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Membranas poliméricas de intercambio iónico con aplicación en pilas de combustible de temperatura intermediaBarjola Ruiz, Arturo 03 May 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El desarrollo de membranas poliméricas capaces de actuar como electrolito en pilas de combustible tipo PEMFC a temperaturas intermedias constituye uno de los principales retos para conseguir la generación eficiente de energía por medio de estos dispositivos. Actualmente, las membranas basadas en polímeros perfluorosulfonados como el Nafion® son las más extendidas en pilas de combustible, ya que presentan una buena conductividad protónica además de ser estables mecánica y químicamente. Sin embargo, este tipo de membranas no son capaces de ofrecer buenos rendimientos por encima de 80 ¿C. En este sentido, el objetivo fundamental de esta tesis ha sido la síntesis y caracterización de membranas poliméricas que permitan su potencial utilización en el rango de temperaturas intermedias, por encima de 100 ¿C, donde la cinética de los electrodos y el transporte de protones a través de la membrana mejoran considerablemente, aumentando con ello el rendimiento de la celda.
La investigación llevada a cabo se ha centrado en dos tipos de polímeros: poli(eter-eter-cetona) sulfonada (SPEEK) y polibencimidazol (PBI).
Las membranas basadas en SPEEK ofrecen una elevada conductividad protónica y una buena estabilidad tanto mecánica como química. Si bien, estas propiedades dependen drásticamente de su grado de sulfonación. Así, altos grados de sulfonación resultan en muy buenas conductividades protónicas, aunque por el contrario, originan un excesivo hinchamiento de las membranas provocando un empeoramiento de sus propiedades mecánicas. Además, cuando la temperatura supera los 80 ¿C su conductividad disminuye debido a la deshidratación de la membrana.
La estrategia seguida en este caso para mantener las propiedades mecánicas y la conductividad de las membranas basadas en SPEEK a temperaturas intermedias ha consistido en utilizar un polímero con un índice de intercambio catiónico no excesivamente alto (1.75 meq g-1), el cual ha sido dopado con dos tipos de compuestos organometálicos diferentes de tipo ZIF (Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework ) y con una mezcla de ambos. Este tipo de compuestos constituyen una subclase de los conocidos como Metal Organic Framework (MOF), los cuales adoptan una estructura tipo zeolita donde la parte orgánica está constituida por un anillo de imidazol y el nodo inorgánico es un metal. En este caso Zinc para el Z8 y Cobalto para el Z67. Las membranas compuestas SPEEK-ZIF mejoraron claramente las prestaciones de las de SPEEK puro a temperaturas intermedias.
En base a los resultados anteriores, se seleccionaron las membranas dopadas con ZIF-67 para su evaluación en monocelda donde ofrecieron valores superiores a los de las membranas de SPEEK puro sin la adición de cargas y a los obtenidos con membranas de Nafion®117 a temperaturas superiores a 100 °C.
En el caso de las membranas en base PBI, estas han sido capaces de ofrecer valores elevados de conductividad a altas temperaturas cuando eran dopadas con ácido fosfórico. Sin embargo, la pérdida del ácido por parte de la membrana (leaching) con el tiempo de operación y la degradación que este ácido provoca en los componentes de la celda, hacen que sea necesaria la utilización de otros agentes dopantes no volátiles y menos agresivos capaces de aportar al polímero la conductividad de la que carece. Los líquidos iónicos son sales fundidas a temperatura ambiente que poseen presiones de vapor despreciables y ofrecen buenas conductividades a temperaturas elevadas.
En esta tesis, se prepararon por el método de casting, membranas de PBI conteniendo el líquido iónico 1-butil-3-metil imidazolio bis(trifluorometil sulfonil) imida (BMIM-NTf2) en diferentes porcentajes. Estas membranas alcanzaron a partir de un 10 % wt. de líquido iónico un valor de conductividad del orden de 10-2 S cm-1 a 160 ¿C. Señalando su potencial como electrolito polimérico basado en PBI libre de ácido fosfórico. / [CA] El desenvolupament de membranes polimèriques vàlides per a actuar com a electròlit en piles de combustible tipus PEMFC a temperatures intermèdies. Constitueix un dels reptes principals per aconseguir la generació eficient d'energia amb aquests dispositius. Actualment, les membranes basades en polímers perfluorosulfonats com el Nafion® són les més utilitzades en piles de combustible, ja que presenten una bona conductivitat protònica a més de tindre una bona estabilitat química i mecànica. Tot i això, aquest tipus de membranes no oferixen bons rendiments a temperaturas superiors a 80 ¿C. En aquest sentit, l'objectiu fonamental d'aquesta tesi ha segut la síntesi i caracterització de membranes polimèriques amb les característiques adequades per poder treballar a temperatures intermèdies, per damunt de 100 ¿C. En aquestes condicions la cinètica dels elèctrodes i el transport de protons a través de la membrana milloren considerablement augmentant amb això el rendiment de la cel·la.
La investigació duta a terme s'ha centrat en dos tipus de polímers: poli(eter-eter-cetona) sulfonada (SPEEK) i polibencimidazol (PBI).
Les membranes basades en SPEEK ofereixen una elevada conductivitat protònica i una bona estabilitat tant mecànica com a química. No obstant això, aquestes caracteristiques depenen dràsticament del seu grau de sulfonació. Així, alts graus de sulfonació resulten en molt bones conductivitats protòniques. Encara que per contra, originen un excessiu unflament de les membranes en aigua calenta provocant un empitjorament de les seves propietats mecàniques. A més, quan la temperatura supera els 80 ¿C la seva conductivitat baixa a causa de la deshidratació de la membrana.
L'estratègia seguida en aquest cas per mantenir les propietats mecàniques i la conductivitat de les membranes basades en SPEEK a temperatures intermèdies. Ha segut partir d'un polímer amb un índex d'intercanvi catiònic no gaire alt (1.75 meq g-1). El qual ha segut dopat amb dos tipus de compostos órganometàl.lics diferents de tipus ZIF (Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework) (ZIF) i amb una barreja de tots dos. Aquest tipus de compostos constitueixen una subclasse dels coneguts com a Metal Organic Framework (MOF). Els quals adopten una estructura tipus zeolita on la part orgànica està constituïda per un anell d'imidazol i el node inorgànic és el metall. En aquest cas Zinc per al Z8 i Cobalt per al Z67. Les membranes compostes SPEEK-ZIF van millorar clarament les prestacions de les de SPEEK pur a temperatures intermèdies.
En base als resultats anteriors es van seleccionar les membranes dopades amb ZIF-67 per a la seva avaluació en monocel·la on van oferir valors superiors als de les membranes de SPEEK pur sense l'addició de càrregues i als obtinguts amb membranes de Nafion®117 en les mateixes condicions a temperatures superiors a 100 °C.
En el cas de les membranes en base PBI, aquestes han oferit valors elevats de conductivitat a altes temperatures, quan han segut dopades amb àcid fosfòric. Tot i això, la pèrdua de l'àcid per part de la membrana (leaching) amb el temps d'operació i la degradació que aquest àcid provoca en els components de la cel·la, fan que siga necessària la utilització d'altres agents dopants no volàtils i menys agressius capaços d'aportar al polímer conductivitat iònica. Els líquids iònics són sals foses a temperatura ambient que tenen pressions de vapor molt febles i ofereixen bones conductivitats a temperatures elevades.
En aquesta tesi es van preparar pel mètode de càsting, membranes de PBI contenint el líquid iònic 1-butil-3-metil imidazoli bis(trifluorometil sulfonil) imida (BMIM-NTf2) en diferents percentatges. Aquestes membranes van assolir a partir d'un 10% wt. de líquid iònic un valor de conductivitat de l'ordre de 10-2 S cm-1 a 160 ¿C. Assenyalant el seu potencial com a electròlit polimèric basat en PBI lliure d'àcid fosfòric. / [EN] The development of polymeric membranes capable of acting as an electrolyte in a proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) at intermediate temperatures. It constitutes one of the main challenges to achieve efficient energy generation through these kinds of devices. Currently, membranes based on perfluorosulfonated polymers such as Nafion® are the most widespread in fuel cells, since they have good proton conductivity as well as being mechanically and chemically stable. However, these types of membranes are not capable of offering good performance above 80 ¿C. In this sense, the main objective of this thesis has been the synthesis and characterization of polymeric membranes with potential use in the range of intermediate temperatures, above 100 ¿C, where the kinetics of the electrodes and the transport of protons through of the membrane and the performance of the cell are greatly improved.
The research carried out has focused on two types of polymers: sulfonated poly(ether-ether-ketone) (SPEEK) and polybenzimidazole (PBI).
SPEEK-based membranes offer high proton conductivity and good mechanical and chemical stability. However, their properties depend dramatically on its degree of sulfonation. Thus, high degrees of sulfonation result in excellent proton conductivities. On the other hand, the large amount of sulphonic groups in the membrane cause an excessive swelling in hot water, leading to a worsening of their mechanical properties, even reaching its dissolution. Furthermore, as also happens with perfluorosulfonated membranes, when the temperature is increased above 80 ¿C their proton conductivity decreases due to membrane dehydration.
Focused on maintain the mechanical properties and conductivity of SPEEK-based membranes at intermediate temperatures. Membranes have been prepared from a polymer with a not excessively high cation exchange rate (1.75 meq g-1). Which has been doped with two different ZIF-type (Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework) organometallic compounds and with a mixture of both. This type of compounds constitutes a subclass of those known as Metal Organic Framework (MOF). Which adopt a zeolite-type structure where the organic part is made up of an imidazole ring and the inorganic node is the metal. In this case Zinc for Z8 and Cobalt for Z67. SPEEK-ZIF. Composite membranes clearly improved the performance of pure SPEEK membranes at intermediate tempe-ratures.
Based on the previous results, the membranes doped with ZIF-67 were selected for their evaluation in a single fuel cell, where they offered higher values than those of the pure SPEEK membranes without the addition of fillers and those obtained with membranes of Nafion®117 under the same conditions at temperatures above 100 °C.
PBI based membranes, have been capable of offering high conductivity values at high temperatures, when they have been doped with phosphoric acid. However, the loss of acid by the membrane (leaching) with the operation time and the degradation that this acid causes in the cell components. In this sense, it is necessary to explore the use of other non-volatile and less aggressive doping agents capable of providing ionic conductivity to the polymer. Ionic liquids are molten salts at room temperature that have negligible vapor pressures and offer good conductivities at elevated temperatures.
In this thesis, PBI membranes containing the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methyl imidazolium bis(trifluoromethyl sulfonyl)imide (BMIM-NTf2) at different percentages were prepared by the casting method. These membranes containing 10 wt.% of ionic liquid reached a conductivity value in the range of 10-2 S cm-1 at 160 ¿C. Noting its potential as a phosphoric acid-free PBI-based polymeric electrolyte. / This work was sponsored by the Ministerio de Economia y
Competitividad (MINECO) under the project ENE/2015-69203-R. The
authors acknowledge the Electron Microscopy Service from Universitat
Politècnica de València for the use of instruments and staff assistance. / Barjola Ruiz, A. (2023). Membranas poliméricas de intercambio iónico con aplicación en pilas de combustible de temperatura intermedia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/193081 / Compendio
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Prävalenz der gingivalen Stippelung bei KindernPhark, Jin-Ho 15 May 2006 (has links)
Bei der Stippelung handelt es sich um eine Oberflächenstruktur des Gingivaepithels, die der Gingiva ein orangenschalenartiges Aussehen verleiht. Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Stippelung der Gingiva von Kindern zu untersuchen und deren Merkmale sowie Prävalenz zu charakterisieren. Material und Methode: Für diese Querschnittsuntersuchung wurden insgesamt 274 Kinder untersucht (148 Jungen, 126 Mädchen; Durchschnittsalter 4,98 Jahre) und dabei der Zahnbefund, der Mundhygienezustand (API), der Entzündungszustand (PBI) und die ethnische Herkunft aufgenommen. Die Stippelung wurde photographisch und mit Abformung aus niedrig viskösem additionsvernetzenden Silikon dokumentiert. Die davon hergestellten Modelle wurden unter einem Stereomikroskop mit einer Kamera digitalisiert. Das Programm analySIS 3.0 diente zur Bildanalyse. Ergebnisse: Insgesamt zeigten 187 Kinder (68,2%) Stippelung (Jungen 67,2%, Mädchen 69%). Sie trat ab einem Alter von einem Jahr auf. Geschlecht, ethnische Herkunft, Karieserfahrung, API und PBI hatten keinen Einfluss auf die Häufigkeit. Sie kam signifikant häufiger im Wechselgebiss vor, ebenso im Oberkiefer und im Frontzahnbereich. Im Seitenvergleich konnte keine symmetrische Verteilung festgestellt werden. Die Tüpfelung kam bis auf eine Ausnahme ausschließlich auf der befestigten Gingiva vor und war dabei bevorzugt interradikulär, danach radikulär und zuletzt im subpapillären Bereich zu finden. Die Auswertung der Photographien und Replikas ergab eine durchschnittliche Dichte von 2,54 Stippel/mm2 bei einer Höhe von 0,10 mm bzw. einer Breite von 0,09 mm je Vertiefung. Ältere Kinder wiesen eine höhere Dichte der Tüpfelung auf. Alter und Geschlecht keinen Einfluss auf die morphometrischen Daten. Anzahl, Höhe und Breite der Stippelung waren im Oberkiefer und im Frontzahnbereich größer als im Unterkiefer bzw. im Seitenzahnbereich. Schlussfolgerung: Als alleiniges Kriterium zur Beurteilung des klinischen Entzündungszustandes der Gingiva bei Kindern ist die Stippelung nicht geeignet, da das Fehlen von Stippelung nicht immer mit dem Vorhandensein von gingivaler Entzündung übereinstimmt. Für eine korrekte Diagnose müssen vielmehr weitere Kriterien wie Farbe, Dicke, Festigkeit, Kontur der Gingiva, die Sondierungstiefe und Sondierungsblutung einbezogen werden. / Background: The aim of this study was to examine the gingival stippling in children and to characterize it. The prevalence of stippling was a special interest. Stippling is a structure of the gingival epithelium, which causes an orange peel like appearance of the gingiva. Material and methods: In this cross-sectional study 274 children (148 boys and 126 girls; average age 4.98 years) were examined. Oral status, approximal plaque index (API), papillary bleeding index (PBI) and race were noted. Photographs or replicas with a silicone impression material of low viscosity were taken if stippling was found. The replicas were used to make stone casts, which were scanned by a video camera. The obtained pictures were analysed with the software analysis 3.0. Results: 68.2% of the children showed stippling, in 67.2% of the boys and 69.0% of the girls. It was evident from an age of one year. Sex and race did not show any influence on prevalence. There was also no relation between stippling and caries, oral hygiene or gingival inflammation. Stippling was more frequent in mixed dentition than in deciduous dentition. The children showed more stippling in the upper jaw and in the anterior region. It was not spread symmetrically. Usually, it was localized to the attached gingiva with the highest frequency in the interradicular area, followed by the radicular area, and subpapillar area. Only one child showed stippling in the free gingiva, too, but this seemed to be an exception from the rule. The data obtained from photographs and replicas showed a density of 2,54 stipples per mm2, a height of 0.10 mm and a width of 0.09 mm. Older children showed a higher density. Height and width were neither influenced by sex nor by age. But stippling in upper arch and anterior region had a higher density and a larger height and width than in lower arch or posterior region. Conclusion: Gingival Stippling is not a major criterion in clinical assessment of gingival or periodontal inflammation, because missing stippling does not always coincide with presence of gingival inflammation. For a correct diagnosis more criteria, e.g. colour, contour, thickness, consistency, pocket depth and bleeding on probing, have to be considered, too.
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Adhésion des polymères semi-cristallins entre leur température de transition vitreuse et leur température de fusionJarrousse, Gauthier 13 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Nous avons étudié l'auto-adhésion de polymères semi-cristallins de taux de cristallinité variable, par un test de fracture des interfaces formées entre leur température de fusion, Tf, et leur température de transition vitreuse, Tg, dans le but de définir le rôle de la cristallinité sur l'adhésion. Nous avons utilisé des copolymères de polybutylène(téréphthalate-co-isophthalate). Pour les polymères pré-cristallisés, l'énergie de fracture, Gc, diminue fortement avec la température de contact (pour Tcontact
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Investigation of Blast Load Characteristics On Lung InjuryJosey, Tyson 19 March 2010 (has links)
In many parts of the world, civilians and peacekeepers are exposed to potentially serious injury from blasts and explosions. Providing insight into the trauma thresholds for blast injury is necessary for the development of blast protection equipment and identification and subsequent treatment of blast injury. [Phillips, 1988] Blast injury can be categorized as primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary and quinernary, corresponding to different aspects of the blast loading and injury mechanisms. Primary blast injury occurring in the lungs is of importance, since lung injury results in one of the highest rate of blast mortality.
Much of the existing blast injury data was obtained from animal testing with sheep and subsequently extrapolated to humans using scaling techniques. More recently, mathematical, experimental and numerical models have been developed and employed to investigate blast injury. In this study, a detailed finite element model of a sheep thorax and human thorax (developed at the University of Waterloo) was used to predict primary blast lung injury based on a range of blast loading conditions. The models were developed based on available anatomical data and material properties to model the organs and tissues, and were evaluated using the LS-Dyna explicit finite element code. The models were previously validated for the prediction of lung PBI using Friedlander-type blast waves. All results were compared to existing literature to further verify and validate the numerical models as wells as to provide insight on the effect of loading conditions on blast injury. The blast loading input for these simulations used idealized blast waves, based on a blast physics approach. Blast loads were verified using the Chinook CFD software.
The effects of idealized blast waves on predicted lung injury were investigated to determine the importance of peak pressure, blast wave duration and impulse. The duration and peak pressures for the waves were selected based on the Bowen and UVa curves, and included a right angle triangular shape and a square wave to allow for the different parameters to be considered. These results were compared to the Bowen and revised Bowen injury models. The results show that the peak overpressure is dominant in predicting injury for blast loads with long durations (>8 ms). The impulse was dominant in predicting injury for blast loads with short durations (<1 ms). For blasts loads with intermediate durations (1 ms < 8 ms) both the shape of the blast load wave and peak overpressure play a role in primary blast lung injury.
The effect of orientation of the body position on primary blast lung injury was investigated. Simulations were performed using the sheep and human numerical models along with a model of a commonly used experimental device, the Blast Test Device (BTD) cylinder. These models were oriented in different positions by rotating the body relative to the blast flow. Injury results for the BTD were calculated using the Injury 8.1 injury prediction software. The BTD simulations served several purposes; it was used as a reference for the human and sheep simulations and its effectiveness as a tool to predict body orientation was evaluated. In general, all of the models predicted appropriate and similar levels of injury for the body in its default orientation, and these predictions were comparable to the accepted injury levels for this insult. For other orientations the BTD was not able to predict the appropriate blast injury. This highlighted the importance of proper placement and orientation of the BTD when used in simulations or physical experiments. The overall injury (based on the results from the right and left lung) predicted by the sheep and human thorax was similar for all orientations. However, very different results were obtained when the predicted injury for the right and left lungs was compared. The differences between the sheep and the human were examined and the differences in injury between the right and left lung is a result of the differences in anatomy between the two species.
This study has evaluated the importance of blast wave parameters in predicting primary blast injury, an important consideration for the improvement of blast protection, and the effect of body orientation on primary blast injury, an important consideration for experimental testing and a starting point for the evaluation of complex blast loading. Future work will focus on the evaluation of injury in complex blast environments.
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Investigation of Blast Load Characteristics On Lung InjuryJosey, Tyson 19 March 2010 (has links)
In many parts of the world, civilians and peacekeepers are exposed to potentially serious injury from blasts and explosions. Providing insight into the trauma thresholds for blast injury is necessary for the development of blast protection equipment and identification and subsequent treatment of blast injury. [Phillips, 1988] Blast injury can be categorized as primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary and quinernary, corresponding to different aspects of the blast loading and injury mechanisms. Primary blast injury occurring in the lungs is of importance, since lung injury results in one of the highest rate of blast mortality.
Much of the existing blast injury data was obtained from animal testing with sheep and subsequently extrapolated to humans using scaling techniques. More recently, mathematical, experimental and numerical models have been developed and employed to investigate blast injury. In this study, a detailed finite element model of a sheep thorax and human thorax (developed at the University of Waterloo) was used to predict primary blast lung injury based on a range of blast loading conditions. The models were developed based on available anatomical data and material properties to model the organs and tissues, and were evaluated using the LS-Dyna explicit finite element code. The models were previously validated for the prediction of lung PBI using Friedlander-type blast waves. All results were compared to existing literature to further verify and validate the numerical models as wells as to provide insight on the effect of loading conditions on blast injury. The blast loading input for these simulations used idealized blast waves, based on a blast physics approach. Blast loads were verified using the Chinook CFD software.
The effects of idealized blast waves on predicted lung injury were investigated to determine the importance of peak pressure, blast wave duration and impulse. The duration and peak pressures for the waves were selected based on the Bowen and UVa curves, and included a right angle triangular shape and a square wave to allow for the different parameters to be considered. These results were compared to the Bowen and revised Bowen injury models. The results show that the peak overpressure is dominant in predicting injury for blast loads with long durations (>8 ms). The impulse was dominant in predicting injury for blast loads with short durations (<1 ms). For blasts loads with intermediate durations (1 ms < 8 ms) both the shape of the blast load wave and peak overpressure play a role in primary blast lung injury.
The effect of orientation of the body position on primary blast lung injury was investigated. Simulations were performed using the sheep and human numerical models along with a model of a commonly used experimental device, the Blast Test Device (BTD) cylinder. These models were oriented in different positions by rotating the body relative to the blast flow. Injury results for the BTD were calculated using the Injury 8.1 injury prediction software. The BTD simulations served several purposes; it was used as a reference for the human and sheep simulations and its effectiveness as a tool to predict body orientation was evaluated. In general, all of the models predicted appropriate and similar levels of injury for the body in its default orientation, and these predictions were comparable to the accepted injury levels for this insult. For other orientations the BTD was not able to predict the appropriate blast injury. This highlighted the importance of proper placement and orientation of the BTD when used in simulations or physical experiments. The overall injury (based on the results from the right and left lung) predicted by the sheep and human thorax was similar for all orientations. However, very different results were obtained when the predicted injury for the right and left lungs was compared. The differences between the sheep and the human were examined and the differences in injury between the right and left lung is a result of the differences in anatomy between the two species.
This study has evaluated the importance of blast wave parameters in predicting primary blast injury, an important consideration for the improvement of blast protection, and the effect of body orientation on primary blast injury, an important consideration for experimental testing and a starting point for the evaluation of complex blast loading. Future work will focus on the evaluation of injury in complex blast environments.
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Um estudo da relação entre o vínculo parental e a transferência em psicoterapia psicanalíticaOliveira, Luciana Terra de January 2008 (has links)
Introdução: É consenso entre os psicanalistas e psicoterapeutas psicanalíticos que a transferência é um elemento central em qualquer forma de psicoterapia. O conceito de transferência, ao longo do tempo, vem se desenvolvendo e mudando. Atualmente ele se refere aos pensamentos, sentimentos, motivações e comportamentos que emergem na relação terapêutica e refletem a personalidade e o funcionamento interpessoal do paciente. A maneira com que o indivíduo se relacionou na infância com pessoas significativas cria modelos de relacionamento que são internalizados e ficam povoando seu mundo interno, servindo de modelo para as relações futuras com o mundo externo. Processos inconscientes do paciente transferem para os outros (incluindo psicoterapeutas) sentimentos e atitudes originalmente associados às figuras importantes do início da sua vida. O estudo da associação entre o modo com que a criança percebeu e vivenciou a relação com seus pais na infância e a maneira com que ela se relaciona atualmente com outras pessoas poderia esclarecer o impacto das relações precoces no desenvolvimento da personalidade e suas implicações no comportamento do sujeito. Objetivos: Este estudo tem como objetivo geral investigar a associação entre o vínculo parental percebido pelo paciente e a transferência realizada com o terapeuta em uma amostra de pacientes em psicoterapia psicanalítica do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), Brasil. Os objetivos específicos são avaliar a freqüência dos diferentes tipos de vínculo parental e realizar análise fatorial confirmatória do Parental Bonding Instrument para verificar se esta escala mede dois ou três fatores, já que há uma ampla discussão na literatura sobre diferentes fatores estruturais do PBI. Método: Foram incluídos neste estudo todos pacientes adultos (maiores de dezoito anos), em tratamento psicoterápico no Programa de Psicoterapia Psicanalítica do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) durante o ano de 2005 e primeiro semestre de 2006. A avaliação diagnóstica foi realizada pelos terapeutas através de entrevista clínica por ocasião de ingresso no programa. As entrevistas clínicas foram supervisionadas por médicos psiquiatras, psicoterapeutas com experiência de 15 anos em psicoterapia psicanalítica. Para medir o fator em estudo, o vínculo parental, foi aplicado o Parental Bonding Instrument- PBI e para medir o desfecho, transferência, foi aplicado o Relationship Patterns Questionnaire – RPQ. As variáveis para controle de interesse deste estudo foram variáveis sociodemográficas e variaveis clínicas: tempo e frequência de tratamento psicoterápico, tratamento psicoterápico prévio, sintomas não psicóticos, mecanismos de defesa (medidos pelo DSQ-40), gênero da dupla terapêutica e diagnóstico clínico (DSM-IV). O tamanho da amostra foi calculado, para assegurar um poder estatístico de 80% (n= 63) para detectar correlações fracas a moderadas (r>0,3). A análise dos dados foi feita no programa estatístico SPSS14 e as correlações foram analisadas pelo teste de Pearson. As variáveis que apresentaram um valor de p ≤ 0.2 em relação ao desfecho foram controladas em um modelo de regressão linear. A análise fatorial confirmatória do PBI foi feita com uma amostra de 257 mulheres adultas realizada pelo programa Amos 5.0.1 software. Destas, 139 eram pacientes recrutadas de diferentes Ambulatórios do Serviço de Psiquiatria do HCPA e 118 controles, selecionados entre funcionários do HCPA e estudantes de medicina ou de psicologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). O método de máxima verossimilhança foi utilizado para comparar cinco diferentes estruturas fatoriais do PBI em termos de ajuste do modelo, seguindo modelo de estudo realizado por Sato et al (1999). Resultados: Em relação aos objetivos específicos verificou-se que o tipo de vínculo parental mais freqüente, segundo Parker, tanto para pai como para mãe foi o tipo 3, (vínculo com controle, sem afeto) e os resultados da análise fatorial do PBI sugeriram que o modelo estrutural de três fatores é preferível em relação ao de dois fatores. Já que, os valores do x2 para o modelo de dois fatores proposto por Parker foram significativamente maiores do que os dos quatro modelos de três fatores utilizados na comparação e o modelo Parker obteve também o menor valor de GFI (goodness-of-fit index) tanto para pai como para mãe (GFI= 0.740, GFI=0.771). Como resultado principal encontrou-se associação estatisticamente significativa somente entre o vínculo paterno e alguns padrões de transferência: amor, submissão e imposição. Quanto mais o paciente percebe seu pai como afetivo maior é o comportamento amoroso com o terapeuta (p=0,048; b=,252); também observouse correlação inversa estatisticamente significativa entre a escala de imposição e o afeto paterno, ou seja, quanto mais o paciente percebe seu pai como afetivo menor é sua percepção de comportamento impositivo do terapeuta com ele (p=0,049; b=- ,251) e quanto mais o paciente percebe seu pai como alguém que o encoraja a ter comportamento de liberdade menor é sua percepção de que o terapeuta reage de maneira submissa à ele (p=0,010; b=-,351). Conclusões: A análise fatorial do PBI, embora realizada em uma amostra apenas de pacientes mulheres, forneceu resultados semelhantes aos descritos na literatura, colaborando para melhor entendimento sobre a estrutura do instrumento em nosso meio. Foram realizadas pesquisas no Pubmed e no PsychInfo e não encontrou-se nenhum estudo quantitativo de associação entre o vínculo parental e a transferência. Os resultados encontrados reforçam a importância da qualidade do vínculo com o pai na infância na construção de padrões de relacionamentos, especialmente na relação terapêutica. A importância da identificação do terapeuta com a função paterna poderia auxiliar na compreensão da transferência-contratransferência e em um entendimento mais acurado do paciente. / Introduction: It is of consensus among psychoanalysts and psychotherapists that transference is a central element in any kind of psychotherapy. The concept of counter transference has been developing as well as changing over time. Transference is currently understood as something that refers to thoughts, feelings, motivations and behaviours that emerge during the course of the therapeutically relationship. Trasferential feelings reflect both the personality and the interpersonal behaviour of the patient towards. The way individuals related to important figures during their childhood creates models of relationship that are internalized and become part of the internal world of those individuals; patterns which will serve as models in future relationships established with the outside world. Unconscious processes Feelings and attitudes that were originally associated to important figures of the patients early years are transferred to other people – including psychotherapists- through unconscious processes. The study of the correlation between the way a child has perceived and lived his/her relationship with his/her parents during childhood and the way this person now relates to others may clarify the impact of relationships established at an early age on the development of one’s personality and its implications on ones behaviour. Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the correlation between the parental bonding perceived by the patients and the transference related to the therapist in a patients sample who were assessed by the Programme on Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy from Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), Brazil. Specifics aims are evaluating the frequency of different types of parental bonding and performing a confirmatory factor analysis of the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) in our environment through a confirmatory factor analysis. We wish to verify whether this scale measures two or three factors given that there is wide discussion on the different structural factors of the PBI. Methods: Adult patients (above eighteen years of age) undergoing psychotherapy at the Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy Programme at Hospital das Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) during 2005 and the first half of 2006 were included in this research. The diagnostic evaluation was made by therapists through clinical interviews once the patients joined the programme at the HCPA. The interviews were supervised by psychiatries, psychotherapists with at least 15 years of experience. The instrument used to measure parental bond was the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI), and Relationship Patterns Questionnaire (RPQ) was used to measure transference. The other controlled variables were sociodemographic variables and clinical variables as follows: length and frequency of the treatment, previous psychotherapeutic treatment, non-psychotic symptoms, defense mechanisms (DSQ-40), gender of the therapeutic dyad, and diagnosis (DSM-IV). The size of the sample was chosen in order to guarantee statistical power of 80% (n = 63) and the ability to detect weak and moderate correlations (r>0,3). The analysis of the data was performed using the SPSS14 software and the correlations were analyzed using the Pearson’s test. The variables that presented a p value ≤ 0.2 regarding the outcome (transference) were controlled in a linear regression model. The confirmatory factorial analysis of the PBI was made on a sample of 257 adult women. Among them, 139 were patients who were recruited from different ambulatories from the Psychiatric Service of HCPA and 118 were controls who were selected among employees of the HCPA, medical students and students of psychology. The method of maximum likelihood was used to compare five different factorial structures of the PBI, according to Sato’s study (1999). Results: The most frequent parenting style, according to Parker et al. (1979), either for father or mother, was type 3 (control without affection) and the results of the factor analysis of the PBI suggest that the structural model of three factors is preferable if compared to the structural model of two factors only. This is so for a number of reasons. First, because the values found for x2 for the two factors model proposed by Parker were significantly higher than the values found in the four models of three factors which were used in order to establish a comparison. Three factor models have also obtained the lower GFI value (goodness- of –fit index) for both fathers and mothers (GFI = 0.740, GFI=0.771). As main aim meaningful association has been found only amongst paternal bonding and some other patterns of transference such as love, submission and imposition. The more the patient perceives his/her father as affectionate, the more affectionate is his/her behavior towards the therapist (p=0.048; b=.252). A significant inverse correlation between the imposition scale and paternal affection has also been noticed. That means that the more affectionate one thought his/her father was , the less likely he/she was to perceive the impositive behaviour of the therapist towards him/her (p = 0.049; b =-.251). The more one thinks of his/her father as someone who encourages him/her to behave freely, the less likely is the patient to perceive that his/her therapist reacts in a submissive manner toward him/her (p= 0,010; b= - .351). Conclusions: Even though the factorial analysis of the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) was only performed in women patients it has provided similar results to those found in the literature, leading, therefore, to a better understanding of the tool. Searches on PubMed and PsychoInfo were not able to find any quantitative study that related transference to parental bond. In the present study, we tried to find an association between the patient’s parenting style and the transference developed during the therapeutic relationship. The results found make us reflect on the importance of the quality of the bond one experiences with one’s father at childhood and its impact on the construction of relationship patterns, specially the relationships established on the therapeutic setting. Therefore, the ability of the therapist to identify with the paternal role may be help him/her when it comes to understanding transference and counter transference. It may also lead to a more accurate understanding of the patient.
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Um estudo da relação entre o vínculo parental e a transferência em psicoterapia psicanalíticaOliveira, Luciana Terra de January 2008 (has links)
Introdução: É consenso entre os psicanalistas e psicoterapeutas psicanalíticos que a transferência é um elemento central em qualquer forma de psicoterapia. O conceito de transferência, ao longo do tempo, vem se desenvolvendo e mudando. Atualmente ele se refere aos pensamentos, sentimentos, motivações e comportamentos que emergem na relação terapêutica e refletem a personalidade e o funcionamento interpessoal do paciente. A maneira com que o indivíduo se relacionou na infância com pessoas significativas cria modelos de relacionamento que são internalizados e ficam povoando seu mundo interno, servindo de modelo para as relações futuras com o mundo externo. Processos inconscientes do paciente transferem para os outros (incluindo psicoterapeutas) sentimentos e atitudes originalmente associados às figuras importantes do início da sua vida. O estudo da associação entre o modo com que a criança percebeu e vivenciou a relação com seus pais na infância e a maneira com que ela se relaciona atualmente com outras pessoas poderia esclarecer o impacto das relações precoces no desenvolvimento da personalidade e suas implicações no comportamento do sujeito. Objetivos: Este estudo tem como objetivo geral investigar a associação entre o vínculo parental percebido pelo paciente e a transferência realizada com o terapeuta em uma amostra de pacientes em psicoterapia psicanalítica do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), Brasil. Os objetivos específicos são avaliar a freqüência dos diferentes tipos de vínculo parental e realizar análise fatorial confirmatória do Parental Bonding Instrument para verificar se esta escala mede dois ou três fatores, já que há uma ampla discussão na literatura sobre diferentes fatores estruturais do PBI. Método: Foram incluídos neste estudo todos pacientes adultos (maiores de dezoito anos), em tratamento psicoterápico no Programa de Psicoterapia Psicanalítica do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) durante o ano de 2005 e primeiro semestre de 2006. A avaliação diagnóstica foi realizada pelos terapeutas através de entrevista clínica por ocasião de ingresso no programa. As entrevistas clínicas foram supervisionadas por médicos psiquiatras, psicoterapeutas com experiência de 15 anos em psicoterapia psicanalítica. Para medir o fator em estudo, o vínculo parental, foi aplicado o Parental Bonding Instrument- PBI e para medir o desfecho, transferência, foi aplicado o Relationship Patterns Questionnaire – RPQ. As variáveis para controle de interesse deste estudo foram variáveis sociodemográficas e variaveis clínicas: tempo e frequência de tratamento psicoterápico, tratamento psicoterápico prévio, sintomas não psicóticos, mecanismos de defesa (medidos pelo DSQ-40), gênero da dupla terapêutica e diagnóstico clínico (DSM-IV). O tamanho da amostra foi calculado, para assegurar um poder estatístico de 80% (n= 63) para detectar correlações fracas a moderadas (r>0,3). A análise dos dados foi feita no programa estatístico SPSS14 e as correlações foram analisadas pelo teste de Pearson. As variáveis que apresentaram um valor de p ≤ 0.2 em relação ao desfecho foram controladas em um modelo de regressão linear. A análise fatorial confirmatória do PBI foi feita com uma amostra de 257 mulheres adultas realizada pelo programa Amos 5.0.1 software. Destas, 139 eram pacientes recrutadas de diferentes Ambulatórios do Serviço de Psiquiatria do HCPA e 118 controles, selecionados entre funcionários do HCPA e estudantes de medicina ou de psicologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). O método de máxima verossimilhança foi utilizado para comparar cinco diferentes estruturas fatoriais do PBI em termos de ajuste do modelo, seguindo modelo de estudo realizado por Sato et al (1999). Resultados: Em relação aos objetivos específicos verificou-se que o tipo de vínculo parental mais freqüente, segundo Parker, tanto para pai como para mãe foi o tipo 3, (vínculo com controle, sem afeto) e os resultados da análise fatorial do PBI sugeriram que o modelo estrutural de três fatores é preferível em relação ao de dois fatores. Já que, os valores do x2 para o modelo de dois fatores proposto por Parker foram significativamente maiores do que os dos quatro modelos de três fatores utilizados na comparação e o modelo Parker obteve também o menor valor de GFI (goodness-of-fit index) tanto para pai como para mãe (GFI= 0.740, GFI=0.771). Como resultado principal encontrou-se associação estatisticamente significativa somente entre o vínculo paterno e alguns padrões de transferência: amor, submissão e imposição. Quanto mais o paciente percebe seu pai como afetivo maior é o comportamento amoroso com o terapeuta (p=0,048; b=,252); também observouse correlação inversa estatisticamente significativa entre a escala de imposição e o afeto paterno, ou seja, quanto mais o paciente percebe seu pai como afetivo menor é sua percepção de comportamento impositivo do terapeuta com ele (p=0,049; b=- ,251) e quanto mais o paciente percebe seu pai como alguém que o encoraja a ter comportamento de liberdade menor é sua percepção de que o terapeuta reage de maneira submissa à ele (p=0,010; b=-,351). Conclusões: A análise fatorial do PBI, embora realizada em uma amostra apenas de pacientes mulheres, forneceu resultados semelhantes aos descritos na literatura, colaborando para melhor entendimento sobre a estrutura do instrumento em nosso meio. Foram realizadas pesquisas no Pubmed e no PsychInfo e não encontrou-se nenhum estudo quantitativo de associação entre o vínculo parental e a transferência. Os resultados encontrados reforçam a importância da qualidade do vínculo com o pai na infância na construção de padrões de relacionamentos, especialmente na relação terapêutica. A importância da identificação do terapeuta com a função paterna poderia auxiliar na compreensão da transferência-contratransferência e em um entendimento mais acurado do paciente. / Introduction: It is of consensus among psychoanalysts and psychotherapists that transference is a central element in any kind of psychotherapy. The concept of counter transference has been developing as well as changing over time. Transference is currently understood as something that refers to thoughts, feelings, motivations and behaviours that emerge during the course of the therapeutically relationship. Trasferential feelings reflect both the personality and the interpersonal behaviour of the patient towards. The way individuals related to important figures during their childhood creates models of relationship that are internalized and become part of the internal world of those individuals; patterns which will serve as models in future relationships established with the outside world. Unconscious processes Feelings and attitudes that were originally associated to important figures of the patients early years are transferred to other people – including psychotherapists- through unconscious processes. The study of the correlation between the way a child has perceived and lived his/her relationship with his/her parents during childhood and the way this person now relates to others may clarify the impact of relationships established at an early age on the development of one’s personality and its implications on ones behaviour. Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the correlation between the parental bonding perceived by the patients and the transference related to the therapist in a patients sample who were assessed by the Programme on Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy from Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), Brazil. Specifics aims are evaluating the frequency of different types of parental bonding and performing a confirmatory factor analysis of the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) in our environment through a confirmatory factor analysis. We wish to verify whether this scale measures two or three factors given that there is wide discussion on the different structural factors of the PBI. Methods: Adult patients (above eighteen years of age) undergoing psychotherapy at the Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy Programme at Hospital das Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) during 2005 and the first half of 2006 were included in this research. The diagnostic evaluation was made by therapists through clinical interviews once the patients joined the programme at the HCPA. The interviews were supervised by psychiatries, psychotherapists with at least 15 years of experience. The instrument used to measure parental bond was the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI), and Relationship Patterns Questionnaire (RPQ) was used to measure transference. The other controlled variables were sociodemographic variables and clinical variables as follows: length and frequency of the treatment, previous psychotherapeutic treatment, non-psychotic symptoms, defense mechanisms (DSQ-40), gender of the therapeutic dyad, and diagnosis (DSM-IV). The size of the sample was chosen in order to guarantee statistical power of 80% (n = 63) and the ability to detect weak and moderate correlations (r>0,3). The analysis of the data was performed using the SPSS14 software and the correlations were analyzed using the Pearson’s test. The variables that presented a p value ≤ 0.2 regarding the outcome (transference) were controlled in a linear regression model. The confirmatory factorial analysis of the PBI was made on a sample of 257 adult women. Among them, 139 were patients who were recruited from different ambulatories from the Psychiatric Service of HCPA and 118 were controls who were selected among employees of the HCPA, medical students and students of psychology. The method of maximum likelihood was used to compare five different factorial structures of the PBI, according to Sato’s study (1999). Results: The most frequent parenting style, according to Parker et al. (1979), either for father or mother, was type 3 (control without affection) and the results of the factor analysis of the PBI suggest that the structural model of three factors is preferable if compared to the structural model of two factors only. This is so for a number of reasons. First, because the values found for x2 for the two factors model proposed by Parker were significantly higher than the values found in the four models of three factors which were used in order to establish a comparison. Three factor models have also obtained the lower GFI value (goodness- of –fit index) for both fathers and mothers (GFI = 0.740, GFI=0.771). As main aim meaningful association has been found only amongst paternal bonding and some other patterns of transference such as love, submission and imposition. The more the patient perceives his/her father as affectionate, the more affectionate is his/her behavior towards the therapist (p=0.048; b=.252). A significant inverse correlation between the imposition scale and paternal affection has also been noticed. That means that the more affectionate one thought his/her father was , the less likely he/she was to perceive the impositive behaviour of the therapist towards him/her (p = 0.049; b =-.251). The more one thinks of his/her father as someone who encourages him/her to behave freely, the less likely is the patient to perceive that his/her therapist reacts in a submissive manner toward him/her (p= 0,010; b= - .351). Conclusions: Even though the factorial analysis of the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) was only performed in women patients it has provided similar results to those found in the literature, leading, therefore, to a better understanding of the tool. Searches on PubMed and PsychoInfo were not able to find any quantitative study that related transference to parental bond. In the present study, we tried to find an association between the patient’s parenting style and the transference developed during the therapeutic relationship. The results found make us reflect on the importance of the quality of the bond one experiences with one’s father at childhood and its impact on the construction of relationship patterns, specially the relationships established on the therapeutic setting. Therefore, the ability of the therapist to identify with the paternal role may be help him/her when it comes to understanding transference and counter transference. It may also lead to a more accurate understanding of the patient.
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Um estudo da relação entre o vínculo parental e a transferência em psicoterapia psicanalíticaOliveira, Luciana Terra de January 2008 (has links)
Introdução: É consenso entre os psicanalistas e psicoterapeutas psicanalíticos que a transferência é um elemento central em qualquer forma de psicoterapia. O conceito de transferência, ao longo do tempo, vem se desenvolvendo e mudando. Atualmente ele se refere aos pensamentos, sentimentos, motivações e comportamentos que emergem na relação terapêutica e refletem a personalidade e o funcionamento interpessoal do paciente. A maneira com que o indivíduo se relacionou na infância com pessoas significativas cria modelos de relacionamento que são internalizados e ficam povoando seu mundo interno, servindo de modelo para as relações futuras com o mundo externo. Processos inconscientes do paciente transferem para os outros (incluindo psicoterapeutas) sentimentos e atitudes originalmente associados às figuras importantes do início da sua vida. O estudo da associação entre o modo com que a criança percebeu e vivenciou a relação com seus pais na infância e a maneira com que ela se relaciona atualmente com outras pessoas poderia esclarecer o impacto das relações precoces no desenvolvimento da personalidade e suas implicações no comportamento do sujeito. Objetivos: Este estudo tem como objetivo geral investigar a associação entre o vínculo parental percebido pelo paciente e a transferência realizada com o terapeuta em uma amostra de pacientes em psicoterapia psicanalítica do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), Brasil. Os objetivos específicos são avaliar a freqüência dos diferentes tipos de vínculo parental e realizar análise fatorial confirmatória do Parental Bonding Instrument para verificar se esta escala mede dois ou três fatores, já que há uma ampla discussão na literatura sobre diferentes fatores estruturais do PBI. Método: Foram incluídos neste estudo todos pacientes adultos (maiores de dezoito anos), em tratamento psicoterápico no Programa de Psicoterapia Psicanalítica do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) durante o ano de 2005 e primeiro semestre de 2006. A avaliação diagnóstica foi realizada pelos terapeutas através de entrevista clínica por ocasião de ingresso no programa. As entrevistas clínicas foram supervisionadas por médicos psiquiatras, psicoterapeutas com experiência de 15 anos em psicoterapia psicanalítica. Para medir o fator em estudo, o vínculo parental, foi aplicado o Parental Bonding Instrument- PBI e para medir o desfecho, transferência, foi aplicado o Relationship Patterns Questionnaire – RPQ. As variáveis para controle de interesse deste estudo foram variáveis sociodemográficas e variaveis clínicas: tempo e frequência de tratamento psicoterápico, tratamento psicoterápico prévio, sintomas não psicóticos, mecanismos de defesa (medidos pelo DSQ-40), gênero da dupla terapêutica e diagnóstico clínico (DSM-IV). O tamanho da amostra foi calculado, para assegurar um poder estatístico de 80% (n= 63) para detectar correlações fracas a moderadas (r>0,3). A análise dos dados foi feita no programa estatístico SPSS14 e as correlações foram analisadas pelo teste de Pearson. As variáveis que apresentaram um valor de p ≤ 0.2 em relação ao desfecho foram controladas em um modelo de regressão linear. A análise fatorial confirmatória do PBI foi feita com uma amostra de 257 mulheres adultas realizada pelo programa Amos 5.0.1 software. Destas, 139 eram pacientes recrutadas de diferentes Ambulatórios do Serviço de Psiquiatria do HCPA e 118 controles, selecionados entre funcionários do HCPA e estudantes de medicina ou de psicologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). O método de máxima verossimilhança foi utilizado para comparar cinco diferentes estruturas fatoriais do PBI em termos de ajuste do modelo, seguindo modelo de estudo realizado por Sato et al (1999). Resultados: Em relação aos objetivos específicos verificou-se que o tipo de vínculo parental mais freqüente, segundo Parker, tanto para pai como para mãe foi o tipo 3, (vínculo com controle, sem afeto) e os resultados da análise fatorial do PBI sugeriram que o modelo estrutural de três fatores é preferível em relação ao de dois fatores. Já que, os valores do x2 para o modelo de dois fatores proposto por Parker foram significativamente maiores do que os dos quatro modelos de três fatores utilizados na comparação e o modelo Parker obteve também o menor valor de GFI (goodness-of-fit index) tanto para pai como para mãe (GFI= 0.740, GFI=0.771). Como resultado principal encontrou-se associação estatisticamente significativa somente entre o vínculo paterno e alguns padrões de transferência: amor, submissão e imposição. Quanto mais o paciente percebe seu pai como afetivo maior é o comportamento amoroso com o terapeuta (p=0,048; b=,252); também observouse correlação inversa estatisticamente significativa entre a escala de imposição e o afeto paterno, ou seja, quanto mais o paciente percebe seu pai como afetivo menor é sua percepção de comportamento impositivo do terapeuta com ele (p=0,049; b=- ,251) e quanto mais o paciente percebe seu pai como alguém que o encoraja a ter comportamento de liberdade menor é sua percepção de que o terapeuta reage de maneira submissa à ele (p=0,010; b=-,351). Conclusões: A análise fatorial do PBI, embora realizada em uma amostra apenas de pacientes mulheres, forneceu resultados semelhantes aos descritos na literatura, colaborando para melhor entendimento sobre a estrutura do instrumento em nosso meio. Foram realizadas pesquisas no Pubmed e no PsychInfo e não encontrou-se nenhum estudo quantitativo de associação entre o vínculo parental e a transferência. Os resultados encontrados reforçam a importância da qualidade do vínculo com o pai na infância na construção de padrões de relacionamentos, especialmente na relação terapêutica. A importância da identificação do terapeuta com a função paterna poderia auxiliar na compreensão da transferência-contratransferência e em um entendimento mais acurado do paciente. / Introduction: It is of consensus among psychoanalysts and psychotherapists that transference is a central element in any kind of psychotherapy. The concept of counter transference has been developing as well as changing over time. Transference is currently understood as something that refers to thoughts, feelings, motivations and behaviours that emerge during the course of the therapeutically relationship. Trasferential feelings reflect both the personality and the interpersonal behaviour of the patient towards. The way individuals related to important figures during their childhood creates models of relationship that are internalized and become part of the internal world of those individuals; patterns which will serve as models in future relationships established with the outside world. Unconscious processes Feelings and attitudes that were originally associated to important figures of the patients early years are transferred to other people – including psychotherapists- through unconscious processes. The study of the correlation between the way a child has perceived and lived his/her relationship with his/her parents during childhood and the way this person now relates to others may clarify the impact of relationships established at an early age on the development of one’s personality and its implications on ones behaviour. Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the correlation between the parental bonding perceived by the patients and the transference related to the therapist in a patients sample who were assessed by the Programme on Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy from Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), Brazil. Specifics aims are evaluating the frequency of different types of parental bonding and performing a confirmatory factor analysis of the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) in our environment through a confirmatory factor analysis. We wish to verify whether this scale measures two or three factors given that there is wide discussion on the different structural factors of the PBI. Methods: Adult patients (above eighteen years of age) undergoing psychotherapy at the Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy Programme at Hospital das Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) during 2005 and the first half of 2006 were included in this research. The diagnostic evaluation was made by therapists through clinical interviews once the patients joined the programme at the HCPA. The interviews were supervised by psychiatries, psychotherapists with at least 15 years of experience. The instrument used to measure parental bond was the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI), and Relationship Patterns Questionnaire (RPQ) was used to measure transference. The other controlled variables were sociodemographic variables and clinical variables as follows: length and frequency of the treatment, previous psychotherapeutic treatment, non-psychotic symptoms, defense mechanisms (DSQ-40), gender of the therapeutic dyad, and diagnosis (DSM-IV). The size of the sample was chosen in order to guarantee statistical power of 80% (n = 63) and the ability to detect weak and moderate correlations (r>0,3). The analysis of the data was performed using the SPSS14 software and the correlations were analyzed using the Pearson’s test. The variables that presented a p value ≤ 0.2 regarding the outcome (transference) were controlled in a linear regression model. The confirmatory factorial analysis of the PBI was made on a sample of 257 adult women. Among them, 139 were patients who were recruited from different ambulatories from the Psychiatric Service of HCPA and 118 were controls who were selected among employees of the HCPA, medical students and students of psychology. The method of maximum likelihood was used to compare five different factorial structures of the PBI, according to Sato’s study (1999). Results: The most frequent parenting style, according to Parker et al. (1979), either for father or mother, was type 3 (control without affection) and the results of the factor analysis of the PBI suggest that the structural model of three factors is preferable if compared to the structural model of two factors only. This is so for a number of reasons. First, because the values found for x2 for the two factors model proposed by Parker were significantly higher than the values found in the four models of three factors which were used in order to establish a comparison. Three factor models have also obtained the lower GFI value (goodness- of –fit index) for both fathers and mothers (GFI = 0.740, GFI=0.771). As main aim meaningful association has been found only amongst paternal bonding and some other patterns of transference such as love, submission and imposition. The more the patient perceives his/her father as affectionate, the more affectionate is his/her behavior towards the therapist (p=0.048; b=.252). A significant inverse correlation between the imposition scale and paternal affection has also been noticed. That means that the more affectionate one thought his/her father was , the less likely he/she was to perceive the impositive behaviour of the therapist towards him/her (p = 0.049; b =-.251). The more one thinks of his/her father as someone who encourages him/her to behave freely, the less likely is the patient to perceive that his/her therapist reacts in a submissive manner toward him/her (p= 0,010; b= - .351). Conclusions: Even though the factorial analysis of the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) was only performed in women patients it has provided similar results to those found in the literature, leading, therefore, to a better understanding of the tool. Searches on PubMed and PsychoInfo were not able to find any quantitative study that related transference to parental bond. In the present study, we tried to find an association between the patient’s parenting style and the transference developed during the therapeutic relationship. The results found make us reflect on the importance of the quality of the bond one experiences with one’s father at childhood and its impact on the construction of relationship patterns, specially the relationships established on the therapeutic setting. Therefore, the ability of the therapist to identify with the paternal role may be help him/her when it comes to understanding transference and counter transference. It may also lead to a more accurate understanding of the patient.
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Mécanisme d’action du PBI-1402 impliqué dans l’expansion des progéniteurs érythroïdes humains et murinsVinet, Sabrina 08 1900 (has links)
Une des complications importantes d’un traitement intensif de chimio/radio-thérapie est l’aplasie de la moelle osseuse qui peut persister longtemps même après une greffe de cellules souches. Le PBI-1402 est un petit lipide qui a été associé à la diminution de l’apoptose des neutrophiles induite par des agents cytotoxiques. Nos travaux ont démontré que la culture in vitro de progéniteurs hématopoiétiques humains en présence de PBI-1402 induit une augmentation significative du nombre de progéniteurs érythroides (PEryth) (p<0,05). En évaluant la sensibilité des PEryth à l’érythropoietine (Epo), nous avons démontré que le PBI-1402 n’a pas d’effet sensibilisateur et que les cellules répondent de façon similaire aux cellules contrôles. De plus, la combinaison de l’Epo et du « stem cell factor » avec le PBI-1402 permet de prolonger et d’augmenter l’activation d’ERK1/2 (p<0,05), un important signal mitogène. Cet effet est associé à une inhibition de l’activation de la phosphatase MKP-1 dans les cellules exposées au PBI-1402. Nous démontrons aussi la capacité du PBI-1402 à amplifier la prolifération des PEryth et sa capacité à réduire la durée et l’intensité de l’anémie dans un modèle in vivo murin. Des souris ayant reçu une dose létale d’irradiation et subi une transplantation syngénique de moelle osseuse, ont été traitées oralement avec le PBI-1402 pendant 14 jours. Ces souris démontrent une réduction significative de l’anémie post-transplantation versus les souris contrôle (p<0,05). De plus, la moelle osseuse des souris traitées au PBI-1402 présente un nombre de BFU-E et CFU-E plus élevé comparativement au contrôle. Ces résultats démontrent donc le potentiel du PBI-1402 à réduire l’anémie post-transplantation et accélérer la reconstitution érythroïde. / One of the most important complications of intensive radiotherapy or chemotherapy is cytopenia, which can persist for significant amount of time even after stem cell transplantation. PBI-1402, a small lipid, was previously shown to be associated with decreased neutrophil apoptosis caused by cytotoxic agents. Our work has shown that day primary human hematopoietic cell in vitro culture in the presence of PBI-1402 resulted in an increased number of erythroid progenitors (p<0,05). Dose-response experiments evaluating sensitivity to erythropoietin (Epo) of cells exposed to PBI-1402 indicated that PBI-1402 did not have a sensitizing effect and that both treated and control cells respond similarly to Epo. In addition, PBI-1402, used in combination with stem cell factor (SCF) and Epo, enhanced and prolonged ERK1/2 phosphorylation (p<0.05), a signalling pathway important for erythroid progenitor cell proliferation. This effect was associated with a decrease of the phosphatase MKP-1 activation in PBI-1402 exposed cells. This translated into and increased proliferation of erythroid progenitors as well as a reduced duration and level of anemia in an in vivo murine transplantation model. Lethally irradiated mice that received syngeneic stem cell transplantation were treated orally with PBI-1402 for 14 days. These mice demonstrated a significant reduction in post-transplantation anemia in a dose dependent manner compared to control (vehicle)(p<0.05). Moreover, PBI-1402-treated mice harboured significantly higher numbers of BFU-E and CFU-E in bone marrow compared to control (p<0.05). These results demonstrate that PBI-1402 treatment significantly reduced transplantation-induced anemia with concomitant acceleration in erythroid recovery.
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Mécanisme d’action du PBI-1402 impliqué dans l’expansion des progéniteurs érythroïdes humains et murinsVinet, Sabrina 08 1900 (has links)
Une des complications importantes d’un traitement intensif de chimio/radio-thérapie est l’aplasie de la moelle osseuse qui peut persister longtemps même après une greffe de cellules souches. Le PBI-1402 est un petit lipide qui a été associé à la diminution de l’apoptose des neutrophiles induite par des agents cytotoxiques. Nos travaux ont démontré que la culture in vitro de progéniteurs hématopoiétiques humains en présence de PBI-1402 induit une augmentation significative du nombre de progéniteurs érythroides (PEryth) (p<0,05). En évaluant la sensibilité des PEryth à l’érythropoietine (Epo), nous avons démontré que le PBI-1402 n’a pas d’effet sensibilisateur et que les cellules répondent de façon similaire aux cellules contrôles. De plus, la combinaison de l’Epo et du « stem cell factor » avec le PBI-1402 permet de prolonger et d’augmenter l’activation d’ERK1/2 (p<0,05), un important signal mitogène. Cet effet est associé à une inhibition de l’activation de la phosphatase MKP-1 dans les cellules exposées au PBI-1402. Nous démontrons aussi la capacité du PBI-1402 à amplifier la prolifération des PEryth et sa capacité à réduire la durée et l’intensité de l’anémie dans un modèle in vivo murin. Des souris ayant reçu une dose létale d’irradiation et subi une transplantation syngénique de moelle osseuse, ont été traitées oralement avec le PBI-1402 pendant 14 jours. Ces souris démontrent une réduction significative de l’anémie post-transplantation versus les souris contrôle (p<0,05). De plus, la moelle osseuse des souris traitées au PBI-1402 présente un nombre de BFU-E et CFU-E plus élevé comparativement au contrôle. Ces résultats démontrent donc le potentiel du PBI-1402 à réduire l’anémie post-transplantation et accélérer la reconstitution érythroïde. / One of the most important complications of intensive radiotherapy or chemotherapy is cytopenia, which can persist for significant amount of time even after stem cell transplantation. PBI-1402, a small lipid, was previously shown to be associated with decreased neutrophil apoptosis caused by cytotoxic agents. Our work has shown that day primary human hematopoietic cell in vitro culture in the presence of PBI-1402 resulted in an increased number of erythroid progenitors (p<0,05). Dose-response experiments evaluating sensitivity to erythropoietin (Epo) of cells exposed to PBI-1402 indicated that PBI-1402 did not have a sensitizing effect and that both treated and control cells respond similarly to Epo. In addition, PBI-1402, used in combination with stem cell factor (SCF) and Epo, enhanced and prolonged ERK1/2 phosphorylation (p<0.05), a signalling pathway important for erythroid progenitor cell proliferation. This effect was associated with a decrease of the phosphatase MKP-1 activation in PBI-1402 exposed cells. This translated into and increased proliferation of erythroid progenitors as well as a reduced duration and level of anemia in an in vivo murine transplantation model. Lethally irradiated mice that received syngeneic stem cell transplantation were treated orally with PBI-1402 for 14 days. These mice demonstrated a significant reduction in post-transplantation anemia in a dose dependent manner compared to control (vehicle)(p<0.05). Moreover, PBI-1402-treated mice harboured significantly higher numbers of BFU-E and CFU-E in bone marrow compared to control (p<0.05). These results demonstrate that PBI-1402 treatment significantly reduced transplantation-induced anemia with concomitant acceleration in erythroid recovery.
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