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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Características físico-químicas, nutricionais e sensoriais de pão de forma com adição de grãos de linhaça (Linum usitatissimum) / Physico-chemical, nutritional and sensory characteristics of flax seed wheat bread (Linum usitatissimum)

Moura, Neila Camargo de 29 September 2008 (has links)
A indústria alimentícia tem oferecido ao consumidor muitas opções para aquisição de pães, dentre essas estão os pães enriquecidos e os integrais. A linhaça é um alimento com alegação funcional que vem se destacando pela presença do Omega-3, fibra solúvel e proteína, porém seu consumo é baixo devido à falta de hábito e também por escassez de informação dos consumidores. O objetivo do estudo foi formular pães com adição de grãos de linhaça nas concentrações de 3%, 6% e 9% e compará-los ao controle, sem adição de linhaça. Foram realizadas análises de determinação do perfil de ácidos graxos, composição centesimal, quantificação do teor de minerais, determinação de antinutricionais (ácido fítico, taninos, compostos fenólicos totais), digestibilidade de proteína in vitro, análise da qualidade dos pães através do peso da massa crua, peso da massa assada, perdas durante a cocção e índice de conversão. As propriedades físicas dos pães também foram avaliadas através da textura, volume e cor. As características sensoriais foram analisadas através de teste de aceitabilidade realizado em padaria com 116 provadores e também pela Análise Descritiva Quantitativa (ADQ) com 13 provadores treinados. Com os dados obtidos das análises químicas, elaborou-se um rótulo nutricional para cada formulação. Dentre os ácidos graxos quantificados, o palmítico, o oléico e o linoléico foram os maiores representantes nas 4 amostras de pães o que contribuiu para a frágil estabilidade dos produtos e para a formação de compostos indesejáveis, porém a presença de antioxidantes naturais nas sementes de linhaça controlou a oxidação lípidica. Nenhuma das amostras pode ser considerada fonte de fibra alimentar pelo fato de não conter 3g/100g de alimento pronto para consumo. O teor de fitatos presente nas amostras aumentou de acordo com a adição de sementes de linhaça. Nas 4 formulações de pães o teor de fitato diminuiu significativamente quando comparado ao da semente de linhaça. As amostras controle e com 6% de linhaça foram classificadas como volume específico Muito bom e as amostras com 3% e 9% de linhaça foram classificadas como volume específico Bom. Entre as amostras que receberam adição de linhaça, a amostra com 9% foi a melhor aceita pelos provadores e na ADQ, essa amostra apresentou médias superiores às demais em relação a maioria dos atributos levantados pelo provadores. Não foram identificados atributos indesejáveis para nenhuma das amostras através da ADQ. / Food industries offer to consumer several types of breads options which vary from whole wheat to enrich with multigrain such with flax seed. Flax seed is considered a functional food that has important content of omega 3 fat acids, soluble fiber and protein, however it intakes is very low in our diet. The aim of the research was to prepare a wheat bread enrich with flax seed at 3% or 6% or 9% concentration and to compare with a wheat bread control with no flax seed added. Analysis of fat acids composition, mineral composition, antinutritionals content (phytic acid, tannin, total phenolic compounds) and in vitro protein digestibility were carried out in the bread samples. Bread quality was evaluated analyzing the weight of the raw dough, the baked bread, and the lost during baking process and its conversion index. Physical properties of breads were evaluated for texture, volume and color. The sensory characteristics were evaluated using acceptability test with 116 panelists and by quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) with 13 trained panelists. A nutritional label was formulated to each one of the bread preparations. The quantified fat acids profile showed that palmitic, oleic and linolenic acids were the most representative fat acids in the 4 bread sample analyzed. The presence of those fat acids possibly contributes to poor stability of product and for the development of undesirable compound. However, the presence of natural antioxidants in flax seed may help to control fat acid oxidation. None of the samples were considered source of dietary fiber because they have less then 3g/100 g of bread. The phytate content present in the samples increased according to the increase of flax seed concentration in the bread. Compared to raw flax seed, the phytate content in the bread samples were lower. The control and the sample with 6% of flax seed had the ranking for specific volume described as Very good and the samples with 3% and 9% of flax seed as Good. Between the bread samples, the best score in the acceptability test was obtained in the sample with 9% of flax seed. The same was observed for QDA which showed that the panel had high attributes for this sample compared to other ones. No undesirable attributes were identified in any other sample analyzed in QDA.

"Modulação da composição de ácidos graxos poliinsaturados ômega 3 de ovos e tecidos de galinhas poedeiras, através da dieta. I. Estabilidade oxidativa" / "Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids modulated by the diet in laying hens eggs and tissues. I. Oxidation stability"

Gómez, Maria Elena de Los Dolores Bernal 12 February 2003 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência de dietas suplementadas com semente de linhaça (ricas em ácido alfa-linolênico, LNA, ômega3) e antioxidantes naturais, provenientes do orégano e do alecrim, sobre o nível de incorporação dos ácidos graxos poliinsaturados ômega 3 (PUFA ômega3) em ovos e tecidos de aves. Para isto, 192 galinhas poedeiras da linhagem comercial Babcock de 22 semanas, foram alimentadas durante 30 dias com dietas constituídas de 0 (zero) e 5% de óleo de linhaça. Foram definidos 8 tratamentos: 4 grupos com 5% de óleo de linhaça (controle/sem antioxidante; BHA+BHT, 100+100 ppm; orégano, 200 ppm; alecrim, 200 ppm) e 4 grupos sem óleo de linhaça, mas utilizando os mesmos antioxidantes. A amostragem dos ovos foi realizada durante o experimento nos períodos 0, 10, 20 e 30 dias e dos tecidos das aves (sobrecoxa, coxa, asa, peito, coração, tecido adiposo e fígado) no tempo final do experimento. Os ácidos graxos foram determinados por cromatografia gasosa e o grau de oxidação lipídica através do teste do ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBA). De acordo aos resultados obtidos, verificou-se aumento significativo dos ácidos graxos alfa-linolênico (LNA) e docosahexaenóico (DHA) nas gemas de ovo das aves que receberam 5% de óleo de linhaça nos tratamentos controle, BHA+BHT, orégano e alecrim, nos diferentes tempos (10, 20 e 30 dias), quando comparados com a dieta 0% linhaça. Além disso, a incorporação máxima dos ácidos LNA e DHA nas gemas de ovo foi obtida aos 20 dias de alimentação das aves, com um índice de incorporação de 15 a 30 e de 2,5 a 4,5 vezes o grupo controle, respectivamente. Na avaliação do grau de oxidação lipídica nas gemas de ovo, foi verificada diferença significativa na redução dos valores de absorbância nas 2 dietas, em todos os tratamentos com antioxidantes, quando relacionados ao seu respectivo controle. Com relação aos tecidos das aves, também houve incorporação significativa dos ácidos LNA e DHA, quando comparadas as duas dietas, sendo o fígado o tecido que apresentou a maior concentração destes ácidos graxos. Também foi possível verificar a eficácia dos antioxidantes naturais na proteção contra a oxidação lipídica nos tecidos sobrecoxa, coxa, asa e peito. Portanto, os extratos das especiarias, alecrim e orégano, podem ser utilizados satisfatoriamente para se obter ovos e tecidos de aves enriquecidos com PUFA ômega-3, melhorando a estabilidade lipídica. Considerando que os PUFA ômega-3 têm um interesse considerável na saúde humana, o fornecimento de dietas ricas em ácido alfa-linolênico presente na linhaça, para galinhas poedeiras, permitiu a obtenção de ovos e tecidos enriquecidos, os quais tornam-se uma fonte alternativa de PUFA ômega-3. / The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of diets containing flaxseed (rich in alpha-linolenic acid, LNA, omega-3) and natural antioxidants from oregano and rosemary on the level of incorporation of the polyunsaturated fatty acids omega 3 (PUFA omega-3) in eggs and tissues of poultry. For this purpose, 192 laying hens at 22 weeks of age, of commercial lineage Babcock, were fed for 30 days with diets containing 0 (zero) or 5% of flaxseed oil. The hens were divided in 8 groups: 4 groups received diets with 5% of flaxseed oil (control / no antioxidant; BHA+BHT, 100+100 ppm; oregano, 200 ppm; rosemary, 200 ppm) and 4 groups received no flaxseed oil, but the same antioxidants. The sampling of the eggs was accomplished in 4 periods (0, 10, 20 and 30 days) and of the tissues of poultry (upper thigh, thigh, wing, breast, heart, adipose tissue and liver) at the end of experiment. The fatty acids were analysed by gas chromatography and the lipid oxidation was determined by thiobarbituric acid test (TBA). The results showed that the levels of alpha-linolenic (LNA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids increased in egg yolks from hens of the 4 groups fed diets with 5% flaxseed oil after 10, 20 and 30 days, when compared with diets 0% flaxseed oil. In addition, the maximum incorporation of LNA and DHA in egg yolks was obtained after 20 days, with an index of incorporation ranging from 15 to 30 and from 2.5 to 4.5, respectively. Also, a significant decrease of lipid oxidation in egg yolks for all groups receiving antioxidants was observed, when related with control. In the tissues of the hens, there was also significant incorporation of the LNA and DHA acids, when comparing the 2 diets, with the liver presenting the major concentration of these fatty acids. It was also possible to verify the effectiveness of the natural antioxidants in the protection against lipid oxidation in upper thigh, thigh, wing and breast tissues. Therefore, rosemary and oregano can be used satisfactorily to obtain eggs and tissues of poultry enriched with PUFA omega-3, improving the lipid stability. Considering that the PUFA omega-3 have considerable interest in the human health, the administration of diets rich in alpha-linolenic acid from flaxseed to laying hens allows the eggs and tissues enrichment as an alternative source of PUFA omega-3.

Tratamento com EPA e DHA protege células beta pancreáticas contra a disfunção induzida por ácido palmítico. / EPA and DHA treatment protects pancreatic beta cells against palmitic acid-induced dysfunction.

Monaco, Camila Ferraz Lucena 29 June 2017 (has links)
Os ácidos graxos (AG) podem influenciar o processo secretório de insulina induzido pela glicose. Os AG ω3 interferem em diversos processos fisiológicos, sendo que nas ilhotas pancreáticas, os AG ω3 colaboram para a diminuição da lipotoxicidade induzida pelo ácido palmítico. Ao ácido palmítico são atribuídos efeitos deletérios em diversos tecidos, assim como nas células β, onde ele promove a alteração da composição dos fosfolípides de membrana, do potencial elétrico da mesma e consequentemente do processo de extrusão dos grânulos de insulina. A exposição crônica das células β ao excesso de ácido palmítico é tóxica, provocando diminuição da resposta secretória de insulina, redução da oxidação e captação de glicose e aumento de espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs) que, em quantidades suprafisiológicas, irão contribuir para a falência e morte da célula β. As EROs podem ser de origem mitocondrial, através do metabolismo dos nutrientes ou ainda proveniente da ativação do complexo enzimático NADPH oxidase, o qual é modulado pela glicose e pelos AG, incluindo o ácido palmítico. Em contrapartida, os AG ω3 exercem efeitos anti-inflamatórios e antioxidantes em diversos sistemas, contribuindo para melhora de perfil lipídico e resistência periférica à insulina. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o possível efeito protetor dos AG ω3 contra os efeitos deletérios do ácido palmítico em células β pancreáticas. Nas células β, a partir dos resultados obtidos, a presença de AG ω3 mostrou-se eficaz para prevenir o dano secretório e o aumento de EROs, além de contribuir para manutenção da viabilidade celular e da captação de glicose nas ilhotas tratadas com ácido palmítico, desempenhando um importante papel protetor na célula β. / Fatty acids (FA) may influence the process of glucose-induced insulin. The ω3 FA interferes in several physiological processes, and in the pancreatic islets collaborate to decrease the lipotoxicity induced by palmitic acid. Palmitic acid induces deleterious effects in several tissues, as well as in β cells, where it promotes the alteration of the membrane phospholipid composition, the plasma membrane electric potential, and consequently, the process of the insulin granules extrusion. Chronic exposure of β cells to high concentration of palmitic acid is toxic, leading to decreased insulin secretory response, reduced oxidation and uptake of glucose, and an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) which, in supraphysiological amounts, will contribute to β-cell failure and death. ROS may be of mitochondrial origin, through the metabolism of nutrients or even from the activation of the enzymatic complex NADPH oxidase, which is modulated by glucose and FA, including palmitic acid. In contrast, ω3 FA exerts anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects in several systems, contributing to the improvement of lipid profile and peripheral resistance to insulin. The aim of this study was verify the protective possible effect of AG ω3 against the deleterious effects of palmitic acid on pancreatic β cells. Our results shown that the presence of ω3 FA was effective in preventing secretory damage and increase of EROs, also contributing to the maintenance of cell viability and glucose uptake in the islets treated with palmitic acid, playing an important β-cell protective role.

Il periodo di transizione della bovina da latte e l'infiammazione: un nuovo indice per valutare la risposta individuale, trattamenti pre-parto finalizzati alla sua riduzione e conseguenze sulle prestazioni produttive e riproduttive / Transition period of dairy cows and inflammation: a novel index to assess the individual response, pre-calving treatments aiming to mitigate it and consequences on productive and reproductive performances

GROSSI, PAOLO 23 February 2012 (has links)
Il periparto è la parte più critica della vita della bovina da latte. I cambiamenti importanti ed improvvisi nel metabolismo e nelle condizioni di vita possono favorire l’insorgenza di problemi di salute e di uno stato infiammatorio. Una risposta eccessiva dell’organismo all’infiammazione può sottrarre risorse fondamentali, causando un peggioramento delle condizioni di salute e un calo della produzione di latte. Nella prima parte della tesi si propone un nuovo indice basato su alcuni parametri plasmatici utile a descrivere meglio la risposta all’infiammazione nel post-parto. Una identificazione rapida degli animali caratterizzati da una risposta eccessiva all’infiammazione, specialmente quelli senza sintomi esterni, permette un intervento efficace per evitare ulteriori conseguenze negative. La seconda e terza parte della tesi descrivono due prove sperimentali finalizzate a ridurre la risposta all’infiammazione impiegando acidi grassi ω-3 e/o acido acetilsalicilico. La somministrazione di acidi grassi ω-3 a cavallo del parto ha ridotto la risposta all’infiammazione e migliorato il bilancio energetico, mentre la loro somministrazione esclusivamente prima del parto ha evidenziato alcuni leggeri miglioramenti nella risposta all’infiammazione e nel bilancio energetico. La somministrazione prima del parto di acido acetilsalicilico ha causato l’insorgenza di alcuni problemi e pertanto dovrebbe essere somministrata solo dopo il parto. / The peripartum period is the most critical stage of the dairy cows. The sudden and major changes in metabolism and life conditions may favor the onset of health problems together with an inflammatory status. An excessive response by the organism to inflammation may subtract primary resources, resulting in a worsening of health status and in a lower milk yield. In the first part of the thesis a new index based on some plasma parameters is proposed to better describe the response to inflammation in the post-calving of dairy cows. An early identification of the animals characterized by a severe response to inflammation, especially without any external symptom, allows an effective intervention in order to avoid further negative consequences. The second and the third part of the thesis describe two experiments aiming to reduce the response to inflammation using ω-3 fatty acids and/or acetylsalicylic acid. The administration of ω-3 fatty acids around calving reduced the inflammatory response and improved the energy balance, while their pre-calving only administration highlighted some slight improvements in inflammatory response and energy balance. The pre-calving administration of acetylsalicylic acid caused the onset of some problems and should be used only after calving.

The effect of consuming farmed salmon compared to salmon oil capsules on long chain omega 3 fatty acid and selenium status in humans : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Human Nutrition, Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health at Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand

Pauga, Melanie January 2009 (has links)
Salmon is a good source of long chain (LC) omega 3 fatty acids and selenium; these are well recognised for their health benefits. Recommendations for LC omega 3 fatty acid intakes presume equivalence between fish and fish oil. The aim of this research was to compare the effects of consuming salmon with salmon oil capsules on LC omega 3 fatty acid and selenium status. Forty four healthy subjects were randomly assigned to consume either two servings of 120 g farmed New Zealand King (FNZK) salmon/week or 2, 4 or 6 capsules of salmon oil/day for 8 weeks. Fasting blood samples, anthropometric measures, food consumption habits information and blood pressure (BP) measurements were obtained at the study commencement and ending. Each subject’s intake of LC omega 3 fatty acids and selenium was determined by analysing the fatty acid and selenium content of duplicate portions of cooked salmon and capsules. The amount of salmon consumed was then calculated by subtracting unconsumed amounts of salmon and then calculating the intake of LC omega 3 fatty acids as grams of LC omega 3 fatty acids consumed per day. Percentage of compliance to capsule intake, based on counts of unconsumed capsules, was calculated to determine the amount of LC omega 3 fatty acids consumed per day from capsules. Change in red blood cells (RBC) LC omega 3 fatty acid levels from equivalent amounts of LC omega 3 fatty acids consumed from capsules and salmon were compared using linear regression analysis predictive models fitted to the capsule data. Omega 3 index was calculated. LC omega 3 fatty acid intakes from salmon and 2, 4 and 6 capsules were 0.82, 0.24, 0.47 and 0.68 g/day, respectively. Equal amounts of LC omega 3 fatty acids consumed from salmon and capsules resulted in similar increases in RBC LC omega 3 fatty acids and omega 3 index (RBC eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA): 0.80 [0.58 – 1.02] vs. 1.00 [0.71 – 1.27] %; RBC docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): 0.93 [0.58 – 1.29] vs. 0.99 [0.68 – 1.31] %; omega 3 index: 1.92 [1.46 – 2.38] vs. 2.25 [1.65 – 2.83] %). The capsules did not contain selenium, but the salmon provided 6.84 µg selenium/day. Plasma selenium concentrations increased significantly in the salmon group compared to the capsule

The effect of consuming farmed salmon compared to salmon oil capsules on long chain omega 3 fatty acid and selenium status in humans : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Human Nutrition, Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health at Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand

Pauga, Melanie January 2009 (has links)
Salmon is a good source of long chain (LC) omega 3 fatty acids and selenium; these are well recognised for their health benefits. Recommendations for LC omega 3 fatty acid intakes presume equivalence between fish and fish oil. The aim of this research was to compare the effects of consuming salmon with salmon oil capsules on LC omega 3 fatty acid and selenium status. Forty four healthy subjects were randomly assigned to consume either two servings of 120 g farmed New Zealand King (FNZK) salmon/week or 2, 4 or 6 capsules of salmon oil/day for 8 weeks. Fasting blood samples, anthropometric measures, food consumption habits information and blood pressure (BP) measurements were obtained at the study commencement and ending. Each subject’s intake of LC omega 3 fatty acids and selenium was determined by analysing the fatty acid and selenium content of duplicate portions of cooked salmon and capsules. The amount of salmon consumed was then calculated by subtracting unconsumed amounts of salmon and then calculating the intake of LC omega 3 fatty acids as grams of LC omega 3 fatty acids consumed per day. Percentage of compliance to capsule intake, based on counts of unconsumed capsules, was calculated to determine the amount of LC omega 3 fatty acids consumed per day from capsules. Change in red blood cells (RBC) LC omega 3 fatty acid levels from equivalent amounts of LC omega 3 fatty acids consumed from capsules and salmon were compared using linear regression analysis predictive models fitted to the capsule data. Omega 3 index was calculated. LC omega 3 fatty acid intakes from salmon and 2, 4 and 6 capsules were 0.82, 0.24, 0.47 and 0.68 g/day, respectively. Equal amounts of LC omega 3 fatty acids consumed from salmon and capsules resulted in similar increases in RBC LC omega 3 fatty acids and omega 3 index (RBC eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA): 0.80 [0.58 – 1.02] vs. 1.00 [0.71 – 1.27] %; RBC docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): 0.93 [0.58 – 1.29] vs. 0.99 [0.68 – 1.31] %; omega 3 index: 1.92 [1.46 – 2.38] vs. 2.25 [1.65 – 2.83] %). The capsules did not contain selenium, but the salmon provided 6.84 µg selenium/day. Plasma selenium concentrations increased significantly in the salmon group compared to the capsule

The effect of consuming farmed salmon compared to salmon oil capsules on long chain omega 3 fatty acid and selenium status in humans : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Human Nutrition, Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health at Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand

Pauga, Melanie January 2009 (has links)
Salmon is a good source of long chain (LC) omega 3 fatty acids and selenium; these are well recognised for their health benefits. Recommendations for LC omega 3 fatty acid intakes presume equivalence between fish and fish oil. The aim of this research was to compare the effects of consuming salmon with salmon oil capsules on LC omega 3 fatty acid and selenium status. Forty four healthy subjects were randomly assigned to consume either two servings of 120 g farmed New Zealand King (FNZK) salmon/week or 2, 4 or 6 capsules of salmon oil/day for 8 weeks. Fasting blood samples, anthropometric measures, food consumption habits information and blood pressure (BP) measurements were obtained at the study commencement and ending. Each subject’s intake of LC omega 3 fatty acids and selenium was determined by analysing the fatty acid and selenium content of duplicate portions of cooked salmon and capsules. The amount of salmon consumed was then calculated by subtracting unconsumed amounts of salmon and then calculating the intake of LC omega 3 fatty acids as grams of LC omega 3 fatty acids consumed per day. Percentage of compliance to capsule intake, based on counts of unconsumed capsules, was calculated to determine the amount of LC omega 3 fatty acids consumed per day from capsules. Change in red blood cells (RBC) LC omega 3 fatty acid levels from equivalent amounts of LC omega 3 fatty acids consumed from capsules and salmon were compared using linear regression analysis predictive models fitted to the capsule data. Omega 3 index was calculated. LC omega 3 fatty acid intakes from salmon and 2, 4 and 6 capsules were 0.82, 0.24, 0.47 and 0.68 g/day, respectively. Equal amounts of LC omega 3 fatty acids consumed from salmon and capsules resulted in similar increases in RBC LC omega 3 fatty acids and omega 3 index (RBC eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA): 0.80 [0.58 – 1.02] vs. 1.00 [0.71 – 1.27] %; RBC docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): 0.93 [0.58 – 1.29] vs. 0.99 [0.68 – 1.31] %; omega 3 index: 1.92 [1.46 – 2.38] vs. 2.25 [1.65 – 2.83] %). The capsules did not contain selenium, but the salmon provided 6.84 µg selenium/day. Plasma selenium concentrations increased significantly in the salmon group compared to the capsule

Interakce mezi cirkadiánními hodinami a makrofágy v tukové tkáni / Interaction between circadian clock and macrophages in the adipose tissue

Honzlová, Petra January 2017 (has links)
Well functioning circadian system is crucial component of healthy organism and its disruption can result in impairment of metabolic functions with consequential development of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Obesity is in general caused by enhanced migration of pro- inflammatory polarized macrophages (M1) into adipose tissue. We have shown, that interaction of this type of macrophages with adipose tissue had significant effect on rhythmic expression of clock genes in adipocytes. We further investigated effect of high fat diet and diet enriched by omega-3 fatty acids on circadian oscillations in WAT and differently polarized macrophages. This diet affected oscillations in adipose tissue and in M0 and M2 polarized macrophages. These results support previous findings of effect of omega-3 fatty acids on metabolism and suggest their effect on circadian system as well. Key words: circadian rhythms, adipose tissue, macrophages, omega-3 fatty acids, high fat diet

Fleromättade fetter, torra ögon och Sjögrens syndrom : Kan en kost rik på omega 3 och 6 lindra symtomen vid Sjögrens syndrom och torra ögon?

Granberg, Ebba January 2017 (has links)
Introduktion: Torra ögon (DES) och Sjögrens syndrom (SjS) är inflammatoriska sjukdomar som drabbar ögonen. DES drabbar tårkörtelns funktionella del vilket ger ögonsmärta och suddig syn. SjS är en kronisk autoimmun sjukdom som ger skada på tår- och salivproducerande körtlar. Det leder till kliniska symtom i form av mun- och ögontorrhet. Essentiella fettsyror bildar proinflammatoriska och antiinflammatoriska cytokiner som kan hjälpa vid behandling av dessa sjukdomar. Metod och syfte: En litteraturstudie genomfördes för att ta reda på om fleromättade fetter kan lindra symtomen vid SjS och DES. Resultat: Resultaten för studierna visade resultat på OSDI, Schirmers test, BUT, IL-17, tårosmolaritet, tårvolym, ostimulerat salivflöde, stimulerat salivflöde, sonderingsdjup, PGE1, van Bijstervelds poäng och flourscein infärgning. Diskussion: Resultatet visar signifikanta skillnader för vissa doser av n-3 och n-6. Det som skiljer resultaten åt är de olika doserna av fettsyror samt vad dess placebokontroller intog. OSDI visade främst skillnader på de patienter med DES men endast på en grupp med SjS som intog n-3 för behandling av torr mun. Schirmers test och BUT visade en ökning hos patienterna med mild och måttlig DES men inte på patienterna med SjS. Patienterna med SjS visade förbättringar på stimulerat salivflöde och OSDI för torr mun samt PGE1 nivåer och flourscein infärgning samtidigt som en del studier inte visade några signifikanta förbättringar på några mätvariabler. Det kan grunda sig i intaget av fettsyror, sjukdomstillstånd eller längden på behandling. Slutsats: En del personer kan få förbättrade symtom av att inta n-3 eller n-6 tillskott men skillnaderna är inte alltid statistiskt signifikanta för studierna. / Introduction: Dry eye syndrome (DES) and Sjögren ́s syndrome (SjS) are inflammatory diseases that affect the eyes. DES affects the lacrimal glands functional unit, causing eye pain and blurred vision. SjS is a chronical autoimmune disease that causes damage to tear and salivary glands. It leads to clinical symptoms in the form of mouth and eye irritation. Essential fatty acids form pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines that can help in the treatment of these diseases. Method and purpose: A literature study was performed to study if essential fatty acids can relieve the symptoms of DES and SjS. Results: The results for the studies showed results on OSDI, Schirmer ́s test, BUT, IL- 17, tear osmolarity, tear volume, unstimulated salivary flow, stimulated salivary flow, depth of probing, van Bijsterveld ́s score and flourscein staining. Discussion: The result shows significant differences for certain doses of n-3 and n-6. What separates the results are the different doses of fatty acids and what their placebo controls took. OSDI showed major differences in patients with DES but only in one group of patients with SjS who took n-3 for treating dry mouth. Schirmer ́s test and BUT showed an increase in patients with mild and moderate DES but not in patients with SjS. Patients with SjS showed improvements in stimulated salivary flow, dry mouth OSDI, PGE1 levels and flourscein staining, while some studies did not show any significant improvements in any measurement variables. It may be due to the intake of fatty acids, disease states or the length of treatment. Conclusion: Some people may get improved symptoms of taking n- 3 or n-6 supplements, but the differences are not always statistically significant for the studies.

Zdroje a současná úroveň spotřeby omega-3 mastných kyselin v České republice / Sources and current level of consumption of omega-3 fatty acids in the Czech Republic

MERLEOVÁ, Gabriela January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and their beneficial effects on health. Characteristics, properties and appearance of omega-3 fatty acids may explain some of the mechanisms of their effects on human health manifested not only in the treatment and mitigation of some non-infectious diseases of mass occurrence, but especially in the area of preventive action. Theoretic information used in the first part of this work was obtained from scientific and professional publications and periodicals searched in domestic and international databases of scientific and specialist literature. The part of data collection and analysis compares the intake of omega-3 acids in the form of fish dishes prepared for children in the first half of elementary school, aged 7 to 10 years, in randomly selected school canteens or contracted catering in the European Union with the recommendations of Decree 107/2005 Sb. Ministry of Education.

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