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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

GTO to GEO Optimal Trajectory Profiles and Electric Propulsion System Configuration / Optimala banprofiler från GTO till GEO och konfiguration av elektriska framdrivningssystem

Alliri, Maria Pilar January 2024 (has links)
Quick and reliable computational methods for optimized orbital transfers are crucial for projects at preliminary stages. They enable an initial, realistic sizing of the propulsion subsystem, one of the major components of satellite design. This thesis work, conducted at ReOrbit Oy, presents a minimum-time optimal trajectory for the orbit raising of a micro-satellite from GTO to GEO, assuming continuous firing by electric propulsion. The Delta-v requirements resulting from this simulation lead to the selection of an appropriate electric propulsion system, elaborating on the design of its configuration in terms of fuel and thrust requirements. This is done by taking into account, other than the major contribution given by the orbit raising, additions due to in-orbit maneuvers performed twice a day over a 10-year lifetime, like station-keeping corrections and reaction wheels desaturation. The optimization method is a direct-indirect hybrid for low-thrust orbital maneuvers, employing Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle for the transcription into a nonlinear programming problem. The initial guess required to start the optimizer is obtained with Lyapunov control theory. An orbital averaging technique is implemented, enabling fast computation of multiple trajectories during the optimization. Disturbances from the J2 zonal harmonic, solar radiation pressure, third-body effects of the Sun and Moon, and atmospheric drag up to 1500 km of altitude are included in the dynamic model. Eclipse conditions are assessed with a cylindrical shadow model, as the solar electric propulsion experiences a zero thrust period when in Earth’s shadow. The electric propulsion system configuration is determined with trade-off studies and comparisons between different suppliers. The chosen outline includes 4 Xenon thrusters, with complementary power processing units and propellant management systems, resulting in a total transfer time of less than 4 months. The same propulsion system is employed both for the transfer trajectory and the in-orbit maneuvers, by changing the thruster’s configuration once in GEO. / Snabba och pålitliga beräkningsmetoder för optimerade växlingar mellan omloppsbanor är avgörande för projekt i preliminära skeden. De möjliggör en initial, realistisk dimensionering av framdrivningssystemet, ett av huvudkomponenterna i satellitdesign. Detta examensarbete, utfört vid ReOrbit Oy, presenterar en tidsoptimerad bana för en mikrosatellits banhöjning från GTO till GEO, förutsatt kontinuerlig avfyring med elektrisk framdrivning. Simuleringens resulterande Delta-v-krav leder till valet av ett lämpligt elektriskt framdrivningssystem, med utarbetande av dess konfiguration vad gäller bränsle- och drivkraftskrav. Detta uppnås genom att ta hänsyn till (förutom bidraget från växlingen av omloppsbanan) tillägg från manövrar i omloppsbana som utförs två gånger om dagen under en 10-årig livstid, som t.ex. korrigeringar för stationshållning och avmättning av svänghjul. Optimeringsmetoden är en direkt-indirekt hybrid för manövrar i omloppsbanor med låg drivkraft, som använder Pontryagins minimiprincip för omskrivning till ett icke-linjärt programmeringsproblem. Den första gissningen som krävs för att starta optimeraren erhålls med Lyapunovs reglerteori. En teknik for omloppsutjämning implementeras, vilket möjliggör snabb beräkning av flera banor under optimeringen. Störningar från zonövertonen J2, solstrålningstryck, tredjekroppseffekter från solen och månen och luftmotstånd upp till 1500 km höjd ingår i den dynamiska modellen. Förmörkelseförhållanden uppskattas med en cylindrisk skuggmodell, då den elektriska solframdrivningen undergår ett skede utan drivkraft inom jordens skugga. Det elektriska framdrivningssystemets konfiguration bestäms med avvägningsundersökningar och jämförelser mellan olika leverantörer. Förslaget på utformning inkluderar 4 Xenon raketmotorer, med kompletterande kraftbearbetningsenheter och drivmedelshanteringssystem, vilket resulterar i en total överföringstid på mindre än 4 månader. Samma framdrivningssystem används både för överföringsbanan och manövrarna inom omloppsbanorna, genom att ändra motorns konfiguration när satelliten är i GEO.

Assessment Of Forensic And Clinical Criteria Of Orbital Blowout Fractures For Use In Bioarchaeological Analysis

Ornot, Dylan E 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Orbital blowout fractures are a particular facial fracture occurring within the inner eye orbits of the face caused by blunt force trauma to the eyeball or the lower orbital rim. This fracture is common in modern clinical contexts due to physical assaults, but examining this fracture in skeletal material can also provide insights into the patterns of interpersonal violence within the fields of bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology. Issues with analyzing this fracture in skeletal material arise due to the clinical assessment practices of blowout fractures, where medical practitioners are highly focused on the soft tissue presentations of the fracture in a patient. In this study, standard clinical criteria for defining an orbital blowout fracture were analyzed and translated into criteria that could be used to assess skeletal material where no soft tissue is present. A set of scoring criteria was developed to analyze skeletal material based on four traits commonly observed in this fracture pattern, and the material was examined for any post-mortem taphonomy that could be mistaken for perimortem trauma. In this study, thirteen individuals were selected from online osteological databases and examined to score the possible presence of orbital blowout fractures. The scoring results of this study were further tested using positive and negative likelihood ratio tests (LRT) and indicated that eight individuals were highly likely to have blowout fractures present. The presence of nasal fractures was noted in 69.2% of individuals utilized in this study and presents a possible correlation with blowout fractures that should be further explored. The scoring sheet developed in this study establishes a standardized methodology for reporting orbital blowout fractures in contexts lacking soft tissue, providing a valuable tool for the consistent analysis of orbital trauma in bioarchaeology.

Modellbildung und Simulation des Plasma-Schweißens zur Entwicklung innovativer Schweißbrenner / Modeling and simulation of plasma welding for the development of innovative welding torches

Alaluss, Khaled Ahmed 21 February 2017 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Habilitationsarbeit wurden technisch-konstruktive Lösungsansätze basierend auf einem entwickelten strömungs-thermomechanischen/magneto-hydro-dynamischen Simulationsmodell zur Entwicklung/Charakterisierung eines physikalischen Prozesswirkprinzips des betrachteten Mikro- und Hochleistungs- sowie Orbital-Plasma-Schweißprozesses und dessen physikalischer Effekte entwickelt. Dabei wurden die differenten Einflussgrößen beim Plasmaschweißprozess erfasst, analysiert und ihre Wirkung auf Schweißprozessverhalten und Brennerkonstruktion charakterisiert. Die damit gewonnenen Ergebnisse wurden zur werkstofflichen, technisch-konstruktiven Entwicklung der Brennerkopfmodelle hinsichtlich der Ausführungsgeometrien des Prozessgaszuführungs- und Brennerkühlsystems genutzt. Im Rahmen des erarbeiteten thermomechanischen Simulationsmodells wurden die beim Plasma-Auftragschweißen von Verbundbauteilen auftretenden Temperaturfelder, Verformungen und Eigenspannungen vorausbestimmt, untersucht und analysiert. Mittels des erarbeiteten Simulationsmodells wurden werkstoffliche, konstruktive und fertigungstechnische Maßnahmen zur Minimierung/Beeinflussung schweißbedingter Verformungen und Eigenspannungen simulativ untersucht und bewertet. / In this work, technical and constructive solutions were developed based on simulation models (process and structural) for fluid mechanical, thermomechanical and magneto-hydrodynamic effects. The simulation process included improving and characterising the physical operating principles for micro plasma welding, high performance plasma welding and orbital plasma welding. Also, the physical effects for the above plasma welding processes were studied and analysed. From these different physical properties of the parameters for the plasma welding processes, and their effects on plasma welding process behaviour and torch design were analysed and characterised. The results were used for the development and construction of plasma welding torch models, which included material selection and geometrical design such as, process gas supply design, torch cooling system design, and other related torch designs. By developing the thermomechanical simulation model, deformations and residual stresses that were generated by heating during the plasma welding process were investigated and analysed. The developed thermomechanical model included material, structural and welding specifications such as buffering and preheating. Simulations utilizing this model were used in order to reduce the residual stresses and deformations of the welded components.

Dinâmica molecular de sistemas iônicos poliatômicos: modelos polarizável e não-polarizável / Molecular dynamics of polyatomic ionic systems: Polarized models and not polarizable

Costa, Marcello Ferreira da 01 April 2005 (has links)
Simulações de sais de carbonato fundidos pelo método de Dinâmica Molecular (MD) foram efetuadas com o modelo polarizável de cargas flutuantes (FC). O modelo de cargas flutuantes implementa os efeitos de polarização pelo método de Lagrangiano estendido, onde as variáveis extras são as próprias cargas parciais do íon poliatômico. O modelo FC foi parametrizado por meio de cálculos ab inito, aplicado ao ânion carbonato. Cálculos de Química Quântica ab initio foram utilizados para corroborar o modelo proposto para o ânion carbonato. Os sistemas investigados consistem em misturas de carbonatos alcalinos fundidos, Li2CO3/K2CO3, os quais são utilizados como eletrólitos em células a combustível. As simulações MD foram utilizadas para verificar o efeito da polarização dos ânions sobre a estrutura e dinâmica do líquido. Estudamos o efeito da inclusão de polarização sobre a condutividade do eletrólito. / Simulations of molten carbonate salts by the method of Molecular Dynamics (MD) have been performed with the fluctuanting charge (FC) model. The FC model implements the effect of polarization by using method of extended Lagrangian, where the extra variables are the partial charges of the poliatomic ion. The FC model was parametrized by ab inito calculations os a single carbonate anion. Quantum Chemistry calculations bave been used to corroborate the model for the carbonate anion. The investigated systems consist of alkaline carbonate mixtures, Li2CO3/K2CO3, which are used as electrolytes in fuel cells. MD simulations have been used to verify polarization effects on structure and dynamics of the liquid. We study the effect of including anion polarization on the condutivity of the electrolyte.

Dinâmica molecular de sistemas iônicos poliatômicos: modelos polarizável e não-polarizável / Molecular dynamics of polyatomic ionic systems: Polarized models and not polarizable

Marcello Ferreira da Costa 01 April 2005 (has links)
Simulações de sais de carbonato fundidos pelo método de Dinâmica Molecular (MD) foram efetuadas com o modelo polarizável de cargas flutuantes (FC). O modelo de cargas flutuantes implementa os efeitos de polarização pelo método de Lagrangiano estendido, onde as variáveis extras são as próprias cargas parciais do íon poliatômico. O modelo FC foi parametrizado por meio de cálculos ab inito, aplicado ao ânion carbonato. Cálculos de Química Quântica ab initio foram utilizados para corroborar o modelo proposto para o ânion carbonato. Os sistemas investigados consistem em misturas de carbonatos alcalinos fundidos, Li2CO3/K2CO3, os quais são utilizados como eletrólitos em células a combustível. As simulações MD foram utilizadas para verificar o efeito da polarização dos ânions sobre a estrutura e dinâmica do líquido. Estudamos o efeito da inclusão de polarização sobre a condutividade do eletrólito. / Simulations of molten carbonate salts by the method of Molecular Dynamics (MD) have been performed with the fluctuanting charge (FC) model. The FC model implements the effect of polarization by using method of extended Lagrangian, where the extra variables are the partial charges of the poliatomic ion. The FC model was parametrized by ab inito calculations os a single carbonate anion. Quantum Chemistry calculations bave been used to corroborate the model for the carbonate anion. The investigated systems consist of alkaline carbonate mixtures, Li2CO3/K2CO3, which are used as electrolytes in fuel cells. MD simulations have been used to verify polarization effects on structure and dynamics of the liquid. We study the effect of including anion polarization on the condutivity of the electrolyte.

Contrôle optimal géométrique : méthodes homotopiques et applications / Geometric optimal control : homotopic methods and applications

Cots, Olivier 20 September 2012 (has links)
Le contexte de ce travail est le contrôle optimal géométrique appliqué à la mécanique céleste et au contrôle quantique. On s’est tout d’abord intéressé au problème de transfert orbital de satellite autour de la Terre à consommation minimale,qui amena à la réalisation du code HamPath, permettant tout d’abord la résolution de problème de contrôle optimal dont la loi de commande est lisse. Il se base sur le Principe du Maximum de Pontryagin (PMP) et sur la notion de point conjugué. Ce programme combine méthode de tir, méthodes homotopiques différentielles et calcul des conditions d’optimalité du deuxième ordre. Nous nous intéressons par la suite au contrôle quantique. On étudie tout d’abord le contrôle d’un système composé de deux types de particules de spin 1/2 ayant des temps de relaxation différents et dont la dynamique est gouvernée par les équations de Bloch. Ces deux sous-systèmes,correspondant aux deux types de particules, sont couplés par un même contrôle (un champ electromagnétique), le but étant alors d’amener la magnétisation des particules du premier type à zéro tout en maximisant celle du second (dans un système de coordonnées bien choisi). Ce modèle intervient en imagerie médicale par Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire et consiste à maximiser le contraste entre deux régions d’une même image. L’utilisation des outils géométriques et numériques aura permis de donner une très bonne synthèse sous-optimale pour deux cas particuliers (mélange sang oxygéné/désoxygéné et liquide cérébrospinal/eau). La dernière contribution de cette thèse porte sur l’étude d’un système quantique à deux niveaux d’énergie dontl a dynamique est régie par les équations de Lindblad. Le modèle est basé sur la minimisation d’énergie du transfert. On se restreint à un cas particulier pour lequelle Hamiltonien donné par le PMP est Liouville intégrable. On décrit alors les lieux conjugués et de coupure pour ce problème riemannien avec dérive / This work is about geometric optimal control applied to celestial and quantum mechanics. We first dealt with the minimum fuel consumption problem of transfering a satellite around the Earth. This brought to the creation of the code HamPath which permits first of all to solve optimal control problem for which the command law is smooth. It is based on the Pontryagin Maximum Principle (PMP) and on the notion of conjugate point. This program combines shooting method, differential homotopic methods and tools to compute second order optimality conditions. Then we are interested in quantum control. We study first a system which consists in two different particles of spin 1/2 having two different relaxation time. Both sub-systems are driven by the same control. The problem consists in bringing to zero the magnetization of one of the two system while maximizing the magnetization of the second one. This problem comes from constrast imaging in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and consists in maximising the contrast between two areas of the image. The use of geometrical and numerical tools has given a very precise sub-optimal synthesis for two particular cases (deoxygenated/oxygenated blood and cerebrospinal fluid/water cases). The last contribution of this thesis is about the Lindblad equations in the two-level case. The model is based upon the minimisation of the transfer energy. We restrict the study to a particular case for which the Hamiltonian given by the PMP is Liouville integrable.We describe the conjugate and cut loci for this Riemannian with drift problem

Contribution à l'étude et la conception d'antennes pour la génération d'ondes radiofréquences transportant du moment angulaire orbital / Contribution to the study and design of antennas for the generation of radio waves bearing orbital angular momentum

Wei, Wenlong 21 November 2016 (has links)
Il est bien connu dans la théorie de Maxwell que le rayonnement électromagnétique (EM) d'une onde porte à la fois du moment linéaire (énergie) et du moment angulaire. Ce dernier possède deux parties: le Moment Angulaire de Spin (ou SAM) qui est également connu sous le nom de la polarisation et le Moment Angulaire Orbital (ou OAM). Le SAM ne comprend que deux états (gauche et droite) et est utilisé en télécommunications pour doubler la capacité du canal. Par contre, le moment angulaire orbital (OAM) peut en théorie, avoir un nombre infini d'états appelés les modes OAM. Par conséquent, en radiofréquences, les premières applications de l'OAM ont été proposées dans le domaine des communications sans fil. Mais, tout d'abord, il est nécessaire de développer des antennes générant de telles ondes. L'objectif de cette thèse est de concevoir des antennes pour générer des ondes ayant un OAM. Le manuscrit se décompose en trois parties. Dans la première partie, un réseau d'antennes « patches » utilisant un déphaseur original est développé et testé. Ce réseau génère une onde ayant de l'OAM. Dans la deuxième partie, une cavité Fabry-Perot (FP) est utilisée pour apporter plus de directivité à ce réseau d'antennes. Enfin, la troisième partie consiste à générer des ondes guidées possédant du moment OAM. Ces ondes ont ensuite été utilisées pour exciter des antennes en cornet et rayonner des faisceaux directifs transportant du moment angulaire orbital. / It is well known from Maxwell’s theory that electromagnetic (EM) radiation carries both linear momentum (energy) and angular momentum. The latter has two parts: Spin Angular Momentum (SAM) which corresponds to the polarization of an EM wave and Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) which is associated with the spatial distribution of an EM wave. The SAM has only two states (left and right) and is used to double the channel capacity in telecommunications. On the other hand, the OAM can theoretically have an infinite number of states called the OAM modes. Therefore, the first applications of OAM have been proposed in wireless communications at radio frequencies. However, first of all, it is necessary to develop the antennas for generating such waves. The objective of this thesis is to design the antennas for the generation of radio waves bearing OAM. The manuscript contains three parts. In the first part, an antenna using 4 patches and an original phase shifter is developed and tested to generate an OAM wave. In the second part, a Fabry-Perot (FP) cavity is used to enhance the directivity of this antenna. The third part is to generate guided OAM waves. Some horn antennas are used to radiate these waves with good directivity.

De l'importance de l'Océan Indien pour les paléoclimats quaternaires : la mousson et le courant des Aiguilles

Caley, Thibaut 25 October 2011 (has links)
L’océan Indien est le lieu de processus atmosphériques et océaniques majeurs dont les répercussions en terme climatique peuvent être de grandes importances. Cette thèse se propose de documenter les forçages, les variabilités, les impacts et les interactions de la mousson Indo-asiatique et du courant des Aiguilles à l’échelle orbitale (incluant les conditions glaciaires-interglaciaires) au cours de la période Quaternaire.Si le maximum d’insolation (minimum de précession et maximum d’obliquité) initie les fortes moussons Indo-asiatiques, des forçages internes au système climatique jouent également un rôle majeur pour expliquer leur dynamique (fort vents et précipitations), en particulier le changement de volume de glace de l’hémisphère Nord et l’export de chaleur latente de l’océan Indien Sud. La prédominance de ces forçages internes est propre à la mousson Indo-asiatique et la distingue des moussons boréales Africaines. Ceci indique que le concept de mousson globale n’est pas valable à l’échelle orbitale.Concernant l’hémisphère Sud, les variations de température de surface du courant des Aiguilles exercent un contrôle important sur le climat Sud Africain (la végétation et les précipitations). Ce courant permet également le transfert plus ou moins important de chaleur et de sel vers l’océan Atlantique Sud par l’intermédiaire de la migration de la convergence subtropicale et des vents d’ouest associés. Ce mécanisme, contrôlé fortement par la dynamique des hautes latitudes Sud, affecte la circulation thermo-haline globale et constitue un acteur important des transitions glaciaires-interglaciaires et des changements de mode de variabilité climatique au cours du Quaternaire (Transition Mid-Pleistocène et évènement du Mid-Brunhes). Les changements induits dans le climat de l’Hémisphère Nord, et notamment le volume de glace, pourraient ensuite se répercuter sur la dynamique de la mousson. En revanche, l’effet des moussons sur le courant des Aiguilles parait mineur. Toutefois, les interactions entre la mousson Indo-asiatique, l’ENSO et les éventuels IOD (dipôles climatiques de l’océan Indien) pourraient affecter la dynamique du courant. / The Indian Ocean is the place of major atmospheric and oceanic processes with large potential repercussions on the global climatic system. This thesis investigates forcing, variations, impacts and interactions of the Indo-Asian monsoon and of the Agulhas current at the orbital scale (including glacial-interglacial conditions) over the Quaternary period.Insolation maximum (precession minimum and obliquity maximum) initiates strong Indo-Asian monsoons, but processes internal to the climate system, in particular Northern Hemisphere (NH) ice volume changes and the latent heat export of the south Indian Ocean, play a major role to explain their dynamics (strongest winds and precipitation). The predominance of these internal forcings is a specificity of the Indo-Asian monsoon and distinguishes it from African boreal monsoons. This indicates that the concept of a global monsoon at the orbital scale is a misnomer.Concerning the Southern hemisphere, sea surface temperature variations of the Agulhas current exert an important control upon the South African climate (vegetation and precipitation). This current also participates to the transfer of heat and salt towards the South Atlantic Ocean whose intensity is mainly related to the migration of the subtropical convergence and associated westerlies winds. This mechanism, strongly controlled by high southern latitudes dynamics, affects the global overturning circulation and plays an important role for glacial-interglacial transitions and changes in modes of climate variability during the Quaternary (Mid-Pleistocene Transition and Mid-Brunhes event). Induced Northern hemisphere climate changes, in particular ice volume, could in turn influence monsoon dynamics. On the other hand, the effect of monsoons on the Agulhas current seems to be of minor importance. However, interactions between the Indo-Asian monsoon, ENSO and the possible IOD (Indian Ocean climatic Dipole) could affect the dynamic of the current.

Modellbildung und Simulation des Plasma-Schweißens zur Entwicklung innovativer Schweißbrenner

Alaluss, Khaled Ahmed 21 February 2017 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Habilitationsarbeit wurden technisch-konstruktive Lösungsansätze basierend auf einem entwickelten strömungs-thermomechanischen/magneto-hydro-dynamischen Simulationsmodell zur Entwicklung/Charakterisierung eines physikalischen Prozesswirkprinzips des betrachteten Mikro- und Hochleistungs- sowie Orbital-Plasma-Schweißprozesses und dessen physikalischer Effekte entwickelt. Dabei wurden die differenten Einflussgrößen beim Plasmaschweißprozess erfasst, analysiert und ihre Wirkung auf Schweißprozessverhalten und Brennerkonstruktion charakterisiert. Die damit gewonnenen Ergebnisse wurden zur werkstofflichen, technisch-konstruktiven Entwicklung der Brennerkopfmodelle hinsichtlich der Ausführungsgeometrien des Prozessgaszuführungs- und Brennerkühlsystems genutzt. Im Rahmen des erarbeiteten thermomechanischen Simulationsmodells wurden die beim Plasma-Auftragschweißen von Verbundbauteilen auftretenden Temperaturfelder, Verformungen und Eigenspannungen vorausbestimmt, untersucht und analysiert. Mittels des erarbeiteten Simulationsmodells wurden werkstoffliche, konstruktive und fertigungstechnische Maßnahmen zur Minimierung/Beeinflussung schweißbedingter Verformungen und Eigenspannungen simulativ untersucht und bewertet. / In this work, technical and constructive solutions were developed based on simulation models (process and structural) for fluid mechanical, thermomechanical and magneto-hydrodynamic effects. The simulation process included improving and characterising the physical operating principles for micro plasma welding, high performance plasma welding and orbital plasma welding. Also, the physical effects for the above plasma welding processes were studied and analysed. From these different physical properties of the parameters for the plasma welding processes, and their effects on plasma welding process behaviour and torch design were analysed and characterised. The results were used for the development and construction of plasma welding torch models, which included material selection and geometrical design such as, process gas supply design, torch cooling system design, and other related torch designs. By developing the thermomechanical simulation model, deformations and residual stresses that were generated by heating during the plasma welding process were investigated and analysed. The developed thermomechanical model included material, structural and welding specifications such as buffering and preheating. Simulations utilizing this model were used in order to reduce the residual stresses and deformations of the welded components.

Modellierung - Simulation des Plasma-Schweißens zur Entwicklung innovativer Schweißbrenner

Alaluss, Khaled, Mayr, Peter 06 June 2017 (has links)
- An Plasmaschweißbrennern treten starke thermomechanische Beanspruchungen aufgrund der ablaufenden thermophysikalischen Teilprozesse auf. Diese können durch funktionsgerechte werkstoffliche, konstruktive und fertigungstechnische Brennergestaltung bewerkstelligt und die Thermobilanz und Lebensdauer der Brenner verbessert werden. - Anhand des entwickelten strömungs-thermomechanischen/magneto-hydro-dynamischen Simulationsmodells wurden werkstofflich-konstruktive Lösungsansätze für Entwicklung von physikalischen Prozesswirkprinzipien der betrachteten Plasma-Schweißprozessvarianten erarbeitet. - Differente Einflussgrößen des Plasmaschweißprozesses wurden erfasst, analysiert und ihre Wirkung auf Prozessverhalten und Brennerkonstruktion ermittelt. - Die damit gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wurden für werkstoffliche, technisch-konstruktive Brennerentwicklung bzgl. der Ausführungsgeometrien, Prozessgaszuführung und Brennerkühlung genutzt.

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