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Persuasion and the mass communication process.Sternthal, Brian January 1972 (has links)
No description available.
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Heart rate, cognitive response, and persuasion /Cacioppo, John T. January 1977 (has links)
No description available.
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Persuasive techniques in selected speeches and writings of John R. BrinkleyTaylor, Anita Grimm January 2011 (has links)
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Ukucenga okujoliswe ekwakheni isimo somntuMantambo, Beauty Nomonde 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The focus of this study is to present an account of how Xhosa realizes premises
and strategies of persuasion in authentic communication, assuming Larson's
(1995) framework of Persuasion Theory, taking into account all the
communicative information relating to environments. A comparison will be made
between persuasion as communicative acts as represented in drama texts and
persuasion in other communication data, which are concerned with interpersonal
The research aims to establish how empirical data on persuasion in Xhosa
confirm or challenge current accepted principles and properties of persuasion
theory, or how empirical data on premises and strategies used in persuasion in
Xhosa necessitate the extension of principles of persuasion theory. Thus, the
research aims to contribute to the development, modification of refinement of
current theoretical models of persuasion within the global research community.
The research aims to account for the social and cultural determinants that playa
role in the premises and strategies used in persuasion communication in Xhosa.
Thus, the research aims to make explicit the unique and distinct properties of
Xhosa that need to be taken into account in initiatives relating to the advancement
of Xhosa as official language. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fokus van hierdie studie is die aanbieding van In verklaring oor hoe Xhosa
premisse en strategiee vir oorreding realiseer in outentieke kommunikasie. Die
raamwerk van Larson (1995) van Oorredingsteorie word aanvaar, met inagneming
van al die kommunikatiewe informasie wat met omgewings verband hou. In
Vergelyking sal gemaak word tussen oorreding as kommunikatiewe handelinge soos
voorgestel in drama tekste en oorreding in ander kommunikatiewe data wat verband
hou met interpersoonlike kommunikasie.
Die navorsing het ten doel om te bepaal hoe empiriese data oar oorreding in Xhosa
huidige aanvaarde beginsels van oorredingsteorie bevestig of weerle. Dus beoog die
navorsing om by te dra tot die ontwikleling, wysiging en verfyning van huidige
teoretiese modelle oor oorreding in die navorsingsgemeenskap.
Die navorsing het ook ten doel om In verklaring te gee van die bepalende faktore van
In sosiale en kulturele aard van die premisse en strategiee van
oorredingskommunikasie in Xhosa. Dus beoog die navorsing om duidelik te stel wat
die unieke en onderskeidende eienskappe van Xhosa is wat in berekening geneem
moet word in die ontwikkeling van In teoretiese basis vir die verstaan van Xhosa
kommunikasie in inisiatiewe vir die ontwikkeling van die taal in Suid-Afrika / ISISHWANKATHELO
Ugqaliselo lolu phando lingobuchule bokucenga obusetyenziswayo kunxibelelwano
kwimiba ngemiba kulwimi IwesiXhosa. Oku kuthi kuphononongwe ngokuqwalasela
ubume bethiyori yokucenga kaLarson (1995). Diu phononongo luqhutyelwa phambili
ngokuthi kuthelekiswe ukucenga njengezenzo zonxibelelwano njengoko
kubhentsisiwe kwincwadi echongiweyo yedrama kaMayosi ethi Lanqum'inqatha
kunye nonxibelelwano Iwemiba yasekuhlaleni. Uphando olu lolucela umngeni
kwiithiyori zale mihla zokucenga ngokuthi luphande nzulu ngokuba ayikho kusini na
imfuneko yokuba kwandiswe imithetho siseko yethiyori yokucenga. Ngale ndlela olu
phando lujolise ekuphoseni ilitye esivivaneni ngokuphathelele kumba wophuhliso,
ukuguqula kwanokuphucula iimodeli ezintsha zethiyori yokucenga kuphando
Iwezizwe jikelele. Diu phando Iwenza amagqabaza nangendlela imveli nenkcubeko
kaNtu enegalelo ngayo kwindlela ngeendlela zokucenga kunxibelelwano. Lilinge
kambe elibaluleke ngokuncamisa ekukhuliseni ulwimi IwesiXhosa, njengolwimi
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Umyalezo olukuhlayo ekuvuseleleni i-AfrikaMartins, Luvuyo Shaun, New Partnership for Africa's Development 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is about the persuasive message towards the Millennium African Recovery
Plan, which is known today as New Partnership for African Development. It is divided into
five chapters. The first chapter, which constitutes the introductory chapter, deals with the
general introduction to the entire study, the scope of the study, statement of the aim and
objectives of this study, also looks at the research methods. The second chapter provides
a brief theoretical background to the study of persuasion, and the third chapter looks at
various applications of persuasion. This forms the basis upon which the entire study will
rest as it provides different theories pertaining to persuasion.
The fourth chapter concentrates on a critical evaluation of persuasion messages. The
messages, which are analysed in this study, are selected from the newsletter ANC Today.
These 4 articles are:
1. Africa's people central to success of recovery plan. Vol. 1 no. 2, 2-8 February 2001.
2. One step to the birth of the African Union. Vol. 1 no. 7, 9-15 March 2001.
3. Important steps to deepen democratic practice in Southern Africa. Vol. 1 no. 16, 11-
17 May 2001.
4. Our commitment to Africa Vol. 1 no. 18,25-31 May 2001
The fifth chapter contains general conclusions drawn from the persuasive messages in
chapter 4. Translations for terminology are provided and are contained in the appendix,
which is found at the end of this study, which is followed by the bibliography. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie handeloor die oorredende boodskap gerig op die Millenium Afrika
Hernuwingsplan, ook bekend as die 'Nuwe vennootskap vir Afrika se ontwikkeling'. Die
studie is verdeel in vyf hoofstukke. Die eerste hoofstuk, wat die inleidende hoofstuk is,
bied 'n algemene inleiding tot die studie as geheel, gee 'n oorsig van die omvang van die
studie, bied die doelstellings van die studie, en gee 'n uiteensetting van die
navorsingsmetode. Die tweede hoofstuk bied 'n kort teoretiese agtergrond tot die studie
van oorreding, en die derde hoofstuk handeloor 'n verskeidenheid toepassings van
oorreding. Hierdie hoofstuk vorm die basis waarop die navorsing berus aangesien dit 'n
oorsig bied oor verskillende teorieë van oorreding.
Die vierde hoofstuk konsentreer op 'n kritiese evaluering van oorredingsboodskappe. Die
boodskappe wat analiseer word in hierdie studie is geselekteer uit die nuusbrief ANC
Die vier artikels is die volgende:
1. Africa's people central to success of recovery plan. Vol. 1 no. 2, 2-8 February 2001.
2. One step to the birth of the African Union. Vol. 1 no. 7, 9-15 March 2001.
3. Important steps to deepen democratic practice in Southern Africa. Vol. 1 no. 16, 17-
17 May 2001.
4. Our commitment to Africa. Vol. 1 no. 18,25-31 May 2001.
Die vyfde hoofstuk bevat algemene gevolgtrekkings met betrekking tot die oorredende
boodskappe wat ontleed is in hoofstuk 4. Vertalings van terminologie word in die bylae aan
die einde van die studie gegee. / ISIXHOSA SISHWANKATHELO: Esi sifundo simalunga nomyalezo olukuhlayo ekuvuselelweni kwe-Afrika. Sahlulwe saba
ziza hluko ezintlanu. Isahluko sokuqala, esiphawula intshayelelo yesahluko, sijongana
nentshayelelo eqhelekileyo kuso sonke isifundo, umda wesifundo, ingxelo yenjongo yesi
sifundo, kwaye sijonga kwizicwangciso zophando. Isahluko sesibini sinika imvelaphi
yethiyori kwisifundo solukuhlo., kwaye isahluko sesithathu sijonga kwiindlela
zokusetyenziswa kolukuhlo. Oku kwenza isakhelo apho sonke esi sifundo siza
kuqwalasela khona njengokuba sinika iithiyori ezahlukeneyo malunga nolukuhlo.
Isahluko sesine sizikis'ingqondo kuvavanyo olunzima Iwemiyalezo yolukuhlo. Imiyalezo,
eboniswayo apha kwesi sahluko, ikhethwe kumaphetshana e-"ANC Today". La
maphetshana mane ngala:
1. Africa's people central to success of recovery plan. Vol. 1 no. 2, 2-8 February 2001.
2. One step to the birth of the African Union. Vol. 1 no.7, 9-15 March 2001.
3. Impotant steps to deepen democratic practice in Southern Africa, Vol. 1 no. 16, 11-
17 May 2001.
4. Our commitment to Africa. Vol.t no.18, 25-31 May 2001.
Isahluko sesihlanu siqulathe iziqukumbelo eziqelekileyo ezisukela kwimiyalezo yolukuhlo
kwisahluko se-4. Isigama esitolikiweyo sinikiwe kwaye siqulathwe kwi-apendiksi,
efumaneka ekupheleni kwesi sifundo, elandelwa yi-bibliyografi.
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among and between three factors that were hypothesized to affect a reader's evaluation of an author of persuasive material as credible or not. The three factors examined were the following: (1) the occupational status of an author; (2) the gender of an author; and (3) the gender of the reader. The instruments used in the study included a questionnaire, ranking and rating scales, and a set of four persuasive articles with corresponding response scales. The questionnaire was used to obtain a list of relevant and controversial topics. The ranking and rating scales were used to determine the order of preference or importance of each topic and the attitudes concerning the issue. The four persuasive articles were written by the researcher in a letter-to-the-editor format. Each article was attributed to a male author associated with a high and low status occupation. Each article version was accompanied by a response scale. Subjects were to rate their feelings regarding the credibility of each author. Subjects for the study were freshman and sophomore sociology students at The University of Arizona. A total of 223 students participated in the study. Significant differences were found regarding author occupational status. For two of the persuasive articles, the high occupational status author was rated as more credible than the low status occupation author regardless of author or reader gender. Significant differences were also found for reader gender. Female readers overall rated authors as more credible than did male readers for two of the persuasive articles. No significant differences were found regarding author gender.
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Letters and counselCunnington, David January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Die rol van oorredingsveranderlikes tydens MIV/Vigs-programme by hoër skole in Potchefstroom / Cornelia Maria BesterBester, Cornelia Maria January 2005 (has links)
Persuasion communication, elaboration likelihood model, intrinsic persuasion variables,
extrinsic persuasion variables, Life Orientation, HlV/Aids, grade 9 learners, guidance
counselling, persuasion campaigns, credibility, motivation, capacity, youth
The elaboration likelihood model (Petty & Caccioppo, 1996:l-309) in the field of
persuasion communication explains the role that variables can play in the measure to
which the youth can be influenced and persuaded by messages aimed at changing sexual
risk behaviour.
In order to offer the North West Province Department of Education's Life Orientation
learning area, which is marked by a life skills approach, a better chance of success, it is
important to determine which of the intrinsic and/or extrinsic variables-as is hypothesised
by the elaboration likelihood model-play a role with grade 9 learners. Thus, the
persuasion messages within Life Orientation could be adapted accordingly.
The purpose of this study was to determine what role the intrinsic and/or extrinsic
persuasion variables have in the presentation of Life Orientation classes to selected grade
9 learners at three Potchefstroom high schools.
Relevant literature was analysed in regard to HlV/Aids campaigns and programmes that
had been launched in South Africa, especially in instances where the theoretical
framework corresponded with this study. The empirical study was done by way of
methodological triangulation. An overall picture was formed by way of a quantitative survey
questionnaire of the persuasion variables that are found among grade 9 learners in
Potchefstroom, Promosa and Ikageng. Qualitative methods (focus groups, personal interviews and non-participatory observation) were employed to investigate the deeper
seated aspects of the persuasion variables.
The results of the study confirm the premise of the elaboration likelihood model, and
proved that intrinsic persuasion variables play an important role with grade 9 learners
when HlV/Aids persuasion messages are conveyed to them through Life Orientation
classes. Thus, it can be inferred that grade 9 learners of the three selected Potchefstroom
schools would process these persuasion messages via the central route, which enhances
the chances of long term persuasion. Further, it appears that in this study extrinsic
persuasion variables mostly played a strengthening role with regard to persuasion
messages. The study deduces, therefore, that Life Orientation, and specifically the content
that is focused on HIV/Aids, led to the successful persuasion of grade 9 learners in the
selected schools. However, the study also makes important recommendations on how the
impact of these persuasion messages can be even more heightened within the context of
the elaboration likelihood model. / Thesis (M.A. (Communication Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006
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Towards the affect of intimacyMoritz, Juergen January 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores the trajectory that the developing technological fields of Ambient Intelligence and Persuasive Technologies introduce new intricate relationships beyond fundamental use and availability because they change our abilities to act. Since its classic articulation by Hegel (1927) philosophical explication of the relationship between people and technology states that technology is a mediating factor between people and the world. Associated with this view, which has characterized the resulting phenomenology and philosophy of technology for nearly two decades, is an understanding of technology as a form of alienation. In this dissertation the author shows how this old interpretation of the relationship between a person and their tool has emphasized how the person is active whilst the tool is passive. This traditional distinction fails to grasp the complex interaction between people and technology in the contemporary world. The nature of new technologies and novel theoretical work in this field suggests that this critical framework is now inadequate. Today, technology mediates the relationship between people and the world in increasingly complex and often collective ways. McLuhan (1967) stated: “Media evoke in us unique ratios of sense perceptions. The extension of any one of these senses alters the way we think and act”. As Greenfield (2006) and Fogg (2002) also posit, certain Ambient Intelligence and Persuasive Technologies are in-principle shaping everyday human behaviours in radically new ways. In particular, I explore how new technologies like those developed in the Artificial Companions Project can impact on our understanding of intimacy and identity. Indeed, Ambient Intelligence Technologies may play the role of reference groups (Shibutani 1987), groups who are real or imaginary and whose standpoints are being used as the frame of reference for the human actor. Given that these technologies have continuously reconfigured identification and profiling practices, this analysis rephrases insight of philosophers like Paul Ricoeur (1990), George Herbert Mead (1959) and Helmuth Plessner (1975) to trace how: The construction of our identity is mediated by how we profile others as profiling us. Thus, new technologies can become reference groups, encroaching on our everyday activities and even affecting our moral decision-making processes. As genuine upgrades of our practical space, they are destined to play a larger formative role in people’s lives in the future. Following Heidegger in Das Ding (Heidegger 1951), Latour once framed the wider social role of technologies as res publica or ‘public things’ (Latour 2005). He pointed out that the old German word ‘ding’ etymologically did not only infer ‘material object’ but also to assembly as gathering space - that thing that can bring together what it separates. Following Latour, Verbeek states that technological ‘things’ do not only mediate our existence, but are places where these mediations are made explicit – therefore, Verbeek argues, they are the places where people have to start to discuss and criticise the quality of the ways in which these ‘things’ help to shape our daily lives (Verbeek 2008). This thesis attempts to offer a new approach to this criticism through theoretical comparison and transdisciplinary analysis.
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An experiment in using content placed on the Internet as a vehicle for influencing public opinionSchwab, Kari 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited / In this thesis we explore the potential for using content placed on the Internet as a vehicle for influencing public opinion. We conducted an experiment with 110 subjects to test whether subtle changes in a headline for a news article, without changing the content of the article, can affect a user's perception of the news event reported in the article. These online news articles were assembled from a number of major news organizations. The subjects were divided into three groups, each of which was exposed to a different version of the headline: positively biased, negatively biased, and unchanged from the original headline. Afterwards the subjects completed a survey to indicate their views on the news events. We then analyzed this data to determine the cause-effect relationship between perception of the news event and the version of the headline. We found a detectable influence when using positively biased headlines to lessen the impact of negatively biased news stories, although the influence was not statistically significant. No evidence regarding the influence of negatively biased headlines on negatively biased news stories was discovered. This research was focused on detecting the potential influence of subtle changes and does not address the potential influence of less subtle changes. / Ensign, United States Navy
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