Spelling suggestions: "subject:"oxid"" "subject:"òxid""
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Modifikace kapilární stěny grafenem pro separační aplikace / Modification of capillary wall by graphene for separation applicationsPtáčková, Aneta January 2021 (has links)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF PHARMACY IN HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis Candidate: Aneta Ptáčková Supervisor: PharmDr. Lukáš Lochman, Ph.D. Title of thesis: Modification of capillary wall by graphene for separation applications Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a highly efficient separation method. Substances are separated due to their different mobility in an electric field. The CE modes of operation can be modified in different ways, e.g. capillary electrochromatography or micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography. Modification of the inner wall of the capillary is believed to help improve separation efficiency and selectivity. Graphene is carbon with a hexagonal structure in form of two-dimensional sp2 single-atom-thick sheets. Graphene seems to be a suitable material for separation application due to its excellent properties such as large surface area and affinity to aromatic ring through π-π interactions. Our work is focused on the modification of the capillary wall by graphene. One of the methods of capillary wall modification is the Layer-by-Layer method via layering of differently charged substances bounded by electrostatic forces. Another method is chemical coating employing covalent interactions. Different combinations of polymers...
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Fotokatalytická aktivita hydrotermálního oxidu titaničitého / Photocatalytic activity of hydrothermal titanium dioxideLepičová, Martina January 2012 (has links)
Hydrothermal synthesis is one of the most widely used methods for preparing nanoparticles of titanium dioxide. The process carried out at elevated temperatures and pressure, which facilitates the transformation of amorphous to crystalline titanium dioxide. Change of reaction conditions of the process (reactants concentration, temperature, time, pH, etc.) leads to change in morphology, microstructure and crystallinity of titanium dioxide nanoparticles. In this work the method of titanium dioxide preparation is briefly described. The titanium dioxide was prepared from a precursor titanium oxochloride and potassium hydroxide as the precipitating agent. Thus prepared titanium dioxide was immobilized on a glass substrate by material printing. This is a modern, highly precise and contactless method for preparing thin films. The photocatalytic activity of printed thin films of titanium dioxide was investigated by degradation of 2,6-dichlorindophenol at different irradiance. It was found that the sample prepared by hydrothermal treatment at 160 °C shows very similar photocatalytic activity to Degussa P25.
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Vrstvy oxidu wolframového připravené z nanočásticových suspenzí a pojiva / Tungsten trioxide coatings fabricated from nanocrystalline suspension and binderFilipská, Markéta January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with layers of tungsten oxide, which are prepared from a nanoparticle suspension and a binder. The coating composition consisted in the first case of ground tungsten oxide nanoparticles alone, then of acetylated peroxotungstic acid alone and finally of a mixture of ground tungsten oxide mixed with acetylated peroxotungstic acid. The compositions thus formed were applied to conductive FTO glass and thus act as photoanodes. A stainless steel needle is used as a counter electrode for volt-ampere measurements. The work focuses on the study of physicochemical properties of prepared photoanodes and their optimalization in order to obtain the highest possible values of generated photocurrents. The electrical properties of all cells were determined using voltammetric characteristics.
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Indukce hemoxygenasy a biologická úloha jejích metabolických produktů. / Induction of heme oxygenase and biological role of its metabolic products.Šuk, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
Heme oxygenase (HMOX) catalyzes first and rate-limiting step in heme degradation. By its action, carbon monoxide (CO), ferrous iron and biliverdin which is subsequently reduced to bilirubin are produced. Before discovery of HMOX reaction mechanism, CO was considered only a toxic waste product without any significant importance for human organism. Bilirubin, marker of liver dysfunction, has been also exposed to similar perception. But results from past decades show that HMOX and its metabolic products play an important role in number of physiological as well as defense against pathophysiological processes. The aim of this thesis was to clarify the role of HMOX and its metabolic products, presumably CO and bilirubin, in vivo and in vitro. We focused on the role of CO in a rat model of lipopolysaccharide-induced cholestasis. We were first to describe tissue distribution and pharmacokinetics of inhaled CO in this animal model and found out that CO inhalation is associated with anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective effects. In a rat model of ethinylestradiol-induced cholestasis, we demonstrated the anticholestatic effect of HMOX. The induction of HMOX by its substrate heme increased the expression of liver transporters thereby increasing bile flow and simultaneously facilitated effective clearance of...
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Die Rolle von Trimethylamin-N-Oxid (TMAO) bei einer spontanen Subarachnoidalblutung (SAB)Emonds, Julian Josef 13 September 2024 (has links)
Die Dissertation umfasst eine Einleitung zum Thema Definition, Pathophysiologie, Symptomatik, Diagnostik, Therapie, Komplikationen, Outcome und Prävention der Subarachnoidalblutung sowie Trimethylamin-N-Oxid als möglichen Biomarker in der Diagnostik der Subarachnoidalblutung mit den Themen Eigenschaften, Metabolismus, Analyseverfahren, Wirkweise und assoziierte Erkrankungen. Zudem wird der bereits bekannte Zusammenhang zwischen Subarachnoidalblutung und Trimethylamin-N-Oxid dargelegt. Die Zusammenfassung führt zu den Publikationen 'Influence of Trimethylamine N-Oxide on Platelet Activation, Nutrients 2022, 14, 3261, Emonds et al., DOI: 10.3390/nu14163261' und 'Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage: a prospective observational study, Acta Neurochirurgica 2023, 1-11, Emonds et al., DOI: 10.1007/s00701-022-05485-3'. Die Veröffentlichungen werden abschließend nochmal zusammengefasst.:I Einführung
1. Subarachnoidalblutung
1.1. Definition und Pathophysiologie
1.2. Symptomatik, Diagnostik und Therapie
1.3. Komplikationen
1.4. Outcome und Prävention
2. Trimethylamin-N-Oxid
2.1. Eigenschaften und Metabolismus
2.2. Analyseverfahren
2.3. Wirkweise und Erkrankungen
3. Assoziation von TMAO zu Schlaganfällen
4. Ziele der Arbeit
II Publikationen
1. Influence of Trimethylamine N-Oxide on Platelet Activation
2. Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) in patients with subarachnoid
hemorrhage: a prospective observational study
III Zusammenfassung
IV Literaturverzeichnis
V Anlagen
1. Darstellung des eigenen Beitrags
2. Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit
3. Lebenslauf
4. Verzeichnis der wissenschaftlichen Vorträge und Publikationen
5. Danksagung
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Die Bildung nichtoxidischer Sauerstoffphasen an Ru(0001) / von den ersten Stufen der Sauerstoffaufnahme bis zur OxidationBlume, Raoul 05 August 2005 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurde die Bildung nichtoxidischer Sauerstoffphasen an der Ru(0001)-Oberfläche untersucht. Glatte und defektreiche Oberflächen wurden einem hohen Sauerstoffdruck (bis 1bar) bei moderaten Temperaturen ( / The aim of the thesis presented here was the investigation of the formation of non oxidic oxygen phases on the Ru(0001) surface. Smooth and defect rich surfaces were exposed to high oxygen pressures (up to 1bar) at moderate temperatures (
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Studium nitrobuněčných signálních molekul oxidu uhelnatého a oxidu dusnatého v hepatocytech v souvislosti s hepatotoxickými a hepatoprotektivními účinky vybraných látek / Study on intracellular signal molecules of carbon monoxide and nitric oxide related to hepatotoxic and hepatoprotective effects of selected substancesČerný, Dalibor January 2012 (has links)
Background and aims: Treatment of acute fulminant liver damage arising as a result of various origins (ischemia-reperfusion injury, toxic shock, an infectious cause or cholestasis) still remains a major clinical problem. We currently do not have available clinically proven, pharmacologically effective and universal compound for the treatment of acute liver injury. The main aim of my research work was, therefore, to test the potential hepatoprotective effect of selected cytoprotective drugs and try to find out or suggest their mechanism of action, which we have examined in the systems for the intracellular gaseous signaling molecules NO and CO, where the key enzymes for their formation are NOS / HO respectively. My PhD study had two main directions: 1) Experimental study of the relationship between HO / CO and NOS / NO systems in the environment of hepatotoxic substances on isolated primary rat hepatocytes and in rat model, 2) Evaluation of ameliorative effect of selected substances in the hepatotoxicity models and to test the relationship of this effect on changes in some parameters of cytotoxicity / cytoprotection, antioxidant parameters, gene expression of mRNA for selected genes and histological changes in the state of cells / tissues / organs. Methods: We measured urea, bilirubin and liver...
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Komparace emisního obchodovacího systému EU a programu kyselého deště v USA / The comparison of the European Union Emission Trading Scheme and the Acid Rain Program in USAZelená, Vladimíra January 2009 (has links)
The thesis focuses on comparison of emission trading of the European Union (European Union Emission Trading Scheme) which trades with carbon dioxide allowances and emission trading of the United States of America (Acid Rain Program) which trade with sulphur dioxide allowances. Despite of using same mechanisms and principles, these systems brought diverse results -- mostly because of different implementation of key parameters. The thesis which concerns with both of these systems is trying to find the major reasons of unsuccessful implementation of the European Union trading and the most important reasons leading to successful performance of the U.S. program.
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Studium částic různých kosmetických pigmentů / Study of particles of various cosmetic pigmentsCerevatova, Kristina January 2020 (has links)
The main focus areas of this master thesis include the writing of a literature review, which contains an overview and segregation of pigments which are used in the preparation of cosmetic products. The thesis is focused on the properties and characterization of pigments for use in cosmetology. The following focus is on legislation, more specifically on pigments that the cosmetic industry allows, limits and does not allow. The main part of this thesis is an overview of methods for the characterization of pigments. The practical part deals with the characterization of particles of selected cosmetic pigments by applying methods for determination of color, elemental and phase composition, particle size and morphology. The thesis is concluded by evaluation of the achieved results.
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Transport náboje v Ta2O5 oxidových nanovrstvách s aplikací na tantalové kondenzátory / Charge Carrier Transport in Ta2O5 Oxide Nanolayers with Application to the Tantalum CapacitorsKopecký, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Studium transportu náboje v Ta2O5 oxidových nanovrstvách se zaměřuje především na objasnění vlivu defektů na vodivost těchto vrstev. Soustředíme se na studium oxidových nanovrstev Ta2O5 vytvořených pomocí anodické oxidace. Proces výroby Ta2O5 zahrnuje řadu parametrů, jež ovlivňují koncentraci defektů (oxidových vakancí) v této struktuře. Vrstva oxidu Ta2O5 o tloušťce 20 až 200 nm se často používá jako dielektrikum pro tantalové kondenzátory, které se staly nedílnou součástí elektrotechnického průmyslu. Kondenzátory s Ta2O5 dielektrickou vrstvou lze modelovat jako strukturu MIS (kov – izolant – polovodič). Anodu tvoří tantal s kovovou vodivostí, katodu potom MnO2 či vodivý polymer (CP), které jsou polovodiče. Hodnoty elektronových afinit, respektive výstupních prací, jednotlivých materiálů potom určují výšku potenciálových bariér vytvořených na rozhraních kov-izolant (M – I) a izolant-polovodič (I – S). Dominantní mechanizmy transportu náboje lze určit analýzou I-V charakteristiky zbytkového proudu. Dominantní mechanizmy transportu náboje izolační vrstvou jsou ohmický, Poole-Frenkelův, Shottkyho a tunelování. Uplatnění jednotlivých vodivostních mechanismů je závislé na teplotě a intenzitě elektrického pole v izolantu. Hodnota zbytkového proud je významným indikátorem kvality daného izolantu. Ten závisí na technologii výroby kondenzátoru, významně především na parametrech anodické oxidace a na materiálu katody. I-V charakteristiky zbytkového proudu se měří v normálním a reversním módu, tj. normální mód značí kladné napětí na anodě a reversní mód záporné napětí na anodě. I-V charakteristika je výrazně nesymetrická, a proto tyto kondenzátory musí být vhodně polarizovány. Nesymetrie I-V charakteristiky se snižuje s klesající teplotou, při teplotě pod 50 K a je možno některé kondenzátory používat jako bipolární součástky. Z analýzy I-V charakteristiky lze určit řadu parametrů, jako tloušťku izolační vrstvy a koncentraci defektů v izolační Ta2O5 vrstvě a dále lze odhadnout parametry MIS modelu kondenzátoru - stanovit hodnotu potenciálových bariér na rozhraních M – I a I – S. Měření C-V charakteristik při různých teplotách v rozsahu 10 až 300 K je využíto pro určení výšky potenciálové bariéry na rozhraní I – S, závislosti kapacity na teplotě a dále pro výpočet efektivní plochy elektrod. Z výbrusu vzorků na skenovacím elektronovém mikroskopu byly určeny tloušťky dielektrika Ta2O5 pro jednotlivé vyhodnocované řady kondenzátorů.
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