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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Learning and skills development in a fragmented industry : the case of the UK television sector

Stoyanova, Dimitrinka Draganova January 2009 (has links)
This thesis discusses how the restructuring of the UK television industry in the 1980s and 1990s has affected learning and skills development in the sector. It is based on 71 semi-structured interviews with television freelancers and key informants in the industry, and a case study of a small regional independent company developed through semi-structured interviews and three months of participant observation. To investigate the current learning and skills development mechanisms, this thesis engages with community-based learning theories. These are discussed in relation to industry characteristics such as commissioning and independent production and labour market realities related to freelance work and educational provision. The findings reveal that the traditional on the job learning mechanisms within communities of practice are challenged under the new structural context characterised by unrestricted entry and progression and short-term projects within an uncertain employment context. Commercial pressures affect both the access to learning opportunities and the learning experience, mainly because of the lack of legitimate and gradual experiential learning possibilities, short-term involvement in the industry under pressures to perform. The thesis also discusses the realities of the work in a small regional independent production company as well as its benefits and limitations as a venue for community-based learning. This thesis concludes with several policy recommendations which address some of the main challenges to the sustainable skills development in UK television. These recommendations subscribe to the need for introducing legitimate traineeships, entry rules and detaching learning from the commercial pressures in the sector.
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Exploring the professional journeys of exemplary expatriate field leaders in the international aid sector : a collective case study

Breslin, Randal Scott January 2014 (has links)
The international aid sector is a multi-billion dollar industry that has continued to grow in size, influence and complexity since the 1970s. The stakeholders are globalised and diverse, from elite UN politicians in New York and Geneva to malnourished infants in Somalia. This study attempts to focus on the professional development of one category of player in this multifaceted sector, that is the expatriate field leader employed international non-government organisations (INGO) and responsible for the implementation of projects in a cross-cultural environment. The study found that relationships, results, and grit were three foundational traits of exemplary expatriate filed leaders in the international aid sector. This collective case study takes a grounded theory approach to explore the professional journeys of 12 exemplary expatriate field practitioners in the international aid sector who work in Central Asia, Middle East, and North Africa with ten different INGOs and have an average of 12.5 years of field experience. The participants were nominated for the study by their supervisors or peers as being exemplary field leaders. The study purposes to gain insight into the professional journey of exemplary field leaders by examining their work-life experience from age 18 until present. Biographic narrative interviews were conducted and supplemented with professional development timelines to create the initial data set. The study provides insight into the processes of professional identity formation of expatriate aid workers and identifies seven events that shape their professional self-identity. These experiences consist of a variety of reflected appraisals and intrinsic rewards that validated or changed how the research participants saw themselves. Participants credited good relationships and seeing the results of their work as what keeps them going in spite of difficulties. On the other hand, the most difficult work experiences of the aid workers were not carjacking, riots, dust, heat, bugs, strange food, or low funding but relational conflicts and the grief associated with relational disappointments. Interpersonal relationships were core to both the best experiences and the most difficult experiences of the research participants. Gritty appears to be a better construct to describe exemplary field leaders than resilient. Grit is a trait defined as perseverance and passion for long-term goals. The research participants demonstrated grit in many situations, not least of which was in their commitment to learn the local language in-situ of crisis-affected people. The research participants believed that learning local languages was a key to establish and maintain meaningful relationships and cooperation with local people. The study also includes a discussion of an apparent incongruity in the international aid sector. On one hand the sector promotes the necessity of humanitarian professionals to establish and maintain collaborative relationships with crisis-affected people, but survey evidence suggests most workers in the humanitarian sector put a low priority on learning the languages of crisis-affected people while others do not have sufficient opportunity to learn the local languages because of the well-entrenched tradition of short-term employment contracts of 1-12 months and the practice of churning (rotating experienced staff from project to project). It appears that the current system of doing business in the humanitarian sector may actually obstruct professional competence and contribute to failed outcomes.
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Teknologiatuettu työssäoppiminen:matkapuhelimen ja verkko-oppimisympäristön käyttö työssäoppimisessa ammatillisessa peruskoulutuksessa

Tauriainen, P. (Pekka) 29 September 2009 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this study was to examine the way students use mobile phones and web-based learning environment, the development of professional skills during on-the-job learning, and the way the use of learning technologies and the development of professional skills change during the study. The theoretical framework of the study was built around a social cognitive theory of learning, and design research was used as a research method. The study was carried out in a vocational college of Oulu during 2005–2006. A research data consists of interviews of altogether twenty (20) students, data which originated from the use of learning technology, and notes of the researcher. The data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The results showed that mobile phone’s call and message functions were used chiefly for maintaining interaction between the students during the periods of on-the-job learning. Mobile phone’s photograph and video functions were used for describing work, work environments and work-related events, and for describing objects and devices of the work. The students used web-based learning environment mainly for writing learning diaries. The students formed four (4) different user groups depending on how they used learning technology. The user groups formed were active users of communication functions, the active users of photograph and video functions, average users of technology, and passive users of technology. The use of mobile phones and web-based learning environment supports students’ social interaction, memory, and information processing, factors which all enhance learning. Photographs the students took during their on-the-job learning periods captured information which they could utilize later if necessary. The students reported that during their on-the-job learning period they had learned basic knowledge and skills relevant to their work, gained routines and certainty, acquired situation-specific operational skills and wider, more profound knowledge. As to the development of professional skills, the learning of wider and more profound knowledge underwent the most marked changes. Those who were the active users of message functions reported having acquired the widest and most profound knowledge. The use of teaching technology can be said to increase the sociability of on-the-job learning as well as the possibilities of tutoring. Demand for self-direction in learning, and autonomy of reflection also decline at the same time. In particular, the active and versatile use of teaching technology improves the conceptual understanding of a work, and the formation of situational-specific information. It also helps to form more comprehensive understanding of the work. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on jäsentää työssäoppimista oppimismenetelmänä ja tutkia opetusteknologian käyttöä työssäoppimisessa. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin oppilaiden matkapuhelimen ja verkko-oppimisympäristön käyttöä ja ammattitaidon kehittymistä teknologiatuetussa työssäoppimisessa sekä opetusteknologian käytön ja ammattitaidon kehittymisen muuttumista tutkimuksen aikana. Tutkimuksen oppimisteoreettisena perustana on sosiokognitiivinen oppiminen ja tutkimusmenetelmänä design-tutkimus. Tutkimus toteutettiin Oulun seudun ammattiopistossa vuosina 2005–2006. Tutkimusaineistona on kahdenkymmenen ammatillisen perustutkinto-opiskelijan haastatteluaineisto, opetusteknologian käytössä syntynyt aineisto sekä tutkijan muistiinpanot. Aineisto analysoitiin kvalitatiivisella sisällönanalyysillä. Tulosten mukaan oppilaat käyttivät matkapuhelimen puhelu- ja viestitoimintoja pääasiassa oppilaiden välisen vuorovaikutuksen ylläpitämiseen. Kuvaustoimintoja he käyttivät töiden ja tapahtumien sekä työkohteiden, -välineiden ja -ympäristön kuvaamiseen. Verkko-oppimisympäristöä oppilaat käyttivät pääasiassa päiväkirjojen kirjoittamiseen. Matkapuhelimen ja verkko-oppimisympäristön käyttö muuttui tutkimuksen aikana aktiivisemmaksi ja monipuolisemmaksi. Opetusteknologian käytön perusteella oppilaista muodostui neljä käyttäjäryhmää. Ne ovat viestitoimintojen aktiivikäyttäjät, kuvaustoimintojen aktiivikäyttäjät, teknologian keskivertokäyttäjät ja teknologian passiivikäyttäjät. Matkapuhelimen ja verkko-oppimisympäristön käyttöön sisältyviä oppimista tukevia tekijöitä olivat vuorovaikutuksen, muistitoimintojen ja tiedon prosessoinnin tukeminen. Oppilaiden työssäoppimisjaksolla ottamiin valokuviin tallentui myös tietoa, jota oppilaat pystyivät tarvittaessa myöhemmin hyödyntämään. Oppilaat kokivat oppineensa työssäoppimisjaksollaan työssä tarvittavia perustietoja ja -taitoja, rutiinia ja varmuutta, tilannekohtaisia toimintataitoja sekä aiempaa syvällisempää ja laajempaa tietoa. Ammattitaidon kehittymisessä tapahtui muutoksia tutkimuksen aikana eniten aiempaa syvällisemmän ja laajemman tiedon oppimisessa. Sen sijaan työssä tarvittavien perustietojen ja -taitojen oppimisessa ei tapahtunut muutoksia. Syvällisimmät ja laajimmat tiedot ilmaisivat oppineensa viestitoimintojen aktiivikäyttäjät. Tulosten perusteella opetusteknologian käyttö lisää työssäoppimisen sosiaalisuutta ja ohjausmahdollisuuksia erityisesti tilanteissa, joissa oppilaat tekevät työtä yksin ilman ohjaajan jatkuvaa läsnäoloa. Samalla oppimisen itseohjautuvuuden ja itsenäisen reflektion vaatimus pienenee. Opetusteknologian aktiivinen ja monipuolinen käyttö parantaa erityisesti opittavien töiden käsitteellistä ymmärtämistä, tilannesidonnaisen tiedon luomista sekä kokonaisuuksien muodostumista.
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”Soittaminen ammattilaisen kanssa on paras tapa oppia”:työpajaperustainen työssäoppiminen muusikoiden ammatillisessa koulutuksessa

Virkkula, E. (Esa) 21 October 2014 (has links)
Abstract This research deals with the strengthening of work-life cooperation in secondary vocational music education leading to basic qualification. The starting point is to examine students' and professional musicians’ action processes in workshops based on a new kind of cooperation in on-the-job learning and to evaluate their suitability to arranging on-the-job learning. The original publications are joined by the framework of sociocultural learning. The purpose of this research is to add understanding about realizing work-life cooperation and learning produced in workshop action in the education of musicians. The pedagogical purpose is to open paths to planning and availing of problem-based learning in on-the-job method which adds to the learner´s involvement. The research is a qualitative case study comprising the total of 143 students and several teachers in the Conservatoire in Oulu and a few professional musicians. The research material (original publications I-III) consists of structured questionnaires, namely: a) students' workshop plans and learning objectives written before the workshops, and b) the written reflective reports after the workshop experiences. The research data was dealt with a theory-based contents analysis. The data was transcribed and tabulated according to a Finnish meta-study categories of learning obstacles and promoters. To widen his understanding of the workshop method the researcher acted as a participating observer in the workshops of Conservatory teachers and professional musicians (6 workshops) the results of which were reported in the original publication IV. The research results show that acting as a musician in a workshop supports learning professional skills and the key competences of lifelong learning. From the pedagogical viewpoint workshop action 1) emphasizes the learner's initiative and taking responsibility, 2) offers work environments typical of music field, 3) builds the action on problem solving and interaction, and 4) changes the role of a visiting professional musician from a source of information and the demonstrator of the “right” performances to a fellow musician. The challenge of vocational teachers is to develop their pedagogical competencies especially in the designing and coordinating learning environments that support students´ learning broadly. This research will bring a new, concrete viewpoint to the planning and implementation of work-life cooperation. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimus käsittelee työelämäyhteistyön vahvistamista musiikkialan perustutkintoon johtavassa toisen asteen ammatillisessa koulutuksessa. Lähtökohtana on tarkastella opiskelijoiden ja ammattimuusikoiden uudenlaiseen yhteistyöhön perustuvien työssäoppimisen työpajojen toimintaprosesseja sekä arvioida niiden soveltuvuutta työssäoppimisen järjestämisessä. Empiiristä tutkimusta yhdistää sosiokulttuurisen oppimisen viitekehys. Tutkimuksen tavoite on lisätä ymmärrystä työelämäyhteistyön toteuttamisesta sekä työpajatoiminnan tuottamasta oppimisesta muusikoiden koulutuksessa. Pedagogisena tavoitteena on avata suuntia opiskelijan osallisuutta lisäävän, ongelmaperustaisen työssäoppimismenetelmän suunnittelulle ja hyödyntämiselle. Tutkimus on laadullinen tapaustutkimus, johon osallistui vuosina 2003–2011 yhteensä 143 Oulun konservatorion opiskelijaa, lukuisia opettajia sekä ammattimuusikoita. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu (osajulkaisut I–III) strukturoiduista kyselyistä, joita ovat: a) opiskelijoiden ennen työpajaa kirjoittamat työpajasuunnitelmat ja oppimistavoitteet sekä b) työpajan jälkeen tehdyt kokemusten kirjalliset reflektoinnit. Aineiston analyysissä käytettiin teorialähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä. Aineisto litteroitiin ja taulukoitiin suomalaisen työssäoppimisesta tehdyn metatutkimuksen oppimista edistävien ja estävien kategorioiden mukaan. Työpajamenetelmään liittyvän ymmärryksen laajentamiseksi tutkija teki osallistuvaa havainnointia konservatorion opettajien ja ammattimuusikoiden työpajoissa (6 kpl), joiden tuloksista raportoitiin osajulkaisussa IV. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että muusikkona toimiminen työpajassa tukee oppimista ammatillisen osaamisen sekä elinikäisen oppimisen avaintaitojen kehittymisen osalta. Pedagogisesta näkökulmasta työpajatyöskentelyssä korostuvat 1) oppijan aloitteellisuus ja vastuun ottaminen, 2) toimiminen musiikkialalle tyypillisissä työympäristöissä, 3) ongelmanratkaisukeskeisyys ja vuorovaikutus, 4) kanssamuusikkous – vierailevan ammattimuusikon muuttunut rooli tietoa jakavasta mestarista ja ”oikeiden” suoritusten demonstroijasta yhtyekumppaniksi. Ammatillisten opettajien haasteena on kehittää pedagogista osaamistaan erityisesti opiskelijoiden oppimista laaja-alaisesti tukevien oppimisympäristöjen suunnittelussa ja koordinoinnissa. Tämä tutkimus tuo uuden, konkreettisen näkökulman työelämäyhteistyön suunnitteluun ja toteutukseen.
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Learning and skills development in a fragmented industry. The case of the UK television sector.

Stoyanova, Dimitrinka Draganova January 2009 (has links)
This thesis discusses how the restructuring of the UK television industry in the 1980s and 1990s has affected learning and skills development in the sector. It is based on 71 semi-structured interviews with television freelancers and key informants in the industry, and a case study of a small regional independent company developed through semi-structured interviews and three months of participant observation. To investigate the current learning and skills development mechanisms, this thesis engages with community-based learning theories. These are discussed in relation to industry characteristics such as commissioning and independent production and labour market realities related to freelance work and educational provision. The findings reveal that the traditional on the job learning mechanisms within communities of practice are challenged under the new structural context characterised by unrestricted entry and progression and short-term projects within an uncertain employment context. Commercial pressures affect both the access to learning opportunities and the learning experience, mainly because of the lack of legitimate and gradual experiential learning possibilities, short-term involvement in the industry under pressures to perform. The thesis also discusses the realities of the work in a small regional independent production company as well as its benefits and limitations as a venue for community-based learning. This thesis concludes with several policy recommendations which address some of the main challenges to the sustainable skills development in UK television. These recommendations subscribe to the need for introducing legitimate traineeships, entry rules and detaching learning from the commercial pressures in the sector.
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Workplace Learning of Canadian Retail Bank Branch Workers in Conditions of Organizational Restructuring

Mitchell, Laura E. 19 July 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines retail bank workers’ informal learning practices in a major Canadian bank under conditions of rapid organizational restructuring and ongoing automation during the mid- to late-1990s. Based on a national survey of bank workers’ learning practices and ethnographic fieldwork in three branches, the thesis’s key findings are as follows. The poor learning environment in the branches, combined with the bank’s adoption of a formal study training policy, are at odds with both empirical surveys of adults’ informal learning practices and with adults’ preferred ways of learning at work – which are predominantly informal in nature. There is also evidence that informal on-the-job learning is being displaced and crowded out by work-related formal study via the “substitution effect” (Livingstone, 2010, 424). The heavy formal study pressures are heightened by the lack of trade unions and job security, and the vulnerable position of many women workers, particularly those without higher education.

Workplace Learning of Canadian Retail Bank Branch Workers in Conditions of Organizational Restructuring

Mitchell, Laura E. 19 July 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines retail bank workers’ informal learning practices in a major Canadian bank under conditions of rapid organizational restructuring and ongoing automation during the mid- to late-1990s. Based on a national survey of bank workers’ learning practices and ethnographic fieldwork in three branches, the thesis’s key findings are as follows. The poor learning environment in the branches, combined with the bank’s adoption of a formal study training policy, are at odds with both empirical surveys of adults’ informal learning practices and with adults’ preferred ways of learning at work – which are predominantly informal in nature. There is also evidence that informal on-the-job learning is being displaced and crowded out by work-related formal study via the “substitution effect” (Livingstone, 2010, 424). The heavy formal study pressures are heightened by the lack of trade unions and job security, and the vulnerable position of many women workers, particularly those without higher education.

La relation dialectique d'alternance : l'impact de la formation en alternance sur l'implication organisationnelle et le turnover dans le monde des services / Managing Work-Integrated Learning : the Influence of Co-Operative Education on Organizational Commitment and Turnover

Pennaforte, Antoine 07 December 2010 (has links)
Le turnover au sein des organisations, à un faible niveau, peut être bénéfique pour le renouvellement des ressources. Mais en atteignant des sommets, il perturbe l’organisation et oblige à une gestion de l’immédiat, nuisible pour la performance des hommes et de l’entreprise. Le groupe Veolia Transport souffre de cet aléa organisationnel de manière récurrente, quand le cœur de son activité est basé sur la délégation de service public, où la qualité des hommes est gage de la performance de l’organisation. En appui de cet impératif qualitatif, le groupe promeut une politique générale de formation ambitieuse afin d’intégrer, professionnaliser et fidéliser ses collaborateurs. Le fer de lance de cette politique est l’alternance, la formation diplômante en alternance. Dès lors, l’alternance impacte-t-elle à la baisse le turnover ? À travers une démarche proche d’un design quasi-expérimental, mobilisant une enquête dite longitudinale par questionnaire et l’appui d’un groupe de contrôle je teste, sur les exploitants du groupe en France, un design théorique explicatif de la relation alternance-turnover, par le prisme de l’implication organisationnelle. En proposant une définition gestionnaire de l’alternance, mes résultats démontrent le développement d’une relation dialectique individu-organisation par l’alternance, conditionnée par la mise en exergue d’un contrat psychologique fort et d’un double tutorat organisationnel. En croisant mes résultats avec 18 entretiens dits de validation, il ressort que l’alternance développe une socialisation organisationnelle partielle, en raison de la difficulté à comprendre pleinement son rôle en fin de cursus. Un glissement de la fonction tutorale en un système tutoral apparait, où la communauté de travail aide à l’apprentissage du métier, quand le supérieur-tuteur conserve un rôle de mentor. Enfin, l’alternance possède un effet positif sur l’intention de quitter, en créant les conditions du développement de l’implication organisationnelle, à la condition d’une gestion dédiée. Dans ce dessein, je propose la mise en place d’une gestion spécifique des alternants, en ne considérant plus l’alternance comme un outil de formation mais comme un outil de gestion des ressources humaines, créateur de potentiels. / Within the organizations, the turnover when limited can have a positive influence on the resources’ renewal. But when it grows, it badly affects the organization leading to a management of the immediate, jeopardizing people and company’s effectiveness. Veolia Group is suffering from this regular organizational move, when its core business is made of services and where people are the key quality asset. On top of that, the company encourages an ambitious training policy in order to integrate, professionalize, and retain employees. To be successful, the company relies on the classroom learning (alternation). Therefore, can we claim that alternation has a direct impact on turnover’s decrease?Thanks to a quasi-experimental design approach, using an investigation so called longitudinal per questionnaire strengthened by a group of control, a theoretical design explaining the relationship alternation-turnover in the organizational frame was tested in France over a French population of production units. Alternation shows the emergence of a dialectical relationship human being-organization, monitored by the creation of a strong psychological contract and a double tutorial system. Mixing my results with 18 interviews of so called validation, it appears that alternation develops an organizational socialization only partial, due to the difficulty in the understanding of its own role at the end of the journey. The shift from a tutorial function to a tutorial system is also highlighted in my results, where the learning of the job is supported by the working community and the lead-tutor continues playing a mentor role. Lastly, according my study, when well managed, alternation can prevent the turnover, by supporting the development of a strong involvement within the organization. Therefore, I suggest the set up of a specific management unit for alternates, considering not anymore the alternation as a training tool but also as human resource tool enabling talents’ discovery.
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