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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Διαχείριση φάσματος και ισχύος σε ασύρματα συστήματα OFDMA για υποστήριξη χρηστών με διαφορετικές απαιτήσεις

Ζήμος, Ευάγγελος 21 October 2010 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία εξετάζεται το πρόβλημα του διαμοιρασμού των διαθέσιμων πόρων ενός ασύρματου συστήματος επικοινωνίας στους χρήστες μέσα στην περιοχή μιας κυψέλης. Γίνεται η υπόθεση ότι το ασύρματο σύστημα κάνει χρήση της τεχνικής πολλαπλής πρόσβασης (multiple–access technique) OFDMA, δηλαδή ότι χρησιμοποιεί έναν αριθμό ορθογώνιων υποφορέων τον οποίο αναθέτει στους χρήστες για τη μετάδοση της πληροφορίας. Η μελέτη εστιάζεται στην κάτω ζεύξη (downlink) του συστήματος OFDMA, δηλαδή στη μετάδοση δεδομένων από το σταθμός βάσης της κυψέλης στους χρήστες – δέκτες. Οι διαθέσιμοι πόροι του συστήματος είναι οι ορθογώνιοι υποφορείς και η συνολική διαθέσιμη ισχύς στο σταθμό βάσης. Θεωρούμε ότι ο σταθμός βάσης έχει στη διάθεσή του τέλεια γνώση του καναλιού που τον συνδέει με κάθε χρήστη (channel state information – CSI) μέσω καναλιών ανάδρασης. Η πληροφορία κατάστασης του καναλιού χρησιμοποιείται από τον σταθμό βάσης για την κατανομή των πόρων προς τους χρήστες με δυναμικό τρόπο με χρήση κατάλληλων αλγορίθμων. Εναλλακτικά, εάν ο πομπός δε διαθέτει αξιόπιστη πληροφορία σχετικά με την κατάσταση του καναλιού ή για απλοποίηση του σχεδιασμού η ανάθεση των πόρων μπορεί να πραγματοποιηθεί στατικά, δηλαδή γίνεται μόνιμη ανάθεση ενός συνόλου υποφορέων ανά χρήστη δίχως να λαμβάνεται υπόψη η CSI. Η ισχύς μπορεί να κατανεμηθεί στους υποφορείς είτε ισόποσα ή, βάσει της CSI, με χρήση του αλγορίθμου water–filling. Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία εξετάζονται διαφορετικά σενάρια κατανομής των πόρων που περιλαμβάνουν αλγορίθμους για την ανάθεση των υποφορέων και το διαμοιρασμό των κατάλληλων ποσοτήτων ισχύος στους υποφορείς. Ανάλογα με το στόχο και τις ανάγκες των χρηστών του συστήματος, καθώς και με το ποσό της διαθέσιμης πληροφορίας καναλιού στο σταθμό βάσης, χρησιμοποιούνται διαφορετικοί αλγόριθμοι. Συγκεκριμένα, ο αλγόριθμος Maximum Sum Rate (MSR) επιδιώκει τη μεγιστοποίηση του συνολικού ρυθμού μετάδοσης του συστήματος χωρίς, όμως, να ενδιαφέρεται για την πιθανότητα κάποιοι από τους χρήστες να υποεξηπηρετούνται. Αντιθέτως, ο αλγόριθμος μέγιστης δικαιοσύνης ή αλγόριθμος max–min (ΜΜ) έχει ως κύριο μέλημά του την όσο το δυνατόν καλύτερη εξυπηρέτηση όλων των πελατών στο σύστημα. Τέλος, οι στατικές στρατηγικές ανάθεσης, αν και υποδεέστερες όσον αφορά την επίδοση, είναι πιο απλές στην υλοποίησή τους και μπορούν να εφαρμοστούν σε περιπτώσεις όπου η CSI δεν είναι διαθέσιμη ή δεν είναι επαρκώς αξιόπιστη. / In this diploma thesis, the downlink of a single-cell system is considered in the downlink transmission. The multiple–access technique that is used in this system is OFDMA and the objective is the allocation of the resources among users that access the system. The available resources to be distributed among the users of the OFDMA system comprise the subcarriers over which the signals of the users are transmitted and the available power that is allocated among subcarriers. It is assumed that users estimate and feedback perfectly the channel state information (CSI) to the base station of the cell, where subcarrier and power allocation are determined according to the CSI of the users and the resource–allocation algorithm. Subcarrier assignment to each user can be implemented in a static or a dynamic fashion. When static subcarrier allocation is employed, the CSI is not taken into account, and a fixed set of subcarriers is assigned to each user. On the other hand, dynamic allocation uses CSI and results in improved achievable rates compared to static allocation. Regarding transmit power adaptation, it can be allocated to subcarriers either equally or, provided that the CSI is perfectly known to the transmitter (the base station), using the water–filling procedure. In this diploma thesis, different resource allocation strategies for the downlink of an OFDMA system are compared. Each algorithm has a different objective. For instance, the objective of the Maximum Sum Ratio (MSR) algorithm is to maximize the sum rate of all users on the system with no regard to underserved users. On the contrary, the Max–Min (MM) algorithm, also known as Maximum Fairness Algorithm, has a different philosophy. Specifically, the objective of MM is the better service of the underserved users allocating an amount of resources to them to provide the maximum possible fairness to all users. Despite the total sum rate penalty it experiences, the MM algorithm leads to improved fairness compared to MSR. Finally, although inferior to their dynamic counterparts, static resource allocation strategies are easier to implement and can be employed even in the absence of CSI.

Allocation des ressources fondée sur la qualité du canal pour la voie descendante des systèmes LTE / Resources allocation based on channel quality for the downlink of LTE systems

Huang, Fan 16 December 2015 (has links)
La recherche effectuée dans cette thèse a pour cadre les réseaux radio privés dédiés aux forces de sécurité civile. En effet, doté actuellement d’un service bande étroite, ils doivent évoluer pour faire face à de nouveaux besoins comme la vidéo ou le multimédia. L’objectif est donc d’adapter la technologie LTE aux contraintes et propriétés de ces réseaux particulier. Ainsi, le nombre d’utilisateurs est limité mais le service doit toujours être disponible et des priorités peuvent être mises en œuvre.Dans ce contexte, l’allocation des ressources de communication est un problème important avec des prérequis différents des réseaux d’opérateurs. Notre conception d’algorithmes d’allocation a donc été menée avec deux objectifs principaux : maximiser l'efficacité du spectre et servir équitablement les utilisateurs au lieu de maximiser le débit global du réseau.Cette thèse propose des nouvelles stratégies de l’allocation des blocs de ressources (RB) dans les systèmes LTE sur le lien descendant. Au contraire des algorithmes classiques d'allocation des ressources qui se basent sur la capacité de RB déjà estimée, nos stratégies d’allocation des RB cherchent à améliorer le débit utilisateur, en utilisant la coopération à base de Beamforming et les modèles de la théorie des jeux.1. L’interférence inter-cellulaire est le principal problème des systèmes OFDMA. Grâce aux antennes MIMO (Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output), la technique de Beamforming améliore le signal reçu afin d'augmenter le SINR (Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise-Ratio), mais le signal amélioré peut également influencer l’interférence inter-cellulaire dans les cellules voisines. Dans les méthodes traditionnelles, le contrôleur alloue les RBs aux UEs (User Equipement) en fonction de la capacité des RB et d'autres paramètres, le système applique alors la technique de Beamforming aux équipements utilisateurs choisis. Après la formation des faisceaux, la capacité des RB varie mais l'ordonnanceur conserve la même allocation. Au contraire, notre système alloue les RBs et choisit les vecteurs de Beamforming conjointement pour améliorer les performances de la technique de Beamforming. Il accroît le débit moyen en augmentant la capacité moyenne du RB. Comme plusieurs paramètres sont pris en compte, la complexité augmente exponentiellement aussi. Dans cette thèse, nous avons développé une méthode itérative pour réduire la complexité. Notamment, elle améliore de plus de 10% le débit des utilisateurs en bord de la cellule.2. Contrairement aux performances des algorithmes qui maximisent le débit global du réseau, les approches d’allocation de ressources à base de théorie des jeux maximisent la fonction d'utilité des UE du point de vue économique. Si le modèle a une solution NBS (Nash Bargaining Solution) il offre une solution optimale de Pareto de la fonction d'utilité. L’allocation traditionnelle est d'optimiser l'allocation de sous-porteuses à chaque intervalle de temps, mais dans le système OFDMA, les sous-porteuses sont formées de RBs dans le temps. Nous proposons une approche RB NBS, qui est plus efficace que les schémas existants. Nous analysons les canaux de fast-fading et les comparons sans l'influence de l’atténuation. En raison de la grande atténuation de signal en bordure de la cellule, l’utilisateur a toujours des RB de plus faible capacité que celui au centre de la cellule. Notre idée est d'ajouter un facteur de compensation pour combattre l'influence de la perte de propagation. Les facteurs de compensation sont soigneusement choisis afin de maximiser la fonction NBS. Cependant, le calcul de ces facteurs a une grande complexité et nous développons quatre solutions approchées qui donnent les mêmes performances avec une bonne précision. L'évaluation des performances de notre approche confirme que notre méthode et ses solutions approchées sont capables de partager équitablement les ressources sur toute la cellule. / This research takes place in the context of Private Mobile Radio networks evolution which aims at designing a new LTE based PMR technology dedicated to public security services. As the frequency bands dedicated to this service is scarce and the need of public safety forces is different, we have revisited the Resource Allocation problem in this thesis with two main objectives: designing new allocation algorithms which outperform the spectrum efficiency and serving fairly the users instead of maximizing the global network throughput.This thesis proposes new Resource Block (RB) allocation strategies in LTE downlink systems. Instead of the well-known resource allocation algorithms, which work on the condition that the RB capacity is already estimated, our RB allocation schemes can improve the potential of the channel capacity, using Beamforming cooperation and game-theoretical problems1. With the MIMO (Multiple-Input-Multiple-output) antennas, the Beamforming technique improves the received signal in order to increase the SINR (Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise-Ratio), but the improved signal may also influence the inter-cell interference in the neighbouring cells. As inter-cell interference is the main interference in the OFDMA system, a smart scheduling can choose UEs (User Equipment) in adjacent cells to control interference increment caused by Beamforming.In traditional methods, the scheduler allocates RBs to UEs depending on the RB capacities and other parameters, the system then applies the Beamforming technique to these chosen UEs. After the Beamforming, the RB capacity varies but the scheduler keeps the same allocation.Our scheme allocates the RBs and chooses Beamforming vectors at the same time to enhance the performance of the Beamforming technique. It increases the average throughput by increasing the RB’s average capacity. Because more parameters are taken into account, the complexity also increases exponentially. In the thesis we find an iterative method to reduce the complexity. From the simulations, our iterative method also has good performance and improves more than 10% of throughput on the cell edge.2. In contrast to the performance first algorithms, game theoretic allocation schemes maximize the UEs’ utility function from the economical point of view. The NBS (Nash Bargaining Solution) offers a Pareto optimal solution for the utility function.The traditional NBS allocation in an OFDMA system is to optimize the subcarrier allocation at each time slot, but in the OFDMA system, the subcarriers are composed of Resource Blocks (RB) in time series. We propose an RB NBS approach, which is more efficient than the existing subcarrier NBS allocation scheme.We analyze the fast-fading channels and compare them without the path-loss influence. Because of the great path-loss in cell edge, the edge UE always has lower RB capacity than the cell center UE. Our idea is to bring in a compensating factor to overcome this path-loss influence, and the compensating factors are carefully chosen to maximize the NBS function. However, the computation of these factors has a high complexity and we develop four approximated solutions which give same performance and accuracy. The performance evaluation confirms that our method and its approximated solutions are able to spread resources fairly over the entire cell.

Dynamic Bandwidth allocation algorithms for an RF on-chip interconnect / Allocation dynamique de bande passante pour l’interconnexion RF d’un réseau sur puce

Unlu, Eren 21 June 2016 (has links)
Avec l’augmentation du nombre de cœurs, les problèmes de congestion sont commencé avec les interconnexions conventionnelles. Afin de remédier à ces défis, WiNoCoD projet (Wired RF Network-on-Chip Reconfigurable-on-Demand) a été initié par le financement de l’Agence Nationale de Recherche (ANR). Ce travail de thèse contribue à WiNoCoD projet. Une structure de contrôleur de RF est proposé pour l’interconnexion OFDMA de WiNoCoD et plusieurs algorithmes d’allocation de bande passante efficaces (distribués et centralisés) sont développés, concernant les demandes et contraintes très spécifiques de l’environnement sur-puce. Un protocole innovante pour l’arbitrage des sous-porteuses pour des longueurs bimodales de paquets sur-puce, qui ne nécessite aucun signalisation supplémentaire est introduit. Utilisation des ordres de modulation élevés avec plus grande consommation d’énergie est évaluée. / With rapidly increasing number of cores on a single chip, scalability problems have arised due to congestion and latency with conventional interconnects. In order to address these issues, WiNoCoD project (Wired RF Network-on-Chip Reconfigurable-on-Demand) has been initiated by the support of French National Research Agency (ANR). This thesis work contributes to WiNoCoD project. A special RF controller structure has been proposed for the OFDMA based wired RF interconnect of WiNoCoD. Based on this architecture, effective bandwidth allocation algorithms have been presented, concerning very specific requirements and constraints of on-chip environment. An innovative subcarrier allocation protocol for bimodal packet lengths of cache coherency traffic has been presented, which is proven to decrease average latency significantly. In addition to these, effective modulation order selection policies for this interconnect have been introduced, which seeks the optimal delay-power trade-off.

Allocation de ressource opportuniste dans les réseaux sans fil multicellulaires / Opportunistic resource allocation in wireless multicellular networks

Ezzaouia, Mahdi 08 November 2018 (has links)
La forte croissance du trafic dans les réseaux mobiles s'accompagne d'une augmentation de son hétérogénéité, tant dans l'espace qu'au cours du temps. Cette thèse porte sur des algorithmes d’ordonnancement adaptés à des trafics avec des zones à forte concentration et variables dans le temps. Nous proposons un mécanisme de prêt de la ressource spectrale d'une cellule en sous-charge à une voisine en surcharge combinée à un ordonnancement réactif au sein de chaque cellule. Nous nous intéressons aussi à l’architecture Cloud Radio Access Network qui sépare les têtes de transmission radio (Remote Radio Heads, RRHs) des unités de traitement en bande de base (Baseband Units, BBUs). L’interconnexion entre les BBUs et les RRHs se fait selon deux modes. Le premier est appelé association bi-univoque et consiste à allouer les unités de ressources de la trame radio d’une BBU à une seule RRH. Dans le second mode, appelé association multiple, une BBU peut gérer plusieurs RRHs. Nous proposons un mode d’association hybride dans lequel les unités de ressource de chaque trame sont réparties en deux tranches. La première constitue une tranche non partagée qui est allouée aux utilisateurs centraux selon l’association bi-univoque afin d’augmenter le débit notamment à haute charge de trafic. La deuxième tranche est constituée par une quantité d’unités de ressources partagées par un groupe de RRHs appartenant au même BBU. Cette tranche commune est configurée en association multiple et est allouée aux utilisateurs frontaliers et mobiles. Nous montrons que le mode hybride réduit les interférences intercellulaires, diminue le nombre de handover inter-BBU et améliore la consommation énergétique. / The exponential growth of traffic in mobile networks is accompanied by an increase in its heterogeneity, both in space and over time. This thesis deals with scheduling algorithms adapted to highly concentrated and time-varying traffic zones. We propose a spectrum borrowing mechanism from an under-loaded cell to an overloaded one combined with a reactive intra-cellular scheduling algorithm. We are also interested in the Cloud Radio Access Network architecture that separates the Radio Head(RRH) from the Baseband Unit (BBU). The BBU is connected to the RRU according to two modes. The first one is called a one-to-one association and consists in allocating the resource units of the BBU radio frame to a single RRH. In the second mode which is called multiple association, a BBU can handle multiple RRHs. We propose a hybrid association mode in which the resource units of each frame are divided into two slices. The first one constitutes an unshared slice and is allocated to central users according to the one-to-one association in order to increase the throughput, especially at high traffic load. The second slice contains a quantity of resource units that are shared by a group of RRHs belonging to the same BBU. This common slice is configured according to the multiple association mode and is allocated to the edge and mobile users. We show that the hybrid mode reduces the inter-cell interferences, decreases the number of inter-BBU handovers and improves the energy consumption.

Study and evaluation of a frequential multiplexing based on OFDM/OQAM / Etude et évaluation d’un multiplexage fréquentiel basé sur l’OFDM/OQAM

Gharba, Mohamed 13 July 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l’étude de la modulation OFDM/OQAM en tant qu’alternative à la modulation OFDM. Nous traitons plus particulièrement le contexte multiusagers. De ce point de vue, les aspects de synchronisation sont déterminants. Les différentes options plus le choix de la forme d’onde sont donc examinés de ce point de vue. Un autre objectif est de montrer de manière précise comment la modulation OFDM/OQAM peut s’adapter à une transmission de type cellulaire, en prenant comme référence le système 3GPP/LTE. Les principales contributions que nous avons apportées sont : 1) Une analyse des phénomènes de désynchronisation : nous analysons l’effet de la désynchronisation, suivant les axes temporel et fréquentiel, sur les performances de l’OFDM/OQAM au récepteur. 2) Méthode de synchronisation : nous analysons une méthode de synchronisation temporelle définie dans un contexte de transmission OFDM/OQAM mono-usager et nous l’adaptons à un scénario de type multi-usagers. 3) Proposition d’un schéma d’accès multiple : nous proposons un schéma d’accès multiple basé sur la modulation OFDM/OQAM, alternatif aux techniques connues OFDMA et SC-FDMA, pour la transmission en liaison montante dans un contexte de type 3GPP/LTE. / This thesis is dedicated to the study of the OFDM/OQAM modulation as an alternative to the OFDM modulation. We treat more especially the multi-user environment. In this respect, synchronization aspects are crucial. The different options plus the choice of the waveform are examined in this point of view. Another objective is to precisely show how the OFDM/OQAM can be adapted to a cellular transmission type, taking as reference the 3GPP/LTE system. The main contributions we have made are : 1) Analysis of the desynchronization phenomena : we analyze the effect of desynchronization, according to the time and frequency axes, on the performance of OFDM/OQAM at the receiver side. 2) Synchronization method : we analyze a method of temporal synchronization defined in a single user OFDM/OQAM transmission and we adapt it to a multi-user scenario type. 3) Proposing for a multiple access scheme : we propose a multiple access scheme based on theOFDM/OQAM modulation, alternative to the known techniques OFDMA and SC-FDMA, for the UL transmission in a 3GPP/LTE context.

A cooperative MAC protocol to improve the performance of in-home broadband PLC systems

Oliveira, Roberto Massi de 11 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-06-07T11:55:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 robertomussideoliveira.pdf: 1293292 bytes, checksum: 78c6c9fd9415c0b3990a1aaf55b842a2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-06-07T13:31:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 robertomussideoliveira.pdf: 1293292 bytes, checksum: 78c6c9fd9415c0b3990a1aaf55b842a2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-07T13:31:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 robertomussideoliveira.pdf: 1293292 bytes, checksum: 78c6c9fd9415c0b3990a1aaf55b842a2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-11 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Nesse trabalho, discutimos o uso de protocolos de cooperação na subcamada de controle de acesso ao meio (CMAC) para reduzir a taxa de perda de pacote e aumentar o goodput em um sistema de comunicação banda larga via rede elétrica (PLC) de ambientes residenciais. Para apoiar essa discussão, nós, pela primeira vez, apresentamos uma análise estatística da taxa de erro de pacote (PER) de canais PLC residenciais a partir de dados medidos em um modelo com um único relay. Adicionalmente, nós esboçamos um simples protocolo CMAC capaz de explorar a diversidade oferecida por uma rede elétrica doméstica. Usando esse protocolo, nosso objetivo é mostrar o impacto da variação da largura de banda, da variação da PER e da posição relativa do relay no desempenho do sistema. Sendo assim, nós mostramos que a taxa de perda de pacote e o goodput melhoram quando a largura de banda de frequência aumenta. Além disso, resultados mostram que a cooperação na camada de enlace não oferece vantagens caso os valores de PER do enlace direto e do enlace intermediado pelo relay sejam muito altos ou muito baixos. Nós também notamos que as melhorias estudadas dependem da posição do nó relay em relação ao nó fonte e ao nó destino (i.e., notamos melhoras na rede nos casos em que o relay estava situado próximo à fonte e no meio do caminho entre a fonte e o destino). Finalmente, uma comparação entre os esquemas de acesso múltiplo por divisão de frequências ortogonais - acesso múltiplo por divisão de tempo (OFDMA-TDMA) e acesso múltiplo por divisão de tempo - multiplexação por divisão ortogonal de frequência (TDMA-OFDM) mostra que o simples protocolo CMAC é mais eficaz quando usado juntamente com o primeiro esquema do que com o último. Em suma, a nossa contribuição é dividida em duas etapas: primeiramente, desenvolvemos um simples protocolo MAC de cooperação que traz melhorias de desempenho na rede quando comparado com um sistema sem a cooperação; em segundo lugar, nós realizamos uma análise sistemática de diferentes cenários, mostrando os benefícios e limitações da cooperação na camada de enlace de redes PLC. / In this work, we discuss the use of cooperative medium access control (CMAC) protocols to reduce packet loss rate and to improve goodput of in-home broadband power line communication (PLC) systems. To support this discussion, we, for the first time, present a statistical packet error rate (PER) analysis of measured in-home PLC channels by adopting a single relay model. Additionally, we outline a simple CMAC protocol that is capable of exploiting the diversity offered by in-home electric power grids. Using this protocol, we aim to show the impact of bandwidth variation, PER variation and of relative relay location on system performance. Thus, we show that packet loss rate and goodput improve when frequency bandwidth increases. Also, results show that cooperation at the link layer does not offer advantages if the PER values of direct and relayed links are very high or very low. Furthermore, we note that the improvements depend on the location of the node relay in relation to the nodes source and the destination (i.e., network improves if the relay is located near the source or in the midway between the source and the destination). Finally, a comparison between orthogonal frequency division multiple access - time division multiple access (OFDMA-TDMA) and time division multiple access - orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (TDMA-OFDM) schemes show that the simple CMAC protocol is more effective when it is used together with the former scheme than the latter.

Dynamic Bandwidth allocation algorithms for an RF on-chip interconnect / Allocation dynamique de bande passante pour l’interconnexion RF d’un réseau sur puce

Unlu, Eren 21 June 2016 (has links)
Avec l’augmentation du nombre de cœurs, les problèmes de congestion sont commencé avec les interconnexions conventionnelles. Afin de remédier à ces défis, WiNoCoD projet (Wired RF Network-on-Chip Reconfigurable-on-Demand) a été initié par le financement de l’Agence Nationale de Recherche (ANR). Ce travail de thèse contribue à WiNoCoD projet. Une structure de contrôleur de RF est proposé pour l’interconnexion OFDMA de WiNoCoD et plusieurs algorithmes d’allocation de bande passante efficaces (distribués et centralisés) sont développés, concernant les demandes et contraintes très spécifiques de l’environnement sur-puce. Un protocole innovante pour l’arbitrage des sous-porteuses pour des longueurs bimodales de paquets sur-puce, qui ne nécessite aucun signalisation supplémentaire est introduit. Utilisation des ordres de modulation élevés avec plus grande consommation d’énergie est évaluée. / With rapidly increasing number of cores on a single chip, scalability problems have arised due to congestion and latency with conventional interconnects. In order to address these issues, WiNoCoD project (Wired RF Network-on-Chip Reconfigurable-on-Demand) has been initiated by the support of French National Research Agency (ANR). This thesis work contributes to WiNoCoD project. A special RF controller structure has been proposed for the OFDMA based wired RF interconnect of WiNoCoD. Based on this architecture, effective bandwidth allocation algorithms have been presented, concerning very specific requirements and constraints of on-chip environment. An innovative subcarrier allocation protocol for bimodal packet lengths of cache coherency traffic has been presented, which is proven to decrease average latency significantly. In addition to these, effective modulation order selection policies for this interconnect have been introduced, which seeks the optimal delay-power trade-off.

A Cooperative MAC Protocol to Improve the Performance of In-Home Broadband PLC Systems

Oliveira, Roberto Massi de 11 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2015-12-01T12:45:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 robertomussideoliveira.pdf: 1293292 bytes, checksum: 78c6c9fd9415c0b3990a1aaf55b842a2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-01T12:45:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 robertomussideoliveira.pdf: 1293292 bytes, checksum: 78c6c9fd9415c0b3990a1aaf55b842a2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-11 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Nesse trabalho, discutimos o uso de protocolos de coopera¸c˜ao na subcamada de controle de acesso ao meio (CMAC) para reduzir a taxa de perda de pacote e aumentar o goodput em um sistema de comunica¸c˜ao banda larga via rede el´etrica (PLC) de ambientes residenciais. Para apoiar essa discuss˜ao, n´os, pela primeira vez, apresentamos uma an´alise estat´ıstica da taxa de erro de pacote (PER) de canais PLC residenciais a partir de dados medidos em um modelo com um ´unico relay. Adicionalmente, n´os esbo¸camos um simples protocolo CMAC capaz de explorar a diversidade oferecida por uma rede el´etrica dom´estica. Usando esse protocolo, nosso objetivo ´e mostrar o impacto da varia¸c˜ao da largura de banda, da varia¸c˜ao da PER e da posi¸c˜ao relativa do relay no desempenho do sistema. Sendo assim, n´os mostramos que a taxa de perda de pacote e o goodput melhoram quando a largura de banda de frequˆencia aumenta. Al´em disso, resultados mostram que a coopera¸c˜ao na camada de enlace n˜ao oferece vantagens caso os valores de PER do enlace direto e do enlace intermediado pelo relay sejam muito altos ou muito baixos. N´os tamb´em notamos que as melhorias estudadas dependem da posi¸c˜ao do n´o relay em rela¸c˜ao ao n´o fonte e ao n´o destino (i.e., notamos melhoras na rede nos casos em que o relay estava situado pr´oximo `a fonte e no meio do caminho entre a fonte e o destino). Finalmente, uma compara¸c˜ao entre os esquemas de acesso m´ultiplo por divis˜ao de frequˆencias ortogonais - acesso m´ultiplo por divis˜ao de tempo (OFDMA-TDMA) e acesso m´ultiplo por divis˜ao de tempo - multiplexa¸c˜ao por divis˜ao ortogonal de frequˆencia (TDMA-OFDM) mostra que o simples protocolo CMAC ´e mais eficaz quando usado juntamente com o primeiro esquema do que com o ´ultimo. Em suma, a nossa contribui¸c˜ao ´e dividida em duas etapas: primeiramente, desenvolvemos um simples protocolo MAC de coopera¸c˜ao que traz melhorias de desempenho na rede quando comparado com um sistema sem a coopera¸c˜ao; em segundo lugar, n´os realizamos uma an´alise sistem´atica de diferentes cen´arios, mostrando os benef´ıcios e limita¸c˜oes da coopera¸c˜ao na camada de enlace de redes PLC. / In this work, we discuss the use of cooperative medium access control (CMAC) protocols to reduce packet loss rate and to improve goodput of in-home broadband power line communication (PLC) systems. To support this discussion, we, for the first time, present a statistical packet error rate (PER) analysis of measured in-home PLC channels by adopting a single relay model. Additionally, we outline a simple CMAC protocol that is capable of exploiting the diversity offered by in-home electric power grids. Using this protocol, we aim to show the impact of bandwidth variation, PER variation and of relative relay location on system performance. Thus, we show that packet loss rate and goodput improve when frequency bandwidth increases. Also, results show that cooperation at the link layer does not offer advantages if the PER values of direct and relayed links are very high or very low. Furthermore, we note that the improvements depend on the location of the node relay in relation to the nodes source and the destination (i.e., network improves if the relay is located near the source or in the midway between the source and the destination). Finally, a comparison between orthogonal frequency division multiple access - time division multiple access (OFDMA-TDMA) and time division multiple access - orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (TDMA-OFDM) schemes show that the simple CMAC protocol is more effective when it is used together with the former scheme than the latter.

Radio resource scheduling in homogeneous coordinated multi-point joint transmission of future mobile networks

Shyam Mahato, Ben Allen January 2013 (has links)
The demand of mobile users with high data-rate services continues to increase. To satisfy the needs of such mobile users, operators must continue to enhance their existing networks. The radio interface is a well-known bottleneck because the radio spectrum is limited and therefore expensive. Efficient use of the radio spectrum is, therefore, very important. To utilise the spectrum efficiently, any of the channels can be used simultaneously in any of the cells as long as interference generated by the base stations using the same channels is below an acceptable level. In cellular networks based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA), inter-cell interference reduces the performance of the link throughput to users close to the cell edge. To improve the performance of cell-edge users, a technique called Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) transmission is being researched for use in the next generation of cellular networks. For a network to benefit from CoMP, its utilisation of resources should be scheduled efficiently. The thesis focuses on the resource scheduling algorithm development for CoMP joint transmission scheme in OFDMA-based cellular networks. In addition to the algorithm, the thesis provides an analytical framework for the performance evaluation of the CoMP technique. From the system level simulation results, it has been shown that the proposed resource scheduling based on a joint maximum throughput provides higher spectral efficiency compared with a joint proportional fairness scheduling algorithm under different traffic loads in the network and under different criteria of making cell-edge decision. A hybrid model combining the analytical and simulation approaches has been developed to evaluate the average system throughput. It has been found that the results of the hybrid model are in line with the simulation based results. The benefit of the model is that the throughput of any possible call state in the system can be evaluated. Two empirical path loss models in an indoor-to-outdoor environment of a residential area have been developed based on the measurement data at carrier frequencies 900 MHz and 2 GHz. The models can be used as analytical expressions to estimate the level of interference by a femtocell to a macrocell user in link-level simulations.

Allocation opportuniste de spectre pour les radios cognitives

Dunat, Jean-Christophe 07 April 2006 (has links) (PDF)
L'utilisation de technologies sans fil ne cesse de s'accroitre depuis quelques annees. Or plusieurs pays souffrent deja d'une « penurie de spectre radio ». Il est urgent de redefinir la politique d'allocation et d'utilisation du spectre radio. Plusieurs campagnes de mesures ont montrees que le spectre alloue n'est pas utilise partout et tout le temps, laissant donc apparaitre des « trous dans le spectre ». Pour permettre une viabilite reelle de nouvelles regles de regulation, de nouveaux algorithmes de partage du spectre entre les utilisateurs et les systemes radios sont necessaires. Dans cette these, nous proposons des algorithmes innovants d'allocation dynamique du spectre. Les scenarios envisages sont constitues de plusieurs utilisateurs (utilisant des radios cognitives) se partageant l'acces a plusieurs canaux radios de façon opportuniste. Nous proposons un nouvel algorithme d'acces radio pour la couche mac, et reservant des ressources radio pour la voie montante. Cet algorithme peut etre utilise pour des systemes bases sur de l'ofdm (ex. : reseaux locaux sans fil). Dans notre algorithme (base sur de l'ofdma), les utilisateurs collaborent pour negocier l'acces a plusieurs ressources radio, en utilisant un mecanisme de contention distribue et collaboratif. Nous utilisons une adaptation de la meta heuristique d' « intelligence en essaim » inspiree des insectes sociaux. Cela confere a notre methode : flexibilite, robustesse et scalabilite, dans l'allocation spectrale. Nos resultats montrent le potentiel de telles methodes collaboratives et distribuees pour resoudre le probleme de l'allocation flexible de spectre pour les prochaines generations de systemes sans fil.

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