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The effect of consuming farmed salmon compared to salmon oil capsules on long chain omega 3 fatty acid and selenium status in humans : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Human Nutrition, Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health at Massey University, Auckland, New ZealandPauga, Melanie January 2009 (has links)
Salmon is a good source of long chain (LC) omega 3 fatty acids and selenium; these are well recognised for their health benefits. Recommendations for LC omega 3 fatty acid intakes presume equivalence between fish and fish oil. The aim of this research was to compare the effects of consuming salmon with salmon oil capsules on LC omega 3 fatty acid and selenium status. Forty four healthy subjects were randomly assigned to consume either two servings of 120 g farmed New Zealand King (FNZK) salmon/week or 2, 4 or 6 capsules of salmon oil/day for 8 weeks. Fasting blood samples, anthropometric measures, food consumption habits information and blood pressure (BP) measurements were obtained at the study commencement and ending. Each subject’s intake of LC omega 3 fatty acids and selenium was determined by analysing the fatty acid and selenium content of duplicate portions of cooked salmon and capsules. The amount of salmon consumed was then calculated by subtracting unconsumed amounts of salmon and then calculating the intake of LC omega 3 fatty acids as grams of LC omega 3 fatty acids consumed per day. Percentage of compliance to capsule intake, based on counts of unconsumed capsules, was calculated to determine the amount of LC omega 3 fatty acids consumed per day from capsules. Change in red blood cells (RBC) LC omega 3 fatty acid levels from equivalent amounts of LC omega 3 fatty acids consumed from capsules and salmon were compared using linear regression analysis predictive models fitted to the capsule data. Omega 3 index was calculated. LC omega 3 fatty acid intakes from salmon and 2, 4 and 6 capsules were 0.82, 0.24, 0.47 and 0.68 g/day, respectively. Equal amounts of LC omega 3 fatty acids consumed from salmon and capsules resulted in similar increases in RBC LC omega 3 fatty acids and omega 3 index (RBC eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA): 0.80 [0.58 – 1.02] vs. 1.00 [0.71 – 1.27] %; RBC docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): 0.93 [0.58 – 1.29] vs. 0.99 [0.68 – 1.31] %; omega 3 index: 1.92 [1.46 – 2.38] vs. 2.25 [1.65 – 2.83] %). The capsules did not contain selenium, but the salmon provided 6.84 µg selenium/day. Plasma selenium concentrations increased significantly in the salmon group compared to the capsule
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The effect of consuming farmed salmon compared to salmon oil capsules on long chain omega 3 fatty acid and selenium status in humans : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Human Nutrition, Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health at Massey University, Auckland, New ZealandPauga, Melanie January 2009 (has links)
Salmon is a good source of long chain (LC) omega 3 fatty acids and selenium; these are well recognised for their health benefits. Recommendations for LC omega 3 fatty acid intakes presume equivalence between fish and fish oil. The aim of this research was to compare the effects of consuming salmon with salmon oil capsules on LC omega 3 fatty acid and selenium status. Forty four healthy subjects were randomly assigned to consume either two servings of 120 g farmed New Zealand King (FNZK) salmon/week or 2, 4 or 6 capsules of salmon oil/day for 8 weeks. Fasting blood samples, anthropometric measures, food consumption habits information and blood pressure (BP) measurements were obtained at the study commencement and ending. Each subject’s intake of LC omega 3 fatty acids and selenium was determined by analysing the fatty acid and selenium content of duplicate portions of cooked salmon and capsules. The amount of salmon consumed was then calculated by subtracting unconsumed amounts of salmon and then calculating the intake of LC omega 3 fatty acids as grams of LC omega 3 fatty acids consumed per day. Percentage of compliance to capsule intake, based on counts of unconsumed capsules, was calculated to determine the amount of LC omega 3 fatty acids consumed per day from capsules. Change in red blood cells (RBC) LC omega 3 fatty acid levels from equivalent amounts of LC omega 3 fatty acids consumed from capsules and salmon were compared using linear regression analysis predictive models fitted to the capsule data. Omega 3 index was calculated. LC omega 3 fatty acid intakes from salmon and 2, 4 and 6 capsules were 0.82, 0.24, 0.47 and 0.68 g/day, respectively. Equal amounts of LC omega 3 fatty acids consumed from salmon and capsules resulted in similar increases in RBC LC omega 3 fatty acids and omega 3 index (RBC eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA): 0.80 [0.58 – 1.02] vs. 1.00 [0.71 – 1.27] %; RBC docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): 0.93 [0.58 – 1.29] vs. 0.99 [0.68 – 1.31] %; omega 3 index: 1.92 [1.46 – 2.38] vs. 2.25 [1.65 – 2.83] %). The capsules did not contain selenium, but the salmon provided 6.84 µg selenium/day. Plasma selenium concentrations increased significantly in the salmon group compared to the capsule
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Thermal engineering in an epitaxial nanostructured germanium semiconductor / Ingénierie thermique dans un semi-conducteur nanostructure par épitaxie à base de germaniumLiu, Yanqing 16 November 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur les propriétés de transport thermique liées aux phonons dans un nouveau matériau nanostructuré constituée de couches minces de Ge:Mn de type "electron crystal - phonon glass". Ce matériau est élaboré par épitaxie par jets moléculaire au CEA/INAC à Grenoble sur des substrats spécifiques « Germanium-on-insulator (GOI) ». Il consiste en une matrice de germanium possédant une qualité cristalline parfaite dans laquelle sont inclues une importante concentration de nano-inclusions de Ge3Mn5 de forme quasi-sphérique. Révélé par les caractérisations de TEM, les nano-inclusions ont une distribution de diamètre variant de 5 à 50 nm. Il est par ailleurs possible de jouer sur les paramètres de croissance afin de modifier la dispersion de taille des inclusions ainsi que leur concentration. Cette possibilité nous a donc permit d'étudier l'influence des nano-inclusions sur le transport de chaleur de façon exhaustive autour de la température ambiante.Pour ce faire, une expérience de mesure de conductivité thermique « 3 omega » dédiée à ces échantillons et extrêmement sensible, a été fabriquée à l'institut Néel. Cette expérience nous a permis de mesurer les variations de conductivité thermique induites par la modification de la distribution en taille des nano-inclusions de Ge:Mn dans des couches minces d'une centaine de nanomètre d'épaisseur avec une erreur réduite d'environ 12%. Il a été montré que le transport thermique dans ces couches minces pouvait être réduit d'un facteur 20 comparé au germanium massif puisque des valeurs de conductivité thermique de l'ordre de 3 W.m-1.K-1 ont été mesurées. Ces valeurs ont été confirmées par des expériences SThM au CETHIL de Lyon. Les valeurs obtenues sont mêmes en dessous de la limite d'alliage pour le SiGe, ce qui n'est pas explicable par les théories actuelles. Ces faibles conductivités thermiques ainsi que la grande mobilité des porteurs dans le germanium font de ces matériaux à base de GeMn de bons candidats pour la thermoélectricité. Des simulations numériques ont été utilisées afin de mieux comprendre cette diminution spectaculaire de la conductivité thermique et d'interpréter les données expérimentales. / This PhD project is an exhaustive study on the characterization of the thermal properties of a new type semiconducting materials based on germanium. It is a germanium matrix containing nano-inclusions with the objective of creating a perfect "electron crystal - phonon glass" material. The materials are thin films of an epitaxial germanium matrix embedded with Ge:Mn nano-inclusions, grown on a Germanium-on-insulator (GOI) substrate in CEA/INAC in Grenoble. From TEM images of the thin films it has been demonstrated that both the matrix and inclusions are monocrystalline, and the nano-inclusions have generally a spherical form with a diameter distribution ranging from 5 to 50 nm. Depending on the growth parameters in molecular beam epitaxy, i.e. the Mn concentration and the annealing temperature, the geometries, mean diameters and diameter distributions of nano-inclusions in Ge:Mn can be varied. With these unique structural features, these Ge:Mn thin films are one of the most interesting models for the study of the influence of nano-inclusions on thermal transport in a crystalline matrix.The characterization of the thermal properties of the material have been done using two advanced techniques: the 3-omega method in Institut Néel, and the Scanning Thermal Microscopy (SThM) in CETHIL (Centre d'Energétique et de Thermique de Lyon) in Lyon. A highly sensitive differential 3-omega measurement setup has been developed in the work, which permits precise (error~12%) measurements of electrical conductive thin films having low thermal conductivities. Dramatically reduced thermal conductivities have been revealed for Ge:Mn thin films containing different Mn% and having different inclusion geometries at room temperature, compared to crystalline bulk Ge. A minimum value of 3.3 Wm-1K-1 was found for Ge:Mn thin film containing 10% Mn, beating the “alloy limit” of thermal conductivity set by SiGe alloys at room temperature (6-12 Wm-1K-1). The measurement results of SThM confirmed the low thermal conductivities for all Ge:Mn/GOI samples at room temperature. Numerical simulations using different models have been performed to try to interpret the experimental results and to understand the mechanisms of the influence of the nano-inclusions on the phonon transport in semiconductor materials.
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Interakce mezi cirkadiánními hodinami a makrofágy v tukové tkáni / Interaction between circadian clock and macrophages in the adipose tissueHonzlová, Petra January 2017 (has links)
Well functioning circadian system is crucial component of healthy organism and its disruption can result in impairment of metabolic functions with consequential development of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Obesity is in general caused by enhanced migration of pro- inflammatory polarized macrophages (M1) into adipose tissue. We have shown, that interaction of this type of macrophages with adipose tissue had significant effect on rhythmic expression of clock genes in adipocytes. We further investigated effect of high fat diet and diet enriched by omega-3 fatty acids on circadian oscillations in WAT and differently polarized macrophages. This diet affected oscillations in adipose tissue and in M0 and M2 polarized macrophages. These results support previous findings of effect of omega-3 fatty acids on metabolism and suggest their effect on circadian system as well. Key words: circadian rhythms, adipose tissue, macrophages, omega-3 fatty acids, high fat diet
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Zdroje a současná úroveň spotřeby omega-3 mastných kyselin v České republice / Sources and current level of consumption of omega-3 fatty acids in the Czech RepublicMERLEOVÁ, Gabriela January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and their beneficial effects on health. Characteristics, properties and appearance of omega-3 fatty acids may explain some of the mechanisms of their effects on human health manifested not only in the treatment and mitigation of some non-infectious diseases of mass occurrence, but especially in the area of preventive action. Theoretic information used in the first part of this work was obtained from scientific and professional publications and periodicals searched in domestic and international databases of scientific and specialist literature. The part of data collection and analysis compares the intake of omega-3 acids in the form of fish dishes prepared for children in the first half of elementary school, aged 7 to 10 years, in randomly selected school canteens or contracted catering in the European Union with the recommendations of Decree 107/2005 Sb. Ministry of Education.
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Efeitos do ômega-3 na parede arterial de coelhos albinos (Oryctolagus cuniculus) submetidos à aterosclerose experimental / Effects of omega-3 in the arterial wall of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) underwent experimental atherosclerosisMartins, Josefa Sileda 17 June 2011 (has links)
The nutraceutical omega 3 fatty acid, which has been used to prevent cardiovascular disease; on the other hand, atherosclerosis is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality, becoming myocardial infarction and strokes the main consequences. Objective: This study aimed to verify the preventive effects of omega-3 in the formation of atherosclerosis, inducing hyperlipidemic diet in rabbits to quantify the atherosclerotic involvement of the arterial lumen and to evaluate serum lipid levels (total cholesterol, fractions, triglycerides and HDL). Methods: 21 male rabbits New Zealand white race were randomized into three groups with seven animals, namely: control group (G1) where the animals received food and water ad labium; group hyperlipidemic (G2) food and water ad labium, 20 ml of chicken egg yolk divided in two doses and treated group (G3) that in addition to 20 ml of yolk, ingested 221 mg / kg body weight of omega-3 as well as food and water ad labium. The blood was collected to determine serum and after 99 days of the experiment, animals were euthanized for removal of debris following: aortic arch, right common carotid artery and right femoral artery. The results were compared using statistical methods of ANOVA, and Kolmogorov-Smirnorv. Results: There was no decrease in serum total cholesterol and fractions, and triglyceride did not increase HDL. There was thickening of the sub endothelial layer and formation of foam cells in G1 and G2. Conclusion: The Omega has no preventive effect in reducing atherosclerotic plaques; there was increased in the arterial lumen at 57.55%. / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / O ômega-3 é um ácido graxo nutracêutico, que tem sido utilizado para prevenir as doenças cardiovasculares, das quais a aterosclerose é a principal causa de morbidade e mortalidade, tornando o infarto do miocárdio e o acidente vascular encefálico suas principais consequências. Objetivo: Este trabalho teve como objetivos verificar a existência de efeitos preventivos do ômega-3 na formação da doença aterosclerótica, através da indução de dieta hiperlipidêmica em coelhos, quantificar o comprometimento aterosclerótico da luz arterial bem como, analisar os níveis lipídicos séricos (colesterol total, frações, triglicerídeo e HDL). Material e Método: 21 coelhos albinos, machos da raça Nova Zelândia foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em três grupos com sete animais, a saber: Grupo Controle (G1) cujos animais receberam ração e água ad libitum; Grupo Hiperlipidêmico (G2) ração e água ad libitum, mais 20 ml de gema de ovo de galinha em dividida em duas tomadas e o Grupo Tratado (G3) que além dos 20 ml de gema, ingeriu 221 mg/kg/peso de ômega-3, bem como ração e água ad libitum. O sangue foi coletado para verificar os níveis séricos e após 99 dias de experimento, os animais foram submetidos à eutanásia para retirada dos seguintes fragmentos: arco aórtico, artéria carótida comum direita e artéria femoral direita. Os resultados foram comparados pelos métodos estatísticos ANOVA, e teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnorv. Resultados: Não houve diminuição dos níveis séricos do colesterol total, e frações, o triglicerídeo e não aumentou o HDL. Houve espessamento da camada subendotelial e formação de células espumosas, nos grupos G1 e G2. Conclusão: O ômega não tem efeito preventivo na redução das placas ateromatosas, houve aumento do comprometimento da luz arterial em 57,55%.
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[pt] A presente tese intitulada Repercussões do Ômega 3 (n-3) AGPI-CL e da Saúde Mental Materna no Desenvolvimento Neuropsicológico na Infância, teve por objetivo geral investigar variáveis inerentes à nutrição e à saúde mental materna relacionando-as com o desenvolvimento na primeira infância. A organização deste trabalho deu-se em formato de artigos científicos. A primeira parte da tese foi um artigo de coorte transversal que objetivou investigar a influencia da ingestão materna de EPA e DHA durante o primeiro trimestre da gestação e o desenvolvimento cognitivo das crianças aos 18 e 24 meses de idade. A literatura monstra correlação positiva entre a ingestão destes ácidos graxos durante a gravidez e o desenvolvimento infantil. os dados da presente pesquisa revelaram que altas concentrações de DHA e EPA durante o primeiro trimestre da gravidez estão positivamente correlacionadas com o desenvolvimento cognitivo aos 18 e 24 meses de idade. O comprimento ao nascer, o nível socioeconômico e de educação paterna, também, foram variáveis preditoras para o desenvolvimento cognitivo aos 18 e 24 meses de idade. O segundo artigo desta tese foi dedicado à exploração dos efeitos dos AGPICL no desenvolvimento infantil mediante a realização de uma revisão sistemática e meta-análise. Portanto, a hipótese de que a suplementação com n-3 LCPUFA durante a gravidez melhora o desenvolvimento neurológico infantil não pode ser aceita ou rejeitada com base nos estudos incluídos nesta revisão. O terceiro artigo foi um estudo de casos múltiplos, e consistiu em desenvolver conhecimentos detalhados sobre três díades (mãe-bebê) com o objetivo de investigar a complexidade das inter-relações dos sujeitos em seu contexto. Com base nos resultados deste estudo foi observado como o baixo nível de escolaridade materna
e paterna, as precárias condições socioeconômicas, e o desemprego podem desencadear doenças relacionadas à saúde mental materna, repercutindo negativamente sobre o desenvolvimento motor e a motivação da criança para explorar seu próprio ambiente. Adicionalmente, o quarto artigo versou sobre um estudo de caso (díade mãe-bebê) em que se objetivou investigar indicadores de saúde mental materna e o apoio social recebido durante a gravidez e o período pós-parto, avaliando as influências e repercussões dessas variáveis sobre o desenvolvimento de uma criança. Evidenciou-se que a criança exposta à problemas de saúde mental materna e frágil apoio social, acompanhado de baixo nível socioeconômico está mais vulnerável à fatores que prejudicam o desenvolvimento socioemocional e comportamental, afetando de forma indireta o desenvolvimento cognitivo. / [en] The present doctoral thesis entitled Repercussions of Omega 3 (n-3) AGPI-CL and Maternal Mental Health on Child Neuropsychological Development had the general objective to investigate variables inherent to nutrition and maternal mental health related to childhood development. The first section of the thesis was a transversal cohort article that aimed to investigate the influence of maternal intake of EPA and DHA during the first trimester of pregnancy period on child cognitive development during the first two years of life. Pooled results from this study showed that high serum concentrations of DHA and EPA during the first trimester of pregnancy were positively correlated with cognitive development during the second year of life. Length at birth, socioeconomic level and parental education were also predictive variables for cognitive development at 18 and 24 months of age (Article 1). The second article of this thesis explored the effects of LCPUFA on child development through a systematic and meta-analysis review (Article 2). Based on our results, the hypothesis that supplementation with n-3 LCPUFA during pregnancy improves infant neurological development cannot be accepted or rejected based on data reported by randomized control trials included in the present review. The third article was a multiple case study conducted with three dyads (mother-baby) aiming to understand the complexity of the subjects interrelations in their context in detail. Based on the results of this study, low levels of parental education, precarious socioeconomic conditions and unemployment may trigger maternal mental health, impacting negatively child s motor development and motivation to explore his or her own environment (Article 3). In addition, a single case study was conducted (mother-baby dyad) with the objective to investigate maternal mental health and
social support received during the perinatal period. Repercussions of these variables on child development were addressed. It has been suggested that a child s exposure to maternal mental health problems and fragile social support, accompanied by low socioeconomic status might make them more vulnerable to other factors that might impair socio-emotional and behavioral development (Article 4).
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Efeitos da suplementação de Omega-3 no processo inflamatório e dano muscular induzidos por estresse físico e restrição alimentar em militaresSantos., Eduardo Porto dos 29 March 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-03-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The literature has several studies showing the anti-inflammatory and protective against
cardiovascular disease, the polyunsaturated fatty acids are omega-3 intake of fatty acids has
been recommended as a way to prevent heart disease and improve heart function. There are
few studies involving the anti-inflammatory effect of fatty acids omega-3, with the
inflammatory process triggered by physical stress of great magnitude. The effect of
supplementation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) omega-3 (n-3) in the immune
response and occurrence of muscle damage in soldiers were investigated. Twenty males were
divided in two groups and they received capsules contends PUFA n-3 (SUP) (n=10) or
placebo (PLA) (n=10) during four weeks. in elapsing of the fourth week of supplementation,
the military were submitted to a military camp with caloric ingestion and restricted rest, and
elevated physical and psychological stress. The concentration of C-reactive protein (CRP-hs)
was used as inflammatory marker and the occurrence of muscle damage by creatine kinase s
(CK) activity. Sanguine samples were taken in four moments: 1) before supplementation; 2)
before camp; 3) during camp; 4) after camp. During the three weeks of supplementation that
preceded the camp s routine, was observed a significant reduction in serum CRP-hs s
concentration only in group SUP. A significant increase of CK activity in the after camp,
confirmed the character strenuous of this procedure. In spite of not impeding the PCR-us s
increase, SUP presented a concentration of PCR-hs significantly smaller than PLA at the end
of camp. These results suggest that PUFA n-3 supplementation exercises a protecting effect
against the inflammatory process induced by intense physical training and alimentary
restriction / A literatura dispõe de vários estudos que comprovam o efeito antiinflamatório e protetor
contra doenças cardiovasculares, que os ácidos graxos poliinsaturados Ômega-3 possuem A
ingestão destes ácidos graxos tem sido recomendada, como forma de prevenir doenças
cardíacas e melhorar a função cardíaca. Existem poucas pesquisas associando o efeito
antiinflamatório dos ácidos graxos Ômega-3, com o processo inflamatório desencadeado pelo
estresse físico de grande magnitude. O efeito da suplementação de ácidos graxos
poliinsaturados (AGPI) omega-3 (n-3) na resposta imunológica e ocorrência de dano muscular
em militares foi investigado. Vinte sujeitos foram divididos em dois grupos e receberam
cápsulas contendo AGPI n-3 (SUP) (n=10) ou placebo (PLA) (n=10) durante quatro semanas.
No decorrer da quarta semana de suplementação, os militares foram submetidos a um
acampamento militar com ingestão calórica e repouso restrito e elevado estresse físico e
psicológico. A concentração de proteína C-reativa ultra-sensível (PCR-us) foi utilizada como
marcador inflamatório e a ocorrência de dano muscular pela atividade da enzima
creatinoquinase (CK). Amostras sanguineas foram coletadas em quatro momentos: 1) présuplementação;
2) pré-acampamento; 3) durante o acampamento; 4) pós-acampamento.
Durante as três semanas de suplementação e que antecederam o regime de acampamento foi
observada uma redução significativa na concentração sérica de PCR-us apenas no grupo SUP.
Um aumento significativo da atividade da CK no pós-acampamento confirmou o caráter
extenuante deste procedimento. Apesar de não impedir a elevação da PCR-us, o grupo SUP
apresentou uma concentração de PCR-us significativamente menor em comparação com o
grupo PLA ao final do acampamento. Estes resultados sugerem que a suplementação de AGPI
n-3 exercem um efeito protetor contra o processo inflamatório induzido por um regime de
treinamento físico intenso e restrição alimentar.
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Óleo de linhaça na dieta de frangos de corteLopes, Débora Cristina Nichelle 22 March 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-03-22 / A trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of replacing soybean oil by linseed oil on performance, carcass traits, physicochemical characteristics, sensory properties of meat and plasma biochemical profile of poultry. A total of 448 one day old male birds (Cobb 500) where randomly allotted to 4 treatments and 8 replications in a completely randomized assay for 35 days. The following treatments were tested: T1
= 100% soybean oil (SO) as the main dietary energy source; T2 = 50% SO and 50% linseed oil (LO); T3 = 25% SO and 75% LO; and T4 = 100% LO. Performance of birds was not affected (P>0.05) when LO replaced SO in the diets during the whole
experimental period. Additionally, no significant difference (P>0.05) was observed in carcass traits of birds fed diets containing LO. Moreover, plasma biochemical profile was not affected (P>0.05) as the level of LO increased in the diets. Omega-3 fatty acids (n3-PUFA) increased in the meat, omega-6 fatty acids (n6-PUFA) and meat n6:n3 decreased as the dietary level of LO was increased. Reduction of drumstick fat
was observed increasing levels of LO in the diet (P<0,05). No significant differences (P>0.05) were observed for dry matter, protein, fat and cholesterol in the meat. Also, no significant differences (P>0.05) were found for physicochemical characteristics and sensory properties of meat. Replacing SO by LO in the diet might be carried out with no effect on performance, carcass traits and biochemical profile of poultry.
Dietary LO enriched poultry meat with C18:3n3, C20:3n3 e C20:5n3 and reduced n6:n3 ratio without any negative effects on chemical composition and physicochemical characteristics and sensory properties of meat. / O presente estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da substituição do óleo de soja pelo óleo de linhaça sobre o desempenho produtivo, características de carcaça, características químicas, instrumentais, sensoriais e perfil de ácidos graxos da carne além do perfil bioquímico sérico de frangos de corte. Utilizou-se 448 frangos da linhagem Cobb 500, machos, de um dia de idade, distribuídos em 4 tratamentos, com 8 repetições, em um delineamento completamente casualizado, por um período de 35 dias. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: T1 = 100% de óleo de soja
(OS) como principal fonte energética; T2 = 50% de OS e 50% de óleo de linhaça (OL); T3 = 25% de OS e 75% de OL; e T4 = 100% de OL. A substituição do OS pelo OL na dieta não afetou (P>0,05) o desempenho produtivo dos frangos durante todo
o período experimental. Também não foram observadas diferenças significativas (P>0,05) sobre as características de carcaça das aves que receberam OL na dieta. Da mesma forma, os níveis plasmáticos dos frangos não diferiram significativamente (P>0,05) com o aumento de óleo de linhaça na dieta. O aumento do OL na dieta promoveu o incremento de ácidos graxos da família ômega-3 (3n-AGPI), a redução
de ácidos graxos da família ômega-6 (6n-AGPI) e da relação 6n-AGPI:3n-AGPI na carne. Houve redução no teor de gordura da sobrecoxa com o aumento de OL na dieta (P<0,05). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas (P>0,05) no percentual de matéria seca, proteína, gordura e colesterol na carne. Também não foram observadas diferenças significativas (P>0,05) sobre as características físicoquímicas e sensoriais da carne. A substituição do OS pelo OL na dieta de frangos de
corte pode ser realizada sem afetar o desempenho produtivo, características de carcaça e perfil bioquímico. O OL na dieta de frangos de corte promoveu o enriquecimento da carne com C18:3n3, C20:3n3 e C20:5n3 e a redução na relação 6n-
AGPI:3n-AGPI, sem afetar a composição química e as características físicoquímicas e sensoriais da carne.
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Etude de la cinétique de l’adaptation respiratoire à la naissance par la résonance magnétique : les effets des acides gras polyinsaturés oméga 3 sur la transition périnatale / Study of the kinetics of respiratory adaptation at birth by magnetic resonance : the effects of omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on the perinatal transitionHoueijeh, Ali 20 March 2017 (has links)
L’adaptation à la vie extra-utérine requiert la résorption rapide du liquide pulmonaire, la création de la capacité fonctionnelle résiduelle (FRC), ainsi que l’augmentation du débit pulmonaire. Bien que ces mécanismes aient été largement étudiés, leurs cinétiques restent mal connues faute de méthode d’étude non invasive in vivo. L’échec de l’adaptation cardiorespiratoire à la naissance est la principale cause de mortalité et de morbidité de la période néonatale, malgré l’utilisation de stratégie préventive comme la corticothérapie anténatale, et l’amélioration des techniques de réanimation néonatale. Les acides gras polyinsaturés oméga 3 (AGPI n3) que l’on retrouve dans les huiles de poisson ont des effets cardiovasculaires et respiratoires qui pourraient améliorer la transition périnatale. Par ailleurs, leurs propriétés anti-inflammatoires peuvent réduire les conséquences des effets iatrogènes des techniques de réanimation dont la mise en oeuvre est nécessaire en cas de maladaptation cardiorespiratoire à la naissance. Les objectifs de ce travail ont été de : Mettre au point et valider une méthode d’exploration de la cinétique de réabsorption du liquide pulmonaire à la naissance par résonnance magnétique nucléaire Etudier les effets des AGPI n3 sur : l’adaptation ventilatoire à la naissance la circulation pulmonaire périnatale la prévention des lésions pulmonaires induites par une hyperoxie prolongée Les études ont été réalisées sur les modèles expérimentaux de foetus de brebis et de ratons nouveau-nés exposés à une hyperoxie prolongée. Nous montrons que la technique par IRM permet d’évaluer la cinétique de clairance du liquide pulmonaire in vivo en situations physiologique et pathologique. Alors que les AGPI n3 améliorent la circulation pulmonaire, ils n’ont pas d’effet sur la clairance du liquide pulmonaire. Par contre, ils réduisent les lésions pulmonaires induites par l’oxygène. Ces résultats expérimentaux suggèrent que les AGPI n3 pourraient prévenir les échecs d’adaptation cardiorespiratoire à la naissance et ses conséquences à long terme. / Perinatal transition requires clearance of pulmonary fluid, creation of functional respiratory capacity (FRC), and the multiplication of pulmonary blood flow by ten, to ensure gas exchange and blood oxygenation. Physiology of perinatal transition has been broadly studied but the kinetics of its evolution is less known. The aim of our study was to assess the kinetics of the respiratory transition. Besides, we supposed that polyunsaturated fatty-acids omega 3 (n3 PUFA) would improve this transition. To study the kinetic of respiratory transition, we used the MRI in 3 groups of lambs: premature group (Preterm) with a term of 122-124 days, two groups of late preterm lambs (134-136 days), including one group who received antenatal steroids (Late preterm + steroids), and a group without steroids (Late preterm). Surprisingly, we observed a rapid increase of lung fluid in preterm lambs reaching 30% at the end of the experimentation. Creation of FRC was also impaired in this group. In the Late preterm group, clearance of pulmonary fluid was slowed down with a moderate fall of 10%, whereas, in the Late preterm + steroids group, lung fluid dropped by 50% (p<0.05). Similarly, FRC in the Late preterm + steroids group was higher than the other 2 groups (p <0.05). Respiratory functions were closely related to lung fluid content and to FRC. We hypothesized that n3 PUFA would improve perinatal transition using two models: - An acute model: in a chronically instrumented model, catheters were introduced in the jugular and the carotid vessels of lamb fetuses at 122 days of gestation. Lamb fetuses received either Omegaven (n3 PUFA), or Intralipide (n6 PUFA), or isotonique physiological serum (SSI) for 4 days. Respiratory transition was explored by MRI. There was no significant difference between these three groups. Total lung fluid increased by about 20% in Omegaven group and 18% in SSI group (p> 0.05). - A model of Bronchopulmonary dysplasia: pups were exposed to hyperoxia for 10 days, and feeding rats received supplementation by either n3 PUFA (Omacor), n6 PUFA (sunflower oil), or SSI, with control groups that received the same feeding supply but which were exposed to air. Histological studies showed bronchopulmonary dysplasia lesions in the Hyperoxia groups, characterized by decrease of alveolar number, decrease in the number of secondary alveolar septa, and widening of the interstitial space. These lesions were similar in SSI and n6 PUFA groups, whereas n3 PUFA improved these lesions (p <0.05). To assess the effects of n3 PUFA in pulmonary vascular resistances (PVR), we studied their effects on fetal circulation characterized by elevated RVP using a chronically instrumented experimental model of lamb fetus. Lamb fetuses received either n3 PUFA (Omegaven), or n6 PUFA (Intralipid). We then explored the action mechanisms of n3 PUFA: 1) NO pathway using L-Nitro Argenine (LNA), 2) potassium channels pathway using Tetraethylamonium (TEA) and 3) epoxides produced by cytochrome P450 using MS-PPOH. Finally, we investigated the effect of Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) perfusion, or Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) perfusion in pulmonary circulation. We showed that, unlike Intralipid, Omegaven induced pulmonary vasodilation, and an increase in pulmonary flow. An identical effect was reproduced by EPA infusion, while DHA did not modify PVR. This response was not modified by LNA. But it was reduced by MS-PPOH, and abolished by TEA. These results indicate that n3 PUFA induced pulmonary vasodilation, mediated by epoxides which act on potassium channels. To conclude, we demonstrated that respiratory transition in preterm lambs even in late preterm ones is altered with the presence of pulmonary edema. n3 PUFA did not improve lung fluid clearance but should be considered in the tretment of pulmonary hypertension, and in the prevention of brochopulmonary dysplasia of the newborns.
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