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Beitrag zur Entwicklung nicht-koaxial gekoppelter, offener Umlaufrädergetriebe am Beispiel des Antriebsstranges einer Orbital-BearbeitungsmaschineFreigang, Tino 03 February 2023 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden Gleichungen und Methoden zur Berechnung nicht-koaxial gekoppelte, insbesondere offener Umlaufrädergetriebe erweitert. Eine Formelsammlungen fasst bekannte und neue Gleichungen für offene und rückkehrende Umlaufrädergetriebe zusammen.
Ein methodischer Ansatz der Getriebesynthese (Ermittlung von Übersetzungen und Zähnezahlen) für derartige, im Dreiwellenbetrieb genutzte Getriebe, wird unter Beachtung definierter Mindestanforderungen entwickelt. Die neuen Berechnungstheorien und Methoden der Getriebesynthese werden am Beispiel der Herleitung optimaler Getriebekonfigurationen für die Antriebsstränge von Orbital-Bearbeitungsmaschinen gezeigt und mittels Systemsimulation verifiziert. Einsatzgrenzen sowie Konstruktionsrichtlinien werden für diese Maschinengattung abgeleitet.:1 Einleitung der Arbeit
2 Grundlagen der Umlaufrädergetriebe
3 Berechnung der Umlaufrädergetriebe
4 Orbital-Bearbeitungsmaschine
5 Getriebesynthese
6 Systemsimulation einer Orbital-Bearbeitungsmaschine
7 Schlussbetrachtungen der Arbeit
Anlagen / In this paper, equations and methods for the calculation of non-coaxially coupled, in particular open planetary gearboxes are extended. A collection of formulas summarizes known and new equations for open and standard planetary gearboxes.
A methodical approach of gear synthesis (determination of ratios and numbers of teeth) for such gearboxes driven in three-shaft operation is developed under consideration of defined minimum requirements. The new calculation theories and methods of gear synthesis are demonstrated using the example of deriving optimal gear configurations for the drive trains of orbital machining centres and verified by means of system simulation. Application limits and design guidelines are derived for this type of machine tool.:1 Einleitung der Arbeit
2 Grundlagen der Umlaufrädergetriebe
3 Berechnung der Umlaufrädergetriebe
4 Orbital-Bearbeitungsmaschine
5 Getriebesynthese
6 Systemsimulation einer Orbital-Bearbeitungsmaschine
7 Schlussbetrachtungen der Arbeit
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Transition metal complexes of NHE ligands [(CO)4W-{NHE}] with E = C – Pb as tracers in environmental study: structures, energies, and natural bond orbital of molecular interaction / Hợp chất của kim loại chuyển tiếp chứa phối tử NHE đóng vai trò là những hợp chất điển hình trong nghiên cứu môi trường [(CO)4W- NHE}] với E = C – Pb: Cấu trúc, năng lượng, và orbital liên kết tự nhiên của tương tác phân tửNguyen, Thi Ai Nhung 09 December 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Quantum chemical calculations at BP86/TZVPP//BP86/SVP have been carried out for the Nheterocylic carbene and analogues complexes (tetrylene) [(CO)4W-NHE] (W4-NHE) with E = C – Pb. The tetrylene complexes W4-NHE possess end-on-bonded NHE ligands (E = C, Si), while for E = Ge and Sn, they possess slightly side-on-bonded ligands. The strongest side-on-bonded ligand when E = Pb has a bending angle of 102.9°. The trend of the bond dissociations energies (BDEs) for the W-E bond is W4-NHC > W4-NHSi > W4-NHGe > W4-NHSn > W4-NHPb. Analysis of the bonding situation suggests that the NHE ligands in W4-NHE are strong σ-donors and weak π-donors. This is because the tetrylenes have only one lone-pair orbital available for donation. The polarization of the W-E bond and the hybridization at atom E explain the trend in the bond strength of the tetrylene complexes W4-NHE. The W-E bonds of the heavier systems W4-NHE are strongly polarized toward atom E giving rise to rather weak electrostatic attraction with the tungsten atom which is the main source for the decreasing trend of the bond energies. The theoretical calculations suggest that transition-metal complexes tetrylenes [(CO)4W-{NHE}] (E = C – Pb) should be synthetically accessible compounds with tetrylenes NHE act as two-electron-donor ligands in complexes. / Phân tích cấu trúc và bản chất liên kết hóa học của hợp chất với kim loại chuyển tiếp chứa phối tử N-heterocyclic carbene và các đồng đẳng (tetrylene) [(CO)4W–NHE] (W4-NHE) với E = C – Pb sử dụng tính toán hóa lượng tử ở mức BP86/TZVPP//BP86/SVP. Cấu trúc của phức W4-NHE cho thấy các phối tử NHE với E = C, Si tạo với phân tử W(CO)4 một góc thẳng α = 180,0°, trong khi đó các phức W4-NHE thì phối tử NHE với E = Ge – Pb tạo liên kết với nhóm W(CO)4 một góc cong α < 180,0° và góc cong càng trở nên nhọn hơn khi E = Pb (α = 102.9°). Năng lượng phân ly liên kết của liên kết W-E giảm dần: W4-NHC > W4-NHSi > W4-NHGe > W4-NHSn > W4-NHPb. Tính toán hóa lượng tử trong phức [(CO)4W-{NHE}] (E = C – Pb) cho thấy phối tử tetrylene là chất cho electron. Điều này có thể do phối tử tetrylene chỉ giữ lại một cặp electron tại nguyên tử E để đóng vai trò là chất cho điện tử. Độ bền liên kết của phức W4-NHE được giải thích nhờ vào độ phân cực của liên kết W-E và sự lai hóa của nguyên tử trung tâm E. Nguyên nhân chính làm giảm dần năng lượng liên kết là do liên kết W-E của các phức nặng hơn W4-NHE bị phân cực mạnh về phía nguyên tử E dẫn đến lực hút tĩnh điện với nguyên tử W yếu dần. Hệ phức nghiên cứu được coi là hợp chất điển hình cho các nghiên cứu thực nghiệm.
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Probing the modal characteristics of novel beam shapesMourka, Areti January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis, an investigation into the modal characteristics of novel beam shapes is presented. Sculpting the phase profile of a Gaussian beam can result in the generation of a beam with unique properties. Described in this thesis are Laguerre-Gaussian (LG), Hermite-Gaussian (HG) and Bessel beams (BBs). The diffraction of LG beam modes from a triangular aperture is explored and this effect can be used for the efficient measurement of the azimuthal mode index l that indicates the number of multiples of 2π of phase changes that the field displays around one circumference of the optical axis. In this study, only LG beams with zero radial mode index p, with p + 1 denoting the number of bright high intensity concentric rings around the optical axis, were considered. Then, a powerful approach to simultaneously determine both mode indices of a pure LG beam using the principal component analysis (PCA) algorithm on the observed far-field diffraction patterns was demonstrated. Owing to PCA algorithm, the shape of the diffracting element used to measure the mode indices is in fact of little importance and the crucial step is ‘training' any diffracting optical system and transforming the observed far-field diffraction patterns into the uncorrelated variables (principal components). Our PCA method is generic and it was extended to other families of light fields such as HG, Bessel and superposed beams. This reinforces the widespread applicability of this method for various applications. Finally, both theoretically and experimentally investigations using interferometry show the definitive linkage between both the radial and azimuthal mode indices of a partially coherent LG beam and the dislocation rings in the far-field cross-correlation function (CCF).
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Entwicklung eines zwangläufigen Schneid- und Fixiersystems für den Einsatz in einem TapelegekopfWallasch, Rainer, Tirschmann, R., Spieler, M., Nendel, W., Kroll, L., Rohde, O. 09 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen des Bundesxzellenzclusters MERGE EXC 1075 an der TU Chemnitz erfolgte die Entwicklung einer neuartigen großserientauglichen Technologie zur Herstellung faserverstärkter Thermoplastbauteile. Für die Demonstration der Technologie wurde eine Pilotanlage realisiert, die zum Ablegen des Thermoplasttapes über eine Verlegeeinheit – einen sog. Tapelegekopf – verfügt. Mit Abschluss des Legeprozesses wird das Halbzeug, das aus einer angebremsten Spule abgezogen wird, abgeschnitten und der Prozess wird von neuem begonnen.
Für das Schneiden des Materials haben Voruntersuchungen gezeigt, dass konturierte Klingen erforderlich sind, um ein Verlaufen des Bandes zu vermeiden. Darüber hinaus hat sich als zweckmäßig erwiesen eine zusätzliche Fixierung vorzunehmen. Dies verbessert die Schnittqualität und Zuverlässigkeit des Systems.
Aufgrund enger Bauraumrestriktionen wurde entschieden die Schneidbewegung und das Fixieren zwangläufig synchronisiert auf einen Antrieb zurück zu führen. Hierfür wurden zwei ungleichmäßige Rastgetriebe synthetisiert, ausgelegt sowie in weiteren Entwicklungsstufen auskonstruiert, gefertigt und getestet.
Mit der Inbetriebnahme des Gesamtanlagensystems erfolgte ebenfalls der Funktionsnachweis dieses mechanisch zwangläufigen Schneidsystems, das im Rahmen des Vortrags vorgestellt wird.
Diese Arbeiten entstanden im Rahmen des Bundesexzellenzclusters EXC 1075 „Technologiefusion für multifunktionale Leichtbaustrukturen“ und wurde von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft gefördert. Die Autoren danken für die finanzielle Unterstützung.
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Paleoenviromentální záznam jezerních sedimentů karbonu středočeských a západočeských pánví:analýza a korelace mineralních a biogenních proxy / Paleoenvironmental record of carboniferous lacustrine deposits of central and western Bohemian basins: analysis and korealiton of mineral and biogenic proxiesLojka, Richard January 2012 (has links)
Ph.D. thesis represents summary of multidiciplinary palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic research of the most significant Late Pennsylvanian lacustrine horizon of the central and western Bohemian basins - the Malesice Member of the Slaný Formation. Two cores from new shallow drills, situated 80 km apart, were analysed. Multidisciplinary approach is based on description of lamination structure and periodicity; mineral and isotopic composition of autigennic carbonates, namely siderite; compositiona of detrital minerals including clay mineral assemblages; and composition of autochthonous and allochthonous organic particles including palynospectra. Detailed analysis of drill cores lead to the identification of individual phases of lake development linked with lake-level fluctuation and water-column stratification, which were driven by a sume of precipitation and its seasonal distribution. Changes in precipitation also affected compostion and density of vegetational cover in the lake surroundings, weathering intesity of source rocks and degradation of organic matter in the drainage basin, and so precipitation affected final grain-size and composition of detrital material deposited in the lake. Beside common environmental signatures at both studied sites, there are also significant...
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Géométrisation du côté orbital de la formule des traces / Geometrisation of the orbital side of the Trace FormulaBouthier, Alexis 11 April 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a pour but de construire et d’étudier une fibration de Hitchin pour les groupes qui apparaît naturellement lorsque l’on essaie de géométriser la formule des traces. On commence par construire une telle fibration en utilisant le semi-groupe de Vinberg. Sur ce semi-groupe de Vinberg, on montre qu’il existe un certain morphisme « polynôme caractéristique » muni d’une section naturelle, de même que dans le cas des algèbres de Lie. On montre également que l’on peut construire un centralisateur régulier au-dessus de cette base des polynômes caractéristiques qui est un schéma en groupes commutatif et lisse.On s’intéresse alors à des variantes pour les groupes des fibres de Springer affines pour lesquelles on remarque que l’introduction du semi-groupe de Vinberg permet d’obtenir une condition d’intégralité analogue à celle de Kazhdan-Lusztig. Ces fibres de Springer affines sont des analogues locaux des fibres de Hitchin. On obtient alors une formule de dimension pour ces fibres.Dans un troisième temps, on s’intéresse à l’aspect global de cette fibration pour laquelle on donne une interprétation modulaire et sur laquelle on construit l’action d’un champ de Picard, issu du centralisateur régulier. L’espace total de cette fibration étant en général singulier, nous étudions son complexe d’intersection. Cet espace de Hitchin s’obtient naturellement comme l’intersection du champ de Hecke avec la diagonale du champ des G-torseurs et on démontre que sur un ouvert suffisamment gros de la base de Hitchin, le complexe d’intersection de l’espace de Hitchin s’obtient par restriction de celui du champ de Hecke corrrespondant.Enfin, dans la dernière partie de cette thèse, on établit un théorème du support dans le cas où l’espace total est singulier analogue à celui de Ngô et l’on démontre que, dans le cas de la fibration de Hitchin, les supports qui interviennent sont reliés aux strates endoscopiques. / This main goal of this work is to construct and study the properties of Hitchin fibration for groups which appears naturally when we try to geometrize the trace formula. We begin by constructing this fibration using the Vinberg’s semigroup. On this semigroup, we show that there exists a characteristic polynomial morphism equipped with a natural section, analog at the Kostant’s one in the case of Lie algebras. We also show that there exists on the base of characteristic polynomials a regular centralizer scheme, which is a smooth commutative group scheme.Then, we are interested in some variant of affine Springer fibers, for which we see that the Vinberg’s semigroup appears naturally to obtain an integrality condition analog to Kazhdan-Lusztig’s one. These affine Springer fibers are local incarnation of Hitchin fibers.In a third time, we go back to the global case and give a modular interpretation of this new Hitchin fibration on which we construct an action of a Picard stack, coming from the regular centralizer.The total space of this fibration, even on the generically regular semisimple locus will be singular and we want to understand his intersection complex. This space can be obtained as the intersection of the Hecke stack with the diagonal of the stack of G-bundles and we show that on a sufficiently big open subset of the Hitchin base, the intersection complex of the Hitchin’s space is the restriction of the corresponding intersection complex on the Hecke stack.Finally, in the last part of this work, we establish a support theorem in the case of a singular total space, generalizing Ngo’s theorem et we show that in the case of Hitchin fibration, the supports that appear are related to the endoscopic strata.
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Désintégrations semileptoniques de méson B en D (**) dans le cadre de la QCD sur réseau / Semileptonic B decays into charmed D (**) mesons from lattice QCDAtoui, Mariam 12 December 2013 (has links)
Les désintégrations semileptoniques du méson $B$ participent à la détermination de certains paramètres fondamentaux du Modèle Standard. Ce travail décrit essentiellement l'étude des deux canaux de désintégrations $B_s \to D_s \ell \bar\nu_\ell$ et $B\to D^{**} \ell\bar\nu_\ell$ (où les $D^{**}$ sont les premières excitations orbitales des mésons $D$ ayant une parité positive). Le cadre théorique est celui de la QCD sur réseau qui, en discrétisant l'espace-temps, permet de calculer non perturbativement les fonctions de Green de la théorie. En utilisant l'action à masse twistée avec deux saveurs dégénérées de quarks dynamiques ($N_f=2$), nous avons commencé par étudier la spectroscopie des états charmés scalaires $D_0^*$ et tenseurs $D_2^*$. Ensuite, nous avons réalisé la détermination du facteur de forme $G_s(1)$ décrivant le processus $B_s\to D_s \ell \bar\nu_\ell$ dans le Modèle Standard. Ce paramètre offre un moyen d'extraire l'élément de la matrice CKM $V_{cb}$. Par ailleurs, et pour la première fois en QCD sur réseau, nous avons déterminé les rapports $F_0(q^2)/F_+(q^2)$ et $F_T(q^2)/F_+(q^2)$ dans la région proche du recul nul: ces contributions sont en effet nécessaires afin de discuter ce canal de désintégration dans certains modèles au-delà du Modèle Standard. Enfin, une étude préliminaire du canal de désintégration $B\to D^{**}$ a été abordée où nous avons trouvé une valeur non nulle de l'élément de matrice décrivant la désintégration $B\to D_0^*$ à recul nul contrairement de ce qui est connu à la limite des quarks lourds. Dans le cas du $B \to D_2^*$, nos résultats ont montré un signal indiquant une différence par rapport aux prédictions de masse infinie. Ces calculs sont indispensables afin de tirer une conclusion plus solide concernant le ``puzzle 1/2 vs 3/2''. / Semileptonic decays of $B$ mesons provide a rich source of knowledge for determining fundamental parameters of the Standard Model. This work reports mainly on the study of two semileptonic decay channels: the $B_s \to D_s \ell\bar\nu_\ell$ and $B\to D^{**} \ell\bar\nu_\ell$ (where the $D^{**}$ are the first orbitally excited states of the $D$ mesons having a positive parity). The theoretical framework is Lattice QCD which is considered as the only satisfying approach which calculates in a non perturbative way the transition amplitudes from first principles. By using the twisted mass QCD on the lattice with $N_f = 2$ dynamical flavors we studied, first, the spectroscopy of the scalar $D_0^*$ and the tensor $D_2^*$ states. Then, we determined the normalization $G_s(1)$ of the form factor dominating $B_s \to D_s \ell \bar\nu_\ell$ in the Standard Model which provides a means of extracting the CKM matrix element $V_{cb}$. Next, we make the first lattice determination of $F_0(q^2)/F_+(q^2)$ and $F_T(q^2)/F_+(q^2)$ near the zero recoil. The obtained results are important for the discussion of this decay in various scenarios of physics beyond the Standard Model. Finally, we did a preliminary study of $B\to D^{**}$ where we have obtained a non vanishing matrix element corresponding to the decay of $B$ into the $D_0^*$ at zero recoil contrary to what was known in the heavy quark limit. Moreover, the computations corresponding to $B\to D_2^*$ show a signal indicating a difference with respect to the infinite mass limit prediction. These results are important to draw a firm conclusion on the ``1/2 vs 3/2 puzzle''.
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Étude de l’ionisation (e; 2e) et (γ; 2e) de la molécule CO2 : application du modèle tri-centrique du continuum électronique / Study (e, 2e) and (γ, 2e) ionization of the CO2 molecule : use of the tri-center model of the electronic continuumAlwan, Osman 11 March 2016 (has links)
Ce travail présente une étude théorique de l’ionisation simple par impact électronique appelé (e, 2e) et la photo-double ionisation (γ, 2e) de la molécule CO2. Dans ces expériences complètes les particules émergeant sont détectées en coïncidence. Ceci permet l’étude de la structure électronique de la cible et les mécanismes de l’ionisation. L’originalité de notre approche réside dans l’introduction d’un modèle à trois centres coulombiens (ThCC) satisfaisant les conditions asymptotiques correcte jusqu’à l’ordre de O ((kr) −2 dans la description des électrons émergeant dans le cadre de la première approximation de Born. L’état initial de la cible est décrit par des orbitales de Dyson construites sur une base de fonctions Gaussiennes. Des valeurs empiriques pour l’écrantage des trois noyaux de la cible due aux électrons inactives et pour les paramètres de Sommerfeld dans le potentiel d’interaction et les fonctions Coulombiennes, respectivement, sont introduits pour obtenir un meilleur accord avec les résultats expérimentaux. Pour le cas du photo-double ionisation le double continuum est décrit par un modèle à trois centres corrélé / This work presents a theoretical study of single electron impact ionization called (e, 2e) and the photo-double ionization (γ, 2e) of the CO2 molecule. In these complete experiments, the emerging particles are detected in coincidence. This allows the study of the electronic structure of the target and the mechanisms of the ionization. The novelty of our approach is the introduction of a three-center Coulomb model (ThCC) satisfying the correct asymptotic conditions until the order of O ((kr) −2 in the description of emerging electrons through the first Born approximation. The initial state of the target is described by Dyson orbitals constructed on the basis of Gaussian functions. Empirical values for the screening of the three cores of the target due to the inactive electrons and to Sommerfeld parameters in the interaction potential and Coulomb functions, respectively, are introduced to obtain a better agreement with the experimental results. In the case of photo-double ionization, the double continuum is described by a correlated three centers model
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Investigating climate change and carbon cycling during the Latest Cretaceous to Paleogene (~67-52 million years ago) : new geochemical records from the South Atlantic and Indian OceansBarnet, J. January 2018 (has links)
The Late Cretaceous–early Paleogene is the most recent period of Earth history with a dynamic carbon cycle that experienced sustained global greenhouse warmth and can offer a valuable insight into our anthropogenically-warmer future world. Yet, knowledge of ambient climate conditions and evolution of the carbon cycle at this time, along with their relation to forcing mechanisms, are still poorly constrained. In this thesis, I examine marine sediments recovered from the South Atlantic Walvis Ridge (ODP Site 1262) and Indian Ocean Ninetyeast Ridge (IODP Site U1443 and ODP Site 758), to shed new light on the evolution of the climate and carbon cycle from the Late Maastrichtian through to the Early Eocene (~67.10–52.35 Ma). The overarching aims of this thesis are: 1) to identify the long-term trends and principle forcing mechanisms driving the climate and carbon cycle during this time period, through construction of 14.75 million-year-long, orbital-resolution (~1.5–4 kyr), stratigraphically complete, benthic stable carbon (δ13Cbenthic) and oxygen (δ18Obenthic) isotope records; 2) to investigate in more detail the climatic and carbon-cycle perturbations of the Early–Middle Paleocene (e.g., the Dan-C2 event, Latest Danian Event and the Danian/Selandian Transition Event) and place these in their proper (orbital) temporal context; 3) to investigate the Late Maastrichtian warming event and its relationship to the eruption of the Deccan Traps Large Igneous Province, as well as its role (if any) in the subsequent Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) mass extinction; 4) to provide the first orbital-resolution estimates of temperature and carbonate chemistry variability from the low latitude Indian Ocean spanning the Late Paleocene–Early Eocene, through analysis of trace element and stable isotope data from multiple foraminiferal species. Taken together, the results presented in this thesis provide a critical new insight into the dynamic evolution of the climate and carbon cycle during the greenhouse world of the early Paleogene, and shed light on the potential forcing mechanisms driving the climate and carbon cycle during this time.
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Several targeting algorithms are developed and analyzed for possible future use onboard a spacecraft. Each targeter is designed to determine the appropriate propulsive burn for translunar injection to obtain desired orbital parameters upon arrival at the moon. Primary design objectives are to minimize the computational requirements for each algorithm but also to ensure reasonable accuracy, so that the algorithm’s errors do not force the craft to conduct large mid-course corrections. Several levels of accuracy for dynamical models are explored, the convergence range and speed of each algorithm are compared, and the possible benefits of the Broyden and trust-region targeters are evaluated. These targeters provide a proof of concept for the feasibility of a translunar injection targeting algorithm. Anticipating some future improvements, these algorithms could serve as a viable alternative to uploading ground-based targeting solutions and bypass the problems of delays and disruptions in communication, enabling the craft to conduct a translunar injection burn autonomously.
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