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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Valiūnė, Renata 03 September 2010 (has links)
Šiuo baigiamuoju bakalauro darbu siekiama analizuoti vaiko teises ir pareigas, jų svarbą bei vaidmenį vaiko gyvenime. Taip pat nustatyti, ar iš tiesų vaikai piktnaudžiauja savo teisėmis ir nežino savo pareigų. Mokslinės ir pedagoginės literatūros analizė leidžia daryti tokias išvadas, jog vaikų teisių pažeidimai ir smurtas prieš vaikus turi pasekmių tolimesniam jo gyvenimui, savęs vertinimui ir sąveikai su aplinkiniais. Moksliniuose darbuose akcentuojama tai, jog įtraukti vaiko teisių ir pareigų mokymą į visas mokykloje vykstančias pamokas ne tik įmanoma, bet ir būtina. Tyrime „7 – 8 klasių mokinių požiūris į vaiko teisių ir pareigų reikšmę vaiko gyvenime“ dalyvavo 114 7 – 8 klasių mokinių iš dviejų Šiaulių pagrindinių mokyklų. Respondentai buvo tiriami pasitelkiant anketinę apklausą. Anketoje pateikta 15 mišrių klausimų, respondentai apklausti gavus mokyklų vadovų sutikimus. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad tik nedaugelis vaikų žino savo teises namuose ir mokykloje. Dauguma jų teises sutapatina su pareigomis arba nesugeba įvardinti savo teisių. Taip pat nustatyta, kad didžioji dalis apklaustųjų gerai žino savo pareigas namuose ir mokykloje, o geriausias pareigingumo pavyzdys jiems yra tėvai ir mokytojai. Tyrimas atskleidė ir tai, kad dauguma apklaustųjų suvokia, kokia atsakomybė gresia žmonėms, pažeidusiems jų teises. Be to, suvokia ir savo atsakomybę, jei nevykdys pareigų namuose ir mokykloje. Galiausiai, tyrimo duomenys atskleidė, jog vaikai teikia nežymiai didesnę reikšmę savo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This ending bachelor work is concentrated on analysis of children rights and duties and importance and role of them in child’s life. Moreover, to find if it is true that children are misusing their rights and do not realize their duties. Analysis of nonfiction and pedagogical literature allows to infer that flouting of children rights and violence against child causes a serious damage to the rest of his life, self-evaluation and interaction with people round about. Studies emphasizes the fact that teaching about children rights and duties should be included in every subject at school. It should be not just a possibility, it should be a necessity. Research called “7 – 8 grade students’ attitude to children rights and duties and their meaning in child’s life” comprehended 114 7 – 8 grade students of two Shiauliai basic schools. Respondents where investigated by involving a questionnaire of 15 open and closed type questions. Respondents were investigated with agreement of school directors. During the investigation it was founded that jus a few children knows their rights at school and home. Majority of students are inclined to identify their duties as rights and cannot define children rights. On the other hand it was founded that most of respondents know their duties at home and school quite well. The best leads of dutifulness for children are their parents and teachers. Moreover, investigation helped to find the fact that majority of students realize what kind of... [to full text]

Karo vadų pareigos, jų įgyvendinimas ir atsakomybė pagal tarptautinę humanitarinę teisę / Duties and Responsibility of Commanders under International Humanitarian Law

Marozas, Tomas 07 February 2011 (has links)
Vado atsakomybė yra tarptautinėje paprotinėje teisėje nusistovėjęs principas. Vadai, pagal šią doktriną, atsako ne už savo pačių įvykdytus nusikaltimus, o už pavaldinių, kuriems nesugebėjo užkirsti kelio ar bausti. Ši atsakomybė kyla dėl neveikimo. Mokslininkų bendruomenėje iki šių dienų nėra aišku, ar vadai atsako už pavaldinių nusikaltimus, ar už savo paties pareigos nevykdymą. Vadai atsako už atskirą nusikaltimą, kuriam neužkirto kelio ar už kurį nebaudė, kuomet tarptautinė teisė jį buvo įpareigojus tą daryti. Vado atsakomybė yra sui generis atsakomybės už neveikimą forma. Pagal ad hoc tribunolų jurisprudenciją, vado atsakomybė susideda iš trijų elementų: vado-pavaldinių santykių, vado mens rea ir būtinų ir tinkamų priemonių užkirsti kelią nusikaltimui ar bausti nesiėmimo. Visi šie elementai turi būti įrodyti ir bet kokios abejonės kilimas turi būti sprendžiamas kaltinamojo naudai. Vado-pavaldinių santykiai galimi tik esant efektyviai vado kontrolei. Efektyvumas reiškia, kad vadas gali ne tik vienaip ar kitaip daryti įtaką pavaldinių veiksmams, tačiau ir priversti paklusti, materialiai sugebėti užkirsti kelią nusikaltimams ar bausti. Romos statute karo vadų ir asmenų, efektyviai vykdančių karo vado funkcijas, mens rea skiriasi nuo civilių vadų. Romos statuto travaux préparatoires pasufleruoja, kad civiliai vadai, skirtingai nei karo, neturi tokių pačių galimybių vykdyti savo pareigas. Dėl šios priežasties jų žinojimo standartas yra švelnesnis nei karo vadų. Romos statutas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Superior responsibility, otherwise known as command responsibility, is a well established doctrine in both treaty and customary international law. Superiors are held criminally responsible for breaches of international humanitaran law committed by their subordinates. Responsibility arises only after superior fails to take any preventive or punitive action when he was under a duty to do so. There is no common opinion of what that doctrine should stand for, is it a mode of liability for subordinates crimes or a separate offence of superior. It is a crime of omission which has no or little support in national legislation systems. Superior responsibility is a sui generis form of responsibility for omission. Superior responsibility, according to ad hoc tribunals jurisprudence, is constructed of three elements which are superior-subordinate relationship, superior’s mens rea and ability to take necessary and reasonable measures to prevent subordinate’s crime and punish. All these elements must be proofed beyond reasonable doubt. Superior-subordinate relationship can only be established if there existed effective command and control between those two. Effectiveness is a material ability to influence subordinates actions in a way of either stopping them from committing a crime or being able to punish. Superiors mens rea in Rome Statute for military commander and a person, effectively acting as such is more strict than for other superiors, described in art. 28(b). Travaux... [to full text]

The mid-eighteenth century navy from the perspective of Captain Thomas Burnett and his peers

McLeod, Anne Byrne January 2010 (has links)
This thesis explores the concerns of mid-eighteenth century naval captains through the careers of Captain Thomas Burnett and the cohort of thirty five officers who were posted captain in 1757 soon after the start of the Seven Years' War. A subsidiary cohort, that of the 129 lieutenants who were, like Burnett, first commissioned in 1744 is used as a control against which to measure the statistical worth of the smaller cohort. Examination of the day to day concerns of the captains has been made possible through the rich and varied resource of their letters to the Admiralty, which have hitherto been little used as a source by historians. Despite the formality of these letters not merely the concerns but also the personalities and characters of the writers are vividly conveyed. After tracing the career of Thomas Burnett this thesis examines the 1757 cohort and its progression to the rank of master and commander. At this point the correspondence with the Admiralty begins. The influences, 'interest' and formative experiences behind their appointments are considered. The duties of the mid-eighteenth century captain are outlined, as their relationship with the Admiralty is analysed and the extent to which they were kept under strict Admiralty control by precedent and financial scrutiny is demonstrated. All aspects of manning are shown to dominate the daily concerns of captains. The extent to which 'interest' or chance gave them the opportunity to display their professional expertise and increase their standing within the active naval corps is weighed. Tracking this cohort beyond the war into the years of peace and subsequent wars has revealed the extent to which the timing of being made post captain was crucial and that 'interest' was more significant than merit in accelerating and promoting active careers.

The power of the Security Council under Chapter VII of the UN Charter and its application in the Arab Spring conflicts

20 November 2013 (has links)
LL.M. (International Law) / Since 1945 there has been a noticeable broadening of what constitutes a threat to international peace and security. Traditionally, the definition of “threat to international peace” was limited to a conflict among nations, which were conflicts common in the world. The core threat to international peace used to be organized inter-state conflicts only. Today however, the nature of threats to international peace has changed drastically to include internal conflicts – as there are examples of cases where these have spread across the borders or have led to massive refugee situations. In this dissertation, I review the mandate of the United Nation’s inter alia the changing definition of ‘threat to international peace’.

A Survey of the Qualifications, Duties, and Problems of the Business Manager in the Public School Business Office

Cook, Jimmie F. 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study is to survey the business manager system in public schools in accordance with the accepted standards and common practices regarding the preparation necessary for a person interested in becoming a business manager. Specifically, forty-six of the average school districts in Texas are evaluated by means of data received in a questionnaire in order to determine the requirements these schools set up for a business manager.

Diskvalifikace členů orgánu a dalších osob z výkonu funkce v obchodní korporaci / Disqualification of a governing body member and other persons from their positions in a business corporation

Lála, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
Disqualification of a governing body member and other persons from their positions in a business corporation Abstract The master thesis analyses the regulation of disqualification of directors and other persons from the management of a business corporation. The purpose of this study is to introduce in detail the grounds for disqualification and to define persons who might be disqualified based on each particular ground, moreover, to describe a scale of effects of a disqualification order and to deal with the consequences of acting while being disqualified. The attention is also drawn to several interpretative problems, which are construed. Additionally, the thesis reflects the regulation of the English Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 and the relevant English case-law. Except for the introductory part and the conclusion, the thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter looks briefly at the disqualification as such and its purpose. Additionally, it is generally described, who might be disqualified. Special attention is paid to the person that is in a similar position as a director and to the influential and controlling persons. The second and the third chapters deal with particular grounds for disqualification. Firstly, it is focused on the disqualification which is pre-conditioned by...

Základní prvky vztahu rodiče a dítěte (srovnávací studie) / Basic elements of relationship between parent nad child (comparative study)

Sladká, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
Resumé Basic Elements of Relationship between Parent and Child (a Comparative Study) The topic of my master thesis is 'Basic Elements of the Relationship between Parent and a Child, a Comparative Study'. The main purpose of my thesis is to compare rights and duties of parents and children in their mutual relationship, both at the present time and in the past, as well as in various foreign countries. I tried to provide a comprehensive overview of this issue, because a lot of parents, more so children, do not know what their own rights and duties are. The main right, and also a duty, of parents is to raise their children, however, it is just the top of all their duties and rights as parents. Nowadays rights of children are stronger than in the past, thanks to international evolution. This international evolution causes national family law to be improved, which reinforces the rights of a child. We should however remember that rights of parents represent duties for children and vice versa, rights of children are duties for parents. The thesis is composed of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion; the chapters are further divided into subchapters. The introduction describes the structure and main goals of my thesis. Chapter One deals with the history of rights and duties of parents and children. The...

Pravidlo podnikatelského úsudku / Rule of entrepreneurial judgement

Janoušková, Kamila January 2016 (has links)
Every corporate director is under the obligation to perform his duties with reasonable care and loyalty. In connection with re-codification of the Czech private law, the Business Corporations Act brought a new institute to the Czech legal system - the business judgment rule. This rule provides corporate directors with a special protection against the liability for the breach of their duties. The aim of this thesis is to focus on this institute, to analyse the Czech version of business judgment rule, to compare it with its foreign models and provide the most likely judicial interpretation of it. The thesis consists of three main chapters. Chapter One deals with the issue of directors duties of care and loyalty and describes the grounds for existence of business judgment rule with a broaded context of law and economics knowledge. It explains the role of capital companies in business in order to define leading requirements for company regulation. Author focuses on the necessity of taking a risk in process of making entrepreneurial decisions. Chapter Two provides a description of two foreign models of business judgment rule. First, it deals with the business judgment rule originated from the practise of the courts in USA and two possible interpretations given by them - a standard of review and an...

Právní aspekty poskytování zdravotní péče nezletilým / Legal aspects of provision of health care to minors

Blažková, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
AJ Health care is very important part of our lives, therefore legal regulation of providing health care deserves more attention. Specialist publications mostly engaged legislation of providing health services, without contradiction, who is recipient of health care and regulation of status minor doesn't get attention like should have. Minor has special legal status, that is why legal aspects of providing health care is specific too. Related with development of private law many changes happened, which also showed in legal status of underage patient, therefore goal of my thesis is to tender comprehensive view of legislation about minor patient status at provision health care. Thesis is divided into the five main chapters. First chapter provides a comprehensive overview about sources of regulation in selected topic and describe mutual connection some of law regulation. The second part is focused on rights and corresponding duties minor patient, his parents and doctors while providing medical care. In this chapter is considerable attention given to the institute of informed consent minor patient and conditions of his grant. Third part of my work is related to second part and is trying to outline solving of problematic situation, which can happen during providing medical care to minor patient .Fourth...

Práva a povinnosti člena společenství vlastníků jednotek. / Rights and duties of a member of the association of owners of (residential) units

Pazderová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
In my Diploma thesis I focus on rights and duties of the member of the Community of owners of housing units. The Community of owners of housing units and related issues are regulated in Act No. 72/1994 Coll., the Flats Ownership Act. Some general regulation can be found also in the Civil Code. First of all, in the introduction of my Diploma thesis I wanted to describe the reasons that lead me to choose this theme. After that I explained the methods I used in the process of completing of this thesis. After the explanation of the choice of the theme and the methods I concerned with the general regulation of the Community. In this chapter I described the birth of the Community and its articles of association. Here I was concerned with the approval and content of the articles of association and also with so called model articles of association and situations, when they are applicable. I also mentioned the regulation of bodies of the Community. According to Flats Ownership Act, the compulsory bodies of the Community are the meeting of unit owners and the statutory body, which can be represented either by committee or by the authorized owner. There is also a possibility to create special bodies of the Community by specific adjustment of the articles of association. At the end of this chapter I analyzed the...

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