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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude exploratoire des liens entre la lipodystrophie et l'image corporelle et entre la lipodystrophie et l'intimité romantique chez des hommes vivant avec le VIH

Campanelli, Nadia January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Cette recherche vise à dégager le profil des hommes vivant avec le VIH (HVVlH) faisant de la lipodystrophie (lipo), comparativement à ceux qui n'en font pas et à mettre en lien l'expérience de la lipo et l'image corporelle (lC) et l'expérience de la lipo et l'intimité romantique (IR), tout en tenant compte de l'âge et de l'orientation sexuelle. Les données sont tirées de la cohorte MAψA, une étude longitudinale réalisée auprès de personnes vivant avec le VIH de la région montréalaise et qui a débuté en octobre 2004. Le recrutement des participants s'est effectué à partir de onze milieux cliniques ou par l'entremise d'activités de promotion dans les médias écrits et électroniques montréalais. Les questionnaires administrés dans le cadre d'une entrevue dirigée, ont été complétés à l'un des sites cliniques ou à l'Université du Québec à Montréal. L'échantillon retenu est celui des HVVIH, prenant des traitements antirétroviraux (ARV) et ayant complété au 1er mai 2006 leur première visite de suivi (n= 388). Les analyses descriptives montrent que 63,1% des participants rapportent des changements corporels liés à la lipo. Le changement le plus mentionné est la lipo-atrophie des joues (76,7%) et le moins rapporté est l'augmentation de la circonférence du cou (6,1%). En moyenne 3,78 parties de leur corps seraient affectées par la lipo (écart-type= 2,0; étendue = 1-9). Les analyses de régression logistique suggèrent que les participants qui rapportent une plus grande ampleur de la lipo sont plus âgés, possèdent un niveau de scolarité supérieur ou égal au 5e secondaire, ont un nombre d'années plus élevé depuis leur premier ARV et connaissent leur diagnostic de séropositivité depuis plus longtemps. Des analyses de régression linéaire multiple en mode hiérarchique ont été réalisées pour toutes les échelles. Les résultats obtenus sur l'lC, mesurée par le WHOQoL-HIV (O'Connell et al., 2003), indiquent que des perceptions plus positives face à l'lC sont associées: à une moins grande ampleur de la lipo, au fait de posséder un emploi et d'avoir un niveau de scolarité inférieur au 5e secondaire. Les attitudes plus positives face à l'lC, telles que mesurées par le MBSRQ-AS (Cash, 2000) sont: un âge moindre et une orientation sexuelle homosexuelle ou bisexuelle. Puis, une plus forte crainte de l'IR globale (générale et sexuelle) (PAIR-M, Thériault, 1998) est déterminée par: une plus grande ampleur de la lipo et le fait de ne pas occuper un emploi. Pour des interventions plus adéquates visant l'amélioration de la qualité de vie des HVVIH faisant de la lipodystrophie, l'ensemble des intervenants devraient tenir compte de l'âge des individus, de leur orientation sexuelle et du fait qu'ils occupent ou non un emploi. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Hommes, VIH, Lipodystrophie, Image corporelle, Intimité romantique, Orientation sexuelle, Perspective développementale.

Étude exploratoire des liens entre les dimensions de l'orientation sexuelle bisexuelle et la santé mentale

Fortin, Mélissa January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Le concept de bisexualité s'est progressivement complexifié à travers l'évolution des modèles théoriques de l'orientation sexuelle sous l'influence des mouvements sociopolitiques militant pour la reconnaissance des droits et libertés des personnes de minorités sexuelles. Ce processus de démédicalisation des orientations sexuelles minoritaires, parallèlement à la reconnaissance de l'orientation sexuelle comme un ensemble de dimensions incluant l'auto-identification, les comportements sexuels, les attirances sexuelles et les sentiments amoureux a ouvert la voie à de nouvelles perspectives pour rendre compte des liens empiriques entre les orientations sexuelles minoritaires et la santé mentale. Si au cours des dernières décennies, les recherches s'intéressant au lien entre l'homosexualité et la santé mentale se sont multipliées, l'état des connaissances sur la bisexualité et son lien à la santé mentale demeure encore embryonnaire. Dans sa première partie, cette thèse vise deux objectifs : a) décrire un échantillon de personnes en fonction des différentes dimensions de l'orientation sexuelle et du sexe et b) en fonction de la concordance entre ces dimensions. Dans sa deuxième partie, la thèse propose un troisième objectif visant l'identification des dimensions de l'orientation sexuelle bisexuelle associées aux variables de santé mentale. Finalement, s'appuyant sur le modèle du stress lié au statut de minorité sexuelle de Meyer (2003), la présente thèse propose un quatrième objectif visant l'identification des facteurs de vulnérabilité et de résilience individuels et environnementaux susceptibles de révéler les liens entre la bisexualité et la santé mentale. Soixante-cinq hommes et 64 femmes âgés de plus de 25 ans déclarant s'identifier comme bisexuels et/ou avoir des comportements sexuels avec des hommes et des femmes et/ou avoir des attirances sexuelles pour les deux sexes et/ou des sentiments amoureux bisexuels participent à l'étude. Les répondants ont complété des questionnaires évaluant les différentes dimensions de l'orientation sexuelle, des variables de santé mentale incluant la consommation d'alcool et de drogues, la détresse psychologique et la perception de la santé mentale et des facteurs de vulnérabilité et de résilience incluant la discrimination perçue, les craintes liées à la divulgation de son orientation sexuelle, les attitudes à l'égard de son orientation sexuelle, l'acceptation de son orientation sexuelle, le dévoilement de ses attirances sexuelles bisexuelles et le soutien social et familial perçu. Nos résultats montrent que les prévalences de bisexualité varient en fonction des dimensions utilisées pour l'évaluer, les prévalences les plus élevées étant obtenues par les attirances sexuelles et les prévalences les plus faibles par les sentiments amoureux. Les hommes sont plus nombreux que les femmes à déclarer avoir des comportements sexuels et des sentiments amoureux bisexuels. Nos résultats montrent également une variabilité des patrons de concordance entre les différentes dimensions de l'orientation sexuelle. L'analyse des liens directs entre les dimensions de l'orientation sexuelle et la santé mentale montre que l'auto-identification bisexuelle est directement reliée à la consommation d'alcool et de drogues. La considération des facteurs de vulnérabilité et de résilience comme conditions affectant le lien entre bisexualité et santé mentale montre que des sous-groupes se distinguent en fonction du sexe et du niveau de malaise à l'égard de son orientation sexuelle. Ces résultats confirment la pertinence d'une mesure multidimensionnelle de l'orientation sexuelle dans l'identification des groupes sexuels minoritaires. De plus, ils suggèrent que les différentes dimensions de l'orientation sexuelle bisexuelle sont associées à des profils de risque distincts et que la considération des facteurs de vulnérabilité et de résilience permet d'identifier des sous-groupes plus à risque. La portée de ces résultats dans le domaine de l'intervention auprès des personnes de minorités sexuelles est brièvement discutée. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Bisexualité, Orientation sexuelle, Santé mentale, Facteurs de vulnérabilité et de résilience.

Effects of Threats to Self-Esteem and Goal Orientation on Asking for Help

Chung, Andrew January 2005 (has links)
This paper studied whether threats to self-esteem and goal orientation affected an individual?s propensity to ask for help. Eighty-two undergraduate students from the University of Waterloo completed a self-esteem and goal orientation questionnaire in addition to completing two tests. One test was designed to be more self-relevant than the other, making that test more potentially threatening to an individual?s self-esteem. In each test, subjects were given the opportunity to ask for help on each question. The results show that the use of social comparison motivates individuals to engage in self-protection by reducing their willingness to ask for help. In situations where many others had asked for help, help seeking behavior increased. These results extend other research in showing the impact of social comparison on individual behaviour.

A Relationship with benefits: Relationship Marketing in Non-­profit Organisations in South Africa

Feuk, Johanna January 2011 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this article was to see how NPO’s can use relationship marketing in their activities to secure donors and funding for their causes and projects. Methodology: Unstructured interviews were held with representatives from different hospices as well as with representatives from the umbrella organisation, the HPCA. Findings: The findings showed that the concerned hospices all had similar issues and suffered with the same problems, both economical and communicative. Successful relations were built on personal contacts and projects where donors took an active part The higher the grade of involvement the higher commitment and loyalty towards the hospice/organisation. The factors that were salient in the successful cases are also factors that are salient in the theory of successful relationship marketing (e.g. loyalty, commitment, interaction). Value: The article highlights the complexity of the market of NPO’s in South Africa and some of the issues they are faced with.

Sätts hyresgästen i fokus?

Adolfsson, Sofia, Lööf, Karin, Ört Dahlen, Marie January 2012 (has links)
På grund av den bostadsbrist på som idag delvis råder på hyresrättsmarknaden, kan frågan ställas huruvida fastighetsföretagen har incitament till att arbeta kunddrivet för att därmed öka sin konkurrenskraft. Att allmännyttiga bostadsbolag ska drivas utifrån affärsmässiga principer bestäms genom en ny lag från 2011 - Lag (2010:879) om allmännyttiga kommunala bostadsaktiebolag. Den nya lagstiftningen medför också ett nytt hyressättningssystem. Dessa förändringar kan komma att medföra nya spelregler på marknaden som innebär en ökad konkurrens bland fastighetsföretagen samt att kunden kan komma att ställa högre krav på sin hyresvärd.   Studiens syfte är att kartlägga och jämföra huruvida fastighetsföretag sätter sina kunder i fokus samt att kartlägga hyresgästers upplevelser vad gäller trivsel i sitt boende och vad de anser vara en idealisk förvaltning. För att kunna besvara syftet har en kvantitativ enkätundersökning med ett visst inslag av kvalitativa, öppna, frågor riktats mot hyresgäster från två fastighetsbolag, ett allmännyttigt och ett privatägt, och från två olika bostadsområden. Vidare har direkta kvalitativa intervjuer skett med företrädare från de undersökta fastighetsbolagen AB Eidar, Trollhättans bostadsbolag samt Lundqvist Byggförvaltning AB. Dessa genomfördes för att få en insikt i och förståelse för hur kundorienterat bolagen arbetar.   Litteraturen som studien har baserats på innefattar områdena fastighetsförvaltning, kunddriven förvaltning och service management. Utifrån denna litteratur har sedan teorier legat till grund för inledande kunskapsinhämtning och frågeställningar. Senare har dessa teorier kopplats till empirin i studiens analysdel.   Vad som framkommer i resultatet påvisar att hyresgäster endast i viss mån sätts i fokus av sin hyresvärd. Detta indikerar på att fastighetsföretagen inte till fullo arbetar kundorienterat. Resultatet visar även på att både förvaltaren och fastighetens geografiska läge är av betydelse för till vilken grad hyresgästen sätts i fokus. Vidare framkommer vilka faktorer som påverkar hyresgästernas trivsel samt att en summering av hur en idealisk förvaltning bedrivs, enligt tillfrågade hyresgäster, redovisas. / The purpose of this examination is to study and analyze whether two different housing companies in Trollhättan, Sweden, put their tenants in focus or not. Literature based on facility management, with emphasis in customer orientation and service management, has been used to enhance the authors’ knowledge base. Interviews with the chosen housing companies and questionnaires targeted to tenants have been implemented to proceed and to answer the general question of this examination. A comparison between the housing companies will evaluate if there is any difference between a company for public utility, Eidar, and one whom is owned privately, Lundqvist. The results of the data shows, from some angles, a great variation in tenants’ opinions considering their experiences regarding having a safe home, being taken seriously by their housing company and the possibility to suit their apartment along with personal wishes and/or needs. The main question is if the tenant feels him being in focus by the housing company. The analysis illuminates and discusses the results, which will lead to a conclusion. According to this study housing companies only partly keep their tenants in focus and the utility company seems to be less focused on the customers than the private-owned one.

Effects of Threats to Self-Esteem and Goal Orientation on Asking for Help

Chung, Andrew January 2005 (has links)
This paper studied whether threats to self-esteem and goal orientation affected an individual?s propensity to ask for help. Eighty-two undergraduate students from the University of Waterloo completed a self-esteem and goal orientation questionnaire in addition to completing two tests. One test was designed to be more self-relevant than the other, making that test more potentially threatening to an individual?s self-esteem. In each test, subjects were given the opportunity to ask for help on each question. The results show that the use of social comparison motivates individuals to engage in self-protection by reducing their willingness to ask for help. In situations where many others had asked for help, help seeking behavior increased. These results extend other research in showing the impact of social comparison on individual behaviour.


Oyapero, Babatunde January 2012 (has links)
There have been few African studies that examined relationships between acculturation, a process where immigrants assimilate the culture of their host country, coping, acculturative stress and enduring involvement in leisure. The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between cultural orientations and acculturative stress, coping, leisure participation, as well as ego involvement of Nigerian Canadians in leisure. The research participants (n=104), were English speaking Nigerian Canadians between the ages of 18-52 average age of 35, SD of just under 8. All research participants were born outside Canada. Most Nigerian Canadians (99%, n=103) had lived in Canada for a period of 1-10 years when data were collected. Each participant filled out a questionnaire that measured their African and Canadian cultural orientations, and acculturative stress, coping, leisure participation, and ego involvement in leisure. Composite scale scores were computed for the variables of African cultural orientation, Canadian cultural orientation, depression, discrimination, intergenerational conflicts, coping and ego involvement in leisure; after which ANOVAs were computed to determine between group differences for the median split groups on these variables. Kruskal Wallis H tests were then computed to determine between group differences with regards to demographic characteristics, transportation, housing and dress patterns. ANOVA was also computed to determine differences on number of children in households. Pearson Correlations were then computed to determine relationships between leisure participation and ego involvement on one hand, and depression, discrimination, intergenerational conflicts, and coping on the other hand. Results revealed significant differences between participants on African and Canadian cultural orientations, with the two High African groups showing higher African preferences, and the two High Canadian groups showing higher Canadian preferences than the two lower African and the two lower Canadian groups in each instance. Participants were not significantly different on acculturative stress and coping. Also, there were minimal between group relationships with respect to leisure participation and acculturative stress and coping; while no relationships were found for ego involvement in leisure.

Family Communication Patterns: Can They Impact Leadership Styles?

Prasitthipab, Suthida 01 August 2008 (has links)
A plethora of studies has worked on family communication and leadership separately. Little research has combined these two components although they both relate to personality characteristics and communication styles. Therefore, this thesis investigated correlations between leadership styles and family communication patterns during childhood. Two hypotheses were proposed representing the relationship between conformity orientation and task leadership, and between conversation orientation and relation leadership. Faculty, non-academic staff, and students in leadership positions from Western Kentucky University were samples of this study. They completed a questionnaire voluntarily. Family communication pattern scale and Leadership Behavior Descriptive Questionnaire were used in the survey. Pearson Product-Moment correlation (one-tail) was used to examine the two hypotheses. The first hypothesis was significantly supported. The results indicated a positive relationship between conversation orientation and relation leadership. Moreover, data showed that most respondents came from conversation-oriented families and used relation leadership styles.

Relating ownership type to the organizational behaviour, role orientation and autonomy of community pharmacy managers in Canada

Perepelkin, Jason 02 July 2008 (has links)
Community pharmacists are unique amongst professionals as they practice their profession in a commercial environment. This environment, where the dichotomy between the professional and business aspects of community pharmacy practice intersect, can place the professional objectives of pharmacy at odds with the business objectives. At the same time, ownership of community pharmacies is transitioning from pharmacist-owned and -operated establishments, to corporate-owned and -operated.<p>The objective of this study was to investigate whether ownership type influences the pharmacists, or in this case the pharmacy managers, organizational behaviour, role orientation and professional autonomy. Specifically, exploring whether ownership type (independent, franchise, corporate) impacts the professional, business and environmental (organizational) aspects of community pharmacy practice.<p>This study employed both quantitative and qualitative research methods. A cross-Canada, self-administered postal survey of community pharmacy managers was conducted in the spring of 2007. Contact information was obtained from individual provincial regulatory bodies across Canada and a stratified, random sample of community pharmacy managers was compiled. Items centred on professional and employer authority, manager autonomy, level of managerial control, orientation to professional and business aspects of practice and the manager role, affinity to professional and business characteristics of community pharmacy practice, and innovation. The survey was followed by semi-structured, in-depth telephone interviews with select self identified respondents from the survey portion of the study.<p>The random, stratified sample consisted of 2,000 community pharmacy managers. Of the 2,000 questionnaires mailed out, 39 were returned as undeliverable. A total of 646 responses were received, for a response rate of 32.9 percent (646/1,961); while the response rate may not be ideal, the sample size was purposely made larger to account for the possibility of a low response rate. Seven interviews were conducted following the survey.<p>Ontario, as the largest province, had the most responses with 289 (44.7%), and the majority of respondents were male (393, 60.8%). The greater part of respondents indicated their sole degree was their Bachelor of Pharmacy practice degree (499, 77.2%). A larger majority of respondents were either the pharmacy manager (398, 61.6%) or owner (215, 33.3%). Just under half of respondents practiced in independent pharmacies (44.6%), while 35.4 percent practiced in corporate pharmacies and 18.4 percent practiced in franchise pharmacies.<p>As a whole, respondents were more likely to have access to information required for making clinical rather than business decisions. One quarter (24.4%) of respondents were never or rarely willing to go against company policies to carry out their professional duties, while one third (33.4%) were often or always willing to do so. Less than one-fifth (17.4%) of respondents had to follow policies(professional and business) developed by non-professionals, while 42.6 percent had to follow policies only with regard to business practices. The majority (89.5%) agreed that it is possible to be both a good professional and a successful businessperson.<p>Fifteen distinct constructs emerged regarding (1) professional and (2) employer authority, (3) manager autonomy, (4) decision-making, (5) managerial control, (6) professional characteristics, orientation to (7) professional and (8) business aspects of the manager role, affinity to (9) professional and (10) business characteristics of community pharmacy practice, (11) connection to the employer,(12) role conflict, (13) innovation, (14) bureaucracy and (15) manager requests. The main independent variable was ownership structure: independent, franchise, or corporate. In analyzing the independent variable by the above constructs, significant differences (p < 0.05) arose for all constructs except for three related to the professional nature of practice: professional practice standards, professional orientation and professional affinity. <p>Independent and franchise respondents were more likely to agree that the employer should influence practice standards than corporate respondents (p < 0.001). When exploring the level of autonomy respondents had in their pharmacy, significant differences arose among all three respondent types (p < 0.001); respondents in independent pharmacies felt they had the highest level of autonomy followed by franchise respondents and then corporate respondents, with more than one standard deviation difference between independent and corporate respondents.<p>Significant differences also emerged among the three respondent types with regard to the amount of control the respondent had in their pharmacy (p < 0.001); independent respondents felt they had the most control followed by franchise respondents and then corporate respondents, with almost one standard deviation difference between independent and corporate respondents. With regard to business orientation and affinity to business related aspects of practice, independent and franchise respondents were significantly (p < 0.001) more likely to place higher importance on such activities than corporate respondents. Results of the interview portion of the study were used to bring a greater understanding to the survey portion of the research. <p>There were a total of seven interviews conducted, with each interview lasting between 30 and 90 minutes in length. A total of nine themes emerged from the interviews: (1) autonomy, (2) behaviour, (3) environment, (4) future, (5) human resources, (6) image, (7) incentives, (8) professional standards and (9) role as manager.<p>Finding of this study suggest that regardless of ownership structure, respondents emerge as professionally orientated and focused. Independent respondents appear to have more autonomy, control and decision-making capabilities than corporate respondents. Despite being professionally orientated and focused, corporate respondents appear cognizant of the restrictions placed on pharmacy practice in their pharmacy. On top of ownership structure, the dependent variables of age, gender, geographic region and years with employer appear to play a role in answers provided by community pharmacy managers.<p>As ownership of community pharmacy continues to transition from pharmacist controlled to corporate-owned, managers, owners and the profession must acknowledge the professional implications that may result. While this study adds to the community pharmacy practice literature, there is recognition that additional research is necessary pertaining to the dynamic nature and culture of community pharmacy practice.

Micro sized retailers’ usage of e-CRM : A study about how far micro sized retailers have implemented e-CRM and exploration of what factors can describe their e-CRM adoption.

Sjögren, Linda, Fagerström, Fredrik January 2012 (has links)
Title: Micro sized retailers usage of e-CRM: A study about how far micro sized retailers have implemented e-CRM and exploration of what factors can describe the e-CRM adoption   Course code: 4FE03E   Authors:        Fredrik Fagerström               880107                   Linda Sjögren                      880805   Research question: The research explores what factors can explain e-CRM adoption of micro sized retailers through 6 hypotheses, derived from literature review.   Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe how far micro sized retailers have implemented e-CRM and explore what factors can describe their e-CRM adoption.   Methodology: The result of the study consists of the participation of 137 micro sized retailers on the Swedish market. A quantitative questionnaire has been developed out of theories and qualitative pilot-studies.   Conclusion: This research can conclude that micro sized retailers on the Swedish market have, in average, implemented 5 e-CRM features per company. This equals a 12% usage of the total e-CRM features explored for this research. The one proved factor that can describe how retailers have adopted e-CRM is their profitability rate. Companies with a profitability rate below market average are more likely to have implemented more e-CRM features than companies with higher profit rate than market average. The explanation to this might be that companies with a low profit rate implement e-CRM as a tool to cure their low profit rate, since e-CRM is supposed to bring benefits as lower costs and increased sales with the purpose to increase their profit in the future.   Key words; e-CRM, growth orientation, micro sized companies, retailers

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