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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Restoring oak habitats in the Southern Willamette Valley, Oregon: A multi-objective tradeoffs analysis for landowners and managers

Ulrich, Nathan D., 1977- 12 1900 (has links)
xvii, 160 p. : ill. (some col.) A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / Restoring oak habitats is an emerging conservation priority in Oregon's Willamette Valley. Both private and public landowners face multiple challenges to conservation and restoration of oak habitats, including a lack of knowledge about the potential tradeoffs and constraints for achieving multiple priorities on a given site. This study simulated 25 alternative oak habitat restoration scenarios to develop estimates of outcomes related to six different restoration priorities: costs, income potential, habitat value, scenic quality, fire hazard reduction potential, and time requirements. Model results indicated that initial land conditions strongly influence a landowner's ability to optimize among these different priorities. To assist landowners with decision-making, model estimates were organized into a digital decision matrix that communicates advantages and tradeoffs associated with each alternative scenario. In doing so, it aims to help landowners choose restoration goals that better meet their broader needs and objectives. / Committee in Charge: Dr. Bart Johnson, Chair; Dr. Robert Ribe

Entwicklung von Managementstrategien zur Etablierung von Naturverjüngung der Traubeneiche (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) mit Hilfe eines individuen-basierten Modells

Hamkens, Hans Friedrich 20 December 2019 (has links)
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Naturverjüngung von Traubeneiche (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) unter Kiefernschirm. Eine erfolgreiche Verjüngung von Traubeneiche ist ohne menschliche Hilfe nur schwer umzusetzen. Als Ursache wird in der Literatur die Konkurrenzsituation von Begleitvegetation um die Ressource Wasser besonders hervorgehoben. Um künftige Managementmaßnahmen von Oberstand und Begleitvegetation bezüglich der Eichenverjüngung bewerten zu können, wurde das individuen-basierte Modell oak-lay entwickelt, das die Konkurrenz um Wasser explizit auf pflanzenphysiologischer Basis berücksichtigt. Die Kombination von individuen-basierten und prozess-basierten Ansätzen wird auch als Hybrid-Modell bezeichnet. In der Verjüngungsmodellierung ist bisher keine Anwendung eines Hybrid-Modells bekannt, so dass es sich vermutlich um das erste Modell seiner Art handelt. Die Arbeit ist in drei große Arbeitsschwerpunkte aufgeteilt. Im ersten Teil wird oak-lay detailliert vorgestellt und analysiert. Dabei kommen standardisierte Verfahren wie eine globale Sensitivitätsanalyse oder eine Analyse der Rechenzeit mittels Landau-Symbole zum Einsatz. Der zweite Teil analysiert mit Hilfe von Simulationsexperimenten eine neue Methode der Mortalitätsbeschreibung in individuen-basierten Modellen auf physiologischer Basis. Die prozess-basierte Wasserhaushaltsberechnung des oak-lay ermöglicht die Festsetzung einer Mortalitätsschwelle über das Druckpotential der Individuen. Für die Analysen wurde auf Ereigniszeitanalysen zurückgegriffen. Konkret angewandt wurden der Kaplan-Meier Schätzer und das semiparametrische Cox-Modell. Der dritte und letzte Teil wendet das Modell beispielhaft in einer Reihe von Simulationsexperimenten an. Dabei werden unterschiedliche Managementmaßnahmen am Oberstand und der Begleitvegetation simuliert und auf Unterschiede im Verjüngungserfolg und der räumlichen Verteilung getestet. Das Modell oak-lay konnte erfolgreich nachweisen, dass Hybrid-Modelle im Bereich der Verjüngungsmodellierung entwickelt und angewendet werden können. Die globale Sensitivitätsanalyse des Wasserhaushaltsmodells konnte die einflussreichsten Parameter identifizieren und das Laufzeitverhalten des Modells konnte ebenso analysiert werden. Die Einhaltung bestimmter Selbstdifferenzierungsmuster wurde über alle Simulationen geprüft. Dabei wurde erfolgreich die Mortalität über den Wassergehalt der Individuen bestimmt. Die Simulationsexperimente der verschiedenen Managementmaßnahmen haben gezeigt, dass eine Anwendung als Managementtool möglich ist. Die Entwicklung eines neuen Modelltyps bei der Verjüngungsmodellierung hat allerdings auch einigen neuen Forschungsbedarf generiert. Um oak-lay weiterzuentwickeln sind weitere Arbeiten nötig.


Sarah J Rademacher (12469245) 27 April 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Alterations to the historic fire regime have contributed to widespread regeneration failure in <em>Quercus</em> L. (oak) forests of the eastern United States. Composition has shifted from <em>Quercus</em> and other fire-adapted species to dominance by mesophytic species. While land managers often focus efforts on restoring <em>Quercus</em> regeneration, the herbaceous layer experiences reduced cover and diversity of herb and graminoid species resulting from the increased woody stem density in fire-suppressed forests. Declining abundance of <em>Quercus</em> species and diversity in the herbaceous layer reduce the overall habitat quality and ecosystem functions provided by the forest. A combination of overstory harvests and prescribed burning are often conducted to restore the plant community in <em>Quercus</em> forests affected by mesophication. Initiated in 2010, our study on the Hoosier National Forest in Indiana conducted shelterwood and midstory (mechanical, chemical, or none) harvests followed by prescribed burning on a less productive site, while leaving a more productive site unburned. Our objective was to evaluate the survival and competitive response of <em>Quercus</em> spp. within the regeneration layer and whether diversity and cover increased in the herbaceous layer following treatments. Using nested circular plots, we measured seedling survival and resprout response, in addition to regeneration density before and after treatments. We measured the percent cover of herbaceous-layer species within quadrats and calculated species richness, evenness, and diversity. Using multiple mixed-effects models, ANOVA, and NMDS ordination, we evaluated woody species regeneration and herbaceous-layer composition before and after treatments. Post-treatment, monitored <em>Quercus</em> spp. seedlings at the burned site displayed greater survival (> 94%) and resprouting (> 92% of monitored stems), which exceeded most competing species, including<em> Acer</em> spp. (~ 59% survival and resprouting) and <em>Fraxinus americana </em>(72% survival and resprouting). <em>Q. alba</em> seedling (< 3.8 cm DBH) densities doubled after burning; it was one of the most abundant species (9,864 stems ha-1) at the burned site. NMDS ordination indicated a clear shift in regeneration species composition with the burn driving a shift away from mesophytic species towards greater importance of <em>Quercus</em> species. Additionally, our burned site had significantly increased herbaceous-layer richness, Shannon diversity index, and total cover compared to pre-treatment. Percent cover increased across all plant functional groups within the herbaceous layer, with trees/shrubs exhibiting the greatest increase. Herbaceous-layer composition at the burned site significantly shifted toward greater importance of graminoids and herbs post-treatment. Post-treatment, the unburned site contained fewer, and less competitive, <em>Quercus</em> seedlings compared to non-<em>Quercus</em> competitors and displayed no significant compositional shifts in seedling species composition post-harvest. Our unburned site exhibited significant, but minor, increases in herbaceous-layer richness, evenness, diversity, and total cover. Herbaceous-layer composition at the unburned site was significantly different post-treatment, shifting towards greater importance of vines, trees/shrubs, and herbs. The more-productive unburned site would likely require multiple burns to produce adequate competitive <em>Quercus</em> seedlings to perpetuate dominance in the developing stand. Burning would also likely result in greater increases in herbaceous-layer diversity compared to harvesting alone. Conversely, the shelterwood, followed by a single burn, on the less productive site had a more substantial effect on the herbaceous layer, and likely produced an adequate density of <em>Quercus</em> reproduction to ensure future dominance by the genus.</p>

Artificial Regeneration of Bottomland Hardwoods in Southern Mississippi on Lands Damaged by Hurricane Katrina

Alkire, Derek Kyle 30 April 2011 (has links)
Bare-root, container, and root production method (RPM™) seedlings of two oak species (Nuttall (Quercus texana Buckley), cherrybark (Q. pagoda Ell.)) were planted on lands damaged by Hurricane Katrina in southern Mississippi to compare the height growth, groundline diameter growth and survival of the different planting stocks. Tree shelters were applied to half of the bare-root seedlings to determine their effect on the height and groundline diameter growth and survival of the seedlings. RPM seedlings exhibited significantly greater height and groundline diameter growth than bare-root or container seedlings after one growing season. Bare-root seedlings exhibited significantly greater height and groundline diameter growth than container seedlings. Tree shelters significantly increased height growth of bare-root seedlings; however, sheltered bare-root seedlings exhibited significantly less groundline diameter growth than non-sheltered seedlings. Cherrybark oak exhibited greater height growth than Nuttall oak, while Nuttall oak exhibited greater groundline diameter growth than cherrybark across all planting stocks.

Tree-Ring Based Reconstructions of Disturbance and Growth Dynamics in Several Deciduous Forest Ecosystems

McEwan, Ryan W. 06 October 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluating Artificial White oak (<i>Quercus alba</i>) Regeneration Along Light and Competition Gradients

Elias Bowers Gaffney (18429222) 24 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">For several decades, the ecological dominance of white oak (<i>Quercus alba</i>) has been declining throughout the species’ native range in eastern North America with failure to recruit new individuals into the overstory. White oak’s decline is concerning as the species is of great cultural, ecological, and economic value. Planting artificial regeneration is one approach to bolstering flagging natural white oak regeneration insufficient in vigor or quantity to supplant mature canopy white oak. Shelterwood harvests and artificial regeneration alone or in combination are frequently suggested to be an effective means of securing sufficient white oak regeneration in central hardwood understories. Because there is a much more comprehensive body of work examining northern red oak (<i>Quercus rubra</i>) than white oak artificial regeneration, managerial prescriptions for artificial regeneration of white oak are commonly generalized from northern red oak prescriptions. If the two species are silvically different, however, they should be managed differently to achieve maximum effectiveness of regenerative prescriptions.</p><p><br></p><p dir="ltr">I conducted both a silvicultural field trial and a more controlled shade and competition study to examine artificial white oak regeneration responses to light and competition gradients. In the silvicultural field trial, I tested the impacts of varied lengths of competition control, geographical seed source, and canopy cover on growth and survival of artificial white oak regeneration within an expanding shelterwood system. After three growing seasons, my results indicated that seedlings grow and survive at the greatest rates in areas of up to approximately 50% canopy closure, or conditions found in harvest gaps.</p><p dir="ltr">In a shade and competition study, I compared artificial northern red oak and white oak growth, morphology, and physiology responses to three light levels (10% or low, 30% or medium, and full sun or high) under the presence or absence of an invasive competitor (Amur honeysuckle (<i>Lonicera maackii</i>)). After two years, my results indicated that medium light levels resulted in the greatest height and diameter growth as well as the greatest nonstructural carbohydrate amounts in both root and shoot organs of both species. Interestingly, my physiology results indicated that northern red oak seedlings displayed lower light compensation points and greater quantum yields than white oak seedlings. These traits potentially indicate greater shade tolerance of northern red oak than white oak. Further, white oak foliar nitrogen in shaded treatments, quantum yield, and light compensation points were impacted more severely by competition than equivalent northern red oak measures, indicating that white oak seedlings may not be as well equipped to handle invasive competition pressures. These results indicate that these two upland oak species are fundamentally different, and these differences should be considered when writing management prescriptions.</p>

Development of Urban Tree Growth Models Based on Site and Soil Characteristics

Wenzel-Bartens, Julia 09 December 2010 (has links)
Trees provide numerous benefits crucial to urban environments, yet poor growing conditions often prevent trees from reaching their genetic potential for growth, longevity, and ecosystem function. To overcome these limitations, greater understanding of tree growth in the urban environment is needed. The goal of this research project was therefore to characterize a broad suite of soil characteristics associated with urban tree plantings and evaluate their suitability for modeling physical dimensions and growth rates of urban trees. A series of observational studies and experiments was conducted on urban soils inhabited by two tree species (Zelkova serrata (Thunb.) Mikano and Quercus phellos L.) in Washington, DC and one tree species (Quercus virginiana Mill.) in Jacksonville, FL – two major metropolitan areas of the eastern United States with contrasting climate and soils. Characterization of urban soil attributes within cities revealed low variability for some properties (soil texture, pH, and certain plant nutrients with coefficients of variation (CV) below 0.5), but high variability (CV>1.0) for others (nitrate, ammonium, copper, and zinc). This is dependent on the location. These findings suggest that tree planting site evaluations may not require measurements for all soil properties and that representative sampling may be sufficient to accurately characterize most soil properties within a city. Field assessment of urban tree soils also revealed that conventional measures of soil compaction are difficult to obtain due to obstructions by roots and other foreign objects. To address the critical need for efficient and reliable assessment of soil compaction around urban trees, an experiment was conducted to develop bulk density estimation models for four common soil texture classes using soil strength and soil moisture as predictor variables. These models provided medium (0.42) to high (0.85) coefficients of determination when volumetric water content (VWC) was log transformed, demonstrating that measurements of soil texture, strength, and moisture can provide rapid, reliable assessment of soil compaction. Tree growth modeling focused on three response variables: canopy projection (CP), canopy volume (CV), and peak-increment-area age (PIA). To calculate PIA, tree-ring analysis was used to determine the age at which maximal trunk diameter growth occurred between transplanting and time of sampling. Because Q. virginiana has difficult-to-distinguish growth rings, an intensive tree-ring analysis of cores collected from these trees was conducted. The analysis revealed interseries correlation coefficients of up to 0.66, demonstrating that Q. virginiana can be aged with fairly high confidence in an urban setting. Empirical models developed for all three tree species using the suite of soil and site variables explained 25% – 83% of the observed variability in tree physical dimensions and growth rates. Soil pH was found to be a significant predictor variable for the majority of growth models along with nutrients such as Fe, B, Mn, and Zn, which are also associated with soil alkalinity. Models for PIA possessed the highest coefficient of determination, suggesting that measurements of soil conditions can be used confidently to predict the age at which growth rate subsides in these species. CV and CP were not predicted as well by soil-related variables, presumably because above-ground constraints such as pruning and building encroachment can affect canopy size without necessarily affecting growth rate. Certain prediction models for all three species included predictor variables with counterintuitive influences on tree growth (e.g., negative influences of soil depth on Q. phellos and soil volume on Q. virginiana), suggesting that either these urban trees are responding to these variables in a novel manner or that variables unaccounted for in these models (perhaps related to urbanization or high vehicular traffic) are concomitantly influencing tree growth. / Ph. D.

Some Geometric Constraints on Ring-Width Trend

Phipps, Richard L. January 2005 (has links)
Simulations of tree rings from trees of undisturbed forest sites are used to describe natural, long-term width trends. Ring-width trends of canopy-sized white oak are simulated from regressions of BAI (ring area) data of real trees. Examples are given of a tree from a typical re-growth forest in Illinois and of a more slowly growing tree from an old-growth forest in Kentucky. The long-term width trend was simulated as being toward constant ring width regardless of growth rate of the tree. Conditions by which either increasing or decreasing ring-width trends could be simulated from the same linear BAI trend are examined. I conclude that curvilinear width trends, either increasing or decreasing, represent width adjustments to changes in growth rate (BAI trend) after which the width trend stabilizes to a near-constant value. Interpretation of ring-width trends of trees from undisturbed stands may be useful in assessing stand disturbance history.


Rieger, Nicholas. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.


Dueñez, Ricardo Luis, 1954- January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

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