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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Performance Optimization Of Monopulse Tracking Radar

Sahin, Mehmet Alper 01 August 2004 (has links) (PDF)
An analysis and simulation tool is developed for optimizing system parameters of the monopulse target tracking radar and observing effects of the system parameters on the performance of the system over different scenarios. A monopulse tracking radar is modeled for measuring the performance of the radar with given parameters, during the thesis studies. The radar model simulates the operation of a Class IA type monopulse automatic tracking radar, which uses a planar phased array. The interacting multiple model (IMM) estimator with the Probabilistic Data Association (PDA) technique is used as the tracking filter. In addition to modeling of the tracking radar model, an optimization tool is developed to optimize system parameters of this tracking radar model. The optimization tool implements a Genetic Algorithm (GA) belonging to a GA Toolbox distributed by Department of Automatic Control and System Engineering at University of Sheffield. The thesis presents optimization results over some given optimization scenarios and concludes on effect of tracking filter parameters, beamwidth and dwell interval for the confirmed track.

Improving Time Management in the PDA : A Design Suggestion

Glenne, Jonas, Gustavsson, Hanna January 2002 (has links)
Many of those who buy a PDA today do it for the purpose of time management. The PDA is meant to replace other artifacts like paper diaries and notebooks but in practice the PDA cannot be used as the sole resource for time management. We think that to succeed in making time management with a PDA more useful the design has to be grounded in an understanding of the existing technology and how it is used in practice. We achieved this understanding of the time management with a PDA by conducting an ethnographical study to find out how the PDA is used in practice, making a technical investigation of the PDA and cooperated with the PDA users throughout the design process. In this thesis we describe our design suggestion that improves the applications for time management in the PDA and take it a step closer to be the replacement for other time management artifacts that the users wanted.

CU2 : Design av ett PDA-baserat diskussionverktyg med ljud/bildkommunikation / CU2

Andersson, Eskil, Akrawi, Sirvan January 2001 (has links)
I detta arbete framlägger vi ett designförslag på hur ett diskussionsverktyg som stödjer ljud- och bildkommunikation kan se ut. Ett förslag som förbättrar och förenklar den distanskommunikation som idag sker med hjälp av mobiltelefoner, videokonferenssystem samt webbkameror anslutna till persondatorer. Den design vi föreslår möjliggör för mobila användare att visuellt föra flerpartssamtal med hjälp av PDA:er. Vårt designförslag har fått arbetsnamnet CU2 (see you too) och är tänkt att fungera i tredje och/eller fjärde generationens mobila nät. Vi har valt att genomföra vårt magisterarbete på företaget A Brand New World i Kista, Stockholm. Företaget utvecklar och säljer system inom mobilt Internet. / Eskil Andersson, A Brand New World, Kista, 08-4779875 Sirvan Akrawi, A Brand New World, Kista, 08-4779853

Att agera som IT facilitator inom en Intensivvårdsavdelning / ACTING AS IT-FACILITATORS IN AN INTENSIVE CARE UNIT

Emilson, Marcus, Bergqvist, Viktor January 2002 (has links)
The project takes place at the intensive care unit (ICU) in Malmö. It is a collaboration project between Interactive Institute and Malmö Academic Hospital (MAS). Their main interests are to explore and domesticate a learning and competence developing process. The main question in this project is to understand how the design process can support the effective implementation of a PDA information device for nurses. The design process does not stop at the technical level. It continues by the involvement of developers into nurses? technology learning process. We have developed a first prototype from the design guidelines supplied by Erling Bjarki Björgvinsson and Per-Anders Hillgren. This prototype has allowed the disposal of films done by nurses themselves to other nurses concerning medical machineries. Those films are used by nurses themselves to support the use of those machineries, fix them and teach other nurses the functioning of those medical machineries in the ICU. We have carried on research at ICU to understand what is required for nurses to know, the implication of their work for the functioning of those machineries, and the workloads, constraints and organisation. This has been done to see how to adapt the functioning of the PDA devices to the real circumstances of their work. As the matter of fact, we have indicated how IT developers have to work, as IT-facilitators in the use context if one want to arrive to a successful IT design solution. / Examensarbetet är ett samarbetsprojekt mellan Intensivvårdsenheten på Universitetssjukhuset MAS och Interactive Institute. Projektet undersöker hur en handdator med korta videofilmer, gjorda av kollegor, kan underlätta kunskapsöverföring mellan personal. Vår rapport beskriver en designprocess, från utveckling till domesticering. / Marcus Emilson tel: +46(0)733 442548 Viktor Bergqvist tel: +46(0)736 264239

Mobiltelefonen som hjälpmedel för vuxna med ADHD / The Mobile Phone as Assistive Technology for Adults with ADHD

Hallberg, Pernilla January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra till att öka kunskapen om hur tekniska hjälpmedel kan användas för att underlätta vardagen för vuxna människor med ADHD.  För att åstadkomma detta görs en genomgång av vilka problem som kan föreligga vid ADHD och vilka strukturer och aktörer som finns i samhället för att erbjuda hjälp och stöd som vuxna med ADHD kan ha behov av. Därefter betraktas vilka strategier och metoder som kan vara användbara för att kompensera för de problem ADHD kan innebära och hur teknik, såväl specialtillverkade hjälpmedel som vanliga produkter, kan användas för att kompensera. En översikt görs av hur teknik kan utformas för att bli användbar, såväl generellt som mer specifikt rörande utformning av hjälpmedel. Detta åskådliggörs genom exempel från några svenska hjälpmedelsprojekt följt av en probleminventering där ett antal studiebesök och intervjuer har tjänat som en bakgrund för förståelse av den stora mängd strukturer, aktörer och hjälpmedel som är möjliga men emellanåt svårtillgängliga vägar till hjälp för vuxna med ADHD.   De som i slutänden kan avgöra vilken nytta ett hjälpmedel innebär är brukarna själva. Deras upplevelser och erfarenheter är en ovärderlig källa till kunskap. Under arbetets gång har frågeställningen preciserats till att lyda: "Hur kan vanliga mobiltelefoner användas som hjälpmedel för att underlätta vardagen för vuxna med ADHD?". För att besvara denna fråga har semistrukturerade riktade intervjuer genomförts med fyra kvinnor med ADHD som använder mobiltelefonen som hjälpmedel i sin vardag. Intervjuerna har transkriberats och kategoriserats för att identifiera hur mobiltelefoner används, vad som fungerar bra och mindre bra och vad kan göra att mobiltelefonen upplevs som ett fungerande hjälpmedel.   Resultaten från bearbetning och analys av intervjuerna sammanställs i kapitlet sammanfattande analys i avsnitt med användbara funktioner, användbara egenskaper och perspektiv på stödbehov och hjälparroll. I diskussionskapitlet föreslås sedan vidare användning av resultaten i avsnitten teoretiska implikationer och praktiska implikationer. Min förhoppning är att dessa avsnitt tillsammans med de listor och tumregler som presenterats i den teoretiska referensramen skall kunna vara användbara för att identifiera behov och möjliga lösningar som kan vara värdefulla att pröva i det enskilda fallet.   En person kan behöva stöd för att ta till vara de möjligheter mobiltelefonen erbjuder som hjälpmedel. Hjälpen kan behövas i något eller alla steg från problemidentifiering och införskaffande till införande, fortlöpande uppföljning och utvärdering av hjälpmedelsanvändningen. Stödet kan behöva vara av så väl strukturell och habiliterande art som av teknisk natur för att hjälpmedelsanvändningen skall bli så framgångsrik som är möjligt. Siktet bör vara mot vad som kan innebära kvalitet, mervärde och avlastning för individen i dennes liv, inte vad som är ADHD-symptom och hur dessa skall kompenseras.   Vuxna med ADHD är en mycket heterogen grupp och de resultat som presenteras i uppsatsen är att betrakta som en utgångspunkt för vidare funderingar och prövning snarare än som färdiga lösningar som passar alla med ADHD.

Ducto arterioso patente em cães: indução experimental por toracotomia, correção por cirurgia torácica vídeo-assistida (CTVA) e avaliação de aderências por toracoscopia. / Patent ductus arterious in dogs: experimental induction by thoracotomy, correction by video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) and adhesions evaluation by thoracoscopy.

Richter, Rosana Keller 03 April 2006 (has links)
Aiming at to develop a model of experimental induction of patent ductus arterious by thoracotomy, to study a corrective technique for the experimental defect by video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) and to evaluate eventual adhesions by thoracoscopy, three experiments were done. For each experiment were used 14 adult mongrel dogs, weighting 10 to 20 kg. In the PDA induction experiment it was possible to implant the autologous graft in the same anatomical localization of the congenital PDA, the left subclavy artery can be used as a patent graft simulating PDA, and this model did not cause cardiac injuries (detectable by visualization and CK and CKMB dosages). In conclusion, this model can be used as a base for new researches for the treatment of PDA, for the training of surgical correction technics and for other studies in veterinary medicine cardiology. In the proposed correction technique, three work ports and the optics were enough and adequately located for the correction of the PDA; surgical materials for vascular surgery can be used for the accomplishment of this technique; the positioning of the surgical team, the patient, the equipments and the instruments were adequated; the knot of Roeder was effective; this correction technique was viable up to five days after the induction of the PDA. In conclusion, this technique is effective and can be used on clinical cases for the occlusion of the congenital PDA and in the training of video-endoscopic surgeons. In the adhesions evaluation study, it was observed that thoracotomy and VATS induced the adhesions formation; these adhesions were located along VATS and thoracotomy incisions, and their extension was smaller after VATS, due to smaller tissue damage extension; it was possible to lise the adhesions by thoracoscopy in up to five days of postoperative, being necessary two work ports; the increase of the CK seric levels was proportional to the tissue damage. In conclusion, thoracotomy and VATS induce the formation of adhesions. High incidence of adhesions post thoracotomy and post VATS may lead to serious surgical risks and requires special care in future surgical reinterventions. This scintific work was approved by the animal welfare committee (012/2005) of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria and all the animals used in this work were adopted. / Objetivando-se desenvolver um modelo de indução experimental de ducto arterioso patente por toracotomia, estudar uma técnica corretiva do defeito experimental por cirurgia torácica vídeo-assistida (CTVA) e avaliar eventuais aderências por toracoscopia, realizaramse três experimentos. Foram utilizados, para cada experimento, 14 cães adultos sem raça definida, cujos pesos variaram de 10 a 20 kg. Quanto ao modelo de indução de DAP, foi possível implantar-se enxerto autólogo na mesma localização anatômica do DAP congênito, a artéria subclávia esquerda pode ser utilizada para enxerto autólogo simulando DAP, apresentando patência, e não houve lesões cardíacas resultantes do modelo experimental proposto (passíveis de detecção por visualização e por dosagem de CK e CKMB). Concluiuse que o modelo, experimentalmente induzido, de D.A.P. com enxerto autólogo da artéria subclávia esquerda é viável. O presente modelo pode servir de base para novas pesquisas no tratamento de DAP, no treinamento em técnicas de correção cirúrgica e, ainda, em outros estudos da cardiologia veterinária. Na técnica proposta para correção do defeito experimental, os três portais de trabalho e a ótica foram suficientes e se localizaram adequadamente para a correção do DAP; materiais de cirurgia vascular podem ser empregados para a realização desta técnica; o posicionamento da equipe cirúrgica, do paciente, dos equipamentos e dos instrumentais foi adequado; o nó de Roeder mostrou-se efetivo; o procedimento proposto é viável no período de até cinco dias de pós-operatório. Concluiu-se que a técnica de correção de DAP congênito por CTVA se mostrou efetiva, podendo ser empregada na rotina clínica, e, também para treinamento de cirurgiões vídeo-endoscópicos. No estudo das aderências, as cirurgias de toracotomia e de CTVA predispõem a formação de aderências, que abrangem os locais de incisão de toracotomia e de CTVA. Sua extensão é menor após CTVA, devido à menor extensão do dano tecidual. É possível desfazerem-se as aderências por toracoscopia, em até cinco dias de pós-operatório, sendo necessários dois portais. O aumento dos níveis séricos de CK é proporcional ao trauma tecidual. Nas condições em que este trabalho foi realizado, concluiu-se que as cirurgias de toracotomia e de CTVA (cirurgia torácica vídeo assistida) levam a formação de aderências. A alta incidência de aderências póstoracotomia e pós-CTVA predispõe a sérios riscos cirúrgicos e requer cuidados especiais em futuras reintervenções cirúrgicas. Este trabalho foi aprovado pela comissão de ética da UFSM sob número 012/2006. Todos os animais foram encaminhados para adoção.

Improvement of Naturally Derived Food Colorant Performance with Efficient Pyranoanthocyanin Formation from Sambucus nigra Anthocyanins using Caffeic Acid and Heat

Straathof, Nicole January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Vliv provozních parametrů na kvalitu rozprašování kapalin u dvou-médiových trysek / Influence of operational conditions on spray characteristics of twin-fluid atomizers

Zaremba, Matouš January 2013 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with measurement of spray characteristics of Effervescent atomizers intended for burning waste and heavy fuels. Atomizers were tested on cold test bench by means of Phase Doppler Anemometry. Spray characteristics were evaluated for many different regimes of pressure, temperature and Gas to liquid ratio. The aim of this measurement is to compare flow regimes and their influence on the quality of spray characteristics. The theoretical part describes basic fundamental principles of liquid atomization, effervescent atomization and principles of laser diagnostic methods. The practical part is engaged with improvements in test bench and setting up and optimization of the laser measuring system. Results contain visualization of spray, velocity profiles and drop size distribution in various operating flow regimes of the jet.

Syntaktická analýza založená na automatech s hlubokými zásobníky / Parsing Based on Automata with Deep Pushdowns

Rusek, David January 2016 (has links)
This paper addresses the issue of design and implementation of syntactic analysis based on the context sensitive languages, respectively, grammars that contains constructs, which isn't possible to analyze with the help of the standard parsers based on the context free grammars. More specifically, this paper deals with the possibility of adding context sensitive support to the classic LL-analysis by replacing the standard pushdown automata (PDA) with deep pushdown automata (DP), which were introduced and published by prof. Alexander Meduna.

A Geometric Approach to Multiple Target Tracking Using Lie Groups

Petersen, Mark E. 13 December 2021 (has links)
Multiple target tracking (MTT) is the process of localizing targets in an environment using sensors that perceive the environment. MTT has many applications such as wildlife monitoring, air traffic monitoring, and surveillance. These applications motivate further research in the different challenging aspects of MTT. One of these challenges that we will focus on in this dissertation is constructing a high fidelity target model. A common approach to target modeling is to use linear models or other simplified models that do not properly describe the target's pose (position and orientation), motion, and uncertainty. These simplified models are typically used because they are easy to implement and computationally efficient. A more accurate approach that improves tracking performance is to define the target model using a geometric representation of the target's natural configuration manifold. In essence, this geometric approach seeks to define a target model that can express every pose and motion of the target while preserving geometric properties such as distances and angles. We restrict our discussion of MTT to objects that move in physical space and can be modeled as a rigid body. This restriction allows us to construct generic geometric target models defined on Lie groups. Since not every Lie group has additional structure that permits vector space arithmetic like Euclidean space, many components of MTT such as data association, track initialization, track propagation and updating, track association and fusing, etc, must be adapted to work with Lie groups. The main contribution of this dissertation is the presentation of a novel MTT algorithm that implements the different MTT components to work with target models defined on Lie groups. We call this new algorithm, Geometric Multiple Target Tracking (G-MTT). This dissertation also serves as a guide on how other MTT algorithms can be modified to work with geometric target models. As part of the presentation there are various experimental results that strengthen the argument that a geometric approach to target modeling improves tracking performance.

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