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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Atvirų elektroninių išteklių kūrimo ir panaudojimo skatinimas akademinėje institucijoje / Promotion of the development and use of Open Educational Resources in academic institution

Stankevičiūtė, Odeta 02 September 2011 (has links)
Kauno kolegijoje yra patvirtinta ir vykdoma nauja e. mokymosi plėtros programa 2009-2013m. Pagal ją Kauno kolegija orientuojasi į atvirą e. mokymąsi, todėl atviras elektroninių išteklių kūrimas, panaudojimas bei talpinimas yra vienas iš pagrindinių šios programos tikslų. Taigi šiame darbe pateikiama: informacija apie atvirus elektroninius išteklius, jų nauda tiek studentui, tiek dėstytojui, tiek institucijai, atvirų elektroninių išteklių kūrimo ir panaudojimo proceso Kauno kolegijoje analizė, atvirų elektroninių išteklių talpinimo programinių įrankių integravimo projektas, sumodeliuotas UML kalba, vartotojo instrukcija. Parengus šį darbą paaiškėjo, kad minėtų programinių įrankių integravimas yra reikalingas ir kad tai tikrai skatintų vartotojus kurti, talpinti bei naudoti atvirus elektroninius išteklius, taip pat buvo surengti mokymai maždaug šimtui vartotojų, ir buvo parengta dalis dokumentų, reglamentuojančių atvirų elektroninių išteklių talpinimo veiklas bei institucinė licencinė sutartis, skirta autorių teisėms apsaugoti. / Kauno kolegija (Kaunas University of Applied Sciences) has adopted and implemented e-Learning Development Program for 2009-2013. One of the key components of the program is orientation to the open e-Learning, so the main tasks are the promotion of the development and use of open educational resources and storage of such resources. Thus, the aim of this work is to promote the development and use of open educational resources by preparing the integration project of Open Journal system, Open Conference System and DSpace systems, by organizing the training courses for users, also by preparing the documents regulating the activities of the hosting of open educational resources. In this document are presented: the information about open educational resources, their advantage for all – student, lecturer and institution, the analysis of the situation of the development and use of open educational resources in Kauno kolegija (Kaunas University of Applied Science), the project of integration of Open Journal System, Open Conference System and DSpace systems, modeled using UML language, and also a short user manual. After the completion of this work revealed that such integration project of the above-mentioned systems was necessary and it would really promote users to develop, load and use open educational resources, also there were organized training courses for about one hundred users, alike there were prepared a part of the documents regulating the activities of hosting open... [to full text]

Opening access to scholarly research

Colenbrander, Hilde, Morrison, Heather, Waller, Andrew 06 June 2008 (has links)
This presentation provides a basic description of open access and a very brief description of the crisis in scholarly communications which created the need for expanded access. Open access initiatives in western Canada (British Columbia, Alberta) are discussed, including institutional repository developments, the Public Knowledge Project's Open Journal Systems, and digitization projects of academic, public, and special libraries.

Digital ‘Publishing’ Services at UBC Library: cIRcle and more

Colenbrander, Hilde 30 April 2009 (has links)
The UBC Library along with many other research libraries is beginning to develop a range of publishing support services for faculty and students. This presentation focuses on cIRcle, the Library's institutional repository, and was delivered as part of a graduate seminar in the Dept of English on April 2, 2009.

The Politics of Electronic Publishing: New Developments in Scholarly Communication & Publishing

Kirchner, Joy 30 April 2009 (has links)
The UBC Library along with many other research libraries is beginning to develop a range of publishing support services for faculty and students. This presentation focuses on new developments and open access trends in scholarly communication and publishing. It was delivered as part of a graduate seminar in the Dept of English on April 2, 2009.

Search Queries in an Information Retrieval System for Arabic-Language Texts

Albujasim, Zainab Majeed 01 January 2014 (has links)
Information retrieval aims to extract from a large collection of data a subset of information that is relevant to user’s needs. In this study, we are interested in information retrieval in Arabic-Language text documents. We focus on the Arabic language, its morphological features that potentially impact the implementation and performance of an information retrieval system and its unique characters that are absent in the Latin alphabet and require specialized approaches. Specifically, we report on the design, implementation and evaluation of the search functionality using the Vector Space Model with several weighting schemes. Our implementation uses the ISRI stemming algorithms as the underlying stemming technique and the general Arabic stop word list for building inverted indices for Arabic-language documents. We evaluate our implementation on a corpus consisting of selected technical papers published in Arabic-language journals. We use the Open Journal Systems (OJS) from the Public Knowledge Project as a repository for the corpus used in the evaluation. We evaluate the performance of our implementation of the search using a classic recall/precision approach and compare it to one of the default multilingual search functions supported in the OJS. Our experimental analysis suggests that stemming is an effective technique for searches in Arabic-language texts that improves the quality of the information retrieval system.

Producción de publicaciones científicas de la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia

Ardito, Fernando 14 November 2017 (has links)
Presentación de la Red iberoamericana de Innovación y conocimiento Científico en Perú, realizado el 14 de Noviembre de 2017 en el Campus San Isidro, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Lima, Perú. Evento auspiciado por Universia, CSIC (España), Grupo Santander y UPC. / Conferencia que aborda la experiencia de la UPCH en políticas editoriales.

Publicación de cuadros de mando para evaluación de uso de las bibliotecas digitales utilizando tecnologías de datos enlazados

Hallo, María 22 July 2016 (has links)
Este trabajo aporta lineamientos para la publicación de cuadros de mando para la evaluación del uso de bibliotecas digitales en la Web semántica. Actualmente los indicadores publicados de los cuadros de mando no permiten su reuso y fácil combinación con otros indicadores para tomar mejores decisiones por lo que este trabajo contribuye a resolver este problema. Esta tesis comprende un estudio de tecnologías de datos enlazados y sus aplicaciones, los usos actuales en bibliotecas digitales, la elaboración de propuestas de arquitecturas técnicas y procedimientos de generación y publicación de cuadros de mando y metadatos de registros bibliográficos en la Web semántica. En forma complementaria se analizaron también características especiales a considerarse en los modelos de datos para encadenamientos de información como son el versionado de documentos legislativos y metadatos de preservación digital. Los resultados de las investigaciones han sido probados con metadatos de un tipo de biblioteca digital, una revista científica digital de acceso abierto incluyendo nuevas funcionalidades y sin afectar las estructuras ya existentes. La tesis se presenta como un compendio de publicaciones en congresos y revistas indizadas.

Get published! Straight talk from the editors at Partnership

Fox, David, Kandiuk, Mary, Smith, Ann 31 January 2013 (has links)
This presentation covers the origin, history and scope of Partnership: the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research; the editorial process and timeframes; research and scholarship for librarians; the peer review process; the components of a good research article; practical tips on what editors look for in a manuscript submission with examples from Partnership journal. The presentation is intended for anyone writing a research article but should be particularly helpful to first-time authors.

Get Published! Straight Talk from the Editors at Partnership

Fox, David 31 January 2013 (has links)
This paper covers the origin, history and scope of Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, the editorial process and timeframes, research and scholarship for librarians, the peer review process, the components of a good research article, and practical tips on what editors look for in a manuscript submission with examples from Partnership journal. It is intended for anyone writing a research article but should be particularly helpful to first-time authors. The paper was first given as a presentation at Ontario Library Association Super Conference on January 31, 2013. / Ontario Library Association

Finanzierung von Open Access - bisher und heute / Open-Access-Funding - so far and now

Blumtritt, Ute 17 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz bietet seit vielen Jahren verschiedene Services zum Open-Access-Publizieren für die Wissenschaftler der Technischen Universität. Dazu gehören u.a. das digitale Volltextarchiv, das Open Journal System und der Universitätsverlag. Wissenschaftliche Autoren können sowohl auf dem Goldenen als auch auf dem Grünen Weg Open Access publizieren. In diesem Jahr wurde erstmals ein Publikationsfonds für die Veröffentlichung von Open-Access-Artikeln eingerichtet. Es wurden Mittel von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft und der Technischen Universität Chemnitz bereitgestellt. Damit können die Universitätsangehörigen die finanzielle Übernahme von Publikationsgebühren für Open-Access-Artikel bei der Bibliothek beantragen. Sind die Fördervoraussetzungen erfüllt, erfolgt der Zuschlag in der Reihenfolge des Eingangs der Rechnung. / Since many years the University Library of Chemnitz offers several services regarding open access publication to the scientists of Chemnitz University of Technology. Among others this includes a digital archive, a Journal Management System, and the University Press. It is possible to publish on Golden Way of Open Access as well as on Green Way. This year we offer for the first time a publication funds for the publication of open access articles. The financial resources are provided by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and Chemnitz University of Technology. Please apply for financial support at the University Library if you need to pay a publication fee for open access articles. If the criteria for financial support are met an agreement will be made in order of invoices received.

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