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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Univerzální palubní počítač do auta / Universal Onboard Automotive Computer

Novohradský, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This work includes the complete design of a prototype embedded system for displaying information from a vehicle. ELM327 chip is described and its basic use. Work also describes the development of the diagnostic socket for  vehicles in European countries. Also contains a complete description of developing schematic, printed circuit board and firmware implementation. The thesis describes the use of realtime operating system in embedded system.


Moberg, John, Widén, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
As the Automotive industry is heavily regulated from a quality point of view, excellence in pro-duction is obligatory. Due to the fact that removing human error from humans is impossible, new solutions must be found. The transition to more data driven production strategies enables the implantation of automated vision systems for replacing humans in simple classification tasks. As research in the field of artificial intelligence advances, the hardware required to run the algorithms decreases. Concurrently small computing platforms break new performance records and the innovation space converges. This work harnesses state-of-the-art from both domains by implementing a plug-on vision system, driven by a resource-constrained edge device in a production line. The implemented CNN-model based on the MobileNetV2 architecture achieved 97.80, 99.93, and 95.67% in accuracy, precision, and recall respectively. The model was trained using only 100 physical samples, which were expanded by a ratio of 1:15 through innovative real world and digital augmentations. The core of the vision system was a commodity device, the Raspberry Pi 4. The solution fulfilled all the requirements while sparking new development ideas for future work.

Arquitectura de una Plataforma Telemática Integral para el Despliegue de Servicios Ubicuos en el Ámbito de los Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte

Santa Lozano, José 27 March 2009 (has links)
La carrera por dotar a los vehículos de mayor seguridad y de comodidades hasta hace poco inimaginables, ha espoleado los avances en novedosos sistemas inteligentes de transporte, o intelligent transportation systems (ITS). De hecho, tal es la cantidad de líneas de trabajo y ámbitos de la ciencia que conforman los ITS, que la investigación se ha visto diversificada en gran medida en el último lustro. Uno de los campos que más interés procesa (si no el que más) es el de la telemática vehicular. Los nuevos servicios de a bordo englobados por la informática y las telecomunicaciones no paran de crecer en el ámbito científico, e incluso los modelos comerciales empiezan a incorporarlos en forma de sistemas de navegación integrados o mecanismos de tele-asistencia, por ejemplo.La tesis doctoral se encuadra dentro de este ámbito, mediante la definición de una plataforma integral para la provisión de servicios telemáticos tradicionales y de carácter ubicuo. La investigación puntual en los principales subsistemas de a bordo y del lado de la infraestructura, completa las piezas del puzzle que comprende un sistema de carácter genérico de despliegue de servicios ITS. La adecuación de un vehículo prototipo de referencia se ha enriquecido con una unidad de a bordo basada en un computador de propósito general, que incluye una propuesta de plataforma software modular basada en pasarela de servicios. El sistema de navegación toma como referencia a GPS, y explota las capacidades de los sistemas de aumento de señal, o satellite based augmentation systems (SBAS). De esta manera, se mejora la precisión y la disponibilidad, pero, sobre todo, se añade la funcionalidad necesaria para la monitorización de la integridad del sistema. La red vehicular cubre el hueco existente entre las soluciones poco flexibles basadas en redes de infraestructura, y las demasiado localizadas y distribuidas (VANET), mediante una arquitectura de comunicación overlay que funciona sobre unas resurgidas redes celulares. Finalmente, la plataforma se completa con un soporte remoto adicional de la infraestructura, para la definición de servicios pervasivos con capacidades de monitorización de la red viaria, procesamiento global, e inferencia descentralizada de información contextual adaptada a las preferencias de los usuarios. / Due to the growing interest that current society has in new technologies, new products in the fields of information and communication technologies are emerging in new environments still unexploited. In this way, vehicles are a perfect frame for installing a lot of useful functionalities traditionally available at work or home environments. However, this expansion needs a suitable hardware and software support adapted for the market and user demands. The on-board software architecture developed in the frame of the thesis covers some of these issues and acts as the basis for the rest of proposals presented in the work. Integration of telematics and vehicular communications in next-generation cars will turn the provision of contextual information into the cornerstone of vehicular services. In the world of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) such capability has a key role in the transmission of traffic incidences. Although there are multitude of solutions for the problem of sharing information between vehicles and between the vehicle and the infrastructure, none presents a valid general communication architecture for the notification, storage, management and provision of context-aware information on traffic and current location. The proposal given in the thesis offers a solution using an integrated vehicle to vehicle (V2V) and vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) communication paradigm enriched with an information management system. The infrastructure manages all the collected safety hazards heard from vehicles and the interesting information to be provided to the user, and adapts these to the car's context and driver's preferences. Moreover, positioning requirements of this new generation of ITS services are continuously growing. New applications in the vehicular domain require positioning sensors with a high level of accuracy, availability, continuity and integrity. The proposed navigation and networking architectures are of special relevance in the thesis and, as it is explained, both of them imply novel designs not only in the vehicle, but also in the remote and road side support. In addition to the system design, a real vehicle prototype and the whole implementation of the system are presented. This test-bed has been also used to perform multitude of experimental evaluations, which demonstrate the suitability of the whole proposed platform.

Interactive wide-angle viewcamera for a virtual watch tower : A part of the Ngulia Project

Stråberg, Victoria, Farkhooy, Afra January 2023 (has links)
The declining population of black rhinoceroses in Tsavo West national park, Kenya, has served as the driving force behind Project Ngulia, with Ngulia serving as an enclosed area within the park. As of now, the area is equipped with multiple cameras connected to a system that automatically classify animals and humans. This thesis aims to investigate the suitability of the Insta360 One X2 camera acting as a virtual watch tower for capturing and streaming 360° images. This will work in real-time, providing a remote surveillance experience for the park rangers thereby optimizing their work. A system was implemented to create a efficient workflow, which includes stitching of the 360° images, file transfer protocol for image transmission and storage, as well as socket programming to facilitate port monitoring and communication. Additionally, the compat- ibility of two single board computers, LattePanda and Rock 4 SE, with the implemented system was evaluated. User experience methods as field studies, workshops and a user interview were also performed. The work has been developed in Sweden, resulting in limited availability for testing at the target location during the initial months. The outcome was a both locally and remotely working system, together with LattePanda, capturing images of the waterhole in Ngulia. However, because of the conclusions drawn regarding the power supply and the lack of essential functions in the 360° camera, the system was taken home for further research. Propositions is presented regarding future work, some being that the projects within Ngulia team may collaborate to enhance hardware efficiency and explore the utilization of 360° images in educational and entertainment contexts.

Estimating energy consumption of Wifi transceiver circuits on a single board computer

Mattsson, Frida January 2021 (has links)
This work comprises an approximation of the energy consumption of the transceiver circuit in a single board computer. Single board computers, such as the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B that is used here, are usually cheap and therefore more accessible. This method of estimation does not use any other hardware which gives it an advantage compared to many other methods that use expensive measurement equipment, but it unfortunately comes with certain trade-offs, like accuracy, to name one example. One area where this approximation method could be applied is for optimizing the energy efficiency of wireless sensor networks. The method can be divided into two main parts, firstly the transceiver’s active transmission and reception states are profiled and then a power model is chosen and adapted to suit the transceiver as well as possible. These two steps are then combined and results in an energy consumption approximation. The evaluation of the results showed that the estimations are reasonable according to the most relevant findings on measuring a similar transceiver circuit, but there are also limitations that brings uncertainty to the results. More relevant studies are needed to properly assess the method of estimation and some further improvements are suggested. / Olika typer av elektroniska enheter utgör idag en stor del av många människors vardag och samhället i stort. Mobiltelefoner, laptops och olika sensorer är bara några exempel på dessa enheter som fyller viktiga funktioner i både vardag och arbete. En stor del av dem använder ett protokoll som heter IEEE 802.11ac för att kommunicera och de bör gärna göra det så energi-effektivt som möjligt. Det här arbetet undersöker energikonsumtionen hos en transceiverkrets som använder det nämnda protokollet för att skicka och ta emot datapaket. Målet med arbetet är uppskatta energikonsumtionen så väl som möjligt, med hjälp av billig och lättillgänglig hårdvara. Av den anledningen används en enkortsdator för att göra uppskattningen, mer specifikt en Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (RPi). Eftersom energiåtgången för transceiverkretsen inte kan mätas direkt från strömmen som dras av datorn, måste mjukvara skrivas för att göra uppskattningen. På det sättet undviker man behovet av dyr mätutrustning, men man måste göra avkall på till exempel noggrannhet i utbyte. Ett område där metoden eventuellt kan appliceras är för att göra trådlösa sensornätverk mer energi-effektiva. Metoden som användes för energiuppskattningen kan delas upp i två huvuddelar, förutom litteraturstudien som gjordes för att få en djupare förståelse för ämnet. Först profilerades transceiverkretsens aktiva tillstånd för transmission (TX) och mottagning (RX), som ligger i fokus för det här arbetet. Till detta användes mjukvaran perf som är ett prestandaanalyseringsverktyg som finns tillgängligt för Linuxsystem. Med hjälp av perf fick man fram längden av varje TX och RX operation i millisekunder. Sedan valdes en passande kraftmodell som anpassades för att efterlikna egenskaperna i RPi datorns transceiver så noga som möjligt. Modellen gav två olika formler för att beräkna kraftåtgången för TX respektive RX, vilket sedan multiplicerades med tidsåtgången för varje operation för att få fram energikonsumtionen. Metoden testades genom att skicka och ta emot datapaket med en storlek på 256 byte, mäta tidsåtgången, och sist räkna ut hur mycket energi som gick åt för varje enskilt paket. Resultaten presenterades med olika grafer samt en rimlighetsanalys. Slutsatsen var att resultaten verkar rimliga utgående från de mest relevanta fynden som gjordes inom ramen för litteraturstudien, men även att fler relevanta studier och mätningar behövs för att kunna göra en bättre bedömning av metodens tillförlitlighet. Slutligen framfördes förslag på eventuella förbättringar av arbetet samt områden för vidareutveckling.

PiEye in the Wild: Exploring Eye Contact Detection for Small Inexpensive Hardware

Einestam, Ragnar, Casserfelt, Karl January 2017 (has links)
Ögonkontakt-sensorer skapar möjligheten att tolka användarens uppmärksamhet, vilketkan användas av system på en mängd olika vis. Dessa inkluderar att skapa nya möjligheterför människa-dator-interaktion och mäta mönster i uppmärksamhet hos individer.I den här uppsatsen gör vi ett försök till att konstruera en ögonkontakt-sensor med hjälpav en Raspberry Pi, med målet att göra den praktisk i verkliga scenarion. För att fastställaatt den är praktisk satte vi upp ett antal kriterier baserat på tidigare användning avögonkontakt-sensorer. För att möta dessa kriterier valde vi att använda en maskininlärningsmetodför att träna en klassificerare med bilder för att lära systemet att upptäcka omen användare har ögonkontakt eller ej. Vårt mål var att undersöka hur god prestanda vikunde uppnå gällande precision, hastighet och avstånd. Efter att ha testat kombinationerav fyra olika metoder för feature extraction kunde vi fastslå att den bästa övergripandeprecisionen uppnåddes genom att använda LDA-komprimering på pixeldatan från varjebild, medan PCA-komprimering var bäst när input-bilderna liknande de från träningen.När vi undersökte systemets hastighet fann vi att nedskalning av bilder hade en stor effektpå hastigheten, men detta sänkte också både precision och maximalt avstånd. Vi lyckadesminska den negativa effekten som en minskad skala hos en bild hade på precisionen, mendet maximala avståndet som sensorn fungerade på var fortfarande relativ till skalan och iförlängningen hastigheten. / Eye contact detection sensors have the possibility of inferring user attention, which can beutilized by a system in a multitude of different ways, including supporting human-computerinteraction and measuring human attention patterns. In this thesis we attempt to builda versatile eye contact sensor using a Raspberry Pi that is suited for real world practicalusage. In order to ensure practicality, we constructed a set of criteria for the system basedon previous implementations. To meet these criteria, we opted to use an appearance-basedmachine learning method where we train a classifier with training images in order to inferif users look at the camera or not. Our aim was to investigate how well we could detecteye contacts on the Raspberry Pi in terms of accuracy, speed and range. After extensivetesting on combinations of four different feature extraction methods, we found that LinearDiscriminant Analysis compression of pixel data provided the best overall accuracy, butPrincipal Component Analysis compression performed the best when tested on imagesfrom the same dataset as the training data. When investigating the speed of the system,we found that down-scaling input images had a huge effect on the speed, but also loweredthe accuracy and range. While we managed to mitigate the effects the scale had on theaccuracy, the range of the system is still relative to the scale of input images and byextension speed.

Analysis of hardware requirements for airborne tactical mesh networking nodes / An analysis of tactical mesh networking hardware requirements for airborne mobile nodes

Milicic, Gregory J. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / Wireless mesh mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) provide the military with the opportunity to spread information superiority to the tactical battlespace in support of network-centric warfare (NCW). These mesh networks provide the tactical networking framework for providing improved situational awareness through ubiquitous sharing of information including remote sensor and targeting data. The Naval Postgraduate School's Tactical Network Topology (TNT) project sponsored by US Special Operations Command seeks to adapt commercial off the shelf (COTS) information technology for use in military operational environments. These TNT experiments rely on a variety of airborne nodes including tethered balloon and UAVs such as the Tern to provide reachback from nodes on the ground to the Tactical Operations Center (TOC) as well as to simulate the information and traffic streams expected from UAVs conducting surveillance missions and fixed persistent sensor nodes. Airborne mesh nodes have unique requirements that can be implemented with COTS technology including single board computers and compact flash. / Lieutenant, United States Navy

A Distributed Intelligent Lighting Solution and the Design and Implementation of a Sensor Middleware System

Fischer, Michael 30 April 2015 (has links)
This thesis addresses a multi-phase research and development project that spanned nearly four years, targeted at providing an ultra high-efficiency, user-friendly, and economic intelligent lighting solution for commercial facility applications, initially targeting underground parking specifically. The system would leverage the strengths of four key technologies: high brightness white Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), wireless sensor and actuator networks, single board computers, and cloud computing. An introduction to these technologies and an overview of how they were combined to build an intelligent lighting solution is given, followed by an in-depth description of the design and implementation of one of the main subsystems – the Sensor Middleware System – residing on a single board computer. Newly-available LED luminaires (a.k.a. light fixtures) bring the combination of high efficiency, reliability, illumination quality, and long-lifetime to the lighting market. Emerging low-power – and recently low-cost – 802.15.4 wireless networks offer high controllability and responsiveness to deployed luminaires and sensors. The cost- associativity, low maintenance, and easy build-up of Internet Data Center “cloud” computing resources make data collection and remote management infrastructure for Building Automation Systems accessible to even small companies. Additionally, these resources can be much more appropriately sized and allocated, which reduces energy use. These technologies are combined to form an Intelligent Lighting System (ILS). Fitting well within the Internet of Things paradigm, this highly distributed messaging-based “system of systems” was designed to be reliable through loose coupling – spanning multiple network layers and messaging protocols. Its goal was to deliver significant energy savings over incumbent technologies, configurable and responsive lighting service behaviour, and improved experience for users within the facility (pedestrians and drivers) and those interacting with its web-based tools (building managers and ILS administrators). The ILS was partitioned into three main subsystems as follows. The installed Wireless Field Network (WFN) of luminaires and sensors provided coordinated scheduled and real-time output level adjustment (i.e. dimming), with the help of motion sensor triggers. The Monitoring and Configuration System (MCS) in the cloud provided remote data collection and a web-based monitoring and configuration Graphical User Interface application. Network hardware and Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM) were responsible for tying these subsystems together. The MOM layer that provided the message brokering, translating, envelope wrapping, and guaranteed delivery services between the WFN and MCS, as well as field supervisory and quality-of-service functions for the WFN, was called the Sensor Middleware System (SMS). It was hosted on a single board computer located at the facility. / Graduate

Palubní počítač pro motocykl / Motorcycle on-board computer

Hadwiger, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
My thesis deals with the construction of on-board computers for a motorcycle. The scheme is based on the parameters of onboard computers appearing on the market. In comparison with the models, which are offered commercially it also allows measurement of the motorcycle’s fuel consumption and location by using GPS. On-board computer measures speed, traveled distance, motor speed and engine temperature. It is controlled by a pair of eight-bit AVR microcontrollers. The measured data are showed by a graphical LCD display with touch screen.

Single Board Computer for Standardized Onboard Vehicle Network

Aristotelous, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis project was carried in collaboration with Keolis AB. One of the company’s goals is to seek for a possible replacement to expensive custom hardware units by cheap single board computers. As a test case, a simple application is proposed, which implements driver identification by scanning the barcode of driving license (personnummer). The main objective of this project is to find a suitable single board computer, to implement the proposed driver identification application, to send the driving license number along with the timestamp in a web page and test the functionality of the single board computer according to procedures specified in ISO and IEC standards for road vehicles. A parser that analyzes the input string of a barcode reader was implemented in C programming language. The barcode reader scans a barcode or a QR code and the parser returns the content of the barcode symbol in ASCII character format. The driver license number as well as the timestamp should be published to a web page. A webpage was created using the Django Web Framework, which is a database-driven website. Each time a driving license barcode is scanned, a POST Http request method is performed and both the driving license and timestamp are stored in a SQLite database. Each time a GET request method is performed the data stored in the SQLite database is retrieved and presented in the website. The communication between the single board computer Raspberry Pi and the Django framework is achieved using cURL, which is an open source command line tool and library for transferring data with URL syntax. The data of the website will be manipulated in the backend. Moreover, heat and humidity environmental testing were performed as described in ISO and IEC standards for road vehicles, to evaluate the functionality of the system under certain environmental conditions. These tests showed the working temperature range and the humidity range that the Raspberry Pi can tolerate. As a conclusion, it can be stated that Raspberry Pi can be used in the passenger compartment with expected temperatures to be below 100 Celsius, but not in the engine compartment where temperatures more than 100 Celsius can occur. In addition, Raspberry Pi can perform in all the levels of humidity that has been tested. If it is necessary to be employed in other bus compartment with increased temperature, a more expensive robust embedded single board Linux computer should be chosen. Future work should include vibrations and immunity testing, in order to fully qualify with the ISO and IEC standards. These types of tests are costly and should therefore be performed by automotive manufacturers or other parties who are expected to bear such a cost. / Detta examensarbete genomfördes i samarbete med Keolis Sverige AB. Ett av företagets mål är att söka efter möjliga system som ersättning till dyra, specialanpassade hårdvaruenheter och istället övergå till billiga enkortsdatorer. Som ett testfall föreslås ett enkelt program, som genomför identifiering av föraren genom att skanna streckkoden på körkortet (personnummer). Huvudsyftet med projektet är att hitta en lämplig enkortsdator, att implementera den föreslagna föraridentifieringsapplikationen, skicka körkortsnumret/personnumret med tidsstämpel till en webbsida och testa funktionaliteten hos enkortsdator enligt testrutiner som beskrivs av ISO- och IEC-standarder för vägfordon. En parser som analyserar indatasträngen av en streckkodsläsare implementerades i programmeringsspråket C. Streckkodsläsaren skannar en streckkod eller en QR-kod och parsern returnerar innehållet i streckkoden på ASCIIteckenformat. Körkortsnumret samt tidsstämpel publiceras på en webbsida. En webbsida har skapats med Django Web Framework, som är en databasdriven webbplats. Varje gång körkortets streckkod skannas, skickas en POST http-begäransmetod som utförs varvid både körkort och tidsstämpel lagras i en SQLite databas. Varje gång en GET-begäran skickas, lagras data i SQLite databasen och presenteras på webbplatsen. Kommunikationen mellan enkortsdatorn Raspberry Pi och ett Django-ramverk uppnås med hjälp av cURL, som är ett kommandoradsverktyg med öppen källkod, och ett bibliotek för att överföra data med URL-syntax. Uppgifterna på webbplatsen manipuleras i backend. Miljötålighetsprovning med avseende på värme- och fuktighet har utförts för att utvärdera systemets funktionalitet under specifika miljöförhållanden. Testerna specificeras i ISO- och IEC-standarder för vägfordon. Dessa tester visade vilka arbetstemperaturer och vilken luftfuktighet som Raspberry Pi klarar. Det kan konstateras att Raspberry Pi kan användas i passagerarutrymmet, där temperaturen förväntas ligga under 100 Celsius, men inte i motorrummet där temperaturer högre än 100 Celsius kan förekomma. Vidare har Raspberry Pi visat sig fungera vid de nivåer av luftfuktighet som har förkommit i testerna. I de fall där systemet skall användas i miljöer med högre temperaturer bör en dyrare och mer robust inbyggd (embedded) Linux-enkortsdator väljas. Det framtida arbetet bör omfatta vibrations- och elstörningstester för att fullt ut säkerställa att systemet klarar gällande ISO- och IEC-standarder. Dessa typer av test är kostsamma och bör därför genomföras av fordonstillverkare eller andra aktörer som förväntas kunna bära en sådan kostnad.

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