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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimering av temperaturprogram i fjärrkylsystem / Optimization of temperature programs in the district cooling

Haloob, Dani January 2022 (has links)
I dagens industrier förekommer det ofta flaskhalsar och onödiga förluster i produktionslinjer. Det medför att en implementering av underhållsarbete i form av förebyggande underhåll och optimering av delar i produktionen är viktiga för att bibehålla en effektiv och hög kvalitet. I Scania så försöker man ständigt förbättra produktionen med att införa automation, automatisering och optimering på alla aspekter när det gäller resultat och även hälsa för individen. För att eliminera alla slöserier skapar Scania grunden för ett kvalitativt förarbete inom förbättrings lägen och Scania har gjort detta ända sen företaget startade under tidigt 1900-tal. Denna rapport ämnar sig åt att jämföra nuläget för kylsystemet i det norra området i Scania med potentialen till ett förbättrings läge. Hela Scanias processkyla och komfortkyla försörjs av en kylcentral i det norra området och med vatten från Mälaren förses det norra området med den kyla som processerna i produktionen kräver. Rapporten kommer bara att ägna tid och resurser att frambringa potential och optimerings punkter för processkyla, och inte komfortkyla som är tillägnad för kontor och arbetsrum. Litteraturstudien har utförts med datainsamling genom Scanias tidigare mediautredningar, arkiv, och även gå&se på Scanias olika byggnader där kartläggning av process kylan har varit i fokus. Resultaten säkerställde att variationer av förbättringslägen kan medföra en optimerad process för hur processkyla (ΔT) kan höjas och därmed höja nyttjandegraden för Scanias fjärrkyla i det norra området. Slutsatserna som studien påvisar är förbättringslägen för fyra slutanvändare som använder fjärrkylan idag och en optimerad framledning utav kylan så att process kylan används på ett så optimalt sätt som möjligt. / In today's industries, there are often bottlenecks and unnecessary losses in production lines. This means that an implementation of maintenance work in the form of preventive maintenance and optimization of parts in production are important to maintain efficiency and high quality. Scania constantly strives to improve production by introducing automation and optimization in all aspects in terms of results and also for the health of the individual. To eliminate all waste, Scania creates the basis for qualitative preparation in areas for improvement, and Scania has done this ever since the company started in the early 20th century. This report aims to compare the current situation for the cooling system in the northern area of Scania with the potential for an improvement. The entire Scania process cooling and comfort cooling is supplied by a cooling center in the northern area and with water from the lake Mälaren, the northern area is supplied with the cooling that the processes in production require. The report will only have the time and resources to generate potential and optimization points for the process cooling, and not the comfort cooling that is for offices and workrooms, etc. The literature study has been carried out with data collection through Scania's previous media investigations, archives, and also go%look at Scania's various buildings where mapping of the cooling process has been in focus. The results ensured that variations in improvement modes can lead to an optimized process for how process cooling can be increased and thereby increase the utilization rate of Scania's district cooling in the northern area. The conclusions that are studied show improvement modes for four end users who use the district cooling today and improve the flow out of the cold water so that the process cooling is used in the most optimal way possible.

Análise da expressão das metaloproteinases e seus inibidores teciduais no músculo detrusor de pacientes com obstrução infravesical por hiperplasia prostática benigna / Expression of metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in the detrusor muscle of patients with bladder outlet obstruction due to benign prostatic hyperplasia

Ferreira, Yuri Afonso 03 October 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A obstrução infravesical (OIV) de longo prazo secundária a hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB) pode causar alterações funcionais e morfológicas na bexiga. Um dos principais eventos consiste no aumento da deposição de colágeno e perda de complacência vesical, levando a alteração de armazenamento e esvaziamento urinário. O aumento da deposição de colágeno na matriz extracelular (MEC) da musculatura detrusora é a principal razão para a diminuição da complacência vesical. Na bexiga, assim como em outros órgãos, este fenômeno depende da atividade equilibrada de enzimas proteolíticas, incluindo as metaloproteinases (MMP) e os seus inibidores endógenos (inibidores teciduais de metaloproteinases-TIMPs). Como estes fenômenos são desconhecidos na bexiga obstruída, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a expressão gênica de colágeno, MMPs e seus inibidores na bexiga de pacientes com obstrução infravesical. Material e Métodos: Foi realizada uma análise prospectiva e controlada de 43 pacientes com OIV devido a HPB, que foram submetidos à ressecção transuretral da próstata (RTUP) entre 2011 e 2012. Como grupo controle foram selecionados espécimes de músculo detrusor de 10 pacientes que foram submetidos a prostatectomia radical retropúbica devido adenocarcinoma de próstata. Todos estes pacientes tinham idade menor que 60 anos, tamanho de próstata menor que 30 gramas ao ultra-som e escore internacional de sintomas prostáticos (IPSS) menor que 7. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a estudo urodinâmico pré e pós operatório (após 6 meses). A biópsia de fragmento de músculo da bexiga foi realizada ao final da RTUP e colocada em solução estabilizadora de RNA para quantificação da expressão de colágenos I e III, metaloproteinases de matriz 1, 2 e 9, e inibidores de MMPs (TIMP1, TIMP2 e RECK) na bexiga de pacientes com HPB. Os genes descritos foram avaliados através da técnica de reação em cadeia da polimerase quantitativa em tempo real (qRT-PCR). Resultados: Todos os pacientes com HPB tinham confirmado OIV, através da análise do estudo urodinâmico (média de pressão detrusora no fluxo máximo de 78,5 cmH2O e fluxo urinário máximo de 7,7 ml / s). O gene MMP1 mostrou-se superexpresso em pacientes com HPB (mediana = 1,87). MMP9, TIMP1 e RECK estavam subexpressos na maioria dos casos, enquanto TIMP2, colágeno I e III foram superexpressos (1,5, 4,4 e 1,9 vezes, respectivamente). No que diz respeito às características clínicas e urodinâmicas encontramos que MMP2 foi mais expresso entre pacientes com um baixo IPSS global (0,005) e sem urgência (p=0,035). Colágeno III foi mais expresso em pacientes com contrações vesicais não inibidas (p = 0,049). Os outros genes não mostraram nenhuma correlação estatística com quaisquer características clínicas ou urodinâmicas. Após 6 meses de RTU, pacientes que possuíam expressão aumentada de duas ou mais MMPs, apresentaram resolução da CNI em 66,6% dos casos, contra 14,0% quando apenas uma ou nenhuma MMP estava aumentada (p=0,038) Conclusões: Encontramos um perfil de superexpressão de MMP1, TIMP2, colágenos I e III, e expressão baixa de MMP9, TIMP1 e RECK nos pacientes com OIV. Considerando o escore de sintomas prostáticos e a urgência miccional, encontramos curiosamente uma maior expressão de MMP2 em pacientes menos sintomáticos e sem urgência miccional. Encontramos uma associação entre a maior expressão de colágeno III com HD. A expressão aumentada de duas ou mais MMPs está relacionada à maiores taxas de resolução das CNIs. / Introduction: Long-term Bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) secondary to Benign prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) can cause functional and morphological abnormalities in the bladder, such as increased collagen deposition and loss of compliance, leading to urinary storage and voiding symptoms. A decrease in bladder compliance is known to be correlated with deterioration of renal function. Increased deposition of collagen in the extracellular matrix (ECM) is the primary reason for a decreased compliance. In the bladder, as in other organs, this phenomenon is dependent on the balanced activity of proteolytic enzymes, including matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their endogenous inhibitors, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs). The imbalance between MMPs and TIMPs is a key regulator in ECM turnover. Since these mechanisms are unknown in the obstructed bladder, the objective of this study was to evaluate gene expression of collagen, MMPs and their inhibitors in patients with bladder outlet obstruction due to BPH. Material and Methods: We performed a prospective and controlled analysis of 43 patients with BOO due to BPH who underwent transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) from 2011 to 2012. The control group was comprised of 10 bladder specimens from patients with < 60 years who underwent radical prostatectomy with an International Prostatic Symptom Score (IPSS) < 8 and prostate volume < 30 grams. All patients underwent urodynamic analysis pre and post operatively after 6 months. A biopsy of the bladder muscle was performed at the end of TURP for analysis of collagen, metalloproteinases and TIMPs gene expressions. For this purpose we used the quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction method (qRT-PCR). Results: All patients with BPH had confirmed BOO confirmed through urodynamic analysis (mean detrusor pressure at maximun flow 78.5 cmH2O and mean maximun flow 7.7 ml/s). MMP1 gene showed an important an overexpression in patients with BPH (median = 1.87). A similar phenomenon occurred in a lesser extent to MMP2, to which 13 of 23 subjects had under-expression (mean = 1.2). MMP9, TIMP1 and RECK were under-expressed in the majority of cases, while TIMP2, colagen I and III were over-expressed (1.5, 4.4 and 1.9x respectively) (figure). With regard to clinical and urodynamic characteristics we found that MMP2 was more over-expressed among patients with a low global IPSS (0.005) and without urgency (p=0.035). Colagen III was more over-expressed in patients with non-inhibited bladder contractions (p=0.049), RECK was more over-expressed in patients with a decreased complacence (p=0.049). The other genes showed no statistical correlation with any clinical or urodynamic characteristics. After 6 months of TURP, patients with non-inhibited bladder contractions showed resolution in 66.6% of cases, when had increased expression of two or more (> 02) MMPs in patients compared with 14.0% when only 01 MMP was increased (p = 0.038) Conclusions: BOO is related with an over-expression of MMP1, TIMP2, colagens I and III, and with an under-expression of MMP9, TIMP1 and RECK. Detrusor overactivity is related with higher collagen III expression, this fact may be due to a lower MMP1 expression. A lower global IPSS and no urgency were related to a higher expression of MMP2, sugesting that this gene may be inhibiting collagen deposition in the bladder. The increased expression of two or more MMPs isrelated to greater rates of resolution of non-inhibited bladder contractions

Colombia: Postured for Failure, a Lesson in Counterinsurgency Strategy

Brodie, Abdullah 01 January 2009 (has links)
There is little solid research that explores counterinsurgency practices against the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), not only from the standpoint of what is being done, but, rather, what should be done based on past COIN successes. Notable works on counterinsurgency in Colombia include the research of Tom Marks, who focused on operational strategy and tactics; Kevin Self, who professes the importance of controlling territory in defeating the FARC, by addressing the social and institutional ills within Colombia itself; and Dennis Rempe, who notes US involvement in shaping Colombia's COIN strategy. Using a comparative case study model, this thesis provides an analysis of Colombia?s counterinsurgency (COIN) strategies and tactics through the lens of successful and unsuccessful COIN operations in Iraq, Algeria, Malaya, South Vietnam, Thailand, Algeria and El Salvador over the course of the 20th and early 21st centuries. After all, no matter how successful a COIN force is militarily, their accomplishments will ultimately be fruitless if the conditions which fuel insurgency remains present. This paper begins by providing the historical context for the conditions which shaped the Colombian social order, which led to the revolutionary movement. It then follows the growth of the FARC, examining that organization?s strengths and weaknesses. The FARC is contrasted by outlining recent COIN transformation efforts within the Colombian government, to include little acknowledged failures and successes, strengths and weaknesses. An important focus is placed on Colombian President Alvaro Uribe Velez? Democratic Security Policy as the model for Colombia?s current COIN efforts. After next examining various ongoing factors contributing to the Colombian insurgency?to include institutional failures, illicit funding and the problem of paramilitary groups?this thesis examines past COIN efforts by other governments. Finally, after applying lessons learned from thee past COIN efforts?cross-referencing historically successful and unsuccessful tactics with tactics used and not used by Bogota in its fight against the FARC?I provide recommendations to the government of Colombia (GOC) on how to improve its COIN efforts. Although it is important to look at this problem set from an external standpoint, we must still factor in internal factors that have limited Colombia?s ability to emerge victorious, such as allowing porous borders, airspace and coastlines; placing a priority on killing or capturing the enemy and not on engaging the population; and the primacy of military direction of counterinsurgency; disregard of basic human rights; an insufficient judiciary structure; failure to halt financial support mechanisms; and the lack of an outlet for political inclusion . From this vantage point, we will be able to see that these elements?when properly implemented?have proven successful over time and may enhance GOC success and ultimately result in victory over the insurgency that has plagued their country for 40+ years

Análise da expressão das metaloproteinases e seus inibidores teciduais no músculo detrusor de pacientes com obstrução infravesical por hiperplasia prostática benigna / Expression of metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in the detrusor muscle of patients with bladder outlet obstruction due to benign prostatic hyperplasia

Yuri Afonso Ferreira 03 October 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A obstrução infravesical (OIV) de longo prazo secundária a hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB) pode causar alterações funcionais e morfológicas na bexiga. Um dos principais eventos consiste no aumento da deposição de colágeno e perda de complacência vesical, levando a alteração de armazenamento e esvaziamento urinário. O aumento da deposição de colágeno na matriz extracelular (MEC) da musculatura detrusora é a principal razão para a diminuição da complacência vesical. Na bexiga, assim como em outros órgãos, este fenômeno depende da atividade equilibrada de enzimas proteolíticas, incluindo as metaloproteinases (MMP) e os seus inibidores endógenos (inibidores teciduais de metaloproteinases-TIMPs). Como estes fenômenos são desconhecidos na bexiga obstruída, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a expressão gênica de colágeno, MMPs e seus inibidores na bexiga de pacientes com obstrução infravesical. Material e Métodos: Foi realizada uma análise prospectiva e controlada de 43 pacientes com OIV devido a HPB, que foram submetidos à ressecção transuretral da próstata (RTUP) entre 2011 e 2012. Como grupo controle foram selecionados espécimes de músculo detrusor de 10 pacientes que foram submetidos a prostatectomia radical retropúbica devido adenocarcinoma de próstata. Todos estes pacientes tinham idade menor que 60 anos, tamanho de próstata menor que 30 gramas ao ultra-som e escore internacional de sintomas prostáticos (IPSS) menor que 7. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a estudo urodinâmico pré e pós operatório (após 6 meses). A biópsia de fragmento de músculo da bexiga foi realizada ao final da RTUP e colocada em solução estabilizadora de RNA para quantificação da expressão de colágenos I e III, metaloproteinases de matriz 1, 2 e 9, e inibidores de MMPs (TIMP1, TIMP2 e RECK) na bexiga de pacientes com HPB. Os genes descritos foram avaliados através da técnica de reação em cadeia da polimerase quantitativa em tempo real (qRT-PCR). Resultados: Todos os pacientes com HPB tinham confirmado OIV, através da análise do estudo urodinâmico (média de pressão detrusora no fluxo máximo de 78,5 cmH2O e fluxo urinário máximo de 7,7 ml / s). O gene MMP1 mostrou-se superexpresso em pacientes com HPB (mediana = 1,87). MMP9, TIMP1 e RECK estavam subexpressos na maioria dos casos, enquanto TIMP2, colágeno I e III foram superexpressos (1,5, 4,4 e 1,9 vezes, respectivamente). No que diz respeito às características clínicas e urodinâmicas encontramos que MMP2 foi mais expresso entre pacientes com um baixo IPSS global (0,005) e sem urgência (p=0,035). Colágeno III foi mais expresso em pacientes com contrações vesicais não inibidas (p = 0,049). Os outros genes não mostraram nenhuma correlação estatística com quaisquer características clínicas ou urodinâmicas. Após 6 meses de RTU, pacientes que possuíam expressão aumentada de duas ou mais MMPs, apresentaram resolução da CNI em 66,6% dos casos, contra 14,0% quando apenas uma ou nenhuma MMP estava aumentada (p=0,038) Conclusões: Encontramos um perfil de superexpressão de MMP1, TIMP2, colágenos I e III, e expressão baixa de MMP9, TIMP1 e RECK nos pacientes com OIV. Considerando o escore de sintomas prostáticos e a urgência miccional, encontramos curiosamente uma maior expressão de MMP2 em pacientes menos sintomáticos e sem urgência miccional. Encontramos uma associação entre a maior expressão de colágeno III com HD. A expressão aumentada de duas ou mais MMPs está relacionada à maiores taxas de resolução das CNIs. / Introduction: Long-term Bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) secondary to Benign prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) can cause functional and morphological abnormalities in the bladder, such as increased collagen deposition and loss of compliance, leading to urinary storage and voiding symptoms. A decrease in bladder compliance is known to be correlated with deterioration of renal function. Increased deposition of collagen in the extracellular matrix (ECM) is the primary reason for a decreased compliance. In the bladder, as in other organs, this phenomenon is dependent on the balanced activity of proteolytic enzymes, including matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their endogenous inhibitors, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs). The imbalance between MMPs and TIMPs is a key regulator in ECM turnover. Since these mechanisms are unknown in the obstructed bladder, the objective of this study was to evaluate gene expression of collagen, MMPs and their inhibitors in patients with bladder outlet obstruction due to BPH. Material and Methods: We performed a prospective and controlled analysis of 43 patients with BOO due to BPH who underwent transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) from 2011 to 2012. The control group was comprised of 10 bladder specimens from patients with < 60 years who underwent radical prostatectomy with an International Prostatic Symptom Score (IPSS) < 8 and prostate volume < 30 grams. All patients underwent urodynamic analysis pre and post operatively after 6 months. A biopsy of the bladder muscle was performed at the end of TURP for analysis of collagen, metalloproteinases and TIMPs gene expressions. For this purpose we used the quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction method (qRT-PCR). Results: All patients with BPH had confirmed BOO confirmed through urodynamic analysis (mean detrusor pressure at maximun flow 78.5 cmH2O and mean maximun flow 7.7 ml/s). MMP1 gene showed an important an overexpression in patients with BPH (median = 1.87). A similar phenomenon occurred in a lesser extent to MMP2, to which 13 of 23 subjects had under-expression (mean = 1.2). MMP9, TIMP1 and RECK were under-expressed in the majority of cases, while TIMP2, colagen I and III were over-expressed (1.5, 4.4 and 1.9x respectively) (figure). With regard to clinical and urodynamic characteristics we found that MMP2 was more over-expressed among patients with a low global IPSS (0.005) and without urgency (p=0.035). Colagen III was more over-expressed in patients with non-inhibited bladder contractions (p=0.049), RECK was more over-expressed in patients with a decreased complacence (p=0.049). The other genes showed no statistical correlation with any clinical or urodynamic characteristics. After 6 months of TURP, patients with non-inhibited bladder contractions showed resolution in 66.6% of cases, when had increased expression of two or more (> 02) MMPs in patients compared with 14.0% when only 01 MMP was increased (p = 0.038) Conclusions: BOO is related with an over-expression of MMP1, TIMP2, colagens I and III, and with an under-expression of MMP9, TIMP1 and RECK. Detrusor overactivity is related with higher collagen III expression, this fact may be due to a lower MMP1 expression. A lower global IPSS and no urgency were related to a higher expression of MMP2, sugesting that this gene may be inhibiting collagen deposition in the bladder. The increased expression of two or more MMPs isrelated to greater rates of resolution of non-inhibited bladder contractions

Vývoj trhu obchodních nemovitostí v Brně / Development of the commercial property market in Brno

Zouhar, Matěj January 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the commercial real estate market in Brno, with a focus on the fol-purchasing center. It also deals with determining the marketing strategy of OC Olympia. The marketing strategy was created SWOT analysis, and from it created proposals or recommendations for increasing visitor center. Next been created a competition analysis and market research around the center.

Energetická náročnost přípravy teplé vody / Energy Performance of Domestic Hot Water Preparation

Helánová, Blanka January 2013 (has links)
Master’s thesis on Energy performance of domestic hot water preparation is concerned with calculating and comparing the energy performance of domestic hot water preparation in two-generation family house with an administrative part. Energy performance of domestic hot water preparation is calculated by two calculation methods and by experimental measurements, which are compared at the end of the thesis. The calculation is performed according to standard ČSN 06 0320 and set of standards ČSN EN 15316-3. Thesis is processed in accordance with valid legislative regulations.

Spatio-temporal analyses of the distribution of alcohol outlets in California

Li, Li January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The objective of this research is to examine the development of the California alcohol outlets over time and the relationship between neighborhood characteristics and densities of the alcohol outlets. Two types of advanced analyses were done after the usual preliminary description of data. Firstly, fixed and random effects linear regression were used for the county panel data across time (1945-2010) with a dummy variable added to capture the change in law regarding limitations on alcohol outlets density. Secondly, a Bayesian spatio-temporal Poisson regression of the census tract panel data was conducted to capture recent availability of population characteristics affecting outlet density. The spatial Conditional Autoregressive model was embedded in the Poisson regression to detect spatial dependency of unexplained variance of alcohol outlet density. The results show that the alcohol outlets density reduced under the limitation law over time. However, it was no more effective in reducing the growth of alcohol outlets after the limitation was modified to be more restrictive. Poorer, higher vacancy rate and lower percentage of Black neighborhoods tend to have higher alcohol outlet density (numbers of alcohol outlets to population ratio) for both on-sale general and off-sale general. Other characteristics like percentage of Hispanics, percentage of Asians, percentage of younger population and median income of adjacency neighbors were associated with densities of on-sale general and off sale general alcohol outlets. Some regions like the San Francisco Bay area and the Greater Los Angeles area have more alcohol outlets than the predictions of neighborhood characteristics included in the model.

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