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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamics of Barred Galaxies in Triaxial Dark Matter Haloes / Dinâmica de galáxias barradas em halos triaxiais de matéria escura

Machado, Rubens Eduardo Garcia 05 October 2010 (has links)
Cosmological N-body simulations indicate that the dark matter haloes of galaxies should be generally triaxial. Yet, the presence of a baryonic disc is believed to modify the shape of the haloes. The goal of this thesis is to study how bar formation is affected by halo triaxiality and how, in turn, the presence of the bar influences the shape of the halo. We performed a series of collisionless and hydrodynamical numerical simulations, using elliptical discs as initial conditions. Triaxial halos tend to become more spherical and we show that part of the circularisation of the halo is due to disc growth, but part must be attributed to the formation of a bar. We find that the presence of gas in the disc is a more efficient factor than halo triaxiality in inhibiting the formation of a strong bar. / As simulações cosmológicas de N-corpos indicam que os halos de matéria escura das galáxias devem ser em geral triaxiais. Contudo, acredita-se que a presença de um disco bariônico seja capaz de alterar a forma do halo. O objetivo desta tese é o de estudar como a formação de barras é afetada pela triaxialidade do halo e como, por sua vez, a presença da barra influencia a forma do halo. Nós realizamos uma série de simulações numéricas acolisionais e hidrodinâmicas, utilizando discos elípticos como condições iniciais. Os halos triaxiais tendem a se tornar mais esféricos e nós mostramos que parte da circularização do halo é devida ao crescimento do disco, mas parte precisa ser atribuída à formação da barra. Notamos que a presença de gás no disco é um fator mais eficiente do que a triaxialidade do halo em inibir a formação de uma barra forte.

Galaxy Evolution in Clusters / Evolução de Galáxias em Aglomerados

Rafael Ruggiero 10 December 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, we aim to further elucidate the phenomenon of galaxy evolution in the environment of galaxy clusters using the methodology of numerical simulations. For that, we have developed hydrodynamic models in which idealized gas-rich galaxies move within the ICM of idealized galaxy clusters, allowing us to probe in a detailed and controlled manner their evolution in this extreme environment. The main code used in our simulations is RAMSES, and our results concern the changes in gas composition, star formation rate, luminosity and color of infalling galaxies. Additionally to processes taking place inside the galaxies themselves, we have also described the dynamics of the gas that is stripped from those galaxies with unprecedented resolution for simulations of this nature (122 pc in a box including an entire 1e14 Msun cluster), finding that clumps of molecular gas are formed within the tails of ram pressure stripped galaxies, which proceed to live in isolation within the ICM of a galaxy cluster for up to 300 Myr. Those molecular clumps possibly represent a new class of objects; similar objects have been observed in both galaxy clusters and groups, but no comprehensive description of them has been given until now. We additionally create a hydrodynamic model for the A901/2 multi-cluster system, and correlate the gas conditions in this model to the locations of a sample of candidate jellyfish galaxies in the system; this has allowed us to infer a possible mechanism for the generation of jellyfish morphologies in galaxy cluster collisions in general. / Nesta tese, nós visamos a contribuir para o entendimento do fenômeno da evolução de galáxias no ambiente de aglomerados de galáxias usando a metodologia de simulações numéricas. Para isso, desenvolvemos modelos hidrodinâmicos nos quais galáxias idealizadas ricas em gás movem-se em meio ao gás difuso de aglomerados de galáxias idealizados, permitindo um estudo detalhado e controlado da evolução destas galáxias neste ambiente extremo. O principal código usado em nossas simulações é o RAMSES, e nossos resultados tratam das mudanças em composição do gás, taxa de formação estelar, luminosidade e cor de galáxias caindo em aglomerados. Adicionalmente a processos acontecendo dentro das próprias galáxias, nós também descrevemos a dinâmica do gás que é varrido dessas galáxias com resolução sem precedentes para simulações dessa natureza (122 pc em uma caixa incluindo um aglomerado de 1e14 Msun inteiro), encontrando que aglomerados de gás molecular são formados nas caudas de galáxias que passaram por varrimento de gás por pressão de arraste, aglomerados estes que procedem a viver em isolamento em meio ao gás difuso de um aglomerado de galáxias por até 300 Myr. Esses aglomerados moleculares possivelmente representam uma nova classe de objetos; objetos similares foram previamente observados tanto em aglomerados quanto em grupos de galáxias, mas um tratamento compreensivo deles não foi apresentado até agora. Nós adicionalmente criamos um modelo hidrodinâmico para o sistema multi-aglomerado A901/2, e correlacionamos as condições do gás nesse modelo com a localização de uma amostra de galáxias jellyfish nesse sistema; isso nos permitiu inferir um possível mecanismo para a geração de morfologias jellyfish em colisões de aglomerados de galáxias em geral.

Hybrid parallel algorithms for solving nonlinear Schrödinger equation / Hibridni paralelni algoritmi za rešavanje nelinearne Šredingerove jednačine

Lončar Vladimir 17 October 2017 (has links)
<p>Numerical methods and algorithms for solving of partial differential equations, especially parallel algorithms, are an important research topic, given the very broad applicability range in all areas of science. Rapid advances of computer technology open up new possibilities for development of faster algorithms and numerical simulations of higher resolution. This is achieved through paralleliza-tion at different levels that&nbsp; practically all current computers support.</p><p>In this thesis we develop parallel algorithms for solving one kind of partial differential equations known as nonlinear Schr&ouml;dinger equation (NLSE) with a convolution integral kernel. Equations of this type arise in many fields of physics such as nonlinear optics, plasma physics and physics of ultracold atoms, as well as economics and quantitative&nbsp; finance. We focus on a special type of NLSE, the dipolar Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE), which characterizes the behavior of ultracold atoms in the state of Bose-Einstein condensation.</p><p>We present novel parallel algorithms for numerically solving GPE for a wide range of modern parallel computing platforms, from shared memory systems and dedicated hardware accelerators in the form of graphics processing units (GPUs), to&nbsp;&nbsp; heterogeneous computer clusters. For shared memory systems, we provide an algorithm and implementation targeting multi-core processors us-ing OpenMP. We also extend the algorithm to GPUs using CUDA toolkit and combine the OpenMP and CUDA approaches into a hybrid, heterogeneous al-gorithm that is capable of utilizing all&nbsp; available resources on a single computer. Given the inherent memory limitation a single&nbsp; computer has, we develop a distributed memory algorithm based on Message Passing Interface (MPI) and previous shared memory approaches. To maximize the performance of hybrid implementations, we optimize the parameters governing the distribution of data&nbsp; and workload using a genetic algorithm. Visualization of the increased volume of output data, enabled by the efficiency of newly developed algorithms, represents a challenge in itself. To address this, we integrate the implementations with the state-of-the-art visualization tool (VisIt), and use it to study two use-cases which demonstrate how the developed programs can be applied to simulate real-world systems.</p> / <p>Numerički metodi i algoritmi za re&scaron;avanje parcijalnih diferencijalnih jednačina, naročito paralelni algoritmi, predstavljaju izuzetno značajnu oblast istraživanja, uzimajući u obzir veoma &scaron;iroku primenljivost u svim oblastima nauke. Veliki napredak informacione tehnologije otvara nove mogućnosti za razvoj bržih al-goritama i&nbsp; numeričkih simulacija visoke rezolucije. Ovo se ostvaruje kroz para-lelizaciju na različitim nivoima koju poseduju praktično svi moderni računari. U ovoj tezi razvijeni su paralelni algoritmi za re&scaron;avanje jedne vrste parcijalnih diferencijalnih jednačina poznate kao nelinearna &Scaron;redingerova jednačina sa inte-gralnim konvolucionim kernelom. Jednačine ovog tipa se javljaju u raznim oblas-tima fizike poput nelinearne optike, fizike plazme i fizike ultrahladnih atoma, kao i u ekonomiji i kvantitativnim finansijama. Teza se bavi posebnim oblikom nelinearne &Scaron;redingerove jednačine, Gros-Pitaevski jednačinom sa dipol-dipol in-terakcionim članom, koja karakteri&scaron;e pona&scaron;anje ultrahladnih atoma u stanju Boze-Ajn&scaron;tajn kondenzacije.<br />U tezi su predstavljeni novi paralelni algoritmi za numeričko re&scaron;avanje Gros-Pitaevski jednačine za &scaron;irok spektar modernih računarskih platformi, od sis-tema sa deljenom memorijom i specijalizovanih hardverskih akceleratora u ob-liku grafičkih procesora, do heterogenih računarskih klastera. Za sisteme sa deljenom memorijom, razvijen je&nbsp; algoritam i implementacija namenjena vi&scaron;e-jezgarnim centralnim procesorima&nbsp; kori&scaron;ćenjem OpenMP tehnologije. Ovaj al-goritam je pro&scaron;iren tako da radi i u&nbsp; okruženju grafičkih procesora kori&scaron;ćenjem CUDA alata, a takođe je razvijen i&nbsp; predstavljen hibridni, heterogeni algoritam koji kombinuje OpenMP i CUDA pristupe i koji je u stanju da iskoristi sve raspoložive resurse jednog računara.<br />Imajući u vidu inherentna ograničenja raspoložive memorije koju pojedinačan računar poseduje, razvijen je i algoritam za sisteme sa distribuiranom memorijom zasnovan na Message Passing Interface tehnologiji i prethodnim algoritmima za sisteme sa deljenom memorijom. Da bi se maksimalizovale performanse razvijenih hibridnih implementacija, parametri koji određuju raspodelu podataka i računskog opterećenja su optimizovani kori&scaron;ćenjem genetskog algoritma. Poseban izazov je vizualizacija povećane količine izlaznih podataka, koji nastaju kao rezultat efikasnosti novorazvijenih algoritama. Ovo je u tezi re&scaron;eno kroz inte-graciju implementacija sa najsavremenijim alatom za vizualizaciju (VisIt), &scaron;to je omogućilo proučavanje dva primera koji pokazuju kako razvijeni programi mogu da se iskoriste za simulacije realnih sistema.</p>

Contribuição dos Distúrbios Ondulatórios de Leste para a chuva no Leste do Nordeste do Brasil: evolução sinótica média e simulações numéricas / Easterly Waves contribution for the eastern Northeast Brazil precipitation: mean synoptic evolution and numerical simulations

Silva, Bruce Francisco Pontes da 01 June 2011 (has links)
O propósito deste estudo foi verificar a contribuição dos Distúrbios Ondulatórios de Leste (DOLs) na precipitação observada no período chuvoso (AMJJ) e avaliar previsões sazonais de chuva obtidas do RegCM3 (Regional Climate Model version 3) no Leste do Nordeste do Brasil (LNB). Para a identificação subjetiva dos DOLs foram utilizadas imagens de satélite no infravermelho e os campos de linhas de corrente e vorticidade relativa em 700 e 850 hPa da reanálise ERA-Interim, nos períodos chuvosos de 2006 a 2010. Cerca de 90% dos cavados observados em 700 hPa estiveram associados aos 116 DOLs que atingiram o LNB. Isto fornece média de 23 DOLs por ano com pequena variabilidade interanual. Foram construídas composições de variáveis meteorológicas desde 2 dias antes (-2) até 2 dias depois (+2) dos DOLs atingirem o LNB. A circulação apresentou anomalia ciclônica e confluente, vorticidade relativa ciclônica e convergência entre os dias -2 e 0 em baixos níveis, principalmente em 1000 hPa. Encontraram-se anomalias negativas de radiação de onda longa emergente (ROLE) e de omega e positivas de umidade relativa. A composição de precipitação indicou que são responsáveis por: 70% ou mais da chuva do período chuvoso do litoral norte de Alagoas (AL) ao leste do Rio Grande do Norte (RN), 60% entre a Zona da Mata de AL e o Agreste do RN, e 50% entre Sergipe e demais áreas do RN. Em média, os DOLs apresentaram período de 5,3 dias, comprimento de onda de 4307 km e velocidade de fase de 9,5 m s-1. O RegCM3 simulou a observada propagação para oeste dos cavados em 850-700 hPa, bem como a precipitação associada, para dois eventos de DOLs ocorridos entre 21-25 de maio de 2006. Em termos sazonais, o RegCM3 com a parametrização de Grell previu o padrão espacial da chuva similar à observada, mas superestimou-a. A detecção de DOLs utilizando diagramas do tipo Hovmöller identificou ~68% dos eventos obtidos subjetivamente. Aplicação de algoritmo de tracking utilizando ROLE ou vorticidade mostrou-se insatisfatória no rastreamento de DOLs, identificando, através de ROLE, ~55% dos eventos obtidos subjetivamente. / This study purpose was to verify the contribution of Easterly Wave Disturbances (EWDs) in the observed precipitation over the eastern part of Northeast Brazil (ENEB) during rainy season (AMJJ) and evaluate seasonal rainfall forecasts from RegCM3 (Regional Climate Model version 3). For the EWDs subjective identification it was used infrared satellite images and ERA-Interim reanalysis streamlines and relative vorticity fields at 700 and 850 hPa, at the rainy periods from 2006 to 2010. About 90% of the observed troughs at 700 hPa were associated with 116 EWDs that reached the ENEB. This provides a 23 EWDs average per year with small interannual variability. Meteorological variables compositions were constructed from 2 days before (-2) until 2 days after (+2) EWDs reached the ENEB. The circulation showed cyclonic and confluent anomaly, cyclonic relative vorticity and convergence between days -2 and 0 in low levels, mainly in 1000 hPa. Negative anomalies were found for outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) and omega whereas relative humidity presented positive anomaly. The precipitation composition indicated that the EWDs account for: 70% or more of rainy seasons precipitation from northern coast of Alagoas (AL) to the eastern Rio Grande do Nortes (RN), 60% from ALs Zona da Mata to the RNs Agreste, and 50% between Sergipe and the other RN areas. On average, the EWDs presented a 5.3 days period, a wavelength of 4307 km and phase velocity of 9.5 m s-1. The RegCM3 simulated the observed westward troughs propagation at the 850-700 hPa levels, and their associated precipitation as well, for two EWDs occurred between 21 and 25 May 2006. For seasonal simulations, the RegCM3 with Grell parameterization predicted the spatial pattern similar to the observed rain, but overestimated it. Approximately 68% of the events subjectively obtained EWDs were also identified using Hovmöller diagrams. The tracking algorithm using OLR or vorticity was unsatisfactory in the detection of EWDs, identifying with OLR ~55% of the events subjectively obtained.

Thermal instabilities in a yield-stress fluid : from the laboratory to the planetary scale / Instabilités thermiques dans un fluide à seuil : de l'échelle du laboratoire à celle de la planète

Massmeyer, Anna 27 May 2013 (has links)
Des panaches sont connus pour migrer à travers le manteau ductile et quasi-Newtonien ; alors que les dikes se fracturent et se propagent dans la lithosphère solide. Cependant, la lithosphère est en fait visco-élastique. Afin de déterminer ce qui se passe dans ce cas complexe, nous avons réalisé une étude expérimentale et numérique sur le développement de panaches thermiques dans des solutions aqueuses de Carbopol, un gel de polymères formant un réseau continu d'éponges microscopiques. Ce fluide est rhéofluidifiant et présente un seuil de contrainte σ₀, de sorte que l'écoulement ne se produit que si la contrainte locale dépasse cette valeur critique σ₀. En dessous de cette valeur, le fluide agit comme un solide élastique. Les propriétés rhéologiques des solutions peuvent être systématiquement ajustées en variant la concentration de Carbopol. Le dispositif consiste en une source locale de chaleur de puissance constante placée au centre d'une cuve cubique. Selon la valeur du rapport entre la contrainte d'origine thermique et la contrainte seuil, Y₀, on peut observer trois régimes différents. A faible Y₀<Yc₁, aucun mouvement n'est détecté ; tandis que pour Yc₁<Y₀<Yc₂ une cellule se développe, puis évolue vers un panache pour Y₀>Yc₂. Nous montrons que les paramètres critiques (Yc₁,Yc₂) dépendent fortement de la géométrie du chauffage. Des mesures simultanées de température et de champs de vitesse montrent que la morphologie du panache ressemble à un doigt, contrairement à la forme de champignon rencontrée dans les fluides newtoniens. Utilisant des simulations numériques avec une description purement visqueuse, où la rhéologie du fluide est décrite par un modèle de Herschel-Bulkley régularisé, sont suffisantes pour rendre compte de la dynamique du panache. Une étude détaillée des paramètres indiquent que la dynamique du panache est gouvernée par la compétition entre la contrainte seuil, la contrainte induite par la flottabilité et les contraintes visqueuses. Nous avons identifié deux paramètres adimensionnés : le paramètre seuil Ψ comparant la contrainte induite par la flottabilité et la contrainte seuil, et le nombre de Bingham Bi comparant la contrainte seuil et les contraintes visqueuses. Un panache ne peut s'élever que si les deux paramètres sont supercritiques, i.e. la contrainte induite par la flottabilité et les contraintes visqueuses sont plus importantes que la contrainte seuil. Par conséquent, le panache peut s'arrêter avant d'atteindre la surface. Des lois d'échelles dans le conduit du panache ont été déterminées pour la vitesse, la température et la taille de la région cisaillée en régime permanent. Elles décrivent raisonnablement le comportement du conduit bien que seul l'effet rhéofluidifiant soit pris en compte. L'application de ces paramètres adimensionnés à la Terre contraignent significativement la limite de plasticité du manteau et de la lithosphère. La contrainte seuil maximale qui permet à une instabilité thermique de pénétrer dans la lithosphère ou le manteau supérieur est entre 100 kPa et 100 MPa, et elle dépend fortement de la taille et de l'anomalie de densité de l'intrusion. / Plumes are known to migrate through the ductile quasi-Newtonian mantle, while dikes fracture and propagate through the solid lithosphere. However, depending on the timescale, the lithosphere presents solid as well as viscous properties. To determine what happens in the complex case, where instabilities propagate through a visco-elastic matrix, we performed a combined study of laboratory experiments and numerical simulations. Here we investigate the development of thermal plumes in aqueous solutions of Carbopol, a polymer gel, forming a continuous network of micrometric sponges. This fluid is shear thinning and has a yield-stress σ₀, whereby flow occurs only if the local stress exceeds this critical value σ₀. Below this value, the fluid acts as an elastic solid. The rheological properties of the solutions can be systematically varied by varying the Carbopol concentration. The setup consists of a localized heat-source operated at constant power, placed at the centre of a square tank. Depending on the ratio of the thermally induced stresses and the yield stress, Y₀, three different regimes may be obtained. For low Y₀<Yc₁ no motion occurs, whereas for Yc₁<Y₀<Yc₂ a cell develops, that evolves into a plume for Y₀>Yc₂. We show that the critical parameters (Yc₁,Yc₂) strongly depend on the geometry of the heating. Combined temperature and velocity field measurements show that the morphology of the plume resembles a finger, contrary to the mushroom-like shape encountered in Newtonian fluids. Numerical simulations using a purely viscous description, where the rheology of the fluid is described by a regularized Herschel-Bulkley model, are sufficient to capture the plume dynamics. A detailed parametric study shows that the plume dynamics are governed by the interplay between yield stress, buoyancy induced stress and viscous stresses. We identify two non-dimensional parameters: the yield parameter Ψ comparing the buoyancy induced stress to the yield stress, and the Bingham number Bi comparing the yield stress to the viscous stresses. We show that a plume can rise only if both parameters are supercritical, i.e. if buoyancy induced stress and viscous stresses each overcome the yield stress. Therefore the plume may come to a halt before it reaches the surface. We propose scaling laws for the plume stem velocity, temperature and the size of the shear zone in the steady state. We show that the scaling laws describe the behaviour in the plume stem reasonably well, if the yield stress is neglected and only the shear thinning behaviour is taken into account. Applying the non-dimensional parameters to Earth places severe constraints on the strength of mantle and lithosphere. The maximum strength that allows for thermal instabilities to penetrate the lithosphere or upper mantle is in between 100 kPa and 100 MPa, and strongly depends on the size and buoyancy of the anomaly.

Etude et développement d’une nouvelle source ECR produisant un faisceau intense d’ions légers / Study and development of a new ECR source creating an intense light ions beam

Nickees, Sébastien 21 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse entre dans le cadre de l’étude et la conception d’une nouvelle source ECR d’ions légers au sein du LEDA (Laboratoire d’Etudes et de Développement des Accélérateurs – CEA Saclay), nommée ALISES (Advanced Light Ions Source Extraction System). Dans un premier temps, la conception magnétique, électrique et mécanique de la nouvelle source est décrite. Ensuite, des simulations ont été effectuées afin de déterminer la réduction du grossissement d’émittance en tenant compte de la réduction de la longueur de la LBE (Ligne Basse Energie) apportée par la source ALISES. Cette source permettant aussi de réaliser une étude sur les dimensions de la chambre plasma cylindrique, des simulations ont été effectuées afin de mieux comprendre l’interaction entre l’onde radiofréquence et le plasma. Par la suite, les expériences réalisées sur la source ALISES ont permis de mettre en évidence, de comprendre et de résoudre les problèmes de décharges Penning dans le tube accélérateur. Les mesures réalisées sur le plasma ont permis de dégager l’hypothèse que les électrons sont chauffés à l’entrée de la chambre plasma puis thermalisés sur toute sa longueur afin d’atteindre une énergie correspondante au maximum de la section efficace d’ionisation du dihydrogène. / This thesis is in the context of study and design of a new ECR light ion source on LEDA (Laboratory of Research and Development of Accelerators - CEA Saclay), named ALISES (Advanced Light Ions Source Extraction System). As a first step, the magnetic, electrical and mechanical design of the new source is described. Then, simulations were performed to determine the reduction of emittance growth taking into account the reduction of the length of the LBE (Low Energy Beam Line) provided by the source ALISES. With this source, it’s also possible to realize a study on the dimensions of the cylindrical plasma chamber. Simulations were performed to better understand the interaction between radiofrequency wave and plasma. Subsequently, experiments on the source ALISES helped highlight, understand and solve problems in the Penning discharges inside the accelerator column. Measurements performed on the plasma have yielded the assumption that the electrons are heated at the entrance of the plasma chamber and thermalized along its entire length to achieve an energy corresponding to the maximum of the ionization cross section for hydrogen.

Dynamique rotationnelle couplée de la dérive géomagnétique vers l'ouest et de la super-rotation de la graine terrestre / Coupled dynamics of Earth's geomagnetic westward drift and inner core super-rotation

Pichon, Guillaume 21 December 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse se concentre sur la dynamique rotationnelle du système couplé graine, noyau externe et manteau. Notre modèle inclut en effet deux couples électromagnétiques directs aux limites du noyau fluide et un couple gravitationnel entre la graine et le manteau. La dynamique rotationnelle est décrite par quatre cisaillements typiques et étudiés dans des simulations numériques convectives de la géodynamo reproduisant les principales caractéristiques du champ magnétique terrestre et de sa variation séculaire. Celle-ci est principalement représentée par la dérive géomagnétique vers l’ouest de taches de flux magnétique à la CMB, concentrée à l’équateur de l’hémisphère Atlantique, et bien documentée pour les quatre derniers siècles. Nous fournissons des contraintes sur la rotation différentielle de la graine en exprimant son lien avec la dérive géomagnétique vers l’ouest. Ceci est réalisé par la formulation et la validation de modèles dynamiques de couples électromagnétiques. Au long terme, le cisaillement global dans le noyau fluide est réparti entre la dérive géomagnétique vers l’ouest et la rotation différentielle de la graine, dans des proportions contrôlées par l’état des couplages. Puisqu’une estimation actuelle de ce cisaillement est proche de la vitesse de la dérive géomagnétique vers l’ouest, nous concluons que la rotation différentielle moyenne de la graine est proche de zéro. En ce qui concerne ses fluctuations, l’intensité du couplage gravitationnel est le paramètre dominant. Cette observation place une limite sur les fluctuations décennales de la rotation différentielle de la graine, qui ne devraient pas excéder quelques centièmes de degré par an / This PhD work focuses on the rotational dynamics of the coupled inner core - outercore - mantle system. The conservation of the angular momentum our coupled Earth model indeed involves two direct electromagnetic torques at the fluid core boundaries and a remote gravitational torque between the inner core and the mantle. The rotational dynamics is described by four typical shears and studied in convective numerical simulations of the geodynamo which are able to reproduce the main characteristics of the geomagnetic field and its secular variation. This secular variation is mainly embodied by the westward drift of magnetic flux patches at the CMB, concentrated on the equator of the Atlantic hemisphere, and is well documented for the last four centuries. We provide constrains on the inner core differential rotation by expressing its link to the geomagnetic westward drift. This is performed through the formulation and the validation of dynamical electromagnetic torque models, which are then introduced in the conservation of the angular momentum of the system. In the long-term state, the global shear in the fluid outer core is distributed between the westward drift and the differential rotation of the inner core, in proportions controlled by the state of couplings. As a present day estimate of this shear is close to the observed westward drift, we conclude there is no differential rotation of the inner core on time-average. In the time-dependent state, we observed that the strength of gravitational coupling is the dominant parameter. This places limit on the decadal fluctuations of the inner core differential rotation, which should not exceed a few hundredths of degree per year

Flow around porous barriers: fundamental flow physics and applications

Basnet, Keshav 01 July 2015 (has links)
Investigating flow and turbulence structure around a barrier mounted on the ground or placed in its vicinity is a fundamental problem in wind engineering because of many practical applications related to protection against adverse effects induced by major wind storms (e.g., hurricanes) and snow events (e.g., snow fences used to reduce adverse effects of snow drifting on the roads). In this work the focus is on the case when the obstacle/barrier is porous and the shape of the obstacle is close to a high-aspect-ratio rectangular cylinder situated in the vicinity of the ground. The study employs a range of numerical and experimental techniques to achieve this goal that include 3D LES and 2D RANS numerical simulations, and RTK survey and 3D photogrammetry techniques to measure ground elevations and snow deposits in the field. In the first part of the study, high-resolution large eddy simulations are used to understand the fundamental flow physics of flow past 2D solid and porous vertical plates with a special focus on describing the unsteady wind loads on the obstacle, vortical structure of the turbulent wake, spectral content of the wake, the separated shear layers and of the characteristics of the large-scale vortex shedding behind the plate, if present. Results show that LES can accurately predict mean flow and turbulence statistics around solid/porous cylinders. Then, a detailed parametric study of flow past vertical solid and porous plates situated in the vicinity of a horizontal bed is performed for the purpose of understanding changes in the mean flow structure, turbulence statistics and dynamics of large scale coherent structures as a function of the main nondimensional geometrical parameters (bottom gap for solid and porous plates, and porosity and average hole size of porous plates) and flow variables (e.g., bed roughness) that affect the wake flow. In particular, the LES flow fields allowed clarifying how the interactions between the bottom and the top separated shear layers change with increasing bottom gap and what is the effect of the bleeding flow on the interactions between the separated shear layers that determine the coherence of the large-scale eddies at large distances from the wake. In the second part of the thesis, a novel methodology based on field monitoring of the snow deposits and RANS numerical simulations is proposed to improve the design of snow fences and in particular the design of lightweight plastic snow fences that are commonly used to protect roads in the US Midwest against the snow drifting. The goal of the design optimization procedure is to propose a snow fence design that can retain a considerable amount of snow within a shorter downwind distance compared to fences of standard design. A major contribution of the present thesis was the development of a novel non-intrusive image-based technique that can be used to quantitatively estimate the temporal evolution of the volume of snow trapped by a fence over long periods of time. This technique is based on 3-D close range photogrammetry. Results showed that this technique can produce estimations of the snow deposits of comparable accuracy to that given by commonly used methods. This is the first application of this type of techniques to measurements of the snow deposits.

Erosion éolienne de tas de stockage de matières granulaires sur sites industriels : amélioration des méthodes de quantification des émissions

Furieri, Bruno 01 October 2012 (has links)
L’érosion éolienne des matières granulaires (minerais, charbons,. . . ) est un des facteurs influençant grandement la qualité de l’air dans l’environnement proche de nombreux sites industriels. L’objectif principal de ce travail est l’amélioration des méthodologies de quantification des émissions des sources diffuses, notamment à partir d’une meilleure prise en compte de l’exposition éolienne des sources que sont les tas de stockage et des répartitions granulométriques des matières présentes sur les sites de stockage. Les observations sur sites industriels montrent que les régions proches des tas de stockage de matières granulaires sont chargées de particules de granulométries plutôt fines. Celles-ci sont susceptibles d’être remises en suspension par les structures tourbillonnaires générées par le vent incident. Ainsi, ces zones d’envol potentiel ont fait l’objet d’analyses afin de quantifier leur contribution aux émissions globales. Une technique de visualisation d’écoulement pariétal, associée à des simulations numériques tridimensionnelles, ont été mises en oeuvre pour mieux comprendre ces structures de l’écoulement. Les matières granulaires sont un mélange de particules érodibles et non-érodibles. Le caractère érodible étant lié aux propriétés des particules (principalement granulométrie et masse volumique), ainsi qu’à la vitesse du vent incident. Dans ce cadre, deux types d’études ont été menées: des essais expérimentaux d’envol de particules dans une soufflerie et des simulations numériques tridimensionnelles avec un logiciel open-source de mécanique des fluides (Code_Saturne). Une technique originale a ainsi été développée pour quantifier, par une pesée en continue, l’influence des particules non-érodibles sur le flux massique envolé. En parallèle, le comportement des particules sur la surface est analysé à l’aide de clichés photographiques. L’analyse de l’effet des particules non-érodibles au niveau local est réalisée grâce à des simulations numériques pour des configurations polydispersées. Les résultats présentés dans ce mémoire constituent de premiers éléments pouvant possiblement contribuer à l’amélioration des modèles actuels de quantification des émissions de particules par une meilleure intégration et pris en compte de la présence de particules non-érodibles pour les matières présentant de larges spectres granulométriques. / Wind erosion of granular materials (ores, coal, ...) is one of the factors that greatly influence the quality of the air in the immediate vicinity of many industrial sites. The main objective of this work is the improvement of methodologies for quantifying emissions from diffuse sources. It may be carried out by a better consideration of wind exposure on the sources (storage piles) and larger size distributions of granular materials present at the storage sites. Observations show that areas near storage piles of granular materials on industrial sites are loaded with silt particles. These particles may be re-emitted by vortex structures. Thus, these areas of potential particles take-off were analyzed to quantify their contribution to global emissions. A wall flow visualization technique associated with three-dimensional numerical simulations have been implemented. Granular material is a mixture of erodible and non-erodible particle. The erodible character may be associated to particle properties (mainly size and density), as well as the ambient wind speed. In this context, two types of studies were conducted: experimental tests of particles take-off in a wind-tunnel and numerical simulations with a three-dimensional open-source fluid dynamics code (Code_Saturne). An original technique has been developed to quantify, by a continuous weighing, the influence of non-erodible particles of the mass flow. In parallel, the behaviour of particles on the surface is analyzed using photographs. The analysis of the effect of nonerodible particles at local level is achieved through numerical simulations for poly-dispersed configurations. The results presented in this thesis are the first elements that can potentially contribute to the improvement of current models of quantification of particulate emissions through a better integration of the presence of non-erodible particles for materials with large particle size spectra.

Numerical modelling of an air-helium buoyant jet in a two vented enclosure / Modélisation numérique d'un jet flottant air-hélium dans une cavité avec deux évents

Saikali, Elie 08 March 2018 (has links)
Nous cherchons à modéliser numériquement un jet flottant air-hélium dans une cavité avec deux ouvertures à partir de simulations aux grandes échelles (LES) et de simulations numériques directes (DNS). La configuration considérée est basée sur une étude expérimentale menée au CEA de Saclay reproduisant une fuite d'hydrogène en environnement confiné. La dimension de la cavité a été choisie pour permettre une transition laminaire-turbulent intervenant environ à la mi-hauteur de la cavité. Cette étude porte principalement sur trois points majeurs : l'influence des conditions aux limites sur le développement du jet et son interaction avec l'environnement extérieur, la validité du modèle numérique qui est analysée en comparant la distribution de vitesse obtenue numériquement aux mesures expérimentales (PIV) et, enfin, la compréhension de la distribution air-hélium et le phénomène de stratification qui s'établit à l'intérieur de la cavité. Nous observons dans un premier temps que des conditions limites de pression constante appliquées directement au ras des évents conduisent à une sous-estimation du débit volumique d'air entrant dans la cavité et donc à une surestimation de la masse de l'hélium à l'intérieur de la cavité, ce qui n'est pas acceptable dans un contexte d'évaluation du risque hydrogène. En revanche, la prise en compte, dans le domaine de calcul, d'une région extérieure à la cavité prédit correctement le flux d'air entrant. Les résultats numériques sont alors en bon accord avec les données PIV. Il a été montré que les prédictions de la DNS, par rapport à la LES, concordent mieux avec les mesures de vitesse par PIV. Le champ de concentration prédit numériquement présente une couche homogène en haut de la cavité, dont la concentration est en accord avec le modèle théorique de Linden et al. 1990. Cependant, sa position et son épaisseur ne correspondent pas au modèle. Ceci est principalement dû aux interactions directes entre le jet flottant et, d'une part, avec les limites solides de la cavité et d'autre part, avec l'environnement extérieur. L'analyse statistique concernant la production de la flottabilité de l'énergie cinétique turbulente (TKE) a permis d'identifier les limites du jet flottant. / We present numerical results from large eddy simulations (LES) and coarse direct numerical simulations (DNS) of an air-helium buoyant jet rising in a two vented cavity. The geometrical configuration mimics the helium release experimental set-up studied at CEA Saclay in the framework of security assessment of hydrogen-based systems with an indoor usage. The dimension of the enclosure was chosen to ensure a laminar-turbulent transition occurring at about the middle height of the cavity. This study focuses mainly on three key points : the influence of the boundary conditions on the jet development and its interaction with the exterior environment, the validity of the numerical model which is analyzed by comparing the numerical velocity distribution versus the measured particle image velocimetry (PIV) ones, and finally understanding the distribution of air-helium and the stratification phenomenon that takes place inside the cavity. We observe at first that applying constant pressure outlet boundary conditions directly at the vent surfaces underestimates the volumetric flow rate of air entering the enclosure and thus overestimate the helium mass inside the cavity. On the contrary, modelling an exterior region in the computational domain better predicts the air flow-rate entrance and numerical results matches better with the experimental PIV data. It has been figured out that the coarse DNS predictions match better with the velocities PIV measurements, compared to the LES. Numerical prediction of the helium field depicts a homogeneous layer formed at the top of the cavity, with a concentration in good agreement with the theoretical model of Linden et al. 1990. However, the position and the thickness of the layer do not correspond to the theory. This is mainly due to the direct interactions between the buoyant jet and both the solid boundaries of the cavity and the exterior environment. Statistical analysis regarding the buoyancy production of the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) served to identify the limits of the buoyant jet.

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