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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intensidade de pastejo como condicionante da estrutura do dossel e da assimilação de carbono de pastos de capim Xaraés [Brachiaria brizantha (A. Rich) Stapf. cv. Xaraés] sob lotação contínua / Grazing intensity as a determinant of structure and carbon assimilation in swards of Xaraes palisadegrass [Brachiaria brizantha (A. Rich.) Stapf. cv. Xaraés] under continuous stocking

Pequeno, Diego Noleto Luz 25 February 2010 (has links)
A produção de forragem em pastagens é resultado de um processo complexo e dinâmico onde características estruturais como o arranjo e a distribuição de partes da planta e o padrão de distribuição de luz condicionam respostas fisiológicas e produtivas. A altura de dossel mantida constante pode ser relacionada com respostas produtivas, estruturais e fisiológicas do dossel, possibilitando recomendações de manejo do pastejo. O objetivo do trabalho foi quantificar o efeito da altura de dossel mantida constante em 15, 30 e 45 cm sobre características produtivas e morfo-fisiológicas do capim Xaraés [Brachiaria brizantha (A. Rich) Stapf. cv. Xaraés] submetido à lotação contínua. O estudo foi realizado na Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, campus da USP, localizado em Piracicaba SP. Foram avaliados a produção e taxas de acúmulo de forragem, proporção de folhas, colmos e material morto, índice de área foliar (IAF), interceptação luminosa (IL), ângulo foliar e taxas de fotossíntese foliar e de dossel. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos e três repetições. As unidades experimentais (piquetes) tiveram 120 m2 cada e as alturas de dossel foram mantidas constante utilizando a técnica de mob grazing. O total de forragem produzida e a taxa de acúmulo não variaram com as alturas de dossel estudadas. A massa de forragem total mantida nos pastos esteve diretamente relacionada com a altura de dossel. A maior proporção de folhas nos dosséis mantidos a 15 cm foi acompanhada de menor proporção de colmos, com exceção do final da primavera, em relação àqueles mantidos a 45 cm. No final da primavera maiores proporções de material morto foram encontradas nos dosséis mantidos a 45 cm, não variando com as alturas de dossel do verão ao início do outono. O IAF esteve diretamente relacionado com a altura de dossel apresentando valores médios variando de 1,6 a 3,4 para os dosséis mantidos a 15 e 45 cm, respectivamente. O IAF dos dosséis com valores de 2,5 já apresentavam máximos valores de IL (99%), condição encontrada nos pastos mantidos a 30 cm. O ângulo foliar não sofreu efeito de altura de dossel, com média de 39º em relação à horizontal. A taxa fotossintética média da folha mais jovem completamente expandida foi diminuída 17% quando a altura média de dossel foi aumentada de 15 para 45 cm. As taxas de fotossíntese de dossel simuladas pelo modelo foram aumentadas com incrementos na altura de dossel, alcançando valores máximos nos dosséis mantidos a 30 e 45 cm. O aumento nas taxas fotossintéticas de dossel seguiu o mesmo padrão de resposta do IAF e da IL. A altura de dossel em pastos de capim Xaraés pode ser mantida entre 15 e 45 cm, porém perdas significativas podem ocorrer na assimilação de carbono quando os dosséis são mantidos a 15 cm. / Forage production from pastures is the result of a complex and dynamic process where structural features such as the arrangement and distribution of plant parts and patterns of light distribution condition physiological and productive responses. Canopy height, when kept constant can be related to the productive, physiological and structural responses by the canopy, allowing for the development of grazing management recommendations. The objective of this study was to quantify the effect of canopy height, maintained at 15, 30 and 45 cm on productive, morphological and physiological responses of Xaraes palisadegrass [Brachiaria brizantha (A. Rich) Stapf. cv. Xaraés] under continuous stocking. The study was carried out at Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\", USP campus, located in Piracicaba - SP. Responses measured included forage production and accumulation rates, the proportion of leaves, stems and dead material, leaf area index (LAI), light interception (LI), leaf angle, and photosynthetic rates of leaf and canopy. The experimental design was completely randomized with three treatments and three replications. Experimental units (paddocks) had 120 m2 each and canopy heights were kept constant using the mob grazing technique. The total herbage yield and accumulation rate did not vary among canopy heights. Forage mass was directly related to the height of the canopy and the largest proportion of leaves in the canopy kept at 15 cm was accompanied by a lower proportion of stems, except in late spring, compared to those kept at 45 cm. In late spring higher proportions of dead material were found in swards kept at 45 cm, but this response did not vary with canopy height from summer to early autumn. Leaf area index was directly related to canopy height, averaging 1.6 to 3.4 for the canopies kept at 15 and 45 cm, respectively. Canopy LAI of 2.5 already showed maximum LI (99%), a condition found in pastures maintained at 30 cm. Leaf angle was not affected by canopy height, with an average of 39 degrees from the horizontal reference. The average photosynthetic rate of the youngest fully expanded leaf decreased by 17% when the average canopy height was increased from 15 to 45 cm. Simulated rates of canopy photosynthesis were increased with increasing canopy height, reaching maximum values in swards kept at 30 cm. The increase in canopy photosynthetic rates followed the same pattern of response of LAI and LI. Canopy height in grazed grass Xaraes palisadegrass can be maintained between 15 and 45 cm, but significant losses can occur in carbon assimilation when the canopies are kept at 15 cm.

Avaliação de modelos matemáticos desenvolvidos para auxiliar a tomada de decisão em sistemas de produção de ruminantes em pastagens. / Evaluation of mathematical models developed to aid decision-making in pasture-based ruminant production systems.

Medeiros, Henrique Rocha de 17 October 2003 (has links)
Nos sistemas agropecuários (SA) o meio-ambiente, o solo, os animais e as plantas são componentes indissociáveis no processo de produção. Além disso, nesses sistemas o tempo de produção é relativamente longo. Essas características dos SA incrementam o risco e a incerteza associados às alternativas de decisão tomadas no processo de produção. Uma ferramenta que pode ser utilizada para auxiliar esse processo são os modelos matemáticos. Os modelos são uma representação simplificada da realidade e permitem estimar a resposta (e.g., produção) de um sistema face a alterações no processo e/ou descrever e compreender alguns dos processos que ocorrem dentro deste. Este trabalho teve como objetivos (i) testar o modelo Stockpol ® nas condições e sistemas de produção de ruminantes em pastagens brasileiros, (ii) validar um modelo de acúmulo de forragem em função de variáveis climáticas, e (iii) avaliar modelos para estimar consumo de forragem em sistemas de produção de ruminantes em pastagens. Para esse propósito foram identificadas publicações com informações suficientes que pudessem ser utilizadas nos exercícios de validação e avaliação modelos testados. As informações selecionadas sobre os sistemas de produção utilizados no Brasil foram catalogadas em três bancos de dados: pastagens, bovinos e indicadores de preços e insumos. Esse trabalho de organização dos bancos de dados permitiu identificar áreas carentes de pesquisa (como, por exemplo, a estacionalidade de produção forrageira e consumo de forragem por animais em pastejo) além da necessidade de se padronizar os procedimentos metodológicos, para que se possa comparar e integrar os resultados obtidos diversas regiões do Brasil. Apesar das limitações encontradas, se forem realizados ajustes nos parâmetros e/ou a inclusão de novas variáveis no modelo Stockpol ® , esse poderá vir a ser uma ferramenta de auxílio à pesquisa e ao processo de tomada de decisão nos sistemas de produção de ruminantes em pastagens do Brasil. O Modelo de Unidades Fototérmicas (UF) proposto é adequado para estimar a produção de Cynodon spp. desde que os fatores de variação sejam unicamente fotoperíodo e temperatura. Nesse modelo as simulações deverão ser realizadas para períodos entre 28 e 42 dias, e a temperatura base utilizada entre 13 e 15 ºC. No futuro, mais variáveis (e. g. balanço hídrico) poderão ser incorporadas ao modelo a fim de melhorar a exatidão das suas estimativas. O modelo avaliado para estimar consumo de forragem por ruminantes em pastejo deverá ser reparametrizado e/ou utilizar a oferta de folhas (massa de folhas verdes dividida pelo peso vivo animal, ambos numa mesma área de pastagem), quando aplicado a sistemas que utilizem pastagens de clima tropical. O modelo para estimar desempenho não estimou corretamente o ganho de peso dos animais, provavelmente devido à superestimativa do custo energético do pastejo e/ou da subestimativa do valor nutritivo da dieta selecionada pelos animais. Espera-se que solucionado essa questão, o modelo de desempenho animal possa trabalhar em conjunto com os modelos de UF e de consumo de forragem para que assim seja possível realizar simulações de um sistema de produção de ruminantes nas condições climáticas brasileiras e com pastagens de clima tropical. / In agricultural systems, environment, soil, animals and plants are indissociable components of the production process. Furthermore, the production time-frame is relatively long. These characteristics enhance risk and uncertainty associated with decision alternatives made during the process. One tool which can aid in decision-making in these processes is the use of mathematical modeling. Models are simplified representations of reality and allow for the estimation of responses of the system (e.g., production) as the process is altered or for the description and understanding of processes within the system. The objectives of the present study were to (i) test the Stockpol ® model under the conditions and as a predicting tool for ruminant production systems in Brazil, (ii) validate a herbage accumulation model based on climatic variables, and (iii) evaluate models that estimate forage intake on pasture-based animal production systems. For these purposes, the available literature was surveyed in order to identify the datasets that would fulfill the necessary requirements in terms of amount of information needed for the validation and evaluation exercises. The information were then catalogued in three separate datasets: pasture, animal, and economic indicators. This work allowed for the identification of research areas where information is short (such as the seasonal distribution of annual forage production as well as forage intake by grazing animals), besides the need for standardization of research methods and procedures so that research data generated in different environments and by different research groups in Brazil can be compared on the same basis. Despite the many limitations, if the existing parameters are reviewed or adjusted and/or new input variables are incorporated, the Stockpol ® model may become both a research and a decision-making tool for pasture-based animal production systems in Brazil. The Photothermal Units (PU) model proved suitable as it gave adequate predictions of forage yield of Cynodon spp. grasses considering only daylength and temperature as input variables. In this model, predictions seem to be most accurate when the base-temperature is between 13 and 15 ºC. In the future, more input variables, such as the hidric balance (to fine-tune the water budget) may be incorporated into the model to enhance its prediction ability. The model evaluated to predict forage intake by grazing ruminants will likely need reparametrization and/or use green leaf allowance (green leaf dry mass divided by total liveweight at any one point in time) to be useful in predicting intake on tropical pastures. The model used to predict performance gave poor estimates of weight gain, probably due to the overestimation of the energy cost of grazing and/or the underestimation of the nutritive value of the diet selected. It is expected that, once these issues have been resolved, the performance model can operate in conjunction with both the PU and the intake models so that the major components of the system can be simulated under Brazilian conditions

Mounted on a Pedestal: Bertha Honoré Palmer

Black, Hope L 08 November 2007 (has links)
The thesis Mounted on a Pedestal, chronicles the life of Bertha Honoré Palmer. The focus of her story are the years after 1910, when she traveled to Sarasota, Florida and heralded the flight to the southernmost state, leading the pack in the purchase and development of land in the Sarasota/ Tampa Bay area. The totality of her years prior to that time serve as a prelude to her accomplishments and the vicissitudes of her life in the sleepy little fishing village she found. Born in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1849, she was provided with a privileged, comfortable childhood and a sheltered academic education at the most prestigious schools for young ladies of the day. She excelled academically and won high praise for her exemplary demeanor. She was beautiful, intelligent, musically gifted, a competent linguist and writer, an astute businesswoman, a paragon of graciousness, and politically savvy. She married business mogul, Potter Palmer, when she was twenty-one and he forty-four. Bertha Palmer was a pacesetter of haute couture; the society pages of the newspapers were filled with detailed descriptions of her gowns, her jewels and her lavish parties. Her Chicago homes were architectural masterpieces and she furnished them with treasures from renowned artisans. In 1900, she was appointed by President William McKinley as the only woman on the national commission to represent the United States at the Paris Exposition. Mrs. Palmer's most prominent position was as president of the Board of Lady Managers at the Chicago World's Fair of 1893. She had close personal relations with the elite of American Society and European royalty. Following the death of her husband Potter, in 1902, Mrs. Palmer combined her life of splendor, advocacy, and mobility while pursuing every opportunity to increase the value of her holdings, principally with real estate investments. She had been bequeathed an estate worth eight million dollars. Before her death, she would more than double her net worth. She would invest in thousands of acres of land, build more homes and amass a fortune in possessions.

Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Temperate Pasture Quality

Thulin, Susanne Maria, smthulin@telia.com January 2009 (has links)
This thesis describes the research undertaken for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, testing the hypothesis that spectrometer data can be used to establish usable relationships for prediction of pasture quality attributes. The research data consisted of reflectance measurements of various temperate pasture types recorded at four different times (years 2000 to 2002), recorded by three hyperspectral sensors, the in situ ASD, the airborne HyMap and the satellite-borne Hyperion. Corresponding ground-based pasture samples were analysed for content of chlorophyll, water, crude protein, digestibility, lignin and cellulose at three study sites in rural Victoria, Australia. This context was used to evaluate effects of sensor differences, data processing and enhancement, analytical methods and sample variability on the predictive capacity of derived prediction models. Although hyperspectral data analysis is being applied in many areas very few studies on temperate pastures have been conducted and hardly any encompass the variability and heterogeneity of these southern Australian examples. The research into the relationship between the spectrometer data and pasture quality attribute assays was designed using knowledge gained from assessment of other hyperspectral remote sensing and near-infrared spectroscopy research, including bio-chemical and physical properties of pastures, as well as practical issues of the grazing industries and carbon cycling/modelling. Processing and enhancement of the spectral data followed methods used by other hyperspectral researchers with modifications deemed essential to produce better relationships with pasture assay data. As many different methods are in use for the analysis of hyperspectral data several alternative approaches were investigated and evaluated to determine reliability, robustness and suitability for retrieval of temperate pasture quality attributes. The analyses employed included stepwise multiple linear regression (SMLR) and partial least squares regression (PLSR). The research showed that the spectral research data had a higher potential to be used for prediction of crude protein and digestibility than for the plant fibres lignin and cellulose. Spectral transformation such as continuum removal and derivatives enhanced the results. By using a modified approach based on sample subsets identified by a matrix of subjective bio-physical and ancillary data parameters, the performance of the models were enhanced. Prediction models from PLSR developed on ASD in situ spectral data, HyMap airborne imagery and Hyperion and corresponding pasture assays showed potential for predicting the two important pasture quality attributes crude protein and digestibility in hyperspectral imagery at a few quantised levels corresponding to levels currently used in commercial feed testing. It was concluded that imaging spectrometry has potential to offer synoptic, simultaneous and spatially continuous information valuable to feed based enterprises in temperate Victoria. The thesis provide a significant contribution to the field of hyperspectral remote sensing and good guidance for future hyperspectral researchers embarking on similar tasks. As the research is based on temperate pastures in Victoria, Australia, which are dominated by northern hemisphere species, the findings should be applicable to analysis of temperate pastures elsewhere, for example in Western Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, North America, Europe and northern Asia (China).

Summer nutrition of sheep based on residues of annual crops and medic pastures / by Reza Valizadeh.

Valizadeh, Reza January 1994 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 259-291. / xiii, 291 leaves, [8 leaves of col. plates] : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Faculty of Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences,1994

Summer nutrition of sheep based on residues of annual crops and medic pastures

Valizadeh, Reza. January 1994 (has links) (PDF)
Bibliography: leaves 259-291.

Elninių žvėrių mitybos ypatumai skirtingo mišrumo medynuose / Examination of deer (Cervidea) diet in various mixed forest stands

Baranauskaitė, Jurgita 21 June 2010 (has links)
Tyrimams yra pasirinkti medynai esantys skirtingose miškų urėdijose ir atitinkantys skirtingas medžioklės plotų kategorijas: Buktos miško masyvas (VĮ Marijampolės miškų urėdija); Pagėgių miško masyvas (VĮ Šilutės miškų urėdija); Naujininkų miško masyvas (VĮ Šilutės miškų urėdija); Darsūniškio miškas (VĮ Kaišiadorių miškų urėdija). Tyrimų metu buvo išskirtos apskaitos aikštelės, kuriose buvo nustatytas medelių bei krūmų skabymo intensyvumas, dalis pašarų sudėtyje, utilizacijos faktorius, sutinkamumas. Nustatytos labiausiai ir mažiausiai mėgiamos trako ir pomiškio rūšys. Taip pat buvo atlikta ir elninių žvėrių apskaita pagal ekskrementus. / There were selected forest stands in several State Forest Enterprises corresponding to different categories of hunting areas: Bukta forest (Marijampolė State Forest Enterprise), Pagėgiai forest (Šilutė State Forest Enterprise), Naujininkai forest (Šilutė State Forest Enterprise) and Drasiūniškis forest (Kaišiadoriai State Forest Enterprise). For estimation of browsing intensity, share in forage, utilization factor and occurrence of undergrowth and understorey tree and shrub species, sampling plots were intercepted. There were identified most and least preferable undergrowth and understorey tree and shrub species. By counting pellets number of deer animals was estimated as well.

Response of plant roots and pastureland soils to increasing CO2 concentration

Al-Traboulsi, Manal. January 1999 (has links)
In an attempt to investigate the cause of change in the competitive ability between monocots and dicots in a pastureland in Farnham, Quebec under CO2 enrichment, I chose to study the response of Plantago major (dicot) and Poa pratensis (monocot) grown in ambient and elevated CO2 chambers, hypothesizing that a large increase in root biomass of dicots would be observed under elevated CO 2. A transient stimulation of root biomass of Plantago major was found during the first month of CO2 exposure but disappeared later. / The second objective of this study was to examine the effect of 5 years of CO2 enrichment both on root biomass and on total C and N content of roots and soil in the pasture. The largest belowground growth was recorded for Taraxacum officinale. Plantago major responded by achieving the highest aboveground growth. / N content of CO2 enriched roots was reduced. This change in the elemental composition of root tissues might negatively affect the process of decomposition and therefore, the nutrient availability to soil microbes and plants. The observed reduction of NO3 in CO2 enriched soil maybe due to greater N immobilization caused by the expected increase in microbial populations.

Characterization of new sainfoin populations for mixed alfalfa pastures in western Canada

Sottie, Edmund Tei 13 May 2014 (has links)
A series of experiments were conducted to compare nine new sainfoin populations developed to persist in mixtures with alfalfa under a multiple-cut management. In trials at Lethbridge under rain-fed and irrigated conditions, new sainfoin populations produced higher (P<0.05) dry matter yields as compared to Nova sainfoin. New cultivars persisted for three production years in mixed stands with alfalfa accounting for >20% DM at each harvest. Condensed tannin concentrations in sainfoin were highest at the bud stage. One new sainfoin population, LRC-3519 seeded in alternate rows with alfalfa caused a reduction (p<0.001) in bloat incidence by 98% as compared to Nova-alfalfa stands. Average daily gains (>1.0 kg d-1) of steers on alfalfa-sainfoin mixed pastures were similar (p>0.05). Seeding of these new sainfoin populations in mixed stands with alfalfa could prove to be a means of taking advantage of the productivity of mixed forage legume pastures while preventing bloat in grazing ruminants.

Patterns of resource use by livestock during and after drought in a communal rangeland in Namaqualand.

Samuels, Mogamat Igshaan. January 2006 (has links)
<p>Pastoralists in Africa have developed complex mechanisms by which they can alleviate the threat of drought. They practice mobility as one of the strategies to avoid the worst effects of natural stress and disperse grazing pressure. In the past in South Africa, the indigenous Nama people occupied large areas of land and moved around extensively to exploit seasonal differences in the availability of forage and water. With the settlement of the Europeans in the Cape the indigenous people lost most of their land to the colonists. The Nama people were, therefore, restricted to smaller rangelands and their patterns of rangeland use had to adapt to the spatial constraints. Descendants now herd livestock from semi-permanent stockposts that are scattered throughout the commons. Herders use a range of practices to manage their livestock. The aims of this study was to assess the agro-ecological knowledge of livestock keepers / assess the condition of the rangeland during drought / determine the herding strategies of herders during drought.</p>

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