Spelling suggestions: "subject:"opengl"" "subject:"sprengl""
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A Zoomable 3D User Interface using Uniform Grids and Scene GraphsRinne, Vidar January 2011 (has links)
Zoomable user interfaces (ZUIs) have been studied for a long time and many applications are built upon them. Most applications, however, only use two dimensions to express the content. This report presents a solution using all three dimensions where the base features are built as a framework with uniform grids and scene graphs as primary data structures. The purpose of these data structures is to improve performance while maintaining flexibility when creating and handling three-dimensional objects. A 3D-ZUI is able to represent the view of the world and its objects in a more lifelike manner. It is possible to interact with the objects much in the same way as in real world. By developing a prototype framework as well as some example applications, the usefulness of 3D-ZUIs is illustrated. Since the framework relies on abstraction and object-oriented principles it is easy to maintain and extend it as needed. The currently implemented data structures are well motivated for a large scale 3D-ZUI in terms of accelerated collision detection and picking and they also provide a flexible base when developing applications. It is possible to further improve performance of the framework, for example by supporting different types of culling and levels of detail
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Medical Image Processing on the GPU : Past, Present and FutureEklund, Anders, Dufort, Paul, Forsberg, Daniel, LaConte, Stephen January 2013 (has links)
Graphics processing units (GPUs) are used today in a wide range of applications, mainly because they can dramatically accelerate parallel computing, are affordable and energy efficient. In the field of medical imaging, GPUs are in some cases crucial for enabling practical use of computationally demanding algorithms. This review presents the past and present work on GPU accelerated medical image processing, and is meant to serve as an overview and introduction to existing GPU implementations. The review covers GPU acceleration of basic image processing operations (filtering, interpolation, histogram estimation and distance transforms), the most commonly used algorithms in medical imaging (image registration, image segmentation and image denoising) and algorithms that are specific to individual modalities (CT, PET, SPECT, MRI, fMRI, DTI, ultrasound, optical imaging and microscopy). The review ends by highlighting some future possibilities and challenges.
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Entwicklung eines mehrbenutzerfähigen projektionsbasierten VR-Systems und Untersuchung ausgewählter Aspekte der Nutzerinteraktion / Multi-User Interaction in Virtual Environments with Individual ViewsKüszter, Vincent 22 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Virtuelle Realität (VR) wird seit Jahrzehnten in Industrie und Forschung sowie im Unterhaltungssektor genutzt.
Dabei sind die verwendeten VR-Systeme meist nur auf einen Nutzer ausgelegt, wodurch es für andere Betrachter zu perspektivischen Verzerrungen kommt.
Um mehreren Personen ein visuell gleichberechtigtes Nutzen des VR-Systems zu ermöglichen, muss jedem Nutzer eine individuelle Perspektive vermittelt werden.
Es wird ein Klassifikationsschema vorgestellt, anhand dessen für verschiedene Interaktionsszenarien Anforderungen für eine derartige Hardwareumsetzung ableitbar sind.
Um ausgewählte Aspekte der Mehrbenutzerinteraktionen zu untersuchen, wurde eine Prototypenplattform erstellt, mit der eine vielfältige Palette von Interaktionsszenarien für zwei Nutzer umgesetzt werden kann.
Eine parallel zu dieser Arbeit entstandene mehrbenutzerfähige Powerwall und eine Erweiterung dieser zu einer L-Bench wurden genutzt, um mit zwei Studien ausgewählte Aspekte der Interaktion mehrerer Benutzer in VR empirisch zu untersuchen.
Dazu wurden zwei Anwendungen kreiert: ein Puzzlespiel, welches eine Informationsasymmetrie zwischen den Nutzern simuliert, sowie ein Objekteinpassungsspiel, welches die Interaktion um eine körperliche Komponente erweitert.
Mit diesen wurde untersucht, welche Sichtwechselmetapher zur Auflösung der Asymmetrie am besten geeignet ist.
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Dynamic Visualization of Space Weather Simulation Data / Dynamisk visualisering av rymdvädersimuleringsdataSand, Victor January 2014 (has links)
The work described in this thesis is part of the Open Space project, a collaboration between Linköping University, NASA and the American Museum of Natural History. The long-term goal of Open Space is a multi-purpose, open-source scientific visualization software. The thesis covers the research and implementation of a pipeline for preparing and rendering volumetric data. The developed pipeline consists of three stages: A data formatting stage which takes data from various sources and prepares it for the rest of the pipeline, a pre-processing stage which builds a tree structure of of the raw data, and finally an interactive rendering stage which draws a volume using ray-casting. The pipeline is a fully working proof-of-concept for future development of Open Space, and can be used as-is to render space weather data using a combination of suitable data structures and an efficient data transfer pipeline. Many concepts and ideas from this work can be utilized in the larger-scale software project.
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Design and Implementation of an Out-of-Core Globe Rendering System Using Multiple Map Services / Design och Implementering av ett Out-of-Core Globrenderingssystem Baserat på Olika KarttjänsterBladin, Kalle, Broberg, Erik January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the design and implementation of a software system enabling out-of-core rendering of multiple map datasets mapped on virtual globes around our solar system. Challenges such as precision, accuracy, curvature and massive datasets were considered. The result is a globe visualization software using a chunked level of detail approach for rendering. The software can render texture layers of various sorts to aid in scientific visualization on top of height mapped geometry, yielding accurate visualizations rendered at interactive frame rates. The project was conducted at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), New York and serves the goal of implementing a planetary visualization software to aid in public presentations and bringing space science to the public. The work is part of the development of the software OpenSpace, which is the result of a collaboration between Linköping University, AMNH and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) among others.
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MPEG Z/Alpha and high-resolution MPEG / MPEG Z/Alpha och högupplösande MPEG-videoZiegler, Gernot January 2003 (has links)
The progression of technical development has yielded practicable camera systems for the acquisition of so called depth maps, images with depth information. Images and movies with depth information open the door for new types of applications in the area of computer graphics and vision. That implies that they will need to be processed in all increasing volumes. Increased depth image processing puts forth the demand for a standardized data format for the exchange of image data with depth information, both still and animated. Software to convert acquired depth data to such videoformats is highly necessary. This diploma thesis sheds light on many of the issues that come with this new task group. It spans from data acquisition over readily available software for the data encoding to possible future applications. Further, a software architecture fulfilling all of the mentioned demands is presented. The encoder is comprised of a collection of UNIX programs that generate MPEG Z/Alpha, an MPEG2 based video format. MPEG Z/Alpha contains beside MPEG2's standard data streams one extra data stream to store image depth information (and transparency). The decoder suite, called TexMPEG, is a C library for the in-memory decompression of MPEG Z/Alpha. Much effort has been put into video decoder parallelization, and TexMPEG is now capable of decoding multiple video streams, not only in parallel internally, but also with inherent frame synchronization between parallely decoded MPEG videos.
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3D herní svět v OpenGL / 3D Game World in OpenGLBuchta, David January 2017 (has links)
Focus of this master's thesis is a study of modern techniques in computer graphics and designing and developing custom application based on which could be developed new game engine. In this thesis are highlighted techniques for creating large terrains, advanced shadows, physically based sky rendering and drawing large set of objects. Finally, performance testing of these modules is performed.
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Tvorba grafické knihovny pro zásuvné moduly VST / Creation of the Graphic Library for VST Plug-InsDufka, Filip January 2019 (has links)
Master‘s thesis covers use of graphical user interface in audio plug-ins. In first part structure and rendering techniques of audio plug-ins graphical libraries are described. Their efficiency and their way of memory utilization is questioned. Next part puts these techniques in comparison with the state of the art methods used in computer graphics and gaming industry. Their possible use in audio graphical interafaces is analyzed. In the following part, thesis finds solutions to uneffective methods in frequently used situations by presenting deferred shading into audio parameter editor with the goal of photorealistic rendering. Second introduced technique of „Knob Normal Maps“ reduces number of images needed for rendering of turning knob from hundereds to six with comparable results. Goal of diploma thesis was to create graphical library. Graphical library with name RealBox was created, and introduced techniques are the core features. Library reduces work needed to achieve graphical user interfaces for 2D and 3D cases of use. Full class and method documentation for RealBox library was assembled. Library was tested during creation of three VST plugins, with different approaches and emphasis on quick work and fine rendering. Graphical library offers new, faster way of creating audio plug-in interfaces.
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Holografická injekce / Holographic InjectionDobiáš, Roman January 2021 (has links)
Táto práca sa zaoberá návrhom a implementáciou nástroja, ktorý umožní používať klasické 3D OpenGL aplikácie na tzv. autostereoskopických displayoch s plným využitím ich hĺbkových možností a s minimálnym zásahom od užívateľa. Nástrojom je konverzná vrstva, ktorá umožní transparentne beh OpenGL aplikácií s interným rozšírením o vykreslenie z viacerých pohľadov vo formáte, vhodnom pre 3D display. Motiváciou tejto diplomovej práce je potenciálne rozšírenie tzv. autostereskopických displayov, ktoré je v súčasnosti závislé na cene a dostupnosti špecializovaných aplikácií pre tieto displaye. Text práce sa zaoberá dizajnom takejto vrstvy z pohľadu nutných API volaní, ktoré je potrebné korektne prepísať, aby aplikácie, vytvorené pomocou jednotlivých verzii štandardu OpenGL, pracovali správne, ako aj popisom problémov, ktoré vznikajú použitím rôznych vykreslovacích techník, a ktoré sú motiváciou pre komplexnejšie chovanie nástroja. Na záver práce sú ukážky konverzie programov, dopad na výkonnosť, ako aj identifikácia nedostatkov konverznej vrstvy s návrhmi možných riešení pre ďalší vývoj.
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Fúze procedurální a keyframe animace / Fusion of Procedural and Keyframe AnimationKlement, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The goal of this work is to create an application, which will combine procedural and keyfram animations with subsequent visualization. Composition of this two different animations techniques is used to animate a virtual character. To combine this two techniques one starts with interpolations from keyframe animation and then enchance them by procedural animations to properly fit into the characters surroundings. This procedural part of animation is obtained by using forward and inverse kinematics. Whole application is written in C++, uses GLM math library for computations and OpenGL and GLUT for final visualization.
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