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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


YANG, Wenlong January 2023 (has links)
The rise of the "Internet Plus" concept has brought enormous possibilities for digital transformation in various industries in recent years. Traditional pharmaceutical enterprises find it increasingly difficult for them to meet the rising healthcare needs of the people in the new era when facing problems such as high costs associated with too many intermediate distributors, low working capital turnover ratio, limited pharmacies in underdeveloped areas, uneven distribution of medical resources, and patients visiting major hospitals for minor conditions. It is possible to sufficiently address these problems with new models, such as pharmaceutical e-commerce and online consultation with the "Internet Plus" traditional pharmaceutical enterprises. This forces traditional pharmaceutical enterprises to seek a certain level of digital transformation. Combination with e-commerce and that with mobile healthcare are the two main directions of digital transformation of traditional pharmaceutical enterprises with specific options including B2B, B2C, and O2O. This study analyzes the effect of digital transformation efforts of pharmaceutical enterprises with Dingdang Health as the primary example from the perspectives of pharmacies, pharmaceutical enterprises, and consumer experience with the perspective of pharmacies analyzed in terms of operational capability and single store profitability model, the perspective of pharmaceutical enterprises analyzed in terms of financial performance, and the perspective of consumer experience analyzed in terms of third-party review, drug price, online consultation, etc. The findings show that online pharmacies' operational capability apparently outperforms traditional pharmacies regarding inventory turnover, drug types, service coverage, and average benefits. The single-store profitability model suggests that online pharmacies also perform much better than traditional pharmacies as the penetration rate of online drug purchases increases. However, the digital transformation has not brought significant decreases in marketing costs as expected though order fulfillment expenses are the largest port of costs of online pharmacies, as shown by the financial data of pharmaceutical enterprises. From the perspective of consumer experience, online pharmacies are more advantageous in terms of third-party review, rating, drug price, online consultation, etc. However, they still cannot completely replace offline pharmacies largely because of the immediacy and professionalism required in pharmaceutical consumption. / Business Administration/Finance

台灣O2O新創公司之平台策略研究─以EZTABLE為例 / Taiwan O2O start-up platform strategy research by EZTABLE

張景棠 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣近幾年吹起一股 O2O(Online to Offline)創業的風潮,O2O 為聯結「線上顧客」及「線下商店」的商務模式,本質上為一平台商業模式,但目前學界仍缺乏由平台角度來探討 O2O 新創公司的研究。本文採個案研究法,以「EZTABLE」作為研究個案,探討台灣 O2O 新創公司於發展歷程的平台策略,以及如何透過平台模式創造價值。經研究發現O2O新創公司之平台策略隨發展階段動態調整,透過線上支付促使金流內化以獲利,並會尋求外部夥伴合作以完善功能或拓展市場;O2O 新創公司主要透過降低搜尋成本、消彌資訊不對稱和提升服務交換效率與品質創造價值,且價值創造仰賴完整 O2O 循環。最後根據研究結果提出理論與實務上的意涵及建議。

精品手錶O2O定製之創新經營模式 / An Innovative Model of High End Watch O2O Customization

陳凱翔, Chen, Kaixiang Unknown Date (has links)
精品定製在中國漸成一種潮流。目前的精品定製服務大多只停留在線下,消費者會遇到一些問題,例如不了解自己的定製品是否為真,是否是真的限量,以及定製的進展。為解決這些的問題,本研究提出建立一個精品定製O2O(ONLINE TO OFFLINE)平台,透過將線上和線下服務整合,讓消費者能在網上看到自己定製品的稀缺性,掌握整個定製過程,獲得尊貴的體驗。由於篇幅有限,本研究首先圍繞定製手錶提出了一套創新的定製服務模式。手錶定製的模式未來也可以擴展到其他精品的定製中。 為了找出可行的商業模式,本專案透過競爭者分析、需求分析,梳理了目前定製市場的供求現況,參考了競爭品牌的定制產品,提出了先切入個人定製和系列錶定製系列市場,採用模塊化+自由化定製的解決方案。并通過次級資料分析和業者訪談的方式,找出了市場總體需求以及消費者需求特點。最後,在參考了專家意見后,本研究提出了O2O定製的服務模式,其中包括消費者的服務流程、平台基礎設施、IP交易製度以及獲利機制。 / High-end products customization is becoming a trend in China. Currently most of the customization service is offline. Customers will be confronted with some problems, such as the authenticity of customized products, exclusivity and the process of ongoing customization. This research proposed a high-end O2O(ONLINE TO OFFLINE) customization platform in order to solve these problems. By integrating online and offline service, customers can find out the exclusivity of their orders, follow the customization process and get honored experience. Due to the length limitation of this thesis, this research will theme on an innovative model for high-end customized watch. This model can be applied to other customized products afterwards. In order to find out feasible business model, this research sorts out the present supply-demand situation, referring to competitors’ customized products, coming up with a direction of combining modularization and free customization. Moreover, by collecting and analyzing second hand data and interviewing, demand condition of the whole market and features of demand are found out. In the end, after referring to the opinions of industry experts, this research brings forward an O2O customization model, including service workflow, platform infrastructure, IP transaction institution and profiting mechanism.

Discounts as marketing strategies for O2O platform—the case of Eleme

Jiang, Liru January 2016 (has links)
With the development of the Internet and online payment, Online to Offline (O2O) platforms come into people’s lives. O2O platforms provide offline goods and ser-vices for their online users and these platforms are various, for example, they can help the users to call taxis, order food, call babysitters, make orders for cleaning the car and so on, which help people a lot for its convenience. At the same time, attracting customers for these platforms becomes a problem and many of these choose to make discount strategies to reach their goals. Companies invest a lot of money on discounts for competition while investment sometimes is risky, because the company maybe cannot earn the money back, so it is very important to learn how to make discount strategies for O2O platform wisely.Eleme will be studied as the case of this study, because it is a successful example of developing its food delivery O2O platform through investing a lot of money on giving discounts to attract lots of users. Eleme is one of the best food delivery O2O platforms in China, and its users are quite many, so it is a suitable choice to investigate. A mixed method is used in this study. Interviews have been done on commercial tenants of Eleme and questionnaires have been sent to ordinary end-users of Eleme, and the combination of these two parts can lead to good dis-count strategies. To answer the questions of the thesis, relevant knowledge about O2O platform, market strategies, discount strategies, consumer behavior and measures taken by Eleme will be used.The result of this study shows that discounts of the O2O platform do attract lots of customers and giving discounts is a good way to be competitive. At the same time, the platform needs to balance the profits of itself and its commercial tenants, and pays attention to needs of the ordinary end-users behind discounts in case of los-ing them. Eleme used a lot of wise discount strategies to develop itself, but the competition in this area is continuing and many measures can be taken for further development.

「全通路」整合模式之個案分析 / A case study on the omni-channel business models

杜姿穎, Tu, Tzu Ying Unknown Date (has links)
零售業的發展一直受到數位科技進步的影響,而有不同變化。起先因為網際網路的出現,使得部分店家得以藉由電子商務在網路上販售商品;實體店也開始藉由電子商務,提供消費者新的服務與體驗,於是虛實整合模式開始興起。近年來,除了網路普及外,智慧型手機使用率提升也帶動了新的零售模式—全通路零售。為了使消費者在不同通路之間,能夠有更好的消費體驗,零售業者開始以消費者為中心,企圖在任何消費者經常使用的媒體上,佈建通路。 現在比較成功的網路美妝零售業者,早期大多都是以平行輸入商品並且在拍賣網站販售起家。在2006年代前後美妝保養網路購物商店因競爭過於激烈,許多經營不善的店家紛紛退出網路市場,留在市場上的業者開始由虛擬世界跨足實體市場,開設實體店鋪。 本研究以虛實整合與全通路策略兩議題為主,探討網路起家的美妝通路—小三美日之經營作法。小三美日2006年成立於拍賣網站,2009年轉型為以採購小品牌但具流行性的獨特商品為主,2012年開設實體店鋪正式進入虛實整合模式,對於未來的規劃則希望持續邁向全通路零售的模式。 為了進入虛實整合模式,小三美日導入ERP系統,在開設實體店後可與虛擬商店更緊密的聯結在一起,同時也運用數據分析降低庫存積壓,也積極經營與消費者的關係,建立其對於品牌的信任與忠誠。而這些作法,不管是在市場面、成本面或是品牌行銷面,都獲得了正向的結果。針對全通路策略,本研究藉由學者的模型判斷,小三美日已初步符合產業觀點與消費者觀點中的全通路零售,而在其作法上,將統整出現階段已能符合全通路策略需求的項目與未來待改進的方向。 / The development of retailing industry has been influenced by the technology. As Internet came out, some of the retailer can start selling goods online, and so do the physic stores. The physic stores use digital ways, such as e-commerce, to provide their customer new services and shopping experiences. Nowadays, the extension of the use of smartphones force retailer to be more and more consumer oriented, they try to let consumers shop at any channel become possible, which called Omni-channel retailing. Around 2006, a lot of online Beauty Care retailers left the market because of fierce competition. Some players, who started their business on auction website and sold parallel import goods, stayed in the market and implemented Online-to-offline (or clicks-and-mortar) strategy. They built physic stores. This thesis will be aimed at clicks-and-mortar model and Omni-channel strategy, and choose “S3 (小三美日)” as the research target. “S3” was established on auction website in 2006, started clicks-and-mortar model since 2012, and plan to become Omni-channel retailer in the nearly future. To implement clicks-and-mortar model, S3 implement ERP system, analyze data and manage the relationships with customers, etc. All these practices have positive results in three aspect, market size, cost benefits and brand image. S3, who plans to become an Omni-channel retailer, has made a lot of efforts to implement Omni-channel strategy. Therefore, this thesis will examine the practices according to Omni-channel strategy model and give advices for improvement.


楊智淵, Yang, Chih Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來行動網路及數位商務的蓬勃發展,促使O2O(Online to Offline/ Offline to Online)模式的興起。如何有效的結合實體通路與電子商務平台,以發展線上及線下之O2O模式,已成為提升產業競爭力的重要關鍵。 銷售商品不只透過實體店面進行販售,網路的普及化造就了網路銷售平台的架設,大型的購物平台對於零售業產生巨大的影響,因此企業不得不將實體及網路做整合。在傳統的電子商務,不外乎為 B2B、B2C、C2C 等型態,這些模式均屬於單方面虛擬店面的交易。隨著智慧型手機的普及,行動商務已是企業不可忽視的商機。 在現今的社會裡,網際網路帶動了電子商務的流行趨勢,也引導企業走向資訊化行銷的經營模式。利用虛實整合的策略,可以在真實世界與網路虛擬世界間,搭起一座溝通的橋樑,由傳統企業擴展電子商務的市場。在網際網路新世紀中,唯有把實體與虛擬作良好的整合,才能建立並維持競爭優勢。 當企業將實體及網路零售做整合時,實體店面增加了網路上的通路宣傳資源,方便追蹤消費者每筆消費紀錄,對企業來說能夠更輕鬆掌握消費者數據,可以提升對消費者的營銷效果及維護。本論文研究探討對於線上線下的整合,是否有利整體績效呈現,運用對O2O的文獻回顧探討線上線下的整合如何提升營運績效與競爭力。 / In recent years, the vigorous development of the action network and digital commerce has prompted the rise of the O2O model (Online to Offline/ Offline to Online). How to effectively combine physical access and e-commerce platform to develop the model O2O of online and offline has become an important key to enhance the competitiveness of the industry. Sales goods are there are nothing more than pattern sold through physical stores, but the popularization of Internet has created the network sales platform. Large shopping platforms have a huge impact on the retail industry, so enterprises have to integrate entities and networks. In the traditional e-commerce, not only for B2B, B2C, C2C, and so on, these patterns belong to the unilateral virtual store transaction. With the popularity of smart phone, mobile commerce is a business is a business opportunity to be reckoned with in enterprises. In today's society, the Internet has led to the trend of e-commerce, and also leads to the business model of information marketing. The strategy of virtual reality integration can set up a bridge of communication between the real world and the virtual world of the Internet, and expand the market of e-commerce by traditional enterprises. In the new century of the Internet, the competition advantage can be established and maintained only if the entity and the virtual are well integrated. When enterprises integrate entities and online retailers, the physical stores increase the channel publicity resources on the Internet, which is easy to track consumers' consumption records, and can easily grasp the consumer data, and enhance the effectiveness of consumer marketing and maintenance. This paper investigates whether the integration of online and offline whether beneficial to the overall performance or not, and uses literature reviews of O2O to explore how online-offline integration can improve operational performance and competitiveness.

探討Beacon在台灣的創新擴散歷程 - 以燦坤作為創新先鋒為例 / The Study of Implementing Beacon From the Perspective of Innovation Diffusion - A Case Study of Tsann Kuen Enterprise

彭怡翔 Unknown Date (has links)
在行動寬頻、雲端及網際網路等產業的帶動下,全球行動裝置如智慧型手機及平板電腦蓬勃發展,其衍生之行動經濟及應用更為全球經濟成長帶來高度動能。在連網裝置逐年成長之下,物聯網產業應運而生,而其中感測器技術更為物聯網基礎建設中最為核心的關鍵項目。繼蘋果於西元2013年WWDC大會發佈iBeacon技術後,全球零售業掀起微定位熱潮,而Forbes更預估企業利用Beacon搭配APP蒐集消費者資訊為未來物聯網重要趨勢之一。在實體零售店逐漸「展示店化」趨勢下,如何藉由ICT科技、物聯網技術、行動裝置應用來加強與消費者間的連結及提升購物體驗,為實體零售業者急需面對的課題。 本論文研究主要的目的在於探討Beacon於台灣零售業者燦坤的創新擴散歷程,以及使Beacon能夠於燦坤導入每階段快速擴散的關鍵因素,而其中以創新擴散模型之認知、說服、決策、實行、確認五階段構面進行研究與分析。此外,更探討燦坤如何運用Beacon進行O2O虛實整合。 本研究所得到的主要結論包括:(1)在創新擴散的流程中,擁有與導入科技相關的組織團隊背景以及根據創新需求調整組織架構,為Beacon於燦坤之認知階段中能夠快速擴散的關鍵因素。(2)在創新擴散的流程中,鼓勵創新的企業文化為Beacon於燦坤之說服階段中能夠快速擴散的關鍵因素。(3)在創新擴散的流程中,將非核心能力專案外包以及對於外包廠商的選擇,為Beacon於燦坤之決策階段中能夠快速擴散的關鍵因素。(4)在創新擴散的流程中,高階主管對於專案的參與支持以及選擇場域面積、營業額、人流數較大的門市進行首波產品曝光測試,為Beacon於燦坤之實行階段中能夠快速擴散的關鍵因素。(5)在創新擴散的流程中,進行產品的成效評估和顧客滿意度調查,以及尋求產品穩定的獲利模式來源,為Beacon於燦坤之確認階段中能夠快速擴散的關鍵因素。(6)燦坤以Beacon為技術核心打造燦坤黃金傳說APP,以門市尋寶及APP推播的方式,連結燦坤3C實體門市及快3網路商城,使虛實能夠結合及互利。本文最後並提出對於實務上及後續研究的建議。

O2O教育模式應用於國中補校英語教學之個案研究 ─以教育部英語線上學習平臺為例 / A case study of employing O2O education on English teaching in the supplementary junior high school -using English online learning platform of the ministry of education an example

康佳鈴, Kang, Jia-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
研究旨在探討《O2O教育模式應用於國中補校英語教學之個案研究─以教育部英語線上學習平臺》為例,對國中補校學生英語學習成效及可行性。本研究採取行動研究法進行教學與觀察,以新北市立越界高級中學三年級36位學生做為研究對象。教學前、後測透過GEPT全民英檢網「全民英語能力分級檢定測驗-初級」了解學生進行O2O教育模式教學後是否有所差異;教學期間教材、教學現場紀錄、教學省思札記、錄影、訪談等多元方式觀察與紀錄學生協同學習的表現情形、參與態度以及師生的互動關係等,同時參考學生在校兩次段考成績分析《O2O教育模式應用於國中補校英語教學》教學結果,並針對教學過程、教學結果、晤談來分析《O2O教育模式應用於國中補校英語教學之個案研究─以教育部英語線上學習平臺》對國中補校學生英語學習成效及可行性,最後進行資料分析與討論。本研究結果可歸納下列四項結論: 一、Cool English線上學習平臺及教材內容適合個案研究補校學生程度。 二、O2O教育模式增加線下課程(offline)的學習效益。 三、O2O教育模式發現學習者學習動機更為強烈。 四、應用O2O教育模式在補校學生英語教學,可顯著提升學生學習成效。 / This study discusses subsidiary junior high school students’ English learning effect and feasibility via “A Case Study on the O2O Educational Model Applied to Subsidiary Junior High School’s English Teaching – by the Ministry of Education’s Online English Learning Platform.” In this study, teaching and observation were carried out by action research on the study objects of 36 third grade students of Yueh Chieh Senior High School in New Taipei City. Before and after teaching, the “General English Proficiency Test – Elementary Level” on the GEPT website was used to understand whether students are different after being taught by the O2O educational model. Multiple methods such as teaching materials during teaching, teaching scene records, teaching reflection notes, recording and interviews were used to observe and record students’ performances, participation attitudes, and interactions with teachers during collaborative learning. Two school exam scores of each student were also taken for reference to analyze the teaching results of the “O2O Educational Model Applied to Subsidiary Junior High School’s English Teaching.” Besides, the teaching processes, results and interviews were used to analyze subsidiary junior high school students’ English learning effect and feasibility via “A Case Study on the O2O Educational Model Applied to Subsidiary Junior High School’s English Teaching – by the Ministry of Education’s Online English Learning Platform.” Finally, data analysis and discussion were carried out. The study results were induced into four conclusions as follows: 1.The Cool English online learning platform and teaching materials suitable for a case study of subsidiary school students’ level. 2.O2O educational model increased offline's course's learning effect. 3.Via the O2O educational model, it found that learners have stronger learning motives. 4.Applying the O2O educational model to subsidiary school students’ learning significantly increased student’s learning effects.

高齡社會下 O2O 商業模式之研究 -以某連鎖藥局為例 / The study of O2O business model in aging society- a case of chain drugstore Y

蔡嘉凌 Unknown Date (has links)
聯合國人口基金會(UNFPA) 於 2013 指出,21 世紀最重要的趨 勢之一就是人口老化。台灣也隨著社會進步、醫藥發達,出生率及死 亡率逐年降低,老年人口的比例也大幅增加,進入高齡化社會,人口 老化的問題更是值得重視,高齡社會的醫療服務也受到極大關注;除 了過去傳統的面對面實體藥局服務,因應數位化時代,也發展出以線 上到線下的 O2O (Online to Offline)商業模式,將實體藥局與電子商務 做結合,透過網路無遠弗屆的力量尋找高齡消費者,再藉由行銷活動 或購買行為將高齡消費者帶至實體藥局。在醫療業與科技業的界線越 來越模糊情況下,連鎖藥局的競爭也日益激烈,因此以高齡消費者為 主體的 O2O 商業模式之研究,則是當前連鎖藥局轉型與擴充的機會。 本研究擬以個案藥局為例,分析其商業模式及經營策略,􏰀出在 迎向高齡化社會,個案藥局應如何透過線上行銷及線上購買進而帶動 線下經營和線下消費,並歸納出連鎖藥局產業在 O2O (Online to Offline)之創新商業模式如下: 1.發展熟齡生活支援站,經營客戶關係,􏰀高黏著度。 2.建立銀髮生活照顧資料庫,為照顧者及銀髮者解決生活障礙。 3.透過交流互動聚集平台流量並加強曝光度,進而􏰀高成交。 4.分析醫療大數據,讓醫療服務突破地域限制。 / United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) publicly reported in 2013, one of the most important trends in 21st century is population aging. With developments of society and medicines in Taiwan, both of birth and death rates are declining year by year. The elderly population’s rapid size increase turns Taiwan into an aged society; therefore, the issues of aging population and medical service for aged population are worth our attention. Besides traditional face-to-face service in physical pharmacy, O2O (Online to Offline) business model is emerged for dealing with digital generation. The combination of physical pharmacy and boundless network E-commerce makes it easily to reach aged consumers everywhere, the assistance of E-marketing and purchasing behavior would be a stimulation to impel aged consumers to visit physical pharmacy. The boundary between medical and technology industries is getting blurred so the chain pharmacy industry is getting highly competitive nowadays. Base on aforementioned factors, the study of aged-consumers-targeted O2O business model will be an opportunity which can drive chain pharmacies to do enterprise transformation and expansion. This research takes certain chain pharmacy as an example and analyzes this pharmacy’s business model and competitive strategies, and discusses how to attract aged consumers to do offline purchase behavior through stimulation from online marketing and online purchase behavior. Furthermore, this research also explores O2O (Online to Offline) feasible strategies which can create customer value for enhancing the overall competitive advantages. The purposes of this research are listed below: 1. Enhancing offline stores to be community health centers, which can provide health counseling, for strengthening customer relationship and stickiness of store. 2. Establishing Q&A database to help caregivers and senior citizens get free and correct health answers and tips from existing paramedic-reviewed content. 3. By interacting with customers to increase the flow of online platform, visibility and turnover. 4. Analyzing medical big data to break territorial restrictions of medical service. Keywords:O2O, Aging Society, Chain Pharmacy

運用虛擬官方平台與實體活動經營客群之研究--以運動產業為例 / Combining Online and Offline Activities to Interact with Consumers: The Case of Sport Industry

王琦婷 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣近年來路跑活動盛行,加上科技進步,企業的行銷活動已逐漸走向虛實整合的型態,同時利用線上的官方平台與實體活動經營客群,故研究者希望可以了解運動產業中的運動用品製造業者的行銷策略。 本研究的研究問題為:「企業如何運用實體活動和官方網路平台經營客群?」 此研究問題又可以再拆解成兩個面向: 1. 企業2014年度如何運用實體活動及官方網路平台方法經營客群? 2. 企業如何運用實體活動及網路官方平台舉辦單一行銷活動? 本研究採用個案研究法,研究個案為Nike、Adidas、New Balance及Mizuno四家企業,而本研究的結論分為: 1. 運動用品產業之業者透過虛擬官方平台及實體活動,已跨越傳統運動產業區隔,提供消費者更全面的運動服務; 2. 依據虛擬平台的使用程度及實體活動的規模,可以歸納出四種不同的模型的系列行銷活動; 3. 受喜愛程度較低的企業需要以大型的實體活動為主,且年度策略應鎖定固定的族群; 4. 受喜愛程度較高的企業可以增加虛擬官方平台及社群的經營,但仍需和其他企業鎖定不同的目標對象。

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