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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Embedded and validated control algorithms for the spacecraft rendezvous / Algorithmes de commande embarqués et validés pour le rendez-vous spatial

Arantes Gilz, Paulo Ricardo 17 October 2018 (has links)
L'autonomie est l'une des préoccupations majeures lors du développement de missions spatiales que l'objectif soit scientifique (exploration interplanétaire, observations, etc) ou commercial (service en orbite). Pour le rendez-vous spatial, cette autonomie dépend de la capacité embarquée de contrôle du mouvement relatif entre deux véhicules spatiaux. Dans le contexte du service aux satellites (dépannage, remplissage additionnel d'ergols, correction d'orbite, désorbitation en fin de vie, etc), la faisabilité de telles missions est aussi fortement liée à la capacité des algorithmes de guidage et contrôle à prendre en compte l'ensemble des contraintes opérationnelles (par exemple, saturation des propulseurs ou restrictions sur le positionnement relatif entre les véhicules) tout en maximisant la durée de vie du véhicule (minimisation de la consommation d'ergols). La littérature montre que ce problème a été étudié intensément depuis le début des années 2000. Les algorithmes proposés ne sont pas tout à fait satisfaisants. Quelques approches, par exemple, dégradent les contraintes afin de pouvoir fonder l'algorithme de contrôle sur un problème d'optimisation efficace. D'autres méthodes, si elles prennent en compte l'ensemble du problème, se montrent trop lourdes pour être embarquées sur de véritables calculateurs existants dans les vaisseaux spatiaux. Le principal objectif de cette thèse est le développement de nouveaux algorithmes efficaces et validés pour le guidage et le contrôle impulsif des engins spatiaux dans le contexte des phases dites de "hovering" du rendez-vous orbital, i.e. les étapes dans lesquelles un vaisseau secondaire doit maintenir sa position à l'intérieur d'une zone délimitée de l'espace relativement à un autre vaisseau principal. La première contribution présentée dans ce manuscrit utilise une nouvelle formulation mathématique des contraintes d'espace pour le mouvement relatif entre vaisseaux spatiaux pour la conception d'algorithmes de contrôle ayant un traitement calculatoire plus efficace comparativement aux approches traditionnelles. La deuxième et principale contribution est une stratégie de contrôle prédictif qui assure la convergence des trajectoires relatives vers la zone de "hovering", même en présence de perturbations ou de saturation des actionneurs. [...] / Autonomy is one of the major concerns during the planning of a space mission, whether its objective is scientific (interplanetary exploration, observations, etc.) or commercial (service in orbit). For space rendezvous, this autonomy depends on the on-board capacity of controlling the relative movement between two spacecraft. In the context of satellite servicing (troubleshooting, propellant refueling, orbit correction, end-of-life deorbit, etc.), the feasibility of such missions is also strongly linked to the ability of the guidance and control algorithms to account for all operational constraints (for example, thruster saturation or restrictions on the relative positioning between the vehicles) while maximizing the life of the vehicle (minimizing propellant consumption). The literature shows that this problem has been intensively studied since the early 2000s. However, the proposed algorithms are not entirely satisfactory. Some approaches, for example, degrade the constraints in order to be able to base the control algorithm on an efficient optimization problem. Other methods accounting for the whole set of constraints of the problem are too cumbersome to be embedded on real computers existing in the spaceships. The main object of this thesis is the development of new efficient and validated algorithms for the impulsive guidance and control of spacecraft in the context of the so-called "hovering" phases of the orbital rendezvous, i.e. the stages in which a secondary vessel must maintain its position within a bounded area of space relatively to another main vessel. The first contribution presented in this manuscript uses a new mathematical formulation of the space constraints for the relative motion between spacecraft for the design of control algorithms with more efficient computational processing compared to traditional approaches. The second and main contribution is a predictive control strategy that has been formally demonstrated to ensure the convergence of relative trajectories towards the "hovering" zone, even in the presence of disturbances or saturation of the actuators.[...]


Joshua David Fitch (16360641) 15 June 2023 (has links)
<p> Orbital Debris is a growing challenge for the Space Industry. The increasing density of derelict objects in high-value orbital regimes is resulting in more conjunction warnings and break-up events with cascading repercussions on active satellites and spacecraft. The recent rapid growth of the commercial space industry, in particular proliferated satellite constellations, has placed orbital debris remediation at the forefront of Space Industry efforts. The need to remove existing debris, combined with a growing demand for active satellite life extension services, has created an emerging market for space logistics, in particular spacecraft capable of rendezvous and docking, orbital refueling, debris deorbiting, or object relocation. This market has seen numerous companies emerge with multi-purpose on-orbit servicing platforms. This ecosystem poses technological, economical, and policy questions to decision-makers looking to acquire platforms or invest in technologies and requires a System-of-Systems approach to determine mission and system concepts of merit. An open-source modeling, analysis, and simulation software toolbox has been developed which enables rapid early-stage analysis and design of diverse fleets of on-orbit servicing platforms, with a specific emphasis on active debris removal applications. The toolbox provides fetching and processing of real-time orbital catalog data, clustering and scoring of high-value debris targets, flexible and efficient multi-vehicle multi-objective time-varying routing optimization, and fleet-level lifecycle cost estimation. The toolbox is applied to a diverse sample of promising commercial platforms to enable government decision-makers to make sound investment and acquisition decisions to support the development of ADR technologies, missions, and companies. </p>

Implementation of Optical Spectra Calculations in FIREBALL: A Local-Orbital Density Functional Theory Approach

Okhrimenko, Ivan Grigoryevich 20 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
We have expanded the capabilities of the ab initio tight-binding molecular dynamics package FIREBALL to include calculations of optical properties. Basic zero order approximation is based on transitions between Kohn-Sham states. Corrections for electron-electron interactions are based on time dependant density functional theory (TDDFT). Consistent with the FIREBALL approach, we use precalculated integrals and approximations to make the program faster.

There and Back Again: Generating Repeating Transfers Using Resonant Structures

Noah Isaac Sadaka (15354313) 25 April 2023 (has links)
<p>Many future satellite applications in cislunar space require repeating, periodic transfers that shift away from some operational orbit and eventually return. Resonant orbits are investigated in the Earth-Moon Circular Restricted Three Body Problem (CR3BP) as a mechanism to enable these transfers. Numerous resonant orbit families possess a ratio of orbital period to lunar period that is sufficiently close to an integer ratio and can be exploited to uncover period-commensurate transfers due to their predictable periods. Resonant orbits also collectively explore large swaths of space, making it possible to select specific orbits that reach a region of interest. A framework for defining period-commensurate transfers is introduced that leverages the homoclinic connections associated with an unstable operating orbit to permit ballistic transfers that shuttle the spacecraft to a certain region. Resonant orbits are incorporated by locating homoclinic connections that possess resonant structures, and the applicability of these transfers is extended by optionally linking them to resonant orbits. In doing so, transfers are  available for in-orbit refueling/maintenance as well as surveillance/communications applications  that depart and return to the same phase in the operating orbit.</p>

Dynamical Flow Characteristics in Response to a Maneuver in the L1 or L2 Earth-Moon Region

Colton D Mitchell (15347518) 25 April 2023 (has links)
<p>National security concerns regarding cislunar space have become more prominent due to</p> <p>the anticipated increase in cislunar activity. Predictability is one of these concerns. Cislunar</p> <p>motion is difficult to predict because it is chaotic. The chaotic nature of cislunar motion is</p> <p>pronounced near the L1 and L2 Lagrange points. For this reason, among others, it is likely</p> <p>that a red actor (an antagonist) would have its cislunar spacecraft perform a maneuver in</p> <p>one of the aforementioned vicinities to reach some cislunar point of interest. This realization</p> <p>unveils the need to ascertain some degree of predictability in the motion resulting from a</p> <p>maneuver performed in the L1 or L2 region. To investigate said motion, impulsive maneuvers</p> <p>are employed on the L1 and L2 Lagrange points and on L1 and L2 Lyapunov orbits in the</p> <p>model that is the circular restricted three-body problem. The behavior of the resultant</p> <p>trajectories is analyzed to understand how the magnitude and direction of a maneuver in</p> <p>said regions affect the behavior of the resultant trajectory. It is found that the direction</p> <p>of such maneuvers is particularly influential with respect to said behavior. Regarding both</p> <p>the L1 and L2 regions, certain maneuver directions yield certain behaviors in the resultant</p> <p>trajectory over a wide range of maneuver magnitudes. This understanding is informative to</p> <p>cislunar mission design.</p>

The bifunctional formalism - functional design with specified functional derivatives

Finzel, Kati 21 August 2023 (has links)
Die Habilitationsschrift beinhaltet die Vorstellung eines neuen mathematischen Formalismus zur Erstellung approximativer Funktionale in der Dichtefunktionaltheorie. Im Gegensatz zu Dichtefunktionalen hängen Bifunktionale von zwei Variablen ab, nämlich der Dichte und des Potentials, welches als formale Funktionalableitung behandelt wird und somit nicht als Funktional der Dichte bekannt ist. Neben der Vorstellung des mathematischen Formalismus werden zwei Anwendungsgebiete vorgestellt: orbitalfreie Dichtefunktionaltheorie und die Entwicklung neuer Austauschkorrelationsfunktionale für konventionelle Kohn-Sham-Dichtefunktionaltheorie.

Exotic states in condensed matter: I. Mesoscopic magnetism in integrable systems; II. Cooper pairing mediated by multiple-spin exchanges

Lou, Ming 23 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Development of a Discretized Model for the Restricted Three-Body Problem

Jedrey, Richard M. 28 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.


London Ante Paris, Patricia 17 November 2023 (has links)
Eine polymorphe Orbitalskulptur, die aus einer 3D-Kohlenstoff -Betonstruktur besteht, die von einem Polypeptidnetzwerk inspiriert ist, das ein geringeres Gewicht und eine geringere Zähigkeit bewirkt und auf einer überfluteten Stadtstraße steht, die von der anthropozentrischen Wärmeakkzeleration herrührt. - Meine künstlerische Praxis besteht aus partizipativen Performances, Malerei und Skulptur im Zusammenspiel von Tanz, Musik, wacher Zeitgenossenschaft und farbintensiven Werken, denn alles Sichtbare ist nur durch die Farbe begehrenswert.

Intense Laser-Plasma Interactions in Ultrathin Films: Plasma Mirrors, Relativistic Effects, and Orbital Angular Momentum

Czapla, Nicholas 08 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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