Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aperating costs"" "subject:"aperating hosts""
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Využití principů facility managementu pro optimalizaci nákladů administrativních budov / Application of the principles of facility management for cost optimization of administrative buildingsRosecká, Zdenka January 2015 (has links)
The current civil engineering reality is showing disturbing fact that no profession are present in all phases the life cycle of a construction object. Is becoming increasingly evident need for interconnection of all participants of the investment process in all phases the life cycle of a construction object, and it is thanks to facility management. Facility management in the Czech Republic is still relatively new and continually develops. Facility management is introduced including the associated standards in this thesis.Thesis deals with the position of facility manager and define facility management principles. The proposed methodology for monitoring of the operational life cycle cost of buildings is also presented on the specific construction object. Defined facility management principles are then set in the context of cost management of the selected construction object. The aim of the doctoral thesis is to prove or disprove that the application of the facility management principles can optimize the costs of administrative buildings.
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Svenskt lantbruk i omställning : En kvalitativ studie om hur svenska lantbrukare upplevs ha påverkats av Sveriges miljöpolitik, höga driftkostnader och statligt agerande / Swedish agriculture in transition : A qualitative study about how Swedish farmersare perceived to have been affected by Sweden’s environmental policies, highoperating costs and governmental actionsNilsson, Mathias, Merzjoev, Zaur January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att få en ökad förståelse för hur Sveriges miljöpolitik, höga driftkostnader och statligt agerande upplevs ha påverkat småskaliga lantbrukare i Sverige och deras levnadsvillkor. För att undersöka problematiken valdes åtta lantbrukare ut för att delta i semi-strukturerade intervjuer, där de fick uttrycka sina egna perspektiv och uppfattningar om lantbrukaryrket i förhållande till miljöpolitiska strategier och rekordhöga driftkostnader i lantbrukarbranschen. Det utvalda teoretiska ramverket att understödja denna sociologiska studie bestod i Becks tes om risksamhället, alienationsteorin och teorin om livsformsanalys. En doktorsavhandling och fyra vetenskapliga artiklar valdes också ut till studien, vilka agerade som inspirationskälla för intervjuguiden. Det empiriska materialet resulterade i en övergripande slutsats om att den ökade riskmedvetenheten och reflexiviteten har omvandlat lantbruket som livsform. Respondenternas synpunkter indikerar att svenska lantbrukares levnadsvillkor potentiellt är hotade, då lantbrukare finner sig alienerade från staten och upplever sig stundtals vara bortglömda av samhället i stort. I relation till samhälleliga reaktioner under COVID-19 pandemin och det pågående kriget i Ukraina, var den utvalda gruppen av lantbrukare ändå optimistiska kring lantbrukaryrket ur ett framtidsperspektiv. / The aim of this qualitative study was to get a better understanding of how Sweden’s environmental politics, high operating costs and governmental action are perceived to have affected small-scale farmers in Sweden. In order to do this, eight farmers got selected to participate in semi-structured interviews to express their own views and perspectives on farming as a profession in relation to Sweden’s climate mitigation strategies and record-high operating costs. The sociological theories selected to complement the research process were Becks concept of ”risk society”, the theory of alienation and the theory of lifeform analysis. One doctoral thesis and four scientific articles were also used in the study and functioned as a source of inspiration for the interview guide. The empirical data from the interviews led to the conclusion that the increase of ecological risk-awareness and reflexivity has transformed farming as a lifeform. The views of the selected participants indicate that the business conditions of Swedish farmers potentially are threatened, and that farmers find themselves alienated from the government as well as being overlooked by the general public. In relation to societal reactions during the COVID-19 pandemic and current war in Ukraine, the selected group of farmers remained optimistic about the farming profession and what the future holds.
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Řízené odvlhčování v letním období / Controlled dehumidification in summer seasonVoleš, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is the design and the assessment of two variants of existing HVAC system, that serves the microelectronic laboratory premises of GL Electronic company, which are situated in JIC INMEC center. The aim of the designing process is to find the optimal solution of the problem, which is concerned of excessive air humidity gains in the clean rooms. The first proposed approach is the installation of controlled dehumidification in the form of direct cooling into the yet existing device. The second considered approach is a complete deconstruction of implemented air conditioning unit and subsequent reinstalling of the brand new unit, which would meet all the requirements. Both two variants will be in the beginning outlined in a form of pre-study, selected option will be later on processed as project documentation for construction. The winning solution will be designed in the way that will satisfie the criteria of hygiene, function, and economy. The next section of the text will be dedicated to the research regarding the topic of the physical nature of air humidity, of the transportation of humidity, dehumidification of the space, also. Last but not least, the heat recovery efficiency will be measured (in the form of thermal glycol tubes). The experiment provides evidence of the system's real-time performance.
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Pořizovací a provozní náklady vybraného stavebního objektu / Acquisition and operating costs of a selected buildingJanků, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
This Diploma Thesis is focused on initial and operating costs. At first we calculated price for all building and for its other parts, which was calculated by program used for budgeting. After that we calculated partial costs which were done only for specific parts of the construction. These parts were changed and due to these changes we were finding out differences in heat losses and initial costs. Than for individual rooms we were defining heat losses. In this rooms, radiators were designed to cover its heat losses. By summarization of all heat gains we find out boiler´s power and this boiler was used in our building. After that we calculated initial costs for heating system includes radiators and boiler. In the end we compared both kinds of heating systems due to one year operating costs. Results were used for defining final heating system which is the most economic efficiential.
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Návrh vytápění rekreačního domku / Design of a weekend house heatingRajdlík, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with design of different variants of heating and warming of hot service water for holiday building (year-round weekend house, made of bricks). After calculations of the design heat load and heat requirement for heating and warming of hot service water for different types of operations the suitable heat sources are chosen. For heat sources the general design of heating is made. In the end the thesis includes economical analysis for each variant in view of investment and operating costs. The most suitable heat source is chosen from the results of analysis.
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Středotonážní spalovna odpadů - systém čištění spalin / Incineration plant of middle treatment capacity – flue gas cleaning systemKrejčí, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Analysis of the regional energy supply, shows that suitable alternative may be a combination of primary energy sources with the municipal solid waste to energy plant. Starting from the fact that the regional thermal energy needs are characterized by smaller power demand, but relatively significant seasonal fluctuations in heat supply. These factors limit the processing performance of the considered waste to energy plant that could be included in the system of regional energy supply. The aim of the thesis was to propose adequate treatment capacity for regional waste to energy plant and explore alternative solutions in off-gas cleaning for exhaust gases generated during incineration of MSW. The balance sheets of two alternative solutions off gas cleaning are part of the thesis, both in terms of material and energy consumption. Presented evaluation of economic demands alternative arrangement of off gas cleaning includes operating costs and the impact on earnings from energy production.
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Analýza a vyhodnocení provozních nákladů autobusové linky č. 67 Dopravního podniku města Brna / Analysis and Evaluation of the Operating Costs of the Bus Line No. 67 Provided by the Brno Transport CompanyHoráková, Eva January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis analysis and evaluates operating costs of the bus line no. 67 provided by the Brno transport company. The first part deals with history and current status of the Brno Transport Company and bus transport. The second part describes bus line no. 67. The last part deals with operating costs and indicators that affect fuel consumption.
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Náklady životního cyklu majetku ve vlastnictví města / Life Cycle Costs of Property Owned by the CityVlastníková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The master thesis focuses on problems connected with the life cycle cost of property owned by the city. It analyses general issues of the life cycle cost of construction, but it mainly analyses the ways in which local authorities manage their properties and their cost. Those methods are applied in a case study, that addresses the cost and management of swimming pool sites which are owned by the city Brno.
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Analýza nákladů stavebního objektu a jejich pokrytí / Cost analysis of the building and their coverageBarchánková, Vendula January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to introduce the given topic " Cost analysis of the building and their coverage" and to show an analyze of selected the life cycle phases on a specific example. The paper also solved ways of financing options especially financing via grants. At the end of work I deal with the recommendations of choosing a suitable grant title for the financing of new construction or reconstruction nursery schools.
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Optimalizace nákladů provozní fáze stavebních objektů / Cost optimization of the operational phase of buildingsKleinerová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The thesis discusses the operating costs and the possibilities for their optimization. Specifically, it focuses on one of the greatest possible operating costs and it's heating costs. In the first part of the thesis are defined in general expenses, the price and the production, operating costs, optimization of these costs, life cycle of buildings and technological methods to improve the thermal and technical properties of the object. Finally, the theoretical part describes the terms for calculating the energy performance of the building and the payback period, which evaluates the effectiveness of investments. The practical part is assessed according to specific building energy performance, and especially in terms of its demand for heating. The building is designed for six variants of insulation, which is again judged on their energy performance. Subsequently these measures for better thermal insulating properties of the object assessed according to their cost efficiency and return on investment of individual variants.
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