Spelling suggestions: "subject:"openaccess"" "subject:"andaccess""
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Repositorio digital AmazonenseZuta Chávez, María Enedina, Chuqui Serván, Luis Homero 09 1900 (has links)
Conferencia realizado del 12 al 14 de setiembre en Lima, Peru del 2012 en el marco del 15º Simposio Internacional de Tesis y Disertaciones Electrónicas (ETD 2012). Evento aupiciado por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) y la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). / La Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza de Amazonas, con sede en la
ciudad San Juan de la Frontera de los Chachapoyas, capital de la Región Amazonas,
como Institución Educativa Superior, comprometida en su rol protagónico que asume ser
líder con el Desarrollo del País a través de la Proyección Social y Extensión Cultural,
utilizando los conocimientos y recursos que van acorde con las nuevas tecnologías de
información y comunicación, por medio de la Oficina General de Información y
Referencias Bibliográficas - OGIRB, se complace en presentar el primer Repositorio
Digital , regional del Perú, denominado: “REPOSITORIO DIGITAL
AMAZONENSE”, cuyo objetivo principal es acopiar e inventariar mediante el uso de
recursos digitales, textos de autores, investigadores y aficionados de las diferentes áreas
temáticas de la Región Amazonas, y plasmados en un gigante Repositorio de acceso
abierto e universal, promueva y difunda la cultura regional a nivel nacional e
internacional, creando nuevas puertas en el acceso universal a la investigación y
resaltando en el País la presencia de esta Casa Superior de Estudios, motivando la
integración de las demás regiones y juntos formar un SOLO REPOSITORIO DIGITAL
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The NDLTD Union Catalog: Issues at a Global ScaleSuleman, Hussein 09 1900 (has links)
Conferencia realizado del 12 al 14 de setiembre en Lima, Peru del 2012 en el marco del 15º Simposio Internacional de Tesis y Disertaciones Electrónicas (ETD 2012). Evento aupiciado por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) y la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). / The NDLTD Union Catalog is an international collection of ETD metadata that is
harvested from various institutional, regional and cross-institutional collections. The
Union Catalog has grown substantially in the 10 years since its launch and now
contains almost 2 million records. However, various issues have surfaced during the
maintenance of the Union Catalog and its downstream service providers. For
example, at this scale, the well-known best practice of the OAI-PMH to restrict the
size of a response to 100 records or 1MB has a severe impact on harvesting time.
This paper describes this problem and other issues that are relevant to the Union
Catalog and similar projects. For each such issue, solutions are discussed. Together
these present a set of guidelines not only for large union catalogues but also for the
design of large digital library collections in general.
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ETDs, Leveraging the HKU IRPalmer, DT,, Sidorko, P. 09 1900 (has links)
Conferencia realizado del 12 al 14 de setiembre en Lima, Peru del 2012 en el marco del 15º Simposio Internacional de Tesis y Disertaciones Electrónicas (ETD 2012). Evento aupiciado por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) y la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). / A mandate for ETD deposit at The University of Hong Kong (HKU) was first made
in 2001. Retrospective conversion projects with author consent, and assumed
consent, finished in 2011, producing an ETD collection, 20,000 strong, online in open
access, making HKU first in Asia with all of its thesis collection online, and perhaps
the single institution in the world with the largest such collection. In 2011 these
ETDs were merged into the HKU IR, The HKU Scholars Hub. Usage statistics of the
Hub increased dramatically. The January 2012 Webometric rankings of world
repositories showed the Hub climbing 114 places to number 50. In the race to grab
stakeholder attention, the addition of ETDs to the Hub is a win / win situation. The
Hub shows records for publications, grant projects, author profiles, organizations, all
interlinked to each other, showing all aspects of research at HKU [use idea of
CRIS?]. Professoriate profiles in the Hub show a list of their supervised research
students, and links to their finished fulltext theses, also in the Hub. These links are
likewise reciprocated for thesis supervisors in the thesis records. All HKU theses
now carry a DOI which increases discovery, and allows import of CrossRef citation
data. Rates of download of HKU ETDs have doubled almost every year since 2001.
All indications lead to the conclusion that having all facets of research in one
repository, add value to each other, and increase rates of discovery and re-use. This
then further brings increases in invitations for collaborative research, employment,
speaking engagements.., with a concomitant increase of the hosting institution.
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The use and usefulness of UPeTD: the University of Pretoria’s electronic theses and dissertations serviceOlivier, Elsabé, Louw, Ina 09 1900 (has links)
Conferencia realizado del 12 al 14 de setiembre en Lima, Peru del 2012 en el marco del 15º Simposio Internacional de Tesis y Disertaciones Electrónicas (ETD 2012). Evento aupiciado por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) y la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). / actively supports open access to research literature for all researchers worldwide. The repository
for electronic theses and dissertations is called UPeTD and is managed by the Open Scholarship
office. More full-time PhD students have enrolled at UP – many of them from African countries
or disadvantaged groups within South Africa. Our student body is a diverse group – in the
graduate group almost 50% come from other countries in Africa.
UPeTD has been in operation for more than a decade. During this time the process has not really
changed, but it has undergone staff and management changes. Seeing that the campus is in
constant flux with new supervisors arriving and older ones retiring, a re-evaluation of the service,
its process, access options and copyright seems relevant at this time.
Methods: All UP supervisors were requested to complete a questionnaire. The purpose of the
questionnaire was to evaluate the adoption of the electronic submission of theses and
dissertations to the UPeTD database; investigate and analyse the current process; gain insight into
supervisors’ attitudes towards the UPeTD repository.
Objectives of the questionnaire were to determine the usefulness of UPeTD as a repository;
establish the benefits for UPeTD users; measure policy knowledge and compliance; determine
the most popular communication channel with our clients; and establish the current knowledge
and awareness level of the supervisors.
Conclusions: In this paper the quantitative and qualitative results of the study will be shared. We
will also share key aspects of our management of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) and
our improved knowledge of the use and usefulness of our institutional repository and our choices
of open access software. Recommendations and future improvements, informed by the data, will
be discussed.
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Open Access Publishing of ETD’s: Requirements and Implications of complying with Budapest, Bethesda and BerlinClement, Gail 09 1900 (has links)
Conferencia realizado del 12 al 14 de setiembre en Lima, Peru del 2012 en el marco del 15º Simposio Internacional de Tesis y Disertaciones Electrónicas (ETD 2012). Evento aupiciado por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) y la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). / This presentation will cover the specifications of the Budapest Open Access Initiative
(BOAI) – a significant movement gaining momentum worldwide – and examine the
implications BOAI would have on ETD publishing.
The vision of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) is the “completely free
and unrestricted access” to scholarly literature “by all scientists, scholars, teachers,
students, and other curious minds.” Building on earlier OA declarations signed in
Bethesda and Berlin, BOAI reflects the principle that open access publishing “will
accelerate research, enrich education, share the learning of the rich with the poor and
the poor with the rich, make this literature as useful as it can be, and lay the
foundation for uniting humanity in a common intellectual conversation and quest for
knowledge.” While BOAI has been initiated to address new forms of journal
publishing, “it could be extended quite naturally to all the writings for which authors
do not expect payment... These include theses and dissertations.” (Budapest Open
Access Initiative:Frequently Asked Questions,
As unique works intended to enter the stream of scholarship, ETD’s are a natural
candidate for OA publishing. But are the requirements of Budapest suitable for the
ETD community? For example, the requirement for distribution under a CC-BY
license means that an ETD could be redistributed by any interested party, whether for
free or for profit, an objectionable outcome for some authors and institutions. All
BOIA implications for ETD publishing will be examined in this presentation.
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New Vista to Preserve the Scholarly Output in Higher Education System: Institutional RepositoriesKumar, Raj 09 1900 (has links)
Conferencia realizado del 12 al 14 de setiembre en Lima, Peru del 2012 en el marco del 15º Simposio Internacional de Tesis y Disertaciones Electrónicas (ETD 2012). Evento aupiciado por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) y la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). / Institutional repositories emerge as a new approach to manage and maintain effectively the intellectual
assets of an institute through the digital content for scholarly communication. It includes e-prints of
research data, e-learning materials and other forms of institutional intellectual outputs, which are generally
not available or preserved elsewhere. Digital publishing, global networking, new researches, and
improved communication among scholars are driving the demand for broader access. In the present
scenario, IR’s are become an indispensable component for information and knowledge sharing in the
universities and higher education world. The Institutional Repository increased visibility reflects a high
quality of scholarship; this display of value can translate into tangible benefits including the funding from
public and private sources that drives in part from an institution status and reputation. The paper explores
and discusses the conceptual development, benefits, standard, sustainability & funding of Institutional
repositories. Paper has also discussed about the open source software’s and Commercial Digital
Repository Software that are available to create and maintain in institutional repositories. This paper also
tries to explore the contents of IRs and skill requirement for the implantations of the successful
Institutional Repository.
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Toward Global Open Scholarship - Access to Research in Development and GlobalizationJinha, Arif January 2012 (has links)
Two centuries after the printing press was invented, the first scholarly journal appeared in 1665. Less than two decades after the journal went online, the digital format is reshaping scholarly communication rapidly. We are moving quickly towards an open system of scholarship, and from a Western heritage of print scholarship to a future of global knowledge, a shift driven by the communications revolution. This thesis provides data describing the size and growth of the universe of scholarship, its global reach, how much of it is accessible free of charge on the internet and the rate at which that share is growing. Open Access together with development programs aimed at reducing price barriers to subscription journals have vastly increased the possibilities for accessing research in the South. The relevance to globalization and development is explored conceptually and revealed in the results.
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Untersuchung eines Zusammenhanges zwischen den Downloadzahlen von Sci-Hub und Entwicklungen in bibliothekarischen Konsortialverhandlungen 2017 anhand ausgewählter LänderRudolph, Theres 28 April 2021 (has links)
Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit beschäftigt sich mit illegalen Zugriffen von Forschern auf die Schattenbibliothek Sci-Hub, im Zusammenhang zu Kündigungen von Zeitschriftenabonnements und -lizenzen an wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken. Durch einen stetigen Anstieg der Kosten, sind viele Bibliotheken gezwungen diese zu kündigen. In dieser Arbeit wird auch eine Analyse der neueren Literatur zu diesen Themen vorgenommen. Die Forschungsfrage der Arbeit lautet wie folgt: „Gibt es einen Zusammenhang zwischen Entwicklungen in Nationalkonsortien und den entsprechenden nationalen Zugriffzahlen auf Sci-Hub?“. Dazu werden Daten betrachtet, die über die Nutzung von Sci-Hub im Jahr 2017 informieren. Untersucht werden die Länder Deutschland, Taiwan, die Niederlande und Luxemburg. Die Daten wurden auf einer MySQL-Datenbank gespeichert und von dort abgefragt; die Weiterverarbeitung der Zahlen erfolgte in Excel.
In allen Ländern konnten im Zuge abgeschalteter Verlagszugänge steigende Zugriffszahlen auf Sci-Hub beobachtet werden, allerdings gab es Unterschiede bei der weiteren Nutzung, nachdem Wiedererlangen von lizensierten Zugängen an wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken.
Das Ergebnis zeigt, dass Forschende Sci-Hub hauptsächlich nutzen, da ihnen eine einfachere Möglichkeit des Zuganges zu benötigter Literatur zu fehlen scheint. Aber auch Bequemlichkeit und sinkende moralische Bedenken scheinen eine nicht unerhebliche Rolle zu spielen.:Abkürzungsverzeichnis
1. Einleitung
1.1. Hintergrund und Zielstellung der Arbeit
1.2. Methoden
1.2.1. Über die Daten
1.2.2. Bearbeitung der Daten
2. Bibliothekarische Ausgangssituation
2.1. Die Open-Access-Bewegung: Geschichte, aktueller Stand und Probleme
2.2. Sci-Hub: Entwicklung, Nutzung, Problematik und Diskussion
2.2.1 Allgemeine Informationen
2.2.2. Funktionsweise
2.2.3. Gerichtliches Vorgehen gegen Sci-Hub
2.2.4. Nutzergruppen
2.2.5. Diskussion in der Literatur
2.3. Bibliothekskonsortien als Mittel der Open-Access-Bewegung
2.4. Beteiligte Konsortien
2.4.1. Deutschland: Projekt DEAL
2.4.2. Taiwan: CONCERT
2.4.3. Niederlande: VNSU
2.4.4. Luxemburg: Consortium
3. Untersuchung
3.1. Zur Auswertung
3.2. Deutschland
3.3. Taiwan
3.4. Niederlande
3.5. Luxemburg
4. Diskussion
4.1. Diskussion der Forschungsfrage
4.2. Einschränkungen, Probleme und Ausblick
5. Schlusswort
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Indicadores Altmetrics en repositorios institucionales: Estudio de caso Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas – UPC / Altmetrics indicators at Institutional Repositories: Case study at Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas - UPC´s Academic RepositoryEléspuru Briceño, Liliana, Huaroto, Libio 06 June 2015 (has links)
Conferencia realizada en el marco del "II Congreso de Bibliotecas Universitarias y Especializadas", desarrollada los días 4 y 6 de Junio de 2015, en Santiago de Chile, Chile / liliana.elespuru@upc.edu.pe / libio.huaroto@upc.edu.pe / El trabajo describe la experiencia desarrollada sobre indicadores Altmetrics en el Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas - UPC / This presentation describes the experience about Altmetrics indicators at the Academic Repository, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. Authors analyses the health scholarly publication.
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Improving the visibility of institutional repository, digital theses and research data: the case of the Peruvian University for Applied SciencesSaravia Lopez de Castilla, Miguel, Elespuru-Briceno, Liliana, Maguiña Ballón, André, Dibos Muñoz, Agnes, Said Castro, Huaroto, Libio 08 August 2017 (has links)
Conferencia ETD2017, realizada en Washington DC, 7-9 de Agosto de 2017. / In the last three years Peru has gone through changes in the process of strengthening and disseminating open access, especially regarding digital theses and research or governmental data. Enactment of Law 30035, which establishes and regulates the Open Access National Digital Repository of Science, Technology and Innovation; the Regulations of the National Registry of Research Papers Submitted for Academic Degrees and Professional Titles, RENATI; the National Strategy for Open Governmental Data, Peru 2017-2021; and the Peruvian Open Governmental Data Model constitute all a legal framework that fosters open access. Within this context, since 2013 the Peruvian University for Applied Science, UPC, has implemented policies aimed to foster open access to academic and scientific information, as well to support the use of interoperable technological platforms. As a result, in March of 2013, the UPC Academic Repository was published. And, recently, UPC adopted as mandatory the open access publication of bachelor’s and master’s theses. In the last three years, the UPC Academic Repository ranked among the top in the Webometrics Repositories (Peru), and showed a significant improvement at the Latin American and World level: At the national level, it went from being ranked 13th in January 2013 to 3rd in January 2017. Worldwide, it went from being ranked 1,516th in January 2013 to 849th in January 2017. In Latin America, in January 2017 it was ranked 62nd among 217 repositories. All actions implemented have been complemented with the following strategies: the open access publication of the theses-related data; the use of diverse metadata standards —Dublin Core Qualifiers, ETD-MS, DRIVER 2.0 and OpenAIRE—; the use of the OAI-PMH interoperable protocol; the implementation of identifiers of digital content —DOI and Handle— and identifiers for users —ORCID and Google Profile—; and curation of digital content. Future activities will be oriented to increase visibility of the UPC repository contents. To this end, we have proposed the following: to use DOI in bachelor’s and master’s theses; increase the number of bibliographical records for theses and their data; monitor and assess consultations to UPC theses as shown by national repositories ALICIA and RENATI; and, finally, implement an automated system for managing theses integrated into the UPC Academic Repository.
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