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Avaliação dos efeitos da sinvastatina via Inibidor do Ativador do Plasminogênio 1 (PAI-1) sobre a terapia celular com células estromais mesenquimais / Evaluation of the effects of simvastatin in mesenchymal stromal cell therapy through Plasminogen Activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1)Faria, Carolina Arruda de 08 August 2016 (has links)
A Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica (DPOC) é caracterizada pela limitação persistente de trocas gasosas, usualmente progressiva e associada a uma resposta inflamatória crônica exacerbada das vias aéreas a partículas e gases nocivos. Apesar de prevenível e tratável, não se logrou até o presente uma terapêutica eficaz, que resulte na cura da doença. Neste cenário, a terapia celular apresenta-se como uma alternativa terapêutica potencialmente promissora em DPOC, bem como em outras doenças pulmonares degenerativas e de caráter inflamatório. Porém, vários aspectos da terapia celular carecem de um melhor entendimento. Um dos principais desafios ao sucesso da terapia celular são as baixas taxas de sobrevivência das células transplantadas. O Inibidor do Ativador de Plasminogênio 1 (Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1 - PAI-1) pode representar um potencial mediador da sobrevivência de células estromais mesenquimais (CTM) pós-transplante, pois tem sido proposto que anticorpos neutralizadores do PAI-1 auxiliam no aumento da sobrevivência de CTM no tecido-alvo da terapia celular. Desta forma, a diminuição dos níveis de PAI-1 possui um potencial terapêutico interessante, ao modular os principais processos envolvidos na criação de um ambiente pouco propício ao \"homing\" celular durante o processo de injúria. A diminuição dos níveis de PAI-1 é promovida, pela sinvastatina, fármaco da família das estatinas. Desta forma, objetivou-se com este trabalho analisar os efeitos da sinvastatina sobre a expressão do PAI-1, bem como sua influência na sobrevivência das células infundidas para terapia celular de enfisema pulmonar em modelo murino. Camundongos da linhagem FVB foram submetidos à instilação intranasal de elastase para indução de enfisema pulmonar e, posteriormente, tratados com CTM do tecido adiposo e sinvastatina. Os resultados mostraram que, quanto aos aspectos morfológicos e funcionais, considerando-se a análise conjunta de ambos os pulmões, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos submetidos à instilação intranasal de elastase e submetidos à terapia celular com CTM tratados ou não com sinvastatina. Quando porém os pulmões foram analisados individualmente constatou-se que não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos controle e os resultados referentes ao lado direito do pulmão dos animais tratados com elastase e que receberam sinvastatina e infusão de CTM. Diferenças anatômicas entre os lados direito e esquerdo do pulmão, levaram a uma maior deposição de células no lado direito, como evidenciado pelos resultados obtidos nos ensaios de bioluminescência. Pode-se, portanto, inferir que a recuperação morfológica no lado direito do pulmão de animais com DPOC/enfisema poderia ser decorrente de um efeito regenerativo parácrino das CTM associadas à sinvastatina. / Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - COPD is characterized by the persistent limitation of gas exchange, is usually progressive, and associated to a chronic augmented inflammatory response of the airways to particles and noxious gases. Despite preventable e treatable, an effective, curative therapeutic approach is yet to be achieved. In this context, cell therapy presents itself as a promising therapeutic approach for COPD and other pulmonary inflammatory and degenerative diseases. However, many aspects of cell therapy with stem cells remain unclear. One of the major challenges to the success of cell therapy are the low survival rates of transplanted cells. The Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) is a potential mediator of the survival of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) after transplantation, since PAI-1 neutralizing antibodies have been shown to increase the survival rate of MSC in the target tissue of cell therapy. Thus, the decreased levels of PAI-1 has an interesting therapeutic potential to modulate key processes involved in creating an inhospitable environment, during the process of injury, to the homing of transplanted cells. Decreased levels of PAI-1 are promoted by simvastatin, a drug of the statins family. Thus, the goal of this work was to evaluate the effect of simvastatin in vivo on the expression of PAI-1, as well as its influence on the survival rate of infused cells in mice model of cell therapy for pulmonary COPD/emphysema. FVB mice were submitted pulmonary emphysema induction by means of intranasal instillation of elastase and than treated with adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells and simvastatin. The results regarding morphological and functional aspects, when considering the analisys of both lungs, presented no statistically significant difference among the groups submitted to intranasal instillation of elastase and cell therapy with MSC, treated or not with simvastatin. However, when the lungs where analyzed individually, it was found that there was no statistically significant difference between the control group and the results regarding the right lung of animals treated with elastase and that received simvastatin and MSC infusion. Anatomical differences between the right and left sides of the lung lead to a higher deposition of cells in the right side, as observed in the bioluminescence assays. Thus, it is possible to infer that the morphological recovery in the right side of the lung of animals with DPOC/emphysema could be due to a regenerative paracrine effect of mesenchymal stem cells associated with simvastatin.
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Transcriptional Regulation of human Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Gene Expression by Insulin-like Growth Factor-1, Insulin and Upstream Stimulatory Factor-2 / Transkriptionelle Regulation der Genexpression des humanen Plasminogen-Activator Inhibitor-1 durch Insulin-like Growth Factor-1, Insulin und Upstream Stimulatory Factor-2Dimova, Elitsa Yosifova 26 April 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Atividade pró-trombótica da toxina ExoU de Pseudomonas aeruginosa detectada em modelos experimentais in vivo e in vitro / Prothrombotic activity of the toxin Pseudomonas aeruginosa toxin ExoU detected in experimental models in vivo and in vitroGlória Beatriz da Silva Machado 29 June 2011 (has links)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa é um importante agente de pneumonia, particularmente em pacientes submetidos à ventilação mecânica, que pode evoluir para sepse, com elevadas taxas de letalidade. Na sepse, o processo inflamatório sistêmico exacerbado favorece o desequilíbrio entre as vias de coagulação e fibrinólise e a instalação de um estado pró-coagulante, com o aparecimento de trombose microvascular, coagulação intravascular disseminada e falência de múltiplos órgãos. Conhecendo a potente atividade pró-inflamatória da toxina ExoU produzida por P. aeruginosa, decorrente de sua atividade fosfolipásica A2, o objetivo desta tese foi investigar seu potencial de indução de alterações hemostáticas relacionadas à patogênese da sepse. Utilizando modelo de sepse em camundongos inoculados, por via intratraqueal, com suspensões de P. aeruginosa produtora de ExoU (PA103) ou de cepa com deleção do gene exoU, não produtora da toxina, foi mostrado que ExoU determinou maior gravidade da infecção, maior taxa de letalidade, leucopenia, trombocitose, hiperpermeabilidade vascular e transudação plasmática, evidenciadas, respectivamente, pela maior concentração de proteínas nos lavados broncoalveolares (LBAs) e acúmulo do corante Azul de Evans, previamente inoculado nos animais, por via endovenosa, no parênquima renal. ExoU favoreceu, também, a ativação plaquetária, confirmada pela maior concentração de plaquetas expressando P-selectina em sua superfície, maior número de micropartículas derivadas de plaquetas e maior concentração plasmática de tromboxano A2. A histopatologia dos pulmões e rins dos animais infectados com PA103 confirmou a formação de microtrombos, que não foram detectados nos animais controles ou infectados com a cepa mutante. Nos pulmões, a produção de ExoU determinou intensa resposta inflamatória com maior concentração de leucócitos totais e polimorfonucleados, interleucina-6 e fator de necrose tumoral-α nos LBAs. A análise imunohistoquímica mostrou intensa deposição de fibrina nos alvéolos e septos interalveolares. A atividade pró-coagulante dependente do fator tissular detectada nos LBAs dos camundongos infectados com PA103 foi independente da produção do inibidor da via de ativação do fator tissular (TFPI), mas associada ao aumento da produção do inibidor do ativador do plasminogênio-1 (PAI-1). Para investigar a participação do fator de ativação plaquetária (PAF) na liberação de PAI-1, foi pesquisada a atividade da enzima PAF-acetil-hidrolase (PAF-AH) nos LBAs dos camundongos. A atividade de PAF-AH apresentou-se significativamente elevada nos LBA dos camundongos infectados com PA103. O tratamento dos animais com um inibidor do PAF, antes da infecção, resultou na diminuição significativa das concentrações de PAI-1 e de leucócitos totais, bem como da atividade pró-coagulante dos LBAs. In vitro, ExoU induziu maior expressão do RNA mensageiro de PAI-1 e maior liberação da proteína PAI-1 nos sobrenadantes de células epiteliais respiratórias da linhagem A549. O tratamento das células A549 com um anticorpo anti-receptor de PAF, antes da infecção, reduziu significativamente a concentração de PAI-1 nos sobrenadantes de células infectadas com a cepa selvagem. Estes resultados demonstraram um novo mecanismo de virulência de P. aeruginosa através da atividade pró-trombótica de ExoU e a possibilidade de utilização da identificação de ExoU em isolados clínicos de pacientes graves como um marcador prognóstico para estes pacientes. / Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an important agent of pneumonia, mainly in patients undergoing mechanical ventilation, which can progress to sepsis with high mortality rates. In sepsis, the systemic inflammatory process favors exacerbated imbalance between the coagulation and fibrinolysis pathways and the installation of a procoagulant state, leading to microvascular thrombosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation and multiple organ failure. Knowing the powerful proinflammatory activity of the P. aeruginosa toxin ExoU, secondary to its phospholipase A2 activity, the goal of this study was to investigate the ExoU potential to induce hemostatic changes related to sepsis pathogenesis. By using a murine model of pneumosepsis, obtained by the intratracheal injection of suspensions of the ExoU-producing PA103 P. aeruginosa strain or of its isogenic mutant PA103ΔexoU, defective in the toxin synthesis, ExoU was shown to enhance the severity of the infection and to induce higher mice mortality rate as well as leukopenia, thrombocytosis, vascular hyperpermeability and plasma transudation, evidenced, respectively, by the higher protein concentration in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluids (BALF) and accumulation of Evans blue dye, previously intravenous injectioned, in mice renal parenchyma. ExoU also favored platelet activation, evidenced by the higher concentration of platelets expressing P-selectin on their surface, greater number of platelet-derived microparticles and increased plasma concentration of thromboxane A2. Histopathology of the lungs and kidneys of PA103-infected animals confirmed the formation of microthrombi, which were not detected in controls or in animals infected with the bacterial mutant. In lungs, ExoU induced an intense inflammatory response with high concentrations of total and polymorphonuclear leukocytes, interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α in mice BALF. Immunohistochemical analysis showed intense fibrin deposition in the alveoli and interalveolar septa. The tissue factor-dependent procoagulant activity detected in BALF from PA103-infected mice did not depend on decreased production of tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) production, but was associated with increased concentration of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1). To investigate the role of platelet activating factor (PAF) in PAI-1 release, we compared the activity of the enzyme PAF-acetylhydrolase (PAF-AH) in BALF from control and infected mice, and we observed that PAF-AH activity was significantly elevated in BALF from PA103-infected animals. Mice treatment with a PAF inhibitor prior to infection resulted in a significant reduction of PAI-1 concentration, as well as of BALF total leukocytes and procoagulant activity. In vitro, ExoU induced higher expression of PAI-1 m RNA and increased release of PAI-1 protein in supernatants from A549 epithelial respiratory cell cultures. A549 cell treatment with an anti-PAF receptor prior to infection significantly reduced PAI-1 concentration in supernatants from cells infected with the wild type strain. These results show a novel mechanism by which a baterial product can favor a prothrombotic activity and ExoU production by infecting P. aeruginosa isolates may have prognostic implications for patients.
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Atividade pró-trombótica da toxina ExoU de Pseudomonas aeruginosa detectada em modelos experimentais in vivo e in vitro / Prothrombotic activity of the toxin Pseudomonas aeruginosa toxin ExoU detected in experimental models in vivo and in vitroGlória Beatriz da Silva Machado 29 June 2011 (has links)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa é um importante agente de pneumonia, particularmente em pacientes submetidos à ventilação mecânica, que pode evoluir para sepse, com elevadas taxas de letalidade. Na sepse, o processo inflamatório sistêmico exacerbado favorece o desequilíbrio entre as vias de coagulação e fibrinólise e a instalação de um estado pró-coagulante, com o aparecimento de trombose microvascular, coagulação intravascular disseminada e falência de múltiplos órgãos. Conhecendo a potente atividade pró-inflamatória da toxina ExoU produzida por P. aeruginosa, decorrente de sua atividade fosfolipásica A2, o objetivo desta tese foi investigar seu potencial de indução de alterações hemostáticas relacionadas à patogênese da sepse. Utilizando modelo de sepse em camundongos inoculados, por via intratraqueal, com suspensões de P. aeruginosa produtora de ExoU (PA103) ou de cepa com deleção do gene exoU, não produtora da toxina, foi mostrado que ExoU determinou maior gravidade da infecção, maior taxa de letalidade, leucopenia, trombocitose, hiperpermeabilidade vascular e transudação plasmática, evidenciadas, respectivamente, pela maior concentração de proteínas nos lavados broncoalveolares (LBAs) e acúmulo do corante Azul de Evans, previamente inoculado nos animais, por via endovenosa, no parênquima renal. ExoU favoreceu, também, a ativação plaquetária, confirmada pela maior concentração de plaquetas expressando P-selectina em sua superfície, maior número de micropartículas derivadas de plaquetas e maior concentração plasmática de tromboxano A2. A histopatologia dos pulmões e rins dos animais infectados com PA103 confirmou a formação de microtrombos, que não foram detectados nos animais controles ou infectados com a cepa mutante. Nos pulmões, a produção de ExoU determinou intensa resposta inflamatória com maior concentração de leucócitos totais e polimorfonucleados, interleucina-6 e fator de necrose tumoral-α nos LBAs. A análise imunohistoquímica mostrou intensa deposição de fibrina nos alvéolos e septos interalveolares. A atividade pró-coagulante dependente do fator tissular detectada nos LBAs dos camundongos infectados com PA103 foi independente da produção do inibidor da via de ativação do fator tissular (TFPI), mas associada ao aumento da produção do inibidor do ativador do plasminogênio-1 (PAI-1). Para investigar a participação do fator de ativação plaquetária (PAF) na liberação de PAI-1, foi pesquisada a atividade da enzima PAF-acetil-hidrolase (PAF-AH) nos LBAs dos camundongos. A atividade de PAF-AH apresentou-se significativamente elevada nos LBA dos camundongos infectados com PA103. O tratamento dos animais com um inibidor do PAF, antes da infecção, resultou na diminuição significativa das concentrações de PAI-1 e de leucócitos totais, bem como da atividade pró-coagulante dos LBAs. In vitro, ExoU induziu maior expressão do RNA mensageiro de PAI-1 e maior liberação da proteína PAI-1 nos sobrenadantes de células epiteliais respiratórias da linhagem A549. O tratamento das células A549 com um anticorpo anti-receptor de PAF, antes da infecção, reduziu significativamente a concentração de PAI-1 nos sobrenadantes de células infectadas com a cepa selvagem. Estes resultados demonstraram um novo mecanismo de virulência de P. aeruginosa através da atividade pró-trombótica de ExoU e a possibilidade de utilização da identificação de ExoU em isolados clínicos de pacientes graves como um marcador prognóstico para estes pacientes. / Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an important agent of pneumonia, mainly in patients undergoing mechanical ventilation, which can progress to sepsis with high mortality rates. In sepsis, the systemic inflammatory process favors exacerbated imbalance between the coagulation and fibrinolysis pathways and the installation of a procoagulant state, leading to microvascular thrombosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation and multiple organ failure. Knowing the powerful proinflammatory activity of the P. aeruginosa toxin ExoU, secondary to its phospholipase A2 activity, the goal of this study was to investigate the ExoU potential to induce hemostatic changes related to sepsis pathogenesis. By using a murine model of pneumosepsis, obtained by the intratracheal injection of suspensions of the ExoU-producing PA103 P. aeruginosa strain or of its isogenic mutant PA103ΔexoU, defective in the toxin synthesis, ExoU was shown to enhance the severity of the infection and to induce higher mice mortality rate as well as leukopenia, thrombocytosis, vascular hyperpermeability and plasma transudation, evidenced, respectively, by the higher protein concentration in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluids (BALF) and accumulation of Evans blue dye, previously intravenous injectioned, in mice renal parenchyma. ExoU also favored platelet activation, evidenced by the higher concentration of platelets expressing P-selectin on their surface, greater number of platelet-derived microparticles and increased plasma concentration of thromboxane A2. Histopathology of the lungs and kidneys of PA103-infected animals confirmed the formation of microthrombi, which were not detected in controls or in animals infected with the bacterial mutant. In lungs, ExoU induced an intense inflammatory response with high concentrations of total and polymorphonuclear leukocytes, interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α in mice BALF. Immunohistochemical analysis showed intense fibrin deposition in the alveoli and interalveolar septa. The tissue factor-dependent procoagulant activity detected in BALF from PA103-infected mice did not depend on decreased production of tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) production, but was associated with increased concentration of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1). To investigate the role of platelet activating factor (PAF) in PAI-1 release, we compared the activity of the enzyme PAF-acetylhydrolase (PAF-AH) in BALF from control and infected mice, and we observed that PAF-AH activity was significantly elevated in BALF from PA103-infected animals. Mice treatment with a PAF inhibitor prior to infection resulted in a significant reduction of PAI-1 concentration, as well as of BALF total leukocytes and procoagulant activity. In vitro, ExoU induced higher expression of PAI-1 m RNA and increased release of PAI-1 protein in supernatants from A549 epithelial respiratory cell cultures. A549 cell treatment with an anti-PAF receptor prior to infection significantly reduced PAI-1 concentration in supernatants from cells infected with the wild type strain. These results show a novel mechanism by which a baterial product can favor a prothrombotic activity and ExoU production by infecting P. aeruginosa isolates may have prognostic implications for patients.
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Avaliação dos efeitos da sinvastatina via Inibidor do Ativador do Plasminogênio 1 (PAI-1) sobre a terapia celular com células estromais mesenquimais / Evaluation of the effects of simvastatin in mesenchymal stromal cell therapy through Plasminogen Activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1)Carolina Arruda de Faria 08 August 2016 (has links)
A Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica (DPOC) é caracterizada pela limitação persistente de trocas gasosas, usualmente progressiva e associada a uma resposta inflamatória crônica exacerbada das vias aéreas a partículas e gases nocivos. Apesar de prevenível e tratável, não se logrou até o presente uma terapêutica eficaz, que resulte na cura da doença. Neste cenário, a terapia celular apresenta-se como uma alternativa terapêutica potencialmente promissora em DPOC, bem como em outras doenças pulmonares degenerativas e de caráter inflamatório. Porém, vários aspectos da terapia celular carecem de um melhor entendimento. Um dos principais desafios ao sucesso da terapia celular são as baixas taxas de sobrevivência das células transplantadas. O Inibidor do Ativador de Plasminogênio 1 (Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1 - PAI-1) pode representar um potencial mediador da sobrevivência de células estromais mesenquimais (CTM) pós-transplante, pois tem sido proposto que anticorpos neutralizadores do PAI-1 auxiliam no aumento da sobrevivência de CTM no tecido-alvo da terapia celular. Desta forma, a diminuição dos níveis de PAI-1 possui um potencial terapêutico interessante, ao modular os principais processos envolvidos na criação de um ambiente pouco propício ao \"homing\" celular durante o processo de injúria. A diminuição dos níveis de PAI-1 é promovida, pela sinvastatina, fármaco da família das estatinas. Desta forma, objetivou-se com este trabalho analisar os efeitos da sinvastatina sobre a expressão do PAI-1, bem como sua influência na sobrevivência das células infundidas para terapia celular de enfisema pulmonar em modelo murino. Camundongos da linhagem FVB foram submetidos à instilação intranasal de elastase para indução de enfisema pulmonar e, posteriormente, tratados com CTM do tecido adiposo e sinvastatina. Os resultados mostraram que, quanto aos aspectos morfológicos e funcionais, considerando-se a análise conjunta de ambos os pulmões, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos submetidos à instilação intranasal de elastase e submetidos à terapia celular com CTM tratados ou não com sinvastatina. Quando porém os pulmões foram analisados individualmente constatou-se que não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos controle e os resultados referentes ao lado direito do pulmão dos animais tratados com elastase e que receberam sinvastatina e infusão de CTM. Diferenças anatômicas entre os lados direito e esquerdo do pulmão, levaram a uma maior deposição de células no lado direito, como evidenciado pelos resultados obtidos nos ensaios de bioluminescência. Pode-se, portanto, inferir que a recuperação morfológica no lado direito do pulmão de animais com DPOC/enfisema poderia ser decorrente de um efeito regenerativo parácrino das CTM associadas à sinvastatina. / Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - COPD is characterized by the persistent limitation of gas exchange, is usually progressive, and associated to a chronic augmented inflammatory response of the airways to particles and noxious gases. Despite preventable e treatable, an effective, curative therapeutic approach is yet to be achieved. In this context, cell therapy presents itself as a promising therapeutic approach for COPD and other pulmonary inflammatory and degenerative diseases. However, many aspects of cell therapy with stem cells remain unclear. One of the major challenges to the success of cell therapy are the low survival rates of transplanted cells. The Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) is a potential mediator of the survival of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) after transplantation, since PAI-1 neutralizing antibodies have been shown to increase the survival rate of MSC in the target tissue of cell therapy. Thus, the decreased levels of PAI-1 has an interesting therapeutic potential to modulate key processes involved in creating an inhospitable environment, during the process of injury, to the homing of transplanted cells. Decreased levels of PAI-1 are promoted by simvastatin, a drug of the statins family. Thus, the goal of this work was to evaluate the effect of simvastatin in vivo on the expression of PAI-1, as well as its influence on the survival rate of infused cells in mice model of cell therapy for pulmonary COPD/emphysema. FVB mice were submitted pulmonary emphysema induction by means of intranasal instillation of elastase and than treated with adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells and simvastatin. The results regarding morphological and functional aspects, when considering the analisys of both lungs, presented no statistically significant difference among the groups submitted to intranasal instillation of elastase and cell therapy with MSC, treated or not with simvastatin. However, when the lungs where analyzed individually, it was found that there was no statistically significant difference between the control group and the results regarding the right lung of animals treated with elastase and that received simvastatin and MSC infusion. Anatomical differences between the right and left sides of the lung lead to a higher deposition of cells in the right side, as observed in the bioluminescence assays. Thus, it is possible to infer that the morphological recovery in the right side of the lung of animals with DPOC/emphysema could be due to a regenerative paracrine effect of mesenchymal stem cells associated with simvastatin.
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Plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 : structure-function studies and its use as a reference for intramolecular distance measurementsHägglöf, Peter January 2003 (has links)
Inhibitors belonging to the serpin (serine protease inhibitor) family control proteases involved in various physiological processes. All serpins have a common tertiary structure based on the dominant b-sheet A, but they have different inhibitory specificity. The specificity of a serpin is determined by the Pl-Pl’ peptide bond acting as a bait for the target protease which is made up of an exposed reactive centre loop (RCL). The serpin plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) is the main physiological inhibitor of urokinase-type and tissue-type plasminogen activators (uPA and tPA, respectively). Elevated plasma levels of PAI-l have been correlated with a higher risk of deep venous thrombosis, and PAI-1 is a risk factor for recurrent myocardial infarction. Furthermore, PAI-1 has a role in cell migration and has been suggested to regulate tumor growth and angiogenesis. PAI-1 is unique among the serpins in that it can spontaneously and rapidly convert into its latent form. This involves full insertion of the RCL into b-sheet A. There were two partially overlapping goals for this thesis. The first was to use latent PAI-1 as model for development of a fluorescence-based method, Donor-Donor Energy Migration for intramolecular distance measurements. The second goal was to use DDEM, together with other biochemical methods, to reveal the structure of the PAI-1/uPA complex, the conformation of the RCL in active PAI-1, and molecular determinants responsible for the conversion of PAI-1 from the active to the latent form. The use of molecular genetics for introduction of fluorescent molecules enables the use of DDEM to determine intramolecular distances in a variety of proteins. This approach can be applied to examin the overall molecular dimensions of proteins and to investigate structural changes upon interactions with specific target molecules. In this work, the accuracy of the DDEM method has been evaluated by experiments with the latent PAI-1 for which X-ray structure is known. Our data show that distances approximating the Förster radius (57±1 Å) obtained by DDEM are in good agreement (within 5.5 Å) with the distances obtained by X-ray crystallography. The molecular details of the inhibitory mechanism of serpins and the structure of the serpin/protease complex have remained unclear. To obtain the structural insights required to discriminate between different models of serpin inhibition, we used fluorescence spectroscopy and cross-linking techniques to map sites of PAI-1/uPA interaction, and distance measurement by DDEM to triangulate the position of the uPA in the complex. The data have demonstrated clearly that in the covalent PAI-1/uPA complex, the uPA is located at the distal end of the PAI-1 molecule relative to the initial docking site. This indicates that serpin inhibition involves reactive center cleavage followed by full loop insertion, whereby the covalently linked protease is translocated from one pole of the inhibitor to the opposite one. To search for molecular determinants that could be responsible for conversion of PAI-1 to the latent form, we studied the conformation of the RCL in active PAI-1 in solution. Intramolecular distance measurements by DDEM, the newly a developed method based on probe quenching and biochemical methods revealed that the RCL in PAI-1 is located much closer to the core of PAI-1 than has been suggested by the recently resolved X-ray structures of stable PAI-1 mutants, and it can be partially inserted. This possibly explains for the ability of PAI-1 to convert spontaneously to its latent form.
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Experimental and Clinical Studies of Oxidative Stress in Pre-EclampsiaNash, Peppi January 2007 (has links)
<p>Impaired placentation and oxidative stress are proposed to play major roles in the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia (PE). It has recently been pointed out that PE might be more than one disease and may have several different pathogeneses. This thesis describes a new animal model for PE and examines the role of oxidative stress in early respective late onset PE. </p><p>The effects of Suramin injections on day 10 and 11 of pregnancy were investigated in normal and diabetic rats of two strains (U and H), with or without additional vitamin E treatment. Suramin caused placental dysfunction in both rat strains: foetal growth restriction, increased resorption rate, reduced placental blood flow, and decreased maternal blood volume in the placenta. In the U strain Suramin also caused maternal hypertension and reduced renal blood flow. Oxidative stress in the Suramin treated rats was indicated by increased levels of isoprostane 8-iso-PGF<sub>2α</sub> in the placenta. Antioxidative treatment with vitamin E partly protected against the effects of Suramin. Streptozotocin-induced diabetes seemed to cause similar placental effects as Suramin, and in the diabetic rats the additional effects of Suramin were only moderate. In conclusion, Suramin-injected pregnant rats constitute a valid animal model for placental dysfunction (U and H rats) and PE (U rats). </p><p>Oxidative stress was estimated in women with early onset (≤ 32 weeks) or late onset (≥ 35 weeks) PE, in normotensive pregnant women of respective gestational length, and in healthy non-pregnant women. The ratio of PAI-1/PAI-2 was measured in serum, and the amount of isoprostane 8-iso-PGF<sub>2α</sub> was measured in placenta, serum, and urine. The ratio of PAI-1/PAI-2 and placental isoprostane levels were higher in women with early onset PE compared with all other groups. Serum levels of isoprostane were similar between groups. Urinary levels of isoprostane were similar in all pregnant women, but lower in non-pregnant women. These data indicate that pregnancy increases general oxidative stress, and that early onset, but not late onset PE, causes increased oxidative stress also in placental tissue. The pathogeneses of early and late onset PE are, therefore, not likely to be identical.</p>
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Experimental and Clinical Studies of Oxidative Stress in Pre-EclampsiaNash, Peppi January 2007 (has links)
Impaired placentation and oxidative stress are proposed to play major roles in the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia (PE). It has recently been pointed out that PE might be more than one disease and may have several different pathogeneses. This thesis describes a new animal model for PE and examines the role of oxidative stress in early respective late onset PE. The effects of Suramin injections on day 10 and 11 of pregnancy were investigated in normal and diabetic rats of two strains (U and H), with or without additional vitamin E treatment. Suramin caused placental dysfunction in both rat strains: foetal growth restriction, increased resorption rate, reduced placental blood flow, and decreased maternal blood volume in the placenta. In the U strain Suramin also caused maternal hypertension and reduced renal blood flow. Oxidative stress in the Suramin treated rats was indicated by increased levels of isoprostane 8-iso-PGF2α in the placenta. Antioxidative treatment with vitamin E partly protected against the effects of Suramin. Streptozotocin-induced diabetes seemed to cause similar placental effects as Suramin, and in the diabetic rats the additional effects of Suramin were only moderate. In conclusion, Suramin-injected pregnant rats constitute a valid animal model for placental dysfunction (U and H rats) and PE (U rats). Oxidative stress was estimated in women with early onset (≤ 32 weeks) or late onset (≥ 35 weeks) PE, in normotensive pregnant women of respective gestational length, and in healthy non-pregnant women. The ratio of PAI-1/PAI-2 was measured in serum, and the amount of isoprostane 8-iso-PGF2α was measured in placenta, serum, and urine. The ratio of PAI-1/PAI-2 and placental isoprostane levels were higher in women with early onset PE compared with all other groups. Serum levels of isoprostane were similar between groups. Urinary levels of isoprostane were similar in all pregnant women, but lower in non-pregnant women. These data indicate that pregnancy increases general oxidative stress, and that early onset, but not late onset PE, causes increased oxidative stress also in placental tissue. The pathogeneses of early and late onset PE are, therefore, not likely to be identical.
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Hypoxic Regulation of VEGF and PAI-1 Expression by HIF-1[alpha] and HIF-2[alpha] in First Trimester TrophoblastsMeade, Eliza 15 November 2006 (has links)
Preeclampsia results from incomplete trophoblast invasion of the spiral arteries during early pregnancy. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) are critical factors involved in angiogenesis, invasion and hemostasis at the maternal-fetal interface. Both factors are transcriptionally regulated by hypoxia inducible factor (HIF), a heterodimeric complex consisting of HIF-1[beta] and either HIF-1[alpha] or -2[alpha] whose specificity or redundancy in gene regulation is cell-type specific. This study uses siRNA technology to dissect the mechanisms of hypoxia-mediated regulation of PAI-1 and VEGF expression in first trimester trophoblasts. Immortalized first trimester human extravillous trophoblasts (HTR8/SVneo cells) were maintained in serum-free and serum-containing media for 4h (n=3-4), 8h (n=6), 24h (n=5) and 48h (n=5) under normoxic (21% O2) and hypoxic (1-2% O2) conditions to determine a time of maximum induction of both VEGF and PAI-1. Subsequently, cells were maintained for 48h in the presence or absence of siRNA for HIF-1[alpha], HIF-2[alpha], HIF-1[alpha] + -2[alpha], a non-targeting (NT) sequence or Cyclophilin B (CB). Media were then removed, cells lysed, and Western blotting used to assess HIF-[alpha] knockdown. VEGF and PAI-1 levels in the media were quantified by ELISA and results expressed as pg or ng/[micro]g protein. Results from 3 to 8 independent experiments were analyzed using unpaired t-tests. Under hypoxic conditions treatment of cells with HIF-1[alpha], HIF-2[alpha] or HIF -1[alpha] + -2[alpha] siRNA resulted in >90% HIF-Ñ protein knockdown as determined by Western blotting. 48h of hypoxic treatment caused a statistically significant increase in PAI-1 levels (p<0.01) and VEGF levels (p<0.001) compared to normoxic controls. Under hypoxic conditions, PAI-1 levels were 4.75 [plus-minus] 0.46 ng/[micro]g protein and VEGF levels were 7.27 [plus-minus] 1.08 pg/[micro]g protein. Treatment with siRNA to HIF-1[alpha], HIF-2[alpha] and HIF-1[alpha] + -2[alpha] significantly reduced PAI-1 levels to 3.3 [plus-minus] 0.35 (p<0.02), 3.1 [plus-minus] 0.38 (p<0.03) and 2.4 [plus-minus] 0.19 (p<0.003), respectively. No significant difference in PAI-1 reduction was noted between the three HIF siRNA conditions. Under hypoxic conditions, levels of VEGF in cells treated with siRNA to HIF-1[alpha] (5.79 [plus-minus] 0.55), HIF-2[alpha] (5.50 [plus-minus] 1.24) and HIF-1[alpha] + -2[alpha] (4.24 [plus-minus] 0.93) were reduced compared to the hypoxic control (7.27 [plus-minus] 1.08), yet these effects did not reach statistical significance. However, when compared with the levels observed in cells treated with NT siRNA (9.90 [plus-minus] .98), all HIF siRNA treatments promoted a significant reduction in VEGF expression (p<0.003, p<0.02 and p<0.003 for HIF-1[alpha], HIF-2[alpha] and HIF-1[alpha]+ -2[alpha], respectively). In conclusion, these results indicate that hypoxia-mediated changes in PAI-1 and VEGF expression in trophoblasts are regulated similarly by both HIF-1[alpha] and HIF-2[alpha]. This provides important insight into the molecular mechanisms regulating hemostasis and trophoblast invasion as well as their potential dysfunction in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia
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Etude de l'influence du PAI-1 matriciel sur la régulation de la transition Mésenchymo-Amiboïde des cellules cancéreusesCartier-Michaud, Amandine 14 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
La transition cellulaire Mésenchymo-Amiboïde (MAT) est requise pour l'échappement métastasique, cependant elle n'a encore jamais été associée à une situation physiopathologique précise. PAI-1, l'inhibiteur de l'activateur du plasminogène de type-1, est une molécule du microenvironnement tumoral considérée comme facteur de mauvais pronostic et localisée en forte concentration autour des tumeurs les plus invasives. Nous montrons que, sous sa forme matricielle active, PAI-1 est capable d'entretenir, au cours du temps et de façon dose-dépendante, la morphologie amiboïde de cellules cancéreuses colorectales et mammaires, et que celle-ci est associée à une adhérence faible intégrines-indépendante, une migration de type amiboïde et à l'activation de la voie RhoA/ROCK-1/MLC-P. Le mécanisme moléculaire mis en jeu a partiellement été mis en évidence : nous montrons que l'immobilisation de PAI-1 et sa liaison à l'uPA sont indispensables, et nous suggérons la possibilité que le récepteur membranaire uPAR participe à la transmission de signaux maintenant la voie RhoA/ROCK-1/MLC-P active. La compatibilité des effets du PAI-1 matriciel vis-à-vis des principales voies de signalisation impliquées dans la régulation de la transition MAT est établie in silico grâce à une méthode fondée sur la modélisation de la dynamique des réseaux d'interactions. L'ensemble de ces résultats permet pour la première fois de caractériser une situation physiopathologique microenvironnementale favorable à la transition MAT ; et bien que la forme matricielle de PAI-1 n'ait pas encore livré tous ses secrets, elle semble être une cible thérapeutique intéressante.
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