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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barriärer vid implementering av miljöåtgärder i byggprocessens tidiga skeden : - En kvalitativ fallstudie om vilka åtgärder företag kan vidta för att reducera byggprocessens klimatavtryck / Barriers when implementing environmental measures during the early stages of the construction process : -  A qualitative case study on what measures companies can take to reduce the climate pressure of the construction process

Vukovic, Armina, Andrijevic, Niko January 2018 (has links)
The early stages of the construction process are crucial for achieving an optimal product from an environmental and sustainable perspective. It is primarily organizational and human factors limiting environmental and sustainability efforts. The barriers are described as time and cost constraints, knowledge, experience-feedback, ability to handle tools and a heterogeneous culture. Development contributes to change that need to be addressed with increased commitment and interest in all levels of the organization. The environmental and sustainability aspects need to be integrated into all working methods involving employees to increase understanding and raise knowledge. / De tidiga faserna inom byggprocessen är avgörande för att nå en optimal produkt ur ett miljö- och hållbarhetsperspektiv. Det är främst organisatoriska och mänskliga faktorer som begränsar miljö- och hållbarhetsarbete. Dessa barriärer beskrivs som tid- och kostnadsrestriktioner, kunskap, erfarenhetsåterföring, förmåga att hantera hjälpmedel samt en heterogen kultur. Utveckling bidrar till förändringsströmmar som behöver bemötas med ökat engagemang och intresse inom alla led av organisationen. Miljö- och hållbarhetsaspekten behöver integreras inom samtliga arbetsmetoder med involvering av medarbetare för att öka förståelse och höja kunskapsnivån.


Scarano, Tiago Franquini 25 February 2013 (has links)
The socioeconomic, political and cultural changes faced in recent decades, as a result of accelerated dynamics that characterize the contemporary global scenario, come changing routines and living ways. Inserted in this scope, individuals and organizations require constant adaptation to new realities imposed by external situations. Until then, the business organizations had never the necessity to transpose this sizes. In this direction, the impression is that all corporate proposals and actions undertaken do not supply completely, or at least not for a long time, the stability of a particular organization in the current market. Thus, all methodologies, tools and systems to assist employees to organizational management are valid, however, as the study authors argue that follows, without performance measurement do not exist management. In instead, is possible affirm that the main focus of this research is the proposition of organizational performance evaluation model of the metal mechanic sector. In order to achieve the objective referred to above, as well as the specific objectives was necessary to perform a theoretical and conceptual survey, to better set the author about the analyzed sector, as well as related topics such as competitiveness, strategic management, competitive strategy, competitive advantage, organizational performance assessment and critical success factors. For test the model of organizational evaluation proposed, launched a multi study procedure where two companies, located in the Rio Grande do Sul state (Vale do Rio Pardo). In this way, the model aims to provide a tool to assist administrators of metal mechanic companies in their decision making, while academically emerges a new instrument for analysis and future studies. / As mudanças socioeconômicas, políticas e culturais enfrentadas nas últimas décadas, em decorrência das aceleradas dinâmicas que caracterizam o cenário global contemporâneo, vêm alterando rotinas e formas de viver. Inseridos neste escopo, indivíduos e organizações necessitam de constantes adaptações às novas realidades impostas pelas conjunturas externas. Até então, as organizações empresariais nunca haviam tido a necessidade de transpor por tamanhos desafios. Nesta direção, tem-se a impressão de que todas as ações coorporativas propostas e realizadas não suprem por completo, ou pelo menos não por longo prazo, a estabilidade de uma determinada organização no mercado atual. Assim, todas as metodologias, ferramentas e sistemas empregados no auxílio à gestão organizacional são válidas, porém, conforme defendem autores explorados no estudo que se segue, sem medição de desempenho não há gerenciamento. Circunscrevendo o foco de análise desta pesquisa, cabe citar o objetivo geral do estudo que se apresenta, sendo este, a proposição de uma modelagem de avaliação de desempenho organizacional do setor metal mecânico. No intuito de atingir o objetivo supracitado, bem como os objetivos específicos, mostrou-se necessário realizar um levantamento teórico e conceitual para melhor ambientar o autor acerca do setor analisado, assim como de temáticas afins, como a competitividade, a gestão estratégica, estratégia competitiva, vantagens competitivas, avaliação de desempenho organizacional e fatores críticos de sucesso. São delimitadas ainda as bases para o modelo proposto, bem como os seus instrumentos e aspectos metodológicos. A fim de testar a modelagem de avaliação de desempenho organizacional do setor metal mecânico proposto, lançou-se mão do procedimento do estudo de multi casos em duas empresas do referido setor, localizadas na região Sul do Brasil Vale do Rio Pardo-RS. Tornou-se possível assim, avaliar o desempenho organizacional das empresas partícipes a partir de seus fatores críticos de sucesso. Desta forma, a modelagem visa disponibilizar uma ferramenta para auxiliar os gestores de empresas do setor metal mecânico em suas tomadas de decisões, enquanto que academicamente emerge um novo instrumento para análise e lapidações futuras.

Návrh na optimalizaci organizace vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků ke státním maturitám v Praze a Středočeském kraji / Proposal for optimization of organization of teaching staff education to the state graduation exams in Prague and Central Bohemia

Šlechtová, Ilona January 2017 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT This thesis deals with the educational management of the teaching staff supervising the state graduation exams. The theoretical part explains the concept of educational management and focuses in detail on the managerial function of organization. It describes the current form of the state graduation exams, related legislation and institutions involved. The thesis explains the staffing of graduation exams and individual training programs for teachers, and clarifies the role of further education of teachers. The aim of the work is to optimize the organization surrounding the education of teachers supervising the state graduation exams in Prague and Central Bohemia. The data in the presented research were collected via a survey among participants of the education related to the state graduation exams in Prague and Central Bohemia in the school year of 2015/2016 and interviews with lecturers of relevant training programs. KEYWORDS Management, education management, organization, optimization, education, teaching staff, further education of teachers, state graduation exam.

Der demografische Wandel als Herausforderung für das Personal- und Organisationsmanagement: Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie

Geithner, Silke, Gühne, Michael, Schirmer, Frank January 2015 (has links)
Der vorliegende Bericht enthält die Ergebnisse einer Befragung von 648 deutschen Unternehmen, die im Sommer 2014 an einer Onlinestudie zum Umgang mit dem demografischer Wandel teilgenommen haben. Im Fokus der Studie stehen die Fragen, wie Unternehmen die demografische Entwicklung wahrnehmen und welche demografiespezifischen Instrumente des Personal- und Organisationsmanagements sie nutzen. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der demografische Wandel und seine Folgen (Fachkräftemangel und der Alterung der Belegschaft) von den Befragten als große Herausforderung bewertet werden. Die Unternehmen nutzen auch bereits Instrumente und Methoden des Demografiemanagements, insbesondere aus dem Bereich der beruflichen Qualifizierung/Personalentwicklung sowie Personal- und Altersstrukturanalyse. Weit weniger häufig kommen Instrumente aus dem Bereich Wissensmanagement sowie alterns- und altersgerechter Arbeitsgestaltung in den Unternehmen zur Anwendung. Des Weiteren zeigt sich, dass diejenigen Unternehmen besonders intensiv Instrumente des Demografiemanagements nutzen sowie die eigene Bewältigungsfähigkeit des demografischen Wandels als gut einschätzen, deren Personalmanagement strategisch ausgerichtet und reflexiv ist. Insgesamt besteht bei den Unternehmen deutliches Potenzial in der Etablierung eines demografieadäquaten Personal- und Organisationsmanagement. Der Bericht beschreibt Hintergrund und Ablauf der Studie und stellt ausführlich die Ergebnisse der deskriptiven Datenanalyse dar. Darüber hinaus werden Handlungsempfehlungen für die betriebliche Praxis abgeleitet. / This paper presents the results of a survey of 648 German companies that participated in an online survey in summer 2014. The study focuses on how companies perceive demographic trends, how they react on it and which specific HRM-instruments are used to deal with it. Our results show that demographic change and its consequences (lack of skilled labor and workforce aging) are perceived by respondents as a major challenge. Most companies already use some common instruments and methods for managing demographic change, especially in the field of apprenticeship, training and human resource development and the analysis of personnel and age structure of the companies. Instruments in the field of knowledge management as well as methods regarding age-friendly job design are far less used. Furthermore, we can show that the more strategic and reflexive companies´ HRM practices are; the more intensive is the use of tools dealing with demographic changes. Overall, the companies do have sufficient potential in establishing HRM practices that meet demographic challenges. This paper describes the background and process of the study and presents in detail the results of the descriptive data analysis. In addition, recommendations for companies are derived.

Řízení lidských zdrojů v neziskových organizacích (srovnání v různých typech podniků) / Human resources management in nonprofit organizations (comparison of different types of organizations)

Schejbalová, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
The work is focused on human resource management of non-profit organizations. The aim is to describe the similarities and differences of HR management in various types of non-profit entities. In connection with this is the theory of the non-profit sector and human resource management in general discussed here. HR processes are discussed in detail. The empirical part deals with the comparison of different types of NGOs. At first, there are tested several hypotheses based on the differences between the organizations, small and medium-sized. However, primarily, they are divided according to their functions to the service, advocacy and community. The empirical part consists not only of quantitative questionnaire, but additionally also of interviews with a representative of each researched category. As the result there is a summary of differences between every single type of organizations and description of three specific cases of human resources management in NGOs.

Odborný a osobnostní profil manažerů kvality fakultních nemocnic v České republice / Professional and Personal Profile of Quality Managers working at the University Hospitals in the Czech Republic

Winzbergerová, Alžběta January 2015 (has links)
Bibliografický záznam WINZBERGEROVÁ, Alžběta. 2015. Odborný a osobnostní profil manažerů kvality fakultních nemocnic v České republice. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta humanitních studií, Katedra řízení a supervize v sociálních a zdravotnických organizacích. 85 stran. Vedoucí diplomové práce Mgr. Petr Vrzáček. Abstract The thesis is focused on the quality management in the healthcare organizations. Quality management is perceived as a process or a set of processes, which are coordinated by a responsible person - a quality manager. The thesis summarizes the expert theoretical knowledge about the historical development of the quality requirements, about the quality management systems in healthcare and it introduces the institutional framework of quality and safety in healthcare organizations in the Czech Republic. The emphasis is especially given to the profile and job description of quality managers. The objective of this thesis is to create a professional and personal profile of quality managers working at the Czech university hospitals. The method of data collection used is semi structured interview. The results from the analysis show that quality managers were educated in different fields, but still they have similar personal characteristics. They perceive their job as exhausting, but they keep being...

Kundlönsamhetsanalyser : En studie om hur företag inkluderar kompletterande faktorer i sina kundlönsamhetsanalyser för att uppnå ett mer komplett beslutsunderlag för styrning av verksamheten / Customer profitability analysis : A study about the factors a company needs to include in decision making, which is based on customer profitability analysis to achieve a more complete basis for decision to managing the organization.

Fyhr, Ebba, Petersson, Stina, Waldener, Annie January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Kundlönsamhetsberäkningar görs för att företag ska få kunskap om lönsamheten per kund. Informationen utgör sedan beslutsunderlag för styrning mot ökad total kundlönsamhet. För många företag finns det dock faktorer som inte är möjliga eller svåra att inkludera i en kundlönsamhetsberäkning samtidigt som de påverkar den totala kundlönsamheten. Företagen behöver därmed komplettera beräkningarna med dessa för att få en mer rättvisande kundlönsamhetsanalys som möjliggör styrning utifrån företagets helhetsperspektiv. Svårigheten för företagen är därför hur dessa faktorer ska hanteras och värderas samt användas i företagets styrning. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa förståelse för hur företag genomför en kundlönsamhetsanalys inkluderande de faktorer som används som komplement till de traditionella kundlönsamhetsberäkningarna samt hur företagen styr utifrån dessa. Metod: För denna studie har en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi tillämpats där en fallstudie har använts. För intervjuerna har en semistrukturerad intervju med öppna frågor använts där en intervjuguide har legat till grund för strukturen på intervjun. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att företag anpassar och väljer kalkylmetod för kundlönsamhetsberäkning utifrån verksamheten. De värderar sedan de kompletterande faktorerna till stor del genom kunskap och erfarenhet. Kundlönsamhetsanalyserna används som beslutsunderlag för styrande åtgärder främst avseende förbättring av företagets processer, prioritering av resurser samt påverkan av kundernas beteenden i syfte att uppnå optimal kundlönsamhet för företaget. / Background and problem: Customer profitability calculations are needed for companies to obtain knowledge of the profitability of their customers. The information then constitutes the basis for decision-making for the managing to increase total customer profitability. For many companies there exists some factors which are impossible or difficult to include within a customer profitability calculation, however these factors affect the total customer profitability. Therefore companies need to complement the calculations with these to receive a more accurate customer profitability analysis which makes managing towards the company’s comprehensive view possible. The difficultness for the companies is how these factors should be handled, valued and used within the companies managing. Purpose: The purpose with this paper is to create understanding about how companies fulfill a customer profitability analysis that concludes factors which are used as a compliment for the traditional customer profitability calculations. The study also includes how companies manage their organizations based on the customer profitability analysis. Method: A qualitative study with semi structured interview has been used. An interview guide has been the basis for the structure of the interview. Conclusion: When analyzing the empirical material, we found that companies adjust and choose the calculation method for customer profitability calculations based on how the business is structured. They value the complementary factors mostly through knowledge and experience. The customer profitability analysis are used as a basis for decisions regarding managing actions regarding improvements of the companies processes, priorities of resources and the influence by the customers behavior for the purpose to achieve an optimal customer profitability for the companies.

Projekt rozvoje občanského sdružení / The Project of Development of Unincorporated Association

VILLNEROVÁ, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the specifics of the management of non-profit organizations, development opportunities and the analysis of acquisition of financial resources in the non-profit sector, specifically within unincorporated associations. The practical part of the thesis is based on the model of the unincorporated association that is active in social services and whose main activity is the provision of personal assistance services. The thesis is concluded by the discussion of the analyzed problems and contains a project proposal of the development of the association which consists of the sub-project components that focus on individual areas of management and on the analyzed problems.

Inovace procesů zpracování osobních údajů u státní organizace / Innovation Processes Personal Data for the State Organization

Cahová, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
Master's thesis "Innovation processes personal data for the state organization," deals with the protection of personal data for processing, both in paper, as well as electronic form. The main topic is security policy, the assessment of security risks resulting proposals for the introduction of innovative processes aimed to prevent possible leakage and misuse of personal data.

Zhodnocení hospodaření vybrané příspěvkové organizace / Evaluation of the Economy of Selected Organization of Public Sector

Valentová, Ilona January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the evaluation of the management of Technical services Rosice allowance organization. The aim of this thesis is based on a thorough analysis of the revenue and expenditure side of the budget of the selected organization to evaluate its operations and propose partial measures that will optimize costs and increase revenue. The first part of the thesis discusses the theoretical knowledge. The second part analyzes the revenue and expenditure of the organization and evaluates the management of the organization. The third part contains suggestions and recommendations for improving the management of budgetary organization Technical Services Rosice.

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