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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

我國教師組織定位之研究 / A Study on the Orientation of Teacher Organizations in Taiwan

饒邦安, Rau, Bang An Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過文件分析法、調查研究法和訪談法等研究方法,預測我國教師組織的功能定位及發展趨勢,並據以提出政策制定及法令修訂上的相關建議。 本研究以自編的「教師組織定位調查問卷」為研究工具,調查對象為臺灣地區教育行政人員,中小學校長、主任及教師,家長團體代表等,問卷有效樣本為1,247人,其中包括445位中小學學校行人員(54位校長、391位主任、組長)、661位中小學教師(320位國小教師、205位國中教師、136位高中職教師)、101位中央及地方教育行政人員(36位教育部人員、65位地方教育局人員)、40位家長團體代表。訪談對象則立意選取各層級教師組織意見領袖、專家學者、教育部及教育局管理幹部、立法委員、教師代表及家長代表等共計13人。 本研究經實證研究所得之結論為: 一、教師組織的理想定位應朝高專業與高工會的統合型發展。 二、教師組織定位的發展其理想與實際之間仍有相當差距。 三、不同背景受試者對教師組織定位的認知有相當差異。 (一)就現職而言:教育行政人員與家長對教師組織定位較持專業傾向看法,而教師本身則持工會傾向看法,學校行政人員之看法則介於中間。 (二)就性別而言:男性的受試者比女性更認為教師組織定位應該朝專業取向發展。 (三)就服務年資而言:服務年資較短的受試者,較有教師組織工會取向的看法;而服務年資越長者,則較為傾向專業取向。 (四)就是否為教師會會員而言:教師會會員較非會員更為傾向教師組織工會取向。 (五)就學校類別而言:國民中小學教師較高中職教師更為傾向教師組織工會取向。 (六)就學校性質而言:公私立學校教師對教師組織定位整體看法並無顯著差異;私校教師認為教師角色應為專業取向,但實際上卻扮演工會取向角色。 四、可另訂特別法回應教師勞動三權的訴求,但應引導其循教師法爭取權益。 五、教師會幹部可適度給予會務假,但經費問題仍未形成共識。 六、教師組織之強制入會訴求並未獲得大多數人的認同。 七、教師之罷教權並未獲得大多數人的支持。 依據上述研究結論,提出對教師組織之建議為: 一、發展方向應兼顧教師專業成長及維護教師權益。 二、訴求目標應以「合理的勞動三權」取代「完整的勞動三權」。 三、未來運作應凝聚發展共識,積極開發人力和物力資源。 對教育行政機關之建議為: 一、應以法令及制度引導教師組織朝統合型發展。 二、應協助教師組織縮短理想與實際間的發展差距。 三、應賦予教師合理的勞動三權。 對法令修訂之建議為: 一、應先行推動教師會法。 二、應結合法制及行政支援,同步修訂教師法。 三、應研議修正相關教育法規,以因應「工會法」第四條之修正。 / The research is to forecast the functional orientation and developmental trends for teacher organizations in Taiwan. The methods of the study are based on the interview of related experts, document analysis, and survey studies. The aim of the study is to propose some suggestions for decision makers for reference when they are making policies and revising ordinances in the future. In the study, educational administrative staff, principals, chiefs and staff of elementary and secondary schools, and representatives of parents communities in Taiwan are requested to respond to the Questionnaires of Organizational Orientation for Teachers, and 1,247 effective samples received. These include 445 elementary and secondary school administrators (54 school principals and 391 chiefs and directors), 661 elementary and secondary school teachers (320 elementary school teachers, 205 secondary school teachers and 136 general and vocational high school teachers), 101 central and local educational administrative staff (36 MOE staff and 65 local Education Bureau staff) and 40 representatives of parents communities. The target group of interviewing, a total of 13, are intended to meet all levels of the leaders, educationists and experts in teachers organizations, managers in MOE and Education Bureau, legislators, representatives of teachers and parents. The conclusions of the study are as follows: 1. The ideal orientation of teacher organizations is to develop toward a direction of the integration of high professional and unionization. 2. The gap of the development of organizational orientation for teachers is rather wide between ideal and reality. 3. The perceptions of the organizational orientation for teachers are quite different for the surveyed objects due to the different status and conditions. (1) Regarding current post: About the orientation of teachers’ organizations, the educational administrative staff and parents tend to support the idea of teachers’ being highly professionals while school teachers tend to support unionization of it while the school administrators are about in-between. (2) Regarding sex: Males support professionals than females do. (3) Regarding seniority: Teachers with less experience tend to support unionization while those with rich experiences tend to support professionals. (4) Regarding membership in a teachers’ organization: members tend to support unionization than non-members. (5) Regarding classification of schools: Elementary and secondary school teachers tend to support unionization than general and vocational high school teachers do. (6) Regarding the nature of schools: No distinct diversity for the opinions of public and private school teachers. Only private school teachers consider this post should be more professional, but on the other hand, they admit the unionized associations had taken the place of it. 4. In response to teachers’ demand for the three basic labor rights, we suggest formulating specific ordinances and encourage them to act on the basis of Teachers Law. 5. The approbation of official leave of absence is suggested by most of the people. However, the problem of the budget has come to a halt. 6. The pursuit of the mandatory of participation into the teachers’ organizations does not reach the agreement of the majority. 7. The rights for revoking teachers do not obtain sufficient support of the majority. In accordance with the above conclusions, the suggestions proposed are as follows: 1. The future direction of development should focus on both the growth of teachers’ professionals and preservation of their deserved rights. 2. The goal will be rational labor rights in place of the three basic labor rights. 3. The goal is to be consensuses of development of the organization, and to input manpower as well as material resources with more endeavor. Suggestions for the education administration authority: 1. To lead teachers’ organizations to the formula of unionization under ordinances and decrees. 2. To assist teachers’ organizations to narrow down the gap of the development between ideal and reality. 3. To reward teachers with rational labor rights. Suggestions for revising ordinances and decrees: 1. To formulate Teachers Organization Act is the top priority. 2. To revise Teachers Law with legal and administrative supports. 3. To amend and thrash out related education regulations, in response to the 4th term in the Union Law.

The experience of policymaking in healthcare : the interaction of policy formulation and frontline staff practice

Warwick, Robert James January 2010 (has links)
My research focuses on the experience of policy development and implementation. It draws on my involvement in a government policy taskforce, the development of an organisation’s strategy to the taskforce’s recommendations and the commissioning of frontline services. The research material is my personal experience contained in a number of narrative accounts of important happenings. These are then used as a basis to engage with literature and conversation with practitioners, academics and fellow researchers. It is from this iterative process that the argument develops. The approach is therefore qualitative and reflexive in nature. I have argued against the traditional separation between the content of research and methodology. This is on the basis that human experience does not distinguish between the two as we make sense of new emerging situations. The research has been heavily influenced by analogies drawn from complexity sciences as a way of increasing our understanding of ongoing human interaction, namely complex responsive processes of relating (Stacey et al, 2000). By paying careful attention to the experience of policy development and implementation over an extended period of time I am illuminating that the development of policy can often be seen in literature and in the techniques people use as an activity that is isolated from the work of frontline staff. For example, a policy group is formed, policy or a strategy is drafted and the work is then seen to be done. This can be demonstrated by paying attention to the modus operandi of how policy and strategy groups work and how performance criteria are established. When it comes to frontline practice, policy is often silent to the multitude of unfolding interconnected possibilities that present themselves to practitioners as they seek to go about their activities. The way that policy is often presented implies that there is linearity from policy to implementation. Drawing on Elias’s notion of Involvement and Detachment (1987) I am highlighting a paradoxical relationship between policy and implementation. In introducing the notion of paradox, there is a “vitality” that is required to prevent a collapse to one of the two ends of a continuum; for example a conscious or unconscious rejection of policy in favour of embracing frontline practice, or an over reliance on policy to blindly drive through organisational change. In spending three years looking at the policy and implementation I argue that it is more helpful to consider policy and implementation as a “flow”, rather than a series of discrete activities that are seen to be completed before moving to the next policy area. In looking at policy as something that occurs over a span of time (as opposed to an isolated bounded activity) there is an opportunity to prevent the collapse of the paradox outlined above. By accepting the concept of paradox and considering policy from a temporal perspective, rather than one that is a spatially bound system, the issue of policymaking practice can be considered. There are books and management experts that recommend that managers should “walk the walk”, and get closer to frontline activity. My research has sought to add clarity here, arguing for an experiential and temporal form of reflexivity of practice (as opposed to reflective practice). In this context working and being present with frontline practitioners, paying very careful attention to the experience of the unfolding contingent nature of activity influences the practice of policy making. This is a different experience from simply being present, and being seen to be present. It would be ironic for my research to be converted into a policy document with key elements extracted and condensed into bullet points to be applied like a rule. Instead my research is best kept alive in evoking stories and reminiscences between people as they make sense of their experience of policymaking and implementation together.

The significance of hosting the 2008 Olympic Games for elite sport and sport for all in China

Wang, Weiming January 2010 (has links)
This thesis explores the significance of hosting the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games (OGs) on elite sport and sport for all development in China. The impacts of the OGs have received significant attention from both academics and practitioners worldwide in the last 20 years and attention has been predominantly paid to political, cultural, economic, and environmental impacts of hosting them, especially as these emerge after the event. However, little concern was given to changes in the host country s sport development that are due to games related preparations. This study identifies the characteristics of the sport system, the policy actors, and how such actors were involved in preparations for the 2008 OGs, and it also outlines the development of policy concerning elite sport and sport for all. A case study approach was adopted focusing on the 2008 OGs. Adopting a qualitative methodology, the study utilised document analysis and semi-structured interviews to elicit data regarding the significance of preparations for the 2008 OGs on elite sport and sport for all. Globalisation, governance and policy making were found to be useful lenses through which to explore the processes of the emergence of such impacts. This thesis found that central government and the General Administration of Sport (GAOS) were the two most powerful policy actors in both elite sport and sport for all development in China, and made decisions as regards how to develop China s sport taking the opportunities of hosting the 2008 OGs. The research reveals that preparations for the 2008 OGs have various impacts on the elite sport and sport for all sectors. On one hand, the impacts can be witnessed in increased funding, more attention received from central government and GAOS, more sport policies, increased number of sport venues, new and updated facilities and equipment, technological, scientific and medical support, and increased sport participation; on the other hand, through providing such support, GAOS exerted its control over non-governmental organisations and individuals, such as via the restrictions by GAOS on athletes commercial activities, and national competitions. The research found evidence that globalisation had influenced China s general governance (including sport governance) process since the 1970s, with governance becoming more privatised and decentralised. However, sport governance took a different path after China won the bid in 2001. Against the backdrop of decentralisation having been previously officially adopted for Chinese sport governance, the research revealed that in pursuit of the aim of winning more medals in the 2008 OGs temporarily recentralisation occurred as required by central government and GAOS. The research also revealed that increased numbers of policies were produced to develop both elite sport and sport for all, however the interests of the public had not always been satisfied because of China's closed policy making process. Therefore, some impacts had not turned out as expected for the public.

A comparison of methods for the systematic review of qualitative research : two examples using meta-ethnography and meta-study

Garside, Ruth January 2008 (has links)
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses have been a central pillar of evidence-based practice and policy-making in healthcare over recent years. Traditionally, this has focused on effectiveness evidence from trials.. There is increasing understanding, however, that other study designs also provide essential information and this has led to interest in developing ways to review and synthesis such evidence. Qualitative research has unique potential to illuminate the patient experience. This research has three aims: 1) To review and compare the proposed methods of systematic review and synthesis of qualitative research. 2) To develop and assess two methods of systematic review and synthesis of qualitative research. 3) To compare these two methods and suggest how they might be used in a policy-making context. In addressing these aims, this thesis substantially contributes to debates about the purpose and practice of systematic review and synthesis of qualitative research, particularly in the context of health technology assessment and related pOlicy-making. I undertake a unique critical comparison of the methods suggested for reviewing and synthesising qualitative research, based on their approach to key stages of systematic review. This is used to produce a comprehensive framework for good practice~ I use the framework in two systematic reviews, one about heavy menstrual bleeding using meta-ethnography, and one about hysterectomy using meta-study. These two reviews allow a comparison of the two methods, and in particular explore the impact of expanding the meta-ethnography approach through meta-study, which adds explicit steps to assess the impact of study methodology and theory on findings. The ability of meta-study to unpack the procedures and theories that produce particular findings is key and illuminates the importance of theory in systematic reviews of qualitative research. Through the two systematic reviews, my thesis also contributes to understanding of these reproductive health topic areas through the creation of new insights and concepts from the synthesis. The synthesis of heavy menstrual bleeding studies produced a detailed patient illness model based on women's experiences. In addition, it allowed an understanding of elements that contribute to women's certainty or uncertainty about whether or not their periods could be seen as problematic and requiring medical help. This helps to establish the limitations of the medical model for doctors, as well as women who suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding. The synthesis of hysterectomy studies produced a detailed description of the journey that women make to, and through, hysterectomy, based on their experiences. I also created a theoretical framework, which shows that hysterectomy needs to be understood in the context of personal, physical experiences, together with sociocultural forces that affect the way in which hysterectomy is experienced, and that the interaction of these micro- and macro-concerns mediate through, and affect, relationships with key other people. Methodology affected the research questions posed and the conclusions of research. Comparing the two methods of review and synthesis showed the importance of taking account of the methods and theories that produce research findings. However this additional detail may be at the expense of certainty and requires additional resources.

The role of economic analysis in the decision-making process of Independent Regulatory Agencies

Schrefler, Lorna Sarah January 2011 (has links)
It is conventional to argue that the autonomy and reputation of regulatory agencies depend on their expertise. Yet the studies on how independent regulatory agencies (IRAs) create and deploy their knowledge capacity are few and far apart. Normatively, the justification for delegating decision-making powers to IRAs is that they operate by using technical analysis and expertise rather than political considerations. But yet again, although delegation has been discussed as a design principle, systematic evidence on the conditions under which IRAs make use of knowledge and how is still scarce. The literature on knowledge utilization portrays a rather complex link between expertise and policy, where relevant knowledge is not always reflected in policy outcomes and plays several functions besides facilitating the solution of policy problems. Unfortunately, scholars of IRAs have not exploited the insights of this literature yet. This dissertation addresses the under-explored question of the usage of economic knowledge by IRAs. We identify four possible uses of expertise: instrumental (i.e., to solve problems); strategic (e.g. to advocate a position); symbolic (e.g., to gain legitimacy), and non-use. Our aim is to explain under which conditions a certain usage is more likely to occur. To do so, we draw on the methodological device of explanatory typologies (Elman 2005). Specifically, we select two explanatory dimensions that reflect both the context and the content of policy: the level of conflict in the policy arena, and the degree problem tractability. We use different combinations of these two dimensions to derive four hypotheses on the possible uses of expertise mentioned above. The elusive nature of knowledge utilization makes the identification and measurement of these different usages highly dependent on an in-depth understanding of the institutional, organisational, and political context in which a regulatory decision is taken. We have thus opted for a qualitative approach based on case studies and process tracing (Bennett 2010; Brady 2010; Freedman 2010) to appraise the four hypotheses. Empirically, we performed three case studies on regulatory policy decisions taken by the UK Office of Communications (Ofcom) between 2005 and 2010. We find that, given certain scope conditions, the prevalent use of economic analysis is instrumental - a finding that contradicts previous research that labelled instrumental learning as extremely rare, if not a sort of technocratic utopia. Other uses still exist however, and given other scope conditions regulators can be strategic and symbolic in their approach to knowledge and expertise. This is not surprising if we accept the notion that regulators operate in a policy environment that is eminently but not exclusively technical: to survive in a (at least partially) political environment, regulators have to deploy usages of knowledge that deviate from the instrumental type.

Les politiques du développement durable. : Gouverner l'environnement dans les villes françaises et britanniques (1970-2010) / The politics of sustainable development : Governing the environment in French and British cities (1970-2010)

Béal, Vincent 30 November 2011 (has links)
Ce travail explore le rôle des enjeux environnementaux dans les transformations de l'action publique urbaine.Basé sur quatre études de cas (Nantes et Saint-Étienne en France, Leicester et Manchester au Royaume Uni),il analyse l'émergence des questions environnementales sur les agendas urbains et leur influence sur latransformation des politiques urbaines et des modalités de gouvernement des villes. En croisant lesperspectives théoriques de la sociologie de l'action publique et des travaux portant sur le gouvernement desvilles et l'économie politique urbaine, cette thèse montre que trois emblèmes se sont succédé dans la gestionurbaine de l'environnement : l'emblème "écologie urbaine" avec son cadrage militant dans les années 1970et 1980, l'emblème "développement durable" avec son cadrage entrepreneurial dans les années 1990 et2000 et, enfin, l'emblème « changement climatique » avec son cadrage néo-managérial depuis 2005. Cettepériodisation de la gestion de l'environnement en ville et de ses transformations souligne l'importancecroissante des villes en tant qu'échelles de régulation et de construction de la problématiqueenvironnementale. Toutefois, cette montée en puissance des villes ne s'accompagne pas du renforcementdes espaces publics locaux dans le domaine de l'environnement. Si on assiste bien à une recomposition desrapports politique/société, elle prend plus la forme d'une distanciation des liens entre élites politiques etsociétés urbaines. En participant au recentrement des activités des élus urbains sur la production despolitiques urbaines et au filtrage des acteurs considérés comme n'étant pas« responsables», les politiquesurbaines d'environnement accompagnent la mise en place de formes oligarchiques et post-démocratiques degouvernement des villes. / This dissertation provides an analysis of the influence of environ mental issues on the transformation of urbanpolicy-making. Based on four case studies (Nantes and Saint-Etienne in France, Leicester and Manchesterin the United Kingdom), it examines the rise of environ mental issues on urban agendas and its influence inthe transformation of urban policies and urban governance. Built around three main theoretical perspectives- public policy analysis, urban political science and urban political economy -, this work shows that urbanenviron mental management has been shaped by three different emblems : the emblem of« urban ecology »with its grass roots frame in the 1970s and 1980s, the emblem of « sustainable development » with itsentrepreneurial frame in the 1990s and 2000s, and, finally, the emblem of « climate change » with its newmanagerial and control frame since 2005. This periodisation of urban environmental management stressesthe rise of cities as prominent scales of environ mental regulation and construction. However, this rise has notbeen synonymous of a strengthening of local public spaces around environ mental issues. It is argued thatthe reshaping of state/society relationships has led ta a gap between urban political elites and urbansocieties. By helping ta reshape political elites' activities towards the production of urban policies and tamarginalise actors who are not considered as «responsible», urban environmental policies have supportedthe roll out of oligarchie and post-democratie patterns of urban governance.

The presidential public participation programme (imbizo) as participatory policy-making

13 May 2010 (has links)
M.A. / The central problem this research addresses is to establish if the Presidential Public Participation Programme (izimbizo/imbizo) constitutes a form of participatory policy analysis and policy evaluation as proposed in the general policy literature. The izimbizo programme is uniquely suited to meet the requirements of the (South) African context. Post-positivism provides a different approach through policy analysis, especially in relation to valuative and normative approaches. The research is furthermore applied, as it seeks to improve the application and existing practice around organising the izimbizo. The research proposes the extension of the use of the programme beyond that of merely a communication tool, into the realm of the policy process. The objectives of this dissertation were to provide an overview of the concept of izimbizo as a deliberative approach to policy making, focusing particularly on the evaluation process. The research systematically explores how the izimbizo is operationalised. It provides an overview of the international trends and international examples of successful participatory methods. Consideration is given as to how information at different stages of the policy cycle may be used for improving policy making. The research further explores existing research on public participation as well as the theory regarding deliberative approaches as a more recent mechanism for policy analysis in a democratic milieu. The benefits as well as limitations to using the izimbizo as a deliberative approach in the policy process as well as in policy monitoring and evaluation in general are explored. The study also provided a strong case for developing a clear social contract through the use of participatory programmes such as the izimbizo in order to develop citizenship and to create a positive role for sophisticated accountability.

Sense or sensibility? : Emotional labor from the perspective of female leaders

Aveling, Rebecka, Brygt, Louise January 2019 (has links)
Emotional labor is the unpaid and often unnoticed emotion work that foremost women carry out, not only in the home life but at the workplace as well. Emotional labor is highly associated with femininity according to previous research and often involves being attentive to others, creating a good ambiance, and to be warm and caring. From previous studies, it is implied that emotional labor creates stress as women often have to manage other people’s emotions as well as their own and that there is an expectancy on women to do so. What is implied from those circumstances in relation to work life is that the opportunities for women to climb the work ladder decreases, as women perform emotional labor in addition to, or instead of, their regular work tasks. There is no previous research to be found on what type of impact emotional labor has on women in leading positions, or on female leaders in the private sector in Sweden. The main purpose of the thesis is to find how emotional labor impacts female leaders in their leadership role and to find how widespread emotional labor is amongst companies in the Swedish private sector. We aim to shed light on the often unnoticed, or invisible, emotion work foremost women perform in their workplaces, which leads to the research question: What impact does emotional labor have on women in their leadership role? The theoretical framework is mainly based on previous research on emotional labor and leadership theories. Carefully chosen theories on expectations in male and female leadership are added to broaden the background. Further, facts on gender equality are provided as support. The chosen research method for the thesis is qualitative with an exploratory research design and an inductive approach. In line with the chosen method, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 participants from a purposive, homogeneous sampling. The interviews were further transcribed, analyzed and presented through a thematic analysis. The key findings imply that emotional labor is highly present among women in leadership positions. The findings imply that emotional labor is expected from women to perform, although not outspoken. Further, the findings imply that there is different expectations on leadership and leadership style from the employees, the board and the leaders themselves. With an expectancy from employees to lead with an emotional leadership, an expectancy from the board to lead to make results and a confusion in their own leadership, it will lead to stress in the leaders too. The conclusion of the thesis is: Women are affected by emotional labor in their leadership role as they feel an obligation to perform it, while still not doing it too much since that would, according to expectations from society, present them as poor leaders. If they, on the other hand, do not perform any emotional labor at all, they are not considered to be team players.

Lone parents and welfare-to-work reform : a policy appraisal

Haux, Tina January 2009 (has links)
The current welfare-to-work reform in Britain is activating lone parents with older children and marks a step-change in the treatment of lone parents. While there has been some support for using age of child as selection criterion for the activation of lone parents, it is not clear whether this equates to selecting by ‘ability to work’ if interpreted as ability to obtain a job. The commitment of the current government to evidence-based-policy-making and the large amount of research available in this area form the justification for carrying out a policy appraisal of this aspect of the current welfare-to-work reform. The potential and likelihood to make substantial progress towards the lone parent employment and the child poverty target of the selection criteria will be assessed and compared to alternative approaches. Five selection models are identified in the international policy review: selection by age of child, transition status, employability or by caseworkers and finally, a voluntary model. The analysis is based on a critical discussion of the available evidence, an international policy review and secondary analysis of the Families and Children Study. I argue that the current approach of selecting lone parents by the age of child is unlikely to result in substantial progress towards the lone parent employment target and instead likely to create a substantial group of long-term unemployed lone parents. Alternative approaches, such as using different selection criteria that take into account the employability of lone parents are more likely to make progress towards the employment and child poverty target.

A organização da escolaridade em ciclos de aprendizagem : uma análise dos processos de recontextualização e de formulação de políticas / The organisation of schooling in Cycles of Learning: an analysis of the processes of recontextualisation and formulation of policies

Stremel, Silvana 08 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T20:31:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silvana Stremel.pdf: 989270 bytes, checksum: 8ac8adbfa7750f0b2bd33a8ddc118cdf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work presents an analysis of the process whereby the policy called as Cycles of Learning (a kind of non-retention policy for Primary Education) was recontextualised and formulated in Brazil. The aims of the research can be described as follows: a) to analyse how the Cycles of Learning policy has been recontextualised and justified in Brazilian state schools that have adopted it; b) to explain historical aspects as well as the bases of the policy known as Cycles of Learning; and c) to analyse to what extent the proposals of the Cycles of Learning are related to the building of a truly inclusive and democratic education system. The theoretical basis of the research includes: contributions from Bernstein (1996, 1998) on the concept of recontextualisation of the pedagogical discourse; authors who provide the basis for the role of school and the building of an inclusive and democratic education system (APPLE, 2001; BELLONI, 2003; CAMINI, 2001; YOUNG, 2007); and authors who discuss the policy of cycles (BARRETTO; MITRULIS, 1999; BARRETTO; SOUSA, 2005; FREITAS, 2003; MAINARDES, 2007, 2009; PERRENOUD, 2004). The research consisted of the analysis of official documents from seven teaching networks (municipal education systems) that have adopted the Learning Cycles method (Curitiba-PR, Ponta Grossa-PR, Recife-PE, Salvador- BA, São Luís-MA, Telêmaco Borba-PR and Vitória da Conquista-BA). The results indicate that: a) teaching networks have been recontextualising the Cycles of Learning policy according to local contexts, political and ideological contexts, concepts and experiences from cycles of other networks etc.; b) in all networks studied the implementation of Cycles of learning aimed to provide an inclusive and democratic education system; c) the implementation of the Cycles of Learning resulted in a process whereby curriculum was restructured, and the networks analysed opted for a common curriculum; d) in general the investigated proposals were formulated without any participation or involvement of teachers and other education professionals. Furthermore, it was concluded that the analysis of initial documents of the referred networks provides elements for understanding the concept of cycle that was adopted and the general guidelines for its implementation. Nevertheless, it should be noted that in practice such guidelines are modified, reinterpreted, and recontextualised. Although the research aimed to provide a deeper look into aspects related to the origin,characteristics and bases of the Cycles of Learning, it led to the conclusion that there are still aspects in need of further investigations, namely: the bases of the Cycles of Learning policy,the variety of options and decisions taken by teaching networks to shape the policy of cycles, the impact of such cycles in the changes of pedagogical practices and in the students’ performance, and the curriculum implications of implementing schooling organised in Cycles of Learning. / Este trabalho apresenta uma análise do processo de recontextualização e formulação dos Ciclos de Aprendizagem no Brasil. Os objetivos da pesquisa foram: a) analisar como a modalidade Ciclos de Aprendizagem vem sendo recontextualizada e justificada nas redes de ensino públicas brasileiras que a adotam; b) explicitar aspectos históricos e os fundamentos da modalidade chamada Ciclos de Aprendizagem; c) analisar em que medida as propostas de Ciclos de Aprendizagem estão articuladas à construção de um sistema educacional efetivamente inclusivo e democrático. Utilizou-se como fundamentação teórica as contribuições de Bernstein (1996, 1998) sobre o conceito de recontextualização do discurso pedagógico, de autores que fundamentam o papel da escola e a construção de um sistema educacional inclusivo e democrático (APPLE, 2001; BELLONI, 2003; CAMINI, 2001; YOUNG, 2007), bem como de autores que discutem sobre a política de ciclos (BARRETTO;MITRULIS, 1999; BARRETTO; SOUSA, 2005; FREITAS, 2003; MAINARDES, 2007,2009; PERRENOUD, 2004). A pesquisa envolveu a análise de documentos oficiais de sete redes de ensino que adotam os Ciclos de Aprendizagem (Curitiba-PR, Ponta Grossa-PR, Recife-PE, Salvador-BA, São Luís-MA, Telêmaco Borba-PR e Vitória da Conquista-BA). Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que: a) as políticas de Ciclos de Aprendizagem vêm sendo recontextualizadas pelas redes de ensino, de acordo com os contextos locais, contexto político-ideológico, concepções e experiências de ciclos de outras redes, etc.; b) em todas as redes pesquisadas a implantação dos Ciclos de Aprendizagem objetivava a construção de um sistema inclusivo e democrático; c) a implantação dos Ciclos de Aprendizagem desencadeou um processo de reestruturação curricular, sendo que as redes analisadas optaram pela proposição de um currículo comum; d) em geral, as propostas de ciclos investigadas foram formuladas sem a participação e envolvimento dos professores e demais profissionais da educação. Concluiu-se também que a análise de documentos iniciais das redes de ensino oferece elementos para a compreensão da concepção de ciclo adotada e das diretrizes gerais para sua implementação. Apesar disso, deve-se levar em consideração que, no contexto da prática, essas diretrizes são modificadas, reinterpretadas e recontextualizadas. Embora a pesquisa realizada tenha buscado aprofundar aspectos relacionados à origem, características e fundamentos dos Ciclos de Aprendizagem, concluiu-se que há ainda aspectos dessa modalidade de ciclos que necessitam ser aprofundados, tais como: os fundamentos dos Ciclos de Aprendizagem, a multiplicidade de opções e decisões que as redes de ensino utilizam na configuração da política de ciclos, o impacto dos Ciclos de Aprendizagem nas mudanças da prática pedagógica e no desempenho dos alunos e as implicações curriculares decorrentes da implantação de ciclos.

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