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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza silového zatížení řezného nástroje při pětiosém frézování / Cutting force analysis when 5-axis milling

Dvořáček, Jan January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on machining using the ball-end shank mill. Content of the preliminary part of the work is a shank mill characteristic and a consequent part shows a splitting of ball-end milling cutters, its application, the cutting tool geometry and a characteristic signs of machining. The cutting force model of the ball-end mill is presented as well. A part of proposed model is the conversion of the resultant force too. Practical part is aimed at cutting force analysis of the ball-end mill and the main purpose of this part is a quantification of the cutting force for different work piece tilt angles while milling is performed.

Dimensionering och konstruktion av passiv mekanisk pitch för småskaliga horisontalaxlade vindkraftverk / Design and construction of passive mechanical pitch for small-scale horizontal axis wind turbines

Oljelund, David January 2020 (has links)
För vindkraftverk i mindre skala används i huvudsak två sätt att avlasta vid höga vindhastigheter, stallreglering och girning ur vind. En tredje metod är att pitcha rotorbladet till en mindre attackvinkel. Då minskar belastningen på rotorbladet samtidigt som effektgenerering kan bibehållas. Arbetet redovisar en konstruktion för en fjädrande passiv mekanisk pitch som avgränsats till att enbart dimensionera en vridfjäder och tre lager. Konstruktionen riktas mot horisontalaxlade vindkraftverk med tre rotorblad med en rotordiameter upp till 20m. Ett idealt rotorblad modelleras matematiskt för att ta fram dimensionerande krafter och moment. Utifrån detta kan sedan vridfjäder och lager dimensioneras. Konstruktionen tillsammans med dimensioneringen visar att belastning av rotorbladet kan reduceras samt att krafter som är kopplad till effekten kan hållas mer eller mindre konstant för vindhastigheter 16 till 24 m/s. Resultat av dimensionering visar att både vridfjäder och lager kan relativt enkelt anpassas till olika axeldiametrar. Slutsatserna blir att om dimensionering görs enligt arbetet är det, åtminstone i teorin, möjligt att uppnå det önskade beteendet för pitchen. För vidare arbete och verifiering rekommenderas bland annat att göra reella tester för vridfjädern för att bestämma dess precision på grund av fjäderns små vinkelutslag. / For small-scale wind turbines, there are mainly two ways of reducing loads at high wind speeds, stall regulation and yaw the rotor out of wind. A third method is to pitch the rotor blade to a smaller angle of attack. This reduces the load on the rotor blade while maintaining power generation. The following work presents a design for a spring based passive mechanical pitch that is limited to only dimensioning a torsion spring and three bearings. The design is aimed at horizontal axis wind turbines with three rotor blades with a rotor diameter up to 20m. An ideal rotor blade is mathematically modeled to produce the forces and torques needed in order to properly dimension the torsion spring and bearings. The design shows that the load of the rotor blade can be reduced and that forces connected to the power can be kept more or less constant for wind speeds 16 to 24 m / s. The results of sizing show that both the torsion spring and bearings can be adapted to different shaft diameters relatively easy. The conclusions are that if dimensioning is done according to the presented results, it is possible, at least in theory, to achieve the desired behaviour. For further development and verification it is recommended to do real tests for the torsion spring to determine its precision due to small angle displacement in the spring.

Dynamics of Cilia and Flagella

Hilfinger, Andreas 07 February 2006 (has links)
Cilia and flagella are hair-like appendages of eukaryotic cells. They are actively bending structures that exhibit regular beat patterns and thereby play an important role in many different circumstances where motion on a cellular level is required. Most dramatic is the effect of nodal cilia whose vortical motion leads to a fluid flow that is directly responsible for establishing the left-right axis during embryological development in many vertebrate species, but examples range from the propulsion of single cells, such as the swimming of sperm, to the transport of mucus along epithelial cells, e.g. in the ciliated trachea. Cilia and flagella contain an evolutionary highly conserved structure called the axoneme, whose characteristic architecture is based on a cylindrical arrangement of elastic filaments (microtubules). In the presence of a chemical fuel (ATP), molecular motors (dynein) exert shear forces between neighbouring microtubules, leading to a bending of the axoneme through structural constraints. We address the following two questions: How can these organelles generate regular oscillatory beat patterns in the absence of a biochemical signal regulating the activity of the force generating elements? And how can the beat patterns be so different for apparently very similar structures? We present a theoretical description of the axonemal structure as an actively bending elastic cylinder, and show that in such a system bending waves emerge from a non-oscillatory state via a dynamic instability. The corresponding beat patterns are solutions to a set of coupled partial differential equations presented herein.

Územní studie „Zbrojovka“ / Town planing study "Zbrojovka"

Bílek, František January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is a revitalization of the grounds once belonging to Zbrojovka Brno. These grounds are in the zoning map defined as “brownfield”. Within Brno’s limits, the area has an extremely convenient location. Since the grounds are situated in the central part of Brno, the complex is in terms of traffic and transport in the vicinity of both, the current and the newly planned ring-road. Important factors influencing the project are the river Svitava which borders the west side of the area, and a railroad corridor skirting the east side of the location. Assigned area was, for the purposes of this thesis, expanded by the grounds once belonging to Zetor and the adjoining area towards Markéty Kuncové Street. Several buildings from the former grounds, which fit in into the urban concept and were in good technical conditions, have been preserved. From a functional point of view, the newly designed grounds will meet all the requirements for a fully independent municipal district. The multifunctional development contains primarily housing complexes, administrative buildings, public facilities, recreational areas, as well as other functional structures. The urban concept of this project is a result of a study of surrounding blocks. Based on an analysis of the size and height of these buildings, an idealized block was designed and then recreated into a symmetrical raster of blocks with the street width of 20m. This raster was subsequently applied to newly designed points of entry into the area. Total urban and mass proposal of the development areahas been further influenced by principal conceptual points. Among these conceptual points belong the perspective axes which connect the conceptual points with an orientation point, in this case the former factory’s smokestack. Creating a new arm for the Svitava River is another point. Taking into account that the whole vicinity of the factory grounds is without quality public greenery elements.

Investigation of the cross-talk between gut microbes and plasma metabolites in the development of post-traumatic epilepsy

Mäkinen, Nelly January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this project has been to investigate whether there are correlations to be found between gut microbes and serum metabolites, which could be involved in the development of epilepsy. To do so, metabolomics data containing metabolites and metagenomics data containing bacteria have been integrated and used in a pipeline utilizing the software package DIABLO in R Studio. DIABLO stands for Data Integration Analysis for Biomarker discovery using Latent cOmponents and utilizes multi-block pls-da to integrate multiple omics data sets to find potential biomarkers. The results in this project are mainly divided into two groups, the first group being from taking samples at an early time point, where subjects have not yet developed symptoms of epilepsy and the second group being from taking samples at a late time point, where the subjects have developed epilepsy. To find biomarkers in the data used for the integration, two subgroups are of highest interest, namely subgroup PTE, which is the group that develops epilepsy symptoms after an induced trauma to the brain, as well as subgroup TBI which do not develop epilepsy symptoms after an induced trauma to the brain. Results from the early time point suggests that bacteria such as those from Phelethenecus, Christenselellales, Ventrimonas, Ruminococcaceae and Acetatifactor, as well as metabolites such as LPC 17:0, Indole and Indole-3-carboxyaldehyde might be of interest in finding biomarkers previous to the development of epilepsy after induced brain trauma.  Results from the late time point suggests that bacteria such as those from Muribaculaceae and Avidehalobacter, as well as metabolites such as Dioctyl sulfosuccinate, Canrenone, LPC 18:0, Uric acid, Arjunolic acid and Pseudouridine might be of interest in finding underlying mechanisms behind the existing condition of epilepsy. The hope is that findings in this paper might aid in future development of knowledge behind this disease as well as its underlying mechanisms.

Influence of gut-to-brain neuroendocrine pathways and intestinal microbiota on energy homeostasis

Bullich Vilarrubias, Clara 19 July 2025 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La obesidad es un gran reto de salud pública que ha alcanzado proporciones epidémicas. El entorno "occidentalizado" en el que vivimos, caracterizado por la accesibilidad a alimentos hipercalóricos, contribuye al desequilibrio crónico entre energía ingerida y gasto energético que causan la obesidad. Las intervenciones conductuales diseñadas para la pérdida de peso tienen limitada efectividad a largo plazo, por lo que existe una urgente necesidad de desarrollar estrategias más eficaces y seguras para prevenir y tratar la obesidad y sus comorbilidades. El desarrollo de estrategias terapéuticas dirigidas al intestino para mejorar la salud metabólica requiere un conocimiento en profundidad de las vías de señalización neuroendocrina intestinal que regulan el la ingesta y el equilibrio energético. El objetivo de esta tesis ha sido profundizar en las interacciones intestino-cerebro implicadas en el control de la homeostasis energética, incluyendo los componentes endocrinos, neurales y la microbiota intestinal, en el contexto del desarrollo de la obesidad inducida por una dieta hipercalórica. En los Capítulos 1 y 2 hemos explorado nuevas funciones de las neuronas sensoriales aferentes que expresan el canal de sodio Nav1.8 en el control de la homeostasis energética, considerando las diferencias entre sexos. Hemos generado un modelo de ratón carente de las neuronas Nav1.8+ mediante ablación con toxina diftérica. En el Capítulo 1 hemos demostrado que las neuronas Nav1.8+ son indispensables para regular específicamente según el sexo las vías neurales y endocrinas implicadas en la homeostasis energética. En hembras, la ablación de estas neuronas mejora la regulación de la glucosa postprandial potenciando la señalización enteroendocrina de GLP-1 y acelera el tránsito intestinal, mientras que en machos induce resistencia al aumento de peso inducido por una dieta obesogénica. En el Capítulo 2 hemos demostrado que, en machos, la ablación de las neuronas Nav1.8+ altera el control coordinado de la ingesta i las variaciones de peso diarias, además de alterar la señalización enteroendocrina y las oscilaciones diarias de la microbiota intestinal en respuesta al estado nutricional (ayuno/ingesta), y perturbar la homeostasis del sistema inmune intestinal. En el capítulo 3, hemos usado un modelo de ratón con obesidad inducida por dieta para explorar los mecanismos por los cuales Phascolarctobacterium faecium DSM 32890, una cepa bacteriana intestinal aislada de humanos metabólicamente sanos, previene la obesidad modulando la ingesta. La administración de P. faecium reduce la ingesta calórica gracias a la hipersecreción de la hormona gastrointestinal saciante el PYY. Independientemente de sus efectos anorexigénicos, la bacteria ejerce sus beneficios metabólicos estimulando el tránsito intestinal y reduciendo la absorción intestinal de lípidos, evitando la acumulación de grasa corporal. En conclusión, esta tesis doctoral proporciona evidencia preclínica que contribuye a una comprensión más precisa de las vías neuroendocrinas que comunican el intestino y el cerebro, y del papel que tiene la microbiota intestinal en la regulación de la ingesta y el gasto energético. Destacamos la importancia de las neuronas sensoriales aferentes Nav1.8+ en la detección de estímulos intestinales por quimiorreceptores para regular el balance energético en ambos sexos, lo cual abre una nueva línea de investigación para diseñar herramientas de neuromodulación de las neuronas Nav1.8+ con el fin de prevenir y tratar los trastornos metabólicos inducidos por la dieta, de forma específica para cada sexo. También destacamos que P. faecium es una bacteria candidata como probiótico de nueva generación, ya que modula el sistema enteroendocrino del hospedador y previene la obesidad en un modelo preclínico. En conjunto, estos hallazgos proporcionan una base para el desarrollo de estrategias terapéuticas basadas en el intestino dirigidas a combatir la obesidad y comorbilidades asociadas. / [CA] L'obesitat és un gran repte de salut pública que ha assolit proporcions epidèmiques. L'entorn "occidentalitzat" en el que vivim, caracteritzat per l'accessibilitat a aliments hipercalòrics, contribueix al desequilibri crònic entre energia ingerida i despesa energètica que causen l'obesitat. Les intervencions conductuals dissenyades per a la pèrdua de pes tenen una eficàcia limitada a llarg termini, per la qual cosa hi ha una necessitat urgent de desenvolupar estratègies més eficaces i segures per a prevenir i tractar l'obesitat i les seues comorbiditats. El desenvolupament d'estratègies terapèutiques dirigides a l'intestí per a millorar la salut metabòlica requereix un coneixement en profunditat de les vies de senyalització neuroendocrina intestinal que regulen la ingesta i l'equilibri energètic. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi ha sigut aprofundir en les interaccions intestí-cervell implicades en el control de l'homeòstasi energètica, incloent els components endocrins, neurals i la microbiota intestinal, en el context del desenvolupament de l'obesitat induïda per una dieta hipercalòrica. En els Capítols 1 i 2 hem explorat noves funcions de les neurones sensorials aferents que expressen el canal de sodi Nav1.8 en el control de l'homeòstasi energètica, considerant les diferències entre sexes. Hem generat un model de ratolí mancat de les neurones Nav1.8+ mitjançant ablació amb toxina diftèrica. En el Capítol 1 hem demostrat que les neurones Nav1.8+ són indispensables per a regular, específicament segons el sexe, les vies neurals i endocrines implicades en l'homeòstasi energètica. En femelles, l'ablació d'aquestes neurones millora la regulació de la glucosa postprandial potenciant la senyalització enteroendocrina de GLP-1 i accelera el trànsit intestinal, mentre que en mascles indueix resistència a l'augment de pes induït per una dieta obesogènica. En el Capítol 2 hem demostrat que, en mascles, l'ablació de les neurones Nav1.8+ altera el control coordinat de la ingesta i les variacions de pes diàries, a més d'alterar la senyalització enteroendocrina i les oscil·lacions diàries de la microbiota intestinal en resposta a l'estat nutricional (dejuni/ingesta), i pertorbar l'homeòstasi del sistema immunitari intestinal. En el capítol 3, hem utilitzat un model de ratolí amb obesitat induïda per dieta per explorar els mecanismes pels quals Phascolarctobacterium faecium DSM 32890, una soca bacteriana intestinal aïllada d'humans metabòlicament sans, prevé l'obesitat modulant la ingesta. L'administració de P. faecium redueix la ingesta calòrica gràcies a la hipersecreció de l'hormona gastrointestinal saciant PYY. Independentment dels seus efectes anorexigènics, el bacteri exerceix els seus beneficis metabòlics estimulant el trànsit intestinal i reduint l'absorció intestinal de lípids, evitant l'acumulació de greix corporal. En conclusió, aquesta tesi doctoral proporciona evidència preclínica que contribueix a una comprensió més precisa de les vies neuroendocrines que comuniquen l'intestí i el cervell, i del paper que té la microbiota intestinal en la regulació de la ingesta i la despesa energètica. Destaquem la importància de les neurones sensorials aferents Nav1.8+ en la detecció d'estímuls intestinals per quimioreceptors per a regular l'equilibri energètic en ambdós sexes, que obri una nova línia d'investigació per a dissenyar ferramentes de neuromodulació de les neurones Nav1.8+ amb la finalitat de prevenir i tractar els trastorns metabòlics induïts per la dieta, de forma específica per a cada sexe. També destaquem que P. faecium és un bacteri candidat com a probiòtic de nova generació, ja que modula el sistema enteroendocrí de l'hoste i prevé l'obesitat en un model preclínic. En conjunt, aquests troballes proporcionen una base per al desenvolupament d'estratègies terapèutiques basades en l'intestí dirigides a combatre l'obesitat i comorbiditats associades. / [EN] Obesity is a major global public health challenge that has reached epidemic proportions. Besides its profound impact on health and well-being, this metabolic disorder represents a significant economic burden to society. Our westernized environment where high-calorie foods are readily available, represents a major driver of the chronic imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure that cause obesity. The limited effectiveness of behavioral interventions to manage long-term weight loss highlights the urgent need to develop more effective and minimally invasive approaches to prevent and treat obesity and its comorbidities. The development of gut-targeted therapeutic strategies to improve metabolic health requires a comprehensive understanding of the gut neuroendocrine signaling pathways that, in interaction with the gut microbiota, control feeding behavior to ultimately maintain energy balance. The aim of this thesis has been to gain insight into gut-brain interactions, including those mediated by endocrine, neural and gut microbial components, involved in the control of energy homeostasis, with a focus on obesogenic diet-related dysfunctions that increase susceptibility to develop obesity. In Chapters 1 and 2, we have investigated novel functions of sensory afferent neurons expressing the sodium channel Nav1.8 in the control of energy homeostasis, considering sex-specificities, by generating a mouse model lacking Nav1.8+ neurons through a diphtheria toxin ablation strategy. In Chapter 1, we show that Nav1.8+ neurons are required to control neural and endocrine pathways involved in energy homeostasis in a sex-specific manner. Specifically, ablation of Nav1.8+ neurons in females improves postprandial glucose regulation by enhancing glucagon-like peptide-1 enteroendocrine signaling and accelerating intestinal transit, whereas in males it induces resistance to weight gain in response to an obesogenic diet. To further explore the role of Nav1.8+ neurons in controlling food intake and pre- and post-prandial daily rhythms that influence metabolic phenotype, in Chapter 2 we show in males that ablation of Nav1.8+ sensory neurons impairs the coordinated control of food intake and body weight fluctuations throughout the day. The loss of these neurons also alters the physiological enteroendocrine signaling and daily gut microbiota oscillations in response to the nutritional status (fasting/refeeding cycles) and disrupts intestinal immune homeostasis. In Chapter 3, we used a diet-induced obese mouse model to investigate the mechanisms by which Phascolarctobacterium faecium DSM 32890, a gut bacterial strain isolated from metabolically healthy humans, prevents obesity by modulating food intake. We show that administration of P. faecium reduces caloric intake by promoting hypersecretion of a satiating gastrointestinal hormone, the peptide YY (PYY). Independently of its anorexigenic effects, the bacterium exerts its metabolic benefits via complementary mechanisms, specifically by stimulating intestinal transit and reducing intestinal lipid absorption, thereby preventing body fat accumulation. In conclusion, this doctoral thesis provides preclinical evidence for a better understanding of gut-to-brain neuroendocrine pathways and the role of gut microbiota in the regulation of food intake and energy expenditure. We highlight the importance of Nav1.8+ sensory afferent neurons in gut chemosensing for maintaining energy balance in both sexes, which prompts novel research lines and opportunities to design of sex-specific neuromodulation tools targeting Nav1.8+ neurons for prevention and treatment of diet-induced metabolic disorders. We also highlight that P. faecium is a promising next-generation probiotic candidate, as it modulates the host enteroendocrine system and prevents obesity in a preclinical model. Overall, our findings contribute to the development of gut-based therapeutic strategies to combat obesity and associated comorbidities. / This study has been funded by the European Union 7th Framework Program through the MyNewGut project (Grant agreement No. 613979) and Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 797297 (MRP), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Grant PID2020-119536RB-I00), the European Commission – NextGenerationEU, through the CSIC Interdisciplinary Thematic Platform (PTI+) NEURO- AGING+ (PTI-NEURO-AGING+)”. The grant of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN/AEI) to IATA-CSIC as Accredited Center of Excellence (CEX2021-001189-S/ MCIN/AEI / 10.13039/501100011033) is acknowledged. / Bullich Vilarrubias, C. (2024). Influence of gut-to-brain neuroendocrine pathways and intestinal microbiota on energy homeostasis [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/207342 / Compendio

The potential relationships between hormone biomarkers and functional and health outcomes of ageing

Eendebak, Robert January 2017 (has links)
Although the female menopause has been extensively characterized as a well-defined symptomatic state of oestrogen deficiency, which responds relatively well to oestrogen replacement therapy, the symptomatic state of androgen deficiency in men is poorly defined and uncertainty exists whether it responds to testosterone replacement. It has been proposed that hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular (HPT)-axis function (responsible for the production of androgens) and regulation could be viewed as a ‘barometer’ of health status in older men and that potential alterations in HPT-axis function and regulation reflect subclinical and clinical deficits in function and health, which may result in an aged phenotype of human health and disease in older men. The HPT-axis constitutes a well-defined, tractable, clinically-relevant, biological system, which may permit insight into the mechanisms underlying the expression of ageing-related phenotypes of human health and disease. By using a different lens – such as the genetic background; the compensatory responses within the HPT-axis; the syndromes of androgen deficiency; the ethnic background of an individual or the life course trajectory of function and health from conception into older age – to magnify potential dysregulation in the HPT-axis will it be possible to visualize and understand the phenotypic expression of human male ageing as a gradient of functional and health outcomes. This will allow for a better understanding of the physiological mechanics underlying symptomatic expression of dysregulation in the HPT-axis.

Centrum Ponava Brno, Královo Pole / Ponava Centre Brno, Královo Pole

Pieleszová, Katarzyna January 2014 (has links)
The submission of this thesis was preceded by a specialised studio „Brněnské nábřeží a kulturní čtvrť Ponava“. This work focused on a complex urban architectural solution to the area around the former “Jaselská kasárna”, the urban context, transport services, the field configuration etc. The thesis follows this project in a section defined by streets U Červeného mlýna, Staňkova and Střední. The goal of the thesis lies in the creation of an intensive goal – a cultural area, which will offer a high-quality space for intergenerational communication and new social experiences and activities. It newly connects the urban part Ponava with the town center of Brno by a high-quality axis for pedestrian and cycling transport. The project of this cultural area arose after a thorough analysis of surrounding, intercity and global relations as a combination of aims: for children – the elementary art school with graphic and dancing fields, for seniors – leisure time center, and for all together - a multifunctional concert hall and a revitalized area of the former industrial zone of furniture production to a multipurpose intergenerational area with a modern art gallery, offices for young businessmen, architects and artists, and a music club in the basement of the gallery.

Design, FEM strength analysis and testing of an innovative mountain bike pedal with magnetic locking mechanism

Jakel, Roland 24 May 2023 (has links)
The presentation describes the development of a new mountain bicycle pedal with a special magnetic safety locking mechanism by means of the finite element method (FEM). It starts with a description of the predecessor mountain bike pedal “Enduro” from magped GmbH and sets out the development objectives for the new pedal named “Enduro2”. The complete development activities like load determination and load assumptions, FEM analysis of the initial draft, subsequent optimization steps for strength improvement and mass reduction, bearing design and analysis, and prototype testing are described. The presentation ends with a chapter about creating computer generated images for marketing material of the pedal. The presentation is structured as follows: 1. Introduction: -Description of the predecessor mountain bike pedal “Enduro1” by magped GmbH -The magnetic safety locking mechanism -Overview of the magped GmbH product portfolio -Short magped GmbH company presentation -Development objectives and initial design draft of the successor pedal model “Enduro2” 2. Determination of the load cases for design & optimization: -Loads for bicycle pedals acc. to DIN ISO 4210 -Chosen load cases and qualification test program 3. Strength analysis and weight optimization of the pedal axis: -Pre-optimization steps -Optimized shape: Theoretical consideration of the pedal axis -Optimized design description -Obtained mass reduction -User tips for shape / notch stress optimization -Comparison with the axis of a competitor 4. Strength analysis and weight optimization of the pedal body: -Challenges in pedal body design -Computed load cases -Design result and mass savings 5. Bearing design and analysis: -Sliding bearing layout -Ball bearing layout: Bearing forces computation by FEM due to over-determined system -Description of the Creo Simulate FEM model -Bal bearing life span 6. Product testing: -Test program performed by the zedler-institute -Testing of the first test batch of pedals with hollow bored axis -Testing of the first test batch of pedals without hollow bored axis 7. Realized mass savings: -Magped Enduro1 and Enduro2 on the balance and comparison with the magped Gravel pedal 8. Creation of marketing material for the final product: -Still image creation -Photorealistic rendering containing FEM loading sequences / Der Vortrag beschreibt die Entwicklung eines neuen Mountainbike-Pedals mit einer speziellen magnetischen Sicherheitsverriegelung mittels der Finite-Elemente-Methode (FEM). Er beginnt mit einer Beschreibung des Vorgänger-Mountainbike-Pedals 'Enduro' der magped GmbH und legt die Entwicklungsziele für das neue Pedal mit dem Namen 'Enduro2' dar. Die gesamten Entwicklungsaktivitäten wie Lastermittlung und Lastannahmen, FEM-Analyse des ersten Entwurfs, nachfolgende Optimierungsschritte zur Festigkeitsverbesserung und Massenreduzierung, Lagerauslegung und -analyse sowie Prototypentests werden beschrieben. Die Präsentation endet mit einem Kapitel über die Erstellung computergenerierter Bilder für die Verwendung in Marketingmaterial des Pedals. Gliederung des Vortrages: 1. Einleitung: -Beschreibung des Vorgänger-Mountainbike-Pedals 'Enduro1' der magped GmbH -Die magnetische Sicherheitsverriegelung des Pedals -Überblick über das Produktportfolio der magped GmbH -Kurze Firmenpräsentation der magped GmbH -Entwicklungsziele und erster Designentwurf des Nachfolgemodells 'Enduro2' 2. Ermittlung der Lastfälle für Design & Optimierung: -Belastungsfälle für Fahrradpedale nach DIN ISO 4210 -Ausgewählte Lastfälle und Qualifikations-Testprogramm 3. Festigkeitsanalyse und Gewichtsoptimierung der Pedalachse: -Vor-Optimierungsschritte -Optimierte Form: Theoretische Betrachtung der Pedalachse -Beschreibung der optimierten Form -Erzielte Massenreduzierung -Anwendertipps zur Form- / Kerbspannungsoptimierung -Vergleich mit der Achse eines Wettbewerbers 4. Festigkeitsanalyse und Gewichtsoptimierung des Pedalkörpers: -Herausforderungen bei der Konstruktion von Pedalkörpern -Berechnete Lastfälle -Konstruktionsergebnis und Gewichtseinsparung 5. Lagerkonstruktion und -analyse: -Auslegung der Gleitlager -Auslegung der Kugellager: Berechnung der Lagerkräfte durch die FEM aufgrund des statisch überbestimmten Systems -Beschreibung des Creo Simulate FEM-Modells -Lebensdauer der Kugellager 6. Produktprüfung: -Testprogramm, durchgeführt durch das zedler-Institut -Erprobung der ersten Versuchscharge von Pedalen mit hohlgebohrter Achse -Prüfung der ersten Versuchscharge von Pedalen ohne hohlgebohrte Achse 7. Realisierte Masseneinsparung: -Magped Enduro1 und Enduro2 auf der Waage und Vergleich mit dem magped Gravel-Pedal 8. Erstellung von Marketingmaterial für das Endprodukt: -Erstellung von computergenerierten Fotos -Fotorealistisches Rendering mit FEM-Belastungssequenzen

Achieving Complex Motion with Fundamental Components for Lamina Emergent Mechanisms

Winder, Brian Geoffrey 01 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Designing mechanical products in a competitive environment can present unique challenges, and designers constantly search for innovative ways to increase efficiency. One way to save space and reduce cost is to use ortho-planar compliant mechanisms which can be made from sheets of material, or lamina emergent mechanisms (LEMs). This thesis presents principles which can be used for designing LEMs. Pop-up paper mechanisms use topologies similar to LEMs, so it is advantageous to study their kinematics. This thesis outlines the use of planar and spherical kinematics to model commonly used pop-up paper mechanisms. A survey of common joint types is given, as well as an overview of common monolithic and layered mechanisms. In addition, it is shown that more complex mechanisms may be created by combining simple mechanisms in various ways. The principles presented are applied to the creation of new pop-up joints and mechanisms, which also may be used for lamina emergent mechanisms. Models of the paper mechanisms presented in Chapter 2 of the thesis are found in the appendix, and the reader is encouraged to print, cut out and assemble them. One challenge associated with spherical and spatial LEM design is creating joints with the desired motion characteristics, especially where complex spatial mechanism topologies are required. Hence, in addition to a study of paper mechanisms, some important considerations for designing joints for LEMs are presented. A technique commonly used in robotics, using serial chains of revolute and prismatic joints to approximate the motion of complex joints, is presented for use in LEMs. Important considerations such as linkage configuration and mechanism prototyping are also discussed. Another challenge in designing LEMs is creating multi-stable mechanisms with the ability to have coplanar links. A method is presented for offsetting the joint axes of a spatial compliant mechanism to introduce multi-stability. A new bistable spatial compliant linkage that uses that technique is introduced. In the interest of facilitating LEM design, the final chapter of this thesis presents a preliminary design method. While similar to traditional methods, this method includes considerations for translating the mechanism topology into a suitable configuration for use with planar layers of material.

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