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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flots rugueux et inclusions différentielles perturbées / Rough flows and perturbed differential inclusions

Brault, Antoine 09 October 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse est composée de trois chapitres indépendants ayant pour thématique commune la théorie des trajectoires rugueuses. Introduite en 1998 par Terry Lyons, cette approche trajectorielle des équations différentielles stochastiques (EDS) permet l'étude d'EDS dirigées par des processus n'ayant pas la propriété de semi-martingale nécessaire à l'application du cadre de l'intégration d'Itô. C'est par exemple le cas du mouvement brownien fractionnaire pour un indice de Hurst différent d'un demi. Le premier chapitre porte sur les liens entre la théorie des trajectoires rugueuses et celle des structures de régularité qui a été récemment introduite par Martin Hairer pour résoudre une large classe d'équations aux dérivées partielles stochastiques. Nous exposons, avec les outils de cette nouvelle théorie, la définition de l'intégrale rugueuse et de la signature d'une trajectoire irrégulière, ce qui nous mène à la résolution d'équations différentielles rugueuses (EDR). Dans le second chapitre, nous nous intéressons à la construction de flots d'EDR à partir de leurs approximations en temps petit, appelées presque flots. Nous montrons que sous des conditions faibles de régularité du presque flot, bien que l'unicité des solutions de l'EDR associée ne soit plus assurée, il est possible de sélectionner un flot mesurable. Notre cadre général unifie les précédentes approches par flot dues à I. Bailleul, A. M. Davie, P. Friz et N. Victoir. Le dernier chapitre s'attache à l'étude d'une inclusion différentielle perturbée par une trajectoire rugueuse, c'est-à-dire d'une EDR dont la dérive est une fonction multivaluée. Nous démontrons, sans hypothèse de convexité et avec différentes conditions de régularité sur la dérive, l'existence de solution. / This thesis consists of three independent chapters in the theme of rough path theory. Introduced in 1998 by Terry Lyons, this pathwise approach to stochastic differential equations (SDE) allows one to study SDE driven by processes that do not have the semi-martingale property which is required to apply the framework of the Itô integral. This is for example the case of the fractional Brownian motion for a Hurst index different from one-half. The first chapter deals with the links between rough path and regularity structure theories. The latter was recently introduced by Martin Hairer to solve a large class of stochastic partial differential equations. With the tools of this new theory, we show how to build the rough integral and the signature of an irregular path, which leads to solve a rough differential equation (RDE). In the second chapter, we focus on building RDE flows from their approximations at small scale, called almost flows. We show that under weak conditions on regularity of almost flows, although the uniqueness of the associated RDE solutions does not hold, we are able to select a measurable flow. Our general framework unifies the previous approaches by flow due to I. Bailleul, A. M. Davie, P. Friz and N. Victoir. In the last chapter, we study of a differential inclusion perturbed by a rough path, i.e. a RDE whose drift is a multivalued function. We prove, without convexity hypothesis and several conditions on the regularity of the drift, the existence of a solution.

Maritime manoeuvring optimization : path planning in minefield threat environments

Muhandiramge, Ranga January 2008 (has links)
The aim of the research project that is the subject of this thesis is to apply mathematical techniques, especially those in the area of operations research, to the problem of maritime minefield transit. We develop several minefield models applicable to different aspects of the minefield problem. These include optimal mine clearance, shortest time traversal and time constrained traversal. We hope the suite of models and tools developed will help make mine field clearance and traversal both safer and more efficient and that exposition of the models will bring a clearer understanding of the mine problem from a mathematical perspective. In developing the solutions to mine field models, extensive use is made of network path planning algorithms, particularly the Weight Constrained Shortest Path Problem (WCSPP) for which the current state-of-the-art algorithm is extended. This is done by closer integration of Lagrangean relaxation and preprocessing to reduce the size of the network. This is then integrated with gap-closing algorithms based on enumeration to provide optimal or near optimal solutions to the path planning problem. We provide extensive computational evidence on the performance of our algorithm and compare it to other algorithms found in the literature. This tool then became fundamental in solving various separate minefield models. Our models can be broadly separated into obstacle models in which mine affected regions are treated as obstacles to be avoided and continuous threat in which each point of space has an associated risk. In the later case, we wish to find a path that minimizes the integral of the risk along the path while constraining the length of the path. We call this the Continuous Euclidean Length Constrained Minimum Cost Path Problem (C-LCMCPP), for which we present a novel network approach to solving this continuous problem. This approach results in being able to calculate a global lower bound on a non-convex optimization problem.

Case Study: Community Perspectives of a Service Learning Partnership Involving One School of Nursing in the Southeastern United States

McArthur, Polly McClanahan 01 August 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this single case study was to describe community perspectives of a service learning (SL) partnership with a single university conferring a baccalaureate nursing degree. The longevity of the partnership extended the study purpose to explain why the partnership continued and worked well. A review of nursing literature revealed descriptive accounts of programs designed to meet needs of underserved populations and student learners. However, the review also revealed a knowledge gap in nursing education science regarding the community perspectives of successful SL partnerships. This study focused on relationships with the academe partner, interactions with students and faculty, and benefits of services rendered. Using a case study approach, the investigator sought disparate sources of information including interviews with 21 community members, the primary nursing professor, and the university administrator for rural health and community partnerships. The investigator reviewed relevant documents and made observations during nine days in the community. Triangulation of multiple data sources illuminated a relationship in which key players remained committed to mutual goals beyond immediate projects. Compelling findings were the a) immersed accessibility of the primary nursing professor who lived in the community, b) competency of community members to be expert teachers and set the agenda for the university’s involvement, and c) increased social connectedness that empowered a community to improve its health. The American Association of Critical Care Nurses Synergy Model (Hardin, 2009) was useful for understanding the synergistic relationship involving community partners, student learners, and nursing faculty. However, the broader themes of a community empowered through full integration into a partnership fit with social theories explaining interactions at the macro level as well as behaviors along a pathway of shared commitment. This case demonstrated that sustained interpersonal relationships were critical to developing the community’s integral role as full partner, and the primary nursing professor was a trusted link advocating judiciously for all parties. As SL pedagogy is integrated into nursing education with an emphasis on community-based education and health at the population level, findings of this study can assist nurse educators in the development and maintenance of successful community-academe partnerships.

Saturated hydraulic conductivity in the humid tropics : sources of variability, implications for monitoring and effects on near-surface hydrological flow paths

Haßler, Sibylle Kathrin January 2013 (has links)
Large areas in the humid tropics are currently undergoing land-use change. The decrease of tropical rainforest, which is felled for land clearing and timber production, is countered by increasing areas of tree plantations and secondary forests. These changes are known to affect the regional water cycle as a result of plant-specific water demand and by influencing key soil properties which determine hydrological flow paths. One of these key properties sensitive to land-use change is the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) as it governs vertical percolation of water within the soil profile. Low values of Ks in a certain soil depth can form an impeding layer and lead to perched water tables and the development of predominantly lateral flow paths such as overland flow. These processes can induce nutrient redistribution, erosion and soil degradation and thus affect ecosystem services and human livelihoods. Due to its sensitivity to land-use change, Ks is commonly used to assess the associated changes in hydrological flow paths. The objective of this dissertation was to assess the effect of land-use change on hydrological flow paths by analysing Ks as indicator variable. Sources of Ks variability, their implications for Ks monitoring and the relationship between Ks and near-surface hydrological flow paths in the context of land-use change were studied. The research area was located in central Panama, a country widely experiencing the abovementioned changes in land use. Ks is dependent on both static, soil-inherent properties such as particle size and clay mineralogy and dynamic, land use-dependent properties such as organic carbon content. By conducting a pair of studies with one of these influences held constant in each, the importance of static and dynamic properties for Ks was assessed. Applying a space-for-time approach to sample Ks under secondary forests of different age classes on comparable soils, a recovery of Ks from the former pasture use was shown to require more than eight years. The process was limited to the 0−6 cm sampling depth and showed large variability among replicates. A wavelet analysis of a Ks transect crossing different soil map units under comparable land cover, old-growth tropical rainforest, showed large small-scale variability, which was attributed to biotic influences, as well as a possible but non-conclusive influence of soil types. The two results highlight the importance of dynamic, land use-dependent influences on Ks. Monitoring studies can help to quantify land use-induced change of Ks, but there is a variety of sampling designs which differ in efficiency of estimating mean Ks. A comparative study of four designs and their suitability for Ks monitoring is used to give recommendations about designing a Ks monitoring scheme. Quantifying changes in spatial means of Ks for small catchments with a rotational stratified sampling design did not prove to be more efficient than Simple Random Sampling. The lack of large-scale spatial structure prevented benefits of stratification, and large small-scale variability resulting from local biotic processes and artificial effects of destructive sampling caused a lack of temporal consistency in the re-sampling of locations, which is part of the rotational design. The relationship between Ks and near-surface hydrological flow paths is of critical importance when assessing the consequences of land-use change in the humid tropics. The last part of this dissertation aimed at disclosing spatial relationships between Ks and overland flow as influenced by different land cover types. The effects of Ks on overland-flow generation were spatially variable, different between planar plots and incised flowlines and strongly influenced by land-cover characteristics. A simple comparison of Ks values and rainfall intensities was insufficient to describe the observed pattern of overland flow. Likewise, event flow in the stream was apparently not directly related to overland flow response patterns within the catchments. The study emphasises the importance of combining pedological, hydrological, meteorological and botanical measurements to comprehensively understand the land use-driven change in hydrological flow paths. In summary, Ks proved to be a suitable parameter for assessing the influence of land-use change on soils and hydrological processes. The results illustrated the importance of land cover and spatial variability of Ks for decisions on sampling designs and for interpreting overland-flow generation. As relationships between Ks and overland flow were shown to be complex and dependent on land cover, an interdisciplinary approach is required to comprehensively understand the effects of land-use change on soils and near-surface hydrological flow paths in the humid tropics. / Tropische Regionen sind einem andauernden Landnutzungswandel unterworfen. Einerseits wird tropischer Regenwald für Holz- und Flächengewinnung abgeholzt, andererseits fallen Flächen im Zuge der Urbanisierung brach. Diese werden zum Teil mit Nutzholz-Plantagen aufgeforstet, zum Teil entwickelt sich auf ihnen natürlicher Sekundärwald. Änderungen in der Landnutzung beeinflussen Bodeneigenschaften und dadurch implizit den Wasserkreislauf der Region. Eine dieser wichtigen landnutzungsabhängigen Bodeneigenschaften ist die gesättigte hydraulische Leitfähigkeit oder Permeabilität, die maßgeblich die Versickerungsrate im Boden bestimmt. Eine niedrige Permeabilität hemmt die (vertikale) Versickerung und kann dazu führen, dass laterale hydrologische Fließpfade wie z.B. Oberflächenabfluss aktiviert werden. Dadurch wird sowohl die Bodenerosion und Nährstoffverlagerung verstärkt als auch die Auffüllung des Grundwasserspeichers verringert. In welchem Maße jedoch die Änderung der Permeabilität während des Landnutzungswandels eine Änderung der hydrologischen Fließpfade nach sich zieht, ist noch unzureichend erforscht. Die Zielstellung der vorliegenden Dissertation war, mit Hilfe der Permeabilität als Indikatorvariable die Auswirkungen des Landnutzungswandels auf bodennahe hydrologische Fließpfade zu beurteilen. Dabei sollten die Quellen der Variabilität der Permeabilität anhand des Einflusses von Bodentyp und Landnutzung eingeschätzt, diese Variabilität in das Design einer Probenahmestrategie für die Permeabilität integriert und die Auswirkungen dieser Einflüsse auf die Aktivierung lateraler Fließpfade untersucht werden. Die Studien wurden in Panama durchgeführt, da dieses Land stark vom Landnutzungswandel betroffen ist, eine gute Forschungsinfrastruktur aufweist und sich durch die hohen Niederschläge des tropischen Klimas Änderungen im Wasserkreislauf besonders stark auswirken. Zwei Teilstudien zu den Quellen der Variabilität der Permeabilität lieferten Hinweise auf einen möglichen Einfluss des Bodentyps, der jedoch durch den lokal stärkeren Einfluss der Landnutzung überprägt wurde. Auf regionaler Skala wurde die Erholung der Permeabilität unter Sekundärwald nach einer vorhergehenden Weidenutzung belegt. Beide Studien deuteten auf einen maßgeblichen Einfluss der Landnutzung und der räumlichen Struktur der Permeabilität auf die untersuchten Prozesse hin. Für die effiziente Abschätzung zeitlicher Veränderungen der Permeabilität, wie sie im Zuge des Landnutzungswandels auftritt, ist die Einbeziehung dieser räumlichen Strukturen in das Design einer Probenahmestrategie für die Permeabilität von großer Bedeutung, wie in einem Vergleich vier verschiedener Designs gezeigt wurde. Der Zusammenhang zwischen der Permeabilität und der Entstehung von Oberflächenabfluss konnte nicht durch einfache Ansätze, wie dem Vergleich der Permeabilität mit Regenintensitäten oder der Betrachtung des Gebietsabflusses, erklärt werden. Vielmehr scheint ein komplexes Zusammenspiel aus meteorologischen, biologischen, bodenkundlichen und hydrologischen Faktoren zu wirken. So wurde die räumliche Struktur des Oberflächenabflusses im Untersuchungsgebiet vermutlich durch eine Kombination aus Landnutzungs- und Permeabilitäts-Einflüssen bedingt, zu deren Aufklärung weitere notwendige Messungen vorgeschlagen werden. Zusammengefasst konnte anhand der Permeabilität der Einfluss des Landnutzungswandels auf die hydrologischen Fließpfade gut aufgezeigt werden. Eine besondere Bedeutung kommt hierbei der Betrachtung der landnutzungsabhängigen räumlichen Struktur der Permeabilität zu. Für die Prozessaufklärung der Aktivierung lateraler Fließpfade müssen jedoch Messungen aus verschiedenen Disziplinen kombiniert werden.

Reroute Sequence Planning In Multiprotocol Label Switching Networks

Ozbilgin, Izzet Gokhan 01 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
REROUTE SEQUENCE PLANNING IN MULTIPROTOCOL LABEL SWITCHING NETWORKS The growth of the Internet has caused the development of new protocols that enable IP networks to be engineered efficiently. One such protocol, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) enables IP datagrams in backbone networks to be forwarded based on the label switching forwarding paradigm. In MPLS networks, rerouting of Label Switching Paths (LSPs) can be needed in order to attain a better resource utilization in the network. In this case, a sequence of LSPs has to be found for their one by one reconfiguration without service interruption, involving the constraint that the link capacities should not be violated at any time during the rerouting process. This reroute sequence planning problem for LSPs is NP-complete. In previous works, the conditions of existence of any feasible reroute sequence are examined and algorithms are described for solving the problem, but it was shown that the problem is computationally hard in real-world situations because of the large amount of routers and LSPs in the network. In this work, we deal with the problem of reroute sequence planning problem of LSPs and present alternative solutions for the case when there is no feasible solution. We introduce a tool for the post-processing phase when a capacity violation is occurred during the sequence planning. We present an algorithm trying to reconfigure LSPs while allowing some interruption or degradation of traffic during the rerouting process.

Resource constrained shortest paths and extensions

Garcia, Renan 09 January 2009 (has links)
In this thesis, we use integer programming techniques to solve the resource constrained shortest path problem (RCSPP) which seeks a minimum cost path between two nodes in a directed graph subject to a finite set of resource constraints. Although NP-hard, the RCSPP is extremely useful in practice and often appears as a subproblem in many decomposition schemes for difficult optimization problems. We begin with a study of the RCSPP polytope for the single resource case and obtain several new valid inequality classes. Separation routines are provided, along with a polynomial time algorithm for constructing an auxiliary conflict graph which can be used to separate well known valid inequalities for the node packing polytope. We establish some facet defining conditions when the underlying graph is acyclic and develop a polynomial time sequential lifting algorithm which can be used to strengthen one of the inequality classes. Next, we outline a branch-and-cut algorithm for the RCSPP. We present preprocessing techniques and branching schemes which lead to strengthened linear programming relaxations and balanced search trees, and the majority of the new inequality classes are generalized to consider multiple resources. We describe a primal heuristic scheme that uses fractional solutions, along with the current incumbent, to search for new feasible solutions throughout the branch-and-bound tree. A computational study is conducted to evaluate several implementation choices, and the results demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms the default branch-and-cut algorithm of a leading integer programming software package. Finally, we consider the dial-a-flight problem (DAFP), a new vehicle routing problem that arises in the context of on-demand air transportation and is concerned with the scheduling of a set of travel requests for a single day of operations. The DAFP can be formulated as an integer multicommodity network flow model consisting of several RCSPPs linked together by set partitioning constraints which guarantee that all travel requests are satisfied. Therefore, we extend our branch-and-cut algorithm for the RCSPP to solve the DAFP. Computational experiments with practical instances provided by the DayJet Corporation verify that the extended algorithm also outperforms the default branch-and-cut algorithm of a leading integer programming software package.

A CONSTITUIÇÃO DA DOCÊNCIA NO ENSINO SUPERIOR EM LETRAS: de professor da educação básica a docente universitário / THE CONSTITUTION OF TEACHING IN COLLEGE IN THE LANGUAGE COURSE : from elementary school teachers to professors

Lenz, Noemi 07 July 2010 (has links)
This investigation is inserted in the research line Education, Knowledge and Professional Development, from the Postgraduate Program in Education, Master Degree in Education at the Federal University of Santa Maria, RS. Through this research we sought to understand the paths / the routes experienced / lived by four active professors in the Language Course, from their initial development, going through their teaching path in elementary schools, getting to their current journey as college professors. In addition, we attempted to investigate how elementary school teaching experience reflects in their professional acting as future teachers professors (educators / instructors), in the course of their professional path, interfering in their development. The methodology is qualitative for it aimed at learning the phenomenon in its essence, at the same time that the sociocultural narrative approach was used through semi-structured narrative interviews, to understand the participating teachers voices/speeches/narratives. It has as methodological theorethical basis authors such as Taylor and Bogdan (1987), Chizzotti (2008), Bolzan (2001, 2002), Cunha (1997, 2008), Bakhtin (1999, 2003) and Liev S. Vygotski (1988, 1995, 2000, 2008), which grounds the qualitative research, at the same time it represents the sociocultural narrative point of view, because it permits to comprehend the processes lived/experienced by the subject and which are capable of changing him/her when clarifying his/her conceptions and ideas regarding his/her practices. Thus, this procedure is justified, for the subject, when narrating, when giving voice to his/her own conceptions, [re] signifies them, therefore becoming a space which allows him/her to reflect about his/her pedagogical acting, constituting above all a formative place. Semi-structured interviews were done with the collaborator-subjects, being them college professors who teach at the Language Course. Moreover, the theoretical weaving of this research finds bases in the learning theorists sociocultural studies - Liev S. Vygotski (1988, 1995, 2000, 2008), Luria (1988) and Leontiev (1988, 2006), Bakhtin (1992, 1999), as well as authors who discuss teachers education, such as Anastasiou (2002, 2004), Cunha (1997, 2008), Bolzan (2001, 2002, 2006, 2007, 2008), Isaia and Bolzan (2007, 2008), Isaia (2005, 2006), García (1989, 1997), Nóvoa (1997), Huberman (1992), Schön (1997, 2000), Zeichner (1997), Pimenta (2002), Tardif (2003) and Kincheloe (1997). After mapping these findings, the following analysis categories emerged: to learn teaching, education processes and pedagogical activity. The analysis of the findings allows us to affirm that teaching is a continuous and permanent construction, based on a studying teaching activity and that, for this, the engendered movements influence in the union of the personal pathway elements towards the professional path. This is possible when the idea of teachers education programs are considered, and which go beyond the prescriptive and standardized nature, as if everyone learned thorough the same formative movements. The participants teaching work is grounded on research, demarcating that this is the process which allows them to reflect about their practice. This process brings forth the awareness of the necessity of keeping in a constant construction process, continuously learning to be teachers, in the course of the pedagogical activity development, something which permits to produce the shared reflexive processes. This nature of producing teaching is that makes it possible to understand it as a professional activity, demarcating the teaching professio nalism. Furthermore, it was possible to comprehend that the participants teaching conceptions refer to an understanding of education in its real dimension, since, in the classroom, they get inspiration from their own elementary school teaching experiences to teach beginners and future teachers. This way, it was possible to observe that these professionals maintain teaching supported on the research they do, in the view of today s professionals necessities, to act socially. At the same time, it was evidenced, through the repercussion of their conceptions on elementary teaching in higher education, that the participant teachers center their pedagogical activities aiming at developing the language abilities, just as it is pointed out in recent studies by the language professionals. / Esta investigação insere-se na linha de pesquisa Formação, Saberes e Desenvolvimento Profissional, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, Mestrado em Educação, da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS. Através desta pesquisa, buscamos compreender as trajetórias/os percursos experienciados/vividos por quatro professoras atuantes no ensino superior de Letras, desde sua formação inicial, passando pela trajetória docente de escola básica, chegando à atual trajetória como docentes de ensino superior. Além disso, intentamos investigar como a experiência da docência na educação básica repercute na atuação profissional de formadoras de professores, no decorrer de sua trajetória profissional e como interfere no seu desenvolvimento. A metodologia é qualitativa, porque procuramos conhecer os significados presentes nas vozes/falas/narrativas das professoras-participantes, ao mesmo tempo em que utilizamos a abordagem narrativa sociocultural, através de entrevistas narrativas semiestruturadas para orientar a realização da coleta de dados. Nesse enfoque, esta pesquisa possui como base teórico-metodológica autores como Taylor e Bogdan (1987), Chizzotti (2008), Bolzan (2001, 2002), Cunha (1997, 2008), Bakhtin (1999, 2003) e Liev S. Vygotski (1988, 1995, 2000, 2008), que fundamentam a pesquisa qualitativa, ao mesmo tempo em que configura a ótica narrativa sociocultural, pois permite compreender os processos vividos/experienciados pelo sujeito que potencializam transformá-lo, ao explicitar suas concepções e ideias acerca de suas práticas. Assim, justificamos esse procedimento, pois este, ao narrar, ao dar voz as suas próprias concepções, [re]significa-as, tornado-se, desse modo, um espaço que lhe possibilita refletir sobre a sua atuação pedagógica, constituindo-se, sobretudo, em um lugar formativo. Realizamos entrevistas semiestruturadas com os sujeitos-colaboradores, sendo estas professoras que exercem a docência em Curso Superior de Letras. Ademais, a tessitura teórica desta pesquisa encontra bases nos estudos socioculturais dos teóricos da aprendizagem Liev S. Vygotski (1988, 1995, 2000, 2008), Luria (1988) e Leontiev (1988, 2006), Bakhtin (1992, 1999), bem como, de autores que discutem a formação de professores, como Anastasiou (2002, 2004), Cunha (1997, 2008), Bolzan (2001, 2002, 2006, 2007, 2008), Isaia e Bolzan (2007, 2008), Isaia (2005, 2006), García (1989, 1997), Nóvoa (1997), Huberman (1992), Schön (1997, 2000), Zeichner (1997), Pimenta (2002), Tardif (2003) e Kincheloe (1997). Após o mapeamento dos dados, emergiram as seguintes categorias de análise: aprender a docência, processos de formação e atividade pedagógica. A análise dos achados permite-nos afirmar que a docência é uma construção contínua e permanente, alicerçada na atividade docente de estudo e que, para tal, os movimentos engendrados incidem na união de elementos da trajetória pessoal em direção à profissional. Isso é possível quando se pensa em programas de formação de professores que extrapolem o seu caráter prescritivo e padronizado, como se todos aprendessem através dos mesmos movimentos formativos. A atividade docente das participantes está assentada na pesquisa, demarcando que é esse processo que permite às mesmas refletirem sobre suas práticas. Esse processo gera a tomada de consciência da necessidade de se manter em constante processo de construção, aprendendo continuamente a ser professoras, no decorrer do desenvolvimento da atividade pedagógica, o que permite engendrar os processos reflexivos compartilhados. Esse caráter de se produzir docente é que possibilita compreendê-lo como uma atividade profissional, demarcando o profissionalismo docente. Além disso, foi possível compreendermos que as concepções de docência das participantes referem-se a um entendimento do ensino em sua dimensão real , pois, em sala de aula, inspiram-se em suas próprias experiências quando foram professoras da educação básica para ensinar aos novatos e futuros professores. Dessa forma, foi possível observarmos que as mesmas mantêm um ensino respaldado na pesquisa que fazem, tendo em vista as necessidades dos profissionais de hoje, para atuarem socialmente. Ao mesmo tempo, evidenciamos, através da repercussão de suas concepções sobre a educação básica no ensino superior, que as professoras-participantes centram suas atividades pedagógicas no objetivo de desenvolver as habilidades da língua, tal qual se encontra assinalado nos estudos recentes de profissionais da linguagem.

Um algoritmo formal para remoção de redundâncias / A formal algorithm for redundancy removal

Marques, Felipe de Souza January 2003 (has links)
Os algoritmos para síntese de circuitos digitais em geral visam a melhoria de uma função de custo composta de quatro critérios: área, desempenho, potência e testabilidade. Normalmente estes algoritmos conseguem uma relação de compromisso para a otimização de dois critérios. Efeitos indesejáveis também podem surgir com a otimização de um destes critérios. Por exemplo, as otimizações de desempenho podem introduzir falhas de colagem não testáveis (redundâncias) em um circuito, reduzindo a sua testabilidade. Muitos algoritmos de síntese lógica exploram propriedades específicas de determinadas funções a serem sintetizadas. Um exemplo de função com propriedades específicas são as funções ditas unate. Um exemplo deste tipo de função é o sinal de carry de um somador completo. Este tipo de função exige cuidados especiais para evitar a introdução de redundâncias. Muitos dos algoritmos para síntese lógica empregam a decomposição de Shannon para melhorar o desempenho de um circuito. A equação geral da decomposição de Shannon é expressa através de uma função binate. As redundâncias sempre serão introduzidas nos circuitos quando uma equação binate é utilizada para representar uma função unate. Diagramas de Decisão Binária (BDDs) são um tipo estruturas de dados muito utilizadas em algoritmos para síntese lógica. A decomposição de Shannon também é utilizada para derivar circuitos a partir de BDDs. Este tipo de estrutura representa uma função lógica, mas não mantém uma representação sem redundâncias da mesma. Infelizmente, os circuitos derivados a partir desta estrutura poderão ser redundantes, principalmente quando a decomposição de Shannon for utilizada. Existem estruturas de dados capazes de representar uma função sem redundâncias. Este é o caso dos VPBDDs , que possuem propriedades especiais que preservam características de testabilidade da função representada. Baseando-se nas propriedades dos VPBDDs, um novo algoritmo para remoção de redundâncias foi proposto. Este algoritmo é capaz de gerar circuitos sem redundâncias, mesmo quando a função, que é representada pelo VPBDD, é unate. Além da geração de circuitos sem redundâncias, o algoritmo garante que o atraso do circuito não aumenta após a remoção de redundâncias. A área dos circuitos resultantes pode aumentar, diminuir ou permanecer a mesma, considerando o número de portas lógicas utilizadas. Todos os resultados obtidos neste trabalho mostram que o algoritmo consegue realizar a remoção de redundâncias, sem prejudicar o atraso do circuito. Além disso, todos os caminhos redundantes do circuito têm seu atraso reduzido, pois com a remoção de redundâncias o número de portas lógicas em série é reduzido. A aplicação deste algoritmo apresenta bons resultados para circuitos aritméticos. Isto se deve principalmente ao fato do carry ser uma função unate, o que pode introduzir redundâncias no circuito se esta propriedade (de ser unate) não for tratada adequadamente. O algoritmo proposto também abre possibilidades para a criação de outras ferramentas de CAD, como por exemplo: uma ferramenta para análise de timing, um gerador de circuitos aritméticos sem redundâncias, ou ainda uma ferramenta para geração de teste, incluindo lista de falhas, vetores de teste e cobertura de falhas. / Algorithms for digital circuit design aim the reduction of a cost function composed of four criteria: area, delay, power and testability. Usually these algorithms are able to obtain a trade-off for the optimization of two of these criteria. Undesired effects may occur due to the optimization of one of the criteria. For instance, delay optimizations may introduce non testable stuck-at faults (redundancies) in a circuit, this way reducing its testability. Several logic synthesis algorithms exploit specific properties of the logic functions to be synthesized. One example of function with specific properties are the socalled unate functions. An example of this kind of function is the carry-out sign in a full adder circuit. This kind of function require special care in order to avoid redundancy introduction. Shannon decomposition [SHA 38] is used in many logic synthesis algorithms for improving circuit performance. The general case of the Shannon decomposition is represented by a binate (not unate) equation. Redundancies are introduced in a circuit when a binate equation is used to express a unate function. Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) are a kind of data structures widely used in the field of logic synthesis. Shannon decomposition is also used to derive circuits from BDDs. This data structure is used to represent logic functions, but it is not able to maintain an irredundant representation of any logic function. Unfortunately, circuits derived from BDDs will possibly have redundancies, specially when Shannon decomposition is used. Some data structures are able to represent any logic function in a irredundant form. This is the case of the VPBDDs [REI 95a] [REI 2000], which have special properties that preserve the testability properties of the functions being represented. Based on VPBDD properties, a novel algorithm for redundancy removal was proposed [MAR 2002]. This algorithm is able to generate irredundant circuits even when the function represented by the VPBDD is unate. In addition to the generation of irredundant circuits, the algorithm guarantees that the circuit delay will not be increased by redundancy removal. The final area may be increased, reduced or even remain the same, considering the number of logic gates. The results obtained in this work indicate that the algorithm is able to perform redundancy removal without increasing the circuit delay. Besides, all the redundant paths in the circuit have their delay reduced, as the number of logic gates in series will be reduced by the redundancy removal process. The application of this algorithm gives good results for arithmetic circuits. This is mainly due to the fact that the carry chain is composed of unate functions, this way redundancies are introduced in the circuit if this property is not adequately treated. The proposed algorithm allows for the creation of other CAD tools, as for instance: a timing analysis tool, a generator of irredundant arithmetic circuits, or even a test generation tool, including list of faults, test vectors as well as fault coverage.

Analysis of vehicle route choice during incidents

Janmyr, Joakim, Wadell, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
The use of GPS observations for investigating routing behaviors can be a good alternative to using more traditional traffic simulation models. In this paper, a method for inferring paths from GPS observations is proposed. Further, a route set generation algorithm is implemented. The inferred trips are used for the calibration of the parameters in the route set generation algorithm. The investigated network is part of the Interstate 210 freeway east of Los Angeles, USA. The results shows significant differences in number of eastbound travelers choosing to travel north of, south of, and on the freeway during regular days compared with the incident day. The travel times are also higher during the incident day. Different travel times as costs on the links have a large impact on the results from the route set generation algorithm. The conclusion is that the implemented methods can be used to gain a better understanding about routing behavior. However, to use the results for decision making, more input data with better precision should be used.

Um algoritmo formal para remoção de redundâncias / A formal algorithm for redundancy removal

Marques, Felipe de Souza January 2003 (has links)
Os algoritmos para síntese de circuitos digitais em geral visam a melhoria de uma função de custo composta de quatro critérios: área, desempenho, potência e testabilidade. Normalmente estes algoritmos conseguem uma relação de compromisso para a otimização de dois critérios. Efeitos indesejáveis também podem surgir com a otimização de um destes critérios. Por exemplo, as otimizações de desempenho podem introduzir falhas de colagem não testáveis (redundâncias) em um circuito, reduzindo a sua testabilidade. Muitos algoritmos de síntese lógica exploram propriedades específicas de determinadas funções a serem sintetizadas. Um exemplo de função com propriedades específicas são as funções ditas unate. Um exemplo deste tipo de função é o sinal de carry de um somador completo. Este tipo de função exige cuidados especiais para evitar a introdução de redundâncias. Muitos dos algoritmos para síntese lógica empregam a decomposição de Shannon para melhorar o desempenho de um circuito. A equação geral da decomposição de Shannon é expressa através de uma função binate. As redundâncias sempre serão introduzidas nos circuitos quando uma equação binate é utilizada para representar uma função unate. Diagramas de Decisão Binária (BDDs) são um tipo estruturas de dados muito utilizadas em algoritmos para síntese lógica. A decomposição de Shannon também é utilizada para derivar circuitos a partir de BDDs. Este tipo de estrutura representa uma função lógica, mas não mantém uma representação sem redundâncias da mesma. Infelizmente, os circuitos derivados a partir desta estrutura poderão ser redundantes, principalmente quando a decomposição de Shannon for utilizada. Existem estruturas de dados capazes de representar uma função sem redundâncias. Este é o caso dos VPBDDs , que possuem propriedades especiais que preservam características de testabilidade da função representada. Baseando-se nas propriedades dos VPBDDs, um novo algoritmo para remoção de redundâncias foi proposto. Este algoritmo é capaz de gerar circuitos sem redundâncias, mesmo quando a função, que é representada pelo VPBDD, é unate. Além da geração de circuitos sem redundâncias, o algoritmo garante que o atraso do circuito não aumenta após a remoção de redundâncias. A área dos circuitos resultantes pode aumentar, diminuir ou permanecer a mesma, considerando o número de portas lógicas utilizadas. Todos os resultados obtidos neste trabalho mostram que o algoritmo consegue realizar a remoção de redundâncias, sem prejudicar o atraso do circuito. Além disso, todos os caminhos redundantes do circuito têm seu atraso reduzido, pois com a remoção de redundâncias o número de portas lógicas em série é reduzido. A aplicação deste algoritmo apresenta bons resultados para circuitos aritméticos. Isto se deve principalmente ao fato do carry ser uma função unate, o que pode introduzir redundâncias no circuito se esta propriedade (de ser unate) não for tratada adequadamente. O algoritmo proposto também abre possibilidades para a criação de outras ferramentas de CAD, como por exemplo: uma ferramenta para análise de timing, um gerador de circuitos aritméticos sem redundâncias, ou ainda uma ferramenta para geração de teste, incluindo lista de falhas, vetores de teste e cobertura de falhas. / Algorithms for digital circuit design aim the reduction of a cost function composed of four criteria: area, delay, power and testability. Usually these algorithms are able to obtain a trade-off for the optimization of two of these criteria. Undesired effects may occur due to the optimization of one of the criteria. For instance, delay optimizations may introduce non testable stuck-at faults (redundancies) in a circuit, this way reducing its testability. Several logic synthesis algorithms exploit specific properties of the logic functions to be synthesized. One example of function with specific properties are the socalled unate functions. An example of this kind of function is the carry-out sign in a full adder circuit. This kind of function require special care in order to avoid redundancy introduction. Shannon decomposition [SHA 38] is used in many logic synthesis algorithms for improving circuit performance. The general case of the Shannon decomposition is represented by a binate (not unate) equation. Redundancies are introduced in a circuit when a binate equation is used to express a unate function. Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) are a kind of data structures widely used in the field of logic synthesis. Shannon decomposition is also used to derive circuits from BDDs. This data structure is used to represent logic functions, but it is not able to maintain an irredundant representation of any logic function. Unfortunately, circuits derived from BDDs will possibly have redundancies, specially when Shannon decomposition is used. Some data structures are able to represent any logic function in a irredundant form. This is the case of the VPBDDs [REI 95a] [REI 2000], which have special properties that preserve the testability properties of the functions being represented. Based on VPBDD properties, a novel algorithm for redundancy removal was proposed [MAR 2002]. This algorithm is able to generate irredundant circuits even when the function represented by the VPBDD is unate. In addition to the generation of irredundant circuits, the algorithm guarantees that the circuit delay will not be increased by redundancy removal. The final area may be increased, reduced or even remain the same, considering the number of logic gates. The results obtained in this work indicate that the algorithm is able to perform redundancy removal without increasing the circuit delay. Besides, all the redundant paths in the circuit have their delay reduced, as the number of logic gates in series will be reduced by the redundancy removal process. The application of this algorithm gives good results for arithmetic circuits. This is mainly due to the fact that the carry chain is composed of unate functions, this way redundancies are introduced in the circuit if this property is not adequately treated. The proposed algorithm allows for the creation of other CAD tools, as for instance: a timing analysis tool, a generator of irredundant arithmetic circuits, or even a test generation tool, including list of faults, test vectors as well as fault coverage.

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