study of emissions of greenhouse gases from nuclear fuel factory belonging to the Nuclear Industries of Brazil in 2008

Olivia Bertoche Gryzagoridis 06 December 2010 (has links)
A presente dissertação discute as questões relacionadas à intensificação das mudanças climáticas por causas antrópicas conforme a evolução no uso dos recursos naturais, inovações nos processos produtivos, transformações econômicas, sociais, culturais, políticas e, especialmente ambientais. Aborda a comercialização dos créditos de carbono através de projetos de Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL), um dos mecanismos de flexibilização criados pelo Protocolo de Kyoto. No contexto de mudanças climáticas, uma matriz energética que utilize fontes de energia que não emitam gases causadores do efeito estufa (GEE) se mostra uma importante estratégia de desenvolvimento sustentável. Sob essa perspectiva, a energia nucleoelétrica é apresentada como uma alternativa viável aos combustíveis fósseis, considerando que esta é uma energia limpa e compatível com a perspectiva de desenvolvimento sustentável. A Fábrica de Combustível Nuclear (FCN), localizada em Resende (Rio de Janeiro), pertencente às Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil (INB), é um conjunto de sofisticadas fábricas nas quais se processam etapas importantes do ciclo do combustível nuclear. Na FCN, o Centro Zoobotânico realiza a gestão das atividades voltadas para a conservação da natureza tais como o Programa de Recuperação de Mata Ciliar, Reflorestamento e Fauna. O Relatório de inventário das emissões diretas e indiretas de GEE da FCN, elaborado pela INB para o ano de 2008, permite a auto-avaliação da empresa, retratando a preocupação corporativa com as questões relativas às mudanças climáticas. Segundo este Relatório, o total de emissões de GEE quantificado corresponde a 12,14% da capacidade total de sequestro de dióxido de carbono, no período de Janeiro a Dezembro de 2008. A proteção de florestas e a plantação de árvores são componentes essenciais de qualquer estratégia global para mitigação da mudança climática, e a participação da INB no mercado de crédito de carbono pode proporcionar externalidades positivas, tais como ganhos de imagem, adequação a padrões ambientais e melhoria do relacionamento com a sociedade. / This dissertation discusses issues related to intensification of climate change by anthropogenic causes for the evolution in use of natural resources, innovations in production processes, economic, social, cultural, political and especially environmental. Approaches marketing of carbon credits through projects of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), one of the flexible mechanisms created by the Kyoto Protocol. In context of climate change, an energy matrix that uses energy sources that do not emit greenhouse gases (GHG) proves an important strategy for sustainable development. From this perspective, the nuclear-electric energy is presented as a viable alternative to fossil fuels, considering that this is a clean energy and compatible with sustainable development perspective. The Nuclear Fuel Factory (FCN), located in Resende (Rio de Janeiro), belonging to the Nuclear Industries of Brazil (INB), is a sophisticated set of factories where important steps of nuclear fuel cycle are processed. In FCN, the Zoobotanical Center performs the management of activities for conservation of natures, as the Recovery Program of Riparian Vegetation, Forestry and Wildlife. The report of inventory of direct and indirect emissions of greenhouse gases from FCN, produced by INB for the year 2008, allows the self-assessment of the company,portraying the corporate preoccupation with issues related to climate change. According to the report, total GHG emissions measured corresponds to 12.14% of the total capacity of sequestration of carbon dioxide in the period January to December 2008. Protecting forests and planting trees are essential components of any comprehensive strategy for mitigating climate change and the share of INB in the carbon credit market can provide positive externalities, such as earnings picture, fitness for environmental standards and improving the relationship with society.

Has the ship really lost her captain? Les politiques électronucléaires britanniques de 1979 à 2015 : le rôle de l’État à l’épreuve des nouveaux modes de gouvernance / Has the Ship Lost her Captain? British Nuclear Power Policies from 1979 to 2015 : the State and New Modes of Governance

Carvalho, Lucie de 30 November 2015 (has links)
Depuis les années 2000, l’équilibre mondial se trouve confronté à deux menaces majeures, le réchauffement climatique et la fin annoncée des ressources en hydrocarbures, préfigurant un changement de paradigme énergétique imminent. Face aux inquiétudes grandissantes concernant l’équilibre des systèmes énergétiques futurs, de nombreux pays ont récemment vu dans l’industrie nucléaire la solution permettant d’allier système de production stable et faible pollution. Depuis 2006, le Royaume-Uni s’est également engagé dans la voie de la renaissance nucléaire. Toutefois, cette transformation soulève de nombreux questionnements pour une industrie qui a, au cours de l’ère néo-libérale des années 1990, subi de nombreuses transformations provoquées par un désengagement progressif de l’Etat à travers des phases de privatisation, d’agencification et de déstructuration. Selon les théories de la gouvernance, ces processus sont les symptômes d’une érosion pérenne et profonde des pouvoirs de l’Etat centralisateur, dont les leviers d’action ont été émoussés et qui ont été vidés de leur substance (hollowed out). Dans la mesure où la renaissance nucléaire britannique est conditionnée par un soutien étatique fort, le cas britannique constitue un exemple de choix afin de tester cette théorie. À travers une mise en perspective historique et selon une approche systémique, cette recherche analyse l’évolution des politiques électronucléaires britanniques de 1979 à 2015. Son objectif sera de démontrer que, depuis la fin des années 2000, la relance du nucléaire a déclenché la réactivation des mécanismes de leadership étatique, malgré la permanence des principes de primauté des marchés et de concurrence vertueuse. Il s’agira alors d’identifier ce nouveau paradigme qui a émergé depuis le milieu des années 2000, au sein des relations entre l’État britannique, la société civile, l’industrie nucléaire nationale et les marchés. Cette nouvelle dynamique se caractérise par des pratiques dorénavant hybrides d’action politique, telles que des formes innovantes de gouvernance technocratique, de néo-corporatisme et de néo-keynésianisme. / Since the turn of the century, the threats of climate change and the future depletion of the world’s oil reserves have triggered mounting concerns over a looming energy crisis, foreshadowing a shift in energy paradigm. Many industrial nations have recently turned to nuclear power as a possible low-carbon and stable means of producing electricity. In 2006 the UK became a new player in this worldwide nuclear renaissance. However, the UK nuclear industry was greatly weakened during the neo-liberal era of the 1990s, when its previously monopolistic structure was dismantled and privatised. According to governance theories, such practices underscore how the State has essentially been hollowed out and has seen its capacity to interfere in policy-making greatly eroded throughout the 1990s. Since new nuclear energy projects rely on strong state support, the British situation offers a case in point to test this governance theory. This research explores how the British nuclear power policies evolved from 1979 to 2015 from a historical and systemic angle. It reveals that, since the end of the 2000s, the UK State has managed to revive some of its leadership instruments, despite its attachment to free market principles. A new paradigm is therefore emerging in the relationship between the State, the citizens, the industrial sector and the electricity markets that can be characterised by new innovative and hybrid decision-making practices, involving forms of technocratic governance, neo-corporatism and neo-Keynesianism.

Sjöingenjör : Möjligheternas Yrke

Wåxberg, Tim, Olsson, Henrik January 2008 (has links)
<p>Kärnkraften ser vi som ett miljövänligt och bra alternativ för framtiden. Därför kändes det intressant att undersöka om vi som blivande sjöingenjörer har en framtid där efter våran karriär till sjöss. Syftet med detta arbete är att få ökad insikt om vilka teoretiska kunskaper, praktiska och personliga egenskaper som gör sjöingenjören attraktiv i ledande befattningar vid kärnkraftsverk. Datainsamlingen skedde med hjälp av en enkätundersökning och en intervju. Undersökningen skickades ut till Sveriges samtliga kärnkraftverk och intervjun gjordes med en anställd på ett utav dem. Detta citat ifrån en av undersökningens respondenter kan sammanfatta vår slutsats. ” Sjöingenjörsprogrammet är en mycket attraktiv utbildning för oss!”. Detta resultat, kan bero på den stora bristen och ointresse från unga att läsa till ingenjörsyrken, samt ingenjörernas höga medelålder och kommande pensionsavgångar.</p> / <p>It is our belief that nuclear power constitutes a future environmentally friendly alternative power source. Based on this conviction, our study was conducted with the principal aim of investigating whether or not a marine engineer would be eligible for employment at a nuclear power plant in Sweden after having ended his sea-going career.</p><p>The primary objective of our investigation was to examine what type of theoretical knowledge that the nuclear industry required. Furthermore, we also wanted to find answers to questions related to such requirements as practical and personal characteristics. Overall, we wanted to find out what personal and educational qualities that were needed to make marine engineers attractive as prospective employees for the nuclear power industry.</p><p>The collection of data was primarily made with the help of a questionnaire, which was sent to all nuclear power plants in Sweden. We also conducted an in-depth interview with one nuclear power plant employee.</p><p>The conclusion of our investigation into this field of possible future employment for a marine engineer can be deduced from the answer given by one of the questionnaire respondents: “The marine engineering programme is a very attractive education for us.”</p><p>The latter answer together with our general conclusions from the questionnaire, substantiate the fact that marine engineers will be plausible candidates for employment at nuclear power plants in the future.</p>

論沉沒成本之攸關性:以核四決策為例 / Does Sunk Cost Matter? A Study of the Decision Making in Lungmen Nuclear Power Plant

鄭錦瑩, Cheng, Ching Ying Unknown Date (has links)
會計學教課書都教學生:決策之作成,應從成本效益出發,至於過去已投入的成本屬沉沒成本,非攸關,不應影響決策,讀者少有質疑,但事實究竟如何?實務上,決策者做決策時,考量之因素甚多,不會只有成本一項,不過教課書多只著重成本一項,這又與事實相左。本研究以「核四決策」為例,探討實務上決策之作成,在諸多因素中沉沒成本是否真的沒攸關性。 核四應否停建,不論在能源、社會政策等層面皆具高度爭議性。本研究結合會計領域與重大公共政策議題,藉支持/反對停建核四之觀點,辨認決策者或旁觀者所在乎之因素,如已投入興建成本、完工程度、預期尚需投入成本、經濟結果,以及核能安全、核電廠可能面臨的風險等,再探討決策者對停建核四的態度是否受沉沒成本或其他因素之影響;以及,決策者的知識背景(會計系、政治系)及政治理念是否影響決策者的上述認知。 本研究透過問卷搜集資料,發現已投入之核四興建成本(即沉沒成本)顯著影響受測者贊成停建與否的態度:當受測者越覺得沉沒成本重要,越傾向反對停建核四,有沉沒成本效果存在。本研究也發現受測者最重視的細項決策因素,為「臺灣若發生類似福島核災之核災損失」。對臺灣而言,日本福島本具時間、地理、文化上的相近性,再加上媒體敘事的渲染力,福島核災創造人民對於核災的公共想像及恐懼。在其他因素中,「非核家園」之理念亦顯著影響核四決策:當受測者越覺得「非核家園」之理念重要,越傾向贊成停建核四。本研究還發現受測者的知識背景影響其對沉沒成本的態度:評估核四決策時,政治系受測者較會計系受測者,易受沉沒成本影響,將沉沒成本視為攸關。再者,政治理念對於受測者贊成停建與否的影響,當受測者對候選人的偏好為江宜樺先生等人,其立場以反對核四停建居多;當受測者對候選人的偏好為蔡英文女士等人,其立場以贊成核四停建居多。 本研究發現臺電的溝通效果不佳,除數據之可靠性待加強外,傳遞的資訊並未針對問題的核心,例如核能安全很受受測者重視,然而臺電於說明核電廠之安全時,使用「複合式災害」來描述福島核災,複合來自地震及海嘯,而事實上福島核災係因海嘯而造成,海嘯因地震而引發;臺灣外海斷層之地理構造使臺灣核電廠區域縱有大地震時,也不會遭遇如福島般的大海嘯。 因此本研究建議臺電和行政機關,應針對核能安全及核能政策,辨認人民容易產生誤解的資訊為何,以正確的用詞精確澄清。此外,非會計背景之決策者,應加強關於沉沒成本的認知;會計背景之決策者,應抱持批判性思考的態度,質疑「沉沒成本不應該影響決策」的理論是否事實上成立。 / There is an undoubted rule always on accounting textbooks, which is, decision making should base on the cost-benefit analysis, as for the investment in the past belongs to sunk cost and is irrelevant to the decision making. However, is this legit? There are so many concerns beyond the cost when decision maker making decision, but most textbooks only focus on the cost, which is different from the turth. This research takes “the decision making in Lungmen nuclear power plant” as a case study, to examine whether sunk cost is truly irrelevant to decision making in reality. The issue that whether construction of Lungmen nuclear power plant should be suspended is highly controversial, no matter in aspect of energy, social policy and so on. First, across accounting and public issues, the researcher collects the viewpoints from pros and cons toward this issue, and identifies decision factors, for examples, the invested construction cost (which means sunk cost here), the degree of project completion, future expected cost, economic results, and nuclear safety, probable risk of nuclear power plant. Second, this research examines whether sunk cost or other factors influence decision makers’ attitude toward the issue. Third, whether knowledge backgrounds (major in accounting or political science) and political ideologies of decision makers influence their cognitions about sunk cost and the issue. By questionnaire survey, the results of this research found: First, sunk cost does influence receivers’ attitude toward the issue: the more important receivers think sunk cost is, the more they against the construction to be suspended; sunk cost effect has been observed. Second, among factors, receivers take Japan’s Fukushima nuclear disaster most serious. We argue that Fukushima nuclear disaster’s timing, geography and Japan’s culture are close to Taiwan, thus the disaster deepen public imagination and fear about the nuclear disaster. Third, the idea of nuclear-free homeland also influences decision making in the issue: the more important receivers think the idea is, the more they support the construction to be suspended. Forth, receivers’ knowledge backgrounds influence their cognitions about sunk cost: compared with receivers major in accounting, receivers major in political science take sunk cost as a relevant factor. Fifth, political ideologies of receivers influence their attitude toward the issue: when receivers vote to Jiang Yi-Huah etc., most of them against the construction to be suspended; when receivers vote to Tsai Ing-Wen etc., most of them support the construction to be suspended. Sixth, Taiwan Power Company doesn’t have effective communication with the public. Not only reliability of its data, but the covey of core information should be improved. For example, it describes Fukushima nuclear disaster as a “compound disaster” including earthquake and tsunami, but actually the disaster happened only due to tsunami caused by earthquake. The geological formation of offshore faults of Taiwan is different to Japan, thus there will be no Fukushima-like tsunami in Taiwan. This research suggest: First, Taiwan Power Company and executive administration should identify the information that public easily misunderstood, especially about nuclear safety and energy policy, and then clarify with proper words. Second, decision makers with non-accounting background should improve their knowledge about sunk cost. Third, decision makers with accounting background should have critical thinking about whether the theory that “sunk cost is irrelevant to decision-making” is found in reality.

Sjöingenjör : Möjligheternas Yrke

Wåxberg, Tim, Olsson, Henrik January 2008 (has links)
Kärnkraften ser vi som ett miljövänligt och bra alternativ för framtiden. Därför kändes det intressant att undersöka om vi som blivande sjöingenjörer har en framtid där efter våran karriär till sjöss. Syftet med detta arbete är att få ökad insikt om vilka teoretiska kunskaper, praktiska och personliga egenskaper som gör sjöingenjören attraktiv i ledande befattningar vid kärnkraftsverk. Datainsamlingen skedde med hjälp av en enkätundersökning och en intervju. Undersökningen skickades ut till Sveriges samtliga kärnkraftverk och intervjun gjordes med en anställd på ett utav dem. Detta citat ifrån en av undersökningens respondenter kan sammanfatta vår slutsats. ” Sjöingenjörsprogrammet är en mycket attraktiv utbildning för oss!”. Detta resultat, kan bero på den stora bristen och ointresse från unga att läsa till ingenjörsyrken, samt ingenjörernas höga medelålder och kommande pensionsavgångar. / It is our belief that nuclear power constitutes a future environmentally friendly alternative power source. Based on this conviction, our study was conducted with the principal aim of investigating whether or not a marine engineer would be eligible for employment at a nuclear power plant in Sweden after having ended his sea-going career. The primary objective of our investigation was to examine what type of theoretical knowledge that the nuclear industry required. Furthermore, we also wanted to find answers to questions related to such requirements as practical and personal characteristics. Overall, we wanted to find out what personal and educational qualities that were needed to make marine engineers attractive as prospective employees for the nuclear power industry. The collection of data was primarily made with the help of a questionnaire, which was sent to all nuclear power plants in Sweden. We also conducted an in-depth interview with one nuclear power plant employee. The conclusion of our investigation into this field of possible future employment for a marine engineer can be deduced from the answer given by one of the questionnaire respondents: “The marine engineering programme is a very attractive education for us.” The latter answer together with our general conclusions from the questionnaire, substantiate the fact that marine engineers will be plausible candidates for employment at nuclear power plants in the future.

Den svenska kärnkraftsdebatten i skuggan av Fukushima : En studie i hur svenska kärnkraftsförespråkare i maktposition använder argumentation och auktoritet / The Swedish nuclear debate in the shadows of Fukushima : a study about how Swedes in position of power with a positive attitude to nuclear power use their argumentation and authority

Agnemar, Lina January 2012 (has links)
Aim: The nuclear accident in Fukushima, Japan, raised global criticism against nuclear power. In Sweden, the criticism has not been very visible and the government now allows a renewal of the nuclear power plants. The purpose with the study is to have a closer look on how Swedes in position of power motivate their positive attitude to nuclear power and how they conduct themselves to each other and to their opponents. The rhetorical perspective will be in focus for the analysing. Method: Four different artifacts represented by Swedes in position of power having a positiveattitude to nuclear power were chosen. Three rhetorical theories (the rhetorical arena, stasis andethos, pathos and logos) were used with the research question in focus. Result &amp; Conclusions: The analyses resulted in conclusions about the strategies used by the participants such as: the importance of contexts, meaning for example that the greenhouse effect legitimizes nuclear power as a source of energy with important benefits. Redefining the meaning of key words such as “environment friendly”. Using authority, emotions and knowledge as a way to persuade. Suggestions for future research: It would be interesting to go further with the fundamental values and ideologies which seem to have an important role in the Swedish nuclear power debate. Contribution of the thesis: This study has hopefully brought new light on the nuclear power debate and can be a contribution to a broader understanding how to bring more nuance and transparency to it.

The Effects of Nuclear Radiation on Aging Reinforced Concrete Structures in Nuclear Power Plants

Mirhosseini, SomayehSadat January 2010 (has links)
In this thesis we look at one of the aging mechanisms that may have affected current aged Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs). Irradiation as an age-related degradation mechanism is studied for Reinforced Concrete (RC) in NPPs. This problem can be important for aged reactor buildings, radwaste buildings, spent nuclear fuel, research reactors, or accelerators that experience high levels of radiation close to existing thresholds. Mechanical properties of concrete are the most important parameters affected by radiation in NPPs. Compressive strength of concrete is reduced between 80 and 35 \% for radiation fluences between $2\times 10^{19}$ and $2\times 10^{21} n/cm^2$. Tensile strength reduction is more significant than compressive strength. It is reduced between 20 and 80 \% for a radiation fluence equal to $5\times 10^{19}$. We chose three radiation levels $2\times 10^{19}$, $2\times 10^{20}$, $2\times 10^{20}$ based on experimental results as the critical levels of radiation that RC structures in NPPs may be exposed to. Structures susceptible to the problem are mostly RC walls; so the RC panel is chosen as an appropriate representative scale element for the analysis. The effect of radiation on mechanical properties of concrete is considered to analyze degraded scale elements. Material properties, geometry, and loading scenarios of scale elements are selected to be close to actual quantities in existing nuclear power plant. Elements are analyzed under six types of loading combination of shear and axial loading conditions. A nonlinear finite element program, Membrane-2000, based on the Modified Compression Field Theory (MCFT) is used to solve scale elements numerically. Element behaviors are studied considering the factors influence ultimate strength capacity, failure mode, and structural ductility index of members. The results show that ultimate shear capacity of the elements subjected to combinations of shear and tension loading are reduced significantly for highly reinforced elements ($1.35<\rho<1.88$) in $2\times 10^{21} n/cm^2$ radiation. RC panels under shear-biaxial and uniaxial compression also show significant strength capacity reduction in radiation levels $2\times 10^{20} n/cm^2$ and $2\times 10^{21} n/cm^2$, respectively. Failure modes of the elements change from yielding of steel to shear failure by increasing level of degradation for the elements with reinforcement ratio between 0.9 and 1.88. Ductility of the RC panels is reduced significantly in the critical levels of radiation. Ductility of the elements became less than the allowable ductility value by increasing level of radiation.

Mathematical Modeling For Energy Policy Analysis

Kat, Bora 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
As is now generally accepted, climate change and environmental degradation has largely been triggered by carbon emissions and energy modeling for policy analysis has therefore attained renewed urgency. It is important for governments to satisfy emission targets and timetables set down by international agreements without disregarding macroeconomic concerns and restrictions. In this study, we present a large-scale nonlinear optimization model that allows the analysis of macroeconomic and multi-sectoral energy policies in respect of technological and environmental options and scenarios. The model consists of a detailed representation of energy activities and disaggregates the rest of the economy into five main sectors. Economy-wide solutions are obtained by computing a utility maximizing aggregate consumption bundle on the part of a representative household. Intersectoral and foreign transaction balances are maintained using a modified accounting matrix. The model also computes the impact on macroeconomic variables of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission strategies and abatement schemes. As such the model is capable of producing solutions that can be used to benchmark regulatory instruments and policies. Several scenarios are presented for the case of Turkey in which the impact of a nuclear power programme and power generation coupled with carbon-capture-and-storage schemes are investigated as well as setting quotas on total and sectoral GHG emissions.

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