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Pusiau skaidrių kūnų apšvietimo modeliavimo metodai trimatėje grafikoje / Partially transparent objects lighting methods in 3D graphicsVinkelis, Mindaugas 16 July 2008 (has links)
Šiame darbe pateikiamas apšvietimo algoritmas pusiau skaidriems, vientisiems kūnams, kai šviesos sklidimas gali būti išreikštas BTDF, algoritmas pritaikomas spalvotiems šešėliams. Jis yra realaus laiko, ir gali būti pilnai realizuojamas šiuolaikiniuose trimačio vaizdo spartintuvuose. Algoritmas suskaido vaizduojamą objektą į sluoksnius ir kiekviename sluoksnyje saugo informaciją apie tai, kiek šviesos sugeriama tame sluoksnyje, ir kokioje pozicijoje spindulys atsitrenkė į matomą objekto paviršių. Konkretaus taško piešimo metu imama informacija iš atitinkamo sluoksnio (peršviečiamumo žemėlapio) ir šviesos sugėrimo stiprumas tiesiškai interpoliuojamas tarp skirtinguose žemėlapiuose saugomų atstumų. / This thesis focuses on partially transparent objects lighting, where light distribution may be written in BTDF1, algorithm supports multi-colored shadows. It is real-time method and can be fully implemented in modern graphics hardware. Algorithm divides object into layers, in each of them is stored information about how much light is absorbed in that layer, and where light hit visible object surface. On rendering particular point we take appropriate layer (opacity map) and light absorption intensity is linearly interpolated between different distances stored in other opacity maps.
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Scheimpflug Records without Distortion – A Mythos?Huebscher, Hans-Joachim, Fink, Wolfgang, Steinbrück, Dagmar, Seiler, Theo 13 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The Scheimpflug principle was recommended as allowing distortion-free imaging; however, a detailed analysis reveals geometrical errors as well as distortions arising from absorption of light along the optical pathway. Correction formulas and factors will be presented and applied to the biometry of the eye. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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Atribuciones intencionales a animales sin lenguaje: aspectualidad y opacidad referencial / Atribuciones intencionales a animales sin lenguaje: aspectualidad y opacidad referencialDanón, Laura 09 April 2018 (has links)
Intentional Attributions to Animals without Language: Aspectuality and Referential Opacity”. It is generally accepted that intentional attributions are referentially opaque. But, as it is also stressed in the literature, referential opacity introduces difficulties to those who defend the attribution of intentionalmental states to non-human animals. In this paper: i) I identify one of these difficulties –which I call the problem of nonsense–; ii) I offer an answer to that problem. In order to accomplish ii), I begin by examining which are the behavioral and representational requisites that a creature has to satisfy so that our mental states attributions to it are referentially opaque but, at the same time, avoid the problem of nonsense. Secondly, I offer some empirical examples of non-human animals which seem to follow such requirements. / Usualmente se acepta que las atribuciones intencionales son referencialmente opacas. Pero, según se suele señalar, dicho rasgo comporta dificultades para quienes defienden la legitimidad de atribuir estados mentales intencionales a los animales no humanos. En este trabajo: i) identifico uno de tales inconvenientes–al cual denomino el problema del sinsentido–; y ii) ofrezco una respuesta al mismo. Para llevar a cabo ii) examino, en primer lugar, cuáles son los requisitos conductuales y representacionales que debe satisfacer una criatura para que nuestras atribuciones intencionales a ella resulten referencialmente opacas sin caer en el sinsentido. En segundo lugar, ofrezco algunos ejemplos empíricos de animales no humanos que parecen satisfacer tales requerimientos.
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Limitando a opacidade cósmica com super novas e gamma-ray bursts.COSTA, Felipe Sérvulo Maciel. 07 November 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Emanuel Varela Cardoso (emanuel.varela@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-11-07T20:16:04Z
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FELIPE SÉRVULO MACIEL COSTA – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGFísica) 2017.pdf: 4976980 bytes, checksum: eb50b091cd9c69ef0ba3d67fba7d69bb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-07T20:16:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
FELIPE SÉRVULO MACIEL COSTA – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGFísica) 2017.pdf: 4976980 bytes, checksum: eb50b091cd9c69ef0ba3d67fba7d69bb (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-11 / Capes / Há cerca de vinte anos, dois grupos de pesquisadores estudaram o brilho aparente das super novas do tipo Ia(SNe Ia) e, de forma independente, descobriram que a expansão atual do universo é acelerada. Esta descoberta lançou a astronomia para a era da
energia escura, componente energética que, dentro da teoria da relatividade geral,é a
responsável pela aceleração cósmica. Porém, a presença de uma opacidade cósmica nos dados de super novas pode imitar o comportamento de uma componente escura. Hoje em dia, embora a aceleração cósmica seja sustentada por outras observações astronômicas, uma possível presença de opacidade nos dados das SNe Ia pode levar a erros nas estimativas de parâmetros cosmológicos. Assim, vários trabalhos na literatura tem investigado a hipótese da transparência do Universo utilizando medidas de distâncias de luminosidade de velas-padrão, como supernovas do tipo Ia (SNeIa) e gamma raybursts (GRBs),e de distâncias obtidas pela taxa de expansão de Hubble H(z), sendo estas últimas independentes da hipótese de transparência cósmica. Nesta dissertação, nós fazemos uma revisão bibliográ fica sobre estes trabalhos, nos quais foram usados dados de SNeIa, GRBse H(z). Novos limites sobre a opacidade foram colocados com os mais recentes dados de GRBse H(z) no contexto do modelo padrão da cosmologia. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a hipótese da transparência cósmica está em acordo com os dados, porém, os resultados vindos das observações de GRBs, que alcançam z > 9, onde z é o redshift, não excluem a presença de alguma fonte de opacidade com alto grau de con fiança estatística. / About twenty years ago, two groups of researchers studying the apparent brightness
of type Ia super nova e (SNe Ia), independently discovered that the current expansion of
the universe is accelerated. This discovery launched astronomy in to the dark energy
era, an energy component that, with in the theory of general relativity, is responsible for
the cosmic acceleration. However, the presence of a cosmic opacity in SNe Ia data may
mimicthe behavior of a dark component. Now a days, although the cosmic acceleration
is supported by other astronomical observations, a possible presence of opacity in the
SNe Ia data can lead to errors in the cosmological parameter estimates. Thus, several
works in the literature have investigated the universe's transparency hypothesis using
measurement so fluminosity distances of standard candles, suchas SNe Ia and gamma
ray bursts (GRBs), and distances obtained of the cosmic expansion rate H(z). These last
ones being independent of the cosmic transparency hypothesis. In this dissertation, we
make a bibliographical review on these works and new limits on opacity were placed with
the latest data of GRB sand H(z) in the context of the standard model. We have found
that the cosmic transparency hypothesis is in agreement with the data, but the results
from the observations of GRBs, which reach z > 9, where z is the it red shift, do not
exclude the presence of some source of opacity with a high degree of statistical con dence.
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Efeito de biodeisel de mamona no diesel interior e metropolitano em trator agrícolaTabile, Rubens André [UNESP] 25 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2008-02-25Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:29:18Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
tabile_ra_me_jabo.pdf: 511175 bytes, checksum: 951c067d362572e1a6ebb3d04eb4bf21 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A grande demanda de recursos energéticos pelos sistemas de produção aliados à escassez dos combustíveis fósseis tem motivado o desenvolvimento e a produção do Biodiesel, que é um combustível produzido de fontes renováveis. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o desempenho operacional e a opacidade da fumaça do motor de um trator agrícola, operando com diesel metropolitano e interior misturados ao Biodiesel de mamona, em sete proporções. Os ensaios foram conduzidos no Departamento de Engenharia Rural da UNESP/Jaboticabal - SP. Os resultados mostraram que o tipo de diesel influenciou no consumo de combustível e na opacidade da fumaça, sendo o diesel metropolitano de melhor qualidade. Observou-se, também, que à medida que a proporção de Biodiesel aumentou, o mesmo ocorreu para o consumo de combustível, entretanto, a opacidade da fumaça reduziu com acréscimo da proporção de Biodiesel até B75. / The great demand for energy resources by production systems allied to scarcity of fossil fuels has driven the development and production of Biodiesel, a fuel produced from renewable sources. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the performance and smoke opacity from a farm tractor, operating with interior and metropolitano diesel mixed with mamona Biodiesel in seven proportions. The tests were conducted in Departamento de Engenharia Rural of UNESP / Jaboticabal - SP. The results showed that the kind of diesel influenced consumption of fuel and smoke opacity, and the metropolitano diesel showed better quality, it was observed as well that as Biodiesel proportion increased, comsumption of fuel increased too, however, the opacity of smoke decreased with an increase of Biodiesel proportions by B75.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Phonological opacity refers to rules/ processes that should apply in a given context but don‟t or apply even without a visible context. As such processes of underapplication and overapplication are found in the intermediate stages in-between the underlying and surface forms, the Classic Generative Theory (CGT) used to accommodate them without much ado in its rule orderings. Due to its extreme abstraction, new generative models come to light; one of them is the Optimality Theory. In this output-centered model originally just two levels of representation are accepted: the underlying and the surface ones, banning, therefore, intermediate levels between representation and production. Without such levels the theory was obliged to revisit its structure and operation methods so that to take account of opaque generalizations. However, the generative models are still unable to deal with all kinds of opacity with efficacy. This conclusion added to the fact that some scholars point out that there is no unified theory regarding phonological opacity not even in CGT makes us consider that such lack of transparency comes from the paradigm they are immersed into, the rationalism. We think that a change of paradigm would be fruitful to such issue. In this master‟s thesis we contemplate an emergentist view to opacity. During this thesis we come to the conclusion that phonological opacity can be dealt in a transparent manner. Multi-representational and Connectionist models, as they take into consideration a linguistic representation that is coherent with the neurosciences‟ findings, being it flexible, gradual and rich in phonetic details, do narrate the facts considered opaque. However, the first group of models due to being poor in regards of formal characterization becomes a weak model when compared to OT machinery, for example. In this light, we point that a pure connectionist OT (BONILHA, 2004) is an adequate model to handle opacity as it brings transparency to such issue and is also capable to formalize it. / Opacidade fonológica faz referências às regras ou processos que ou deveriam se aplicar em um contexto, mas não se aplicam, ou se aplicam mesmo sem um contexto aparente. Como esses processos de sub-aplicação e superaplicação de regras encontram-se nos estágios intermediários entre a subjacência e a superfície, a Teoria Gerativa Clássica (TCG) os acomodava sem muitos problemas em seus ordenamentos lineares de aplicação. Dada à grande abstração desse modelo, contudo, novos modelos gerativos vêm à tona; um deles é a Teoria da Otimidade (TO). Nesse modelo centrado no output, estão previstos, originalmente, apenas dois níveis de representação: a subjacência e a superfície, banindo, assim, estágios intermediários entre a representação linguística e a produção. Sem tais níveis, a teoria foi obrigada a repensar sua estrutura e funcionamento para tentar acomodar os casos opacos. No entanto, as reestruturações gerativas da TO não conseguem abarcar os fenômenos opacos da língua do homem com eficácia. Abordamos, nessa dissertação, os seguintes modelos gerativos para o tratamento da opacidade: Conjunção Local de Restrições; Teoria da Simpatia; LPM-TO; TO-Serial; e a TO com cadeias de candidatos. Abordamos, também, grande parcela das críticas presentes na literatura para cada um desses modelos. O fato de que a TO Standard e suas variantes não conseguem lidar com a opacidade em todas as suas faces, somado ao fato de que alguns autores apontam que a questão da opacidade não é unificada nem mesmo para a TGC, faz-nos pensar que essa obscuridade é oriunda do paradigma no qual tais modelos se inserem, o paradigma racionalista. Apostamos, então, que a mudança de paradigma seria frutífera para essa problemática. Nesta dissertação de mestrado, desta forma, abrimos mão de representações linguísticas cartesianas e de um mapeamento linguístico complexo e optamos por contemplar uma visão emergentista para a opacidade fonológica. Constatamos ao longo do trabalho que, nesse novo prisma, a opacidade pode ser acomodada de forma transparente. Modelos multirrepresentacionais e modelos conexionistas, ao abarcarem uma representação linguística coerente com os achados da neurociência, sendo esta flexível, gradual e rica de detalhamento fonético, conseguem narrar os fatos taxados como opacos. Contudo, a primeira sorte de modelos, ao carecer de formalização linguística, torna-se enfraquecida ao comparar-se com os mecanismos da TO, por exemplo. Nesta luz, propomos que a TO puramente conexionista, proposta por Bonilha (2004), seja um modelo adequado para acomodar a opacidade, tendo em vista que esse, além de conseguir trazer a transparência para a opacidade fonológica, também consegue, como atestamos, formalizar esses fenômenos linguísticos.
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Efeito de biodeisel de mamona no diesel interior e metropolitano em trator agrícola /Tabile, Rubens André. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Afonso Lopes / Banca: Marcilio Vieira Martins Filho / Banca: Luís Carlos Passarini / Resumo: A grande demanda de recursos energéticos pelos sistemas de produção aliados à escassez dos combustíveis fósseis tem motivado o desenvolvimento e a produção do Biodiesel, que é um combustível produzido de fontes renováveis. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o desempenho operacional e a opacidade da fumaça do motor de um trator agrícola, operando com diesel metropolitano e interior misturados ao Biodiesel de mamona, em sete proporções. Os ensaios foram conduzidos no Departamento de Engenharia Rural da UNESP/Jaboticabal - SP. Os resultados mostraram que o tipo de diesel influenciou no consumo de combustível e na opacidade da fumaça, sendo o diesel metropolitano de melhor qualidade. Observou-se, também, que à medida que a proporção de Biodiesel aumentou, o mesmo ocorreu para o consumo de combustível, entretanto, a opacidade da fumaça reduziu com acréscimo da proporção de Biodiesel até B75. / Abstract: The great demand for energy resources by production systems allied to scarcity of fossil fuels has driven the development and production of Biodiesel, a fuel produced from renewable sources. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the performance and smoke opacity from a farm tractor, operating with interior and metropolitano diesel mixed with mamona Biodiesel in seven proportions. The tests were conducted in Departamento de Engenharia Rural of UNESP / Jaboticabal - SP. The results showed that the kind of diesel influenced consumption of fuel and smoke opacity, and the metropolitano diesel showed better quality, it was observed as well that as Biodiesel proportion increased, comsumption of fuel increased too, however, the opacity of smoke decreased with an increase of Biodiesel proportions by B75. / Mestre
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despactários no Diverso - Grande sertão: veredas e a poética da Relação / Without covenant in diverse Grande Sertão: veredas an poetics of the relantionshipHenrique de Toledo Groke 01 April 2011 (has links)
Trata-se aqui de uma aproximação entre João Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967), escritor brasileiro, e Édouard Glissant (1928-2011), filósofo, romancista, poeta e crítico martinicano. Os textos escolhidos para tal aproximação foram o Grande sertão: veredas (1956) e a produção ensaística de Glissant de modo geral. Pretendi identificar e analisar ressonâncias entre a escrita de ambos. Consideraram-se primeiramente as extrapolações de seus gêneros originais, ficção e ensaio, e como muitas vezes procediam paralelamente no trabalho da linguagem e sua implicação política, isto é, a relação entre ética e estética. Longe de formalismos, os autores entendem a expressão como intimamente ligada ao seu conteúdo e assim assumem a opacidade da linguagem, potencializando seu aspecto poético e retirando-a de práticas automatizadas ou instrumentais. Investigou-se principalmente: (1) a partir de Deleuze e Guattari, a concepção rizomática do texto e suas linhas de fuga; (2) a situação narrativa em Grande sertão: veredas; e (3) a partir da noção de opacidade de Glissant, sua realização como procedimento estético na contaminação do tratamento do espaço ficcionalizado. / This text aims at showing how an approach between the Brazilian writer João Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967) and the philosopher, novelist, poet and martiniquais literary critic Édouard Glissant (1928-2011) is possible. The texts chosen for such a reading were Grande sertão: veredas (1956) and Glissants essay production as a whole. Using those texts as a springboard, we intended to identify and analyze resonances between their writing procedures. First, it was considered their distancing from their original fictional and essayist genres. After that, our attention was drawn to the similar way in which they utilize language and understand its political implications that is the relationship between aesthetics and ethics. Far from being mere formalists, the authors seem to believe that there is an intimate relationship between expression and its content. This leads them to assume the opacity of language, bringing to the fore its poetical aspect and removing it from automatized or instrumental practices. Our efforts were concentrated on investigating: (1) the notion, drawn from Deleuze and Guattari, of rhizomatic text and its escape lines; (2) the narrative situation in Grande sertão: veredas; and (3) Glissants opacity notion and its accomplishment as an aesthetic procedure especially in the way fictional space is treated
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Traduire les expressions figées de l’espagnol au français / Fixed expressions translation between Spanish and FrenchHaquin, Yohan 03 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet d’analyser les stratégies de traduction des expressions figées de l’espagnol vers lefrançais. Pour ce faire, un corpus contrastif d’expressions figées a été constitué, permettant d’interrogerleurs propriétés – sémantiques, syntaxiques et pragmatiques – et d’aborder, tout en les discutant, desnotions fondamentales en phraséologie comme celles de figement, d’opacité ou de non-compositionnalité.Sont notamment introduites comme outils d’analyse sémantique les distinctions entre compositionnalitélexicale et compositionnalité globale d’une part, et entre scène lexicale et scène réelle, d’autre part.Dans un deuxième temps est présentée une typologie descriptive des opérations de traduction à l’oeuvredans le corpus, qui permet de disposer d’une vue d’ensemble des stratégies adoptées par les traducteurspour traduire les expressions sources recueillies tout en préparant la réflexion sur des questions commel’équivalence ou les méthodes de traduction des expressions figées. Cette typologie révèle la largeur et lagradualité du spectre de variation et de correspondance que l’on trouve parmi les expressions figées.La dernière partie est entièrement consacrée à la dimension traductologique des expressions figées. A partirdes travaux qui traitent de cette question, et du cadre théorique introduit antérieurement, elle interroge lanotion d’équivalence sur corpus afin d’en proposer une caractérisation plus précise. Une méthodologie de latraduction, qui fait de l’étude des expressions sources elles-mêmes le moyen de mieux cerner les difficultésliées à leur traduction – que celles-ci soient ou non spécifiques à l’objet étudié – est enfin proposée afin dedisposer de critères robustes et opérationnels pour traduire ces dernières de façon satisfaisante. / This thesis aims at analyzing Spanish to French translation strategies of fixed expressions. In thisperspective, we have gathered a contrastive corpus of fixed expressions in order to question their semantic,syntactic and pragmatic properties and to discuss phraseology’s fundamental notions such as fixation,opacity or non-compositionality. We also introduce semantic analysis tools : distinctions between lexicalcompositionality and global compositionality, on one hand, and between lexical scene and real scene, onanother hand.The second part of the study proposes a descriptive typology of translation operations observed in thecorpus offering a global view of the strategies adopted by the translators that allows reflection on questionssuch as the equivalence or methods in fixed expressions translation. This typology reveals the width and thegradualism of the variation and correspondence spectrum that we find among fixed expressions.After introducing the theoretical framework and the state of art in the previous chapters, the last part of thethesis is entirely dedicated to the translation dimension of fixed expressions. We examine here theconstrative corpus in order to question the notion of equivalence and to propose a more precisecharacterization of it. In order to have strong and operational criteria for an optimal translation, we propose atranslation methodology based on the study of the source expressions as a mean to identifying translationdifficulties whether they are specific or not of the object.
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Stratification thermique et optique d'un environnement enfumé et interactions eau/fumée sous aspersion / Experimental and Numerical Study of Smoke/Mist Interactions Related to Heat Transfer and Optical Properties in a CorridorMorlon, Romain 02 October 2015 (has links)
Ce travail est consacré à l'étude des interactions eau/fumée dans un couloir, lors du déclenchement d'un système d'aspersion dans un environnement enfumé. Il s'attache à évaluer les effets thermiques et optiques induits par une pulvérisation d'eau par sprinkler et par brouillard d'eau sur une couche de fumée générée à partir d'un foyer type bac d'heptane. Une synthèse bibliographique permet de faire l'état des travaux concernant la recherche sur l'aspersion d'eau pour le contrôle du feu lors d'un incendie en bâtiment et sur les notions de stratification des fumées. Une étude expérimentale basée sur 50 essais en grandeur réelle est présentée, impliquant des mesures thermiques et optiques. Un système d'opacimétrie laser spécifique a notamment été développé, permettant de mesurer l'opacité des fumées et les effets des interactions eau/fumée sur l'opacité et la visibilité. La partie numérique s'appuie sur le code FDS version 6 (Fire Dynamics Simulator) pour la simulation des essais et sur un module spécifique consacré à l'évaluation de la visibilité en parallèle. Utilisant les valeur extraites de la simulation par FDS pour les concentrations en gouttes et en suie, ce code calcule les propriétés optiques du milieu absorbant-diffusant considéré, puis combine une méthode de Monte-Carlo et des techniques de PSF (Point Spread Function) et MTF (Modulation Transfer Function) pour évaluer l'intensité et le contraste d'images reconstruites. Les effets de déstratification thermique et optique sont comparés pour chaque technologie d'aspersion expérimentalement et numériquement. / This work was devoted to the study of water/smoke interactions in the case of water mist activation on a smoke layer. The aim was to investigate the effects observed on thermal and optical properties when injecting water particles using sprinkler or water mist devices through a smoke layer generated with an heptane pool fire. A first review was reported in order to highlight the researches devoted to water aspersion for firefighting and the smoke stratification phenomena. An experimental study based on 50 runs at real scale was presented, involving optical and thermal measurements. In particular, a laser opacimeter system was developed, which allowed measuring the smoke opacity and the effects of smoke/water interactions on opacity and visibility. Afterwards, a numerical study was conducted. On the one hand fire tests were simulated using the FDS 6th version (Fire Dynamics Simulator) and on the other hand a dedicated code allowed us to evaluate the visibility. The values of the soot and droplet concentrations were extracted from FDS and used into the code dedicated to visibility to calculate the optical properties of the corresponding absorbing-scattering environment. Those properties are then used in a Monte Carlo approach combined with PSF (Point Spread Function) and MTF (Modulation Transfer Function) methods to evaluate the intensity and the contrast of reconstructed images. The destratification effects based on thermal and optical criteria were compared experimentally and numerically for each technology.
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