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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prostorová zobecnění vlastností trojúhelníku / Spatial generalizations of the properties of the triangle

Šrubař, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
TITLE Spatial generalizations of the properties of the triangle AUTHOR Jirˇı' Sřubarˇ SUPERVISOR Prof. RNDr. Adolf Karger, DrSc. DEPARTMENT Department of mathematics education ABSTRACT The present thesis describes various interesting properties of a triangle. The aim is to find and prove similar properties of its spatial generalization - a tetrahedron. Even though both synthetic and computational methods are used for proving spatial relations, synthetic approach is preferred whenever possible. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part, the properties of the tetrahedron analogous to the centroid and the orthocenter of the triangle are described. Also, conditions on the existence of the orthocenter of the tetrahedron are derived. Moreover, for tetrahedrons without an orthocenter, the so-called Monge point is introduced as its generalization. In the second part of the thesis, some further properties of the triangle are studied - - the Simson line, the de Longchamps point, the nine-point circle, the Euler line, the Lemoine point, the isodynamic points, the Lemoine axis and the Brocard axis. As the main contribution of the present thesis we define and prove the existence of spatial analogues of the above mentioned properties for the tetrahedron - the de Longchamps point, the twelve-point and...

Oběť a iniciace v mýtech o Ódinovi / Sacrifice and initiation in the myths of Ódinn

Kozák, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the interpretation of four myths from early medieval Scandinavia, in which the main role is played by the god Óðinn. All four myths narrate how he achieved a state of permanent increase of his numinous knowledge. Based on the fact that the outcome of all of the narratives is the acquisition of the Mead of Poetry (or its equivalent), they can be percieved as "four reports on the same event". The analysis of myths itself has been executed in two steps: firstly the separate inquiry of the two more central myths and introduction of the other two followed by thorough analysis of the four together. All four myths demonstrate to a certain degree a presence of motifs and structures associated with the religious phenomena of sacrifice and initiation. By the means of said analysis the study reviews the systematic relations of the sacrificial and initiatory structures and postulates a common core which is subsequently named "monomyth".

Évaluation des effets neuro-inflammatoires de l’exposition périnatale aux anguilles (Anguilla anguilla L.) contaminées naturellement aux polluants organiques persistants sur le comportement et les fonctions cognitives dans un modèle murin / Evaluation of neuroinflammatory effects of perinatal exposure to contaminated eels (Anguilla anguilla L.) by persistent organic pollutants on behavior and cognitive functions using a mouse model

Soualeh, Nidhal 14 December 2017 (has links)
Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons évalué les effets inflammatoires, comportementaux et cognitifs de l’exposition périnatale des souris à trois matrices alimentaires d’anguilles, reflétant 3 niveaux de pollution (faible, moyenne et haute), tout en considérant le sexe de la progéniture ainsi que les différentes phases d’âges. Les réponses inflammatoires ont été évaluées, aussi bien au niveau cérébral, y compris dans les cellules de la microglie, qu’au niveau périphérique, à 4 stades de vie distincts, et ce dès la naissance jusqu’à l’âge moyen. Chez les souriceaux, mâles et femelles, dont leurs génitrices ont consommé de l’anguille contaminée, durant la période gestationnelle et lactationnelle, vs les témoins dont leurs mères ont consommé uniquement la diète standard, nos résultats ont montré une neuro-inflammation précoce et prononcée, ainsi qu’une production accrue des marqueurs pro-inflammatoires par les cellules de la microglie durant la période néonatale et postnatale. Cette réponse pro-inflammatoire a été chronique puisqu’elle a été à nouveau détectée même à un âge avancé (âges adulte et moyen). Nos résultats mettraient en évidence l’activation et la polarisation des cellules de la microglie depuis la naissance, chez les animaux exposés, vers le phénotype M1, susceptible d’induire les effets neurotoxiques apparus beaucoup plus tard dans les stades de la vie. En effet, un comportement dépressif-like a été observé à l’âge adulte uniquement chez les mâles. Cette altération sexe dépendante du comportement de résignation a été attribuée à l’hyperactivation de l’axe de stress, l’axe hypothalamique pituitaire surrénalien, mise en évidence par une forte production de la corticostérone chez les mâles à l’âge adulte. Chez les femelles, nous avons mis en évidence le développement d’un comportement hyperactif dès l’âge adulte, et d’un déclin cognitif à l’âge moyen. Nos résultats suggèrent que le déficit de la mémoire de rétention des femelles d’âge moyen exposées périnatalement à des anguilles moyennement et hautement contaminées serait lié à la diminution significative de l’activation à la fois d’ERK ½ et du NF-κB ainsi qu’à la réduction significative du taux d’acétylcholine, détectées au niveau de l’hippocampe de ces souris. A partir de ces données et de celles obtenues par d’autres membres de notre équipe, il apparait de plus en plus pertinent de prendre en considération le risque du couplage des effets neuro-oxydatif et neuro-inflammatoire dans la genèse de nombreux troubles cognitifs et comportementaux surtout de manière tardive et irréversible. Cela pourrait également être à l’origine d’une fragilité et d’une imprégnation précoce de différentes populations cellulaires qui conduiraient tardivement à une dégénérescence précoce des cellules en particulier au niveau neuronal et glial. En conclusion, nos résultats suggèrent une programmation périnatale sexe-dépendante des troubles, mis en évidence aussi bien sur le plan comportemental que sur le plan cognitif chez les souris dont leurs mères ont consommé de l’anguille polluée, via des mécanismes inflammatoires. Cela laisse supposer un impact endocrino-dépendant dont il faudrait confirmer la réalité et les mécanismes / Several lines of evidence indicate that early-life inflammation may predispose to mental illness in later-life. In our study, we investigated the impact of perinatal exposure to polluted eels on the brain and microglia inflammation in a lifespan approach as well as on the resignation behavior, the locomotor activity and the cognitive performances in the later life of male and female offspring mice. The effects of maternal standard diet (laboratory food) were compared to the same diet enriched with low, intermediate, or highly polluted eels. Our results showed a chronic brain inflammation in male and female offspring mice compared to controls, as assessed at the birth, up weaning, adulthood and middle-age. Activated microglia produced pro-inflammatory markers across the lifespan of male as well as female exposed offspring. The plasmatic level of myeloperoxidase was found to be significantly higher in both adult and middle-aged males and females vs. control offspring. However, high corticosterone levels were only found in adult male offspring mice perinatally exposed to polluted eels, suggesting a sex-selective dysregulation of the adult hypothalamic- pituitary- adrenal (HPA) axis. Sex selective differences were also found in adulthood, with regard to the offspring resignation behavior. Indeed, depressive-like symptoms were only found in adult male mice perinatally exposed to polluted eels. On the middle- age, sexe selective effects were found with regard to memory and locomotor activity. Indeed, hyperactive phenotype was only detected in females. In addition, impaired long-term memory was only detected in middle-aged females, perinatally exposed to either intermediately or highly polluted eels. This deficit was related to decreases in ERK1/2 and p65 activation, and acetylcholine levels that were only detected in female hippocampus exposed to either intermediately or highly polluted eels. In conclusion, our results indicated that early-life inflammatory insults were the plausible causative factor that programmed the behavior impairments and cognitive deficit in the later-life of offspring, and suggested that sex played an important role in the determination of nature of the appeared alterations

Endokrinní a metabolické aspekty vybraných spánkový ch poruch / Endocrine and Metabolic Aspects of Various Sleep Disorders

Vimmerová-Lattová, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
Endocrine and Metabolic Aspects of Various Sleep Disorders MUDr. Zuzana Vimmerová Lattová Abstract: Recent epidemiological and experimental data suggest a negative influence of shortened or disturbed night sleep on glucose tolerance. However, no comparative studies of glucose metabolism have been conducted in clinical sleep disorders. Dysfunction of the HPA axis may play a causative role in some sleep disorders and in other sleep disorders it may be secondary to the sleep disorder. Moreover, dysfunction of the HPA axis is regarded as a possible causative factor for the impaired glucose sensitivity associated with disturbed sleep. However, data on HPA system activity in sleep disorders are sparse and conflicting. We studied 25 obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients, 18 restless legs syndrome (RLS) patients, 21 patients with primary insomnia and compared them to 33 healthy controls. We performed oral glucose tolerance test and assessed additional parameters of glucose metabolism. The dynamic response of the HPA system was assessed by the DEX-CRH-test which combines suppression (dexamethasone) and stimulation (CRH) of the stress hormone system. Compared to controls, increased rates of impaired glucose tolerance were found in OSA (OR: 4.9) and RLS (OR: 4.7), but not in primary insomnia. In addition, HbA1c...

Etude et développement d'un capteur de microforce pour la caractérisation de la nanofriction multi-aspérités en micromanipulation dextre / Study and development of a microforce sensor for characterization of multi asperities nanofriction in dexterous

Billot, Margot 06 June 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est le développement d’un nouveau capteur de forcemulti-axes destiné à mesurer les composantes de friction impliquées dans lecontact doigt/objet lors la micromanipulation dextre. Des études théoriques etdes simulations par éléments finis ont conduit à la conception de ce capteurMEMS piézorésistif composé d’une plate-forme centrale munie d’une microbille,entourée d’une table compliante. D’après les résultats de simulations, ce capteur estcapable de mesurer indépendamment les forces normales et de frottement (couplageréciproque inférieure à 1%) avec une bonne sensibilité. Différents runs de fabricationnous ont permis d’obtenir des dispositifs exploitables. La structure mécanique de cescapteurs a été validée par la mesure des fréquences de résonance qui sont en accordavec les résultats de simulation. Des premiers résultats expérimentaux en termesde mesure de force ont ensuite été obtenus grâce au développement d’un banc detest (structure robotique, actionneurs, caméras, etc.). Nous nous sommes égalementintéressés à la problématique de l’étalonnage des capteurs de micro et nanoforceà l’aide de ressorts magnétiques reliés à des masses mesurables. Nous avons, danscette optique, mis au point une stratégie d’estimation et de compensation passivedes perturbations mécaniques en utilisant un principe différentiel. Cette approchea été appliquée à un capteur de nanoforce basé sur la lévitation diamagnétique et aabouti à des résultats prometteurs : une résolution inférieure au nanonewton a puêtre obtenue. / Sensor enabling to characterize the finger/object contact involved in dexterousmicromanipulation. Theoretical studies and finite elements simulations have lead tothe conception of this piezoresistive MEMS sensor composed of a central platformwith a micro-ball and surrounded by a compliant table. According to the simulationresults, this sensor is able to independently measure the normal and friction forces(crosstalk less than 1 %) with a good sensitivity. Several runs of fabrication allowedus to obtain usable devices. The mechanical structure of such sensors has beenvalidated by the measurement of resonance frequencies that are consistent with thesimulation results. The first experimental results in terms of force measurement werethen obtained through the development of a test bench (robotic structure, actuators,cameras, etc.). We were also interested in the problem of calibration of micro andnanoforce sensors using magnetic springs connected to measurable masses. In thiscontext, we developed an estimation strategy and a passive rejection of mechanicaldisturbances using a differential principle. This approach was applied to a nanoforcesensor based on the diamagnetic levitation and yielded promising results: a resolutionlower the nanonewton level could be obtained.

Strukturální fondy EU se zaměřením na Olomoucký kraj / The European Structural Funds focusing on Olomoucký region

Hlobilová, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
The topic of this diploma theses are the European Structural Funds and their influence on development of tourism in Olomoucký region. The thesis describes the development of regional and structural policy in the context of the European Union and the Czech Republic. The thesis introduces the European Structural Funds, which are involved in co-financing of projects within different areas. The object is to analyze three selected projects which were realized in programming period 2007 to 2013 under the priority axis 3 Tourism. The analysis should outline the impacts of projects which were supported by European funds. Another objective is to determine whether these projects helped to meet the objectives which were set in strategic documents. The thesis includes detailed statistics about the size of the volume of funds invested in projects of priority axis 3 Tourism in Central Moravia Region for the past year.

Galerie letecké techniky a tradic letectví na letišti Medlánky v Brně / Gallery aviation technology and traditions of aviation at the airport Medlánky in Brno

Blahová, Dagmar January 2016 (has links)
This thesis describes design gallery of aviation technology and traditions at the airport in Brno Part of my thesis is focused on urban solution of area layout its interconnections with near districts “Komín“ and “Medlánky“. There is new pedestrian, cycling paths, operational and logistic roads inside the complex layout. This design supposed to keep the two existing historic hangars and demolishing remaining buildings with subsequent completion of necessary objects. Priority and the main idea is to keep compositional and visual axis to ensure visual contact with all airport operational parts to ease of orientation. According to this principle is mass and platform solved with object “gallery”. This object in addition to the exhibition space is also used for administration and operation department of the gallery. In separate part there is ensured catering in form of restaurant with associated technical, operational and sanitary facilities. The gallery is designed to visually and physically separate section used by pilots and airport vehicles from visitors to avoid dangerous situation. Other buildings I have designed in my project are “the clubhouse”, airport administration, emergency accommodation, social activity space mainly designed for aircraft-model pilots and the air traffic control tower. These objects creates border between premises restricted for aero club and visitors.

Nové brněnské hlavní nádraží a jeho veřejná prostranství / Brno New Train Station and its Public Spaces

Sedláček, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
The topic of the Diploma thesis is a design of the New train station in Brno. The plot is located on the boundary of three city districts – Komárov, Štýřice and Trnitá. This area includes the railway structure for the new train station and also its public spaces, which are very close to the river Svratka. The railway structure is designed as bridge construction, that rises all platforms and rail tracks to 7,65 metres above the ground level. So all of the railways do not become a barrier in the city. The main concept extends a longitudinal axis of the city boulevard through the train station, which creates a high-rise building in the southern part of the plot. This axis is written not only to the layout but also to the roof design. The train station includes two underground levels, ground floor and first floor. Underground levels consist of P+R parking, deliveries only area, technical facilities and subway terminal. The ground floor is the main traffic centre. There is an entrance hall, shopping area, bus terminal and public corridors. The first floor includes platforms for train departures and arrivals. There are also public spaces in the entrance hall. The basic structural system consists of two parts. The first part is a massive reinforced concrete structure of the railway bridge deck and all underground levels. This structure is based on reinforced concrete foundation pads with drilled piles. The second part is a steel frame structure of the roof. That includes steel columns and truss girders for the structure of the lower area. The higher part of the roof is designed as a steel-truss bridge with the characteristic profile. The new train station supposes to create a new gate to the city of Brno, that connects contemporary districts with the historical city center.

Konstrukce frézovací hlavy pro CNC soustruh s nastavitelným sklonem / Design of CNC lathe milling head with adjustable tilt

Horák, Vítězslav January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with design of CNC lathe milling head with B axis. Thesis includes research in CNC turning machines, their tool systems and overview of manufacturers of milling B axis. It also includes calculation of machining forces, design of spindle and design of B axis including necessary calculations. Part of this thesis is also 3D model and assembly drawing, 2 manufacturing drawings and list of items.

Konstrukční návrh lineární osy pro multifunkční obráběcí centrum / Design of linear axis for heavy machine tool

Dostál, Martin January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis is concerned with providing a construction proposal of a linear axis X for multifunctional machining center. Moreover, this work presents characterisations of machining centers, overview of manufacturers, list of main construction components used in the linear axis, their evaluation, assessment of various options for construction, which are then explained further. These detailed construction methods include calculations with the subsequent choice of feed system component. Ultimately, final evaluation of chosen option is provided as well. Another section of this thesis is also an economical assessment and 3D model alongside with mechanical drawing.

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