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Mobiliserar riksdagsvalet och Europaparlamentsvalet samma väljare? : En kvantitativ undersökning kring vilka faktorer som påverkar valdeltagandet / Do the parliamentary elections and the European Parliament elections mobilize the same voters? : A quantitative survey of the factors that influence voter turnoutLilliehöök, Joakim, Skog, Sanna January 2024 (has links)
Valdeltagandet i EP-valet har historiskt sett varit betydligt lägre än valdeltagandet vid nationella val, både för medborgare i Europeiska unionen som hos de svenska medborgarna. I denna undersökning tittar vi närmare på de faktorer som potentiellt påverkar huruvida man deltar eller ej. Från den tidigare forskningen hämtar vi förklaringar som kön, ålder, utbildning etc och applicerar dessa på valdeltagandet. Vi ämnar undersöka i vilken utsträckning samma individer deltar i riksdagsvalet och EP-valet, samt att undersöka vilka faktorer, om några, som påverkar benägenheten hos individer att delta i riksdagsvalet och EP-valet. Vi undersöker om det är samma eller olika faktorer som påverkar deras deltagande i dessa val. Vi använder data inhämtat från Europaparlamentsvalundersökningen 2019 som genomfördes i samarbete mellan Statsvetenskapliga institutionen vid Göteborgs universitet och Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB) och med hjälp av en korstabell och logistisk regression kommer vi bland annat fram till att det finns ett statistiskt signifikant samband mellan utbildning och politisk kunskap och deltagande i EP-valet, vilket inte finns i riksdagsvalet. Vi ser även att det finns ett statistiskt signifikant samband mellan kön och deltagande i riksdagsvalet vilket inte finns i EP-valet. Faktorerna inkomst, politisk diskussion och konsumtion av politiska nyheter har ett starkare samband och påverkan i riksdagsvalet än vad det har i EP-valet. Medan politiskt intresse har ett starkare samband och påverkan i EP-valet än i riksdagsvalet. / The voter turnout in the elections to the European Parliament have historically been low among the citizens in the European Union, including Sweden. In this study, our aim is to further investigate which factors affect voter turnout. From the previous research, we derive explanations such as gender, age, education, etc. and apply these to voter turnout. We intend to investigate to what extent the same individuals participate in the parliamentary elections and the European Parliament elections, as well as to investigate which factors, if any, influence the propensity of individuals to participate in the parliamentary elections and the EP elections. We are interested in investigating whether similar or different factors influence their participation in these elections. We use data obtained from the European Parliament election survey 2019, which was carried out in collaboration between the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg and Statistics Sweden and by using a cross table and logistic regression, we conclude that there is a statistically significant relationship between education and political knowledge and participation in the EP election, which is not found in the parliamentary election. Additionally we discover that there is a statistically significant relationship between gender and participation in the parliamentary election, which is not found in the EP election. The factors income, political discussion and consumption of political news have a stronger connection and influence in the parliamentary elections compared to the EP elections. Conversely, political interest demonstrates a stronger association and influence in the EP election than in the parliamentary election
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Efekt souseda a jeho vliv na volební chování v českých parlamentních volbách / The Friends and Neighbours Effect and Its Relevance to Voting Behaviour in Czech Parliamentary ElectionsPileček, Radek January 2020 (has links)
Voter decision-making about which political party to support in the elections is a very complex process. One of the key factors influencing our voting behaviour is the effect of particular candidates in terms of their local activities. Many Czech and also foreign studies show that candidates gain significantly higher preferences in the municipality of their residence and its surroundings. Within the analyzed parliamentary elections, this is reflected not only by the territorial concentration of preferential votes, but also by higher local electoral support of the political parties or movements represented by these candidates. This diploma thesis examines, among other things, differences in the strength of the described effect (technically called the friends and neighbours effect) between candidates from different political parties and in different regions of Czechia. Quantitative research has shown greater local strength and spatial extent of friends and neighbours effect for leading candidates from non-metropolitan areas who have experiences from local or regional politics, such as mayors or regional councilors. In the 2017 parliamentary elections, the friends and neighbours effect mostly influenced the spatial patterns of electoral support of the KDU-ČSL and the STAN movement and on the other...
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Média a negativní politická kampaň: volby do PSP ČR v roce 2013 / Media and negative political campaign: czech parliamentary election in 2013Mašková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The main objective of the thesis is to analyse the role of selected Czech dailies and online news servers during the assertion of negative political campaigns before Czech parliamentary elections in 2013. The research led to answering the question, how were the newspapers, in comparison to the servers, concerned with the transfer of negative contents performed by Czech political subjects during the period of election campaigning. As the source of analysed data, the thesis used dailies Mlada fronta Dnes and Pravo and online news servers Aktualne.cz and iHNed.cz. The thesis observed a share of negative evaluative remarks in the news content dealing with the topic of Czech political campaign which was concerned with the negative campaigning of Czech political parties, as well as the way in which was this topic commented by the selected media. Crucial part of the thesis is a comparison of the parliamentary elections of 2013 with the preceding elections of 2006 and 2010. The aim was to show how the elections of 2013 fit in a trend of utilisation of negative political communication in Czech setting and how has changed the media coverage of the phenomenon during the observed years. From the thesis emerges the result that the dailies covered negative political assertions much more often than the online...
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Svobodné slovo 1945-1948: ústřední deník Československé strany národně socialistické / Svobodné slovo from 1945 to 1948: Central Daily Newspaper of the Czechoslovak National Socialist PartyRottová, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis Svobodné slovo 1945-1948: Central Organ of the Czechoslovak National Socialist Party deals with a development of the party newspaper Svobodné slovo in the aforementioned period. The author describes all the aspects of the edition of this newspaper as well as related circumstances on the basis of archive sources, press of that time and specialized literature. The thesis focuses on the restoration of Svobodné slovo after the end of the World War II, its subsequent evolution within newly established condition and provides coherent survey not only of the internal functioning of Prague editorial office of Svobodné slovo, but also of the general content orientation of the newspaper in the given period. With reference to the party character of Svobodné slovo, the author writes also on its interconnection and narrow relation with the Czechoslovak National Socialist Party. The thesis is completed with a historical context of Czechoslovakia of the second part of 1940's. In this connection, the emphasis is laid namely on parliamentary elections realized in May 1946 and the communist coup d'état occurred in February 1948. Both these events are presented especially from the point of view, which was published in Svobodné slovo including the consequences caused to this newspaper by them. For...
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Коммуникативный сценарий “Парламентские выборы” (на материале русскоязычных СМИ Кыргызстана) : магистерская диссертация / Communicative scenario of a political event "Parliamentary elections" (on the material of Russian-language media)Айдарова, Ы. А., Aydarova, Y. A. January 2017 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена описанию коммуникативного сценария политического события «Парламентские выборы». Выявлены признаки и структурf коммуникативного сценария борьбы за парламентскую власть. Работа выполнена в русле одного из новых направлений в русистике – политической лингвистики. / The master thesis is devoted to the description of the communicative scenario of a political event "Parliamentary elections". Signs and structures of the communicative scenario of fight for the parliamentary power are revealed. Work is performed in line with one of the new directions in Russian philology – political linguistics.
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Situace v politickém okrese Strakonice od května 1946 do února 1948 / Situation in the Political District of Strakonice in the Period between May 1946 and February 1948Dunovský, Marek January 2013 (has links)
Dunovský M. The Situation in the Political District of Strakonice in the Period between May 1946 and February 1948. Key Words: Strakonice, parliamentary elections in May 1946, renewed ONV Strakonice, renewed MNV Strakonice, the council of ONV Strakonice, the council of MNV Strakonice, plenum of MNV Strakonice, confiscations of private possessions, February 1948, people's militia, OAV-NF Strakonice, public purification. This thesis focuses primarily on the description of the political conditions in the area of the former political district of Strakonice between May 1946 and February 1948. Hence, the main focus lies on the topics such as the activity and agenda of ONV Strakonice and MNV Strakonice with regard to the personal and political structure of these authorities following the parliamentary elections in the spring of 1946 and the radical changes after the political coup on February 25th 1948. In this respect the thesis tracks the alterations in the distribution of political power in the region and offers a clear view of the transition from the unstable post- war democracy to the communistic dictatorship. Confiscations of private possessions based on the decisions of the responsible authorities are among other issues addressed in the thesis. In this respect the thesis covers the entire area of...
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Vývoj sudetoněmeckých politických hnutí v letech 1933 - 1938 / Development of the Sudeten German political movements in the yars 1933 - 1938Kupr, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
The master's thesis "Development of the Sudeten German political movements in the years 1933 - 1938" is focusing on the formation and development of Sudetenland German political movements in the Czechoslovak Republic. It deals with the situation of German minority group, it analyses the assumptions and also attempts for unification of German (negativistic) political field in the process being aimed at establishment and forming Sudetenland German Patriotic Front (SHF) in 1933. The thesis subsequently follows up the chronological development of Henlein Movement (SHF), the relation to other German political parties and the state, and also the transformation in Sudetenland German Party (SdP) in 1935. Afterwards, the thesis include the analysis of its election programme, the ways of campaigning and the election results in the parliamentary elections in 1935 (the voter turnout in municipal election in 1934 and 1938 is also mentioned). The internal party crisis belongs among other milestones of SdP that are dealt in this thesis just as Carlsbad Programme (with the demands against Czechoslovakia), the dissolving of SdP and the changeover of former members to German National Socialist Labour Party (NSDAP) in 1938.
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Aplikace marketingu v činnosti politických stran a osobností / Political marketing tools and their use in election campaigns in the elections to the Chamber of Deputies in Czech Republic in year 2013Novák, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the use of political marketing during elections to the Chamber of Deputies in Czech Republic in 2013. Aim of the thesis is both to analyze political campaigns and their impact on voters, but also what kind of influence they had on the final outcome of the election. The work is divided into a theoretical part, which describes the evolution of political marketing both in the world and in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, the analytical part, which is currently focused on the analysis of political campaigns before the elections. And lastly, the thesis contains practical part, which focuses on research of current situation and the political perception of voters and their current electoral preference.
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Předvolební strategie malých politických stran: Případová studie TOP 09, Věcí veřejných a Strany práv občanů - Zemanovci pro volby do PS PČR 2010 / Election Strategy of Small Political Parties: Case Study on TOP 09, Public Affairs Party and Party of Civic Rights - Zemanovci before Czech Parliamentary Elections 2010Kapuciánová, Aneta January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis Election Strategy of Small Political Parties: Case Study on TOP 09, Public Affairs Party and Party of Civic Rights - Zemanovci before Czech Parliamentary Elections 2010 assesses the election campaign of mentioned political parties, their personal, communication and financial strategy as well as their strategy of inter-parties relations. The author assumes that the small political parties, which all of the examined ones were at the time of this research, lead the campaign in a similar way - avoiding the negative campaign, they are led by a strong and well-known personality who can attract the attention not only of the voters but also of the media, and they have a large number of supporters who sympathize with the particular political entity. The theoretical concept of the text is based on the similarity of political and economic approach of marketing - therefore the author reckons the small political parties as the nichers of the political market. They can be characterized by occupying only a small niche of the political market which is ignored by the bigger political parties for those it is place of peripheral importance. Hence the basis of electoral campaign of any small political party is delineation unoccupied part of the market. Nevertheless it is crucial to simultaneously...
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Multilevel Approaches to Dealing with the Challenges of DiversityEhret, Agnes 12 May 2022 (has links)
In recent years, the role of diversity has become increasingly important and present – both in society and at the workplace. Diversity, that is any attribute that people might use do distinguish between self and others, is a topic that is visible in several areas and that has challenging implications, both for organizations and for society as a whole. It is a multilevel construct that needs a holistic approach - but so far, most of the research on diversity is limited to the team level, without reflecting on implications for other levels and interactions with other levels of diversity. The first objective of this dissertation is to examine whether approaches of organizational diversity research, namely faultlines, are applicable to the societal level and whether they are useful on this level to explain phenomena of societal relevance. Second, we investigate whether diversity trainings on the team-level can help meet these challenges by teaching useful competencies. And third, we explore whether characteristics on the individual level, namely intrapersonal diversity, enable people to overcome the challenges of diversity which will ultimately also contribute to meet the challenges of diversity on the societal level. On the basis of the combination of findings on diversity at three different levels and the introduced multi-level model, new hypotheses at different levels of analyses can be formulated and subsequently tested.:1. Introduction
2. Core Constructs and Conceptual Clarifications
3. Theoretical Framework
4. Status Quo of Diversity Research
5. Overview of the Research Program
6. Does Social Context Predict Voting for Far-Right Parties? A Study on Societal Faultlines and Voting Behavior in East Germany
7. When Diversity is Something New: Enhancing Diversity Beliefs among Apprentices
8. Intrapersonal Diversity: We Like what we are
9. General Discussion / Diversität hat in den letzten Jahren zunehmend an Bedeutung und Präsenz gewonnen – sowohl in der Gesellschaft als auch am Arbeitsplatz. Diversität, also jedes Merkmal, das Menschen dazu nutzen können, sich selbst als unterschiedlich von anderen Personen wahrzunehmen, ist in vielen Bereichen sichtbar und stellt sowohl für Organisationen als auch für die Gesellschaft als Ganzes eine große Herausforderung dar. Es ist ein Mehrebenen-Konstrukt, das einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz erfordert – die bisherige Forschung zu Diversität beschränkt sich jedoch größtenteils auf die Gruppenebene, ohne Auswirkungen auf oder Interaktionen mit andere Ebenen von Vielfalt zu berücksichtigen. Das erste Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es zu prüfen, ob Ansätze der organisationalen Diversitätsforschung, namentlich Faultlines, auf die gesellschaftliche Ebene übertragbar sind und ob sie auf dieser Ebene nützlich sind, um gesellschaftlich relevante Phänomene zu erklären. Zweitens untersuchen wir, ob Diversitätstrainings auf Gruppenebene helfen können, diese Herausforderungen zu meistern, indem sie nützliche Kompetenzen vermitteln. Und drittens untersuchen wir, ob Eigenschaften auf der individuellen Ebene, namentlich intrapersonelle Diversität, Menschen dazu befähigen, die Herausforderungen von Diversität zu bewältigen, was letztlich auch dazu beitragen wird, den Herausforderungen von Diversität auf gesellschaftlicher Ebene gerecht zu werden. Auf Basis der Kombination von Diversitätserkenntnissen auf drei unterschiedlichen Ebenen und dem vorgestellten Mehrebenen-Modell können neue Hypothesen auf unterschiedlichen Analyseebenen formuliert und anschließend überprüft werden.:1. Introduction
2. Core Constructs and Conceptual Clarifications
3. Theoretical Framework
4. Status Quo of Diversity Research
5. Overview of the Research Program
6. Does Social Context Predict Voting for Far-Right Parties? A Study on Societal Faultlines and Voting Behavior in East Germany
7. When Diversity is Something New: Enhancing Diversity Beliefs among Apprentices
8. Intrapersonal Diversity: We Like what we are
9. General Discussion
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