Spelling suggestions: "subject:"olomouc"" "subject:"0lomouc""
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Nová synagoga v Olomouci / New Synagogue in OlomoucKostíková, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis was prepared as an architectural study. The theme of diploma thesis is the design of new synagogue with Jewish community center in Olomouc. The part of the work is the creation of Jewish community center, synagogue, museum of Jewish culture and kosher restaurant. The plot is on the site of a synagogue that was burned by the Nazis in 1939.
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SEFO Olomouc / SEFO OlomoucAbrhámová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The topic of my master’s thesis was to create an architectural study of Central European Forum in Olomouc. The Forum will be housed in refurbished premises of the Museum of Modern Art on Denisova Street and a new building erected on the neighbouring vacant lot, which was created when five historical burgher houses were demolished in 1969.The forum will be focused on collecting, exhibiting and publishing activities regarding various representations of Central European art, with special attention paid to modern and contemporary art. ‘Forum’ is much wider term than, for instance, ‘museum’ or ‘gallery’ – apart from its essential activities, various discussions, lectures, symposiums, and other events will also be organised. Proposed area is located in the heart of Olomouc city, directly in its conservation area and therefore it was crucial to take into consideration the existing historical development in neighbourhood. Main volume of the proposed building connects with building of the existing museum. Gradation of the other volumes based on the sloped terrain configuration lead to a sensitive completion of the vacant gap site and the existing historical surroundings remained preserved. construction of the new building of Central European Forum came to creation of new exhibition and assembly spaces, depositories, studios as well as technical facilities, changing rooms and sanitary facilities for museum crew.
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Srovnání cen rodinného domu ve vybraných lokalitách v okrese Olomouc v letech 2016 a 2017 / The Comparison of Prices of a Single-Family House in Selected Areas within the District of Olomouc in the Years of 2016 and 2017Babinská, Petra January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the comparison of prices of a family house in years 2016 and 2017 in the Olomouc district and in three different locations – north from the statutory city of Olomouc, the surrounding area from the statutory city of Olomouc and the outskirts of Olomouc. The family house is located in the village of Bělkovice-Lašťany. This village is located in the northern area of the statutory city of Olomouc. Next, I will place a family house fictitiously in the town of Náměšť na Hané and in the town district Nemilany, which is the peripheral part of the statutory city of Olomouc. For specified locations, the price is determined and the usual price is compared and determines factors influencing the house price. In the theoretical part, I will explain the terminology, familiarize myself with the law, the comparative method on the basis of which I will determine the usual price and the comparative method according to the valuation order, which will determine the price determined.
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Norimberské štočky Erharda Schöna v Olomouci a Skalici (16.- 20. století) / Nuremberg woodblock printings of Erhard Schön in Olomouc and Skalice (16th -20th century)Slavíková, Pavla January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is monitored a movement of woodblock printings of graphic Erhard Schön from Nuremberg to Morava. And then the movement to Prostějov, Olomouc and later to Skalice where they were used until the 19th century. These woodcuts were created during the 1620s and they were taken by the printer Jan Günther in the 1640s. Thesis briefly presented a chapbook, its history of development and splitting. This thesis clarifies a historical connections between printer offices in the above mentioned cities. Special focus on pilgrimage woodblock printings Aesop's fables between the printer offices in Prostějov, Olomouc and Skalice from 16th to 20th century.
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Suburbanizace města Olomouc a její vlivy na jádrové město a okolí / Suburbanization of the Olomouc city and its impact on city center and surroundingsMaršálková, Marcela January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focuses on residential suburbanization within Olomouc city and its surroundings. The aim of the thesis is to determine the degree of intensity of suburbanization of individual settlemements based on the available data. Pursuant evaluation, the settlements with higher suburbanization intensity will be selected and subjected to investigation. The purpose of the investigation is to determine the extent of influence by these processes and what the settlement with higher suburbanisation intensity brings to the citizens. Subsequently, the selected sites and their newly build environement will be assessed from urbanistic and architectural point of view. In conclusion, the detailed analysis of the most suburbanized settlement will be performed.
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Kontroverzní dílo Bedřicha Václavka z historicko-sociologické perspektivy / The Controversy work of Bedřich Václavek in historical-sociological perspectiveHoráková, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
Master's thesis describes the work of Bedřich Václavek in historical and sociological perspective. Bedřich Václavek was leading Marxist theorist, critic, esthetician, Germanist and folklorist. Its individual parts are treated at this thesis, like the evidence of his intellectual transformations over time. Emphasis is placed on a chronological line, which is accompanied by Václavek's work (criticism, theories, reflections, contributions in journals, collections and letter-writer). Thesis focuses primarily on the apparent controversy in his works, where it comes to transitions from one artistic direction of a second, while takes into account the historical background reflecting the social situation on which Václavek responds. Theses tried to offer a comprehensive view of the versatility of Václavek's works, but also for his detailed biography, especially from birth and throughout the study (until 1922), which is the period when constructing patriotic thoughts and relationship to folklore. Master's thesis offers a view of Václavek's contribution to the sociology of literature, what was the inspiration for some colleagues of Václavek and his followers. Key words: sociology of literature, Bedřich Václavek, criticism, social realism, folklore, Olomouc and Václavek.
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Dílo Bedřicha Václavka v historicko-sociologické perspektivě / Work of Bedřich Václavek in historical-sociological perspectiveHoráková, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
Master's thesis describes the work of BedřichVáclavek in historical and sociological perspective. BedřichVáclavek was leading Marxist theorist, critic, esthetician, Germanist and folklorist. Its individual parts are treated at this thesis, like the evidence of his intellectual transformations over time. Emphasis is placed on a chronological line, which is accompanied by Václavek's work (criticism, theories, reflections, contributions in journals, collections and letter-writer). Thesis focuses primarily on summarizing on his work, where it comes to transitions from one artistic direction of a second, while takes into account the historical background reflecting the social situation on which Václavek responds. Theses tried to offer a comprehensive view of the versatility of Václavek's works, but also for his detailed biography, especially from birth and throughout the study (until 1922), which is the period when constructing patriotic thoughts and relationship to folklore. Master's thesis offers a viewofVáclavek'scontribution to the sociology ofliterature, whatwastheinspirationforsomecolleaguesof Václavek and hisfollowers. Keywords: sociology ofliterature, Bedřich Václavek, criticism, socialrealism, folklore, Olomouc and Václavek.
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Eine kurze Nachricht über Gustav Brecher in OlmützBalatková, Jitka 20 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Von der Olmützer Tätigkeit des Opernkapellmeisters Gustav Brecher
wird weder in der Literatur noch in Lexika gesprochen - und wenn, dann
nur als Erwähnung.
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Implementace geoinformačních technologií do modelování urbanizačních procesů při strategickém plánování rozvoje měst / Implementation of geospatial technologies into modeling of urban processes in strategic planning of city developmentBurian, Jaroslav January 2012 (has links)
OF PH.D. THESIS - RNDR. JAROSLAV BURIAN Abstract in English "Implementation of geospatial technologies into modeling of urbanization processes in strategic planning of city development" PhD thesis represents original author's approach to the modeling of urban processes by using GIS in Olomouc region. In theoretical part, urban processes and spatial structures of the cities are described in connection with geospatial technologies and digital data for studying, analysis, modeling and simulation. Practical part is divided into for separated parts to fluently binding and creating homogenous thematic block. The first part of the thesis analyses development of Olomouc city by using functional areas derived from historical urban plans (since 1930). The development of urban processes, spatial structures of the city and impacts of urbanization and suburbanization are evaluated. Second chapter describes identification, analysis and quantification of suburbanization in Olomouc suburban space. The main result is Toolbox "Suburban Analyst" in ArcGIS software that use multi- criteria evaluation method and allows identifying and quantifying suburbanization in municipalities' level. Third part analyses the readiness of municipalities and cadastral areas for suburbanization. The final values of readiness represent...
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Vývoj místní samosprávy ve statutárním městě Olomouc. / The Development of Local Government in the Statutory City of Olomouc.Novotný, Miloslav January 2016 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with issues of a local government. The research will focus on the city Olomouc. The goal will be to characterize main socioeconomic indicators of the city and evaluate their impact on the development and functioning of the local government. The next step will be identify the actors of the political process in the village and analyze their relationships and define the nature of the decision-making process of local governments on the basis of a comparison of the results of municipal elections. Research approach, that tries to take into account differences in the content and decision-making of local authorities in cities with different Population sizes. The work is proposed as a case study. Two basic engineering approaches such as study of documents and interviews will be used for collecting of data.Other standard methodological procedures, especially comparison will be used in this work too
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