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發展以社群活動為中心之虛實整合經營模式張厚聖 Unknown Date (has links)
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全通路零售整合研究─以零售業為例 / Integration of O2O Retailing Research張瑜珍 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討面臨全通路時代之下,企業如何透過整合各通路來因應未來變化多端的市場。藉由訪談不同之通路整合過程路徑(Offline to online/Online to offline)個案,指出該個案的通路在商品數量、消費族群及組織資源利用的重疊程度,了解其目前的通路現象,進一步分析其過程所遇到的困難及解決方式,並比較其組織決策的差異帶來通路互動之結果。研究結果發現,無論其整合路徑為何,實體通路在商品數量上皆大於虛擬通路,而消費族群及組織資源利用方面則依照該個案之經營方式不同而有改變;兩個案在通路互動層面,共同具有虛擬通路單方面引導消費者至實體店面之行為,而在購買流程中則有不同作業上的通路互動。
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運用虛擬官方平台與實體活動經營客群之研究--以運動產業為例 / Combining Online and Offline Activities to Interact with Consumers: The Case of Sport Industry王琦婷 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 企業2014年度如何運用實體活動及官方網路平台方法經營客群?
2. 企業如何運用實體活動及網路官方平台舉辦單一行銷活動?
本研究採用個案研究法,研究個案為Nike、Adidas、New Balance及Mizuno四家企業,而本研究的結論分為:
1. 運動用品產業之業者透過虛擬官方平台及實體活動,已跨越傳統運動產業區隔,提供消費者更全面的運動服務;
2. 依據虛擬平台的使用程度及實體活動的規模,可以歸納出四種不同的模型的系列行銷活動;
3. 受喜愛程度較低的企業需要以大型的實體活動為主,且年度策略應鎖定固定的族群;
4. 受喜愛程度較高的企業可以增加虛擬官方平台及社群的經營,但仍需和其他企業鎖定不同的目標對象。
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「全通路」整合模式之個案分析 / A case study on the omni-channel business models杜姿穎, Tu, Tzu Ying Unknown Date (has links)
為了進入虛實整合模式,小三美日導入ERP系統,在開設實體店後可與虛擬商店更緊密的聯結在一起,同時也運用數據分析降低庫存積壓,也積極經營與消費者的關係,建立其對於品牌的信任與忠誠。而這些作法,不管是在市場面、成本面或是品牌行銷面,都獲得了正向的結果。針對全通路策略,本研究藉由學者的模型判斷,小三美日已初步符合產業觀點與消費者觀點中的全通路零售,而在其作法上,將統整出現階段已能符合全通路策略需求的項目與未來待改進的方向。 / The development of retailing industry has been influenced by the technology. As Internet came out, some of the retailer can start selling goods online, and so do the physic stores. The physic stores use digital ways, such as e-commerce, to provide their customer new services and shopping experiences. Nowadays, the extension of the use of smartphones force retailer to be more and more consumer oriented, they try to let consumers shop at any channel become possible, which called Omni-channel retailing.
Around 2006, a lot of online Beauty Care retailers left the market because of fierce competition. Some players, who started their business on auction website and sold parallel import goods, stayed in the market and implemented Online-to-offline (or clicks-and-mortar) strategy. They built physic stores.
This thesis will be aimed at clicks-and-mortar model and Omni-channel strategy, and choose “S3 (小三美日)” as the research target. “S3” was established on auction website in 2006, started clicks-and-mortar model since 2012, and plan to become Omni-channel retailer in the nearly future.
To implement clicks-and-mortar model, S3 implement ERP system, analyze data and manage the relationships with customers, etc. All these practices have positive results in three aspect, market size, cost benefits and brand image. S3, who plans to become an Omni-channel retailer, has made a lot of efforts to implement Omni-channel strategy. Therefore, this thesis will examine the practices according to Omni-channel strategy model and give advices for improvement.
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虛實整合對線上購物網站的影響 / The Impacts of O2O on the Online Shopping Websites黃立宜, Huang, Li Yi Unknown Date (has links)
燦坤實業以小家電代工起家,進入3C零售通路業一路快速成長,於2004年進入虛擬通路,燦坤實業以「實體通路為核心優勢」發展平台策略,將實體門市的資源運用在網路店,兩方互補以達集團綜效。燦坤網路店運用數位行銷吸引早期第一波平台用戶,持續累積用戶數量達到平台引爆點,網路店的成長動能為提供消費者具競爭力的價格與難以取代的服務,鼓勵消費者在線上直接下單,取得在實體門市購買商品一樣的服務。若以網路店為中心,實體門市所扮演的角色是提供線下服務;若以實體門市為中心,網路店所扮演的角色則是一條全年無休的通路。經過十年的經營,2014年營收為15億,占燦坤年營收的7%。燦坤實業為同業中第一個跟著大環境進行變革的企業,成功掌握「實體門市為核心優勢」的營運策略,把消費者由線下帶至線上,再由線上帶至線下,打造3C零售通路生態圈。 / In recent years, e-commerce industry is prospering. Online shopping stores became more diverse than before, not only product category increased but also began to focus on service. PChome pioneered 24H arrival shipping strategy, then the other competitor ASAP also provided 3hr arrival service, the online shopping market started “speed war”. The mutual cooperation of logistics and cash flow make entity retailers face immediate and powerful threat, retailers have to make the transition, or set up their own shopping website.
In addition to the physical channels, virtual channels especially e-commerce are new and popular marketing channel in the recent years. Because there are different advantages and disadvantages of physical channels and virtual channels, clicks-and-mortar model which integrates physical and virtual channels, combined the different characteristics and advantages is advanced.
This study will focus on how a appliances retailer - Tsannkuen to find a new way of e-commerce and do the click-and-mortar model which integrates physical and virtual channels. Especially how to integrate logistics and services between Tsannkuen and Tsannkuen kuai3 which became Taiwan's largest household appliances retail virtual channel.
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零售業線上線下經營模式整合之研究—以C公司為例楊智淵, Yang, Chih Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來行動網路及數位商務的蓬勃發展,促使O2O(Online to Offline/ Offline to Online)模式的興起。如何有效的結合實體通路與電子商務平台,以發展線上及線下之O2O模式,已成為提升產業競爭力的重要關鍵。
銷售商品不只透過實體店面進行販售,網路的普及化造就了網路銷售平台的架設,大型的購物平台對於零售業產生巨大的影響,因此企業不得不將實體及網路做整合。在傳統的電子商務,不外乎為 B2B、B2C、C2C 等型態,這些模式均屬於單方面虛擬店面的交易。隨著智慧型手機的普及,行動商務已是企業不可忽視的商機。
當企業將實體及網路零售做整合時,實體店面增加了網路上的通路宣傳資源,方便追蹤消費者每筆消費紀錄,對企業來說能夠更輕鬆掌握消費者數據,可以提升對消費者的營銷效果及維護。本論文研究探討對於線上線下的整合,是否有利整體績效呈現,運用對O2O的文獻回顧探討線上線下的整合如何提升營運績效與競爭力。 / In recent years, the vigorous development of the action network and digital commerce has prompted the rise of the O2O model (Online to Offline/ Offline to Online). How to effectively combine physical access and e-commerce platform to develop the model O2O of online and offline has become an important key to enhance the competitiveness of the industry.
Sales goods are there are nothing more than pattern sold through physical stores, but the popularization of Internet has created the network sales platform. Large shopping platforms have a huge impact on the retail industry, so enterprises have to integrate entities and networks. In the traditional e-commerce, not only for B2B, B2C, C2C, and so on, these patterns belong to the unilateral virtual store transaction. With the popularity of smart phone, mobile commerce is a business is a business opportunity to be reckoned with in enterprises.
In today's society, the Internet has led to the trend of e-commerce, and also leads to the business model of information marketing. The strategy of virtual reality integration can set up a bridge of communication between the real world and the virtual world of the Internet, and expand the market of e-commerce by traditional enterprises. In the new century of the Internet, the competition advantage can be established and maintained only if the entity and the virtual are well integrated.
When enterprises integrate entities and online retailers, the physical stores increase the channel publicity resources on the Internet, which is easy to track consumers' consumption records, and can easily grasp the consumer data, and enhance the effectiveness of consumer marketing and maintenance. This paper investigates whether the integration of online and offline whether beneficial to the overall performance or not, and uses literature reviews of O2O to explore how online-offline integration can improve operational performance and competitiveness.
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虛實整合趨勢下百貨公司可行之行銷策略 / Marketing strategy that department stores can take under the trend of omnichannel林珈儀, Lin, Jia Yi Unknown Date (has links)
透過量化研究,綜合了解消費者虛實通路購物習慣和偏好、百貨公司購物習慣和偏好、百貨公司虛實整合現況認知及接受度與百貨業者現今提供之產品和服務滿足消費者需求的程度,整理出品牌/商品差異化、服務品質提升、增強體驗、提供更多休閒樂趣、完善會員制度與提供並整合多元消費/接觸管道六點行銷策略建議,希望給予百貨公司業者與面臨市場衝擊下,如何吸引消費者之行銷策略面之建議、協助策略之訂定。 / In today’s retail market, the traditional brick-and-mortar retailers have strived to develop online market after facing intense competition from e-commerce prosperity, online retailers such as Amazon and Alibaba have also started to expand offline market. Omni-channel has become the market trend, both online-only retailers and traditional physical stores are facing challenges. Retailers have to integrate online and offline channel resources, and keep innovating.
Contrast to online retailers, traditional brick-and-mortar retailers have invested a lot of resources in building and managing physical channels. Department stores sales accounts high proportion of total retail market sales and are facing the problem of changing customer needs. Therefore, this study examines the marketing strategy that department stores can take under the trend of omni-channel.
Through quantitative research that designed to understand customer buying behavior, including shopping habits and preferences in online and offline channels and in department stores, cognition and acceptance of department store’s nowadays omnichannel strategy, and satisfactions of the products and services that currently provided by department stores. This study proposes six marketing strategy recommendations, which are brand/ product differentiation, service quality upgrade, shopping experience enhancement, entertainment providing, loyalty program improvement, and channels/ touch points integration. Based on these recommendations, the study hopes to help the department stores to figure out the ways to attract customers and build the strategy under the market challenges.
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房屋比價平台對房仲業影響之研究 / The Impacts of Emerging of House Price Comparisons Platform on the Real Estate Industry宋昌龍 Unknown Date (has links)
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商業銀行實體分行數位化與行動化轉型策略之研究 / A study on the digital transformation strategies of commercial banks in Taiwan徐惠萍 Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 實體分行與數位銀行是相輔相成,經營型態將更多元化與彈性。
(二) 建立重視客戶體驗的企業文化,提升行員銷售與服務加值功能。
(三) 虛實通路整合發揮全通路價值,化競爭為互補,提升競爭優勢。
(一) 客製化:學習零售業思維,重視客戶的聲音與市場的需求。
(二) 一致化:效法製造業管理,確保多通路一致性的流程與品質。
(三) 參與性:善用社群媒體經營互動,透過大數據行銷與服務無縫接軌。
(四) 安全性:建立安全可信任交易環境,關鍵風險指標全面即時監控。
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以競合策略的觀點探討企業虛擬通路與實體通路的互動關係 / Exploring the Interaction Relationship between Virtual Channel and Physical Channel in Enterprises from the Perspectives of Co-opetition Strategy江馨瑩, Chiang, Hsin Ying Unknown Date (has links)
2. 企業的虛擬通路部門面對實體通路部門時,會透過換位思考的方式運用利誘和施壓之策略,且同時搭配篩選實體合作店與分配訂單的配套措施,使實體通路部門在競爭下與之合作。
3. 企業的虛擬通路部門面對實體通路部門時,打破營運框架引導網站顧客至實體通路消費,並結合自身的核心優勢吸引更多顧客前往網站瀏覽、下單,以提升其營運業績。 / In recent years, Internet brought along the growth of electronic commerce; Internet shops sprung up like mushrooms, and many companies with physical distribution channels one after another have also invested into online marketing to create Internet shops and to share Internet market profits, becoming so-called “click-and-mortar” business. However, for expanding the market successful “click-and-mortar” businesses not only the enterprises need to ensure mutual cooperation between virtual and physical channels, but at the same time also have to overcome mutual cannibalization of the two types of channels. Thus, it can be seen that there exist both cooperation and competition between virtual and physical channels.
The study aims to investigate the operations of virtual channels in the enterprises of “click-and-mortar” with existing physical channels. We will analyze “co-opetition” relations between virtual and physical channels by modifying the framework of game theory’s five elements for the situation of co-opetition. Then, we select corporate group Test Rite International Co., Ltd. for our case study subject and use in-depth interview so major approach for the study. We hope the research results bring both academic and practical contributions.
The study will examine research problems from three perspectives. Firstly, how does the company position and manage virtual channels under already with established physical channels. Secondly, how does the department of virtual channels cooperate with the department of physical channels for using its resources? Thirdly, how does the department of virtual channels compete with the department of physical channels? Through the case study in our research, we conclude: (1) The enterprise with established physical channels, positions the department of virtual channels as the platform for distribution and performs the operation mode “take orders by website, deliver products through physical channel”, and avoids confusing customers by unification of brands, product items, quality, and price.(2) When working with the department of physical channels, the department of virtual channels develops inducement and suppression strategy by “putting itself in other’s place” thinking pattern. It makes the department of physical channels cooperate under competition by adjusting measures for choosing cooperation with physical channel stores and distribution of orders. (3) By the special strategies, such as attracting customers to visit virtual channels, the department of virtual channels breaks down the operating framework by combining its own advantages, and wins over more customers to visit the webpage for browsing and ordering, by this increasing the operating performance.
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