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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Deploying contrail forecasting service to reduce the impact of aviation on Environment

Chhajed, Tejashree Rakumar 03 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The principal objective of this thesis is to propose a Contrail forecasting Service for Aviation(ConSA) and a ConSA client to demonstrate the service. The subject is motivated by the fact that Contrails have a very harmful effect on the environment and it has been researched thoroughly by scientists. But still we do not have an infrastructure to include these researches in the Aviation industry. This thesis has been conducted at Airbus Defence and Space, Friedrichshafen, Germany. The first part of the thesis investigates the existence of contrails. The object of interest i.e. Contrails is caused by the passage of aeroplanes in ice-saturated areas. The algorithm which is used by the service is a part of the research conducted by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schumann. The input dataset provided by Meteo France is a 4D weather cube. The algorithm computes a threshold temperature and ice supersaturation condition. When both of these conditions are satisfied Contrail formation is certain. In the second part we explain the architecture and solution used i.e. OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) and LuciadLightspeed to develop Web Services to deploy contrail forecasting methods. Such an architecture fast forwards and eases the task of developer by having inbuilt methods and interfaces. The OGC web services infrastructure has defined web feature service and client interface which ease development of geoinformatics solutions.We also use certain standards like WXXM for exchange of contrail information which will be stated in this chapter. The third part is about the detailed implementation of the ConSA service and client. In this chapter we explain the service and client with uml diagrams to clarify the development concepts. The final part of the thesis explains the results of ConSA service and client, operational benefits of ConSA and concludes the thesis.

Dynamische Erzeugung von Diagrammen aus standardisierten Geodatendiensten

Mann, Ulrich 15 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Geodateninfrastrukturen (GDI) erfahren in den letzten Jahren immer weitere Verbreitung durch die Schaffung neuer Standards zum Austausch von Geodaten. Die vom Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), einem Zusammenschluss aus Forschungseinrichtungen und privaten Firmen, entwickelten offenen Beschreibungen von Dienste-Schnittstellen verbessern die Interoperabilität in GDI. OGC-konforme Geodienste werden momentan hauptsächlich zur Aufnahme, Verwaltung, Prozessierung und Visualisierung von Geodaten verwendet. Durch das vermehrte Aufkommen von Geodiensten steigt die Verfügbarkeit von Geodaten. Gleichzeitig hält der Trend zur Generierung immer größerer Datenmengen beispielsweise durch wissenschaftliche Simulationen an (Unwin et al., 2006). Dieser führt zu einem wachsenden Bedarf an Funktionalität zur effektiven Exploration und Analyse von Geodaten, da komplexe Zusammenhänge in großen Datenbeständen untersucht und relevante Informationen heraus gefiltert werden müssen. Dazu angewendete Techniken werden im Forschungsfeld Visual Analytics (Visuelle Analyse) umfassend beschrieben. Die visuelle Analyse beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung von Werkzeugen und Techniken zur automatisierten Analyse und interaktiven Visualisierung zum Verständnis großer und komplexer Datensätze (Keim et al., 2008). Bei aktuellen Web-basierten Anwendungen zur Exploration und Analyse handelt es sich hauptsächlich um Client-Server-Systeme, die auf fest gekoppelten Datenbanken arbeiten. Mit den wachsenden Fähigkeiten von Geodateninfrastrukturen steigt das Interesse, Funktionalitäten zur Datenanalyse in einer GDI anzubieten. Das Zusammenspiel von bekannten Analysetechniken und etablierten Standards zur Verarbeitung von Geodaten kann dem Nutzer die Möglichkeit geben, in einer Webanwendung interaktiv auf ad hoc eingebundenen Geodaten zu arbeiten. Damit lassen sich mittels aktueller Technologien Einsichten in komplexe Daten gewinnen, ihnen zugrunde liegende Zusammenhänge verstehen und Aussagen zur Entscheidungsunterstützung ableiten. In dieser Arbeit wird die Eignung der OGC WMS GetFeatureInfo-Operation zur Analyse raum-zeitlicher Geodaten in einer GDI untersucht. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der dynamischen Generierung von Diagrammen unter Nutzung externer Web Map Service (WMS) als Datenquellen. Nach der Besprechung von Grundlagen zur Datenmodellierung und GDIStandards, wird auf relevante Aspekte der Datenanalyse und Visualisierung von Diagrammen eingegangen. Die Aufstellung einer Task Taxonomie dient der Untersuchung, welche raumzeitlichen Analysen sich durch die GetFeatureInfo-Operation umsetzen lassen. Es erfolgt die Konzeption einer Systemarchitektur zur Umsetzung der Datenanalyse auf verteilten Geodaten. Zur Sicherstellung eines konsistenten und OGC-konformen Datenaustauschs zwischen den Systemkomponenenten, wird ein GML-Schema erarbeitet. Anschließend wird durch eine prototypischen Implementierung die Machbarkeit der Diagramm-basierten Analyse auf Klimasimulationsdaten des ECHAM5-Modells verifiziert. / Spatial data infrastructures (SDI) have been subject to a widening dispersion in the last decade, through the development of standards for the exchange of geodata. The open descriptions of service interfaces, developed by the OGC, a consortium from research institutions and private sector companies, alter interoperability in SDI. Until now, OGC-conform geoservices are mainly utilised for the recording, management, processing and visualisation of geodata. Through the ongoing emergence of spatial data services there is a rise in the availability of geodata. At the same time, the trend of the generation of ever increasing amounts of data, e. g. by scientific simulation (Unwin et al., 2006), continues. By this, the need for capabilities to effectively explore and analyse geodata is growing. Complex relations in huge data need to be determined and relevant information extracted. Techniques, which are capable of this, are being described extensively by Visual Analytics. This field of research engages in the development of tools and techniques for automated analysis and interactive visualisation of huge and complex data (Keim et al., 2008). Current web-based applications for the exploration and analysis are usually established as Client-Server approaches, working on a tightly coupled data storage (see subsection 3.3). With the growing capabilities of SDI, there is an increasing interest in offering functionality for data analysis. The combination of widely used analysis techniques and well-established standards for the treatment of geodata may offer the possibility of working interactively on ad hoc integrated data. This will allow insights into large amounts of complex data, understand natural interrelations and derive knowledge for spatial decision support by the use of state-of-the-art technologies. In this paper, the capabilities of the OGC WMS GetFeatureInfo operation for the analysis of spatio-temporal geodata in a SDI are investigated. The main focus is on dynamic generation of diagrams by the use of distributed WMS as a data storage. After the review of basics in data modelling and SDI-standards, relevant aspects of data analysis and visualisation of diagrams are treated. The compilation of a task taxonomy aids in the determination of realisable spatio-temporal analysis tasks by use of the GetFeatureInfo operation. In the following, conceptual design of a multi-layered system architecture to accomplish data analysis on distributed datasets, is carried out. In response to one of the main issues, a GML-schema is developed to ensure consistent and OGC-conform data exchange among the system components. To verify the feasibility of integration of diagram-based analysis in a SDI, a system prototype is developed to explore ECHAM5 climate model data.

Towards Integration of SOAP-Based Web Services and OGC Web Services

Shu, Shujing 21 May 2004 (has links)
Over the last several years, the Web Services model of Geographic Information Systems has been rapidly evolved and materialized. In this thesis project, I have reviewed the current status of integrating the general Web Services technology (SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI) and OpenGIS Consortium (OGC) Web services standards in developing distributed GIS computing. The overlap of the web service model and the technology stack between the SOAP-based Web Services and OGC Web Services indicates the feasibility of integration. OGC has named all core general Web Services Technologies (SOAP, WSDL, UDDI) in its envisioned OWS architecture. OGC has also started putting efforts for the integration by conducting experiments, which include a SOAP experiment and an UDDI experiment. However, these experiments only identified some very specific issues based on small number of testing interfaces and scenarios. There are leading GIS software vendors who have adopted both areas in their implementation. The ESRI ArcWeb Services is a good example, which implements OGC Web Services Interfaces using SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI. In my implementation experiment, Java Web Services Developer Pack is used to build a client of Microsoft TerraService. SOAP messages are constructed to retrieve DOQ images from the TerraService as the background to display ArcSDE feature data. Query functionalities on the feature data are implemented.

Saving Lives With Geo-Spatial Web Standards : A Test Architecture for Evaluating the Possibility of Sharing Heterogeneous Data Among the Emergency Services

Sundin, Lena January 2012 (has links)
The emergency services in neighboring Jämtland, Sweden and Nord-Sør Trøndelag, Norway have identified a need to share data across department, municipality and country borders. A project is started to evaluate the possibility of sharing information through a common Web Geographic Information System (GIS). The data about resources at the various departments suffers from a high level of heterogeneity, fragmentation and protocol incompatibility. The Open Geo-Spatial Consortium (OGC) issue Web standards to harmonize the processing of geo-spatial data and promote interoperability between GIS systems. A test model based on the Thin Thread Model, emulating a potential final solution, is built to evaluate the usability of these Web standards in the situation. Successful test cases including CRUD operations and relatively smooth swapping of layer modules show that using well-established standards can be beneficial. A proposed architecture extending the test model presents the idea of a centralized proxy node and a meta data catalog. The study highlights the issue of responsibility and question of which authority should maintain centralized nodes. In order to successfully implement a Web portal, the project participants must from a technical point of view investigate how to access all desired data, agree on protocols for communication and ensure that each owner of data provides an API in agreement with the protocol. The OGC Web standards are proven a good option and focal point.

Model distribuiranja geopodataka u komunalnim sistemima / Model of Spatial Data Distribution in Municipal Systems

Bulatović Vladimir 14 May 2011 (has links)
<p>U radu su prikazani Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web servisi, iz aspekta serverskih i klijentskih aplikacija. Analizirani su problemi razmene prostornih podataka u složenim sistemima sa naglaskom na komunalne službe gradova. Na osnovu analize razmene podataka, predložen je model koji unapređuje komunikaciju i pospešuje napredak celokupnog sistema implementacijom distribuiranih OGC web servisa. Predloženi model distribucije prostornih podataka može se primenjivati na sve složene sisteme, ali i unutar manjih sistema kao što su kompanije koje se sastoje iz više sektora ili podsistema</p> / <p> The short review of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web services have been given in this work from the perspective of server and client applications. The problems of the exchange of spatial data in the complex systems as municipal service have been analysed. Based on analysis of data exchange, the model has been proposed to improve communication and progress of the whole system by implementing OGC web services. Described model of spatial data distribution can be applied to all complex systems, but also within smaller systems such as companies which consist of more<br /> sectors or subsystems.</p>

Dynamische Erzeugung von Diagrammen aus standardisierten Geodatendiensten

Mann, Ulrich 07 August 2012 (has links)
Geodateninfrastrukturen (GDI) erfahren in den letzten Jahren immer weitere Verbreitung durch die Schaffung neuer Standards zum Austausch von Geodaten. Die vom Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), einem Zusammenschluss aus Forschungseinrichtungen und privaten Firmen, entwickelten offenen Beschreibungen von Dienste-Schnittstellen verbessern die Interoperabilität in GDI. OGC-konforme Geodienste werden momentan hauptsächlich zur Aufnahme, Verwaltung, Prozessierung und Visualisierung von Geodaten verwendet. Durch das vermehrte Aufkommen von Geodiensten steigt die Verfügbarkeit von Geodaten. Gleichzeitig hält der Trend zur Generierung immer größerer Datenmengen beispielsweise durch wissenschaftliche Simulationen an (Unwin et al., 2006). Dieser führt zu einem wachsenden Bedarf an Funktionalität zur effektiven Exploration und Analyse von Geodaten, da komplexe Zusammenhänge in großen Datenbeständen untersucht und relevante Informationen heraus gefiltert werden müssen. Dazu angewendete Techniken werden im Forschungsfeld Visual Analytics (Visuelle Analyse) umfassend beschrieben. Die visuelle Analyse beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung von Werkzeugen und Techniken zur automatisierten Analyse und interaktiven Visualisierung zum Verständnis großer und komplexer Datensätze (Keim et al., 2008). Bei aktuellen Web-basierten Anwendungen zur Exploration und Analyse handelt es sich hauptsächlich um Client-Server-Systeme, die auf fest gekoppelten Datenbanken arbeiten. Mit den wachsenden Fähigkeiten von Geodateninfrastrukturen steigt das Interesse, Funktionalitäten zur Datenanalyse in einer GDI anzubieten. Das Zusammenspiel von bekannten Analysetechniken und etablierten Standards zur Verarbeitung von Geodaten kann dem Nutzer die Möglichkeit geben, in einer Webanwendung interaktiv auf ad hoc eingebundenen Geodaten zu arbeiten. Damit lassen sich mittels aktueller Technologien Einsichten in komplexe Daten gewinnen, ihnen zugrunde liegende Zusammenhänge verstehen und Aussagen zur Entscheidungsunterstützung ableiten. In dieser Arbeit wird die Eignung der OGC WMS GetFeatureInfo-Operation zur Analyse raum-zeitlicher Geodaten in einer GDI untersucht. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der dynamischen Generierung von Diagrammen unter Nutzung externer Web Map Service (WMS) als Datenquellen. Nach der Besprechung von Grundlagen zur Datenmodellierung und GDIStandards, wird auf relevante Aspekte der Datenanalyse und Visualisierung von Diagrammen eingegangen. Die Aufstellung einer Task Taxonomie dient der Untersuchung, welche raumzeitlichen Analysen sich durch die GetFeatureInfo-Operation umsetzen lassen. Es erfolgt die Konzeption einer Systemarchitektur zur Umsetzung der Datenanalyse auf verteilten Geodaten. Zur Sicherstellung eines konsistenten und OGC-konformen Datenaustauschs zwischen den Systemkomponenenten, wird ein GML-Schema erarbeitet. Anschließend wird durch eine prototypischen Implementierung die Machbarkeit der Diagramm-basierten Analyse auf Klimasimulationsdaten des ECHAM5-Modells verifiziert. / Spatial data infrastructures (SDI) have been subject to a widening dispersion in the last decade, through the development of standards for the exchange of geodata. The open descriptions of service interfaces, developed by the OGC, a consortium from research institutions and private sector companies, alter interoperability in SDI. Until now, OGC-conform geoservices are mainly utilised for the recording, management, processing and visualisation of geodata. Through the ongoing emergence of spatial data services there is a rise in the availability of geodata. At the same time, the trend of the generation of ever increasing amounts of data, e. g. by scientific simulation (Unwin et al., 2006), continues. By this, the need for capabilities to effectively explore and analyse geodata is growing. Complex relations in huge data need to be determined and relevant information extracted. Techniques, which are capable of this, are being described extensively by Visual Analytics. This field of research engages in the development of tools and techniques for automated analysis and interactive visualisation of huge and complex data (Keim et al., 2008). Current web-based applications for the exploration and analysis are usually established as Client-Server approaches, working on a tightly coupled data storage (see subsection 3.3). With the growing capabilities of SDI, there is an increasing interest in offering functionality for data analysis. The combination of widely used analysis techniques and well-established standards for the treatment of geodata may offer the possibility of working interactively on ad hoc integrated data. This will allow insights into large amounts of complex data, understand natural interrelations and derive knowledge for spatial decision support by the use of state-of-the-art technologies. In this paper, the capabilities of the OGC WMS GetFeatureInfo operation for the analysis of spatio-temporal geodata in a SDI are investigated. The main focus is on dynamic generation of diagrams by the use of distributed WMS as a data storage. After the review of basics in data modelling and SDI-standards, relevant aspects of data analysis and visualisation of diagrams are treated. The compilation of a task taxonomy aids in the determination of realisable spatio-temporal analysis tasks by use of the GetFeatureInfo operation. In the following, conceptual design of a multi-layered system architecture to accomplish data analysis on distributed datasets, is carried out. In response to one of the main issues, a GML-schema is developed to ensure consistent and OGC-conform data exchange among the system components. To verify the feasibility of integration of diagram-based analysis in a SDI, a system prototype is developed to explore ECHAM5 climate model data.

Deploying contrail forecasting service to reduce the impact of aviation on Environment: Deploying contrail forecasting service to reduce the impact of aviation onEnvironment

Chhajed, Tejashree Rakumar 24 March 2016 (has links)
The principal objective of this thesis is to propose a Contrail forecasting Service for Aviation(ConSA) and a ConSA client to demonstrate the service. The subject is motivated by the fact that Contrails have a very harmful effect on the environment and it has been researched thoroughly by scientists. But still we do not have an infrastructure to include these researches in the Aviation industry. This thesis has been conducted at Airbus Defence and Space, Friedrichshafen, Germany. The first part of the thesis investigates the existence of contrails. The object of interest i.e. Contrails is caused by the passage of aeroplanes in ice-saturated areas. The algorithm which is used by the service is a part of the research conducted by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schumann. The input dataset provided by Meteo France is a 4D weather cube. The algorithm computes a threshold temperature and ice supersaturation condition. When both of these conditions are satisfied Contrail formation is certain. In the second part we explain the architecture and solution used i.e. OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) and LuciadLightspeed to develop Web Services to deploy contrail forecasting methods. Such an architecture fast forwards and eases the task of developer by having inbuilt methods and interfaces. The OGC web services infrastructure has defined web feature service and client interface which ease development of geoinformatics solutions.We also use certain standards like WXXM for exchange of contrail information which will be stated in this chapter. The third part is about the detailed implementation of the ConSA service and client. In this chapter we explain the service and client with uml diagrams to clarify the development concepts. The final part of the thesis explains the results of ConSA service and client, operational benefits of ConSA and concludes the thesis.

Porovnání využitelnosti volně dostupných mapserverů a webových mapových služeb (WMS)na internetové síti pro geodetické činnosti / Comparsion of usability of freely available mapservers and web map services (WMS) for geodetic work on the Web.

NOVÁKOVÁ, Martina January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this work is to look for freely available map servers and web map services on the Web that are useful for surveying activities, including developement of land adjustments. This thesis deals with theoretical problems of the functioning of map servers, web map services and standards for creating maps. The most famous map servers are described in detail and then compared with the less popular mapservers in the next section. The conclusion then relates to the use maps and assess the suitability of map servers for geodetic purposes and desin of land adjustments. This work aims to determine which map servers are most useful for geodetic purposes.

Utveckling av webbtjänst för BISRapportgenerator på Banverket

Björkman, Jörgen, Tsymbal, Lyudmyla January 2008 (has links)
Banverket är den myndighet som har ansvaret för järnvägstransportsystemet i Sverige och är enproducent av järnvägsinformation. En stor del av infrastrukturinformationen lagras i baninformationssystemetBIS och Banverket är förpliktad att tillhandahålla den. I nuläget är informationenåtkomlig på ett lätt sätt främst internt. Dessutom ställer dagens samhälle krav på att informationenska levereras enligt standard. Standardiseringsorgan har tagit fram standarder för geografiskinformation som svar på behovet att återanvända och samutnyttja geografiska data.Vårt examensarbete är genomfört på Banverket Verksamhetsstöds IT-avdelning och var inriktatpå att kartlägga standarder för geografisk information och utveckla en webbtjänst för BIS för attöka tillgängligheten till informationen.Rapportens kunskapsbidrag är en analys av standarder för geografisk information som är relevantaför järnvägsnätet. Resultatet har framställts genom en reflexiv analysmetod med abduktionsom angreppssätt och kvalitativa datainsamlingsmetoder.Som en praktisk del i vårt examensarbete har vi utvecklat en webbtjänst som tillhandahållerfunktionalitet för att nå data i BIS om nätanknutna företeelser och ett ramverk för att omstruktureraBIS interna format i enlighet med standarder.Vi föreslår att Banverket följer de svenska tillämpningsstandarderna SS 63 70 04, SS 63 70 06och SS 63 70 07. Enligt vårt förslag ska Banverket vidta följande åtgärder för att leverera grundläggandedata om järnvägsnät och nätanknutna företeelser enligt dessa standarder:• Analys av informationsbehov utifrån nya verklighets- och verksamhetskrav.• Dokumentation av begreppsmodell och publicering av objekttypskatalog.• Kvalitetssäkring av informationen i BIS.• Datainsamling av koordinater på noder och geometrier på länkar.• Utveckling av ny datamodell för BIS som stödjer tidsaspekter.• Översyn av BIS arkitektur och design.• Uppgradering av utvecklingsplattform.• Utveckling av transformeringar för omstrukturering av rapportresultat från BIS interna formattill standarder.• Komplettering av webbtjänsten med metoder för att leverera metadata. Användaren behövermetadata för att kunna välja objekttyper, attribut och urvalskriterier när rapportbeställningarskapas.• Komplettering av webbtjänsten med metoder för att leverera information om järnvägsnätetsinfrastruktur.

Development Of A Methodology For Geospatial Image Streaming

Kivci, Erdem Turker 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Serving geospatial data collected from remote sensing methods (satellite images, areal photos, etc.) have become crutial in many geographic information system (GIS) applications such as disaster management, municipality applications, climatology, environmental observations, military applications, etc. Even in today&rsquo / s highly developed information systems, geospatial image data requies huge amount of physical storage spaces and such characteristics of geospatial image data make its usage limited in above mentioned applications. For this reason, web-based GIS applications can benefit from geospatial image streaming through web-based architectures. Progressive transmission of geospatial image and map data on web-based architectures is implemented with the developed image streaming methodology. The software developed allows user interaction in such a way that the users will visualize the images according to their level of detail. In this way geospatial data is served to the users in an efficient way. The main methods used to transmit geospatial images are serving tiled image pyramids and serving wavelet based compressed bitstreams. Generally, in GIS applications, tiled image pyramids that contain copies of raster datasets at different resolutions are used rather than differences between resolutions. Thus, redundant data is transmitted from GIS server with different resolutions of a region while using tiled image pyramids. Wavelet based methods decreases redundancy. On the other hand methods that use wavelet compressed bitsreams requires to transform the whole dataset before the transmission. A hybrid streaming methodology is developed to decrease the redundancy of tiled image pyramids integrated with wavelets which does not require transforming and encoding whole dataset. Tile parts&rsquo / coefficients produced with the methodlogy are encoded with JPEG 2000, which is an efficient technology to compress images at wavelet domain.

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