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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Matavfallsinsamling - vad tycker Danderydsborna?

Meyer, Ruth January 2010 (has links)
Avfallsplanen i Danderyds kommun innefattar ett delmål år 2012 att materialåtervinning ska öka med 40 % från 2009 års nivå. I materialåtervinning inkluderas biologisk behandling av matavfall. En möjlig åtgärd för att uppfylla detta mål är att införa insamling av matavfall för rötning. För att ett införande av matavfallsinsamling ska bli så framgångsrikt som möjligt är det viktigt att studera kommuninvånarnas inställning till detta. En litteraturstudie genomfördes för att undersöka om rötning är en lämplig behandlingsmetod för matavfall för Danderyds kommun. Ytterligare studerades olika insamlingssystem för matavfall, miljöstyrande taxa, erfarenheter från kommuner med matavfallsinsamling och faktorer som styr människors beteende för källsortering. Inga entydiga resultat finns för att rötning är den mest lämpliga behandlingsmetoden för matavfall men det finns många fördelar såsom, produktion av biogas som är en bristvara i Stockholmsområdet, kretsloppet sluts och näringsämnen och mullbildande ämnen återförs till jorden, utsortering av matavfall kan också ge ett ökat intresse för övrig källsortering och att biogas är ett förnyelsebart bränsle. En enkät formulerades och skickades ut till 1000 hushåll, 600 i småhus och 400 i flerfamiljshus för att undersöka de boendes attityd i Danderyds kommun. Svarsfrekvensen för utskicket uppgick till 60 % men endast 39 % var rätt ifyllda för vidare analys av resultatet för småhus och 30 % för flerfamiljshus. Intresset för matavfallsinsamling var stort; nästan 70 % av hushållen i småhus och ungefär 60 % i flerfamiljshus var positivt inställda eller mycket positivt inställda till utsortering av matavfall. 90 % var villiga att göra en stor eller en viss ansträngning vid ett eventuellt införande av matavfallsinsamling. Resultatet från enkäten gav också att 60 % av kommuninvånarna är beredda att förändra sin livsstil till förmån för miljön. När det gällde källsortering angav de svarande att det största problemet var tillgängligheten till återvinningsstationer och att fastighetsnära insamling definierades som den största motivationsåtgärden från Danderyds kommun. Utifrån de förutsättningar som finns i Danderyds kommun och den organisation som finns för avfallshantering och för att uppnå de miljömål som är definierade i avfallsplanen till 2012 föreslås insamling av matavfall för rötning. För att få hög kvalitet på matavfallet bör det samlas in i papperspåse och det utsorterade matavfallet placeras i separat, ventilerat kärl för hushåll i småhus. Vidare föreslås att anslutning till matavfallsinsamling ska vara frivillig. För att motivera kommuninvånarna till att sortera ut sitt matavfall föreslås också att avfallstaxan ska vara miljöstyrd, d.v.s. anslutning till matavfallsinsamling ska ge en lägre avfallstaxa än om ingen utsortering sker och att kommunen ska förse hushållet med lämplig utrustning för matavfallsinsamling. Flerfamiljshus har olika förutsättningar beroende av hur fastighetens avfallsutrymme är dimensionerat och avfallshanteringen bör lösas från fall till fall, en öppen kommunikation mellan avfallsplaneraren och fastighetsförvaltaren bör etableras för att anslutning till matavfallsinsamling ska bli framgångsrik för de boende i fastigheten, kommunen och renhållningsarbetarna. / The municipality of Danderyd is one of the smallest municipalities in Sweden in terms of area it covers. There are about 30 000 inhabitants distributed on 12 710 households. Each inhabitant in Danderyd generates about 220 kg of household waste per year. An analysis of the content of the waste bags was performed in 2009. The conclusion was that the household waste contains about 50 % of food waste and almost 25 % of packaging waste that are included in the recycle scheme for packaging in Sweden; hence there is plenty of material that potentially could be recycled in each waste bag in Danderyd. The waste management plan of the municipality of Danderyd contains different goals that should be fulfilled by the year 2020, there are also some sub targets that should be met by the years 2012 and 2016. One of the sub targets is that the recycling of recyclable material should increase by 40 % compared to the level 2009, including biological treatment of organic waste. One possible measure to reach this sub target is to implement collection of food waste from the households. In order to introduce a possible collection of organic waste, it is important to investigate the attitude towards such a scheme of the inhabitants in Danderyd. Therefore, this study has been performed as a master thesis on the request of the city municipal of the municipality of Danderyd. A questionnaire was distributed to 1000 households in Danderyd, 600 to single family house and 400 to households in multiple dwellings. A literature review was also performed in order to find out if anaerobic digestion is a suitable method to treat the collected organic waste in Danderyd in an economical and environmental perspective. Furthermore, different collection systems for organic waste, differentiated environmental waste collection fees, experience from municipalities that already have a collection of organic waste and factors for successful recycling of recyclable materials were also studied in the literature review. There was no unequivocal result that fermentation of organic waste is the most suitable treatment method of food waste. There are advantages such as; the closure of the material loop, nutrients are recycled back to soil, production of biogas that is a renewable fuel and could replace fossil fuel, biogas is also a scare commodity in the area of Stockholm and the separation and recycling of organic waste could increase the interest of environmental issues and also increase the recycling of other recyclable packaging materials. The questionnaire was returned by 60 % of the households but only 39 % of the questionnaire from single family households and 30 % of the households in multiple dwellings were completed correctly. Furthermore, the result showed that there was a large interest for an introduction of collection of organic waste, almost 70 % of the household in villas and about 60 % of households in multiple dwellings said that they were very interested or interested in participating in a collection scheme of organic waste. Of the household 90 % answered that they were prepared to make a large effort or some effort to separate their food waste if an introduction of a recycling scheme of food waste was made. There was also a large interest in environmental issues and 60 % of the households answered that they thought their life style affected the environment and that they were prepared to change their life style to the benefit of the environment. Regarding the recycling of other recyclable materials, the respondents answered that the largest problem was the availability of recycling stations and that collection of packaging waste at the property was requested as the largest motivation measure that the municipality could offer in order to increase recycling. Based on the condition in Danderyd, the existing organization of waste management and in order to reach the environmental sub targets that are defined in the waste management plan, is an introduction of a collection scheme of food waste for anaerobic digestion suggested. The organic waste should be gathered in paper bags and placed in a separate ventilated garbage bin for single family households. The conditions of the refuse chamber differ for multiple dwellings; therefore the possibility to separate organic waste should be organized for each property. The municipality should establish an open communication with each estate manager in order to facilitate the affiliation to the food waste collection scheme. Furthermore, the affiliation to the food waste collection scheme should be optional in order to achieve good quality of the food waste. To motivate the inhabitants to join the collection scheme, a differentiated environmental waste fee is suggested. The municipality should also provide suitable equipment for the collection of food waste.

Antibiotiques apportés seuls ou en mélange (antibiotique+antibiotique et antibiotique+métaux) dans des sols agricoles – Devenir et impacts sur les microorganismes du sol et leurs activités / Antibiotics alone or in combination (antibiotic+antibiotic and antibiotic+metals) in agricultural soils - Fate and impacts on soil microorganisms and their activities

Andriamalala, Aurore 10 December 2018 (has links)
Les antibiotiques (ATB) consommés en médecine humaine et vétérinaire sont en grande partie excrétés et peuvent entrer dans les sols agricoles via l’épandage des produits résiduaires organiques (PRO), avec des risques encore mal connus sur la santé humaine et l’environnement. De plus, ces ATB sont le plus souvent apportés en mélange avec d'autres contaminants organiques et/ou minéraux. Or très peu d’études ont abordé le devenir et les effets des ATB en interaction avec d'autres contaminants dans les sols.L’objectif de la thèse était donc de mieux comprendre le devenir des ATB, apportés seuls, ou en mélange et leurs impacts sur les microorganismes du sol et leurs activités.Les antibiotiques sélectionnés ont été le sulfaméthoxazole (SMX) et la ciprofloxacine (CIP), pour leur comportement dans le sol et leur mode d’action contrastés, ainsi que le N-ac-SMX, métabolite principal du SMX. Les métaux choisis ont été le cuivre et le zinc car leur accumulation dans le sol est connue pour être favorisée via certains PRO. Ils ont été apportés en mélange, à une dose environnementale, et à une dose 5 fois plus élevée. Les sols sont un sol témoin qui n'a jamais reçu de PRO et deux sols amendés depuis 1998, par du fumier ou un compost de déchets verts et boues de station d’épuration, afin de tester l'impact d'apports répétés de PRO et la nature du PRO.Des microcosmes ont été incubés en conditions contrôlées pendant 156 jours. Pour l'étude du devenir des ATB, les sols ont été traités avec des ATB marqués au 14C et la distribution du 14C a été suivie dans les fractions minéralisées, facilement et difficilement extractibles et non extractibles. L'étude de l'impact des ATB seuls ou en mélange sur les microorganismes et leurs activités a été réalisée à partir d'ATB non marqués.Le devenir des ATB est contrôlé par :i) La nature et les propriétés des ATB : la CIP s'adsorbe rapidement et fortement dans les sols et n'est pas minéralisée. Les sulfonamides sont rapidement dégradés et minéralisés jusqu'à 10% après 156 jours.Les devenirs du SMX et du N-ac-SMX, sont quasiment similaires lorsqu'ils sont apportés seuls, le N-ac-SMX étant transformé en SMX. Quelles que soient les molécules, les résidus non extractibles sont majoritaires en fin d'incubation (> 50%).ii) L'apport répété de PRO qui favorise l'adsorption des ATB et diminuent leur minéralisation.iii) La nature des PRO suivant leur stabilité : le compost, plus stable, favorise la production de résidus difficilement extractibles, le fumier, plus dégradable, stimule la minéralisation des sulfonamides et la production de résidus non extractibles.iv) La présence d'autres contaminants, leur nature et leur concentration : si l'apport de CIP à dose environnementale n'a pas impacté le devenir du SMX et du N-ac-SMX dans les sols, les métaux ont exercé des effets d'autant plus importants que leur dose était élevée. A dose faible, les métaux diminuent la minéralisation du SMX et du N-ac-SMX d'un facteur 2 en favorisant l'adsorption des ATB par complexation en particulier avec le cuivre. A forte dose, les métaux inhibent la minéralisation des sulfonamides avec des effets d'origine physico-chimique (augmentation de l'adsorption des ATB via le cuivre) et certainement biologique (effets toxiques en particulier du zinc).Les sulfonamides n'ont pas eu d'effet sur les microorganismes du sol et la minéralisation du carbone et de l'azote lorsqu'ils sont apportés seuls ou en mélange avec de la ciprofloxacine ou avec des métaux à dose environnementale. En revanche, les mélanges avec la forte dose de métaux exercent des effets toxiques sur la biomasse microbienne et sur la minéralisation du carbone. Ces effets toxiques semblent essentiellement dus aux métaux et non au pH ou à la force ionique.Dans ces conditions expérimentales, les risques environnementaux liés aux ATB semblent donc limités à court terme. Mais il serait nécessaire d’étudier les effets à plus long terme, et les effets d'apports cumulatifs. / The antibiotics (ATB) used in human and veterinary medicine are largely excreted and can enter agricultural soils through the spreading of organic waste products (OWP), with unassessed risks on human health and the environment. In addition, these ATBs are most often combined with other organic and / or mineral contaminants. However, very few studies have addressed the fate and effects of ATBs interacting with other contaminants in soils.The objective of the thesis was to better understand the fate of ATB applied to soils alone or in combination with other contaminants, and their impacts on soil microorganisms and their activities.The antibiotics selected were sulfamethoxazole (SMX) and ciprofloxacin (CIP), for their contrasting mode of action and behavior, and N-ac-SMX, the main metabolite of SMX. The chosen metals were copper and zinc, which are known to increase in soils with regular applications of certain OWPs. They were brought together, at an environmental dose, and at a dose 5 times higher. The soils are a control soil that has never received OWP and two soils amended since 1998, by manure or compost green waste and sewage sludge, to test the impact of repeated applications of OWP and of the nature of OWP.Microcosms were incubated under controlled conditions for 156 days. For the study of ATB fate, the soils were treated with 14C-labeled ATBs and the 14C distribution was followed in the mineralized, easily and hardly extractable and non-extractable fractions. The impact of ATBs alone or in combinations on microorganisms and their activities was studied using unlabelled ATBs.The fate of ATBs is controlled by :i) The nature and properties of ATBs: CIP is rapidly and strongly adsorbed in soils and is not mineralized. Sulfonamides are rapidly degraded and mineralized up to 10% after 156 days.The fates of the SMX and N-ac-SMX are almost similar when they are brought alone, the N-ac-SMX being transformed into SMX. Whatever the molecules, the non-extractable residues are major at the end of incubation (> 50%).ii) Previous repeated applications of OWP that enhance adsorption of ATBs and reduce their mineralization.iii) The nature of the OWP : the more stable compost promotes the production of hardly extractable residues, the manure, more degradable, stimulates the mineralization of the sulfonamides and the production of non-extractable residues.iv) The presence of other contaminants, their nature and concentration : although the CIP at environmental doses did not affect the fate of SMX and N-ac-SMX in soils, the influence of metals was measurable and increased with their dose. At low doses, metals decrease the mineralization of SMX and N-ac-SMX by a factor of 2, by promoting the adsorption of ATBs through complexation, in particular with copper. At high doses, metals inhibit the mineralization of sulfonamides, through physicochemical reactions (increased adsorption of ATBs via copper) and certainly biological effects (toxic effects especially of zinc).The sulfonamides had no effect on soil microorganisms and mineralization of carbon and nitrogen when applied alone or as a mixture with ciprofloxacin or metals at environmental doses. But mixtures with the high dose of metals induce toxic effects on microbial biomass and mineralization of carbon. These toxic effects seem mainly due to metals and not to pH or ionic strength indirect effects.Therefore under these experimental conditions, the environmental risks associated with ATBs seem limited in the short term. But it would be necessary to study the effects in the longer term and of cumulative applications.


Sassersson Busadee, Nelly, Ahmed, Laura January 2023 (has links)
Strategies to harness the energy from organic waste is gaining importance on a global scale, especially in countries with large quantities of it. In this paper, a techno-economic analysisand a field study were performed to investigate the feasibility of five scenarios for a conceptual biogas facility, based on a case study from Colombia. The plant designs involved anaerobic digestion followed by different combinations of biogas upgrading, combined heat and power and/or steam methane reforming technologies and investigated four different feedstocks. The results demonstrated that the road infrastructure leading to the current proposed site is inadequate, and a new location should be found. Anaerobic digestion alone was most profitable with the shortest payback period. Organic Municipal Solid Waste and Poultry Manure produced high techno-economic potential depending on the scenario. The production of hydrogen using anaerobic digestion, steam methane reforming and combined heat and power with or without upgrading is not recommended due to the current market prices and high heat consumption. However, it can be profitable to implement green energy initiatives as a strategy to establish and lead future energy markets.

Food Waste Management in a Circular Economy Perspective : A case study of Swedish juice plant Loviseberg presseri AB / Matavfall ur ett cirkulärt ekonomiskt perspektiv : Fallstudie av den svenska juice fabrikören Loviseberg presseri AB

Salazar Ruiz Velasco, Maria Fernanda January 2019 (has links)
One third of all the food produced for human consumption is being wasted all around the world. The recovery and optimum use of this food waste is vital to support the growing population and food demand. The main objective of this research is to identify the optimum use of organic waste, using a circular economy approach, to generate recommendations that help industries in the food sector to reduce and valorize waste. A case study for food waste management alternative selection with the Swedish juice plant Loviseberg presseri AB is presented. This study furthermore proposes a detailed operation procedure of the selected options according to the results exploring the potential add value to the residue remaining from cold-pressed juice process. It was found that 49% of the total weight from raw material is wasted after the extraction process, being apple and orange the larger contributors. The research identified and recommended, for the specific case study, that the optimum use of apple pomace is used for ingredient for human consumption products, followed by animal feed and pectin production. As for the orange waste, it was identified to be used for essential oil extraction, followed by animal feed and anaerobic digestion. Furthermore, the results of the research shows, that a combination of the different waste management alternatives would also benefit the company. The research also identified potential challenges as well as benefits, which depend in the specific waste analyzed. / En tredje del av all mat som produceras slängs och bättre hushållning är avgörande för att kunna förse den växande befolkningen med livsmedel. Huvudsyftet med denna rapport är att identifiera den optimala användningen av organiskt avfall, med hjälp av en cirkulär ekonomi, generera rekommendationer som hjälper industrier inom livsmedelssektorn att minska och värdera livsmedelsavfall. En fallstudie för alternativ hantering av matavfall hos svenska juice-anläggningen Loviseberg presseri AB presenteras. Denna studie föreslår vidare en detaljerad hantering av de valda alternativen, i enlighet med resultaten, som undersöker det potentiella mervärdet för återstoden från kallpressad juice. Det visade sig att 49% av den totala vikten från råmaterial blir till avfall efter extraktionsprocessen, där äpple och apelsiner är de största bidragsgivarna. Studien identifierade att den optimala användningen av äppelmassa är som ingrediens för konsumtionsprodukter, följt av djurfoder och pektinproduktion. När det gäller avfallet från apelsiner identifierades extraktion av eterisk olja, följt av djurfoder och anaerob biogasproduktion som bästa alternativen. Vidare visar resultaten av studien att även en kombination av de olika avfallshanteringsalternativen skulle gynna företaget. Studien identifierade också potentiella utmaningar såväl som fördelar som beror på det specifika avfallet som analyserats.

Nedbrytning av växtskyddsmedel i fluglarvskompostering / Fate of plant protection agents in fly larvae composting

Mattsson, Maria January 2023 (has links)
Ett av Sveriges 16 miljömål är ”Giftfri miljö”, vars målsättning är att förhindra att den biologiska mångfalden och människors hälsa hotas eller skadas genom utsläpp av kemiska ämnen i miljön. En aspekt som gör det svårt att uppnå detta miljömål är att utsläpp av potentiellt giftiga kemiska ämnen sker kontinuerligt. Lantbrukssektorn använder potentiellt giftiga ämnen för att skydda grödor och det har påvisats att flera växtskyddsmedel orsakar skador hos vattenorganismer. En källa till utsläpp inom lantbruket som inte fått stor uppmärksamhet är användning växtskyddsmedel, och sedermera hanteringen av det organiska avfallet, i växthusproduktion. Idag läggs avfallet i högar utomhus i direkt anslutning till växthusen där växtskyddsmedel riskerar att lakas ut vid regn. Mätningar gjorda i dessa högar visade att nedbrytning av de aktiva substanserna var mycket långsam, eller obefintlig.Olika behandlingsystem för bättre hantering av dessa restströmmar utvärderas och ett möjligt hanteringssystem är fluglarvskompostering. Fluglarvskompostering som avfallshanterings-system för växtrester från växthus har ännu inte utvärderats. Syftet med denna studie var att följa tio växtskyddsmedels öden vid fluglarverkompostering av växtrester från gurkproduktion, för att utröna om de aktiva substanserna återfanns i behandlingsresten (frasset), i fluglarverna eller om de bröts ned, samt om något av dessa ämnen bioackumulerades i fluglarverna. En behandling och två kontrollbehandlingar utvärderades: 1) med larver, enzymer och frass; 2) med enzymer och frass; 3) utan larver, enzymer och frass. I samtliga behandlingar analyserades koncentrationen av de aktiva substanserna innan och efter behandlingarna, samt i fluglarverna.För två växtskyddsmedel, Admiral 10 EC och Topas 100 EC, var nivåerna av de aktiva substanserna under detektionsnivån i de obehandlade växtresterna, medan den aktiva substansen i Diabolo inte bröts ner i någon av behandlingarna.De aktiva substanserna i sex växtskyddsmedel (Flexity, Floramite 240 SC, Nissorun SC, Prokinazid, Conserve och SWITCH 62,5 WG) bröts ner snabbare i fluglarvskomposteringen än i de två kontrollerna, där ingen nedbrytning skedde. De aktiva substanserna i Previcur Energy och Teppeki bröts ner i samtliga behandlingar, men nedbrytningen var något snabbare i fluglarvskomposteringen och kontroll 2, jämfört med kontroll 3.Ingen bioackumulation skedde i larverna, dock var koncentrationen av vissa aktiva substanser något högre i larvbiomassan än satt gränsvärde för nötkött, vilket skulle kunna försvåra användning av larver i djurfoder.Då de aktiva substanserna i de utvärderade växtskyddsmedlen bröts ner i högre utsträckning i fluglarvskompostering än i kontrollerna kan fluglarvskompostering anses vara en bättre hanteringsstrategi än nuvarande. Dock finns det andra försvårande omständigheter med fluglarvsbehandling av växtrester (låg effektivitet, svårt att sköra larver) som påvisar att detta inte är den mest lämpade behandlingen för denna restström. / One of Sweden's 16 environmental goals is a "Non-toxic environment” which aims at preventing biodiversity and human health from being threatened or harmed by chemical substances released into the environment. One aspect that makes it difficult to achieve this goal is that these potentially toxic substances are continuously released into the environment. Potentially toxic substances are used in agriculture to protect crops and various plant protection agents has been shown to cause damage to aquatic organisms if released into the water bodies. The use of plant protection agents in greenhouse production, as well as their handling the organic waste, has reached limited attention. Today, the waste is placed in piles outside the greenhouses, risking leaching of the plant protection agents during rainfall. Measurements in the piles showed that the degradation of plant protection agents in the piles was very slow or non-existing.To find a better solution to this problem, alternative management systems for this organic waste are being investigated. A management system being investigated is fly larvae composting, but the implementation of this treatment on plant residue from greenhouse production has to date not been investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate the fate of the active substances of ten plant protection agents during fly larvae composting, by verifying whether they would be found in the treatment residues (frass), in the fly larvae or if they would degrade. In addition, bioaccumulation of the plant protection agents in the fly larvae was investigated. One treatment and two control treatments were explored: 1) with larvae, enzymes, and frass; 2) with enzymes and frass; 3) without larvae, enzymes, and frass. The active substances in the plant protection agents were analysed before and after the treatments and in the fly larvae.For two plant protection agents, Admiral 10 EC and Topas 100 EC, the levels of the active substances were below the detection limit in the untreated plant residues, while the active substance in Diabolo was not broken down in any of the treatments.The active substances in six plant protection products (Flexity, Floramite 240 SC, Nissorun SC, Prokinazid, Conserve, and SWITCH 62.5 WG) were degraded faster in fly larva composting than in the two controls, where no degradation occurred. The active substances in Previcur Energy and Teppeki were degraded in all treatments, but the degradation was somewhat greater in the fly larvae composting and control 2, compared to control 3.No bioaccumulation occurred in the larvae, although the concentration in the larval biomass for some plant protection agents was slightly higher than the limits set for beef, which could hinder the use of larvae in animal feed.Since many plant protection agents were degraded to a greater extent in fly larva composting than in the controls, fly larva composting can be considered a better management strategy than the current one. However, other compromising factors are associated with the treatment of plant residues using fly larvae (low efficiency, difficulty in harvesting larvae) that indicate that this is not the most suitable treatment for these waste streams.

The effect of turning frequency on methane generation during composting of anaerobic digestion material: Research article

Nguyen, Thanh Phong, Cuhls, Carsten 24 August 2017 (has links)
Methane (CH4) is included in the direct greenhouse gases listed in the Kyoto protocol. The composting of anaerobic digestion (henceforth AD) material is a source of CH4. CH4 is the major contributor to overall CO2 emissions. Therefore, it is important to know the formation of this gas from different stages and substrates of the composting process. This study investigated CH4, CO2 and O2 profiles in two open-windrows in composting plants treating AD material. One composting windrow was turned one a week; whereas another was turned twice a week using a special windrow turner. To assess the gaseous formation in the composting windrows, CH4, CO2 and O2 volume concentrations were measured at different depths. Active aeration has been considered as a method to reduce CH4 generation during composting. However, our results showed that frequent turned windrow generated more CH4 than less turned windrow. The highest CH4 concentrations were found at a depth of 1 m, and were 45% and 37% for 2 times a week turned windrow and 1 time a week turned windrow respectively. Gas concentrations of CH4, O2 and CO2 in both windrows differed. Concentrations of CO2 and CH4 increased with depth, whereas concentration of O2 decreased from the surface to the lowest point. The O2 and CO2 are important factors in determining whether the windrows are anaerobic or aerobic. / Khí mê tan (CH4) là một trong những khí nhà kính được liệt kê trong nghị định thư Kyoto. Quá trình ủ phân compost từ các chất thải của hầm ủ biogas là nguồn phát sinh loại khí này. Khí mê tan đóng góp chủ yếu trong tổng lượng khí nhà kính phát thải vào khí quyển. Do đó, những hiểu biết về quá trình hình thành loại khí này trong các giai đoạn khác nhau của quá trình ủ phân compost từ chất thải hầm ủ biogas là rất quan trọng. Nghiên cứu này tìm hiểu sự phát thải khí CH4, CO2 và O2 trong 2 luống ủ ngoài trời tại các nhà máy xử lý rác thải hữu cơ bằng phương pháp kỵ khí. Luống ủ 1 được đảo trộn một lần một tuần trong khi luống ủ số 2 được đảo trộn 2 lần 1 tuần. Để đo đạc lượng khí phát thải từ các luống ủ phân compost, nồng độ các khí CH4, CO2 và O2 được đo ở các độ sâu khác nhau. Việc cung cấp khí oxy được coi như là một biện pháp để làm giảm sự hình thành khí mê tan. Tuy nhiên, kết quả đo đạc của chúng tôi chứng minh rằng việc đảo trộn thường xuyên phát thải nhiều khí mê tan hơn ít đảo trộn. Nồng độ khí mê tan cao nhất 45% và 37% đo được ở khoảng cách 1m từ bề mặt đối với luống ủ đảo trộn hai lần và một lần. Nồng độ các khí CH4, CO2 và O2 khác nhau ở hai luống trong thí nghiệm. Nồng độ khí CH4 và CO2 tăng theo độ sâu, trong khi O2 giảm theo độ sâu. Nồng độ khí CO2 và O2 đóng vai trò quyết định luống ủ được cung cấp đủ oxy cho quá trình phân hủy hiếu khí hay không.

Feasibility assessment of anaerobic digestion technologies for household wastes in Vietnam

Rodolfo, Daniel Silva, Le, Huang Anh, Koch, Konrad 17 August 2017 (has links)
Anaerobic digestion technologies have been utilized in Vietnam for more than 30 years with thousands of domestic small scale plants, mostly for agricultural and livestock wastes. For municipal solid waste (MSW) the development of biogas plants is far below the current high waste generation rates. The aim of this paper is to present the results of a feasibility assessment of implementing AD to treat the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) in Vietnam. For this purpose, an environmental analysis was performed comparing three treatment scenarios: two hypothetical AD technologies (a wet and a dry fermentation system) and the existing industrial composting facility at Nam Binh Duong Waste Treatment Complex in South Vietnam. This study sought for the technology to recover the most possible resources and energy from the OFMSW, and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The results were then combined with a policy review to support a holistic approach on the feasibility of these technologies in Vietnam. The outcome indicates that by implementing the dry AD system, up to 16.7 GWh of power and 14.4 GWh of heat energy can be generated annually and it can potentially save up to 5,400 Mg of CO2 equivalent per year, presenting the highest resource/energy benefits. The performance of the wet system and composting facility present some advantages particularly if there is a previous segregation of the organic material from the rest of the household wastes. Moreover, current reforms in Vietnam demonstrate the government’s interest in AD technologies, translated into the development of fiscal and financial revenues which incentivize participation from the public and private sector. Finally, these technologies are constantly under development and have the potential to be further improved, which gives hopes that waste treatment systems can be optimized to meet the waste and energy challenges of the future generations. / Phương pháp lên men kị khí đã được áp dụng tại Việt Nam từ hơn 30 năm nay với hàng nghìn các công trình nhỏ chủ yếu xử lý chất thải nông nghiệp và chăn nuôi. Sự phát triển hiện nay của các nhà máy sinh khí biogas còn quá ít cho xử lý lượng phát thải cao rác thải đô thị. Bài báo này trình bày các kết quả việc đánh giá tính khả thi khi áp dụng công nghệ lên men kị khí xử lý phần hữu cơ của chất thải rắn đô thị tại Việt Nam. Với mục đích này, phân tích môi trường được thực hiện để so sánh ba kịch bản xử lý: hai công nghệ lên men kị khí giả định (một cho công nghệ lên men ướt và một cho công nghệ lên men khô) và nhà máy hiện hữu lên men hiếu khí làm phân bón compost tại khu liên hợp xử lý chất thải Nam Bình Dương ở miền Nam Việt Nam. Nghiên cứu này tìm kiếm giải pháp công nghệ để thu hồi nhiều nhất có thể các tài nguyên và năng lượng từ rác thải đô thị và và giảm phát thải khí nhà kính. Các kết quả sau đó được kết hợp với đánh giá chính sách để hỗ trợ cách tiếp cận toàn diện về tính khả thi của các công nghệ này vào Việt Nam. Kết quả cho thấy áp dụng công nghệ lên men kị khí khô có thể tạo ra đến 16,7 GWh điện năng và 14,4 GWh nhiệt năng hàng năm và có khả năng làm giảm đến 8,000 Mg CO2 tương đương mỗi năm, thể hiện lợi ích cao nhất giữa tài nguyên và năng lượng. Hiệu suất của hệ thống lên men kị khí ướt và lên men hiếu khí thể hiện một số lợi thế đặc biệt khi nguyên liệu hữu cơ cho quá trình lên men được tiền phân loại ra khỏi hỗn hợp rác sinh hoạt. Hơn nữa, các đổi mới hiện nay ở Việt Nam thể hiện sự quan tâm của Chính phủ đến các công nghệ lên men kị khí, thể hiện qua sự tăng trưởng tài chính và doanh thu để khuyến khích sự tham gia của khu vực công và tư nhân. Chắc chắn rằng các công nghệ sẽ liên tục được phát triển và có khả năng được cải tiến tốt hơn, mang đến cho chúng ta những hy vọng rằng các hệ thống xử lý chất thải được tối ưu hóa để đáp ứng được các thách thức về chất thải và năng lượng của các thế hệ tương lai.

Considerations and Novel Technologies in Industrial Water Treatment - Treatment of challenging wastewater / Rening av industriella avloppsvatten - nyckelfaktorer och nya tekniker

Toll, Nils January 2021 (has links)
Industriell vattenrening är ett extremt viktigt område inom Miljöskyddsteknik då 60% av allt sötvatten inom Sverige används av industrier. Substanser som PFAS, aromatiska textilfärger, fenol och läkemedelsrester är extra utmanande då dessa kan vara gifta för biologisk rening. Syftet med denna rapport var att först redogöra några av de viktigaste avvägningarna som behöver göras när ett industriellt vattenreningsverk designas. I del två av arbetet har en kartläggning av teknologier som kan användas för att assistera eller ersätta biologisk rening. Det existerar flera olika typer av tekniker för att ersätta biologisk rening, men majoriteten av dessa konsumerar stora mängder värme eller elektricitet, vilket kan leda till stora rörliga kostnader. En trend inom industriell vattenrening är elektrifiering. Elektrifiering ger möjlighet att återvinna kemikalier, selektiv separation av joner, automatisk justering av pH via tekniker som elektrodialys och elektrokoagulering. Kall plasmaoxidation och kavitation kan även användas för destruktion av organiska ämnen. I takt med att förnyelsebar energi blir billigare att producera och om regeringen inför el-subventioner för industrin så kommer användbarheten av dessa tekniker att öka. Membranprocesser kan användas för att intensifiera processer som extraktion och indunstning. Med hjälp av membran kan separationshastigheten och energianvändningen minskas. Enzym kan användas för att skräddarsy rening för att bryta ner specifika ämnen vid låga tryck och temperaturer. Skumseparation är en mycket lovande process som kan användas för separation av ytaktiva ämnen som PFAS och har en mycket enkel design och låga energikostnader. / Industrial water treatment is an important field of study as industries in Sweden consumes over 60% of the available freshwater. Furthermore, only 60% of the industrial wastewater in Europe receive treatment before its discharged. Hard to oxidize compounds such as dyes, phenol, and PFAS are a major problem within the field as they often exhibit toxic or inhibiting qualities towards biological treatment methods. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is twofold; firstly, some of the most important considerations when designing an industrial wastewater treatment plant is discussed to aid someone new to the field. Secondly, novel technologies that could be used to support or replace biological treatment methods are discussed. There exist several different novel technologies that can be used to treat organic pollutants. However, many of these techniques are very energy intensive, leading to high operational costs. A major trend within wastewater treatment is the electrification of treatment techniques. These enables the recycling of chemicals, selective removal of ions and automatic neutralization of pH by means of electrodialysis and electrocoagulation. They can also be used for destruction of organics using cavitation or cold plasma oxidation. The usefulness of these techniques is likely to increase in the future as the electrification of industry picks up speed and subsidies on industrial electricity prices are put in place. Membrane processes can intensify already existing unit operations such as evaporation and extraction. By employing a membrane, the speed of separation and the energy use can be lowered. Enzymatic treatment can be used to degrade several different compounds at low temperatures and pressures by tailoring the mix of enzymes to perfectly fit the wastewater in question. Foam separation is also interesting technology in the removal of surface-active chemicals and compounds due to its simplistic design and low operational cost. The use of this technology is likely to increase in the future if the legislation regarding persistent organics is tightened further.

Integrating novel circular economy technologies in complex trans-sector value chains : Case study of insect larvae conversion technology within waste and feed value chains / Integrering av ny teknik för cirkulär ekonomi i komplexa transsektoriella värdekedjor : Fallstudie av omvandlingsteknik för insektslarver inom avfalls- och fodervärdekedjan

Fadhila, Audinisa January 2020 (has links)
Even as the current linear value chains (LVC) of organic waste and animal feed hold the potential to become circular, these practices continue to pose major environmental risks such as deforestation and overfishing. Therefore, a novel circular value chain (CVC) is proposed, connecting the organic waste stream with animal feed production by the use of insect-based organic waste conversion technology. The Black Soldier Fly (BSF) is chosen as the insect-based conversion technology since it has nutritional properties, which serves both waste treatment and animal feed material production purposes. Although there are already initiatives and collaborations in the Swedish context, the transition has not yet been successful. The study aims to identify and propose required solutions for the value chain transition. By using the transitional study tools of Technological Innovation System (TIS) and Multi Level Perspective (MLP) alongside sustainable value chain transition studies, it is found that technological and information-related adjustments are required to further enable the transition. Technological adjustments are studied from the perspective of Ragn-Sells AB as a potential insect- based organic waste conversion actor. Scenarios to see economical sustainability were designed based on the quantity fluctuation of waste as material input (3,000 tons per year and 15,000 tons per year), possibility of automated operation which affects both investment and operating costs of the facility, and procurement of small BSF larvae (off-site and in-site breeding). From the different scenarios designed, it is found that the scenario with the capacity of 15,000 tons per year, higher investment due to automation, and on-site breeding is the most preferable for the case. To answer information- related needs, an Informational Flow Framework (IFF) is proposed. The IFF consists of “Value Chain Stakeholders”, “CVC Relevant Regulations”, “Information Data Pool”, and “Information Flow”. The framework’s main function is to identify the type of material information required to be distributed in the system and the stakeholders whom require and/or provide various information, with the main goal of increasing the trust among the stakeholders related to material information. / Trots att den nuvarande linjära värdekedjan (Linear Value Chain) för organiskt avfall och djurfoder har potentialen för en cirkulär ekonomi, så utgör den nuvarande praxisen fortfarande stora risker såsom avskogning samt överfiske. Därför föreslås en ny cirkulär värdekedja (Circular Value Chain), som förbinder den organiska avfallsströmmen med djurfoderproduktion med användning av insektbaserad omvandlingsteknologi för organiskt avfall. Svart soldat fluga (Black Soldier Fly/BSF) utses som den insektsbaserade omvandlingsteknologin eftersom den har näringsegenskaper som bistår både avfallsbehandling och djurfoderproduktionsändamål. Trots att det redan finns initiativ och samarbeten i det svenska sammanhanget har övergången ännu inte lyckats. Studien syftar till att identifiera och föreslå nödvändiga lösningar för den cirkuläravärdekedjan. Genom att använda övergångsstudieverktygen av Teknologiskt Innovations System (TIS) samt Multi Level Perspective (MLP) och diverse värdekedjeövergångsstudier, konstateras det att tekniska och informationsrelaterade justeringarkrävs för att ytterligare möjliggöra övergången från en linjär till en cirkulär värdekedja. Teknologiska anpassningar studeras ur Ragn-Sells ABs perspektiv som en potentiell aktör för omvandling av organiskt avfall. Scenarier för att undersöka ekonomisk hållbarhet utformades baserat påfluktuering av mängden avfall som materialinmatning (3,000 ton per år och 15, 000 ton per år), möjlighet till automatiserad drift som påverkar både CAPEX & OPEX i anläggningen (hög CAPEX och låg CAPEX), och upphandling av små BSF-larver (avel utanför anläggningen). Från de olika utformade scenarierna konstaterades att scenariot med en kapacitet på 15,000 ton per år, hög CAPEX och avel på plats är det mest fördelaktiga för Ragn Sells AB. För att besvara informationsrelaterad justering föreslås en informationsflödesram (IFF). IFF består av ”Value Chain Interessholders”, “CVC Relevant Regulations”, “Information Data Pool” och “Information Flow”. Ramens huvudfunktion är att identifiera vilken typ av materialinformation som krävs för att distribueras i systemet och den aktör som kräver och/eller tillhandahåller informationen, med det huvudsakliga målet att öka förtroendet bland aktörerna relaterade till materiell information.

Diseño de un sistema energético autosustentable mediante la biodigestión de residuos orgánicos para el abastecimiento de energía eléctrica en el mercado Modelo - Chiclayo

Sanchez Manayay, Jesus David January 2023 (has links)
Esta investigación presenta el diseño de un sistema energético autosustentable para el mercado Modelo – Chiclayo, con la finalidad de mitigar los cúmulos de residuos sólidos, la afectación de salud de la población y así mismo aprovechar los residuos orgánicos que diariamente los comerciantes del mercado generan a través de la venta de diferentes productos e insumos; de tal manera que, de la conversión anaeróbica se logre generar energía eléctrica. Se realizó un análisis de cuantitativo, para determinar la demanda máxima del mercado Modelo en validación con los meses, SED EN09 (199,26 kW) y SED EN519 (22,97 kW). En el mercado se clasifica la generación de residuos por las 3,72 TM/día, de lo cual solo en residuos orgánicos es 2,29 TM/día. Utilizando la metodología del proceso de diseño se identifican requisitos, funcionalidad y criterios para evaluar cada alternativa de solución propuesta desde el punto de vista técnico y económico “La alternativa posible es la número 01”, un biodigestor en posición vertical conectados mediante tuberías de acero a un recipiente principal para el almacenamiento del biogás. Los cálculos justificativos del biodigestor y componentes dan como volumen de 4,6 m3 que son dos de la misma capacidad, por lo que el gasómetro tendrá un volumen de 9,2 m3; con esta capacidad se selecciona un generador que funciona con combustible biogás de 375 kW/430kVA. Se realizó el diseño CAD con el detalle de los componentes y medida correspondientes. Al final, se empleó el enfoque VANTIR para llevar a cabo un análisis financiero, el cual arrojó un periodo de recuperación de la inversión de 5 años. Por tanto, se determinó que la inversión es rentable para su implementación. / This research presents the design of a self-sustainable energy system for the Modelo market - Chiclayo, with the purpose of mitigating the accumulations of solid waste, the impact on the health of the population and also taking advantage of the organic waste that the market merchants generate daily a through the sale of different products and supplies; in such a way that electrical energy is generated from the anaerobic conversion. A quantitative analysis was carried out to determine the maximum demand of the Modelo market in validation with the months, SED EN09 (199.26 kW) and SED EN519 (22.97 kW). The solid waste production in the market is classified as 3.72 MT/day, of which only organic waste is 2.29 MT/day. In the market, waste generation is classified as 3.72 Tm/day, of which only organic waste is 2.29 Tm/day. Using the design process methodology, requirements, functionality and criteria are identified to evaluate each proposed alternative solution from the technical and economic point of view "The possible alternative is number 01", a biodigester in vertical position connected by steel pipes to a main vessel for biogas storage. The calculations justifying the biodigester and components give a volume of 4.6 m3 which are two of the same capacity, so the gasometer will have a volume of 9.2 m3; with this capacity a generator running on 375 kW/430kVA biogas fuel is selected. The CAD design was made with the detail of the components and corresponding measurement. In the end, the NPV-IRV approach was used to conduct a financial analysis, which yielded a payback period of 5 years. Therefore, it was determined that the investment is profitable for its implementation.

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