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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'école Internationale d'Enseignement Infirmier Supérieur (Lyon, 1965-1995) : fabrique d'une élite et creuset pour l'émancipation des infirmières françaises du XXe siècle / The international School of Higher Nursing education, Lyon (1965-1995) : A place supporting and influencing an elite development and the emancipation of French nurses of the twentieth century

Poisson, Michel 19 October 2018 (has links)
En 1960, après 40 années de professionnalisation, les infirmières françaises étaient dotées d’un modèle original de profession fortement structuré et témoignant d’une qualification qui avait indéniablement gagné en épaisseur. La Grande Guerre et ses prolongements avaient favorisé la pénétration en France du prototype professionnel anglo-américain. Même si cette influence fut limitée, en 1960 le modèle français était comparable en de nombreux points à l’historique modèle anglais et à son successeur américain. En revanche, les infirmières françaises ne connaissaient à cette date ni les perspectives de carrière de leurs collègues, ni le chemin de l’Université alors impensable. La création de l’EIEIS à Lyon en 1965 offrit cette possibilité à un petit nombre d’entre elles et constitua une extraordinaire opportunité pour le développement de la profession en France. L’élite très active formée grâce à cette institution œuvra à la modification des représentations de la profession chez les médecins, les universitaires, les directeurs d’hôpitaux et les politiques. Elle contribua aussi à changer les pratiques et le rapport au monde des infirmières françaises qui inventèrent même un mouvement revendicatif original à la fin des années 1980. Enfin, cette École établit les bases d’un développement disciplinaire des soins infirmiers en France. Unique en son genre, elle ferma en 1995, faute des moyens nécessaires au maintien de son activité. Le New public management, de plus en plus présent à l’hôpital, privilégia la rationalisation des organisations et leur gestion strictement comptable, au détriment des considérations sur le développement académique des soins infirmiers en France. / In 1960, after 40 years of vocational development, the French nurses were endowed with an original model of occupation strongly structured demonstrating that their qualification had undeniably gained in thickness. The Great War and its repercussions had furthered the penetration of the Anglo-American professional prototype in France. Even if this influence was limited, in 1960 the French model was comparable in numerous points to the historical English model and its American successor. On the other hand, the French nurses knew nothing about their colleagues’ career prospects and the way to University, which was unthinkable at the time. In 1965, the creation of the EIEIS in Lyon, gave to a small number of them this opportunity and established a tremendous occasion for the development of the nursing profession in France. The very active elite turned out thanks to this institution managed to change opinions about nursing profession among doctors, hospitals’ managers, academic people and public authorities. It also conduced to change French nurses’ practices and relationship to the world. Nurses even invented an original movement of protest at the end of 1980s. Finally, this School laid the foundations for an academic development of nursing in France. Though it was unrivalled in the country, it closed in 1995, due to the lack of necessary means to preserve its activity. “New public management”, more and more present in hospitals, promoted the rationalization of organizations and a strictly accounting management rather than an academic development of nursing in France.

Facilitating learning of student nurses during clinical placement : registered nurses' perceptions

Mongwe, Rirhandzu Norah 30 November 2001 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the perceptions of registered nurses with regard to facilitating the learning of student nurses during clinical placement. Focus group interviews with fifteen registered nurses were done, followed by participant observations in two clinical areas, to gain a clearer picture of obstacles, as well as the strategies employed during placement of student nurses in the clinical area. The :findings indicate that facilitation of the learning of student nurses during clinical placement is achieved by guidance, involvement, assisting and supervision of student nurses in the clinical area by nurses of all categories, and medical and paramedical personnel. Many obstacles were identified which obstruct the employment of strategies that are suitable for facilitation in the clinical area. Guidelines for the facilitation of learning of student nurses were recommended, to improve facilitation in the clinical area. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

An evaluation of clinical facilitation in the Nursing College of the Eastern Cape province

Peter, Zingiwe Patricia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCur (Nursing Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Clinical teaching and training is undertaken to correlate theory and practice (Mellish et al., 1998:211). Clinical teaching is the means by which student nurses learn to apply the theory of nursing in a clinical situation so that an integration of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the clinical situation becomes the art and science of nursing. (Mellish et al., 1998:207). The role of the lecturer/facilitator is to bridge the theory-practice gap between nursing education and practice. Since the merger of the nursing colleges in the Eastern Cape Province (South Africa) and the abolishment of the clinical department in the hospital it became essential to evaluate the clinical facilitation needs of students and tutors. For the purpose of this study the researcher evaluated the clinical facilitation, with the focus area being on the clinical needs and problems of nursing tutors and nursing students at a nursing college in the Eastern Cape Province. The objectives of this study were to determine the following: the clinical facilitation needs of student nurses of the Nursing College, clinical facilitation needs of tutors of the Nursing College, clinical facilitation related problems facing student nurses and tutors in the Nursing College and associations between the clinical facilitation of the campuses of the Nursing College. The following research question was evaluated: What are the needs and problems of nursing students and tutors in clinical facilitation at the Lilitha Nursing College? The research methodology was a descriptive exploratory design with a quantitative approach. The population for this study was the fourth-year nursing students, and all tutors of the nursing college. A convenient sample was drawn. All students available at the time of data collection were included in the study. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. The final sample of students was N =100 (45%) of a total population of 222 students. The final sample of tutors was N=35 (36%) of a population of 97. Reliability and validity were assured by means of a pilot study and the use of experts in nursing education, research methodology and statistics. Data were collected personally by the researcher. Ethical approval was obtained from Stellenbosch University, Department of Health ECP, and Head of the Nursing College and Principals of the campuses. Informed written consent was obtained from the participants. Statistical associations with reference to clinical facilitation between the various campuses of the nursing college were determined using the Chi-square tests. The results of this study are presented in percentages, tables and histograms. On completion of the study the following recommendations were made: standardization of policies and procedures; preplanning and publishing of clinical placement dates; manuals, rules, student needs and outcomes be available before clinical placement; improvement of communication between clinical staff, facilitators and students; improvement of infrastructure, equipment and materials.

Nursing students perceptions and experiences of high fidelity simulation as a learning and teaching strategy in a resource limited setting

Munangatire, Takaedza 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction and Background High fidelity simulation (HFS) refers to a mannequin that is modeled to represent a human and is programmed to produce physiologic functions such as palpable pulses, voices and abdominal sounds through computer interfaces. Recent introduction of HFS for learning nursing skills like critical thinking and problem solving in the developing world (Lesotho) has generated debate. The debate is centered on the acceptability of HFS, its effectiveness as a learning strategy compared to its high cost, especially in resource limited settings. Its acceptability in the developing world to date is mixed, affecting its ultimate utilization. Therefore contextual differences between developing and developed countries suggest that research findings on the evaluation of acceptability of HFS in the two places could be different. Additionally, health sciences education is a highly complex discipline with huge differences in practices within and across classes, schools, sites and countries, making it difficult to generalize findings from other settings to the setting of Lesotho. Aim The purpose of this study was to explore third year diploma in nursing students’ perceptions and experiences of HFS use in learning nursing skills. Methods A qualitative descriptive design was utilized to investigate HFS use at a school of nursing. Sixteen participants took part in three separate focus group discussions in two groups of five, and one group of six participants. The data was analyzed thematically. Results Students had mixed perceptions, positive and negative, based on the nature of their experiences which were both fulfilling and frustrating. This study revealed five key themes that shaped students experiences, hence perceptions of using HFS in learning. The themes are authentic learning environment, unique learning opportunities, access, contextual factors and transfer of skills. Discussion Student nurses had both positive and negative experiences of using HFS in learning. They believe that HFS is a valuable learning strategy but that it needs to be better utilized. Student nurses perceive HFS as providing an authentic learning environment which allows learning of complex skills like critical thinking and problem solving. On the other hand, they believe that learning can be improved if HFS is more accessible for use by students and if supervisors are adequately trained and students are better oriented on the use of HFS in learning. Conclusions HFS is viewed as an effective learning strategy among nursing students in resource limited settings, although there in need to improve its utilization for better learning experiences and outcomes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding en Agtergrond Hoëtrou-simulasie (HTS) verwys na ’n pop wat gemodelleer is om ’n mens te verteenwoordig en geprogrammeer is om fisiologiese funksies soos tasbare polse, stemme en abdominale klanke te lewer deur rekenaar-koppelvlakke. Onlangse bekendstelling van HTS in die aanleer van verpleegvaardighede soos kritiese denke en probleemoplossing in die ontwikkelende wêreld (Lesotho) het debat laat ontstaan. Die debat sentreer om die aanvaarbaarheid van HTS en sy effektiwiteit as ’n leerstrategie in vergelyking met sy hoë koste, veral in hulpbronbeperkte omgewings. HTS se aanvaarbaarheid op verskillende plekke in die ontwikkelende wêreld tot op datum is gemeng, wat die uiteindelike gebruik daarvan raak. Daarom dui kontekstuele verskille tussen ontwikkelende en ontwikkelde lande aan dat navorsingsbevindings oor die beoordeling van aanvaarbaarheid van HTS in die twee omgewings kan wissel. Bykomend is opleiding in die gesondheidswetenskappe ’n uiters komplekse dissipline met groot verskille in praktyke binne en oor klasse, skole, omgewings en lande, wat dit moeilik maak om bevindings van ander omgewings tot die omgewing van Lesotho te veralgemeen. Doel Die doel van hierdie studie was om derdejaar-diplomaverpleegstudente se persepsies en ervarings van die gebruik van HTS vir die aanleer van verpleegvaardighede te ondersoek. Metodes ’n Kwalitatiewe gevallestudieontwerp is benut om die verskynsel van HTS by Paray Verpleegkundeskool te ondersoek. Sestien deelnemers het aan die verskillende fokusgroepbesprekings deelgeneem in twee groepe van vyf, en een groep van ses deelnemers. Die data is ontleed met die gebruik van die konstante vergelykingsanalise-model. Resultate Studente het gemengde waarnemings, positief en negatief, ervaar, gebaseer op die aard van hul ondervindings wat sowel vervullend as frustrerend was. Hierdie studie het vyf sleuteltemas geopenbaar wat studente se ondervindings, en sodoende hul waarnemings van die gebruik van HTS in opleiding gevorm het. Die temas is outentieke leeromgewing, unieke leergeleenthede, toegang, kontekstuele faktore en oordrag van vaardighede. Bespreking Studentverpleegsters aanvaar die gebruik van HTS om verpleegvaardighede te leer. Hulle glo dat HTS ’n waardevolle leerstrategie is, wat egter beter benut moet word. Studentverpleegsters beskou HTS as ʼn verskaffer van ʼn outentieke leeromgewing wat die aanleer van komplekse vaardighede soos kritiese denke en probleemoplossing toelaat. Aan die ander kant glo hulle dat opleiding verbeter kan word indien HTS meer toeganklik is vir gebruik deur studente en indien toesighouers voldoende opgelei is en studente beter voorgelig word in die gebruik van HTS as opleidingsmiddel. Gevolgtrekkings HTS is ʼn aanvaarbare leerstrategie onder verpleegstudente in omgewings met beperkte hulpbronne, hoewel daar ʼn behoefte is om die benutting daarvan vir beter leerervarings en uitkomstes te verbeter.

The development, implementation, validation and evaluation of a continuing professional development learning programme for nurses working in Saudi Arabia

Butler, Mollie 10 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Saudi Arabian Government has implemented a nation-wide policy to prepare its people for the workforce and has directed that the Saudi Council for Health Specialties (SCHS) be established. Under the SCHS umbrella the Saudi Nursing Board (SNB) has been formed for the purpose of regulating the nursing profession. While Saudi Arabia has for many years been dependent on the international community for nurses, it is now establishing its own nursing workforce. One challenge for the SCHS and the SNB is to ensure that practice standards are developed, since ultimately nursing practice affects the quality of the patient services and patient health outcomes. The Saudi nursing profession has a responsibility to develop its social mandate and provide a full range of services to the Saudi public. Systems and education programmes are required for all aspects of the regulatory process, including continuing professional development. Effective regulation systems are not based on a “one size fits all” approach. Furthermore, nurses need to insist on high quality education to develop both basic and ongoing competence and should be able to depend on the profession for social status and credibility. The purpose of this research was to develop, implement, validate and evaluate a continuing professional development learning programme for nurses working in Saudi Arabia. The learning programme was built from a vision of nurses (regardless of country) engaging in lifelong learning for the purpose of ensuring quality patient care and population health. The development of a continuing professional development learning programme is an initial step in fulfilling the need for educational structures to support standards of practice. The overall outcome of the research was functional by nature in that the knowledge of continuing professional development in nursing was generated and applied to nursing practice in Saudi Arabia. In view of the nature of the question, a mixed methodology was selected. Although the qualitative aspect was dominant, both the qualitative and quantitative aspects were used simultaneously. The design included exploratory and descriptive aspects. Furthermore, the researcher employed qualitative methods to develop, implement and evaluate the provisional learning programme and quantitative methods to validate the provisional programme, resulting in a partial explanation of the research phenomenon. The primary theoretical drive was inductive, as the purpose was to discover rather than to test the learning programme contents. Botes’ Research Model and King’s Theory of Goal Attainment were utilised. They complemented each other, as they both support a comprehensive, dynamic scientific approach to learning (health) outcomes influenced by the quality of nursing practice and practice environment. The research, which was outcomes–based, was carried out in the context of quality patient care (population health) and nursing practice situated within the Saudi Arabian setting, where the nursing regulatory system is emerging. As the questionnaire mean ( X ) results revealed scores of 3.0 to 3.9, data saturation was achieved during the first round of the Delphi technique. Fourteen experts from six different countries were asked to validate the provisional learning programme, which was duly done. The programme was implemented in a tertiary research hospital in Saudi Arabia. Formative and summative evaluations were also conducted. The results of the implementation and evaluation affirmed the effectiveness of the learning programme. Boyer’s Model for Scholarship was used to triangulate the research findings. These results formed the basis for the recommendations and final summary. The five broad recommendations that emerged from the research were that nurses should take on self-regulatory and leadership responsibilities; that they should engage in continuing professional development collaboration; that the nursing profession’s self-regulation responsibilities be acknowledged; that a healthy (quality) workplace environment be ensured; and that further research be done in this field. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die regering van Saoedi-Arabië het ʼn landwye beleid geïmplementeer om die mense van die land vir die arbeidsmag voor te berei en het opdrag gegee vir die stigting van die Saudi Council for Health Specialties (SCHS,) ʼn raad wat spesifiek met gesondheidsdienste gemoeid is. Die Saoedi Raad vir Verpleging (Saudi Nursing Board oftewel SNB) is tot stand gebring met die doel om die verpleegdiens in die land te reguleer. Nadat Saoedi-Arabië vir baie jare van die internasionale gemeenskap vir verpleegkundiges afhanklik was, word ʼn eie verpleegkorps nou in die land gevestig. Een van die uitdagings waarmee die SCHS en die SNB te kampe het, is die noodsaaklikheid om te verseker dat standaarde vir die praktyk ontwikkel word, aangesien die verpleegpraktyk inderdaad die gehalte van pasiënte-diens en gesondheidsuitkomste beïnvloed. Die verpleegberoep in Saoedi-Arabië is daarvoor verantwoordelik om sy maatskaplike mandaat te ontwikkel en ʼn volledige reeks dienste aan die mense van die land beskikbaar te stel. Stelsels en opvoedkundige programme is nodig vir alle aspekte van die reguleringsproses. Dit sluit voortgesette professionele ontwikkeling in. Vir ʼn reguleringstelsel om werklik doeltreffend te wees moet dit op spesifieke behoeftes gerig wees en kan een stelsel nie aan al die vereistes van diverse instellings voldoen nie. Dit is noodsaaklik dat verpleegkundiges op onderrig van ʼn hoë gehalte aandring ten einde basiese en voortgaande bevoegdheid te ontwikkel. Daarbenewens behoort hulle op die beroep te kan steun vir sosiale status en geloofwaardigheid. Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om ʼn voortgesette leerprogram vir die professionele ontwikkeling van verpleegkundiges wat in Saoedi-Arabië werk, te ontwikkel, te implementeer, te valideer en te evalueer. Die leerprogram het onstaan uit ʼn visie van verpleegsters (ongeag hulle land van oorsprong) wat hulle met lewenslange leer besig hou met die doel om diens van ʼn hoë gehalte aan pasiënte asook bevolkingsgesondheid te verseker. Met die ontwikkeling van ʼn leerprogram vir voortgesette professionele ontwikkeling is die eerste stap gedoen om in die behoefte aan opvoedkundige strukture ter ondersteuning van praktykstandaarde te voorsien. Die algehele uitkoms van die navorsing was funksioneel van aard deurdat die kennis van voortgesette professionele ontwikkeling in verpleging deur die verpleegpraktyk in Saoedi-Arabië gegenereer en ook daarop toegepas is. Vanweë die aard van die navorsingsvraag is besluit om ʼn gemengde metodologie, dit is kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe aspekte gelyktydig te gebruik, met die kwalitatiewe aspek as die dominante metode. Sowel verkennende as beskrywende aspekte is in die ontwerp ingesluit. Daarbenewens het die navorser kwalitatiewe metodes gebruik om die voorlopige leerprogram te ontwikkel, te implementeer en te evalueer, en kwantitatiewe metodes om die voorlopige program te valideer. Die navorsingsverskynsel is deur middel van ʼn gedeeltelike verklarende metode ontleed. Die primêre teoretiese dryfkrag was induktief, aangesien dit die doel van die navorsing was om die leerprogram se inhoud te ontdek eerder as om dit te toets. Daar is van Botes se Navorsingsmodel en King se Teorie van Doelbereiking (Theory of Goal Attainment) gebruik gemaak. Hulle het mekaar aangevul aangesien albei ʼn omvangryke, dinamiese wetenskaplike benadering tot leer- (gesondheid-) uitkomste, wat deur die gehalte van verpleegpraktyk en die praktykomgewing beïnvloed word, ondersteun. Die navorsing, wat uitkomsgebaseerd was, is uitgevoer binne die konteks van pasiëntediens van gehalte (bevolkingsgesondheid) en verpleegpraktyk, gesetel in die Saoedi-Arabiese milieu, waar die reguleringstelsel vir verpleegkunde aan die ontwikkel is. Data saturasie is reeds bevestig tydens die eerste rondte van die Delphi tegniek met gemiddelde tellings van ( X ) 3,0 en 3,9. Die navorsingsontwerp is daardeur verder versterk. Veertien deskundiges van ses verskillende lande is gevra om die voorlopige leerprogram te valideer, wat hulle ook gedoen het. Die program is in ʼn tersiêre navorsingshospitaal in Saoedi-Arabië geïmplementeer. Formatiewe en summatiewe evaluering is gedoen en die resultate van die implementering en evaluering het die doeltreffendheid van die leerprogram bevestig. Boyer se Wetenskaplikheidsmodel (Model for Scholarship) is gebruik om die navorsingsbevindinge te staaf. Hierdie resultate het die grondslag gelê vir die aanbevelings en die finale opsomming. Die vyf breë aanbevelings wat uit die navorsing voortgekom het was dat verpleegkundiges selfregulerende en leierskapverantwoordelikhede aanvaar; dat hulle aan samewerkingsaksies ten opsigte van voortgesette professionele ontwikkeling deelneem; dat die verpleegberoep se verantwoordelikhede ten opsigte van selfregulering erken word; dat ʼn gesonde (gehalte-) werkomgewing verseker word; en dat verdere navorsing op hierdie gebied gedoen word.

Evaluating facilitation and mentoring in a Management and Leadership Fundamentals programme (MLF) for registered nurses

Coetzee, Catherina Maria (Kayline) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the private health care sector the demand for skilled registered nurses as shift leaders exceeds the supply. The shift leader of each shift plays an important and essential role in the nursing unit. The Management and Leadership Fundamental (MLF) programme has been developed to provide, equip and empower registered nurses with the best skills, knowledge and attitudes to lead a shift with confidence. The aim of this study was to investigate and evaluate the facilitation and mentoring experiences of the registered nurses as learners who completed the MLF programme successfully. A qualitative methodology was used to address the research questions of the discussion guide in the real life situation. The discussion guide consisted of four sections: section one focused on facilitation, section two on mentoring, section three on management, and the focal point of the fourth section was on the MLF programme. The data were collected by means of structured interviews conducted with 14 registered nurses as learners who had completed the MLF programme. The data were analysed by doing verbatim transcriptions of the interviews, using coding and an Excel spreadsheet analysis. The results revealed that facilitation and mentoring can contribute significantly to the success of the MLF programme. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die aanvraag na bevoegde geregistreerde verpleegkundiges as skofleiers in privaat hospitale oorskrei die aanbod. Die skofleier in die verpleegeenheid vervul ’n belangrike en essentiële rol tydens die skof sodat kwaliteit produktiewe gehalte sorg aan pasiente gelwer kan word. Die ‘Management and Leadership Fundamental (MLF)’ program is ontwikkel om die geregistreerde vepleegkundige as skofleier toe te rus met die nodige kennis, vaardighede en ingesteldheid om met vertroue ‘n skof te kan lei. Hierdie navorsing ondersoek en evalueer die geregistreerde verpleegkundige as leerder se ervarings van fasilitering en mentorskap tydens die MLF program wat hul suksesvol voltooi het. Kwalitatiewe navorsing is gebruik om die navorsingsvrae in die werklike situasie te ondersoek. ‘n Besprekingsgids is ontwerp met navorsingsvrae in vier afdelings: afdeling een se fokus was op fasilitering, afdeling twee het gefokus op mentorskap, afdeling drie het gefokus op bestuur en afdeling vier se fokus was op die MLF program self. Die data is versamel met behulp van gestruktureerde onderhoude wat gevoer is met 14 geregistreerde verpleegkundiges as leerders wat die MLF program suksesvol voltooi het. Die data analise het bestaan uit verbatim getranskribeerde onderhoude, die kodering daarvan asook ‘n gerekordeerde Excel ontledingstaat. Die resultate van die ondesoek het aangetoon dat fasilitering en mentorskap ‘n betekenisvolle bydrae kan lewer tot die sukses van die MLF program.

Facilitating learning of student nurses during clinical placement : registered nurses' perceptions

Mongwe, Rirhandzu Norah 30 November 2001 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the perceptions of registered nurses with regard to facilitating the learning of student nurses during clinical placement. Focus group interviews with fifteen registered nurses were done, followed by participant observations in two clinical areas, to gain a clearer picture of obstacles, as well as the strategies employed during placement of student nurses in the clinical area. The :findings indicate that facilitation of the learning of student nurses during clinical placement is achieved by guidance, involvement, assisting and supervision of student nurses in the clinical area by nurses of all categories, and medical and paramedical personnel. Many obstacles were identified which obstruct the employment of strategies that are suitable for facilitation in the clinical area. Guidelines for the facilitation of learning of student nurses were recommended, to improve facilitation in the clinical area. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

Formação do enfermeiro para a integralidade a partir de pressupostos dialógicos freireanos

Boeira, Suzana 20 December 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo apresentar norteadores da prática pedagógica que contribuem na formação do enfermeiro para a integralidade na saúde sob a perspectiva dialógica de Freire. Esse tema surgiu a partir de vivências como docente de um curso de graduação em enfermagem que demonstraram uma dicotomia da formação e da atuação profissional em relação às boas práticas em saúde. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica realizada a partir das publicações do Portal de Periódicos CAPES (2009-2016), considerando teses, dissertações e artigos que contemplam a temática proposta, bem como análise das Diretrizes Curriculares nacionais para a formação do enfermeiro. A análise de conteúdo de Bardin foi o caminho escolhido para interpretação dos dados, articulados com os pressupostos teóricos do dialogismo em Freire e da integralidade de Pinheiro e Mattos. Do processo de análise emergiram três categorias: a docência humanizadora como possibilitadora de um cuidado humanizado; a interdisciplinaridade como base para a integralidade do cuidado através de relações dialógicas constituídas pelo diálogo e pela escuta ativa; e o reconhecimento da multidimensionalidade do sujeito para o estabelecimento de uma relação dialógica desde a sua singularidade e subjetividade. Da articulação entre essas categorias, relacionando os conceitos do quadro teórico constituído, foram identificados cinco pressupostos pedagógicos para a formação do enfermeiro, respondendo assim a pergunta de pesquisa. Eles estão relacionados à necessidade do professor compreender e reconhecer os saberes dos educandos, permanecendo vinculado ao compromisso com o rigor metódico, ao uso da pesquisa para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem e à adaptação e reconhecimento da condição de inacabamento e condicionamento dos sujeitos. Apontam para uma formação orientada para o reconhecimento do homem como ser multidimensional e complexo e na produção de conhecimentos que derivem de espaços coletivos de ação-reflexão-ação, a partir da competência profissional do educador, de sua autoridade, humildade e capacidade de escuta. Os resultados da pesquisa ainda indicam a necessidade de o docente se comprometer com sua prática, levando em conta as demandas do cotidiano profissional do enfermeiro, para pensar nas situações de ensino aprendizagem, além de considerar o contexto de vida dos alunos. / Submitted by Ana Guimarães Pereira (agpereir@ucs.br) on 2017-04-03T19:08:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Suzana Boeira.pdf: 1533473 bytes, checksum: dbaac0c67e15a7d9ebc4f41aac62babe (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-03T19:08:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Suzana Boeira.pdf: 1533473 bytes, checksum: dbaac0c67e15a7d9ebc4f41aac62babe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-04-03 / This research had as objective to present guides of the pedagogical practice that contribute in the formation of the nurse for integrality in the health under the dialogical perspective of Freire. This theme arose from experiences as a teacher of a nursing undergraduate course that demonstrated a dichotomy of training and professional performance in relation to good health practices. This was a bibliographical research based on the publications of the Portal of Periodicals CAPES (2009-2016), considering theses, dissertations and articles that contemplate the proposed theme, as well as an analysis of the National Curricular Guidelines for the training of nurses. Bardin's content analysis was the chosen path for data interpretation, articulated with the theoretical presuppositions of dialogism in Freire and the integrality of Pinheiro and Mattos. From the analysis process, three categories emerged: humanizing teaching as a facilitator of humanized care; Interdisciplinarity as the basis for the integrality of care through dialogic relations constituted by dialogue and active listening; And the recognition of the multidimensionality of the subject for the establishment of a dialogical relationship from its singularity and subjectivity. From the articulation between these categories, relating the concepts of the theoretical framework constituted, five pedagogical presuppositions were identified for the formation of the nurse, thus answering the research question. They are related to the teacher's need to understand and recognize the learners' knowledge, remaining linked to the commitment to methodical rigor, to the use of research for the teaching and learning process, and to the adaptation and recognition of the condition of unfinished and conditioned subjects. They point to a formation oriented towards the recognition of man as a multidimensional and complex being and the production of knowledge derived from collective spaces of action-reflection-action, based on the educator's professional competence, his authority, humility and listening ability. The results of the research still indicate the need for the teacher to commit to their practice, taking into account the demands of the daily professional of the nurse, to think about the situations of teaching learning, and to consider the context of the students life.

Formação do enfermeiro para a integralidade a partir de pressupostos dialógicos freireanos

Boeira, Suzana 20 December 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo apresentar norteadores da prática pedagógica que contribuem na formação do enfermeiro para a integralidade na saúde sob a perspectiva dialógica de Freire. Esse tema surgiu a partir de vivências como docente de um curso de graduação em enfermagem que demonstraram uma dicotomia da formação e da atuação profissional em relação às boas práticas em saúde. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica realizada a partir das publicações do Portal de Periódicos CAPES (2009-2016), considerando teses, dissertações e artigos que contemplam a temática proposta, bem como análise das Diretrizes Curriculares nacionais para a formação do enfermeiro. A análise de conteúdo de Bardin foi o caminho escolhido para interpretação dos dados, articulados com os pressupostos teóricos do dialogismo em Freire e da integralidade de Pinheiro e Mattos. Do processo de análise emergiram três categorias: a docência humanizadora como possibilitadora de um cuidado humanizado; a interdisciplinaridade como base para a integralidade do cuidado através de relações dialógicas constituídas pelo diálogo e pela escuta ativa; e o reconhecimento da multidimensionalidade do sujeito para o estabelecimento de uma relação dialógica desde a sua singularidade e subjetividade. Da articulação entre essas categorias, relacionando os conceitos do quadro teórico constituído, foram identificados cinco pressupostos pedagógicos para a formação do enfermeiro, respondendo assim a pergunta de pesquisa. Eles estão relacionados à necessidade do professor compreender e reconhecer os saberes dos educandos, permanecendo vinculado ao compromisso com o rigor metódico, ao uso da pesquisa para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem e à adaptação e reconhecimento da condição de inacabamento e condicionamento dos sujeitos. Apontam para uma formação orientada para o reconhecimento do homem como ser multidimensional e complexo e na produção de conhecimentos que derivem de espaços coletivos de ação-reflexão-ação, a partir da competência profissional do educador, de sua autoridade, humildade e capacidade de escuta. Os resultados da pesquisa ainda indicam a necessidade de o docente se comprometer com sua prática, levando em conta as demandas do cotidiano profissional do enfermeiro, para pensar nas situações de ensino aprendizagem, além de considerar o contexto de vida dos alunos. / This research had as objective to present guides of the pedagogical practice that contribute in the formation of the nurse for integrality in the health under the dialogical perspective of Freire. This theme arose from experiences as a teacher of a nursing undergraduate course that demonstrated a dichotomy of training and professional performance in relation to good health practices. This was a bibliographical research based on the publications of the Portal of Periodicals CAPES (2009-2016), considering theses, dissertations and articles that contemplate the proposed theme, as well as an analysis of the National Curricular Guidelines for the training of nurses. Bardin's content analysis was the chosen path for data interpretation, articulated with the theoretical presuppositions of dialogism in Freire and the integrality of Pinheiro and Mattos. From the analysis process, three categories emerged: humanizing teaching as a facilitator of humanized care; Interdisciplinarity as the basis for the integrality of care through dialogic relations constituted by dialogue and active listening; And the recognition of the multidimensionality of the subject for the establishment of a dialogical relationship from its singularity and subjectivity. From the articulation between these categories, relating the concepts of the theoretical framework constituted, five pedagogical presuppositions were identified for the formation of the nurse, thus answering the research question. They are related to the teacher's need to understand and recognize the learners' knowledge, remaining linked to the commitment to methodical rigor, to the use of research for the teaching and learning process, and to the adaptation and recognition of the condition of unfinished and conditioned subjects. They point to a formation oriented towards the recognition of man as a multidimensional and complex being and the production of knowledge derived from collective spaces of action-reflection-action, based on the educator's professional competence, his authority, humility and listening ability. The results of the research still indicate the need for the teacher to commit to their practice, taking into account the demands of the daily professional of the nurse, to think about the situations of teaching learning, and to consider the context of the students life.

Guidelines for effective student accompaniment during community health nursing science clinical practice

Motlhale, Lydia Mamoditsana 20 August 2012 (has links)
M.Cur. / Innovative and revolutionary changes in Nursing Education in South Africa have resulted in significant changes in student accompaniment. To give effect to these changes, two important aspects emerged. Firstly a facilitative process in the form of accompaniment of students and secondly the presence of a significant person to aid development of the student. THE AIM OF STUDY The overall aim of the study was to describe guidelines for effective student accompaniment during Community Health Nursing Science Clinical Practice. OBJECTIVES: to explore and describe students' needs for accompaniment during Community Health Nursing Science Clinical Practice to explore and describe the Community Health Nurses' perceived role in the accompaniment of students during Community Health Nursing Science Clinical Practice to describe guidelines for effective student accompaniment during Community Health Nursing Science Clinical Practice The study was explorative, descriptive and contextual and it used qualitative methods. The study was conducted in two phases. During phase 1 students' accompaniment needs were identified through written narrative sketches by forty second year students. Data analysis was done according to the protocol by Tesch. An interview schedule was developed from the results of phase 1 and used to guide the focus-group interview in phase 2. In phase 2, a focus-group interview was conducted with twelve Community Health Nurses to identify their perceived role in student accompaniment. In the first part of the interview an open question was asked, followed by questions based on the interview schedule. Data analysis in phase 2 was done according to the protocol by Tesch. Guidelines for effective student accompaniment during Community Health Nursing Science Clinical Practice were described based on the results of phase 1 and phase 2 namely identified students needs for accompaniment and perceived accompaniment roles by the Community Health Nurses. Trustworthiness was ensured throughout the study by adhering to Lincoln and Guba's model of trustworthiness.

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