Spelling suggestions: "subject:"other amedical engineering"" "subject:"other amedical ingineering""
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En skrivbordsapplikation för inventering och produktionsplanering : En digital lösning för hantering av analysmaterial inom klinisk mikrobiologi på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset / A Desktop Application for Inventory and Production Planning : A Digital Solution for Handling Analysis Material within Clinical Microbiology at Karolinska University HospitalLarsson, Andreas, Shafiei, Armin January 2023 (has links)
På substratenheten på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset inventerades och produktionsplanerades allt för hand på papper 3 gånger i veckan. Syftet med projektet har varit att hitta en digital lösning för att effektivisera arbetet kopplat till inventeringen och produktionsplaneringen. Målet har därför varit att utveckla en skrivbordsapplikation för att uppnå detta syfte genom avläsning av QR-koder. Projektet genomfördes genom programmering i språket Java och utnyttjade JavaFX för alla grafiska komponenter. Databaskopplingen som krävdes använde mySQL för att sammankoppla program med databas. För utvecklandet av applikationen så har designmönstret Model-View-Controller använts. Vi som författare anser att applikationen bör bearbetas vidare, detta då en del funktionalitet skulle behöva optimeras och även utvecklas vidare för att uppnå önskad användarvänlighet. Dock är vår slutsats att alla de uppsatta målen uppfylldes. / At the substrate unit at Karolinska University Hospital they previously did their inventory and production planning by hand three times a week. The purpose of the project has been to find a digital solution to streamline this unit’s workload connected to inventory and production planning. Therefore, the aim of the project was to develop a desktop application to fulfill the purpose of the project by scanning QR-codes. The project has been performed through programming in the language Java and used the JavaFX library for all graphical components. The database connection used mySQL to connect the program to the database. For the development of the application the design-pattern Model-View-Controller were used. As authors of the report, we consider that the application should be further optimized, and additional functions should be introduced in order to achieve greater usability. However, our conclusion is that the application fulfills the aims set at the beginning of the project.
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Utveckling av en mobilapplikation för rehabilitering av böjsenskador / Development of a Mobile Application for Rehabilitation of Flexor Tendon InjuryAnder, Simon, Valo, Wille January 2023 (has links)
Böjsenor är senor i fingrarna som är kopplade till underarmens muskler. De läker långsamt efter en skada och kan därför gå av efter en reparation om patienten tränar för mycket eller för tungt. Vid för lite träning fastnar senan i omgivande vävnad och fingret blir stelt. Rehabiliteringen efter en böjsenskada pågår under minst tre månader efter operationen. Det kan därför bli svårt för patienter att upprätthålla motivationen och följa alla instruktioner korrekt under hela denna tid. Syftet med projektet var att skapa en mobilapplikation som stödjer patienter i deras rehabilitering av en böjsenskada samt att implementera ett digitalt vinkelmätningsverktyg i applikationen. Applikationen utvecklades för både iOS- och Android-enheter med hjälp av deras officiella utvecklingsmiljöer, Android Studio och Xcode. Några funktioner som applikationen består av är en kalender med översikt av träningsplanen, möjligheten att utvärdera pass, möjligheten att skapa träningsprogram och exportera träningsdata. Applikationen innehåller även information om träningsinnehållet, kontaktinformation och allmänna råd till patienten. Innan applikationen kan publiceras måste den testas på patienter för att få återkoppling om användarvänlighet och funktionalitet. De önskade funktionerna från uppdragsgivaren och målen uppnåddes med undantag av funktionen att lägga till möten som prioriterades bort. Det digitala vinkelmätningsverktyget implementerades för Android men inte för iOS. / Flexor tendons are tendons in the fingers that are connected to the muscles in the forearm. They heal slowly after an injury and can rupture again after the repair if the patient exercises too much or lifts too heavy. Insufficient exercise can cause the tendon to adhere to surrounding tissue, resulting in finger stiffness. Rehabilitation following a flexor tendon injury typically lasts for at least three months after surgery. Therefore, patients may find it challenging to maintain motivation and follow all instructions correctly throughout this period. The purpose of this project was to develop a mobile application that supports patients in their rehabilitation of a flexor tendon injury along with the implementation of a digital angle measuring tool. The application was developed for both iOS and Android devices using their official integrated development environments, Android Studio and Xcode. Some features that the application consists of are a calendar providing an overview of the training plan, the ability to evaluate sessions, the ability to create custom training programs and export training data. Additionally, the application contains information about the training content, contact details, and general advice for the patient. Before the application can be published, it needs to be tested on patients to gather feedback on user-friendliness and functionality. The desired features from the client and the goals for the project were achieved, apart from the meeting scheduling feature, which was deprioritized. The digital angle measuring tool was implemented for Android but not for iOS.
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Hashsumman av din vård : En studie av blockkedjeteknikens möjligheter förjournalföring inom vårdenRavensberg, Adam, Stener, Gabriel January 2023 (has links)
Vårdens digitala system präglas idag av en hög komplexitet och saknar ensammanhållen standard. Ett ökat behov för digitalisering inom vården harlett till stora utvecklingar, men även nya utmaningar. Ett av de viktigastesystemen, som genomsyrar hela vårdsystemet, är patientjournalen. I detta arbete undersöks möjligheterna till att applicera en ny teknologi föranvändning inom den svenska vårdens informationshantering, blockkedjor. Blockkedjor har huvudsakligen använts för implementering avkryptovalutor men har, på grund av sina riktighet- och spårbarhetsgarantier,blivit alltmer vanlig för användning inom övrig informationshantering. Inledningsvis undersöks förutsättningarna som ett journalsystem ska levaupp till enligt säkerhetsprinciperna Konfidentialitet, Riktighet,Tillgänglighet och Spårbarhet. Intervjuer med områdeskunniga förjournalsystemen inom Region Halland och Region Stockholm belyser någraav de brister och utmaningar som finns inom vården idag. Informationsinhämtning från lagrum och föreskrifter lägger grunden till dekrav som ett journalsystem ska uppfylla. Efter den inledande undersökningen studeras litteratur kopplat tillimplementeringar av blockkedjor i syfte att hämta in information gällandeblockkedjans komponenter för vidare behandling. Här behandlas blandannat utvecklardokument, state-of-the-art och analyser relaterade tillblockkedjor. Slutligen bearbetas blockkedjetekniken ihop med journalsystemensförutsättningar och resulterar i en teoretisk modell av ett blockkedjesystemför användning som patientjournal inom den svenska vården. Slutsatsen dras att möjligheten för en praktisk implementering av denteoretiska modellen är möjlig, men att vården i dagsläget inte harförutsättningarna för ett omfattande systembyte till en relativt obeprövadteknologi.
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En mobil applikation för effektiviserad simutbildning : Ett uppdrag av simklubben SS04 / A Mobile Application for More Effective Swim Education : An Assignment by the Swim Club SS04Karlsson, Filip, Dawnbringer, Jeanie January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med detta kandidatexamensarbete var att skapa en mobil applikation för att öka möjligheten för simklubben SS04’s instruktörer att kunna hålla standardiserade och samstämmiga simlektioner. Den mobila applikationen var även tänkt att kunna bidra till att sprida kunskapen, om hur man kan lära sig simma, till allmänheten i stort. En version för Android och en version för iOs planerades att utvecklas, för att kunna nå ut till så många människor som möjligt. Den mobila applikationen har försetts med olika funktioner för att uppnå projektets mål. Applikationen kan visa övningar och tillhörande mål och beskriva dessa med text, bild och kortare filmsekvenser. Det finns en inloggningsfunktion som tillåter instruktörer att anpassa lektionsinnehåll i sina egna lektioner. Det finns en kalender som är tillgänglig för alla användare. Denna visar terminens inplanerade lektioner med information om plats, tid och instruktör, samt möjlighet att se lektionens innehåll. I skrivande stund existerar endast Android-versionen av applikationen. Denna version är i inte redo att publiceras i Google Store Play då mediamaterialet, som är tänkt att fylla applikationen, ännu inte har producerats. Samtliga funktioner, som efterfrågats av SS04, är tillgängliga. Framtida arbete som bör utföras är att skapa en version för iOs-enheter. Ytterligare utvärdering av nuvarande version bör utföras med eventuell vidareutveckling av existerande funktioner och/eller tillägg av nya funktioner, med syfte att öka applikationens användarvänlighet och fullständigt fylla simklubbens behov.
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Automatisk överföring av analog data från pappersenkäter till digital databas på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Huddinge / Automatic Analog Data Transfer from Paper Surveys to Digital Database at Karolinska University Hospital HuddingeSchaedel, Karin, Söderberg, Tommy January 2020 (has links)
På Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Huddinge har en stor mängd knäprotesoperationsenkäter staplats på hög under två år. Svaren från dessa ska konverteras till digitalt format så dessa kan lagras i databasen REDCap för att kunna utföra kvalitetskontroll och prospektiv uppföljning i flera år. För att spara arbetstid efterfrågades ett program som kunde läsa in enkätsvaren automatiskt. I detta projekt skapades ett program i MATLAB med målsättning att klara av att läsa enkätmarkeringar samt minst 70 % av personnumren. Dessa personnummer skulle sedan läggas in i ett Excel-ark och övrig svarsdata i ett separat Excel-ark på grund av sekretesslagar. Resultatet blev att programmet inte klarade av att läsa av personnummer och annan handskriven text men klarade att läsa av markerade flervalsfrågor till 90 % säkerhet i just de enkäterna som programmet var designat för. Programmet kan i nuläget användas för smidigare inläsning tillsammans med korrekturläsning. Det rekommenderas dock att fortsätta vidareutveckla programmet innan användning sker. / At Karolinska University Hospital Huddinge, many knee replacement surveys have been piled high for two years. The answers from these must be converted to digital format so that they can be stored in the REDCap database to be able to perform quality control and prospective follow-up for several years. To save working hours, a program that could read the questionnaires automatically was requested. In this project, a program was created in MATLAB with the goal of being able to read questionnaire markings and at least 70% of the social security numbers. These social security numbers were to be written on an Excel sheet and other answer data on a separate Excel sheet due to confidentiality laws. The result was that the program could not handle reading of social security numbers and other handwritten text but managed to read marked multiple-choice questions to 90% certainty in the surveys for which the program was designed. The program can currently be used for easier reading along with proofreading from staff. However, it is recommended to continue to develop the program before using it.
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Design and Evaluation of a 3D Printed Ionization Chamber / Design och utvärdering av en 3D-utskriven jonisationskammareBoström, Caroline, Messler, Olivia January 2019 (has links)
Ionizing radiation is often used within medicine for diagnosis and treatments. Because ionizingradiation can be harmful to the body, it is important to know how it affects the tissue. Dosimetryis the study of how ionizing radiation deposits energy in a material. To measure how much ionizingradiation is deposited in the body, gas-filled detectors are often used. An ionization chamber isa type of gas-filled detector and exists in different shapes and sizes, depending on what kind ofmeasurements it is made for. Because ionization chambers are relatively expensive, it is often notpossible to buy one for each type of measurement that is to be done. This results in ionizationchambers being used for measurements they are not optimized for. This report evaluates thepossibility of 3D printing ionization chambers to make it easier to optimize them for specificmeasurements. The process included creating models of ionization chambers using CAD-software,slicing them and then 3D printing them. The 3D printed models were then brought to the SwedishRadiation Safety Authority for measurements. The ionization chambers were connected to highvoltage, and exposed to ionizing radiation in the form of high-intensity gamma-ray fields. Theoutput current of the ionization chamber was measured, which is proportional to the field intensity.The results were similar to those of a commercial ionization chamber. The conclusion is that it ispossible to 3D print ionization chambers. However, to get more accurate results, the design has tobe further optimized and more measurements need to be done.
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Diffusion-Based MR Methods for Measuring Water Exchange / Diffusionsbaserade MR-metoder för mätning av vattenutbyteCai, Shan January 2022 (has links)
Measuring transmembrane water exchange can provide potential biomarkers for tumors and brain disorders. Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI) is a well-established tool that can non-invasively measure water exchange across cell membranes. Diffusion Exchange Spectroscopy (DEXSY) is one of the dMRI-based frameworks used to estimate exchange. DEXSY provides a detailed picture of multi-site exchange processes but requires a large quantity of data. Several models based on the DEXSY framework have been proposed to reduce the acquisition time. Filter Exchange Imaging (FEXI) and curvature models are two of them that only require certain samples of the DEXSY dataset. Diffusion-Exchange Weighted (DEW) Imaging model is another data reduction method accounting for restricted diffusion within cells and can use a specific subset of the DEXSY dataset to measure exchange. Furthermore, a more general expression of the DEXSY signal, referred to as the general model, can theoretically analyze the full space or reduced DEXSY datasets and estimate exchange. However, the results of the subsampling schemes and the data reduction models have not been compared to the full space estimation. Therefore, this thesis aims to experimentally explore the feasibility of estimating exchange using these four models (the general, FEXI, curvature and DEW models) with the data acquired using a low-field benchtop MR scanner, and compare the estimates from the general model with different subsampling schemes and the data reduction models to the full space estimation. For this purpose, a double diffusion encoding (DDE) sequence was modified from an existing sequence on the benchtop MR scanner and a DEXSY experiment was conducted on this MR scanner and a yeast phantom to acquire a full space dataset. The exchange parameters estimated from the full space dataset using the general model were used as "ground truths" to evaluate the estimates from the reduced datasets analyzed using the general, FEXI and curvature models. Moreover, two alternative subsampling schemes named the shifted DEW and new trajectory schemes were proposed and employed to measure exchange. The results indicate that all the methods except the curvature sampling scheme employed with both the general and curvature models provided comparable estimates to the "ground truths". The shifted DEW and new trajectory sampling schemes performed better over others in terms of consistency with the "ground truths" and low variations between voxels, suggesting the theoretical and experimental optimization of these two subsampling schemes can be further studied and developed.
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Geant4 Simulations of Hadron Therapy and Refinement of User Interface / Geant4 simuleringar av partikelterapi och förfinande av användargränssnittEkelund, Emil, Fogelberg Skoglösa, David January 2019 (has links)
Radiotherapy is one of the most used methods for treating cancer and the most common way to execute such treatments is to irradiate tumors with high energy photons. This can damage healthy tissue along the irradiation line. By using hadron therapy and instead irradiate the tumor with charged particles (protons or Carbon 12 ions), the energy can be concentrated to a more specific place in the body. However, the method is not well studied and the tools available for simulating hadron therapy can be hard to use. When simulating hadron therapy and other nuclear interactions a large amount of calculations need to be executed. Monte Carlo methods is a numerical method to solve equations based on repeated number sampling and is used in the simulation program Geant4. Hadron therapy was simulated with Geant4 and the data was analyzed with the data analysis framework ROOT. New macros and analysis scripts were created with the intention to help new Geant4 users. The aim to make Geant4 easier to use was partially met. The implementation of code for the low energy region of Carbon 12 projectiles was unsuccessful.
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Improvement of the service level of an Emergency Department using Discrete event simulationRuiz Zúñiga, Enrique January 2015 (has links)
Emergency departments in Sweden are usually struggling with long waiting times, delays and bottlenecks in the system. The National Board of Health and Welfare and the County Council of Västra Götaland have established to decrease the average time a patient stays in an emergency department as important priority as well as the waiting time to be seen by a nurse and by a physician. Healthcare systems are usually characterized by its complexity because of the variability and stochastic nature of the different processes involved in the flow of patients, staff and resources. In order to increase the use of the existing resources and to reduce the waiting times of patients, a system improvement methodology involving discrete-event simulation and process analysis has been used. In this project a computer-based simulation tool was applied at the emergency department of the hospital Kärnsjukhuset in Skövde, which belongs to Skaraborgs Sjukhus and is one of the largest emergency departments in the region of Västra Götaland. A three-dimensional model was created to help visualize and understand the problems, as well as to identify improvements by the different stakeholders involved. Continually, the simulation model was modified to test possible improved scenarios with the aim to increase the service level of the system. The design, implementation and analysis of these scenarios have provided decision makers of the emergency department with the necessary information to implement or reject the ideas of the different improved scenarios. Some of these scenarios had a significant impact with small changes so they were implemented in the real system; some others had non-significant impact in the results so they were not implemented. The main result of this project has been to identify which system changes will lead to a reduction of the different waiting times of patients. In addition, the simulation and experiments of future solutions show a more efficient use of the existing resources. This design of a better configuration of the system gives Kärnsjukhuset the possibility to increase the service level of the system and to meet some of the requirements established by the County Council. This project shows that the use of simulation tools provides enormous benefits for healthcare system analysis and improvement; new ideas and scenarios can be designed without disturbing the normal activities of the hospital, saving considerable time, money and resources.
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Morphological characterization of neural tissue microstructure using the orientationally-averaged diffusion MRI signalTampu, Iulian Emil January 2019 (has links)
Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) is a powerful tool for thecharacterisation of neural tissue microstructural features. The role of neural projectioncurvature on the diffusion signal was recently studied for three temporal regimes of the diffusion pulse sequence in search for a description of the different decay trends in the orientationally-averaged diffusion signal reported in in vivo human studies.This work experimentally investigates the effects of neural projection curvedness in one of these regimes, namely the short diffusion time regime. Multi-shell diffusion MRI acquisitions on fixed rat spinal cord were performed using a custom number of diffusion gradient directions on a vertical bore pre-clinical MRI scanner capable of generating 3000 mT/m. Diffusion was probed in three different q-values ranges [450, 970], [600, 1400] and [1500, 1750] mm-1 using diffusion pulse durations of 1.4,2 and 2.5ms, respectively. Noise correction was performed on the diffusion data and the orientationally-averaged signal was computed for each shell using a weighted mean. The signal from selected regions in the sample was then fitted to a power law. Results show that gray matter areas exhibit a signal reduction with variable decay trends in the range of diffusion sensitivity values used here. This suggests that gray matter microstructure features are pictured by the orientationally-averaged signal in the high diffusion sensitivity regime and, as theoretically suggested, neurite curvature might play a role in characterizing the signal decay. These preliminary results may prove useful in the development of models for the interpretation of the diffusion signal and the design of acquisition strategies that aim to study the high diffusion sensitivity regime.
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