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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude de la cinétique de l’adaptation respiratoire à la naissance par la résonance magnétique : les effets des acides gras polyinsaturés oméga 3 sur la transition périnatale / Study of the kinetics of respiratory adaptation at birth by magnetic resonance : the effects of omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on the perinatal transition

Houeijeh, Ali 20 March 2017 (has links)
L’adaptation à la vie extra-utérine requiert la résorption rapide du liquide pulmonaire, la création de la capacité fonctionnelle résiduelle (FRC), ainsi que l’augmentation du débit pulmonaire. Bien que ces mécanismes aient été largement étudiés, leurs cinétiques restent mal connues faute de méthode d’étude non invasive in vivo. L’échec de l’adaptation cardiorespiratoire à la naissance est la principale cause de mortalité et de morbidité de la période néonatale, malgré l’utilisation de stratégie préventive comme la corticothérapie anténatale, et l’amélioration des techniques de réanimation néonatale. Les acides gras polyinsaturés oméga 3 (AGPI n3) que l’on retrouve dans les huiles de poisson ont des effets cardiovasculaires et respiratoires qui pourraient améliorer la transition périnatale. Par ailleurs, leurs propriétés anti-inflammatoires peuvent réduire les conséquences des effets iatrogènes des techniques de réanimation dont la mise en oeuvre est nécessaire en cas de maladaptation cardiorespiratoire à la naissance. Les objectifs de ce travail ont été de : Mettre au point et valider une méthode d’exploration de la cinétique de réabsorption du liquide pulmonaire à la naissance par résonnance magnétique nucléaire Etudier les effets des AGPI n3 sur : l’adaptation ventilatoire à la naissance la circulation pulmonaire périnatale la prévention des lésions pulmonaires induites par une hyperoxie prolongée Les études ont été réalisées sur les modèles expérimentaux de foetus de brebis et de ratons nouveau-nés exposés à une hyperoxie prolongée. Nous montrons que la technique par IRM permet d’évaluer la cinétique de clairance du liquide pulmonaire in vivo en situations physiologique et pathologique. Alors que les AGPI n3 améliorent la circulation pulmonaire, ils n’ont pas d’effet sur la clairance du liquide pulmonaire. Par contre, ils réduisent les lésions pulmonaires induites par l’oxygène. Ces résultats expérimentaux suggèrent que les AGPI n3 pourraient prévenir les échecs d’adaptation cardiorespiratoire à la naissance et ses conséquences à long terme. / Perinatal transition requires clearance of pulmonary fluid, creation of functional respiratory capacity (FRC), and the multiplication of pulmonary blood flow by ten, to ensure gas exchange and blood oxygenation. Physiology of perinatal transition has been broadly studied but the kinetics of its evolution is less known. The aim of our study was to assess the kinetics of the respiratory transition. Besides, we supposed that polyunsaturated fatty-acids omega 3 (n3 PUFA) would improve this transition. To study the kinetic of respiratory transition, we used the MRI in 3 groups of lambs: premature group (Preterm) with a term of 122-124 days, two groups of late preterm lambs (134-136 days), including one group who received antenatal steroids (Late preterm + steroids), and a group without steroids (Late preterm). Surprisingly, we observed a rapid increase of lung fluid in preterm lambs reaching 30% at the end of the experimentation. Creation of FRC was also impaired in this group. In the Late preterm group, clearance of pulmonary fluid was slowed down with a moderate fall of 10%, whereas, in the Late preterm + steroids group, lung fluid dropped by 50% (p<0.05). Similarly, FRC in the Late preterm + steroids group was higher than the other 2 groups (p <0.05). Respiratory functions were closely related to lung fluid content and to FRC. We hypothesized that n3 PUFA would improve perinatal transition using two models: - An acute model: in a chronically instrumented model, catheters were introduced in the jugular and the carotid vessels of lamb fetuses at 122 days of gestation. Lamb fetuses received either Omegaven (n3 PUFA), or Intralipide (n6 PUFA), or isotonique physiological serum (SSI) for 4 days. Respiratory transition was explored by MRI. There was no significant difference between these three groups. Total lung fluid increased by about 20% in Omegaven group and 18% in SSI group (p> 0.05). - A model of Bronchopulmonary dysplasia: pups were exposed to hyperoxia for 10 days, and feeding rats received supplementation by either n3 PUFA (Omacor), n6 PUFA (sunflower oil), or SSI, with control groups that received the same feeding supply but which were exposed to air. Histological studies showed bronchopulmonary dysplasia lesions in the Hyperoxia groups, characterized by decrease of alveolar number, decrease in the number of secondary alveolar septa, and widening of the interstitial space. These lesions were similar in SSI and n6 PUFA groups, whereas n3 PUFA improved these lesions (p <0.05). To assess the effects of n3 PUFA in pulmonary vascular resistances (PVR), we studied their effects on fetal circulation characterized by elevated RVP using a chronically instrumented experimental model of lamb fetus. Lamb fetuses received either n3 PUFA (Omegaven), or n6 PUFA (Intralipid). We then explored the action mechanisms of n3 PUFA: 1) NO pathway using L-Nitro Argenine (LNA), 2) potassium channels pathway using Tetraethylamonium (TEA) and 3) epoxides produced by cytochrome P450 using MS-PPOH. Finally, we investigated the effect of Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) perfusion, or Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) perfusion in pulmonary circulation. We showed that, unlike Intralipid, Omegaven induced pulmonary vasodilation, and an increase in pulmonary flow. An identical effect was reproduced by EPA infusion, while DHA did not modify PVR. This response was not modified by LNA. But it was reduced by MS-PPOH, and abolished by TEA. These results indicate that n3 PUFA induced pulmonary vasodilation, mediated by epoxides which act on potassium channels. To conclude, we demonstrated that respiratory transition in preterm lambs even in late preterm ones is altered with the presence of pulmonary edema. n3 PUFA did not improve lung fluid clearance but should be considered in the tretment of pulmonary hypertension, and in the prevention of brochopulmonary dysplasia of the newborns.

Role PGC-1 transkripčních koaktivátorů v řízení funkce mitochondrií v tukové tkáni / Role of PGC-1 coactivators in the regulation of mitochondrial function in adipose tissue

Funda, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
Metabolic pathways in adipose tissue affect the whole-body energy homeostasis. De novo lipogenesis and futile metabolic cycling based on lipolysis and fatty acid re-esterification which is engaged in regulation of fatty acid level in bloodstream are occuring there. These processes are partly regulated by nuclear receptor PPARγ. Mitochondrial biogenesis and oxidative phosphorylation in adipocytes are controlled by interacting of PPARγ with transcriptional coactivators PGC-1α and PGC-1β. The aims of this thesis were to find out whether PGC-1β is connected with regulation of futile cycling and de novo lipogenesis in white adipose tissue and also how specific inactivation of PGC-1β gene in adipose tissue affects phenotype of mice during short-term cold exposure or treatment based on high fat diet enriched by n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in combination with mild calorie restriction. The results show that inactivation of PGC-1β probably does not affect futile cycling based on lipolysis and fatty acid re-esterification. In mice with PGC-1β ablation compensation in weight of brown adipose tissue was observed as well as increase in the gene expresion of nuclear receptors PPAR, transcriptional coactivator PGC-1α and UCP1 during cold exposure. Even though the inactivation of PGC-1β in brown adipose tissue...

Caractérisation biochimique et fonctionnelle de glutathion-S-transferases (GSTs) chez Phanerochaete chrysosporium / Biochemical and functional characterization of glutathione Stransferases (GSTs) in Phanerochaete chrysosporium

Anak Ngadin, Andrew 25 May 2011 (has links)
Phanerochaete chrysosporium est un champignon ligninolytique largement étudié pour ses capacités à dégrader la lignine et certains xénobiotiques grâce à un important système d'enzymes extracellulaires. Son génome est entièrement séquencé et constitue un inventaire de séquences protéiques prédites qui a permis la description de nombreuses superfamilles de protéines. Parmi elles, les Glutathion S-transférases sont essentiellement impliquées dans le métabolisme secondaire du champignon. Cependant, malgré les nombreux travaux montrant l'implication de ces enzymes dans la réponse aux stress, le développement cellulaire et plus globalement dans certaines fonctions métaboliques, leurs réelles fonctions restent inconnues à cause de leur grande diversité et le manque de données concernant leurs spécificités catalytiques. P. chrysosporium possède 27 isoformes de GSTs qui se regroupent en 7 classes. Parmi elles, 3 sont étendues chez les champignons saprophytes : les classes Omega, Ure2p et ethérase. Deux membres de la classe Omega ont été caractérisés au niveau biochimique et montrent desspécificités de substrat. En effet, PcGTO1 fait partie d'une nouvelle classe appelée S-glutathionyl-phydroquinone reductase, alors que PcGTO3 est plutôt active avec le phenylacetophenone. La structure tridimensionnelle de PcGTO1 suggère que l'enzyme appartient également à une nouvelle classe structurale que nous avons appelée xi. La deuxième classe majoritaire que nous avons étudiée est la classe des Ure2p qui est composée de 9 isoformes et se regroupent en 2 sous-classes. Trois isoformes ont été étudiées au niveau transcriptionnel, biochimique et physiologique. PcUre2p4 et PcUre2p6 appartenant à la première sous-classe sont spécifiquement exprimés dans des cultures fongiques en présence d'hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques et l'activité des protéines recombinantes correspondantes est classique des GSTs à savoir le transfert de glutathion sur un substrat hydrophobe. A l'inverse, PcUre2p1 qui appartient à la deuxième sous-classe est exprimé de manière constitutive au niveau transcriptionnel et la protéine présente une activité thiol transférase comparable aux protéines de la classe Omega. Les analyses physiologiques menées grâce à la complémentation de souche déficience de Saccharomyces cerevisiae ont montré que PcUre2p1, PcUre2p4 et PcUre2p6 n'avaient pas la même fonction que l'isoforme de la levure puisqu'aucune complémentation n'a été détectée en ce qui concerne la résistance au stress ou la régulation du métabolisme azoté. Ces résultats suggèrent que leschampignons, en particulier ceux qui présentent des propriétés saprophytes ont développé des spécificités de fonction de leur GSTs probablement en réponse à des contraintes environnementales. / Phanerochaete chrysosporium is a ligninolytic fungus widely studied because of its capacities to degrade wood and xenobiotics through an extracellular enzymatic system. Its genome has been sequenced and has provided researchers with a complete inventory of the predicted proteins produced by this organism. This has allowed the description of many protein superfamilies. Among them, Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) constitute a complex and widespread superfamily classified as enzymes of secondary metabolism. However, despite the numerous associations of GSTs with stress responses, cell development and metabolism in various organisms, the functions of these enzymes remain usually evasive mainly due to their high diversity and also to the lack of knowledge about their catalytic specificities. In P. chrysosporium 27 GST isoforms have been highlighted and clustered into seven classes. Among them three are extended in saprophytic fungi: the Omega, the Ure2p and the etherase classes. Two members of the Omega class have been characterized at the biochemical level showing difference in substrate specificities. Indeed, PcGTO1 is member of a new class of Sglutathionyl- p-hydroquinone reductase, while PcGTO3 is rather active with phenylacetophenone. The three-dimensional structure of PcGTO1 confirms the hypothesis not only of a new biological class, but also of a new structural class that we propose to name GST xi. The second extended class we have studied is the Ure2p one. It is composed of nine isoforms in P. chrysosporium and clusters into two subclasses. Three Ure2p class members have been studied in more details at transcriptional, biochemical and physiological levels. PcUre2p4 and PcUre2p6 of the first subclass are specifically expressed in cultures treated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and the recombinant proteins are active as typical glutathione transferases. By contrast, PcUre2p1, which belongs to the second subclass is constitutively expressed whatever the condition tested and is active with small molecules as substrate, such as proteins from the Omega class. Physiological studies have revealed that these proteins do not have the same function than the Saccharomyce cerevisiae isoform, concerning both the response to oxidative stress and its involvement in the nitrogen catabolite repression. These results suggest that fungi, especially those with saprophytic capabilities, have developed specificities of GST function as an adaptation to environmental constraints

"Modulação da composição de ácidos graxos poliinsaturados ômega 3 de ovos e tecidos de galinhas poedeiras, através da dieta. I. Estabilidade oxidativa" / "Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids modulated by the diet in laying hens eggs and tissues. I. Oxidation stability"

Maria Elena de Los Dolores Bernal Gómez 12 February 2003 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência de dietas suplementadas com semente de linhaça (ricas em ácido alfa-linolênico, LNA, ômega3) e antioxidantes naturais, provenientes do orégano e do alecrim, sobre o nível de incorporação dos ácidos graxos poliinsaturados ômega 3 (PUFA ômega3) em ovos e tecidos de aves. Para isto, 192 galinhas poedeiras da linhagem comercial Babcock de 22 semanas, foram alimentadas durante 30 dias com dietas constituídas de 0 (zero) e 5% de óleo de linhaça. Foram definidos 8 tratamentos: 4 grupos com 5% de óleo de linhaça (controle/sem antioxidante; BHA+BHT, 100+100 ppm; orégano, 200 ppm; alecrim, 200 ppm) e 4 grupos sem óleo de linhaça, mas utilizando os mesmos antioxidantes. A amostragem dos ovos foi realizada durante o experimento nos períodos 0, 10, 20 e 30 dias e dos tecidos das aves (sobrecoxa, coxa, asa, peito, coração, tecido adiposo e fígado) no tempo final do experimento. Os ácidos graxos foram determinados por cromatografia gasosa e o grau de oxidação lipídica através do teste do ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBA). De acordo aos resultados obtidos, verificou-se aumento significativo dos ácidos graxos alfa-linolênico (LNA) e docosahexaenóico (DHA) nas gemas de ovo das aves que receberam 5% de óleo de linhaça nos tratamentos controle, BHA+BHT, orégano e alecrim, nos diferentes tempos (10, 20 e 30 dias), quando comparados com a dieta 0% linhaça. Além disso, a incorporação máxima dos ácidos LNA e DHA nas gemas de ovo foi obtida aos 20 dias de alimentação das aves, com um índice de incorporação de 15 a 30 e de 2,5 a 4,5 vezes o grupo controle, respectivamente. Na avaliação do grau de oxidação lipídica nas gemas de ovo, foi verificada diferença significativa na redução dos valores de absorbância nas 2 dietas, em todos os tratamentos com antioxidantes, quando relacionados ao seu respectivo controle. Com relação aos tecidos das aves, também houve incorporação significativa dos ácidos LNA e DHA, quando comparadas as duas dietas, sendo o fígado o tecido que apresentou a maior concentração destes ácidos graxos. Também foi possível verificar a eficácia dos antioxidantes naturais na proteção contra a oxidação lipídica nos tecidos sobrecoxa, coxa, asa e peito. Portanto, os extratos das especiarias, alecrim e orégano, podem ser utilizados satisfatoriamente para se obter ovos e tecidos de aves enriquecidos com PUFA ômega-3, melhorando a estabilidade lipídica. Considerando que os PUFA ômega-3 têm um interesse considerável na saúde humana, o fornecimento de dietas ricas em ácido alfa-linolênico presente na linhaça, para galinhas poedeiras, permitiu a obtenção de ovos e tecidos enriquecidos, os quais tornam-se uma fonte alternativa de PUFA ômega-3. / The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of diets containing flaxseed (rich in alpha-linolenic acid, LNA, omega-3) and natural antioxidants from oregano and rosemary on the level of incorporation of the polyunsaturated fatty acids omega 3 (PUFA omega-3) in eggs and tissues of poultry. For this purpose, 192 laying hens at 22 weeks of age, of commercial lineage Babcock, were fed for 30 days with diets containing 0 (zero) or 5% of flaxseed oil. The hens were divided in 8 groups: 4 groups received diets with 5% of flaxseed oil (control / no antioxidant; BHA+BHT, 100+100 ppm; oregano, 200 ppm; rosemary, 200 ppm) and 4 groups received no flaxseed oil, but the same antioxidants. The sampling of the eggs was accomplished in 4 periods (0, 10, 20 and 30 days) and of the tissues of poultry (upper thigh, thigh, wing, breast, heart, adipose tissue and liver) at the end of experiment. The fatty acids were analysed by gas chromatography and the lipid oxidation was determined by thiobarbituric acid test (TBA). The results showed that the levels of alpha-linolenic (LNA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids increased in egg yolks from hens of the 4 groups fed diets with 5% flaxseed oil after 10, 20 and 30 days, when compared with diets 0% flaxseed oil. In addition, the maximum incorporation of LNA and DHA in egg yolks was obtained after 20 days, with an index of incorporation ranging from 15 to 30 and from 2.5 to 4.5, respectively. Also, a significant decrease of lipid oxidation in egg yolks for all groups receiving antioxidants was observed, when related with control. In the tissues of the hens, there was also significant incorporation of the LNA and DHA acids, when comparing the 2 diets, with the liver presenting the major concentration of these fatty acids. It was also possible to verify the effectiveness of the natural antioxidants in the protection against lipid oxidation in upper thigh, thigh, wing and breast tissues. Therefore, rosemary and oregano can be used satisfactorily to obtain eggs and tissues of poultry enriched with PUFA omega-3, improving the lipid stability. Considering that the PUFA omega-3 have considerable interest in the human health, the administration of diets rich in alpha-linolenic acid from flaxseed to laying hens allows the eggs and tissues enrichment as an alternative source of PUFA omega-3.

Características físico-químicas, nutricionais e sensoriais de pão de forma com adição de grãos de linhaça (Linum usitatissimum) / Physico-chemical, nutritional and sensory characteristics of flax seed wheat bread (Linum usitatissimum)

Neila Camargo de Moura 29 September 2008 (has links)
A indústria alimentícia tem oferecido ao consumidor muitas opções para aquisição de pães, dentre essas estão os pães enriquecidos e os integrais. A linhaça é um alimento com alegação funcional que vem se destacando pela presença do Omega-3, fibra solúvel e proteína, porém seu consumo é baixo devido à falta de hábito e também por escassez de informação dos consumidores. O objetivo do estudo foi formular pães com adição de grãos de linhaça nas concentrações de 3%, 6% e 9% e compará-los ao controle, sem adição de linhaça. Foram realizadas análises de determinação do perfil de ácidos graxos, composição centesimal, quantificação do teor de minerais, determinação de antinutricionais (ácido fítico, taninos, compostos fenólicos totais), digestibilidade de proteína in vitro, análise da qualidade dos pães através do peso da massa crua, peso da massa assada, perdas durante a cocção e índice de conversão. As propriedades físicas dos pães também foram avaliadas através da textura, volume e cor. As características sensoriais foram analisadas através de teste de aceitabilidade realizado em padaria com 116 provadores e também pela Análise Descritiva Quantitativa (ADQ) com 13 provadores treinados. Com os dados obtidos das análises químicas, elaborou-se um rótulo nutricional para cada formulação. Dentre os ácidos graxos quantificados, o palmítico, o oléico e o linoléico foram os maiores representantes nas 4 amostras de pães o que contribuiu para a frágil estabilidade dos produtos e para a formação de compostos indesejáveis, porém a presença de antioxidantes naturais nas sementes de linhaça controlou a oxidação lípidica. Nenhuma das amostras pode ser considerada fonte de fibra alimentar pelo fato de não conter 3g/100g de alimento pronto para consumo. O teor de fitatos presente nas amostras aumentou de acordo com a adição de sementes de linhaça. Nas 4 formulações de pães o teor de fitato diminuiu significativamente quando comparado ao da semente de linhaça. As amostras controle e com 6% de linhaça foram classificadas como volume específico Muito bom e as amostras com 3% e 9% de linhaça foram classificadas como volume específico Bom. Entre as amostras que receberam adição de linhaça, a amostra com 9% foi a melhor aceita pelos provadores e na ADQ, essa amostra apresentou médias superiores às demais em relação a maioria dos atributos levantados pelo provadores. Não foram identificados atributos indesejáveis para nenhuma das amostras através da ADQ. / Food industries offer to consumer several types of breads options which vary from whole wheat to enrich with multigrain such with flax seed. Flax seed is considered a functional food that has important content of omega 3 fat acids, soluble fiber and protein, however it intakes is very low in our diet. The aim of the research was to prepare a wheat bread enrich with flax seed at 3% or 6% or 9% concentration and to compare with a wheat bread control with no flax seed added. Analysis of fat acids composition, mineral composition, antinutritionals content (phytic acid, tannin, total phenolic compounds) and in vitro protein digestibility were carried out in the bread samples. Bread quality was evaluated analyzing the weight of the raw dough, the baked bread, and the lost during baking process and its conversion index. Physical properties of breads were evaluated for texture, volume and color. The sensory characteristics were evaluated using acceptability test with 116 panelists and by quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) with 13 trained panelists. A nutritional label was formulated to each one of the bread preparations. The quantified fat acids profile showed that palmitic, oleic and linolenic acids were the most representative fat acids in the 4 bread sample analyzed. The presence of those fat acids possibly contributes to poor stability of product and for the development of undesirable compound. However, the presence of natural antioxidants in flax seed may help to control fat acid oxidation. None of the samples were considered source of dietary fiber because they have less then 3g/100 g of bread. The phytate content present in the samples increased according to the increase of flax seed concentration in the bread. Compared to raw flax seed, the phytate content in the bread samples were lower. The control and the sample with 6% of flax seed had the ranking for specific volume described as Very good and the samples with 3% and 9% of flax seed as Good. Between the bread samples, the best score in the acceptability test was obtained in the sample with 9% of flax seed. The same was observed for QDA which showed that the panel had high attributes for this sample compared to other ones. No undesirable attributes were identified in any other sample analyzed in QDA.

Caractérisation thermique de la matière par la méthode 3w / Thermal characterization of matter using the 3w method

Gauthier, Sebastian 10 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat porte sur le développement d'un banc de mesure pour la caractérisation thermique de la matière. Les techniques et instruments employés pour la mesure des propriétés thermo-physiques sont nombreux, évoluent constamment et font toujours l'objet de nombreuses recherches. Ils sont néanmoins bien souvent adaptés préférentiellement à un état de la matière et à la mesure spécifique d'un paramètre thermique.Le banc développé repose sur la méthode dite 3-omega, qui consiste à observer la réponse thermique fréquentielle d'un matériau soumis à un flux de chaleur harmonique. Cette technique met à profit l'effet thermo-résistif qui accomplit la transduction du domaine thermique vers le domaine électrique. Elle permet alors de mesurer simplement les variations de température en fonction de la fréquence d'excitation donnant ainsi accès aux propriétés thermo-physiques du milieu étudié.Nous montrons que la méthode 3-omega permet effectivement d'une part de mesurer efficacement la conductivité thermique, mais également d'estimer la capacité thermique isobare. De plus, alors qu'elle a été initialement introduite pour la caractérisation des solides, nous élargissons son champ d'application via un dispositif expérimental adapté et un nouveau type de capteur, pour l'étendre aux autres états de la matière, à savoir les liquides et aux gaz. Le capteur proposé est fabriqué à l'aide des techniques de la micro-électronique et basé sur la technologie du silicium, ce qui permet de réduire ses dimensions et offre des perspectives intéressantes en termes de miniaturisation et d'intégration. / This PhD thesis is devoted to the development of a measurement bench for thermal characterization.Nowadays, sensing techniques and instruments dedicated to this propose are numerous and evolve constantly : they still are an important research area. However, each instrument deals preferentially with one state of matter and measure mostly a unique thermal parameter. This measurement bench uses the so-called 3-omega technique, which consists in the measurement the thermal frequency response of a medium subject to an harmonic thermal heat flux. It is based on the thermo-resistive effect that links the thermal domain to the electrical domain. It therefore gives an easy way to measure the thermal variations in function of the frequency and allows the determination of the thermal properties.Initially introduced for solids, we show that this tool can indeed measure the thermal conductivity but also gives access to thermal capacity. Moreover, we expand its field of applications to other states of matter : liquids and gases.The sensor is fabricated using the microelectronics techniques and uses the silicon technology. That allows to reduce its dimensions and offers interesting prospects in terms of miniaturization and integration.

Untersuchungen zur Landoberflächenrückkopplung der Atmosphäre und ihrer Auswirkung auf den Wasserhaushalt

Häntzschel, Janet 28 July 2005 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit hat zum Ziel, den Einfluss der Rückkopplung zwischen Landoberfläche und Atmosphäre auf den regionalen Wasserhaushalt abzuschätzen. Dazu erfolgen Modellsimulationen mit dem gekoppelten Vegetations-Grenzschichtmodell HIRVAC (HIgh Resolution Vegetation Atmosphere Coupler) für das Einzugsgebiet Sperrgraben (Bayerische Alpen). Im Ergebnis wird der Zusammenhang zwischen dem Entkopplungsfaktor Omega und der Verdunstung als Wasserhaushaltsgröße für einen festgelegten Zeitraum untersucht. Die Kombination eines vertikal hochaufgelösten Grenzschichtmodells (HUB) mit einem mechanistischen Photosynthesemodell (PSN6) im Modell HIRVAC ermöglicht eine detaillierte physikalische Beschreibung der turbulenten Austauschprozesse innerhalb der atmosphärischen Grenzschicht. Gleichzeitig werden die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Vegetation und Atmosphäre für jede Modellschicht innerhalb des Bestandes und zu jedem Modellzeitschritt simuliert. Die Definition des Entkopplungsfaktors erfordert die Festlegung eines geeigneten Referenzniveaus über der Vegetationsobergrenze zur Ermittlung der Widerstände gegen den turbulenten Austausch von Wärme und Feuchte. Die Bestimmung dieser Modellschichthöhe wird nach Untersuchungen zur Ausbildung der dynamischen Grenzschicht sowie der Vertikalprofile der Transportwiderstände und des Omega-Faktors vorgenommen. Die dabei erzielten Ergebnisse zum höhenabhängigen Verlauf des Entkopplungsfaktors über der Wiesenfläche und dem Fichtenbestand zeigen, dass mit dem Modell HIRVAC das unterschiedliche Kopplungsverhalten von kleinen Beständen mit glatter Oberfläche (Oberflächenrückkopplung) und hohen, rauen Beständen (Grenzschichtrückkopplung) qualitativ und auch quantitativ sehr gut wiedergegeben werden kann. Die Sensitivitätsstudien für die Landnutzungsarten Fichte und Wiese verdeutlichen den Einfluss veränderter Bestandesparameter wie Bestandeshöhe, LAI und Kronenschlussgrad auf den Entkopplungsfaktor und die Evapotranspiration. Sehr gut ersichtlich wird außerdem das unterschiedliche atmosphärische Turbulenzspektrum durch die Verwendung verschiedener Schließungsansätze im Modell und deren Einfluss auf die turbulenten Diffussionskoeffizienten. Die Ergebnisse werden mit dem Ziel der Ableitung einfacher Zusammenhänge zu Landschaftskennziffern parametrisiert. Zur Bereitstellung von flächenhaften Klimadaten wird das Modell HIRVAC mit einem Geographischen Informationssystem (ArcView) gekoppelt. Das Modell HIRGIS bietet eine geeignete Basis für die Regionalisierung von Klimagrößen im kleinräumig strukturierten Gelände. Auf der Grundlage der digitalen Gelände- und Landnutzungsdaten können topoklimatisch beeinflusste Größen, wie z.B. Einstrahlung, Temperatur, Strahlungsbilanz und Verdunstung für Gebiete flächendeckend berechnet werden. In den Ergebniswerten sind die Rückkopplungseffekte zwischen Bestand und Atmosphäre in aktueller Form enthalten. Außerdem entfallen Generalisierungseffekte, wie sie bei statistischen Übertragungsmethoden (Interpolation von Messwerten) auftreten. Durch die Möglichkeit der messwertunabhängigen Modellierung kann HIRGIS prinzipiell für Regionen mit anderem Gebietscharakter eingesetzt werden. Bei der Anwendung von HIRGIS auf das Einzugegebiet Sperrgraben wird allerdings deutlich, wie wichtig eine präzise Anpassung der Modellparametrisierung, insbesondere der Vegetation, an den Standort ist. Die erzeugten Karten zu den Klimagrößen liefern dem Nutzer eine gute Grundlage für klimatologische Gebietsinformationen. Eine Quantifizierung des Einflusses der Rückkopplung auf die Verdunstung im Einzugsgebiet Sperrgraben erweist sich für den untersuchten Zeitraum als schwierig. Die Ergebnisse zur Verdunstung zeigen trotzdem eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung mit Transpirationswerten aus Saftflussmessungen für Buche und Fichte im Einzugsgebiet Sperrgraben und decken sich mit den Transpirationswerten aus der Literatur für vergleichbare Bestände.

Nakladatelství Omega na českém knižním trhu a jeho překladová produkce. / The Omega publishing house in the Czech publishing landscape and its output of translated literature

Dudková, Anežka January 2021 (has links)
The Omega publishing house began its activities in 2013, when it started publishing outdated translations of classic literature, especially those that were no longer protected by copyright. This thesis analyses its activities, mostly during the 2013-2018 period: it focuses on the range of published titles and changes in the editorial approach to texts, with emphasis on classic literature. The publishing houses' activities are examined within the field of Czech publishing landscape and compared to the methods recommended in specialised literature, as well as to other publishers's activites. The thesis then presents a translation and textual analysis of three works (R. Kipling's Selected Short Stories, E. Brontë's Wuthering Heights and C. Dickens's Little Dorrit) published by Omega. A hypothesis about the overall strategy of the publishing house is then formulated based on the findings. Key words: Omega publishing house, sociology of translation, praxeology of translation, publishing policy, editorial work, translator status

Nakladatelství Omega na českém knižním trhu a jeho překladová produkce. / The Omega publishing house in the Czech publishing landscape and its output of translated literature

Dudková, Anežka January 2021 (has links)
The Omega publishing house began its activities in 2013, when it started publishing outdated translations of classic literature, especially those that were no longer protected by copyright. This thesis analyses its activities, mostly during the 2013-2018 period: it focuses on the range of published titles and changes in the editorial approach to texts, with emphasis on classic literature. The publishing houses' activities are examined within the field of Czech publishing landscape and compared to the methods recommended in specialised literature, as well as to other publishers's activites. The thesis then presents a translation and textual analysis of three works (R. Kipling's Selected Short Stories, E. Brontë's Wuthering Heights and C. Dickens's Little Dorrit) published by Omega. A hypothesis about the overall strategy of the publishing house is then formulated based on the findings. Key words: Omega publishing house, sociology of translation, praxeology of translation, publishing policy, editorial work, translator status

Fizičko-hemijska i reološka karakterizacija mikrokapsula ribljeg ulja inkorporiranih u čokoladni matriks / Physico-chemical and rheological characterization of fish oil microcapsules incorporated in a chocolate matrix

Kalić Marina 31 July 2020 (has links)
<p>Omega-3 masne kiseline su uslovne za zdravlje ljudi i imaju značajne fiziolo&scaron;ke uloge. Dijetetski proizvodi na bazi omega-3 masnih kiselina predstavljaju značajan izvor omega-3 masnih kiselina. Riblje ulje je dobar izvor polinezasićenih masnih kiselina (PUFA). Dnevni unos omega-3 polinezasićenih masnih kiselina je u većini delova sveta ispod preporučenog, uglavnom usled nedovoljne zastupljenosti ribe u ishrani. Zbog toga se danas riblje ulje nalazi u obliku različitih dijetetskih proizvoda i ponuda ovih preparata na trži&scaron;tu je veoma &scaron;iroka. Problem sa unosom ribljeg ulja kao dodatka ishrani je njegov intenzivan i neprijatan ukus i miris, &scaron;to može da dovede do neadekvatne suplementacije. Su&scaron;enje raspr&scaron;ivanjem (engl. spray drying) predstavlja tehniku koja omogućava trenutno su&scaron;enje rastvora, suspenzija ili emulzija. U pitanju je metoda koja ima &scaron;iroku primenu u farmaceutskoj industriji, a između ostalog se primenjuje i u cilju maskiranja neprijatnog ukusa lekova. Kao omotač mikrokapsula dobijenih su&scaron;enjem raspr&scaron;ivanjem je moguće koristiti proteine, ali je neophodno dobro ispitati i poznavati njihove fizičko-hemijske osobine i funkcionalnost. Inkorporiranjem mikrokapsula ribljeg ulja u čokoladu bi se dobila funkcionalna ili obogaćena hrana, &scaron;to predstavlja i finalnu formulaciju u ovom radu. Obogaćivanjem čokolade sa visokim sadržajem kakao delova mikrokapsulama ribljeg ulja kreirao bi se vi&scaron;estruko funkcionalan proizvod. Odabir čokolade kao matriksa za obogaćivanje uslovljen je činjenicom da je ona &scaron;iroko konzumiran proizvod. Ciljevi ovog rada bili su da se ispita uticaj metode su&scaron;enja raspr&scaron;ivanjem na stabilnost preformulacije ribljeg ulja, da se utvrde karakteristike mikrokapsula dobijenih su&scaron;enjem raspr&scaron;ivanjem (prinos i efikasnost mikrokapsulacije, oksidativnu stabilnost ulja, morfolo&scaron;ke osobine i veličinu mikrokapsula), zatim da se utvrdi uticaj veličine čestica na kristalizaciju u masnoj fazi suspenzije koja se koristi za izradu konditorskih proizvoda i da se utvrde fizičko-hemijske karakteristike (teksturu, boju, reolo&scaron;ke osobine) čokolade koja sadrži inkorporirane mikrokapsule ribljeg ulja u odnosu na čokoladu bez dodatka mikrokapsula. Metode su obuhvatale karakterizaciju proteina dobijenih iz soje, gra&scaron;ka, krompira, pirinča i surutke, njihovih rastvora, kao i emulzija ribljeg ulja u vodenim rastvorima tih proteina, određivanje prinosa i efikasnosti mikrokapsulacije i karakterizaciju dobijenih mikrokapsula. Prilikom ispitivanja uticaja veličine čestica na kristalizaciju u masnoj fazi suspenzije koja se koristi za izradu konditorskih proizvoda i fizičko-hemijskih osobina čokolade koja sadrži inkorporirane mikrokapsule ribljeg ulja primenjivane su metode za određivanje teksture, reolo&scaron;kih karakteristika, sadržaja čvrstih masti i boje dobijenih formulacija. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se proteini pona&scaron;aju kao dobri emulgatori i da su&scaron;enje raspr&scaron;ivanjem predstavlja efikasan način za dobijanje mikrokapsula ribljeg ulja sa proteinima kao omotačima mikrokapsula. Kristalizacija masne faze u suspenziji koja predstavlja model čokolade zavisi od veličine čvrstih čestica. Kada je u pitanju proizvodnja čokolade sa inkorporiranim mikrokapsulama ribljeg ulja kod kojih su kao omotači kori&scaron;ćeni proteini soje, surutke i krompira, dodatak tih mikrokapsula ne utiče na karakteristike čokolade u meri dovoljnoj da bi se naru&scaron;io proizvodni proces izrade. Sve navedeno upućuje na zaključak da bi proizvodnja čokolade sa inkorporiranim mikrokapsulama ribljeg ulja, tehnolo&scaron;ki bila moguća.</p> / <p>Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for human health and have significant physiological roles. Dietary products based on omega-3 fatty acids are a significant source of omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil is a good source of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). The daily intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is below the recommended level in most parts of the world, mainly due to the lack of fish in the diet. This is why fish oil is now found as various dietary products which are widely present in the world&rsquo;s market. The problem with fish oil intake as a dietary supplement is its intense and unpleasant taste and odor, which can lead to inadequate supplementation. Spray drying is a technique that allows instantaneous drying of solutions, suspensions or emulsions. It is a widely used method in the pharmaceutical industry and is used, among other things, to mask the unpleasant taste of medicines. It is possible to use proteins as a coating of spray-dried microcapsules, but it is necessary to test and know their physicochemical properties and functionality. Incorporating fish oil microcapsules into chocolate would make functional or enriched foods, which is consider as a final formulation in this work. Enriching the high cocoa content chocolate with fish oil microcapsules would create a multi-functional product. The choice of chocolate as a base is conditioned by the fact that it is a widely consumed product. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of spray drying method on the stability of fish oil pre-formulation, to determine the characteristics of microcapsules obtained by spray drying (yield and efficiency of microencapsulation, oxidative stability of oil, morphological properties and size of microcapsules), to determine the effect of particle size crystallization in the oil phase of the suspension used for confectionery products and to determine the physicochemical characteristics (texture, color, rheological properties) of chocolate containing fish oil microcapsules in comparison with chocolate without the addition of microcapsules. Methods included characterization of proteins obtained from soybeans, peas, potatoes, rice and whey, their solutions, as well as fish oil emulsions in aqueous solutions of these proteins, determination of the yield and efficiency of microencapsulation, and characterization of the microcapsules obtained. In the examination of the effect of particle size on crystallization in the oil phase of the suspension used for the manufacture of confectionery and physicochemical properties of chocolate containing fish oil microcapsules, methods were used to determine the texture, rheological characteristics, solid fat content and color of the formulations obtained. The results show that proteins act as good emulsifiers and that spray drying is an effective way to obtain fish oil microcapsules with proteins as microcapsule shells. The crystallization of the oil phase in the suspension representing the chocolate model depends on the size of the solid particles. In the case of production of chocolate with incorporated fish oil microcapsules using soybean, whey and potato proteins as coating material, the addition of these microcapsules does not affect the chocolate characteristics to a degree sufficient to impair the manufacturing process. All of the above points to the conclusion that the production of chocolate with incorporated fish oil microcapsules would be technologically possible.</p>

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