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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Occupational segregation, gender wage differences and trade reforms : empirical applications for urban Columbia

Isaza Castro, Jairo Guillermo January 2013 (has links)
This DPhil thesis comprises three empirical essays that survey the evolution of gender differences in the labour market of urban Colombia since the 1980s. The first essay examines the evolution of gender segregation using occupational indices between 1986 and 2004, and presents a decomposition of their changes over time using a technique proposed by Deutsch et al. (2006). We find that a substantial proportion of the reduction in segregation indices is driven by changes in both the employment structure of occupations and the increasing participation of female labour observed over these years. The second essay assesses the effects of occupational segregation on the gender wage gap in urban Colombia between 1984 and 1999. The empirical strategy involves the estimation of a counterfactual distribution of female workers across occupations, as if they had been treated the same as their male counterparts. This provides a basis to formulate a decomposition of the gender wage gap in which the explained and unexplained portions of the gender distribution of jobs are explicitly incorporated. The results indicate that the unequal distribution of women and men across occupations actually helps, on average, to reduce gender pay differences in urban Colombia, particularly in the ‘informal' segment where the labour income differential between women and men is the largest. The third and final essay examines the effects of trade liberalisation on the gender composition of employment across manufacturing industries in urban Colombia from 1981 to 2000. The empirical strategy involves a comparison of estimates drawn from different panel data techniques. As a main finding, we verify that increasing trade flows are associated with higher proportions of female employment.

Three essays on children, women and economic development

Leone, Maria Anna January 2013 (has links)
This thesis investigates three important themes within the development economics literature that link children, women and economic development. In the first essay we present an analysis of child labour among agricultural households in rural Nepal. We first examine the monetary contribution of child labour to family farms. For this purpose, within a non-separable agricultural household model we estimate a farm production function to obtain shadow wages for both children and adults employed on the farm. Our results reveal that the relative contribution of child labour to family income is not negligible. We then analyse child labour supply to explore whether it is driven by poverty or other reasons such as imperfections in the labour market. We estimate both a reduced form model and a structural equation model. This latter includes the estimated shadow wages and income from the previous analysis. Both models allow for an examination of how child labour supply reacts to a change in the opportunity cost of time and wealth. The reduced form results suggest that an increase in household's wealth (measured by land endowments) reduces child labour, specifically of girls. This result is consistent with the hypothesis of poverty-induced child labour in the presence of perfect labour markets. This decline, however, occurs for sufficiently high levels of wealth. Imperfections in the labour market may play a role in explaining child labour of boys and in households that are not at the top-end of the land distribution. Estimates of the structural labour supply model, however, yield results on wage and income elasticities that partly contradicts the theoretical predictions. In the second essay we analyse whether and how an increase in the participation of women in a key decision making body of local collective action institutions - the Executive Committee (EC) of Community Forest User Groups (CFUG) in Nepal - aspects forest protection, specifically household firewood collection. In many developing countries women are responsible for the collection and management of forest products essential to the daily lives of their household. Therefore they have stronger interests than men in ensuring the availability of these products. Despite this, women are often excluded from the decision-making process that sets out the rules to access and collect forest products within community forests. We account for the potential endogeneity of female participation and exploit an amendment made to the guidelines for CFUG formation that sets a higher threshold for women representation in the Executive Committee to evaluate the impact of women on firewood extraction. The results indicate that higher female participation in the ECs of CFUGs leads to a decrease in firewood extraction. This evidence is suggestive that women are prioritising conservation to ensure sustainable firewood extraction for their daily needs. In the third essay we analyse the short and long-term impact of violence on education in Timor Leste. Specifically, we examine the effect of the 1999 violence on school attendance in 2001 and its longer-term impact on primary school completion of the same cohorts of children observed again in 2007. We compare the educational impact of the 1999 violence with the impact of other periods of high-intensity violence during the 25 years of Indonesian occupation. The short-term effects of the conflict are mixed. In the longer term, we find evidence of a substantial loss of human capital among boys in Timor Leste exposed to peaks of violence during the 25-year long conflict. The evidence suggests that this result may be due to household trade-offs between education and economic welfare.

Mise à l’essai et évaluation qualitative d’une intervention inspirée de la pédagogie narrative destinée aux infirmières soignant des personnes âgées en état confusionnel aigu

Bélanger, Louise 07 1900 (has links)
Les personnes âgées occupent une proportion importante des lits dans les centres hospitaliers de soins de courte durée québécois et leur présence est en augmentation. Parmi ces personnes, plusieurs présentent un état confusionnel aigu (ÉCA), voire un délirium, au cours de leur hospitalisation. Les soins infirmiers qu’elles requièrent sont complexes et les études portant sur la formation continue des infirmières tiennent peu compte de cette réalité. Les approches utilisées dans les études sont surtout centrées sur l’acquisition de connaissances et d’habiletés techniques et négligent les aspects créatifs, relationnels, critiques, réflexifs et éthiques essentiels à une prestation de soins infirmiers de qualité. On y retrouve également peu d’informations sur la conception de l’intervention éducative et sur son évaluation. C’est dans cette perspective que le but de l’étude était de mettre à l’essai et d’évaluer qualitativement le processus et les résultats d’une intervention éducative auprès d’infirmières soignant des personnes âgées hospitalisées en ÉCA. Plus particulièrement, ce sont les conditions facilitant et contraignant l’intervention, les aspects les plus utiles pour la pratique, les différents savoirs exprimés et les résultats de soins perçus par les participantes qui étaient recherchés. C’est en s’inspirant de la pédagogie narrative de Diekelmann (2001) et des savoirs infirmiers de Chinn et Kramer (2008) que l’intervention a été conçue et évaluée. La description d’expériences de soins vécues par les infirmières et la création d’un environnement d’apprentissage favorisant l’interprétation, en groupe, de ces expériences à l’aide d’informations théoriques et empiriques caractérisent la pédagogie narrative à la base de cette intervention. Pour atteindre le but, une étude de cas a été retenue. La stratégie d’échantillonnage par choix raisonné a permis de sélectionner des participantes travaillant sur les trois quarts de travail, ayant différents niveaux de formation et une expérience comme infirmière variant de huit mois à 36 ans, dont l’âge variait de 23 à 64 ans. L’échantillon, composé de 15 infirmières soignant fréquemment des personnes en ÉCA et travaillant sur des unités de soins chirurgicaux cardiologiques et orthopédiques, était réparti dans trois groupes égaux de cinq participantes. L’intervention éducative comprenait quatre journées de formation offertes à intervalle de trois semaines pour une durée totale de 12 semaines. Au cours de chacune de ces journées, les participantes devaient effectuer un travail écrit réflexif concernant une situation de soins vécue avec une personne en ÉCA et, par la suite, partager, interpréter et s'interroger sur ces situations en faisant des liens avec des informations théoriques et empiriques sur l’ÉCA dans le cadre d’un atelier de groupe. Une triangulation de méthodes de collecte de données, incluant des notes de terrain de l’investigatrice, les travaux réflexifs des participantes, des questionnaires complétés par les participantes après chaque journée de formation et une entrevue individuelle avec chaque participante réalisée par une intervieweuse externe à la fin de l’intervention, a permis de décrire la mise à l’essai de l’intervention et d’évaluer qualitativement son processus et ses résultats. Une analyse de contenu des données qualitatives intra et inter participante a été effectuée. La mise à l’essai de l’intervention a mis en évidence l’importance de tenir compte des besoins variés des participantes et d’ajuster l’intervention éducative d’un groupe à l’autre, notamment eu égard aux contenus théoriques et empiriques sur l’ECA. L’évaluation du processus souligne que l’intervention a été facilitée par les attitudes et la diversité des expériences des participantes, ainsi que par l’utilisation de situations de soins réelles permettant d’intégrer la théorie dans la pratique. L’accès à de nouveaux outils d’évaluation des personnes en ÉCA a été perçu particulièrement utile par les participantes. Quant à l’évaluation des résultats, elle a permis de rendre visibles de nombreux savoirs empiriques, éthiques et esthétiques et certains savoirs personnels et émancipatoires exprimés par les participantes. Les participantes ont, entre autres, réalisé des évaluations plus approfondies des personnes en ÉCA, ont réduit ou évité les mesures de contrôle physiques des personnes atteintes et ont impliqué davantage les familles dans les soins. L’évaluation a aussi permis de décrire certains résultats perçus par les participantes sur le bien-être physique et psychologique des personnes soignées et sur les familles. Les personnes en ECA étaient, entre autres, rassurées, plus calmes et soulagées et les familles moins inquiètes et davantage impliquées dans les soins. Les résultats de l’étude mettent en évidence l’applicabilité d’une intervention éducative narrative basée sur un cadre de référence en sciences infirmières et son utilité pour la formation continue dans les milieux de soins. L’étude ouvre la porte à des possibilités de transfert de l’intervention à d’autres populations d’infirmières soignant des clientèles ayant des besoins complexes, notamment en gériatrie, en oncologie ou en soins palliatifs. Des études visant à évaluer l’intervention auprès d’un échantillon plus important et à explorer ses effets sur les personnes soignées et leurs familles sont proposées. / Older persons occupy a growing proportion of the beds in Quebec short-stay hospitals. Many of these persons present acute confusional state (ACS), or delirium, in the course of their hospitalization. The nursing care that they require is complex but studies show that continuing nursing education takes scant account of this reality. The approaches used in these studies have focused above all on the acquisition of knowledge and technical skills and have neglected the creative, relational, critical, reflexive and ethical aspects essential to delivering quality nursing care. In addition, these studies contain little information relative to the design of pedagogical interventions and their evaluation. Against this background, a study was undertaken aimed at field-testing and qualitatively evaluating the process and results of a pedagogical intervention for nurses who care for hospitalized older persons with ACS. The focus was more specifically on identifying the facilitating and constraining conditions to learning, the aspects most useful to practice, the different types of knowledge expressed, and the care outcomes perceived by participants. Inspiration for the design and evaluation of the intervention was drawn from the narrative pedagogy approach developed by Diekelmann (2001) and the various patterns of knowing knowledge defined by Chinn and Kramer (2008). The narrative pedagogy at the root of this intervention consists essentially of describing the lived care experiences of nurses and creating a learning environment conducive to group interpretation of these experiences based on theoretical and empirical data. To achieve the objectives, a case study design was used. Purposive sampling allowed selecting participants working all three work shifts, possessing different levels of training, boasting nursing experience ranging from eight months to 36 years, varying in age from 23 to 64 years. The sample, composed of 15 nurses who worked on cardiac and orthopedic surgery units and who often cared for persons with ACS, was divided into three equal groups of five. The pedagogical intervention comprised four days of training offered at an interval of three weeks for a total duration of 12 weeks. On each of these days, participants had to complete a written reflexive exercise regarding a lived care situation involving a person with ACS and then, in the context of a group discussion, share, interpret and question these situations by drawing connections with available theoretical and empirical data on ACS. A triangulation of data collection methods, including the investigator’s field notes, the participants’ written reflexive exercises, questionnaires completed by the participants after each day of training, and individual interview with each participant carried out by an outside interviewer at the end of the intervention, allowed describing the field-testing of the intervention and qualitatively evaluating its process and results. The qualitative intra and inter-participant data was then subjected to content analysis. Field-testing of the intervention highlighted the importance of taking account of the varied needs of the participants and to adjust the pedagogical intervention from one group to the next, particularly with respect to the theoretical and empirical content on ACS. Process evaluation underscored that the intervention was facilitated by the attitudes and the diversity of experiences of the participants, as well as by the use of real care situations, which allowed integrating theory in practice. Access to new tools for assessing persons with ACS was perceived to be particularly useful by the participants. As for the results evaluation, it allowed revealing various types of knowledge, including of the empirical, ethical and esthetic sort, but also some personal and emancipatory knowledge expressed by the participants. Moreover, the participants performed more in-depth assessments of persons with ACS, reduced or avoided the use of physical control measures on these persons, and involved families more in care. The evaluation also allowed documenting some of the effects perceived by the participants on the physical and psychological well-being of care recipients and their families. Persons with ACS were reassured, calmer and soothed, among other things, while families were less worried and more involved in care. The study’s results evidence the applicability of a narrative pedagogy intervention based on a nursing frame of reference and its utility in continuing education in the field of care. The study opens up the possibility of transferring the intervention to other populations of nurses who tend to clienteles with complex needs, particularly in geriatric, oncological and palliative care. It is proposed that future studies evaluate the intervention on a larger sample and explore its effects on the persons cared for and their families.

Kompetensfrågan inom äldreomsorgen : Hur uppfattningar om kompetens formar omsorgsarbetet, omsorgsbehoven och omsorgsrelationen

Elmersjö, Magdalena January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation examines how perceptions of competence affect the care of older persons, and the values ​​and vocational conceptions of care work and care recipients that are tied to the perceptions of what skills that are needed and why. Competence is defined by three parts with relevance for the content of care work: what knowledge the care workers should have, what tasks they should perform and how they should respond to care recipients. The aim of this dissertation is to analyse how the care managers' and care workers' perceptions of competence form the direction of the care work and how that direction relates to the care recipients’ perceptions of and expectations on the care work.   The care work is characterised by what is analysed as an activation of the recipients - that the recipients themselves should perform as much of the care work as possible. The activation aims at managing the decay of the aging body and is motivated by a vocational conception of the care recipients as different from others, with designations as grateful and passive. This conception is analysed as generation character based on an idea among the care managers and care workers that the society in which the recipients grew up gave them certain cognitive prerequisites that have to be managed in the practical care work.   The care recipients in the study have opposing conceptions and perceptions of care work compared with the care managers and care workers. The recipients’ central objective with the care work is to prevent what has been interpreted as the disrepair of the home. The care recipients’ position in the organisation raises the problem of loyalty towards the care workers and in some sense the care managers. Their loyalty reduces their ability to complain and to influence their situation to the better.   Keywords: care of older persons, care needs, care work, care relationship, care receivers, care workers, care managers, competence, technologies, activation, generation character

Exploring the construction of quality of life in older people / Lizanlé van Biljon.

Van Biljon, Lizanlé January 2013 (has links)
Ageing populations and the unique challenges they pose are characteristic of the accelerating demographic transition evident in both developed and developing countries. In South Africa the elderly population is also increasing dramatically. There is a disproportionate distribution of older persons per ethnic group, with white older people representing the largest group of older South Africans (21%, proportional to ethnic group). The influx of the baby boomer generation will inevitably lead to an exponential increase in the numbers of white older people within the next two decades. Regardless of integration policies in post-apartheid South Africa, 90% of all residential care facilities are still occupied solely by white older people. Such facilities are described as buildings or other structures used primarily for the purposes of providing accommodation and of providing a 24-hour service to older persons. The increasingly larger segment of white older people holds considerable implications for the future of these facilities since more individuals will turn to this living arrangement. The Older Persons Act of South Africa was inaugurated by the government in 2006 and its key objectives are aligned with the recommendations of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (2002). Amongst many other objectives, the Older Persons Act emphasises practices that enhance the wellbeing and quality of life (QoL) of all older persons. However, the reigning circumstances in most residential care facilities have been described as challenging. A national audit of residential care facilities in 2010 indicated a need for psychosocial interventions since the QoL of residents was found to be undefined and unspecific. The purpose of the study was to explore the construction of QoL, from the perspective of the older people living in residential care facilities. A purposive sample of 54 participants (male, n=10; female, n=44) with ages ranging between 62 and 95 years was drawn. The participants were able to communicate congruently and understood the research purpose. Participants resided in four similar facilities situated in urban areas in two South African provinces. A multiple-context inquiry was conducted to gather rich data and collateral information. The study made use of interviews, focus groups, journals, and the Mmogo-method® to collect qualitative data. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) and visual analysis methods were used to analyse the data. Interactive Qualitative Analysis (IQA) was conducted with 19 participants, resulting in a conceptual model of QoL. Member-checking was performed by the participants. Ethical approval was granted by the Ethics Committee of the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus), as part of a larger project, namely “An exploration of enabling contexts (05K14)”. The findings revealed that the nature of QoL is informed by spiritual worldviews, interpersonal contexts and the maintained ability of older people to regulate aspects of their own lives. The nature of QoL was also revealed as transitional throughout the ageing process and that the dimensions of QoL may be found on a continuum. Six domains were elicited in the construction of QoL, namely spirituality, health, relationships, meaningfulness, autonomy and sense of place. Each domain presented with certain contributors and inhibitors influencing the older person’s ability to experience QoL. Findings revealed the strengths of older people to deal with adversities associated with later life. The inhibitors of QoL are emphasised for the attention of policy makers, the managers of residential care facilities, care givers and family members. The study provided insight into the causal influences between the domains of QoL. A conceptual model with systemic properties is proposed. The theoretical implications of this systems model are that QoL domains are mutually informing and exercise a particular influence on the relational states of older people. It is hoped that new knowledge in the area of QoL might direct future research efforts and put resources channeled to residential care facilities to better use. / Thesis (PhD (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Exploring the construction of quality of life in older people / Lizanlé van Biljon.

Van Biljon, Lizanlé January 2013 (has links)
Ageing populations and the unique challenges they pose are characteristic of the accelerating demographic transition evident in both developed and developing countries. In South Africa the elderly population is also increasing dramatically. There is a disproportionate distribution of older persons per ethnic group, with white older people representing the largest group of older South Africans (21%, proportional to ethnic group). The influx of the baby boomer generation will inevitably lead to an exponential increase in the numbers of white older people within the next two decades. Regardless of integration policies in post-apartheid South Africa, 90% of all residential care facilities are still occupied solely by white older people. Such facilities are described as buildings or other structures used primarily for the purposes of providing accommodation and of providing a 24-hour service to older persons. The increasingly larger segment of white older people holds considerable implications for the future of these facilities since more individuals will turn to this living arrangement. The Older Persons Act of South Africa was inaugurated by the government in 2006 and its key objectives are aligned with the recommendations of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (2002). Amongst many other objectives, the Older Persons Act emphasises practices that enhance the wellbeing and quality of life (QoL) of all older persons. However, the reigning circumstances in most residential care facilities have been described as challenging. A national audit of residential care facilities in 2010 indicated a need for psychosocial interventions since the QoL of residents was found to be undefined and unspecific. The purpose of the study was to explore the construction of QoL, from the perspective of the older people living in residential care facilities. A purposive sample of 54 participants (male, n=10; female, n=44) with ages ranging between 62 and 95 years was drawn. The participants were able to communicate congruently and understood the research purpose. Participants resided in four similar facilities situated in urban areas in two South African provinces. A multiple-context inquiry was conducted to gather rich data and collateral information. The study made use of interviews, focus groups, journals, and the Mmogo-method® to collect qualitative data. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) and visual analysis methods were used to analyse the data. Interactive Qualitative Analysis (IQA) was conducted with 19 participants, resulting in a conceptual model of QoL. Member-checking was performed by the participants. Ethical approval was granted by the Ethics Committee of the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus), as part of a larger project, namely “An exploration of enabling contexts (05K14)”. The findings revealed that the nature of QoL is informed by spiritual worldviews, interpersonal contexts and the maintained ability of older people to regulate aspects of their own lives. The nature of QoL was also revealed as transitional throughout the ageing process and that the dimensions of QoL may be found on a continuum. Six domains were elicited in the construction of QoL, namely spirituality, health, relationships, meaningfulness, autonomy and sense of place. Each domain presented with certain contributors and inhibitors influencing the older person’s ability to experience QoL. Findings revealed the strengths of older people to deal with adversities associated with later life. The inhibitors of QoL are emphasised for the attention of policy makers, the managers of residential care facilities, care givers and family members. The study provided insight into the causal influences between the domains of QoL. A conceptual model with systemic properties is proposed. The theoretical implications of this systems model are that QoL domains are mutually informing and exercise a particular influence on the relational states of older people. It is hoped that new knowledge in the area of QoL might direct future research efforts and put resources channeled to residential care facilities to better use. / Thesis (PhD (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

An exploration of the sense of community of older persons in an economically deprived and culturally diverse residential care facility / van der Walt, E.

Van der Walt, Elmarie Muriel January 2011 (has links)
The sharp increase in the number of older persons (60 years and older) is a distinctive demographic feature of the 20th century. Ageing populations and the unique challenges they pose have obliged countries worldwide to reflect on the problems relating to older persons. In 2002 the United Nations convened the Second World Assembly on Ageing at which the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) was drafted and adopted. This plan sought to meet the challenges associated with ageing populations. In South Africa the elderly population is also increasing dramatically. The fact that older persons are starting to constitute a proportionally larger segment of the total population while they are, at the same time, amongst the poorest people in the country and dependent on others for support and care holds serious implications for South Africa. In post–apartheid South Africa (after 1994) residential care facilities were opened to all South Africans regardless of race or colour. Apart from dealing with diversity, residential care facilities have to manage the long–term care needs of older persons and their lack of the financial or human resources to sustain themselves. Against this background the South African government promulgated legislation in line with the recommendations of the MIPAA. The legislation seeks to lighten the burden placed on residential care facilities while, at the same time, emphasising the importance of enhancing the well–being of older persons. Despite the legislation and the policy frameworks, the circumstances in most residential care facilities in South Africa are challenging and call for action and psychosocial interventions. Given that racial segregation still exists in residential care facilities and the importance of the relational well–being of older persons, it was decided to explore the sense of community of older persons in South Africa who reside in a diverse and economically challenged residential care facility. A purposive sample was drawn of the male and female, and black and white older persons living in the facility. The study used the Mmogo–methodTM, interviews, focus groups, observations and reflective notes to collect qualitative data from the research participants. A possible limitation of the study is that some participants – being older persons – might experience some degree of being cognitively challenged or might struggle to express themselves. To counter this limitation and to ensure the trustworthiness of the findings, a variety of data collection methods were used in order to be able to cross–check the information gathered. Apart from this, specific data collection methods were used that make provision for cognitively challenged older persons. As the study involved older persons as a vulnerable group, special attention was paid to ethical considerations. Ethical approval was granted by the Ethics Committee of the North–West University, Potchefstroom Campus, as part of a larger project, being: “An exploration of enabling contexts (05K14).” The main finding of the study is the low sense of community that the older persons in this particular residential care facility experience. This is supplemented by two themes that emerged throughout the study, being the lack of social interaction between the residents and the residents' need to have a sense of purpose. The occurrence of these two themes is supported by findings in community psychology and sense of community theories, and some of the findings of the study are consistent with findings reported in the literature. The study concludes with recommendations on how the residents' sense of community could be enhanced. / Thesis (M.A. (Research Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

An exploration of the sense of community of older persons in an economically deprived and culturally diverse residential care facility / van der Walt, E.

Van der Walt, Elmarie Muriel January 2011 (has links)
The sharp increase in the number of older persons (60 years and older) is a distinctive demographic feature of the 20th century. Ageing populations and the unique challenges they pose have obliged countries worldwide to reflect on the problems relating to older persons. In 2002 the United Nations convened the Second World Assembly on Ageing at which the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) was drafted and adopted. This plan sought to meet the challenges associated with ageing populations. In South Africa the elderly population is also increasing dramatically. The fact that older persons are starting to constitute a proportionally larger segment of the total population while they are, at the same time, amongst the poorest people in the country and dependent on others for support and care holds serious implications for South Africa. In post–apartheid South Africa (after 1994) residential care facilities were opened to all South Africans regardless of race or colour. Apart from dealing with diversity, residential care facilities have to manage the long–term care needs of older persons and their lack of the financial or human resources to sustain themselves. Against this background the South African government promulgated legislation in line with the recommendations of the MIPAA. The legislation seeks to lighten the burden placed on residential care facilities while, at the same time, emphasising the importance of enhancing the well–being of older persons. Despite the legislation and the policy frameworks, the circumstances in most residential care facilities in South Africa are challenging and call for action and psychosocial interventions. Given that racial segregation still exists in residential care facilities and the importance of the relational well–being of older persons, it was decided to explore the sense of community of older persons in South Africa who reside in a diverse and economically challenged residential care facility. A purposive sample was drawn of the male and female, and black and white older persons living in the facility. The study used the Mmogo–methodTM, interviews, focus groups, observations and reflective notes to collect qualitative data from the research participants. A possible limitation of the study is that some participants – being older persons – might experience some degree of being cognitively challenged or might struggle to express themselves. To counter this limitation and to ensure the trustworthiness of the findings, a variety of data collection methods were used in order to be able to cross–check the information gathered. Apart from this, specific data collection methods were used that make provision for cognitively challenged older persons. As the study involved older persons as a vulnerable group, special attention was paid to ethical considerations. Ethical approval was granted by the Ethics Committee of the North–West University, Potchefstroom Campus, as part of a larger project, being: “An exploration of enabling contexts (05K14).” The main finding of the study is the low sense of community that the older persons in this particular residential care facility experience. This is supplemented by two themes that emerged throughout the study, being the lack of social interaction between the residents and the residents' need to have a sense of purpose. The occurrence of these two themes is supported by findings in community psychology and sense of community theories, and some of the findings of the study are consistent with findings reported in the literature. The study concludes with recommendations on how the residents' sense of community could be enhanced. / Thesis (M.A. (Research Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Tendances et déterminants de l’utilisation de l’aide à domicile subventionnée par le gouvernement par les personnes âgées au Canada, 1996-1997 à 2009-2010

Binette Charbonneau, Anne 03 1900 (has links)
Il est connu que le vieillissement de la population canadienne va augmenter la demande d’aide à domicile et qu’un soutien insuffisant du secteur public accroît l’implication des réseaux informels et privés. En s’appuyant sur les données de l’Enquête nationale sur la santé de la population (ENSP) et de l’Enquête sur la santé dans les collectivités canadiennes (ESCC), cette recherche analyse les tendances et déterminants de l’utilisation de l’aide à domicile subventionnée par le gouvernement au Canada et en Ontario entre 1996-1997 et 2009-2010. Il en ressort que la proportion de bénéficiaires âgés de 65 ans et plus est en diminution, passant de 9,9% à 9,2% au Canada (1996-1997 à 2005) et de 10,2% à 8,8% puis 9,6% en Ontario (1996-1997, 2005, 2009-2010). Les compressions sont particulièrement ressenties dans les services de maintien à domicile, dont l’aide pour les travaux ménagers (de 51% à 34% en Ontario). Les personnes âgées, les femmes, les gens vivant seuls ou qui ont besoin d’assistance pour accomplir certaines activités de la vie quotidienne (AVQ) ou activités instrumentales de la vie quotidienne (AIVQ) reçoivent de moins en moins d’aide publique à domicile. En conclusion, le présent système de santé, qui semble se concentrer sur les soins de santé plutôt que sur les services de maintien, ne répond pas aux besoins des personnes âgées. Par ailleurs, le cas ontarien évoque l’impact que peuvent avoir les décisions politiques sur l’utilisation de l’aide à domicile. Les résultats suggèrent qu’entre 1996-1997 et 2005, ce sont surtout les personnes âgées de 18 à 64 ans et ceux nécessitant des soins qui bénéficièrent des programmes publics. Durant la période suivante (2005 à 2009-2010), il semble y avoir un intérêt plus marqué pour les 65 ans et plus dont la proportion d’utilisateurs s’accroît plus rapidement. / It is known that the aging of the Canadian population will increase the demand for home care and that insufficient support from the public sector increases the implication of the informal and private networks. Using cross-sectional data from the National Population Health Survey (NPHS) and the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS), this research analyzes the trends and predictors of subsidized home care in Canada and Ontario between 1996/97 and 2009/10. It shows that the proportion of care receivers aged 65 and older is decreasing, going down from 9.9% to 9.2% in Canada (1996/97 to 2005) and from 10.2% to 8.8% then 9.6% in Ontario (1996/97, 2005, 2009/10). Government cuts are particularly felt in terms of home support services, like support for housework (from 51% to 34% in Ontario). Older persons, women, people living alone or those who need assistance to perform some activities of daily living (ADLs) or instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) are receiving less and less subsidized home care. In conclusion, the actual health system, that appear to focus on health care instead of home support services, do not meet the needs of older persons. Furthermore, the Ontario case evokes the effect that policies can have on home care utilization. Results suggest that between 1996/97 and 2005, it is mostly persons aged from 18 to 64 years old or needing health care that benefited from the public program. During the next period (2005 to 2009/10), there seems to be a greater interest for the 65 and older, whose proportion of users increases more rapidly.

Disease, disability, service use and social support amongst community-dwelling people aged 75 years and over: the Sydney older persons study

Edelbrock, Dorothy Marcia January 2004 (has links)
This study investigates the characteristics of and the interrelationships between disease, disability, service use and social support in a random sample of 647 community dwellers aged 75 years and over. The two broad objectives of the study are: to examine the physical aspects and manifestations of health by investigating disease and disability and the interrelationships between these two factors, and; to examine the social aspects of health by investigating service use and social support and the interrelationships between these two factors. Given the dramatic population ageing in Australia, particularly in the very old age groups, the health, well-being and quality of life of older Australians are of paramount importance and will be well into the future. The proportion of the population with diseases and disabilities increases significantly with age. As the physical aspects of health are manifested with increasing age the social aspects of health also become increasingly important. Older adults, particularly those in advanced old age, are disproportionately high users of health and community services. Despite the high use of services in this age group, far more older adults living in the community rely on their families, friends and neighbours for social support and many older adults use a combination of formal services and informal social support. Little is known about people aged 75 years and over living in the community in Australia. In particular, significant knowledge gaps exist with regard to the relationship between disease and disability and that between service use and social support. The characteristics of social support in this group of older adults are also largely unknown. The papers presented in this thesis are based on data collected in The Sydney Older Persons Study (SOPS). This is a large longitudinal multidisciplinary project which began in 1991 in order to investigate the health and service use patterns of people aged 75 years and over living in the community in the Central Sydney Health Area. The initial sample consisted of two groups: first, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) selected census districts with probability proportional to size and 9271 households were door-knocked to obtain a random sub-sample of the general community (n=320, response rate 73%); second, community-living veterans and war widows residing in the Central Sydney Health Area were selected at random from a list provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs to obtain a veteran/war widow sub-sample (n=327, response rate 82%). Respondents participated in both an interview conducted by a social scientist and a medical assessment performed by a medical practitioner with experience in geriatric medicine. An informant was sought for each respondent and this informant participated in a phone interview conducted by a social scientist. The first paper in this thesis investigates the characteristics of diseases (neurodegenerative, systemic and psychiatric) including their prevalence and association with age. The second paper extends the first by examining the nature of the relationship between disease and disability and in particular which individual diseases and groups of diseases have the greatest impact on disability. The third paper expands the analysis in the second paper by focusing in greater detail on the relationship between disease and disability. The contribution of clinically-diagnosed individual diseases and groups of diseases to three different measures of disability (clinician-rated, informant-rated or proxy and self-report) is investigated here. The fourth paper examines the possibility of disease and disability being the major predictors of service use and social support. It focuses on the determinants of service use and social support using Andersen's behavioral model. The fifth paper investigates the characteristics of social support, in particular gender differences and the socio-demographic variables associated with social support. This is an important research area because lower levels of social support have been found to predict mortality, disease and lower levels of well-being. Finally, the sixth paper links the major themes of the fourth and fifth papers by investigating the relationship between service use and social support. This paper tests Cantor's 'hierarchical-compensatory' mechanism, which predicts a negative association between service use and social support, and the 'bridging' mechanism which predicts a positive association between these two factors. Thus it assesses the extent to which demands for service use and for social support are made together or in a compensatory fashion for respondents of equal disease and disability. The presented work demonstrates that neurodegenerative diseases [dementia, cognitive impairment, parkinsonism, instability (gait ataxia), immobility (gait slowing) and motivation loss/behaviour change] have the largest and most significant increases with age of all disease groups. Therefore the hypothesis made in paper one that neurodegenerative diseases will come to dominate the health care needs of older adults, particularly when combined with population ageing, is supported. Further, results of papers two and three indicate that neurodegenerative diseases result in greater levels of disability, lending credence to the finding that it is these neurodegenerative diseases that are of central importance to the future of the health care needs of older adults of advanced age. While systemic diseases play an important role in disability, the neurodegenerative diseases are under-recognised by self-report and yet are most strongly associated with severe disability. A major recommendation of this study is that assessments and diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases be included in disability assessments. With regard to the social aspects of health, the fourth paper finds that disease and disability are the main predictors of service use and social support. The fifth paper highlights important gender differences in social support and also finds that lower levels of social support are associated with increased age, male gender, single marital status and lower socioeconomic status. Because it is widely accepted that social support is protective against adverse health outcomes and low levels of wellbeing, these groups of older adults are at risk of poorer health and wellbeing. Finally the sixth paper fills some knowledge gaps with regard to the relationship between service use and social support. It shows that with regard to IADL (instrumental activities of daily living) services and IADL social support, Cantor's 'hierarchical-compensatory' mechanism (negative correlation) applies but with regard to medical services and both ADL (activities of daily living) and IADL social support the 'bridging' mechanism (positive correlation) is supported. These complex interrelationships between disease, disability, service use and social support are summarised schematically in a model. In light of significant population ageing, substantial resources in the form of medical and community services and social support from carers, family, friends and neighbours will need to be devoted to older adults with diseases, in particular neurodegenerative diseases, and to those with disabilities. Given the increasing importance of disease, disability, service use and social support in very old age, it is crucial that knowledge and understanding of these factors and their interrelationships be advanced in order to better allocate and sustain resources and to ultimately improve the health, well-being and quality of life of very old adults.

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