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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude des propriétés physico-chimiques et biologiques de ciments biomédicaux à base de carbonate de calcium : apport du procédé de co-broyage / Study of physico-chemical and biological properties of biomedical calcium carbonate based cements : contribution of the co-grinding process

Tadier, Solène 26 November 2009 (has links)
L'implantation de matériaux pour reconstruction osseuse par des techniques chirurgicales peu invasives nécessite des substituts osseux synthétiques, résorbables, injectables et radioopaques. C'est pourquoi le contrôle des propriétés de ces matériaux est primordial. Dans ce contexte, ce travail s'intéresse à la formulation de deux ciments, l'un uniquement à base de carbonate de calcium, le second composé d'un mélange de carbonate de calcium et de phosphate de calcium en quantités égales. Le traitement des phases solides pulvérulentes de ces deux ciments par les procédés de broyage et de co-broyage a été étudié. Ces procédés permettent entre autres de diminuer la taille moyenne des particules. Un mélange intime et homogène entre les constituants de la phase solide est obtenu grâce au co-broyage et les propriétés des ciments sont très significativement améliorées. Le temps de prise est diminué et l'injectabilité de la pâte est fortement augmentée (facteur 100). Cette dernière propriété a pu être évaluée grâce à la mise au point d'un dispositif et d'un protocole de mesure adaptés à un analyseur de texture. Dans le but de visualiser par radiographie aux rayons X l'introduction du ciment injectable dans le site osseux à réparer, du strontium a été introduit en tant qu'agent de contraste radio-opacifiant. Deux voies d'ajout à la formulation du ciment ont été étudiées : la première sous forme de SrCO3 dans la phase solide, la seconde sous forme de SrCl2 dans la phase liquide. Les études réalisées montrent que le co-broyage de la phase solide contenant du SrCO3 est intéressant pour homogénéiser la dispersion de l'agent de contraste et ainsi optimiser la quantité de strontium à incorporer pour atteindre le niveau de radio-opacité requis par la norme en vigueur. De plus, il a été observé que l'ajout de SrCl2 dans la phase liquide rend la pâte plus visqueuse et diminue son injectabilité. Par ailleurs, l'étude de la dissolution de ces ciments à pH physiologique a révélé une libération lente et prolongée du strontium. Enfin, des tests cellulaires in-vitro ont été réalisés sur ces ciments ; ils mettent en évidence l'excellent comportement de cellules ostéoprogénitrices vis-à-vis de ces formulations de ciment ainsi que l'intérêt d'utiliser le sel de SrCO3 plutôt que de SrCl2. La dernière partie de ce travail concerne l'étude de la cristallisation de l'aragonite, variété polymorphe du carbonate de calcium, en présence d'ions phosphate, connus pour inhiber la cristallisation du CaCO3. Grâce à une modélisation à l'aide de la technique de croissance cristalline à composition constante permettant de se placer dans des conditions proches de celles de la prise du ciment uniquement à base de carbonate de calcium in-vivo, il a été montré que la présence d'ions phosphate, même en très faible quantité (concentration < 0,5 µM) diminue à la fois la vitesse de germination et la vitesse de croissance cristalline de l'aragonite. L'ensemble de ces travaux contribue à l'optimisation des propriétés de ces ciments biomédicaux et à mieux appréhender leur comportement que ce soit au moment de leur implantation in-vivo ou de leur évolution et suivi post-opératoires. D'un point de vue fondamental, ces travaux pluridisciplinaires menés dans des conditions modèles in-vitro mais également dans le cadre d'une expérimentation in-vivo ont mis en évidence l'intérêt de confronter ces deux approches pour identifier et comprendre les phénomènes et les réactions impliqués lors de la prise des ciments à base de carbonate de calcium in-vitro et in-vivo. / Implantation of bone substitute materials using minimally invasive surgical techniques requires specific properties for the material including resorbability, injectability and adequate radio-opacity. The control of such properties of the material is of prime importance to meet a surgeon's requirements. In this context, this study deals with two different mineral cements: the first one is only composed of calcium carbonate phases and the second one is a mixture of equal amount of calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate phases. An original methodology involving complementary analytical techniques was implemented to thoroughly investigate the grinding mechanism of separated or mixed reactive powders constituting the solid phase and its effects on cement reactivity and properties. We show that co-grinding the solid phase decreases the mean size of the particles and favours both a homogeneous mixing and good contact between the components, leading to a decrease in the setting time. We also set two original protocols designed to evaluate paste injectability and phase separation during paste extrusion. Co-grinding leads to synergistic positive effects on cement injectability and radio-opacity. It allows maintaining a low and constant load during the extrusion of paste, which composition remains constant. Moreover, the cement's mechanical properties can be enhanced by lowering the L/S ratio because of the lower plastic limit. To be able to follow in situ the injection of the bone cement using X-ray radiography, strontium has been introduced as a contrast agent in the cement composition. Two different routes have been investigated: SrCO3 has been added to the solid phase or SrCl2 has been dissolved in the liquid phase. We show that co-grinding process permits to homogenise strontium distribution in the cement allowing us to optimise the minimum amount of strontium to add into the cement paste to reach the radio-opacity required by ISO 9917-1 standard. Moreover, adding SrCl2 in the liquid phase makes the cement paste more viscous and diminishes its injectability. Release tests performed on Sr-loaded cements show a sustained release of strontium at 37°C and pH 7.4. Finally, in-vitro cell tests have shown the excellent behaviour of osteoprogenitor cells, especially on cements including SrCO3. The last part of this work deals with the study of the crystallization of aragonite CaCO3 in the presence of phosphate ions, naturally present in biological fluids, to better understand the setting ability of calcium carbonate cements in-vivo. Using the constant composition crystal growth technique, we show that the presence of phosphate ions, even in very low amount (concentration < 0.5 µM) diminishes both the nucleation and the crystal growth rates of aragonite. This work contributes to the optimization of the properties of calcium carbonate-based cements and a better understanding and control of their behaviours during implantation and their evolution in-vivo. From a fundamental point of view, this multidisciplinary work performed in model conditions in-vitro and completed by preliminary in-vivo experiments have underlined the interest in combining these two approaches to identify and understand the phenomena and the chemical reactions involved during the setting of biomedical cements.

Essays on The Dividend Policy of Financial and non Financial Firms / Essais sur la politique de dividendes des firmes financières et non financières

Wardhana, Leo Indra 13 January 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’analyser l’existence de spécificités dans l’utilisation par les banques de la politique de dividende comme moyen de résolution des conflits d’intérêts. Il s’agit également de s’interroger sur l’opportunité d’une réglementation visant à imposer aux firmes le versement de dividendes, dans une perspective d’amélioration de la qualité de la gouvernance. Le premier chapitre analyse l’influence de deux conflits majeurs, dirigeants vs actionnaires et actionnaires vs créanciers. Il montre que les banques prennent en compte les deux types de conflits, la résolution des conflits entre actionnaires et dirigeants revêtant toutefois une importance prédominante. Les banques utilisent les dividendes comme un substitut à de faibles degrés de protection des droits des actionnaires et des créanciers. Le second chapitre explore ces conflits d’intérêt plus avant en analysant l’impact de la concentration de l’actionnariat et du degré d’opacité des banques. Que l’actionnariat soit dispersé ou concentré, un plus fort degré d’opacité favorise les comportements d’expropriation par les insiders (dirigeants ou actionnaires majoritaire) et conduit à des dividendes plus faibles. Un environnement institutionnel plus protecteur des droits des actionnaires ou un régime de supervision strict permettent de limiter l’expropriation. Une réglementation limitant le versement de dividendes, telle que définit dans Bâle III, pourraient renforcer de tels phénomènes. Le dernier chapitre s’interroge sur l’opportunité d’une réglementation de la politique des dividendes et s’intéresse au cas de l’Indonésie caractérisée un faible taux de versement et un faible degré de protection des actionnaires. En cohérence avec la théorie du cycle de vie, une telle réglementation devrait tenir compte du stade de développement de la firme et contraindre uniquement les firmes ayant atteint un stade de maturité, une réglementation uniforme de la politique de dividende n’étant donc pas souhaitable. / This dissertation aims first to investigate whether banks, which have unique characteristics, use dividends to reduce the agency conflicts between their different stakeholders. Another objective is to investigate if the implementation of a regulation of dividend policy is necessary to oblige firms to pay dividends for good governance purposes. In Chapter 1, we examine if bank managers use dividends to reduce agency cost of equity (managers vs. shareholders) and agency cost of debt (shareholders vs. creditors). We show that bank managers use dividends as substitute to weak legal protection and strike a balance in their dividend policy with however a more decisive role played by the agency cost of equity than the one of debt. Chapter 2 further explores if the degree of ownership concentration and the level of asymmetric information (opacity) faced by outsiders influence banks’ dividend payouts. In either concentrated or dispersed ownership structure insiders (managers or majority shareholders) pay lower dividends when the degree of opacity is high. In line with the entrenchment behavior for banks, insiders extract higher levels of private benefits when it might be more difficult to detect such opportunistic behavior. Higher level of shareholder protection and stronger supervisory regimes help to constrain such behavior. These findings have critical policy implications for the implementation of Basel 3 with restrictions on dividend payouts that might reinforce this entrenchment behavior. In the Chapter 3, we investigate if the implementation of a regulation to oblige firms to pay dividends for better governance is desirable. We consider the case of Indonesia, where the regulator plans to implement a mandatory regulation on dividends in a context of declining dividend payments and weak shareholder rights. The findings recommend that firms should only be required to pay dividends when they reach a certain development stage, and action should only be taken against those firms which do not pay dividends, although they should be able to. Overall, dividend policies should not be regulated by one-policy-for-all regulation.

"Estudo colorimétrico da translucidez de materiais restauradores odontológicos" / Colorimetric Study of the translucency of restorative odontologic materials.

Jane Cleide Goveia 07 April 2005 (has links)
Quando um dente anterior é restaurado toda uma técnica de proteção ao tecido remanescente e a recuperação funcional do elemento dental podem ser comprometidas se a escolha da cor do material restaurador empregado não for adequada. A familiaridade com as teorias da cor e da interação da luz com a matéria pode ajudar na tarefa de escolha da tonalidade do material restaurador. O desafio na busca de um material restaurador ideal na sua função estética sempre foi obter a translucidez própria do esmalte dental. Contudo, essa translucidez faz com que o material restaurador sofra influência da cor de fundo, que pode ser da cor do material de proteção, ou mais normalmente da cor da dentina. No que tange as atividades de restauração estética odontológico, através deste trabalho foi possível concluir que: 1) A colorimetria pode ser um importante meio na seleção e na comunicação de tonalidades de materiais restauradores; 2) Os resultados obtidos confirmam que a cor de fundo exerce grande influência sobre a cor do resultado final da restauração; e 3) Os guias de tonalidade devem ser reformulados de tal forma que levem em consideração a espessura do material restaurador e a cor de fundo. / When an anterior tooth is restorated, the whole remaining tissue protection technique and functional recuperation of the dental element can be compromised if the choice of the color of the restorative material is not adequate. The familiarity with the color and light interaction with matter theories may help with the task of choosing the restorative material shade. The challenge in searching for an ideal restorative material in its esthetic function was always obtaining the proper translucency of dental enamel. However, this translucency makes the restorative material suffer an influence of the background color, which can be the protection material color or, more commonly, the dentine color. Concerning the odontologic esthetic restorative activities, it was possible to conclude from this work that: 1) Colorimetry can be an important way for the selection and communication of the restorative material shades; 2) The results show that the background color has a large influence on the final color of the restoration; and 3) The shade guides must be reformulated so that it take into consideration the thickness of the restorative material and background color.

Creation and study of matter in extreme conditions by high-intensity free-electron laser radiation

Vinko, Sam M. January 2011 (has links)
The recent development of free-electron lasers operating at XUV and X-ray wavelengths are proving vital for the exploration of matter in extreme conditions. The ultra-short pulse length and high peak brightness these light sources provide, combined with a tunable X-ray wavelength range, makes them ideally suited both for creating high energy density samples and for their subsequent study. In this thesis I describe the work done on the XUV free-electron laser FLASH in Hamburg, aimed at creating homogeneous samples of warm dense matter through the process of volumetric XUV photo-absorption, and the theoretical work undertaken to understand the process of high-intensity laser-matter interactions. As a first step, we have successfully demonstrated intensities above 10<sup>17</sup> Wcm-2 at a wavelength of 13.5 nm, by focusing the FEL beam to micron and sub-micron spot sizes by means of a multilayer-coated off-axis parabolic mirror. Using these record high intensities, we have demonstrated for the first time saturable absorption in the XUV. The effect was observed in aluminium and magnesium samples and is due to the bleaching of a core-state absorption channel by the intense radiation field. This result has major implications for the creation of homogeneous high energy density systems, as a saturable absorption channel allows for a more homogeneous heating mechanism than previously thought possible. Further, we have conducted soft X-ray emission spectroscopy measurements which have delivered a wealth of information on the highly photo-excited system under irradiation, immediately after the excitation pulse, yet before the system evolves into the warm dense matter state. Such strongly photo-excited samples have also been studied theoretically, by means of density functional theory coupled to molecular dynamics calculations, yielding detailed electronic structure information. The use of emission spectroscopy as a probe for solid-density and finite-temperature systems is discussed in light of these results. Theoretical efforts have further been made in the study of the free-free absorption of aluminium as the system evolves from the solid state to warm dense matter. We predict an absorption peak in temperature as the system heats and forms a dense plasma. The physical significance of this effect is discussed in terms of intense light-matter interactions on both femtosecond and picosecond time-scales.

Hydrolytic degradation of dental composites and effects of silane-treatment and filler fraction on compressive strength and thermal expansion of composites

Söderholm, Karl-Johan M. January 1984 (has links)
Some researchers have suggested that the weakest link of dental composites is thefiller-matrix bond. However, due to incompleteness of information dealing with this bond and its stability in a humid environment, it was considered desirable to investigate the effect of water on this region, as well as the influence of filler bonding and filler fraction on compressive strength and therm al expansion. Experimental composites containing different filler fractions of either silane-treatedor untreated fillers were made. Compressive strength and coefficient of thermalexpansion were determined using routine methods, while the hydrolytic degradation was investigated by measuring changes in concentrations of elements in the storagewater using atomic absorption spectrophotom etry. Scanning electron microscopicinvestigations were made on fractured samples. The diffusion coefficient of a representative resin system was determined gravimetrically. Seven commercial composites were investigated regarding hydrolyticdegradation. The filler compositions of these composite materials were determined by emission spectroscopy or energy-dispersive x-ray analysis before storage in distilledwater. This water was replaced and analyzed m onthly using plasma spectrophotom etryor atomic absorption spectrophotom etry. After completed water storage the samples were fractured and investigated by useof scanning electron microscopy.From the results of these studies the following conclusions were drawn: 1. The compressive strength of composites changes linearly with increased fillerfraction. Contrary to bonded fillers, composites containing unbonded fillers loststrength with increased filler fraction. 2. Water diffuses through the polymer m atrix and attacks the filler particles. This degradation is most pronounced for untreated fillers containing glass modifying elements such as sodium, barium and strontium. 3. The resin, used as a matrix, influences the speed with which the hydrolyticdegradation of the filler proceeds. 4. The hydrolytic degradation of the filler seemed to be associated w ith micro-crackform ation occurring in the matrix. Of the investigated composites, the micro-filledresin showed the lowest frequency of such crack formations. 5. The coefficient of ther al expansion decreases linearly with increased fillerfraction. Silane treatment did not influence this coefficient. 6. Using a simplified model to predict stresses in a particle filled composite indicatesthat rather high stress levels are induced in the polymer m atrix due to polym erizationshrinkage. This shrinkage induces radial compressive and tangential tensilestresses with respect to the filler surface. Increased filler fraction increases thetangential tensile stresses but reduces the compressive radial stresses. / <p>S. 1-66: sammanfattning, s. 67-168: 6 uppsatser</p> / digitalisering@umu

Design univerzálního motortesteru pro autoservis / Design of universal motortester for car servis

Vařeka, Libor January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to focus on the systems design of a multi purpose engine tester, a device for diagnostic techniques of self propelled motor vehicles to be used in a car mechanics work shop. The principle aim is to combine a permanently installed PC, a portable laptop and a workshop trolley containing all the necessary assembly tools and accessories. These three pieces used together will serve as a self contained unit within the workshop. I will compare the quality of the devices with others on the market. I will talk about the layout of the individual parts such as the design, structure and shape of the unit, as well as the ergonomics of the designed pieces. An important factor will be reducing the size of the device without compromising the quality and keeping it a similar price to other similar products on the market.

Scheimpflug Records without Distortion – A Mythos?

Huebscher, Hans-Joachim, Fink, Wolfgang, Steinbrück, Dagmar, Seiler, Theo January 1999 (has links)
The Scheimpflug principle was recommended as allowing distortion-free imaging; however, a detailed analysis reveals geometrical errors as well as distortions arising from absorption of light along the optical pathway. Correction formulas and factors will be presented and applied to the biometry of the eye. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Can AI Respect Patient Autonomy? / Kan AI respektera patienters autonomi?

Svensson, Ellen January 2023 (has links)
AI is entering clinical care and the healthcare sector in a big way, at the same time, a growing number of scholars are concerned that this technology cannot adhere to current bioethical principles. In particular, there are increasing concerns that AI poses a threat to the autonomy of patients by being irreconcilable with the practice of informed consent. In this essay, I shall defend the thesis that some applications of AI can be reconciled with a revised version of informed consent – what I call AI Adapted Informed Consent. This solution shall not rest on the idea of making black box AI more transparent or explicable. Instead, I shall argue that black box AI does not necessarily withhold the kind of information necessary for informed consent. Rather, patients can be given epistemic access to the kind of information necessary to make an informed decision, as well as being informed as to how the AI is used in the medical decision-making and in the assessment of their medical situation. Hence, this solution offers a re-interpretation of informed consent as information about contextual functioning and role of AI in medical decision-making. Drawing on republican interpretations of freedom as nondomination, I argue that demands for informed consent can only be restrained if it preserves the voluntariness of our decisions. Hence, I shall conclude that my adapted informed consent thesis allows for the possibility that some applications of black box AI in clinical care can be reconciled with informed consent and due respect for patient autonomy – if three specific conditions can be met.

Syntax, semantics, and pragmatics of accusative-quotative constructions in Japanese

Horn, Stephen Wright 19 March 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Le rôle des États-Unis dans le maintien des pratiques d’opacité financière

Jasmin-Benoit, Jonathan 11 1900 (has links)
Notre recherche vise à vérifier s'il existe un lien entre l'intérêt des Américains pour les investissements étrangers et le maintien des structures opaques de la finance internationale. Les pratiques d'opacité financière (utilisation abusive du secret bancaire, faibles mesures d'identification du client, faible règlementation bancaire, absence d’échange d’information fiscale, absence d’obligations d’enregistrements de compagnies et de fiducies, possibilité d’établir la propriété d’une société avec des prête-noms, utilisation de bons au porteur, manque d’encadrement des fiducies, etc.) semblent accommoder les États qui les dénoncent. Utilisant les théories des jeux à deux niveaux de Putnam, de la règlementation et de l’équilibre de Nash, nous faisons le lien entre le niveau national et international. Notre recherche consiste en deux études de cas. La première traite d’un projet de règlement de l’Internal Revenue Service visant à assurer la déclaration de revenus d’intérêt sur les dépôts bancaires des non-résidents. La seconde traite d’une série de projets de loi déposés au Sénat et à la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis. Ils cherchent à assurer la transparence du processus d’enregistrement de compagnies de manière à faciliter l’accès des agences d’application de la loi à l’information sur les bénéficiaires effectifs des compagnies formées en sol américain. Notre recherche ne permet pas de confirmer notre hypothèse avec certitude. Cependant, nos données tendent à indiquer que les groupes d’intellectuels et les groupes de pression financiers incitent le gouvernement des États-Unis à freiner la mise en application de certaines mesures prévues par le régime antiblanchiment (particulièrement l’identification du client et le partage d’information avec des pays tiers) pour attirer l’investissement étranger. / Our Study aims to verify whether the United States’ interest in attracting foreign investment is linked to international financial opacity. Financial opacity practices (abusive use of bank secrecy, weak “Know Your Client” procedures, unregulated banking sector, no tax information exchange, absence of corporate and fiduciary registration obligations, possibility to set up corporations with nominee, possibility to issue bearer shares, lack of regulations for trusts, etc.) appear to accommodate even the states openly opposed to them. Using Putnam’s theory of two level games, regulation theory and Nash’s theory of equilibrium, we establish a link between the national and international levels. Our analysis includes two case studies. The first one deals with a project regulation from the Internal Revenue Service intended to ensure reporting of deposit interest paid to non-resident aliens. The second is a study of a series of project law presented to the United States Senate and House of Representatives. Those bills would allow for incorporation transparency to assist law enforcement in their efforts to identify beneficial owners of companies formed in the United States. Our hypothesis is not fully confirmed. However, our data tends to indicate that think tank and financial lobby groups influence the United States into stalling enactment of some anti-money laundering measures (particularly client identification and information sharing with tiers countries) in order to attract foreign investment.

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