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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The value of the 1999 USMC retention survey in explaining the factors that influence Marines' subsequent stay/leave behavior

Cakmak, Yasar 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This study examines the factors that influence active duty Marines in their retention decisions. Data from the 1999 US Marine Corps retention survey are matched with actual retention data from personnel files and limited to Marines eligible to make a stay/leave decision within 24 months of the survey. Four subgroups are defined: enlisted first-term males, enlisted first-term females, enlisted career males and officer junior grade males. Bivariate analysis of explanatory control variables (personal characteristics and military background) and focus variables (responses to questionnaire items about civilian employment opportunities and satisfaction with aspects of military life) indicates significant associations with retention. Factor analysis is used to create seven satisfaction dimensions from the satisfaction variables. Multivariate logistic regression model results show that all the satisfaction dimensions are significant for the enlisted first term male model. Satisfaction dimensions for pay and benefits, health benefits, work equity, current job characteristics, and future career opportunities are significant in one or more of the remaining models. Searching for a civilian job is significant in all models and perceptions of civilian job opportunities are significant in most. Among control variables, the interaction of marital status, dependents, and working spouse has a significant effect on retention for first term enlisted males, the only group large enough to test. / First Lieutenant, Turkish Army

Analysis of the survival patterns of United States naval officers

Korkmaz, Ibrahim 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / The goal of this thesis is to identify and quantitatively evaluate the factors, especially commissioning source, that affect the longevity of officers in the U.S. Navy. To reach this goal, a survival analysis is conducted on the survival patterns of officer cohorts who entered the service between the years 1983 and 1990. Using data created from Navy Officer Data Card information and annual promotion board results, three survival analysis procedures, LIFETEST, LIFEREG and PHREG were used to examine the factors that influence the survival of U.S. Naval Officers. The results of the survival analysis indicate that commissioning source has significant strong effect on survival rates with Naval Academy graduates have a better survival rate than other commissioning sources. Also, the analysis show that females and African-Americans have better survival rates than males and whites, respectively, and prior enlisted, older, graduates from non-selective colleges have higher survival rates than their counterparts. Additionally, Surface Warfare, Fleet Support and Supply Corps officers were found to have lower survival rates than officers in other communities. When survival functions for involuntary and voluntary separations were analyzed separately, the results were found different. Commissioning age, being African- American, single with children, commissioned from NROTC Contract Program, commissioned from OTHERSOURCE, being prior enlisted, having high GPAs and designated in AIR community had significant, negative effects on involuntary separations and significant positive effects on voluntary separations. / Captain, Turkish General Command of Gendarmerie

Sjukvårdsansvar ombord : Upplevelser av att vara sjukvårdsansvarig som nautiskt befäl

Olsson, Maria, Tränstad, Patrik January 2017 (has links)
I studien beskrivs hur nautiska befäl upplever att vara sjukvårdsansvarig ombord. På varje fartyg finns ett skeppsapotek som innehåller utrustning som kan behövas vid ett sjukdomsfall. Det är det nautiska befälets uppgift att kunna hantera utrustningen på ett korrekt sätt för att kunna vårda passageraren eller besättningsmedlemmen. Det nautiske befälet kan också om det behövs kontakta Tele Medical för rådgivning och ordinering av receptbelagt läkemedel. Undersökningen är deskriptiv där det beskrivs och kartläggs hur nautiska befäl upplever de situationer de kan komma att ställas inför ute på fartyg. Undersökningen genomfördes med en semistrukturerad kvalitativ metod. Åtta nautiska befäl deltog i undersökningen. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att ingen av de intervjuade nautiska befälen upplevde sig helt trygg som sjukvårdsansvarig. De nautiska befälen upplever att stödet som ges genom Tele Medical och andra ombordanställda underlättar sjukvårdsansvaret. Nautiska befälen upplever det som betungande att ensam ha det delegerade ansvaret som sjukvårdsansvarig. / In this thesis, we examine how nautical officer experience the medical responsibility aboard. On every vessel, there is a medicine chest that contains medical supply that could be needed in case of injury or sickness. It is the nautical officer’s duty to be able to handle the equipment to treat the patient in the best way. The nautical officer can if needed contact Tele Medical for advice or to get prescribed medicine. It is an experience description where the authors aim to examine and survey how nautical officers experience the medical situations they might have to confront and take care of when aboard. The thesis was performed with a semi structured qualitative method. The study consists of interviews with 8 nautical officers. The result of the thesis showed that none of the interviewed nautical officers experienced feeling comfortable in the position as medical responsibility. The nautical officers experience that the support they get from Tele Medical and other persons in the crew aboard as a relief in the medical responsibility. The thesis showed that the nautical officers experienced it burdensome to be alone with the delegated responsibility as medical officer.

Evropské hospodářské zájmové sdružení / European Economic Interest Grouping

Kubíčková, Dagmar January 2009 (has links)
The thesis contains a description and a legal analysis of the European Economic Interest Grouping. The goal is achieved through the method of description, analysis and comparison. The first chapters of the thesis are devoted to incorporation of the Grouping, development of legislation relating to the Grouping, applicable system of law and the topic of legal nature of the Goruping. The way of how to incorporate a Grouping is described in the following chapter. Furthermore, the rights and obligations deriving from the membership in a Grouping are explained. The final chapters are devoted to the process of dissolution of the Grouping and to popularity of the Grouping throughout the EU countries.

En utredning av skyddsombudsroll - Varför är det svårt att rekrytera ett skyddsombud på en byggarbetsplats? / An investigation of the safety representative role - Why is it difficult to recruit a safety representative on a construction site?

Jalal, Buwar, Kourie, Kima January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Byggbranschen lider av stor problematik gällande rekrytering av ett skyddsombud på en byggarbetsplats. Examensarbetet utreder varför det är svårt att rekrytera ett skyddsombud på en byggarbetsplats? Examensarbetet kommer även undersöka skyddsombuds personliga aspekt när det gäller engagemang, bemötande, beteende, respons, tid, säkerhetstänksprioritering. Vidare analyseras vilka åtgärder som krävs för att skyddsombudens ställning ska bli bättre. Examensarbetets målsättning var att utreda varför det är svårt att rekrytera ett skyddsombud på en byggarbetsplats och kunna klargöra problemet. Målet var även att utreda vilka svårigheter som finns i rollen.   Metod: Under arbetets gång genomfördes en strukturerad litteratursökning och intervjuer som undersökningsmetoder. Intervjuerna utformades kvalitativt och var semistrukturerade. Intervjuerna genomfördes med huvudskyddsombud och lokala skyddsombud.    Resultat: Några faktorer som utmärker sig till varför det är svårt att rekrytera skyddsombud på byggarbetsplatser är att majoriteten av yrkesarbetare inte har engagemang för tjänsten. Det grundar sig i att de inte vill ha fler arbetsuppgifter som innebär ett stort ansvar och tar tid att utföra. Framtida skyddsombud är rädda att de inte får gehör av övriga yrkesarbetarna. En del är konfrontationsrädda för att hamna i dialog där de behöver ta en diskussion och påpeka osäkra beteenden på arbetsplatsen. Skyddsombud som inte får den tid som krävs för att utföra säkerhetsarbetet genomför säkerhetsarbetet på ett hastigt sätt. Det kan leda till att allvarliga olyckor inträffar.   Konsekvenser: För att skyddsombudens ställning i dagsläget ska bli bättre med avseende på problematiken som finns bör ett antal faktorer uppfyllas. Skyddsombuden bör få mer gehör och mer acceptans från andra yrkesgrupperna. Underentreprenörer bör utbildas mer inåtgående om riskerna som finns på en byggarbetsplats. Skyddsombuden har rätt att ta den tid som krävs för att genomföra sina uppdrag och det bör arbetsledningen klargöra tydligt. Företaget bör prata positivt om skyddsombudsroll. Skyddsombud bör kopplas in i ett tidigt stadie i projektet för mer delaktighet. Skyddsombud bör få betalt för sin tjänst.   Begränsningar: Examensarbetets avgränsning var enbart att undersöka skyddsombudets roll på tre byggarbetsplatser Arbetet avgränsas till huvudskyddsombud och lokala skyddsombud. Examensarbetet var begränsat och av den orsaken utesluts underentreprenörer samt arbetsledning. / Purpose: The construction industry suffers from major problems concerning the recruitment of a safety officers at a construction site. The thesis project investigates why it is difficult to recruit a safety officers at a construction site? The thesis project will also investigate the safety officers ' personal aspect in terms of commitment, behavior, treatment, response, time and security thinking priority. Furthermore, it is analyzed what measures are required for the safety officers position to improve. The aim of the thesis project was to investigate why it is difficult to recruit a safety officers on a construction site and be able to clarify the problem. The aim of the goal was also to investigate the difficulties that exist in the role.                                                                                                                                                Method: During the work, a structured literature search and interviews are conducted as examination methods. The interviews were designed qualitatively and were semi structured. The interviews were conducted with the main and local safety officers. Findings: Some factors that stand out why it is difficult to recruit safety officers at construction sites are that the majority of workers do not have the commitment to the service. It is based on the fact that they do not want more tasks that entail a great responsibility and take time to perform. Future safety officers are afraid that they will not be heard by other workers. Some are confronted with fear of ending up in dialogue where they need to take a discussion and point out unsafe behaviors in the workplace. Safety officers who do not receive the time required to carry out the safety work carry out the safety work in a rapid manner. This can lead to serious accidents. Implications: In order for the safety officer’s position to be better at present with regard to the problems that are present, a number of factors should be fulfilled. The safety officers should receive more attention and acceptance from other groups. The subcontractors should be trained more inwardly about the risks that exist on a construction site. The safety officers have the right to take the time required to carry out their assignments and this should the work management clearly clarify. The company should talk positively about the safety role. Safety officers should be connected to an early stage in the project for more participation. Safety officers should be paid for their service. Limitations: The thesis delimitation is only to investigate the role of the safety officer at three construction sites. The work was limited to the main safety officer and local safety officers. The degree project was limited and for this reason subcontractors and management are excluded.

Problematické aspekty ochrany osobních údajů / Problematic Aspects of Personal Data Protection

Všetečková, Anna January 2018 (has links)
The thesis consists of five chapters, introduction and conclusion. The author of the thesis deals with introduction to the problematics of personal data protection and its relevance in the contemporary world in the introduction of the diploma thesis as well as with demarcation of the aims of the work. In the first chapter, the basic sources of legislation in the area of personal data protection are demarcated, both in Czech and in European and international level. In the second chapter, the attention is paid to the basics of the legislation in the area of personal data protection, whereas the author deals with demarcation of basic concepts, in the second subchapter she gives an overview of basic principles of personal data processing and in the third subchapter she summarizes legal titles for personal data processing. The institute of Data Protection Officer within the meaning of General Regulation is analysed in the third chapter. The first subchapter deals with demarcation of cases where the processor is obliged to designate the Data Protection Officer. The author pays attention to the problematics of requirements for qualification of the Data Protection Officer in the second subchapter. The major theme of third and fourth subchapter is demarcation of Data Protection Officers position to the controller...

Kvinnliga kriminalvårdares upplevelser av hur de behandlas vid klass 1-anstalter för manliga klienter i Sverige : “Inte optimalt att massa små, blonda tjejer springer på en klass etta”

Malm, Michelle, Kamal, Daria, Panes, Evelin January 2019 (has links)
Följande studie har undersökt hur kvinnliga kriminalvårdare upplever att de behandlas på klass 1-anstalter för manliga klienter i Sverige. Studien undersökte även hur kvinnliga kriminalvårdare behandlades av sina manliga kollegor och klienter. Materialet samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta kvinnor i åldrarna 21 till 25, som är eller har varit anställda vid en klass 1-anstalt i Sverige. Utifrån deltagarnas berättelser kunde det urskiljas att en tydlig machokultur präglade de berörda anstalterna. Deltagarna beskrev bland annat anstalterna som ojämställda, i form av att de kunde uppleva sig underordnade männen. En sexistisk och nedvärderande jargong riktat mot deltagarna framkom mellan både manliga klienter och manliga kriminalvårdare. Vissa egenskaper hos deltagarna visades dock medföra en upplevd trygghet i rollen som kriminalvårdare. En högre ålder och längre erfarenhet ansågs som två trygghetsfrämjande faktorer som förenklade deltagarnas arbete. Som slutsats visade sig resultatet av denna studie till stor del överensstämma med tidigare forskning som finns kring området. Förvånande var att machokulturen på anstalterna utmärkte sig i så pass hög grad, trots att Sverige visat sig vara ett av världens mest jämställda länder. Resultatet bekräftade att Kriminalvården är i behov av utbildning, för att förebygga den ojämställdhet som råder. / The following study examined how female correctional officers in class 1 prisons for male inmates in Sweden perceive how they are being treated based on their femininity. Furthermore, the study examined how female correctional officers are being treated by their male colleagues and inmates. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with eight women between the ages of 21 to 25, who are or have been employed at a class 1 prison. The participants described themselves as subordinate to the men. Moreover, the male inmates as well as the male colleagues used a sexist and degrading jargon against women. Some characteristics, however, were shown to lead to higher perceived safety as a prison officer. A higher age and longer experience were considered factors that simplified the participants' work. In conclusion, the results were largely consistent with previous research in the area. Surprisingly, the results showed that the macho culture in the prisons distinguished itself to such a high degree, even though Sweden has been proven to be one of the most equal countries in the world. The results confirmed that the Prison and Probation Service is in a need of education, in order to prevent the inequality that prevails.

Profissão: Oficial da Marinha Mercante / Profession: Marine Merchant Officer

Santana, Alexandre Moraes Rocha 23 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2016-12-02T12:36:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Alexandre Moraes Rocha Santana.pdf: 1106688 bytes, checksum: b0f068d7c9f8745bf830f57ecb3c22cc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-02T12:36:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alexandre Moraes Rocha Santana.pdf: 1106688 bytes, checksum: b0f068d7c9f8745bf830f57ecb3c22cc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-23 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The objective of this research is the work relationships of the Seafarer Officer in Brazil, sheltering both qualifications: Deck Officer and Engineer Officer, a kind of seafarer acting on the cargo operations. Thus, this research aims at understanding the specificities of the Merchant Marine Officialdom profession and the relevance of this activity for the society, for capitalism and for globalization. In relation to the relevance of the activity, the development of navigation and its participation in the cargo shipping around the world were considered, which corresponds to around 80% of all the cargo shipped worldwide, as well as the importance of navigation, referring to cargo shipping throughout history and its participation in capitalism and in globalization. Referring to the specificities of the profession, the militarized influence in the profession was considered, even though it is a civil and commercial activity, which influences the professional formation, organization and job assignment. The professional competences and its relations with immaterial labor were also analyzed, as well as daily work, confined and isolated work, experiences between work time and nonwork time. The research was conducted through semi-structured interviews with ten Seafarers Oficcers, by e-mail, whose questionary is in the introduction of this dissertation, with qualitative approach. The data revealed the peculiarities of the Merchant Marine Officialdom profession, which distinguish it from the others professions / O objeto desta pesquisa são as relações de trabalho do Oficial da Marinha Mercante no Brasil, albergando as duas habilitações: Oficial de Náutica e Oficial de Máquinas, espécie de trabalhador marítimo, atuando no transporte de cargas. Desta forma, esta pesquisa busca compreender as especificidades da profissão de Oficialato da Marinha Mercante e a relevância da atividade para a sociedade, para o capitalismo e para a globalização.Com relação à relevância da atividade, foi considerado o desenvolvimento da navegação e sua participação na movimentação de cargas no mundo, que corresponde a cerca de 80% de toda a carga transportada internacionalmente, assim como a importância da navegação, referente ao transporte de cargas ao longo da história e sua participação no capitalismo e na globalização. Referente às especificidades da profissão, foi considerada a influência militarizada na profissão, apesar de ser uma atividade civil e comercial, que influenciam na formação profissional; na organização e divisão do trabalho. Também foram analisadas as competências profissionais e as suas relações com o trabalho imaterial, assim como a jornada de trabalho; trabalho em confinamento e em isolamento; vivências entre o tempo de trabalho e tempo de não trabalho. A pesquisa foi realizada mediante entrevistas semi-estruturadas com dez Oficiais da Marinha Mercante, via e-mail, cujo o roteiro encontra-se na introdução desta dissertação. Os dados obtidos revelaram as peculiaridades das características da profissão de Oficial da Marinha Mercante, que o distingue dos demais trabalhadores

Challenges facing female executives in the banking sector in South Africa in the post-apartheid period

Van Der Schyff, Sihaam January 2017 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom (Business and Finance) / The dawn of democracy in South Africa (SA) in 1994 i.e. post-apartheid era came with inherent societal gender deficiencies and in all Sectors of the SA economy women experienced challenges. Specifically in the Banking Sector women were under represented in leadership and executive positions. The legal framework changed to correct the inequalities of the past resulting in various charters encouraging the private and public sector to transform.


Love, Abigail M. A. 01 January 2019 (has links)
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is currently one of the most researched of all childhood developmental disorders and is receiving attention in many domains including popular media, social sciences, education, and medicine. The purpose of this dissertation was to design and provide initial psychometric evidence for a scale that measures police officer self-efficacy for working with individuals with ASD. Psychometric properties of a scale designed to measure knowledge of ASD were also explored. Data from 620 police officers actively serving in the United States were collected in two separate phases. A 13-item scale was created to measure police officer self-efficacy for working with individuals with ASD. Results from both phases indicated that the scale represented a unidimensional construct. Police officer knowledge of ASD was significantly and positively related to self-efficacy. Knowing more about officers’ knowledge and beliefs in their own capabilities to work with individuals with ASD can help inform future police education and training efforts.

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