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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quantitative Untersuchungen zur Entstehung pulmonaler Reaktionen infolge Applikation des α2-Rezeptoragonisten Xylazin beim Schaf

Koziol, Manja 08 March 2011 (has links)
Das Auftreten pulmonaler Belüftungsstörungen nach Injektion von Xylazin beim Schaf ist in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur an Einzeltieren beschrieben. Der dabei noch ausstehende Nachweis eines postulierten Lungenödems anhand objektiver Parameter in statistisch relevanter Anzahl wurde in der hier vorliegenden Arbeit angestrebt. Weiterhin wurden ein Einfluss der wiederholten Exposition und eine Dosisabhängigkeit überprüft. Zur Bearbeitung dieser Fragen wurden 16 weibliche Merinolandschafe dreimalig in einem Abstand von 8 Wochen untersucht. Nach Prämedikation mit Midazolam (0,25 mg/kg) und Sufentanil (0,6 µg/kg) erfolgte die Allgemeinanästhesie mit Propofol (5-10 mg/kg/h). Zu den ersten beiden Versuchsabschnitten wurde Xylazin in einer Dosis von 0,15 mg/kg, im dritten Versuchsdurchgang in Höhe von 0,3 mg/kg intravenös verabreicht. Jeweils 10 Minuten vor und 5, 15, 30 Minuten nach Applikation von Xylazin wurden computertomographische Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Mit Hilfe der quantitativen computertomographischen Analyse konnte das totale Lungengewicht, der Anteil nicht belüftetes Lungengewicht und das totale Lungenvolumen ermittelt werden. Zusätzlich wurden mittels arterieller Blutgasanalysen der arterielle Sauerstoff- und Kohlenstoffdioxidpartialdruck bestimmt. In der dieser Arbeit zu Grunde liegenden Annahme nimmt im Falle eines Lungenödems das totale Lungengewicht bei konstantem Lungenvolumen zu. Eine Zunahme des totalen Lungengewichts war in allen drei Versuchsdurchgängen statitisch signifikant nachweisbar. Im Vergleich zu den Angaben in der Literatur wurden dabei jedoch keine Zunahmen in Höhe eines klinisch relevanten Lungenödems erreicht. Unerwartet konnte zusätzlich ein signifikanter Rückgang des totalen Lungenvolumens detektiert werden. Weiterhin waren bereits 5 Minuten nach Xylazininjektion bis zu einem Drittel des totalen Lungengewichts nicht belüftet. Diese pulmonalen Belüftungsstörungen nach Applikation von Xylazin beim Schaf wurden aufgrund der vorliegenden Ergebnisse nicht ausschließlich der Entstehung eines Lungenödems zugeordnet. Die detektierte Reduktion des totalen Lungenvolumens bei konstanter Beatmung kann nur durch Atelektasen begründet werden. Entsprechend dem Ausmaß der detektierten pulmonalen Reaktionen nach Xylazingabe wurden eine schwere Hypoxämie sowie eine Hyperkapnie festgestellt. Durch die mehrfache Exposition von Xylazin erfolgte der Nachweis der Wiederholbarkeit dieser Ergebnisse. Eine Dosisabhängigkeit des Ausprägungsgrades der pulmonalen Befunde hingegen konnte nicht statistisch signifikant bestätigt werden. Anhand der hier vorliegenden Ergebnisse muss die Ätiologie der pulmonalen Veränderungen nach Injektion von Xylazin beim Schaf neu durchdacht und in weiteren Studien verfolgt werden. Einflussfaktoren wie die Form der Applikation oder eine genetische Prädisposition gilt es in Zukunft zu analysieren. Neben der klinischen Anwendung von Xylazin sind die erarbeiteten Resultate relevant für humanmedizinische Fragestellungen in der Pulmologie. Dort sollte in der häufigen Verwendung des Schafes als Tiermodell in Hinblick auf mögliche Interaktionen mit den experimentellen Ergebnissen auf die Applikation von Xylazin verzichtet werden.

St. Jude Medical: Pulmonary Edema Monitoring in Pacemakers and ICDS

Chang, David Wei-Péng 01 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Pulmonary edema occurs when fluid leaks from the pulmonary capillary network into the lung interstitium and alveoli. When the heart is not able to pump blood to the body efficiently, fluid can back up into the veins that take blood through the lungs to the left atrium. This then builds up the pressure in the blood vessels and fluid is pushed into the alveoli in the lungs. The fluid reduces normal oxygen movement through the lungs and can cause impaired gas exchange and respiratory failure. There are many causes of congestive heart failure that may lead to pulmonary edema such as heart attack, any diseases of the heart that weaken or stiffen the heart muscle, a leaking or narrowed heart valve, and sudden, severe high blood pressure. Pulmonary edema is a strong indicator of congestive heart failure in patients and therefore can be used as a gauge for congestive heart failure. One way to diagnose cardiogenic pulmonary edema constantly is through the continuous monitoring of the transthoracic impedance throughout the day. One method to achieve this constant monitoring is through the use of a cardiac pacemaker or an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD). Many patients who are at risk of heart failure have these medical devices implanted already. In these implantable cardiac devices, the connected cardiac leads can be utilized to continually screen several impedance vectors for decreases in impedance in the thoracic cavity. A pacemaker or ICD that implements Pulmonary Edema Monitoring is designed to continuously monitor these impedance vectors and alert the patient to seek medical attention. This thesis will discuss the implementation of Pulmonary Edema Monitoring via screening of multiple impedance vectors in a pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator and the effectiveness of this monitoring method. Furthermore, the design, implementation, and testing of this feature will be explored in greater detail.

Rôle des médiateurs lipidiques dans la réaction inflammatoire chez le lapin

Hamdan, Leila 04 1900 (has links)
Les médiateurs lipidiques de l’inflammation dont le leucotriène B4 (LTB4) et le facteur d’activation plaquettaire (PAF) permettent la régulation de la migration des neutrophiles polymorphonucléaires (PMNs) et l’extravasation plasmatique au site inflammatoire. Afin de déterminer leurs rôles dans la régulation de la migration des PMNs au site inflammatoire, nous avons étudié leur effet potentiellement coopératif en utilisant une approche pharmacologique à l’aide d’antagonistes sélectifs des récepteurs du LTB4 et du PAF dans un modèle d’inflammation dermique chez le lapin. Les résultats montrent un effet inhibiteur additif des antagonistes des deux médiateurs lipidiques, lorsque utilisés de façon concomitante, sur la migration des neutrophiles induite par le LTB4, le PAF et aussi sur des médiateurs non-chimiquement apparentés comme le facteur nécrosant des tumeurs (TNFα), ainsi que sur l'inhibition de l’extravasation plasmatique induite par le leucotriène D4, suggérant un rôle régulateur des récepteurs du LTB4 et du PAF dans la migration des PMNs au site inflammatoire. Nous avons déterminé le rôle de ces médiateurs dans la régulation de la migration des PMNs en réponse à une ischémie-reperfusion des membres inferieurs chez le lapin. Les résultats appuient l’hypothèse selon laquelle le LTB4 et le PAF exercent un rôle important dans l’accumulation des PMNs au site inflammatoire. En effet l’administration concomitante des antagonistes des récepteurs de ces deux médiateurs lipidiques a réduit de façon significative la migration des PMNs aux poumons, intestins et foie. Nos résultats contribuent à élucider le rôle du LTB4 et du PAF dans la régulation de l’extravasation des PMNs et du plasma au site inflammatoire. / Inflammatory lipid mediators including leucotriene B4 (LTB4) and platelet activating factor (PAF) regulate the trafficking of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) and plasma extravasation at inflammatory sites. To delineate their role in regulating PMNs extravasation, we studied the effect of PAF and/or LTB4 selective receptor antagonists in dermal inflammation induced by a variety of agonists in a rabbit bioassay model. The results show that there is an additive inhibitory effect when the two antagonists are used concomitantly on PMNs dermal accumulation induced by LTB4 and PAF, as well by chemically unrelated agonists including TNFα, in addition to inhibiting plasma extravasation induced by LTD4. These results support a regulatory role of LTB4 and PAF in regulating PMNs trafficking and plasma extravasation at inflammatory sites. Next, we studied the regulatory role of lipid mediators in regulating PMNs trafficking in response to hind limb ischemia-reperfusion. The results show that the administration of both PAF and LTB4 receptor antagonists reduced significantly PMNs migration to the lung, the liver and the intestine. Our results contributed to elucidate the role of LTB4 and PAF in the regulation of PMNs migration and oedema formation at inflammatory sites.

Estudo comparativo das clostridioses diagnosticadas no Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul / Comparative study of clostridial diagnosing in sector of veterinary pathology of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Raymundo, Djeison Lutier January 2010 (has links)
Descreve-se os achados epidemiológicos e clínico-patológicos das clostridioses diagnosticadas no Setor de Patologia Veterinaria da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul no período 1996-março/2010. Este estudo incluiu uma pesquisa retrospectiva nos arquivos do SPV e uma etapa prospectiva, a qual também teve o objetivo de desenvolver exames complementares específicos para cada clostridiose. As clostridioses mais prevalentes foram tétano (em equinos, bovinos, ovinos e caprinos), botulismo (em bovinos, suínos e aves) e enterotoxemia (em caprinos). Também houve casos de edema maligno em equinos, bem como de carbúnculo sintomático e hemoglobinúria em bovinos. Adicionalmente, foram coletadas amostras de soro sanguíneo de animais afetados por tétano, em diferentes estágios de evolução da doença, para subsequente inoculação em camundongos (testes de bioensaio) e comprovação da técnica no diagnóstico da enfermidade. / This study describes the epidemiological and clinicopathological findings of clostridial diseases diagnosed in the 1996-March, 2010 period in the Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV_UFRGS). A retrospective survey in the files of SPV was complemented with a prospective phase, which also aimed developing complementary diagnostic tests of clostridiosis. The most prevalent clostridiosis were tetanus (in horses, cattle, sheep and goats), botulism (in cattle, pigs and birds), and enterotoxemia in goats. There also were cases of malignant edema in horses, blackleg and bacillary hemoglobinuria in cattle. In addition, blood serum samples from animals affected by tetanus on different stages of the disease evolution were applied in mice bioassay, as a complementary diagnosing test for the disease.

Le récepteur B1 des kinines : cible thérapeutique pour le choc septique dans le diabète.

Tidjane, Nejla 09 1900 (has links)
Les décès attribués à un choc septique à la suite d’une infection sévère augmentent chez les diabétiques et surviennent assez fréquemment dans les unités de soins intensifs. Le diabète sucré et le choc septique augmentent la production d’espèces réactives oxygénées et de cytokines pro-inflammatoires, lesquelles activent le facteur de transcription nucléaire Kappa B conduisant à l’induction du récepteur B1 (RB1) des kinines. Le diabète induit par la streptozotocine (STZ) augmente l’expression du RB1 dans divers tissus périphériques, le cerveau et la moelle épinière. Les lipopolysaccharides bactériens (LPS), souvent utilisés pour induire le choc septique, induisent aussi le RB1. L’objectif de ce travail vise à démontrer la contribution du RB1 des kinines dans l’exacerbation du choc septique pendant le diabète. Des rats Sprague-Dawley (225-250 gr) traités à la STZ (65 mg/kg, i.p.) ou le véhicule ont reçu quatre jours plus tard les LPS (2 mg/kg, i.v.) ou le véhicule en présence ou pas d’un antagoniste du RB1 (SSR240612, 10 mg/kg) administré par gavage. La température corporelle a été mesurée pendant 24h après le traitement. Le SSR240612 a aussi été administré à 9h AM et 9h PM et les rats sacrifiés à 9h AM le jour suivant après un jeûne de 16 h. Les effets de ces traitements ont été mesurés sur les taux plasmatiques d’insuline et de glucose, l’œdème et la perméabilité vasculaire (dans divers tissus avec la technique du Bleu d’Evans) ainsi que sur l’expression du RB1 (PCR en temps réel) dans le cœur et le rein. L’augmentation de la température corporelle après traitement au LPS chez les rats traités ou pas à la STZ a été bloquée par le SSR240612. L’antagoniste a normalisé l’hyperglycémie et amélioré la déficience en insuline chez les rats STZ. Le SSR240612 a inhibé l’œdème et réduit la perméabilité vasculaire dans les tissus des rats diabétiques traités ou pas avec les LPS. La surexpression du RB1 chez les rats traités au STZ et/ou LPS était renversée par le SSR240612. Cet antagoniste a prévenu la mortalité causée par les LPS et LPS plus STZ. Les effets anti-pyrétique, anti-inflammatoire et anti-diabétique du SSR240612 suggèrent que le RB1 puisse représenter une cible thérapeutique valable pour le traitement de la co-morbidité associée au choc septique dans le diabète. / Death attributed to septic shock following severe infection increases in diabetic patients and occurs quite frequently in intensive care units. Diabetes mellitus and septic shock increase the production of reactive oxygen species and pro-inflammatory cytokines leading to higher kinin B1 receptor (RB1) expression that is mediated by the activation of the transcriptional nuclear factor Kappa B. Streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes increased the expression of RB1 in rat peripheral tissues, brain and spinal cord. Bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS) commonly used to induce septic shock in animal models, also induce RB1. Our objective is to study the contribution of kinin RB1 in the increased morbidity and mortality associated with the combination of these two diseases. Sprague-Dawley rats (225-250g) treated with STZ (65 mg/kg, ip) or vehicle received four days later LPS (2 mg/kg, iv) or vehicle in the presence or absence of the RB1 antagonist, SSR240612 (10 mg/kg), administered by gavage. Body temperature was monitored for 24h after treatment. In addition, SSR240612 was administered twice (9h AM and 9h PM) and rats were sacrificed the following morning at 9h AM after 16 h of fasting to measure the impact on plasma insulin and glucose, oedema and vascular permeability in various tissues (with the technique of Evans Blue) and on the expression of RB1 (real-time PCR) in heart and kidney. The increase in body temperature caused by treatment with LPS both in STZ-diabetic and non-diabetic rats was blocked by SSR240612. The antagonist normalized hyperglycaemia and improved insulin deficiency in STZ rats. SSR240612 inhibited oedema and reduced vascular permeability in all tissues from diabetic rats treated or not with LPS. The overexpression of RB1 induced by LPS and STZ was blocked by SSR240612. Pharmacological blockade of B1R with SSR240612 prevented the mortality induced by LPS and STZ plus LPS. Thus the anti-pyretic, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic effects of SSR240612 suggest that kinin RB1 is a promising therapeutic target for the treatment of co-morbidity associated with septic shock in diabetes.

Rôle des médiateurs lipidiques dans la réaction inflammatoire chez le lapin

Hamdan, Leila 04 1900 (has links)
Les médiateurs lipidiques de l’inflammation dont le leucotriène B4 (LTB4) et le facteur d’activation plaquettaire (PAF) permettent la régulation de la migration des neutrophiles polymorphonucléaires (PMNs) et l’extravasation plasmatique au site inflammatoire. Afin de déterminer leurs rôles dans la régulation de la migration des PMNs au site inflammatoire, nous avons étudié leur effet potentiellement coopératif en utilisant une approche pharmacologique à l’aide d’antagonistes sélectifs des récepteurs du LTB4 et du PAF dans un modèle d’inflammation dermique chez le lapin. Les résultats montrent un effet inhibiteur additif des antagonistes des deux médiateurs lipidiques, lorsque utilisés de façon concomitante, sur la migration des neutrophiles induite par le LTB4, le PAF et aussi sur des médiateurs non-chimiquement apparentés comme le facteur nécrosant des tumeurs (TNFα), ainsi que sur l'inhibition de l’extravasation plasmatique induite par le leucotriène D4, suggérant un rôle régulateur des récepteurs du LTB4 et du PAF dans la migration des PMNs au site inflammatoire. Nous avons déterminé le rôle de ces médiateurs dans la régulation de la migration des PMNs en réponse à une ischémie-reperfusion des membres inferieurs chez le lapin. Les résultats appuient l’hypothèse selon laquelle le LTB4 et le PAF exercent un rôle important dans l’accumulation des PMNs au site inflammatoire. En effet l’administration concomitante des antagonistes des récepteurs de ces deux médiateurs lipidiques a réduit de façon significative la migration des PMNs aux poumons, intestins et foie. Nos résultats contribuent à élucider le rôle du LTB4 et du PAF dans la régulation de l’extravasation des PMNs et du plasma au site inflammatoire. / Inflammatory lipid mediators including leucotriene B4 (LTB4) and platelet activating factor (PAF) regulate the trafficking of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) and plasma extravasation at inflammatory sites. To delineate their role in regulating PMNs extravasation, we studied the effect of PAF and/or LTB4 selective receptor antagonists in dermal inflammation induced by a variety of agonists in a rabbit bioassay model. The results show that there is an additive inhibitory effect when the two antagonists are used concomitantly on PMNs dermal accumulation induced by LTB4 and PAF, as well by chemically unrelated agonists including TNFα, in addition to inhibiting plasma extravasation induced by LTD4. These results support a regulatory role of LTB4 and PAF in regulating PMNs trafficking and plasma extravasation at inflammatory sites. Next, we studied the regulatory role of lipid mediators in regulating PMNs trafficking in response to hind limb ischemia-reperfusion. The results show that the administration of both PAF and LTB4 receptor antagonists reduced significantly PMNs migration to the lung, the liver and the intestine. Our results contributed to elucidate the role of LTB4 and PAF in the regulation of PMNs migration and oedema formation at inflammatory sites.

Estudo comparativo das clostridioses diagnosticadas no Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul / Comparative study of clostridial diagnosing in sector of veterinary pathology of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Raymundo, Djeison Lutier January 2010 (has links)
Descreve-se os achados epidemiológicos e clínico-patológicos das clostridioses diagnosticadas no Setor de Patologia Veterinaria da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul no período 1996-março/2010. Este estudo incluiu uma pesquisa retrospectiva nos arquivos do SPV e uma etapa prospectiva, a qual também teve o objetivo de desenvolver exames complementares específicos para cada clostridiose. As clostridioses mais prevalentes foram tétano (em equinos, bovinos, ovinos e caprinos), botulismo (em bovinos, suínos e aves) e enterotoxemia (em caprinos). Também houve casos de edema maligno em equinos, bem como de carbúnculo sintomático e hemoglobinúria em bovinos. Adicionalmente, foram coletadas amostras de soro sanguíneo de animais afetados por tétano, em diferentes estágios de evolução da doença, para subsequente inoculação em camundongos (testes de bioensaio) e comprovação da técnica no diagnóstico da enfermidade. / This study describes the epidemiological and clinicopathological findings of clostridial diseases diagnosed in the 1996-March, 2010 period in the Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV_UFRGS). A retrospective survey in the files of SPV was complemented with a prospective phase, which also aimed developing complementary diagnostic tests of clostridiosis. The most prevalent clostridiosis were tetanus (in horses, cattle, sheep and goats), botulism (in cattle, pigs and birds), and enterotoxemia in goats. There also were cases of malignant edema in horses, blackleg and bacillary hemoglobinuria in cattle. In addition, blood serum samples from animals affected by tetanus on different stages of the disease evolution were applied in mice bioassay, as a complementary diagnosing test for the disease.

Le récepteur B1 des kinines : cible thérapeutique pour le choc septique dans le diabète

Tidjane, Nejla 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Estudo comparativo das clostridioses diagnosticadas no Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul / Comparative study of clostridial diagnosing in sector of veterinary pathology of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Raymundo, Djeison Lutier January 2010 (has links)
Descreve-se os achados epidemiológicos e clínico-patológicos das clostridioses diagnosticadas no Setor de Patologia Veterinaria da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul no período 1996-março/2010. Este estudo incluiu uma pesquisa retrospectiva nos arquivos do SPV e uma etapa prospectiva, a qual também teve o objetivo de desenvolver exames complementares específicos para cada clostridiose. As clostridioses mais prevalentes foram tétano (em equinos, bovinos, ovinos e caprinos), botulismo (em bovinos, suínos e aves) e enterotoxemia (em caprinos). Também houve casos de edema maligno em equinos, bem como de carbúnculo sintomático e hemoglobinúria em bovinos. Adicionalmente, foram coletadas amostras de soro sanguíneo de animais afetados por tétano, em diferentes estágios de evolução da doença, para subsequente inoculação em camundongos (testes de bioensaio) e comprovação da técnica no diagnóstico da enfermidade. / This study describes the epidemiological and clinicopathological findings of clostridial diseases diagnosed in the 1996-March, 2010 period in the Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV_UFRGS). A retrospective survey in the files of SPV was complemented with a prospective phase, which also aimed developing complementary diagnostic tests of clostridiosis. The most prevalent clostridiosis were tetanus (in horses, cattle, sheep and goats), botulism (in cattle, pigs and birds), and enterotoxemia in goats. There also were cases of malignant edema in horses, blackleg and bacillary hemoglobinuria in cattle. In addition, blood serum samples from animals affected by tetanus on different stages of the disease evolution were applied in mice bioassay, as a complementary diagnosing test for the disease.

Mechanisms of altitude-related cough / Mécanismes de la toux liée à l'altitude

Mason, Nicholas 18 April 2012 (has links)
The original work presented in this thesis investigates some of the mechanisms that may be responsible for the aetiology of altitude-related cough. Particular attention is paid to its relationship to the long recognised, but poorly understood, changes in lung volumes that occur on ascent to altitude. The literature relevant to this thesis is reviewed in Chapter 1.<p><p>Widespread reports have long existed of a debilitating cough affecting visitors to high altitude that can incapacitate the sufferer and, on occasions, be severe enough to cause rib fractures (22, 34, 35). The prevalence of cough at altitude has been estimated to be between 22 and 42% at between 4200 and 4900 m in the Everest region of Nepal (10, 29). Traditionally the cough was attributed to the inspiration of the cold, dry air characteristic of the high altitude environment (37) but no attempts were made to confirm this aetiology. In the first formal study of cough at high altitude, nocturnal cough frequency was found to increase with increasing altitude during a trek to Everest Base Camp (5300 m) and massively so in 3 climbers on whom recordings were made up to 7000 m on Everest (8). After 9 days at 5300 m the citric acid cough threshold, a measure of the sensitivity of the cough reflex arc, was significantly reduced compared with both sea level and arrival at 5300 m.<p><p>During Operation Everest II, a simulated climb of Mount Everest in a hypobaric chamber, the majority of the subjects were troubled above 7000 m by pain and dryness in the throat and an irritating cough despite the chamber being maintained at a relative humidity of between 72 and 82% and a temperature of 23ºC (18). This argued against the widely held view that altitude-related cough was due to the inspiration of cold, dry air. <p><p>In the next major hypobaric chamber study, Operation Everest III, nocturnal cough frequency and citric acid cough threshold were measured on the 8 subjects in the study. The chamber temperature was maintained between 18 and 24ºC and relative humidity between 30 and 60% (24). This work is presented in Chapter 2 and, demonstrated an increase in nocturnal cough frequency with increasing altitude which immediately returned to control values on descent to sea level. Citric acid cough threshold was reduced at 8000 m compared to both sea level and 5000 m values. Changes in citric acid cough threshold at lower altitudes may not have been detected because of the constraints on subject numbers in the chamber. The study still however demonstrated an increase in clinical cough and a reduction in the citric acid cough threshold at extreme altitude, despite controlled environmental conditions, and thus refuted the long held belief that altitude-related cough is solely due to the inspiration of cold, dry air. <p><p>If altitude-related cough is not simply due to the inspiration of cold, dry air, other possible aetiologies are:<p>•\ / Doctorat en Sciences médicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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