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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekologisk identitet : En kvalitativ studie om ekologisk konsumtion och ekologisk identitet på nätet / Organic identity : A qualitative study about organic consumption and organic identity online

Ericsson, Elin January 2015 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur konstruktionen av ekologisk identitet sker på nätet. Frågeställningarna som besvaras är hur den ekologiska identiteten konstrueras hos medlemmarna i onlinegruppen som undersöks, hur informanterna förstår sin ekologiska konsumtion, samt hur informanterna upplever andra människors uppfattning av informanternas identitet. Studiens undersökningsområde är en grupp på sociala media som har skapats för att diskutera ekologisk konsumtion och livsstil. Tidigare forskning inom hållbar konsumtion har inte i hög grad diskuterat hur denna konsumtion förmedlas och konstrueras på nätet. Uppsatsen utgår från teorier om konsumtion och identitet. Undersökningen har en kvalitativ ansats där tre intervjuer och texter från onlinegruppens konversationer analyserats.   Resultatet påvisar att det finns en rädsla för vad konsekvenserna av konventionella livsmedel kan ha för våra kroppar. Det framkommer även att deltagarna beskriver vägen från att konsumera konventionella livsmedel till ekologiska livsmedel som en tävlingsinriktad process. Två olika ekologiska identiteter som i delar kontrasterar mot varandra, lyfts fram ur materialet.   Resultaten diskuteras i relation till tidigare forskning och teori. En av slutsatserna är att ekologisk identitet konstrueras tillsammans med andra människor. En närmare undersökning av kapitalismen som förutsättning för sådan identitetskonstruktion föreslås som föremål för framtida forskning. / The purpose of this study is to understand how identity based on organic consumption is constructed online. The questions asked in the study are how organic identity is constructed in the online group that is being studied, how the informants’ understand theirs organic consumption and how the informants experience other people’s perceptions of the informants’ identity. The studied online group was created to discuss organic consumption and lifestyle. Former research on sustainable consumption is presented and theories about consumption and identity are described. The study has a qualitative approach and encompasses three interviews as well as texts from the online group’s forum.    The results show a fear for risks involved in eating conventional food. The members of the online group describe going from consuming conventional food to consuming organic food as a process. There are also two different sorts of organic identities described in the results. At the end of the essay I discuss the results in relation to previous research and theory. I conclude that an organic identity is being constructed in the online group. I also suggest that future research might look into the relation between capitalism and construction of organic identities.

Suaugusių Vilniaus miesto gyventojų ekologiškų maisto produktų vartojimo ir požiūrio į juos tyrimas / The research of organic food consumption and approach to it of adults in vilnius city

Nagytė, Reda 09 July 2011 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas- ištirti ekologiškų maisto produktų vartojimą bei požiūrį į juos tarp Vilniaus miesto suaugusių gyventojų. Metodai. Tyrimo imtis- 514 Vilniaus miesto suaugusių gyventojų. Tyrimui naudotas anoniminės anketinės apklausos metodas. Anketos klausimai buvo apie pačius respondentus, jų požiūrį į ekologiškus maisto produktus, vartojimo ir nevartojimo priežastis, produktų prieinamumą, informacijos gavimą. Duomenų analizė atlikta naudojant statistinę SPSS 14.0 programą. Statistiškai reikšmingam skirtumui tarp grupių įvertinti naudojamas Mano – Vitnio rangų sumų kriterijus (U). Kokybinių požymių statistiniam ryšiui nustatyti naudojamas chi kvadratas (&#967;2) ir apskaičiuotas šio kriterijaus laisvės laipsnių skaičius (df). Duomenų skirtumas laikomas statistiškai reikšmingu, kai p < 0,05. Rezultatai. Ekologiškus maisto produktus vartoja 82,1 % respondentų, iš jų 88,2 % moterų ir 71,2 % vyrų. Moterys vartoja statistiškai reikšmingai dažniau (p= 0,000). Tarp amžiaus grupių ir vartojimo irgi nustatytas statistiškai reikšmingas ryšys (p= 0,009), 18-34 metų amžiaus respondentai vartoja dažniau. Statistiškai reikšmingai dažniau vartoja >1501 Lt ir <500 Lt gaunantys respondentai (p=0,012), taip pat turintys aukštąjį ir profesinį išsilavinimą (p=0,029). 97,5 % atsakiusiųjų pirktų ekologiškus maisto produktus, jei tik leistų galimybės. Priežastys, lemiančios ekologiškų maisto produktų vartojimą, yra šių produktų saugumas 27,3 %, sveikumas 90,0 %, skanumas 38,9 %. Nevartojimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the research- to investigate organic food consumption and approach to it among adults in Vilnius city. Methods. Research volume- 514 adults of Vilnius city. The method of anonymous questionnaire survey was applied for the research. Questionnaire contained questions of the respondents, they approach to organic food, reasons of consumption or not, accessibility of products, obtaining information. Data analysis was performed by using the program SPSS 14.0. Mann-Whitney rank sum criterion (U) was applied for analysis of statistically significant difference between the groups. The value chi square (&#967;2) was applied for evaluation of statistic relation of qualitative features. The data difference is statistically significant when p < 0,05. Results. Organic food are used by 82,1 % respondents, 88,2 % of them was women and 71,2 %- men. Women use statistically significantly more frequently (p= 0,000). There is statistically significant relation between age groups and consumption (p= 0,009), 18-34 years old of respondents use more frequently. Statistically significantly more frequently (p=0,012) use respondents, which earn >1501 Lt and <500 Lt money, also respondents, which have higher and vocational education (p=0,029). The reasons why people use organic food are: food safety (27,3 %), health (90,0 %), good taste (38,9 %). The non- used reasons are: too expensive (53,3 %), not good taste (5,4 %), short consumption time (21,7 %), don‘t knows which food is organic (28,3... [to full text]

Consumer Perception for Horticultural Products and Related Agricultural Practices

Wu, Jenny Muchen 26 January 2012 (has links)
In recent years, growing interest towards foods produced from alternative agricultural practices have been seen among consumers. This thesis is an investigation of consumer understanding and attitudes towards information regarding sustainable, organic and local foods and agricultural practices and how such information could affect consumer food product expectation and sensory acceptability. Using internet questionnaires constructed based on common definitions and popular beliefs, 172 primary grocery shoppers were surveyed regarding their perception concerning information related to these alternative agricultural practices and foods. Results obtained from statistical analyses revealed the existence of various dimensions concerning the understanding and attitudes towards these concepts. Segmentations based on their understanding and attitudes towards these concepts were also found within the sampled population. Furthermore, by utilizing the theory of assimilation and contrast, a three-part sensory study was conducted, with 49 consumers from the Niagara Peninsula, to examine the impact of information regarding production methods (organic vs. conventional) and product origins (local vs. imported) on consumer expectation and acceptability of yellow peaches. Despite of some peach samples being under-ripe, a significant positive labeling effect has been observed in hedonic rating and perceived intensity of sensory characteristics when the joint organic and local label was presented. A similar labeling effect, however, was not observed in monetary valuation of willingness to pay. / New Directions Research Program / Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs

Konsumenters synsätt på ekologiska livsmedel avseende frukt, grönsaker &amp; rotfrukter : - En tvärsnittsundersökning ur ett konsumentperspektiv

Nordin, Irma January 2014 (has links)
Background: Pesticides in conventional food may be related to morbidity and mortality. Furthermore pesticides have a negative impact on the whole ecosystem. Organic food can presume better health as they contain less chemicals and toxins and contribute to sustainable development efforts. Objective: The aim was to examine what attitudes consumers have regarding to purchase organic fruit, vegetables and root vegetables. Methods: The association between consumers’ views on conventional food and organic food was investigated using questionnaire given to a population sample of men and women aged by 23-65 (N=60) in grocery stores and in a fitness center. The study was based on a cross-sectional study in a municipality in central Sweden. Results: Consumers were interested to buy organic food. Environmental factors had a significant association to buy more organic food compared to health reasons. Price was not associated with purchasing organic food. Conclusion: Consumers indicated that they would buy more organic food if the number of products and brands would increase and if organic products were more noticeable in the grocery store. This emphasizes more information about organic food is needed so that consumers will be able to make wise choices.

Consumer Attitude and Purchase Intention towards Organic Food : A quantitative study of China

Yang, Mingyan, Al-Shaaban, Sarah, Nguyen, Tram B. January 2014 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate the influential factors on consumer attitude towards organic food in a rapid growing market and how the attitude influences consumer purchase intention. Design/methodology/approach – after reviewing relevant literatures, a research model was developed based on six hypotheses. The model was tested by conducting an online survey on Chinese consumers. Findings – Four out of six hypotheses were accepted. In specific, health consciousness, consumer knowledge and personal norms obviously showed their impacts on Chinese consumer attitude and the last hypothesis indicates the positive relationship between attitude and purchase intention. Originality/value – Since two hypotheses from the research model were rejected, a new model was developed which is particularly represented for Chinese market. Keywords - Consumer attitude, Organic food, Health, Consumer knowledge, Environmental, Norms, China, Purchase intention Paper type - Research paper

Økologiomlægning i et medarbejderperspektiv – vilje, viden og værktøjer / Employees’ perspective on organic food transition — will, knowledge and instruments

Husby, Sofie January 2014 (has links)
Formål: Dette studie havde til formål at få kundskab om køkkenmedarbejdernes oplevelse af og erfaringer med økologiomlægning i deres køkkener. Desuden var formålet at få indsigt i medarbejdernes oplevelse af undervisningens betydning i forhold til samarbejde og omlægningsningsprocessen. Metode: Der blev indsamlete valueringsskemaer med åbne svarmuligheder udfyldt af 327 kursusdeltagere, samt 50 lederevalueringer ligeledes med åbne besvarelser. Besvarelserne blev behandlet og analyseret med udgangspunkt i kvalitativ indholdsanalyse. Resultat: Studiet viste at medarbejderneoplever økologiomlægning, som en kompleks proces, der kræver ændringer af vaner og praksis. Samsyn blev nævnt somet væsentligt element, herunder en fælles målsætningpå medarbejdernes arbejdsplads, hvor økologien indgår,som en del af arbejdspladsens øvrige mål. Medarbejderneskal kunne se formåletmed økologien,både i relationtil eget køkken/arbejdeog gerne i en større helhed, ligesom de bør inddrages i processen. Samarbejde og kommunikation er gennemgående elementer i processen og bør understøttes. Bæredygtighed og sundhed nævntes, som motivation for hovedparten af medarbejderne. Viden og værktøjer er vigtige for at medarbejderne oplever håndterbarhed i forhold til processen, hvorfor medarbejdernes handlekompetencer og oplevede handlerum børstyrkes. Det gælder også i forhold til de strukturelle rammer,deropleves som udfordringeri forhold til økologiomlægning.Om økologiomlægning ses som mulighed eller udfordring, synes i en hvis grad at afhængeaf individet. Samlet synes undervisningen athave rustet medarbejderne i forhold til,og med bevidstgørelse om processen, men kan dog ikke stå alene, men der peges på behovet for en tydelig og opbakkende ledelse. Konklusion: Studiet viser,at medarbejderne er blevet styrket gennem undervisningsforløbet i forhold til incitament, viden og værktøjer omkring økologiomlægning. Økologien børvære et tydeligt fælles målsætning, som indgår i organisations øvrige mål. Det bør ses som løbende proces, som kontinuerligt skal styrkes blandt andet gennem viden samt opbakning fra en tydelig ledelse. Samtidig er der behov for at udfordre de eksisterende strukturelle rammer for at give større råderum / Aim: In this study,we aimed to learn how kitchen professionals perceiveand experience the transition to organic food. We also aimed to understand how employees view training in relation to collaboration and the transition process. Method: Participants attended a six-daycourse (two time three days) in organic food transition. The course was funded by governmental funds to promote organic food in public kitchens through training. After finished course the course participants (n=327) and leaders (n=50) completed evaluationforms comprising openended answers. All data was examined using qualitative content analysis. Result: Our participants described organic transition as a complex process that requires changesin habits and practice. Participants also mentioned the necessity of perceiving the organic food transition as a commongoal. Our data also shows that employees must be able to link the purpose of transitioning to organic food with their work and how it relates to the larger goal. Although most participants were motivated by sustainability and health issues, they reported that knowledge and instruments contribute importantly to making the process manageable. Participants expressed a need for their action competence and perceived action competency tobe strengthened. This was also mentioned in relation to structural framework, including economy, which were experienced as challenging in relation to the transition. If employees perceive transition as challenging or as opportunity for development likely will depend on the individual. Overall, the course seemed to prepare employees and increase awareness in relation to the process, but employees also expressed a need for a distinct and supportive leadership. Conclusion: We show here that training strengthens employees’ incentive, knowledge, and transitional instruments about the transition. Organic food must provide aclear and common goal that fits in to the overarching goal of the organization. This ongoing process requires continuous learning and distinct leadership support, as well as willingness to challenge the existing structural framework and gain increased latitude in the kitchens. / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-90-4</p>

Cultures in opposition the battle between corporate organics and the organic movement /

Oberlander, Kristin M.. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Miami University, Dept. of Communication, 2006. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 48-51).

Livsmedelsföretagens arbete med CSR och dess påverkan på konsumenters köp av ekologiska produkter

Nilsson, Maria, Jaredal, Mikaela January 2015 (has links)
Title: Food companies' work with CSR and its impact on consumer purchases of organic products Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Maria Nilsson and Mikaela Jaredal Supervisor: Agneta Sundström Date: June 2015 Aim: The study aims to understand and describe how food chains affect consumer choice to buy organic food and how it affects their buying behaviour. Method: Firstly a qualitative study was conducted. It consisted of six semi-structured interviews with store managers and employees on Willys and Coop in Sala and in Nyköping. Secondly a quantitative study was performed in the form of a questionnaire with 80 consumers in Willys and Coop stores located in Sala and Nyköping. Result &amp; Conclusions: We have seen that price is important when consumers decide whether to buy organic food or not. This has been noticed by the food chains who work actively with being able to offer organic food at lower prices. Other factors that affect the consumers choice to buy organic products are offers, displaying and advertising. We have seen that consumers of the food chain that has worked a long time with sustainability are more willing to pay a higher price of organic food than consumers of the food chain with shorter tradition of working with these issues. Suggestions for future research: Future research could focus on the attitude towards and awareness of organic food of different age groups. It would also be interesting to continue our research but in a larger geographical area and/or include more food chains. Contribution of the thesis: The contribution of the study is that we show which CSR activities that actually influence consumers of buying organic products.

Prostorová analýza výroby a zpracovatelských kapacit bioprodukce - Jihočeský kraj / Spatial analysis of organic food production and processing capacity in region of South Bohemia

ZEDEK, Milan January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on mapping of organic farming in the South Region particularly in terms of spatial distribution of organic farms, their production and deployment of processing capacities organic production. South Bohemia region is due to its geographical conditions suitable for organic farming. It is one of the largest in amount of organic farms. However the diversity of production is not too different. There is mainly dominating extensive cattle farming in areas of permanent grassland.This dissertation was elaborated in terms of explorational purpose of University of South Bohemia ? Economical Faculty MSM 6007665806, focusing on support of development concerning higlands and uplands areas in the region of south Bohemia.

Nástin zásadních problémů ekologického zemědělství v ČR, jako podklad pro argumentaci ve prospěch jeho rozvoje / Outline of the fundamental problems of the organic farming in the Czech Republic, as a base for argumentation to it´sdevelopment´s benefit

CHARVÁT, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis i concerned with the assesment of current situation of organic farming in the Czech Republic, or more precisely with identification of problems of this sector and their causes. There is made identification of fundamental problems which slow down the current develpoment of the sector in the Czech Republic. These problems are analysed and possibilities of their solutions sketched.

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