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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Edhammer, Helene, Heldring, Louise, Larsson, Sanna January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka poliser inom ingripandeverksamhets (IGV) upplevelser av kvinnans inställning till att medverkai utredningen, baserat på initiala brottsplatsförhör, i partnervåldsärenden.Vidare var syftet även att undersöka hur IGV-poliser upplever att manbör arbeta för att motivera kvinnor till att medverka i utredningen. SjuIGV-poliser intervjuades med en semistrukturerad intervjuguide somsedan analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys. Med hjälp av analysenidentifierades fyra teman samt åtta subteman. Resultatet påvisade attkvinnors inställning till att medverka i utredningen var negativalternativt ambivalent. Den negativa inställningen berodde till stor del pånormalisering av våldet samt misstro till polis och rättsväsende. Denambivalenta inställningen grundade sig i rädsla för våld samt ovisshetkring exempelvis rättsprocessen. Resultatet till den del av studien somsyftade till att förklara hur poliser upplever att de bör arbeta för attmotivera kvinnor till medverkan i utredningen påvisade att strategiersamt uppträdande är de mest centrala delarna. De strategier som ansågsmest centrala var patrullens uppbyggnad samt avskildhet. Att ha tålamodsamt den förhörsteknik som används under förhöret var de viktigastefaktorerna rörande hur man bör uppträda för att motivera kvinnor attmedverka i utredningen. Normaliseringsprocessen användes för attförsöka förklara kvinnors inställning till att medverka i utredningen. / The aim of this study was to examine police officer’s experiences ofwomen's attitudes towards participating in an investigation, based on theinitial crime scene hearing, in cases regarding domestic violence.Furthermore, the aim was also to investigate how police officer’s thinkthey should work to motivate women to participate in the investigation.Seven police officers were interviewed using a semistructured interviewguide. The results were analyzed using thematic analysis. Four themesand eight sub-themes were identified. The result showed that women'sattitudes toward participating in an investigation was either negative orambivalent. The negative attitude were due to normalization of theviolence and mistrust to the police and the legal system. Theambivalence attitude was caused by fear of repeated victimization anduncertainty concerning for example the legal proceeding. In terms ofhow police officer’s think they should work to motivate women toparticipate in the investigation, showed that strategies and appearancewere the two most central parts. There were two strategies that wereconsidered as most central. These were the structure of the patrol anddetachment. To have patience and how the hearing proceeds were seenas the most important factors regarding how to appear to be able tomotivate women to participate in the investigation. The Normalizationprocess were used as an explanation regarding women's attitudestowards participation in an investigation.

Biståndshandläggarens beslutsfattande : En balans mellan behov, insatser och resurser

Persson Flisager, Josefine January 2020 (has links)
I Sverige har synen på hur den äldre ska bo gått från att institutionsvård är det bästa till att kvarboende i det ordinära hemmet ska eftersträvas. Under Ädelreformen på 1990-talet fördes kvarboendeprincipen fram på allvar och kostnadsansvaret för de äldre togs över till större delen av kommunerna. Idag har de flesta kommuner inrättat särskilda boenden för äldre som behöver vård och omsorg som inte kan tillgodoses i det ordinära boendet. För att få komma till ett särskilt boende behöver den äldre få ett bifall på sin ansökan. Det är biståndshandläggarens uppgift att utreda den äldres ansökan och sedan fatta ett beslut. Ansatsen för denna uppsats är att försöka ta reda på vilka faktorer som väger tyngst vid biståndsbeslut av insatsen särskilt boende till individer över 65 år. Forskningsfrågorna har bland annat handlat om kommunen storlek påverkar biståndsbedömningen, om det skiljer sig beroende på hur biståndshandläggarens delegation ser ut, om det finns några alternativ mellan ordinärt boende och särskilt boende och vilken roll som kvarboendeprincipen spelar i biståndsbedömningen. För att få kunskap kring de aspekter som vägs in i biståndsbeslut fattade för särskilt boende gjordes en kvantitativ webbenkät. De aspekter som biståndshandläggaren fick värdera var den fysiska-, psykiska- och kognitiva funktionsförmågan, den sociala aspekten kring den äldre, utbudet av platser på särskilt boende samt kostnaden för hemtjänsten i jämförelse med kostnaden för särskilt boende.  Förfrågan om att besvara enkäten skickades ut till Sveriges alla 290 kommuner. Det blev ett relativt stort bortfall och det var endast 132 av kommunerna som besvarade enkäten. Respondenterna bestod av biståndshandläggare som handlade ärenden för personer under och över 65 år enligt Socialtjänstlagen på myndighetssidan. Dock var fokuset på hur de tänkte kring ärendehandläggningen av klienterna över 65 år. Det som framkom var att behovet alltid måste vara i fokus. Resultaten pekar på att den fysiska- och den kognitiva funktionsförmågan väger tyngst vid besluten. Genom fritextsvaren i webbenkäten och analysen av den insamlade data går det dock att se att det är ett komplext ämne. / In Sweden, the view of how the elderly should live has gone from institutional care being the best to the remaining accommodation in the ordinary home is something we should strive after. During the Noble Reform in the 1990s, the principle of remaining resident was taken seriously and the responsibility for the cost of the elderly was taken over by most of the municipalities. Today, most municipalities have set up housing, especially housing, for the elderly who need care and care that cannot be met in ordinary housing. In order to be allowed to come to a special accommodation, the elderly need to have their application approved. It is the task of the assistance officer to investigate the elderly person's application and then make a decision. The approach for this thesis is to try to find out which factors weigh most heavily in the development assistance decision of the initiative, especially housing for individuals over 65 years of age. The research questions have included whether the size of the municipality affects the development assistance assessment, whether it differs depending on what the development assistance officer's delegation looks like, whether there are any alternatives between ordinary housing and special housing and what role the residual housing principle plays in development assistance assessment. In order to gain knowledge about the aspects that are considered in development assistance decisions made for special housing, a quantitative online survey was conducted. The aspects that the development assistance officer had to evaluate were the physical, mental and cognitive functional ability, the social aspect around the elderly, the supply of places in special housing and the cost of home care in comparison with the cost of special housing. The request to answer the questionnaire was sent to all 290 municipalities in Sweden. There was a relatively large drop-out rate and only 132 of the municipalities answered the survey. The respondents consisted of development assistance officers who handled matters for persons under and over the age of 65 in accordance with the Social Services Act on the authority side. However, the focus was on how they thought about the case management of clients over 65 years of age. What emerged was that the need must always be in focus. The results indicate that physical and cognitive functioning weigh most heavily in decisions. However, through the free text answers in the web survey and the analysis of the collected data, it is possible to see that it is a complex topic.

Návrh na vytvoření optimální firemní struktury / Proposal for Creation of Optimal Company Structures

Srnská, Martina January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with the optimization of the use of corporate structures to increase the performance of the organization and the achievement of corporate objectives. The thesis analyzes the job in a company in terms of product characteristics, activities, conditions, actions and assumptions activities. The thesis includes an analysis of skills and competencies of individual employees. The design elements are formulated descriptions of new jobs and their integration into corporate structures, proposals for re-training, training and termination of employment with the company staff. The economic evaluation of the thesis are clearly summarized the calculations of costs and benefits.

日本と英国における更生保護制度の担い手の歴史と将来 : 「デジスタンスの物語」を支える更生保護に向けて

高橋, 有紀, TAKAHASHI, Yuki 22 March 2013 (has links)
博士(法学) / 6,215p / 一橋大学

CEO pay-performance sensitivity in South African financial services companies

Shaw, Paul Anthony 04 August 2012 (has links)
Orientation: CEO remuneration has attracted attention over the past two decades, with significant renewed interest in light of the role it is said to have played in contributing to the global financial crisis. At the heart of the issue is the perceived weak relationship between corporate performance and CEO remuneration.Research purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the relationship between corporate performance and CEO remuneration within the South African financial services industry.Motivation for the study: The motivation for the study was to develop a deeper understanding of the relationship within the South African context, as South African banks have remained stable and profitable through the financial crisis.Research design approach and method: The research was a quantitative, archival study, conducted over a six year time period. The primary statistical techniques used in the study included: bivariate regression analysis, multiple regression analysis, and analysis of variance.Main findings/results: The primary finding was that the relationship between corporate performance and CEO remuneration is favourable (moderate to strong), but has experienced a decline. This finding emphasises the impact that macroeconomic trends have on the relationship and the role of managerial power during periods of economic uncertainty.The research further describes the structural changes in CEO remuneration with a shift away from variable pay.Practical managerial implications: The results suggest that the use of discretion and the growing impact of managerial power will be key challenges that iii remuneration committees will face in maintaining a favourable relationship between the two constructs in the future.Contribution/value add: The study provides context to CEO remuneration within a South African framework. It further provides provides a key insight that the relationship between corporate performance and CEO pay is highly dependent on the macroeconomic environment, and that CEO pay in the South African financial services is experiencing structural changes. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

Fenomén manažerů v kontextu českého trhu práce / The phenomenon of managers in the context of the Czech labor market

Opelík, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Title: The phenomenon of managers in the context of the Czech labor market Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to identify differences in the scope of work of managers and workers in positions referred to as managerial. The analysis of the issue with managers in practice should provide a basis for what constitutes managerial work. Subsequent analysis of the demand for managerial work will document what is required of candidates for managerial positions. These findings should lead to the resolution of the situation regarding the phenomenon of managers in the Czech Republic. Methods: In this thesis a method of qualitative and quantitative data analysis is used. The qualitative analysis uses the technique of in-depth interview which focuses on ten selected managers from different management levels. Thereafter the issue is analysed from an academic expert point of view which helps to see the issue from a wider perspective. The quantitative data analysis is applied to research the jobs ads when entering the term "manager" to the jobs.cz server. Results: The analyzes show that the ideal qualification for a managerial position is to have a university degree, to be linguistically equipped and to have experience in leading and managing people, including some experience in the field in which the manager...

Znalostní management a profese "chief knowledge officer" / Knowledge management and CKO (chief knowledge officer) profession

Dobšovičová, Alexandra January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is dedicated to the purpose and importance of knowledge management. The aim of this work is to describe the chief knowledge officer position in the knowledge society. It defines its roles and identifies competencies that are keys to success of this position. It unveils impact and responsibilities of chief knowledge officer in a knowledge organization. It assesses and predicts development of this position. The thesis can be divided into two parts, theoretical and empirical. First chapters focus on the theory in the field of knowledge management, knowledge society and furthermore it focuses on the position chief knowledge officer, its development and competencies. The thesis contains also an analysis of research from foreign countries. Empirical part of the thesis includes interviews with representatives on the position chief knowledge officer. Keywords: Knowledge management Chief knowledge officer Knowledge society Intellectual capital Enterprises

The financial performance of listed companies : does CEO tenure have an impact?

Pillay, Magesh 18 June 2011 (has links)
It is widely held that CEOs are central to the successful financial performance of companies. Yet, little attention has been given to the correlation between CEO tenure and financial performance of companies specifically. The purpose of this study was to determine whether CEO tenure has an impact on financial performance of companies in South Africa. The financial performance variables for the study were ROA and ROE. The performance of 30 JSE listed companies from three industries, namely, mining, retail and real estate, between 1995 to 2007 was examined. This gave a total of 62 data observations across the selected three tenure categories: short tenure (one to three years); medium tenure (four to five years); and long tenure (six or more years). The results showed that the average tenure for South African CEOs was four years; this was slightly lower than the findings of previous studies conducted in the USA. Medium and long tenure showed better financial performance for ROA than short tenure, while there was no statistically significant finding for ROE. Therefore from an ROA point of view, as tenure increases so does financial performance, until a certain point at which it is anticipated that lengthy tenure will lead to a decline in financial performance. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

Ambidexterity and Innovation in Chief Nursing Officers in the Healthcare Setting

Wasilewski, Jennifer 01 January 2019 (has links)
Leaders in the healthcare setting are challenged with competing responsibilities as they seek to provide high-quality services, ensure the implementation of safety measures, and engage in workforce maintenance. Many researchers have described innovation as a strategic approach to organizational concerns and have noted a failure to implement innovative measures in healthcare. This study was an investigation of the impact of ambidexterity in healthcare leaders on innovation. The purpose of this quantitative study, guided by the ambidexterity theory of leadership for innovation, was to analyze the extent to which ambidextrous leadership characteristics of healthcare executives and chief nursing officers (CNOs) influence the innovative performance of CNOs in the healthcare setting. The research question addressed which ambidextrous leadership behaviors or combination of behaviors, including open and closed behaviors of healthcare executives and exploration and exploitation actions of CNOs in healthcare settings, explain a statistically significant portion of the variance in innovative performance of CNOs. The research design involved the administration of a cross-sectional quantitative survey to 126 CNOs from across the nation. Each participant was employed by an acute-care hospital, held an active nursing license in the state employed, and had been in the role of CNO or chief nursing executive (CNE) for over a year, reporting directly to executive leadership. A linear multiple regression analyzed the correlation between ambidextrous factors and the effect on performance innovation. Findings suggest that a combination of ambidextrous behaviors had more impact on innovation performance than each set of behaviors alone. The results of the study may be used for the development of nursing leadership and supporting efforts for overall improvement in healthcare.

Uppdragstaktikens dualism : En kvalitativ studie av hur svenska arméofficerare utövar doktrinen om uppdragstaktik på taktisk nivå.

Rosened, Marcus January 2020 (has links)
Det finns ett antal institutionaliserade principer hur väpnad strid skall genomföras i det kaos som krig innebär. Dessa benämns som militära doktriner. Doktrinen utmärker sig genom att den kräver omdöme i den praktiska tillämpningen till följd av att den är skriven för att passa in en mångfald av förhållanden.  Syftet med denna studie är att studera uppdragstaktik som en aspekt av doktrin för att se hur officerare hanterar doktrinens krav på omdöme i praktiska tillämpningen. Studien söker förstå hur doktrinens spänning mellan att utgöra en värdefull anvisning utan att utgöra en dogm inverkar på militärt beslutsfattande.  Studien genomfördes genom fokusgruppsdiskussioner med yrkesofficerare studerande på Markstridsskolan samt tjänstgörande vid Arméstaben. Resultatet ger att om det föreligger otydlighet i doktrinens anvisningar är det sannolikt att den kulturella påverkan kommer att avgöra handlingsalternativet. Även om det innebär att handlingen avviker eller rent av står i motsats till doktrinens intention. Detta till följd av en ständigt närvarade dualism i utövandet av uppdragstatiken.

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