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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Combinatorial optimization and application to DNA sequence analysis

Gupta, Kapil 25 August 2008 (has links)
With recent and continuing advances in bioinformatics, the volume of sequence data has increased tremendously. Along with this increase, there is a growing need to develop efficient algorithms to process such data in order to make useful and important discoveries. Careful analysis of genomic data will benefit science and society in numerous ways, including the understanding of protein sequence functions, early detection of diseases, and finding evolutionary relationships that exist among various organisms. Most sequence analysis problems arising from computational genomics and evolutionary biology fall into the class of NP-complete problems. Advances in exact and approximate algorithms to address these problems are critical. In this thesis, we investigate a novel graph theoretical model that deals with fundamental evolutionary problems. The model allows incorporation of the evolutionary operations ``insertion', ``deletion', and ``substitution', and various parameters such as relative distances and weights. By varying appropriate parameters and weights within the model, several important combinatorial problems can be represented, including the weighted supersequence, weighted superstring, and weighted longest common sequence problems. Consequently, our model provides a general computational framework for solving a wide variety of important and difficult biological sequencing problems, including the multiple sequence alignment problem, and the problem of finding an evolutionary ancestor of multiple sequences. In this thesis, we develop large scale combinatorial optimization techniques to solve our graph theoretical model. In particular, we formulate the problem as two distinct but related models: constrained network flow problem and weighted node packing problem. The integer programming models are solved in a branch and bound setting using simultaneous column and row generation. The methodology developed will also be useful to solve large scale integer programming problems arising in other areas such as transportation and logistics.

Spider dragline silk : molecular properties and recombinant expression /

Rising, Anna, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Expressão gênica de Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri colonizando laranja doce 'pêra rio' (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) e lima ácida 'galego' (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) /

Lopes, Aline Cristina. January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Jesus Aparecido Ferro / Coorientador: Roberto Hirochi Herai / Coorientador: Juliana da Silva Vantini / Banca: José Belasque Júnior / Banca: Priscila Lupino gatão / Resumo: A citricultura é uma das principais atividades do agronegócio brasileiro. Entretanto, inúmeras pragas e doenças atacam os citros, causando grandes prejuízos econômicos. O cancro cítrico, causado pela bactéria Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xac), é um grave problema para o setor, não havendo ainda um método eficaz para o seu controle. Neste estudo, utilizando RNASeq, foram analisados os perfis transcricionais de Xac inoculada em duas espécies de citros contrastantes à doença: laranja doce 'Pêra Rio' (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck), menos suscetível e lima ácida 'Galego' (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle), altamente suscetível, às 48 e 72 horas após a infecção (hai), com o objetivo de identificar genes de Xac envolvidos no processo de infecção. Foram identificados 80 genes de Xac diferencialmente expressos (GDEs) no hospedeiro laranja doce 'Pêra Rio', sendo 41 e 39 nos tempos de 48 e 72 hai, respectivamente. Em lima ácida 'Galego' foram identificados 82 GDEs, sendo 40 no tempo de 48 hai e 42 em 72 hai. Alguns destes genes diferencialmente expressos foram avaliados pela técnica de PCR quantitativa em tempo real, sendo estes hpa1, hrpE, hrpW, virK, ahpC, katE, katG, cydA e cydB, os quais estão envolvidos na patogenicidade e virulência, na defesa ao estresse oxidativo e na fosforilação oxidativa. Os genes de patogenicidade e virulência foram induzidos em Xac em ambos os hospedeiros, enquanto que os genes relacionados à cadeia respiratória foram inibidos em ambos os hospedeiros, com maior ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The citrus industry is one of the main activities of Brazilian agribusiness. However, many pests and diseases attack citrus, causing great economic losses. The citrus canker, caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xac), is a major problem for the sector, there is not yet an effective method for its control. In this study, the transcriptional profiles of Xac inoculated in two species of contrasting citrus disease were analyzed using RNA-Seq : sweet orange 'Pêra Rio' (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck), moderately tolerant and Mexican Lime 'Galego' (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) highly susceptible at 48 and 72 hours after infection (hai) aiming to identify Xac genes involved in the infection process. We identified 80 Xac differentially expressed genes (DGE) in sweet orange 'Pera Rio', 41 and 39 at 48 and 72 hai, respectively. In Mexican Lime 'Galego' 82 DGE were identified, 40 at 48 and 42 at 72 hai. Some of these differentially expressed genes were evaluated by real time quantitative PCR : hpa1, hrpE, hrpW, Virk, ahpC, KatE, katG, cyda and cydB, which are involved in pathogenicity and virulence, oxidative stress defense and oxidative phosphorylation. The pathogenicity and virulence genes were induced in Xac in both hosts, whereas the respiratory chain-related genes were inhibited in both hosts with greater inhibition in Mexican lime 'Galego'. However, genes related to oxidative stress showed a higher expression profile in Xac interaction with sweet orange 'Pera Rio' than with Mexica... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Diagnostico e variaveis associadas a ocorrencia de candidemia em pacientes internados no Hospital de Clinicas da UNICAMP / Diagnosis and variables associated with the development of candidemia in hight risk patients hospitalized of the University Hospital UNICAMP

Oliveira, Maria Sileuda Moreira de 15 September 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Luiza Moretti / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-05T08:46:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Oliveira_MariaSileudaMoreirade_D.pdf: 898114 bytes, checksum: f78729283b9082f15ea5bb30829a113b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: O diagnóstico da candidemia é importante para a imediata iniciação da terapia antifúngica. Duzentos e vinte e cinco pacientes com pelo menos 15 dias de internação em unidades de alto risco do Hospital de Clínicas da UNICAMP foram acompanhados prospectivamente durante o período de novembro de 2000 a dezembro de 2002. Hemoculturas positivas para Candida foram consideradas como padrão ouro no diagnóstico da candidemia. Foi realizado o teste da Reação de Polimerização em Cadeia ¿ PCR, utilizando-se o sangue total dos pacientes e os resultados obtidos com o teste de PCR foram comparados com os resultados do teste de hemocultura, realizada rotineiramente na detecção da candidemia através do sistema automatizado BactAlert®. O DNA foi extraído e amplificado com o uso do par de iniciadores ITS4 e ITS5 e os produtos de PCR foram seqüenciados para a identificação das espécies de Candida. As variáveis associadas com o desenvolvimento da candidemia diagnosticada por hemocultura também foram avaliadas nos pacientes. A taxa de mortalidade geral do estudo foi de 26,2% e a mortalidade entre os pacientes com candidemia e sem candidemia foi de 41,9% e 22,5% respectivamente (p=0,009). A sensibilidade e a especificidade do teste de PCR foi de 72,1% e 91,2% respectivamente. Os valores preditivos positivos e negativos foram de 65,9% e 93,2% respectivamente. A regressão logística da análise multivariada mostrou que o uso de nutrição parenteral (p<0,0001), sonda vesical de demora (p=0,0177), quimioterapia (p=0,0246) e corticóides (p=0,0283) foram as variá veis significativas associadas com o desenvolvimento da candidemia. A técnica de PCR seguida do sequenciamento do DNA foi uma ferramenta útil no diagnóstico da candidemia / Abstract: The diagnosis of candidemia is important for prompt initiation of antifungal therapy. Two hundred and twenty-five patients with high risk for candidemia who had blood cultures drawn and were hospitalized more than 15 days were prospectively followed-up in a two-year period. Whole-blood cultures by automated BactAlert® system and PCR were used to detect candidemia in all patients hospitalized for more than 15 days in high-risk areas. DNA was extracted and amplified using ITS5 and ITS4 base pair primers and the PCR products were sequenced for identification of Candida spp. Positive blood culture for Candida was considered the gold standard for candidemia diagnosis. Variables associated with the development of candidemia diagnosed by positive blood culture were also evaluated in the patients. The overall mortality of the patients was 26.1% and the mortality rate in candidemic and non-candidemic patients was 41.9% and 22.5%, respectively (p=0.009). PCR sensitivity and specificity were 72.1% and 91.2%, respectively. Positive and negative predictive values were 65.9% and 93.2%, respectively. The logistic regression of the multivariate analysis showed that parenteral nutrition (p<.0001); urinary underlying catheter (p=0.0177), chemotherapy (p=0.0246) and steroids (p=0.0283) were significant variables associated with the development of candidemia. The PCR technique followed by DNA sequencing was a helpful tool, in candidemia diagnosis / Doutorado / Microbiologia / Doutor em Genetica e Biologia Molecular

Uma abordagem para detecção e remoção de artefatos em sequencias ESTs / An approach to detect and remove artifacts in EST sequences

Baudet, Christian 12 January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Zanoni Dias / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T07:27:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Baudet_Christian_M.pdf: 13612079 bytes, checksum: 648d18039dc13dcd5a2f422cc7863666 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: O sequenciamento de ESTs (Expressed Sequence Tag) [2] e uma tecnica que trabalha com bibliotecas de cDNAs tendo como objetivo a obtençao de uma boa aproximaçao para o ?ndice genico, que e a listagem de genes existentes no genoma do organismo estudado. Antes da serem analisadas, as sequencias obtidas do sequenciamento dos ESTs devem ser processadas para eliminaçao de artefatos. Artefatos sao trechos que nao pertencem ao organismo ou que possuem baixa qualidade ou baixa complexidade. Trechos de vetores, adaptadores e caudas poli-A podem ser citados como exemplos de artefatos. A eliminaçao dos artefatos deve ser feita para que a an'alise das sequencias produzidas no projeto nao seja prejudicada por estes ?ru?dos?. Por exemplo, artefatos presentes em sequencias freq¨uentemente produzem erros em processos de clusterizaçao, pois eles podem determinar se sequencias serao unidas em um mesmo cluster ou separadas em clusters diferentes. Observando a importancia da realizaçao de um bom processo de limpeza das sequencias, o trabalho desenvolvido nesta dissertaçao teve como principal objetivo a obtençao de um conjunto eficiente de procedimentos de detecçao e remoçao de artefatos. Este conjunto foi produzido a partir de uma nova estrategia de deteçao de artefatos. Normalmente, cada projeto de seq¨uenciamento possui seu proprio conjunto de procedimentos dividido em varias etapas. Estas etapas sao, em geral, ligadas entre si e o resultado de uma pode influenciar o resultado de outra. A nossa estrategia visa a realizaçao destas etapas de forma totalmente independente. Alem da avaliaçao desta nova estrategia, o trabalho tambem realizou um estudo mais detalhado sobre dois tipos de artefatos: baixa qualidade e derrapagem. Para cada um deles, algoritmos foram propostos e validados atraves de testes com conjuntos de seq¨u?encias produzidas em projetos reais de sequenciamento. O conjunto final de procedimentos, baseado nos estudos desenvolvidos durante a escrita deste texto, foi testado com as sequencias do projeto SUCEST [100, 103, 113] e mostrou bons resultados. O clustering produzido com as sequencias processadas por nossos metodos apresentou melhores consistencia interna e externa e menores taxas de redundancia quando comparado ao clustering original do projeto / Abstract: Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) Sequencing [2] is one technique that works with cDNA libraries. It aims to achieve a good approximation for the gene index of an organism. Before analyzing the sequences obtained by sequencing ESTs, they must be processed for artifact removal. An artifact is a sequence that does not belong to the studied organism or that has low quality or low complexity. As example of artifacts, we have adapters, poly- A tails, vectors, etc. Artifacts removal must be performed because their presence can produce ?noises? in the sequencing project data analysis. For example, artifact can join two sequences in a same cluster inappropriately or separate them in two different clusters when they should be put together. Motivated by the sequence cleaning process importance, our main objective in this work was to develop an efficient set of procedures to detect and to remove sequence artifacts. Usually, each EST sequencing project has its own procedure set divided in many steps. These steps are, in general, linked and the result of one given step might influence the result of the next one. Our strategy was to perform each step independently assuring that any execution order of those steps would lead to the same result. Additionally to the new strategy evaluation, this work also studied detailedly two type of artifacts: low quality and slippage. For each one, algorithms were proposed and validated through tests with sequences of real sequencing projects. The final set of procedure, developed in this work, was evaluated using the sequences of the SUCEST project [100, 103, 113] and produced good results. The resulting clustering from our method has better external and internal consistency and lower redundacy rate than those produced by the SUCEST project clustering / Mestrado / Ciência da Computação / Mestre em Ciência da Computação

Estratégia para investigação molecular de epilepsia com identificação de genes relacionados a formas de polimicrogiria = Strategy of molecular investigation on epilepsy with the identification of genes related to poymicrogyrias / Strategy of molecular investigation on epilepsy with the identification of genes related to poymicrogyrias

Tsuneda, Simone Sayuri, 1974- 21 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Iscia Teresinha Lopes Cendes, Fábio Rossi Torres / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T06:16:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tsuneda_SimoneSayuri_D.pdf: 5548129 bytes, checksum: b0213ba3907f298ca16dddb2df837b62 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: A polimicrogiria (PMG) é uma malformação do córtex cerebral causada por falhas no seu desenvolvimento, caracterizando-se por um número excessivo de pequenos giros e laminação anormal, dando à superfície cortical uma aparência irregular e grosseira. A gravidade de suas manifestações clínicas se relaciona diretamente com a extensão da malformação e das regiões cerebrais afetadas, sendo que a presença de lesões bilaterais ou unilaterais extensas indica um pior prognóstico. Uma das síndromes de polimicrogiria mais frequentes e, consequentemente, mais bem descritas clinicamente, é a polimicrogiria perisylviana bilateral (PPB). Essa forma de polimicrogiria atinge a região que tange a fenda Sylviana, podendo apresentar-se tanto unilateralmente quanto em ambos os hemisférios. O padrão de herança da PPB foi descrito inicialmente como ligada ao cromossomo X por Borgatti et al. em 1999. Já em 2000, Guerreiro et al. confirmaram o padrão de herança consistente com herança ligada ao cromossomo X, mas ainda nenhum gene havia sido identificado como responsável pelo distúrbio. Nosso grupo recentemente mapeou uma nova região candidata para a PPB em Xq27.1-q27.3, e esta tese se propôs a avaliar essa região através da técnica de sequenciamento em larga escala aliada à tecnologia de captura para o cromossomo X. Os resultados apontaram como potenciais patogênicos os genes MAGEC1, UBE2NL, além da região do gene SPANXC, todos localizados na região candidata, mas uma avaliação mais detalhada levantou a hipótese de uma relação complexa entre as alterações encontradas no gene MAGEC1 e o quadro clínico dos pacientes. Além da análise da região Xq27.1-q27.3, considerando o grande número de genes de microtúbulo que tem sido relacionado a malformações do córtex cerebral, esse trabalho também avaliou pacientes esporádicos e famílias com histórico de PPB realizando triagem de mutações nas regiões codificantes dos genes AFF2, SLITRK2 e SLITRK4, localizados na região candidata, nos genes de microtúbulo TUBA1A, TUBB2B e TUBA8, além dos genes SRPX2 e WDR62, presentes em trabalhos na literatura de malformações corticais. A triagem foi realizada utilizando as técnicas de DHPLC e de sequenciamento utilizando a técnica de Sanger por eletroforese capilar. Foi encontrada uma alteração potencialmente patogênica no gene AFF2. As alterações identificadas neste estudo que resultam em troca de aminoácidos foram avaliadas utilizando as ferramentas in silico MutPred, SNPs&GO, Polyphen 2, Panther e SIFT, de forma a fornecer mais informações a respeito de seu potencial patogênico. Além disso, as variantes inéditas identificadas nesse trabalho foram estudadas em uma amostra de indivíduos normais (grupo controle). Com esses dados foi possível sugerir que algumas dessas variantes encontradas possuem potencial patogênico que deve ser futuramente investigado através de estudos funcionais / Abstract: Polimicrogyria (PMG) is a cortical malformation caused by failures during the brain cortex development process and is characterized by an excessive number of small gyri, resulting in an irregular cortical surface. The severity of its clinical manifestations is directly related to the extension of the tissue abnormalities. Bilateral Perisylvian Polimicrogyria (BPP) is the most comum and, consequently, a very well described syndrome that affects the cortex surrounding the Sylvian fissures in both hemispheres. The genetic pattern for BPP was initially described by Borgatti et al. as an X-linked pattern, confirmed by Guerreiro et al. in 2000, but with no specific gene identified. We have recently described a candidate site for BPP at the Xq27.1-27.3 region and, in this project, we proposed to evaluate this site through next generation sequencing technology combined with capture technology. Our results suggest that MAGEC1 and UBE2NL genes, or the SPANXC gene area might be related to the pathogeny in this case, however a further analysis brought up the hypothesis of a complex relation between the MAGEC1 mutations and the clinical manifestations in each different patient. Considering recurrent description of relations between microtubule genes and cortex malformations, we also performed the evaluation of exon regions of eight selected genes from sporadic patients and BPP families through DHPLC and sequencing. The analysis focused on AFF2, SLITRK2 and SLITRK4 genes, located at the identified site, microtubule genes TUBA1A, TUBB2B and TUBA8, and SRPX2 and WDR62 genes, also related to cortical malformations. As a result from this screening, we identified a potentially pathogenic mutation in gene AFF2. All non-synonymous SNPs were evaluated using the in silico tools MutPred, SNPs&GO, Polyphen 2, Panther and SIFT, providing further insights for their analysis. A control group of individuals was analyzed for the presence of the non-described SNPs. These data suggest a pathogenic potential for these genetic alterations that must be investigated through function studies / Doutorado / Fisiopatologia Médica / Doutora em Ciências

Identification of SARS-CoV-2 Polymerase and Exonuclease Inhibitors and Novel Methods for Single-Color Fluorescent DNA Sequencing by Synthesis

Wang, Xuanting January 2021 (has links)
This dissertation is divided into two main sections describing major portions of my Ph.D. research: (1) development of two enzymatic assays for identifying inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) and the associated proofreading exonuclease complexes, two key enzymatic activities of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic and (2) the design and implementation of four novel single-color fluorescent DNA sequencing by synthesis (SBS) methods, including the synthesis of many of the key nucleotide analogues required for these studies. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the first part of my research is focused on the discovery of potential therapeutics for combating coronavirus infections. Chapter 1 describes the identification of several polymerase and exonuclease inhibitors for SARS-CoV-2 using novel mass spectrometry-based molecular assays. SARS-CoV-2 has an exonuclease complex, which removes nucleotide inhibitors such as Remdesivir that are incorporated into the viral RNA during replication, reducing the efficacy of these drugs for treating COVID-19. Combinations of inhibitors of both the viral RdRp and the exonuclease could overcome this deficiency. Chapter 1 reports the identification of hepatitis C virus NS5A inhibitors Pibrentasvir and Ombitasvir as SARS-CoV-2 exonuclease inhibitors. In the presence of identified exonuclease inhibitors, RNAs terminated with the active forms of the prodrugs like Sofosbuvir, Remdesivir and Favipiravir were largely protected from excision by the exonuclease, while in the absence of exonuclease inhibitors, there was rapid excision. Viral cell culture studies also demonstrate significant synergy using this combination strategy. This study supports the use of combination drugs that inhibit both the SARS-CoV-2 polymerase and exonuclease for effective COVID-19 treatment. Chapters 2-6 describe the single-color DNA SBS studies. Chapter 2 provides essential background on the structure of DNA, the DNA polymerase reaction, and several key DNA sequencing technologies, with an emphasis on the design of nucleotide analogues for the DNA SBS approach. Chapter 3 delineates a one-color fluorescent DNA SBS method based on a set of nucleotide reversible terminators (NRTs) comprising two orthogonal cleavable linkers, one fluorescent dye and one anchor. Chapter 4 describes a one-color hybrid DNA sequencing approach using a set of dideoxynucleotide analogues bearing two orthogonal cleavable linkers, one fluorophore and one anchor as well as a set of unlabeled NRTs. By introducing a pH responsive fluorophore into the design of nucleotide analogues, Chapter 5 demonstrates a novel type of single-color DNA SBS method using a set of NRTs comprising one pH-responsive fluorescent dye or one non-responsive fluorescent dye tethered with one cleavable linker. Chapter 6 presents another option for the single-color DNA sequencing technique using a set of deoxynucleotide analogues comprising the above pH responsive or non-responsive dyes tethered with a cleavable linker, along with a set of unlabeled NRTs. The one-color SBS approaches have the potential for higher sensitivity, miniaturization and cost effectiveness compared with four-color SBS methods. Finally, Chapter 7 summarizes the SARS-CoV-2 antiviral drug discovery and one-color sequencing techniques and discusses potential follow-up research on these projects.

Functional Genetic Screening in the Human DNA Damage Response: Genetic Interactions and Nucleotide Variants

Hayward, Samuel Bryant January 2024 (has links)
The ability to generate multiplexed genomic modifications using CRISPR-based gene editing has fundamentally changed the scope of possible reverse genetic screening approaches that can be executed in human cells. A diversity of Cas effector proteins lies at the center of pooled CRISPR screens. Working in unison with targeting gRNAs, CRISPR-Cas effector complexes can produce a range of alterations at user specified genomic sites. The type of alteration, ranging from double-strand break (DSB) formation to precise single nucleotide substitutions, is dictated by the Cas protein. Initially, pooled CRISPR screens were conducted using the Cas9 endonuclease to generate loss of function mutations in single genes through the formation of DSBs. As CRISPR technologies matured, the discovery and engineering of novel Cas proteins has allowed for increasingly complex sets of genomic alterations to be studied in a high-throughput manner. In Chapter 1, I introduce a variety of CRISPR-based functional genomic technologies that have been used in high-throughput screening approaches. Here, I also describe discoveries that have been made in the human DNA damage response (DDR) using these approaches. In Chapter 2, I present my work using Cas12a to interrogate the genetic interaction landscape of the DDR. This work leverages the ability of Cas12a to generate several DSBs from a single gRNA array to investigate ~27,000 genetic interactions between 233 DDR genes. In these screens, novel synthetic lethal interactions were identified, with three sets of synthetic lethal interactions between gene complexes being highlighted. In Chapter 3, I present a published manuscript that demonstrates the utility of precision base editing screens. This study uses BE3-dependent base editing to induce mutational tiling of 86 human DDR genes and analyze the effects of these mutations in response to DNA damaging agents. In total, the work presented here highlights the utility of novel CRISPR screening platforms through the interrogation of the human DDR.

Molecularly Distinct Sympathetic Populations Control Brown Adipose Tissue Functions

Neri, Daniele January 2024 (has links)
Brown adipose tissue (BAT) serves as a crucial thermogenic organ, extracting glucose and lipids from circulation to generate heat. Enhancing BAT activity holds potential as a therapy for treating metabolic diseases, such as obesity and diabetes. The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is the main regulator of BAT activity by increasing extraction and oxidation of substrates. However, the SNS role in metabolic disorders is complex. In obesity, there is increased sympathetic tone, yet reduced BAT responsiveness. Furthermore, increasing systemic sympathetic tone in individuals already at heightened cardiovascular risk leads to adverse complications, as demonstrated by recent clinical trials. As a result, BAT’s impact on overall health in humans has been challenged in recent years, largely due to the lack of methods to selectively activate BAT without affecting other organs. Here, I used chemogenetics and retrograde viral injections in the interscapular BAT (iBAT) of mice to selectively activate only the neurons projecting to this tissue. Targeted activation of BAT did increase thermogenesis and improved glucose homeostasis. Leveraging on the single-cell RNA sequencing from our laboratory, we identified two sympathetic populations innervating iBAT: one primarily targets the small arterioles, while the other innervates the parenchyma. These populations mediate non-overlapping sympathetic-functions in iBAT: activating only the vascular projecting neurons lowers blood glucose without affecting thermogenesis, while activating the other population results in increased energy expenditure, local thermogenesis, and blood flow, with no effect on glycemia. The findings from this work could pave the way to the development of targeted strategies against metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia, highlighting the potential of selectively activating specific SNS components to normalize blood glucose levels.

Caracterização de um novo Potyvirus causador de mosaico foliar e variegação floral em Catharanthus roseus / Partial characterization of a Potyvirus causing mosaic and flower variegation in Catharanthus roseus

Maciel, Scheila da Conceição 03 August 2007 (has links)
A vinca (Catharanthus roseus) é uma planta perene, arbustiva, pertencente à família Apocinaceae, cujas folhas e raízes possuem propriedades medicinais. A presença de sintoma de mosaico e deformação foliar em plantas dessa espécie, associados com a presença de partículas alongadas e flexuosas, característica de vírus pertencentes ao gênero Potyvirus, conduziu a estudos complementares para a identificação e caracterização desse vírus. No estudo da gama parcial de hospedeiras foram testadas 28 espécies, envolvendo oito famílias botânicas. Catharanthus roseus e Nicotiana benthamiana apresentaram sintomas de mosaico foliar e Chenopodium amaranticolor e C. quinoa apresentaram lesões locais cloróticas nas folhas inoculadas. A transmissão do vírus com afídeos foi avaliada com as espécies Aphis gossypii, Myzus nicotianae e Toxoptera citricidus. Apenas Aphis gossypii e Myzus nicotianae transmitiram o vírus. O antissoro policlonal produzido contra este potyvirus reagiu com o vírus homólogo e com o Passionfruit woodiness virus (PWV) e Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CABMV), mas não com o Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV), Papaya ringspot virus - type W (PRSV-W), Potato virus Y (PVY) e Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV). O peso molecular da proteína capsidial (CP) foi de aproximadamente 34 kDa. A reação de PCR realizada com os oligonucleotídeos universais de potyvirus e oligonucleotídeos específicos posteriomente confeccionados amplificaram três fragmentos de aproximadamente 0,8, 1,0 e 1,4 Kb, os quais após o seqüênciamento geraram um fragmento de 1654 nucleotídeos (nt) da região 3' terminal do genoma, que inclui parte do gene da replicase viral (Nib), a região codificadora completa do gene da proteína capsidial (CP), seguida de 286 nt da região 3' não traduzida (3'NTR). A identidade da seqüência de nucleotídeos do gene da CP variou de 67,0 a 76,0%, quando comparada com as de outros membros da família Potyviridae. A maior identidade foi com o Omphalodes virus Y (76,0%). A identidade dos aminoácidos deduzidos da proteína capsidial variou de 62,0 a 71,0%, sendo a maior com East Asian Passiflora virus (71%). Para a região não traduzida (3'NTR) a identidade variou de 16,8 a 28,6%. Em conjunto esses dados indicam que este vírus é uma nova espécie dentro do gênero Potyvirus, para o qual se propõe o nome de Vírus do mosaico do Catharanthus (Catharanthus mosaic virus - CatMV). / Catharanthus roseus is known as the common periwinkle or Madagascar periwinkle. It is a perennial, evergreen herb in the family Apocynaceae, which was originally native to the island of Madagascar, although both name and classification are contradictory in some literature. The plants grow up to 80 cm high; have glossy, dark green leaves and bloom during summer. The flowers range from white to hot pink to purple. The species has historically been used in popular medicine to treat a wide assortment of human diseases, as it contains more than 150 useful alkaloids. Plants of C. roseus exhibiting mosaic symptoms followed by malformation of the leaf blades and flower variegation were collected from a garden at the University of São Paulo, School of Agriculture (Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil). Preliminary electron microscopy exams of negatively stained leaf sap revealed that the symptoms were associated with potyvirus-like particles. The objective of the present work was to obtain further biological, immunological and molecular data to better characterize this species of the genus Potyvirus, family Potyviridae. Of 28 plant species from eight botanical families inoculated mechanically with this potyvirus, only C. roseus and Nicotiana benthamiana developed systemic mosaic, whereas Chenopodium amaranticolor and C. quinoa exhibited only chlorotic local lesions. The virus was transmitted by Aphis gossypii and Myzus nicotianae, but not by Toxoptera citricidus. Polyclonal antiserum raised against this potyvirus reacted with the homologous virus, Passion fruit woodiness virus (PWV) and Cowpea aphid borne mosaic virus (CABMV) in PTA-ELISA. The molecular mass of the coat protein (CP) was approximately 34 kDa. RT-PCR from viral RNA amplified a fragment of approximately 1654 nucleotides (nt) at the 3'-terminal of the viral genome, containing portion of the replicase gene (Nib), the entire CP gene and the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) (286 nt). When the nucleotide sequence of the CP gene was compared with other members of the Potyviridae family, identities varied from 67.0 to 76.0%. The highest identity was with Omphalodes virus Y. Identity of the deduced amino acid of the CP varied from 62.0 to 71.0%, with the highest for East Asian Passiflora virus. For the 3' UTR, identities varied from 16.8 to 28.6%. The name Catharanthus mosaic virus (CatMV) is proposed for this new potyvirus.

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